- Phone: - -
- Re: Expungement/Sealing Summary -
Dear {{petitioner.name}}:
-- Thank you for meeting with me to discuss your legal - options for clearing your criminal record. We have - prepared the following - documentsdocument for you today: -
- Client Checkout Sheet - -
- - {{numWithoutNOAs(group.filings)}} - petitionspetition for {{group.county}} - County - ({{returnCountyContact(group.county)}}) - -
- - One fee waiver and supporting sworn statement - for {{group.county}} county.{{numOfFeeWaiversInGroup(group.filings)}} fee - waivers for {{group.county}} county and a - supporting sworn statement for each. - - -
- The client checkout sheet provides greater detail on - the criminal history we reviewed. We only reviewed the - information available to us and this may not include - your entire history. -
- - - - - - -- Please feel free to get in touch if you have any - questions. -