In Eastern Body, Western Mind, chakra authority Anodea Judith brought a fresh approach to the yoga-based Eastern chakra system, adapting it to the Western framework of Jungian psychology, somatic therapy, childhood developmental theory, and metaphysics and applying the chakra system to important modern social realities and issues such as addiction, codependence, family dynamics, sexuality, and personal empowerment.
Arranged schematically, the book uses the inherent structure of the chakra system as a map upon which to chart our Western understanding of individual development. Each chapter focuses on a single chakra, starting with a description of its characteristics and then exploring its particular childhood developmental patterns, traumas and abuses, and how to heal and maintain balance. - Eastern body, Western mind: psychology and the chakra system as a path to the self
- Effects of Trauma
- CHAKRA FIVE: Throat Chakra
- CHAKRA SIX: Ajna (Third Eye)
- The chakra system has gained popularity in the West, leading to its commercialization
- Exposure risks trivialization, but also makes it accessible for more people
- The book aims to provide an elegant system for understanding health and imbalances
- Universal principles, not one-size-fits-all formulas
- Chakras open sequentially during childhood and can be influenced by parents' unresolved issues
- Discusses the upward and downward currents of energy and their roles in liberation and manifestation
- Healing requires understanding of inner and outer forces, and their connection
- Many people lack understanding of chakras and the ancient Tantric yoga tradition
- Some techniques can bring temporary shifts but don't address deeper issues
- The rapid pace of life and emotional wounds compromise our aliveness
- Culture accepts this compromise as normal, requiring ongoing efforts to heal and find purpose
Value of Chakra System:
- Maps the journey of healing and awakening
- Connects inner and outer worlds
- Integrates psychology, spirituality, and physicality
- Addresses emotional wounds and their impact on aliveness
Eastern Body, Western Mind:
- Originally focused on issues in therapy, such as addiction, codependence, family dynamics, character structures, personal empowerment, feminism, male emancipation, sexuality, politics, and spirituality
- Integrates techniques from bioenergetics to visualization, depth psychology to spiritual practice
- Dedicated to those engaged in their own healing process, therapists, counselors, body-workers, and parents
- Uses the chakra system as a tool for diagnosis and healing.
Chakra System as a Lens for Understanding Soul's Evolution
- Presentation of the system through major components: individual chakras
- Three philosophical threads woven together
Enlightenment Philosophies (Upward and Beyond)
- Movement toward mental and spiritual realms
- Transcendence
- Eastern cultures focus
- Seek to escape mundane world
- Focus on higher planes of consciousness
Embodiment Philosophies (Down and In)
- Movement toward manifestation, soul, body, engagement with the world
- Immanence, or presence of the divine within
- Reflected in practices like somatic therapy, bioenergetics, earth-centered spirituality
- Focus on ending suffering by engaging with causes
Integrative Philosophies (Toward Integration of Opposites)
- Mind and body, Heaven and Earth, spirit and matter, light and shadow, male and female
- Transformation and wholeness
- Carl Gustav Jung's depth psychology and soul's journey toward individuation focused
Chakra System
- Representation of the universe
- Seven levels representing major areas of human life: love/relationship, power/spirituality, emotion/instinct, etc.
