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Community Helpers & Plugins

peterngtr-thomannio edited this page Mar 3, 2023 · 16 revisions

Here is the list of helpers created by our community. Please add your own by editing this page.


Email Checking

Data Sources

  • codeceptjs-httpmock - a helper which wraps mockttp library to manage http mock in tests.
  • codeceptjs-http - a helper which wraps then-request library to process HTTP requests. It's alternative helper that provides more flexible request management.
  • codeceptjs-dbhelper - allows you to execute queries or commands to databases using database-js.

Cloud Providers




Browser request control

  • codeceptjs-resources-check Load a URL with Puppeteer and listen to the requests while the page is loading. Enabling count the number or check the sizes of the requests.

Assertion & Validations

  • codeceptjs-chai is a CodeceptJS helper which wraps chai library to complete chai assertion steps with CodeceptJS logging.


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