PHP Overloading Object Method with Trait
Here you can find an example of PHP Overloading Object Method using Traits
The trait contains only one _call() function to manage the params and the arguments passed to the function.
trait SignatureTrait {
//Compare the signature of the object method with the arguments passed
public function __call($name, $arguments) {
if (array_key_exists($name, $this->_signature)) {
foreach($arguments[0] as $key => $value){
$property = "_$key";
for($i = 0;$i <count($this->_signature[$name]);$i++){
if($key == $this->_signature[$name][$i]){
//Here only change the object property
$this->$property = $arguments[0][$key];
Later in the class that uses the Trait we pass a signature private property with the full signature of the method.
private $_signature = array(
"addEmployee" => ["id", "firstName", "lastName", "birthDate"]
When you call the object overloaded method you can pass an array with the named params. If any argument is different to the params of the signature, it will be ignored.
//First object with 2 arguments
$e = new Employee();
echo $e;
echo "</br>";
//Second object with 4 arguments in any order
$e2 = new Employee();
"id" => 2,
"lastName" => "Smith",
"birthDate" => "03/01/1975",
"firstName" => "Mary"]);
echo $e2;
The result:
- Id: 1 - LastName: - FirstName: Jonh - BirthDate:
- Id: 2 - LastName: Smith - FirstName: Mary - BirthDate: 03/01/1975
TODO: Pass one callback to manage the functionality of the method with the arguments passed.
This code is only for try PHP Overloading Object Method, use under your responsibility.