- Sexuality just one aspect of second chakra
- Inevitable blending of Eastern and Western approaches
- Understanding internal energy arrangement for defense, need recognition, balance restoration
- Valid as psychological theory and versatile
Book Structure
- User-friendly with subtitles and reference charts
- Varied audience focus: clinically oriented and general
- Real people's stories combined and anonymized
- Western approach to chakras within a spiritual context
Chakra System Description
- Describes energetic structure organizing life force
- Understanding for defense, need recognition, balance restoration
- As valid as any psychological theory and versatile
Philosophical Threads Recap
- Enlightenment: upward, mental/spiritual realms, transcendence, escape suffering
- Embodiment: down, manifestation, immanence, engage with causes
- Integrative: balance, integration of opposites, transformation, wholeness
Sacred Centers of the Self: Discovering the Rainbow Bridge
- Journey through the dimensions of self
- Transformation of consciousness connecting spirit and matter
- Reclaiming multidimensional diversity of human experience
- Seven colors of rainbow represent seven vibratory modalities of existence
The Rainbow as a Metaphor:
- Expresses diversity of light from source to manifestation
- Represents seven chakras in Indian yogic tradition, energy centers within each person
- Serpent goddess Kundalini represents evolutionary life force, awakens through chakras
- Axis mundi, central axis of world running through vertical core of each individual
Eastern and Western Perspectives:
- Eastern spiritual wealth brings new dimensions to Westerners
- Balance between material abundance and spiritual wealth is possible
- Rainbow Bridge spans cultures of East and West
Mythological Significance of the Rainbow:
- Symbol of hope, harmony, and peace
- Connection between Heaven and Earth in various mythologies
- Bridge to divine nature for humans
The Journey as a Sacred Quest:
- Reconnecting to own divinity
- Restoring the Rainbow Bridge
- Averting doomsday by reestablishing connection between Heaven and Earth
Rainbow as a Bridge:
- In Turkish language, literally means "bridge"
- Doomsday can be averted by restoring the Rainbow Bridge through consciousness
Chakra System: a seven-leveled philosophical model of the universe, originating in India over 4,000 years ago. Translates to "wheel" or "disk" in Sanskrit.
- Represents steps of ever-expanding states of consciousness.
- Centers of organization that receive, assimilate, and express life force energy.
- Seven major chakras stacked from base of spine to top of head; minor chakras in hands, feet, etc.
Yoga: a discipline designed to yoke together the individual with the divine using mental and physical practices.
Chakra Characteristics:
- Intangible, not physical entities, yet have strong effects on the body and mind.
- Programmed deep in the core of the mind-body interface.
- Influence glandular processes, body shape, chronic physical ailments, thoughts, and behavior.
- Can be influenced through techniques like yoga, breathing, meditation, etc.
Chakra Locations:
- Seven major chakras: Figure 0.1 shows their relative locations.
- Associated with various states of consciousness, archetypal elements, and philosophical constructs.
Lower Chakras: physically closer to the earth, related to practical matters and ruled by physical and social law.
- Chakra 1: Survival
- Chakra 2: Sexuality
- Chakra 3: Power
Upper Chakras: represent mental realms and work on a symbolic level through words, images, and concepts.
- Chakra 4: Love
- Chakra 5: Communication
- Chakra 6: Intuition
- Chakra 7: Consciousness itself
Archetypal Elements: associated with each chakra.
- Earth, water, fire, air, sound, light, thought
Elements' Principles: universal principles represented by each element.
- Gravitation, polarity, combustion, equilibrium, vibration, luminescence, consciousness itself
Chakras as a ladder: connecting the polarities of Heaven and Earth, mind and body, spirit and matter.
Color Association: seven colors in the rainbow; red for base chakra, violet for crown, and other colors represent steps between.
- Opening and healing chakras: becoming the Rainbow Bridge
Table of Correspondences: Figure 0.3 provides basic information about each chakra.
The Human Biocomputer: Understanding Chakras as Programs and Energy Flow
- Chakras, meaning "disks," can be thought of as storage units for vital programs in our lives
- We have programs for survival, sexuality, power, love, and communication
- The seventh chakra represents the operating system that organizes and interprets all other programs
- Our programming is a result of cultural influences and personal experiences, some conscious and some unconscious
- The challenge is to identify these programs and rewrite them as necessary for healing
- Our body is the hardware, our programming is the software, and we are the user (Self)
The Importance of Energy Flow in Understanding Chakras
- Energy or life force activates all programs
- Human bodies have vertical major energy pathways and subtler currents running in other directions
- Two essential poles: earth-centered pole (grounding) and the pole of consciousness
- Grounding is the connection to the body and the material world for safety, stability, and centering
- Consciousness comes from the mind, organizes sensory information, and connects us to the spiritual realm
- The chakras act as channels for energy flow between these polarities, allowing us to tap into different frequencies of soul and spirit.
