- build: Add support for react 19 (8c07aef)
- build: Bump @release-it/conventional-changelog@latest from v9.0.3 to v9.0.4 (a7aca78)
- build: Bump dotenv-cli from v7.4.4 to v8.0.0 (0782bfe)
- build: Bump react from v18.3.1 to v19.0.0 (1fc2829)
- build: Bump release-it to v18.0.0 (1f959d4)
- build: Bump typescript from v5.7.2 to v5.7.3 (77f76ac)
- build: Downgrade release-it to from v18.0.0 to v17.11.0 (6e4d701)
- build: Revert back to react v18.3.1 (dae3f83)
- docs: Add features section (094959e)
- style: Specify the gallery images' initial aspect ratio (27653fb)
- feat: Provide the option to specify the exact number of columns in the gallery (0c2e54d)
- test: Customize image button's style (946004e)
- refactor: Make styles customizable (d6d328f)
- chore: Add watch script (07a651c)
- chore: Reconfigure commit-msg hook (5c39c72)
3.0.0 (2024-07-16)
- Delete uniqueName prop
- Bump dev dependencies (370c88d)
- Drop fslightbox-react dependency (366d15d)
- Drop prop-types dependency (33535e0)
- Drop react-loader-spinner dependency (8da1c02)
- Delete console.log (444f030)
- Open lightbox when keyboard enter key is pressed on video card (3112a50)
- Stop video when lightbox is closed (9cdc3de)
- Create video cards only while rendering gallery (9f2271f)
- Delete redundant isNotFetchingData state (ac0a70b)
- Delete uniqueName prop (29df23c)
- Make infinite scrolling performant (85e097f)
- Rename youtubeVideoFiguresArray to videoCardsArray (712d5e1)
- Separate gallery and loader's container (cc4a06b)
- Use async/await to implement asynchronous logic (0ef52ee)
- Mock the intersection observer api (23da8ca)
2.0.0 (2024-01-03)
- Users must now use named importation to add the package to their apps.
Named importation provides better compatibility with node and babel-like tools.
Ref: https://esbuild.github.io/content-types/#default-interop
- Bump @types/react to v18.2.46 (95b9c9e)
- Configure jest to read typescript configuration files (e514fc4)
- Remove emotionjs package (94e5ee2)
- Remove jest-transform-css configurations (f5ee273)
- Add email (e4ac718)
- Change commitlint configuration file to typescript (a4a356a)
- Change entry point from index to YouTubePlaylist (2634c14)
- Delete css modules type declaration file (7aa8ec4)
- Provide url and email for reporting bugs (914a125)
- Add contact email (95dbc01)
- Add emotion installation note for yarn users (354a365)
- Remove emotionjs references and change import statement to named importation (501bd0c)
- Update license's year (081b997)
- Change package's export mode from default to named exportation (9a0885d)
- Rename index files to YouTubePlaylist (01d1eb8)
- Remove emotion's configurations (f33d542)
- Replace emotion css with inline styling (b7f2b0b)
- Use spinner color with aa contrast on dark and light scheme (0934bc5)
- Add configuration file to the test command (51ad035)
- Change jest configuration file to typescript (392cb57)
1.0.16 (2023-08-16)
- Add notes on resolving known errors (4a520b9)
1.0.15 (2023-08-16)
- Install @emotion/react (416d057)
- Change jsx field from react to react-jsx (c12043e)
1.0.14 (2023-08-15)
- Add script to copy stylesheet to dist during build step (0dbeea3)
- Configure build script to emit es and commonjs modules (073e0fb)
- Emit es modules compilations to dist/esm (7990c37)
- Empty dist before each build (2bf2fd3)
- Exclude test files from compilation (d08a710)
- Move stylesheet to src (6731f1d)
- Remove stylesheet from files list (3bfe802)
- Update main field to reference the cjs compilation (c843a78)
- Update types to reference the es module's declaration file (691386d)
- Use module field to reference the es module compilation (4e227e7)
1.0.11 (2023-07-21)
