- fix: storage versioning
- fix: some UI copy
- add: gamepad support
- removed: compat with krajzeg's thing
- add: setting to choose how many players should be shown
- add: setting to not turn the carts button into an nfig button
- add: compatibility with krajzeg's pico8gamepad script. (issue #1)
- add: some compat with pico-8 styler. (issue #1)
- fix: arrow keys aren't mapped by default in Edge
- fix: race condition leads to keyboard being grabbed by both pico-8 and nfig (issue #2)
- fix: not loading in firefox (dataset thing)
- fix: scrolling page when mapping keys that usually scroll the page
- add: controller display now shows which buttons are currently pressed
- add: automatically load/save bindings from localStorage
- fix: incorrectly reporting which player we are mapping all buttons for
- add: a button to restore default bindings
- fix: panel reopening when pressing enter or space
- initial release