Understanding Chakra Patterns
- Each person has unique patterns of energy flow and expression through their behavior and environment
- Understanding these patterns can help identify how chakra programs are running our lives
- Some common patterns include ignoring the body (Sally), pushing people away while talking too much (George), and lack of success and poor self-image (Jane)
Activating Our Programs: The Role of Energy Flow and Energetic Contact
- Activation requires a charge of energy moving through the psychic currents of the body
- Grounding is the connection to the earth, providing safety, stability, and centering through sensation and feeling
- Consciousness connects us to our mind, memory, dreams, and beliefs, allowing for dynamic energy flow throughout our being.
Liberation and Manifestation:
- Liberation: path of transcendence, consciousness and matter combine to create chakras, current of consciousness moving downward (liberating current), historically seen as path to spiritual freedom.
- Manifestation: path of immanence, energy becomes denser as it descends, current of manifestation required for embodiment.
- Balance between both needed for wholeness.
- Seven vortices created by consciousness and matter.
- Downward flow of energy (current of manifestation) enters through the crown chakra and moves downward.
- Upward flow of energy (current of liberation) originates at base chakra.
- Both currents combine in the sacred marriage (hieros gamos), creating limitless possibilities.
Obstacles to Liberation and Manifestation:
- Physical pain, childhood traumas, social programming, oppressive environments can cut us off from ground and liberating current.
- Misinformation and indoctrination can invalidate consciousness and disconnect instincts and memories.
Integration of Mind, Body, and Energy:
- Both vertical (manifestation and liberation) and horizontal (reception and expression) currents are essential for wholeness.
- Integration of these currents leads to profound insight and healing.
Reception and Expression:
- Two horizontal currents flow into and out of each chakra, required for full range of expression and reception.
- Blockages in these currents can distort reception and expression.
Balancing Reception and Expression:
- Techniques to open and close each chakra, allowing for a full range of reception and expression.
- Balancing both vertical and horizontal currents crucial for personal evolution.
- A block develops when equal and opposing forces meet on a particular plane
- Cannot eliminate one force, must be integrated
- Blocks may relate to chakra function (communication, power, physical health, etc.)
- Contributors to chakra blockage: childhood traumas, cultural conditioning, limited belief systems, exhausting habits, physical and emotional injuries, lack of attention
Effects of Chakra Blockage:
- Difficulties in communication, fear and submission, physical health issues, financial crises
- Coping strategies become chronic patterns (defense structures)
- Tension in body (body armor) affects posture, breathing, metabolism, emotional states, perceptions, interpretations, belief systems
- Affects relationships, work, creativity, and belief systems
- Manifestations of incomplete or unbalanced experiences
Impact on Energy Currents:
- Unable to fully utilize liberating current, stuck on survival issues
- Unable to properly ground manifesting current, lost in ideas, unable to connect in real world
- Unable to receive certain types of energy (love, new information), chakra atrophies and functions further limited
- Unable to express energy, stagnation and closed system
Quote from Nei Ching:
- A block of any significant degree gains severity over time
- Small fears grow into full-blown phobias, anger leads to isolation, depression, and more anger
- Clinging in relationships creates abandonment, further holding on
- Any specific chakra block affects flow of four basic currents
Healing Chakra Blockages:
- Recognize blocks
- Understand source and meaning
- Develop tools for healing (meditation, therapy, yoga, etc.)