- Add configuration note for remix users (d0d7502)
1.0.10 (2023-07-21)
- Ignore private videos (a0e2526)
1.0.9 (2023-07-20)
- Rename module.rule to module.rules (e685f67)
- Change target to es5 (ad790cb)
- Delete vanilla-extract configurations (1040a65)
- Install webpack for bundling modules (b0339ff)
- Remove babel configurations (00bc7d7)
- Setup vanilla-extract to generate static css at build time (875c39e)
- Update typescript configuration (dfa0aa3)
- Add css module to the files field (8cf09e6)
- Change stylesheet to css module (91d0a07)
- Configure webpack to bundle typescript files (36e2d13)
- Configure webpack to bundle vanilla-extract's css files (1fe9795)
- Define variables' types (3a899ad)
- Rename YouTubePlaylist file to index (1f6425c)
- Resolve import statements with typescript and javascript extensions (9f7b6ce)
- Use typescript to compile source code (68dc1a6)
- Use typescript to transpile and type check (e107610)
1.0.8 (2023-07-18)
- Convert code to typescript (9ff1ee8), closes #1
- Rename lengthScrolled to viewportLengthScrolled (ce32701)
- Check if playlist correctly renders when given all arguments (d68d635)
- Configure jest as the package's test runner tool (607bd1c)
- Add type and default columns to the table (9861a89)
- Add 'files' field (8d678eb)
- Change file from .jsx to .tsx (c0f2009)
- Create types files (711fddf)
- Define data variable's type (f668a58)
- Delete src directory (d708016)
- Rename YouTubePlaylist.css to index.css (a220fd2)
- Replace Loader.css with react-loader-spinner (9ffacf5), closes #2
- Track configurations (192426c)
- Update types (ff11203)
- Use balltriangle spinner (f30268b)
- Add dependencies field (8bb6c7d)
- Add react to devDependencies (d1daf43)
- Add TypeScript (1222ccb)
- Change entry point to index.js (dd232f3)
- Update packages (c9ce844)
1.0.7 (2023-05-18)
- babel: Remove configuration file from version control (37b73b5)
- commitlint: Remove configuration file from version control (0490813)
- release-it: Remove configuration file from version control (50ea5d6)
1.0.6 (2023-05-17)
- gitignore: Ignore .env (e41503c)
1.0.5 (2023-05-17)
- husky: Install package for configuring Git hooks (6968cf5)
- package.json: Change package manager from yarn to npm (db4a771)
- package.json: Install plugins for enforcing Conventional Commits (9c0754a)
- release-it: install plugin for managing release version (b497d5b)
- release-it: Use plugin to provide recommended bump to release-it (3ce09ee)
- changelog: Define changelog's sections to show (963e76f)
- fslightbox-react: Upgrade to v1.7.4 (98a7f7e)
- github: Configure release-it to auto-generate project's GitHub releases (76afe9c)
- gitignore: Delete .env (761415c)
- gitignore: Ignore /.husky directory (cfe5047)
- release-it: Customize changelog's headings (73a3265)
- release-it: Let release-it auto-generate project's changelog (5d62ffc)
- release-it: Make commitMessage's subject sentence-case (d5b1113)
1.0.4 (2023-05-17)
- husky: Install package for configuring Git hooks (6968cf5)
- package.json: Change package manager from yarn to npm (db4a771)
- package.json: Install plugins for enforcing Conventional Commits (9c0754a)
- release-it: install plugin for managing release version (b497d5b)
- release-it: Use plugin to provide recommended bump to release-it (3ce09ee)
- changelog: Define changelog's sections to show (963e76f)
- fslightbox-react: Upgrade to v1.7.4 (98a7f7e)
- github: Configure release-it to auto-generate project's GitHub releases (76afe9c)
- gitignore: Delete .env (761415c)
- gitignore: Ignore /.husky directory (cfe5047)
- release-it: Customize changelog's headings (73a3265)
- release-it: Let release-it auto-generate project's changelog (5d62ffc)