All significant changes to this project will be documented here. The format follows Keep a Changelog, and the project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Admin can now enable or disable features such as Gold Item Billing, Silver Item Billing, and the Sidebar.
- Enhanced the user interface.
- Improved Transaction History functionality.
- Jewellers info is configurable now in the admin dashboard.
- Refactored the code into routes, models and config files.
- Flash messages are now displayed on the dashboard.
- Flash messages are configurable in the admin dashboard.
- Audit Logs are now displayed on the dashboard and can be exported to CSV.
- Password now can be changed from the dashboard.
- Added Login/Signup functionality.
- Introduced the Admin Dashboard.
- Made user interface improvements.
- Dockerized the application.
- Implemented Transaction History tracking.
- Added System Settings, User Management, Transaction History, and Audit Logs.
- Integrated System Health and Monitoring within the dashboard.
- Launched the basic functionality of the application.
- Developed the initial user interface.
- Implemented Gold Item Billing.
- Implemented Silver Item Billing.