Addressing Personal History
- Examining developmental stages and traumas
- Understanding programming from each stage
Applying Exercises and Techniques
- Physical exercises to open specific parts of the body
- Meditations, real-world tasks, and visualization techniques
Balancing Excess and Deficiency Excess:
- Overcompensation or avoidance of situations
- Chronic tension, excessive worrying, compulsive behavior
- Stiffened membranes preventing penetration
- Example: A densely overweight person may have an excessive first chakra
- Withdrawal from situations
- Vague, unreliable, overly changeable
- Unglued membranes with porosity
- Example: A frightened person who talks constantly would have an excessive fifth chakra
Excess and Deficiency: Coping Strategies
- Result of stress, trauma, or unpleasant circumstances
- Both restrict the flow of energy through the system
- Dysfunctional behavior and health problems
Healing Imbalances
- Excessive chakras need to discharge energy
- Deficient chakras need to receive energy
- Difficult to open long-closed chakras
- Subtleties require individualized approach
Multidimensional Healing Approach
- Verbally through discussion
- Physically through work with the body and movement
- Spiritually through meditation
- Emotionally through exploration of feelings
- Visually through images
- Aurally through sounds
- Actualized through outer-world tasks that strengthen certain areas of our lives.
Character Armor:
- A meeting place for psyche and soma (mind and body)
- Represents self-care practices and coping strategies
- Developed from difficulties during developmental stages
- Chronic holding patterns become automatic, beyond conscious awareness
- Not decided but rather "hardwired" into the system
- Correlates with distribution of energy through chakras
John Conger:
- Character provides a house for energy (shell)
- Excess and deficiency become chronic holding patterns (character armor)
- Character structure describes overall patterns of armoring in the body
Character Structures: Schizoid/Creative:
- Split between mind and body
- Highly creative and intelligent
- Issues around right to exist
- Overdeveloped upper chakras
- Discussed in first chakra chapter
- Developed from deprivation in nurturing stage
- Emotionally oriented towards merging and giving
- Discussed in second chakra chapter
- Fixated at third chakra
- Energy bound at will
- Robbed of autonomy
- Turn blocked energy inward against self
- Strong and loyal, can endure difficulty well
- Positively referred to as Endurer structure
- Discussed in second or third chakra chapter
- Wounded by lack of approval
- Focuses on achievement
- Highly functional but afraid of relationships and intimacy
- Discussed in fourth chakra chapter
- Variation on Rigid/Achiever structure
- Occurs more often in women
- Emotions initially held back, later erupt with intensity
- Discussed in fifth chakra chapter
- Orientated towards power-over
- Defends the meek and challenges the strong
- Excessive rather than deficient development at third chakra
- Brings energy upward in body, especially to neck and shoulders
- Discussed in fifth chakra chapter
Additional Resources:
- Pictures of different body types: Figure 0.5
- Chart of characteristics: Figure 0.6
- Detailed discussions on relationship to excess and deficiency patterns of all seven chakras follow in more detailed discussions.
The Seven Rights and the Chakras:
- Chakra One: The Right to Be Here and Have:
- Instinctual sense of right to exist
- Foundation of survival and security
- Includes right to take up space, individuality, and take care of oneself
- Underlies ability to contain, hold, keep, and manifest
- Corollary: Right to have what we need to survive
- Difficulty allowing ourselves to have things
- Deprivation even when help is offered
- Affects ability to contain, hold, keep, and manifest
- Chakra Two: The Right to Feel:
- Emotional expression is essential
- Infringement on this right leads to numbness and disconnection
- Corollary: Right to want
- Difficulty knowing what we want when unable to feel
- Impact on healthy sexuality
- Chakra Three: The Right to Act:
- Cultures with rigid behavior patterns restrict this right
- Decreases vitality and inner authority
- Corollary: Right to be free
- Chakra Four: The Right to Love and Be Loved:
- Damaged by family dysfunction, cultural prejudice, war, or poor self-esteem
- Central chakra in a system of seven
- Chakra Five: The Right to Speak and Hear Truth:
- Not allowed to speak truthfully or not being heard
- Damaged by family secrets, government lies, or denial of information
- Chakra Six: The Right to See:
- Damaged when what we perceive is not real
- Impaired vision and psychic perceptions
- Chakra Seven: The Right to Know:
- Includes right to accurate information, truth, knowledge, and spiritual connection
- Forcing spiritual dogmas on others infringes on this right
Loss of Chakra Rights: * Blocks healing and chakra reclamation * Affects physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being * Reclaiming these rights is necessary for overall health and balance.
