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Inside macros defined with defmacro LFE permits optional comment strings in the Common Lisp style after the argument list. So we can have:
(defmacro double (a)
"Double macro."
`(+ ,a ,a))
Optional comments are also allowed in match style macros after the macro name and before the clauses:
(defmacro my-list args
"List of arguments."
`(list ,@args))
(defmacro andalso
"The andalso form."
((list e) `,e)
((cons e es) `(if ,e (andalso ,@es) 'false))
(() `'true))
This is also possible in a similar style in local functions defined by macrolet:
(defun foo (x y)
"The max function."
(macrolet ((m (a b) "Poor macro definition."
`(if (>= ,a ,b) ,a ,b)))
(m x y)))
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