Branch tree for the repo
master (latest version passed by QA, passing integration tests, ideal branch = runner highest of v[*])
|-- v0 (version 0.x.x, ideal branch = runner highest of v0.[*])
| |
| |--v0.0(version 0.0.x, ideal branch = runner highest of v0.0.[*])
| | |
| | |-- v0.0.0 (latest version passed by devs, passing all unit tests)
| | | |
| | | | -- v0.0.0-1 (addressing issue/task 1 in v0.0.0)
| |
| |--v0.1(version 0.1.x, ideal branch = runner highest of v0.1.[*])
| | |
| | |-- v0.1.0
| | | |
| | | | -- v0.1.0-3 (addressing issue/task 3 in v0.1.0)
- Create a repo in git host, add readme, licsense, gitignore, todo, changelog
- Clone to local
- have a working poc on master itself, try with single commit (sqaush before pushing)
- Push to origin
- Create a issue (no1) in githost, eg the feature 1
- create 4 more branches: v0, v0.0, v0.0.0, v0.0.0-1 as per above structure
- after feature 1 is ready, start with creating changelog, fill below
- change the version in package.json
- push to v0.0.0-1 and raise PR from v0.0.0-1 to v0.0.0, merge the pr
- create another issue (no2) in project eg bug fix of feature 1
- fork from v0.0.0 as v0.0.0-2, raise pr to v0.0.0, merge the pr
- for any feature or bug, always fork from a vX.X.X branch, not master or any other kind of branch
# changelog
Changes across the versions
## [0.1.3] - 2019-04-19
### Added
- Some feature
### Fixed
- Fix 1
## [0.0.0] - 2019-02-19
### Added
- Started the project
### Fixed
- No fixes
All todos will be noted in this file, with ref to the issue id
## [0.1.3] - 2019-04-19
### To Be Added
- [0.1.3-4] Some feature with issue id 4
### To be Fixed
- [0.1.3-2] Fix 1 of feature x
## [0.2.3] - 2019-7-19
### To Be Added
- [0.2.3-9] Some feature 2
### To be Fixed
- [0.2.3-8] some fix of feature x