Identity: A constantly changing and expanding manifestation of the spirit that gives meaning and helps us operate in the world. It is important but can limit us if clung to.
Seven Chakra Identities:
- Physical Identity (Chakra One): The first identity level associated with self-preservation, identifying with the body and its physical qualities. Necessary for dealing with the physical world.
- Emotional Identity (Chakra Two): Beneath the surface of the body churn the emotions. Identity focused on feelings, "I feel therefore I am." Expands experience of the body and connects us to the flow of the world.
- Ego Identity (Chakra Three): Identification with our will, behavior, and actions. Realization of being a separate entity with the power to choose. Oriented towards self-definition. "I am what I do."
- Social Identity (Chakra Four): Creation of a persona or social mask to interact with others based on how we perceive our role in serving others and our self-acceptance. Expands beyond the realm of self-centered needs.
- Creative Identity (Chakra Five): Identification with our self-expression through creativity, commitments, and taking responsibility for what we say and produce.
- Intellectual Identity (Chakra Six): Identification with knowledge and understanding. Ability to think abstractly and make decisions based on logic and reason.
- Spiritual Identity (Chakra Seven): Identification with the highest aspects of consciousness, beyond the individual self. Connection to the universal spirit or divine.
Identity as Clothing: Metaphoric layers that cover the essential soul underneath. Necessary but problematic when confused for the whole self.
Positive and Negative Chakra Identities: Real parts of ourselves, yet not the whole. Can be liberating or imprisoning.
Creative Identity Development:
- Expands outward, contributing to larger system
- Identify with archetypal possibilities and inspirations
- Realization of personal contribution to the larger system
- Foundation: healthy ego, social confidence, compassion
Chakra Six: Archetypal Identity
- Expand into transpersonal identity
- Personal story as part of a larger story
- Carry pieces of archetypal stories (Mother Goddess, Father archetype)
- Universal understanding of self
- Self-reflection in larger system
- Consciously embrace evolution of archetypal symbols
- Contribution to larger archetypal causes
Chakra Seven: Universal Identity
- Expansion into universal identity
- Realization of magnificent scope of cosmos
- Transcendence of smaller identities
- Integration of individuality into larger field of the divine
- Buddhist maxim: "Thou Art That"
- Purpose of spiritual disciplines: break through bonding with smaller identities
- Each identity primary during developmental process
- Consolidate lower identities in appropriate perspective as higher identities emerge.
Chakras and Their Demons:
- The unconscious has both dark and light aspects (Jung)
- Each chakra has a specific demon that interferes with its health and identity
- Demons are counterforces that teach us something
- Unacknowledged demons keep us from moving forward
Chakras and Their Demons (continued): Chakra One:
- Demon: Fear
- Arises when something threatens survival
- Prevents feeling secure, focused, and calm
- Creates hypervigilance
Chakra Two:
- Demon: Guilt
- Undermines emotional and sexual energy flow
- Inhibits reaching out to others
- Diminishes emotional and sexual connections
Chakra Three:
- Demon: Shame
- Undermines self-esteem, personal power, spontaneous activity, and joy
- Collapses third chakra
- Turns radiating energy inward against self
Heart Chakra:
- Demon: Grief
- Counteracts heart's lightness and expansion
- Makes heart feel heavy and closed
- Results from hurts to the heart
Fifth Chakra:
- Demon: Lies
- Twist relationship to outside world
- Distorted information
Sixth Chakra:
- Demon: Illusion
- Fixates attention
- Keeps us from seeing accurately
Seventh Chakra:
- Demon: Attachment
- Small focus of attention
- Obscures realization and unity with cosmic consciousness.
