Expectations for how CNOE’s Core Member Organizations operate and collaborate before publicly "launching" the initiative for building internal developer platforms based on open source:
(“Core Member Organizations”) acknowledge and agree:
- “Publicly launching” refers to making repositories under the cnoe-io github organization publicly accessible.
- Public launch will not occur until agreed to by all Steering Committee members. Steering Committee consists of one member from each of the Core Member Organizations.
- All code contributions will be contributed under an Apache 2.0 License.
- Code contributions will reside in repositories within the cnoe-io github organization.
- Only individuals from member companies as decided by the Steering Committee will have access to code contributions before publicly launching.
- All contributions made prior to launch will be subject to confidentiality until the Steering Committee agrees to launch publicly.
- All contributions must contain a Developer Certificate of Origin (“DCO”). Post-launch, the Steering Committee may decide whether to require a DCO or a Contributor License Agreement in accordance with the CNOE Governance document.
- Management and ownership of any trademark and logo registrations associated with “CNOE” will be determined by the Steering Committee.
- Changes to these expectations will be approved by the Steering Committee.