We welcome any feature requests or bug reports. Keep in mind to be as detailed as you can in the description, or even better if you can provide a failing unit test.
To develop this project you should have the following setup:
- Java 1.6 or higher
- Maven 3.2.2 or higher
We use Jenkins CI to run our builds.
The byte code is and should be compliant to all Java versions starting and including 1.6.
CI compiles the code and runs the tests for OpenJDK 6b27 and Oracle JDK 6u29. It will fail on any compiler warnings. In order to debug compiler warnings and errors more efficiently we recommend to install the above mentioned JDK versions. We also recommend to use jEnv by Gildas Cuisinier to switch between them easily.
Run local tests with: mvn clean test
We roughly follow the java coding guidelines, though they are quite obsolete on some topics. We follow more strictly the warnings generated by our sonar. If you want to check your pull request for compliance with our sonar quality profile simply install the sonar plugin for you favourite IDE and run local analysis against our server:
URL: http://sonar.codereligion.com
User: contributor
PW: contributor
We use hamcrest matchers in combination with JUnit to write expressive and compact tests.