Chakra Developmental Stages according to William Shakespeare and Eastern Philosophy:
- All the World's a Stage: Each person goes through various developmental stages in life.
- Seven Ages: Chakras evolve sequentially, each completed stage supporting the healthy awakening of the next.
Chakra One: Infancy (Mid-pregnancy to 12 months after birth)
- Body Formation: Takes place during prenatal development and infancy.
- Infant's Developmental Task: To learn how to operate the body.
- Focus on Survival: Consciousness is focused internally, with little awareness of the outside world.
- Trust vs. Mistrust (Erikson): Infants develop a sense of trust or mistrust based on their experiences during this stage.
- Foundation of Security: Successfully progressing through this stage builds the foundation for security and self-preservation, forming the physical identity.
Chakra Two: Six Months to Approximately 2 Years
- Comes into conscious attention around six months when visual acuity develops
- Infant becomes aware of things outside immediate range and experiences alertness
- Discovers separation from mother, leading to ambivalence and fear
- Characterized by conflict of separation vs. attachment
- First distinctions experienced as binary choices: good/bad, pleasure/pain, etc.
- Focused on formation of emotional identity for self-gratification
- Communication mainly through emotion
Chakra Three: 18 Months to Approximately 4 Years
- Period of attempted autonomy during "terrible twos" or willful stage
- Child has successfully "hatched" from mother and wants to experiment with volition
- Development of language allows for understanding of cause and effect, leading to impulse control and delayed gratification (If I eat vegetables, I'll get dessert)
- Unconscious instinctual states of lower chakras begin to come under conscious control
- Child is self-centered and focused on establishing a sense of personhood, power, and self-creation
- Important achievement: autonomy and will, balanced with the will of others
- Erikson refers to this stage as autonomy vs. shame and doubt
- Formation of personal ego identity, primarily focused on self-definition
Chakra Four (Age 4-7):
- Developed as child leaves egocentricity of third chakra
- Interests in relationships outside primary family ones
- Loving becomes more conscious and adapted
- Autonomy developed in third chakra forms foundation for relationships
- First model of relationships comes from family
- Learning how things relate to each other is dominant task
- Formation of social identity based on self-acceptance
- Successful resolution leads to direction and purpose (initiative vs. guilt)
Chakra Five (Age 7-12):
- Period of personal creativity and offering to the world
- Solid sense of self and desire to express energy
- Thinking operates on symbolic level, allowing for creativity and abstract thinking
- Formation of creative identity based on self-expression
- Resolution leads to sense of competence (industry vs. inferiority)
Chakra Six (Adolescence):
- Recognition and application of patterns in life decisions
- Emergence of formal operations stage and symbolic conception of the world
- Reexamining social identity and making it a conscious choice
- Dawning interest in spiritual matters and self-reflection
- Formation of archetypal identity
- Resolution leads to clarity about role in the world (identity vs. role confusion)
Chakra Seven (Early Adulthood and Beyond):
- Pursuit of knowledge, formation of worldview, and spiritual awakening
- New information filtered through developing worldview
- Search for meaning and asking questions about nature of life, universe, Self
- Formation of universal identity based on self-knowledge.
- Both ascending and descending energy currents play a role in development.
- Awareness of the body (Chakra one) allows differentiation and operation on it, leading to physical world interaction.
- Dawning of images (Chakra six) brings perception of the external world, otherness, and exploration (Chakra two).
- Language skills (Chakra five) enable exertion of will (Chakra three), conceptualization, and relationship development (Chakra four).
- Difficulties during any stage can impact the developing chakra and subsequent ones.
- Examples: Sense of power linked to meeting survival needs, heart ease with nurturance in first two chakras, communication with balanced ego and sense of love and acceptance.
Figure 0.12: Diagram representing the interaction between ascending and descending energy currents during development.
Adult Development: The Process of Individuation
- Chakra development in adulthood is conscious, requiring personal desire to occur.
- Some people remain in dependency and powerlessness, never experiencing adult chakra development or higher self potential.
- For those seeking growth, here's a description of the second round of chakra evolution.
- Becoming a single, homogeneous being.
- Embracing unique inner qualities = "self-realization" (C.G. Jung).
Early Adulthood: Chakra Stages Begin Again
- The second round of development is less clearly defined due to individual variations.
- Some life stages overlap or occur in different orders, such as career, family, spirituality, etc.
Guideline for Chakra Development in Adulthood (General)
- Leaving home: Establishing independence (early adulthood).
- Awareness of body and emotions: Connection to self and others (Chakras one through four).
- Exploring relationships: Building healthy, balanced relationships (Chakra four and beyond).
- Personal power: Developing inner strength and autonomy (Chakra three and above).
- Self-expression: Creative exploration of personal potential (Chakra five and beyond).
- Transcendence: Connecting to a greater purpose or spirituality (Chakras six through eight).
- Integration: Synthesizing experiences into a cohesive whole (All chakras).
Chakra Development Stages:
Chakra One: Base (Survival)
- Getting a place to live
- Learning self-care
- Finding independent income
- Variable duration, may be lifelong struggle
- Marks basic independence and self-sufficiency
Chakra Two: Sexual/Relationships (Emotional Needs)
- Forming sexual relationships
- Awareness of "other" becomes more acute
- Satisfaction of emotional needs
- Projection of emotional needs on partners
- Unconscious patterns from shadow may sabotage relationships
- Misunderstandings, blaming, and emotional turmoil common
- Personal will and responsibility have not yet awakened in some cases
Chakra Three: Personal Power (Individuation)
- Liberation from societal expectations
- Becoming a true individual under own power and will
- May or may not awaken in one's life
- Time of making one's own way in the world
- Developing personal career, building skills, controlling destiny
- Political involvement and seeking affinity with others
- Misaligned third chakra seeks power over others; awakened third chakra seeks power with others
Chakra Four: Love/Relationships (Empathy and Altruism)
- Focus on true empathy and lasting partnerships
- Relationships require reevaluation of behavior towards others
- Examination of family dynamics, role in relationships, personal contribution to world
- Midlife beginning of individuation, focused on balance between inner masculine and feminine
Chakra Five: Creative Expression (Personal Contribution)
- Making personal contribution to community through creative expression
- Business creation, writing a book or thesis, building own house, artistic hobby
- Occurs around midlife for most people, sooner for more creative personalities
- May be period of marking contribution through public service
Chakra Six: Introspection (Reflection and Study)
- Involves reflection and study of patterns
- Exploration of mythology, religion, philosophy
- Period of searching, travel, renewed study of inner paths
- Introverted stage of taking in from outside after satisfying extroverted urges
- Time of spiritual interest and development if not already occurred
- Intensifies when children grown and adult has more time for contemplation and spiritual practice
Chakra Seven: Wisdom (Knowledge and Teaching)
- Bringing together information gathered throughout life and passing it on to others
- May mean leaving mundane world for spiritual pursuit, or time of teaching and sharing, developing mastery.
- These developmental stages are not the same for everyone, nor experienced in the same order
- Adult development is often arrested by unresolved childhood conflicts
- It's important to understand the complete system and examine each person as a whole before making assessments.
CHAKRA ONE+: Reclaiming the Temple of the Body
First Chakra (Muladhara)
- Element: Earth
- Name: Muladhara (root)
- Purpose: Foundation
- Issues: Roots, grounding, nourishment, trust, health, home, family, prosperity, appropriate boundaries
- Color: Red
- Location: Base of spine, coccygeal plexus
- Identity: Physical
- Orientation: Self-preservation
- Demon: Fear
- Developmental Stage: 2nd trimester to 12 months
- Developmental Tasks: Physical growth, motor skills, object permanence
- Basic Rights: To be here and have balanced characteristics: good health, vitality, well grounded, comfortable in body, sense of trust in the world, feeling of safety and security, ability to relax and be still, stability, prosperity, right livelihood
Traumas and Abuses:
- Birth trauma
- Abandonment, physical neglect
- Poor physical bonding with mother
- Malnourishment, feeding difficulties
- Major illness or surgery
- Physical abuse or violent environment
- Enema abuse
- Inherited traumas—parents’ survival fears (i.e., holocaust survivors, war veterans, poverty conditions)
- Disconnection from body
- Notably underweight
- Fearful, anxious, restless, can’t settle
- Poor focus and discipline
- Financial difficulty
- Poor boundaries
- Chronic disorganization
- Obesity, overeating
- Hoarding, material fixation, greed
- Sluggish, lazy, tired
- Fear of change, addiction to security
- Rigid boundaries
Physical Malfunctions:
- Disorders of the bowel, anus, large intestine
- Disorders of solid parts of the body: bones, teeth
- Issues with legs, feet, knees, base of spine, buttocks
- Eating disorders
- Frequent illness (can be deficient and/or excessive)
Healing Practices:
- Reconnect with body
- Physical activity: aerobics, weights, running, dance
- Lots of touch, massage
- Bioenergetic grounding
- Hatha yoga
- Look at earliest childhood relationship to mother
- Reclaim right to be here
- It is safe for me to be here
- The earth supports me and meets my needs
- I love my body and trust its wisdom
- I am immersed in abundance
- I’m here and I’m real.
Mary's Story:
- Mary entered the office with palpable pain and hypervigilance
- Suffered from anorexia, numbness in extremities, disconnected from her body and life
- Had tried other therapists without success due to mind-body separation
- Common issue among clients, leads to dissociative state
Effects of Disconnection from Body:
- Compulsive actions, no longer rooted in feelings or consciousness
- Spiritual homelessness, lacking an anchor in life
- Cultural epidemic, caused by degrading jobs, automatic routines, and annihilating environments
Consequences of Dissociation:
- Senseless violence, lack of empathy towards others' bodies
- Self-annihilation through plastic surgery or addictions
- Children are repressed, not taught body awareness or self-understanding
- Mind over body mentality perpetuates body devaluation and fragmentation
Body Devaluation:
- Religious attitudes devalue the body as root of evil or insignificant
- Medical practices treat body mechanically, ignoring spirit within
- Psychotherapists ignore role of body in mental health
- Universities educate minds at cost of bodies, perpetuating dissociation and disconnection
Healing the Split:
- Necessary step for personal and global healing
- Heals foundation and base upon which all else is built
- Recovering body leads to healing of self and world.
First Chakra (Muladhara):
- Foundation of the temple and the entire chakra system
- Situated at the base of the spine
- Anchors the temple of the body to the earth
- Provides stability, firmness, and consistency
- Defines boundaries and determines shape and structure of the body
- Connection to survival instincts
The Foundation of the Temple (Muladhara):
- Resting upon the earth as a universal ground
- Build the foundation for the temple of the body
- Anchor for the Rainbow Bridge
- Damage to this chakra affects all others above
Basic Issues:
- Survival: the original challenge to being alive and the primary instinct
- Assuring survival allows consciousness to engage in other activities
- Threatens consciousness dominates all functions when activated
- Can lead to chronic stress, anxiety, and health problems
- Common in those raised in violent or impoverished environments
Effects of Damage:
- Plagued with issues of survival: health, money, housing, job problems
- Elusive sense of safety and security
- Rupture between consciousness and the core of being
- Disconnected from natural instincts and environment
Instinct to Survive:
- Unavoidable and fundamental instinct
- Archaic baseline maintenance program for physical existence
- Dominates all functions when threatened
- Keep body in hyperstimulated readiness with stress hormones
- Common in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Reclaiming the First Chakra:
- Living harmoniously with survival instincts without being unconsciously ruled by them.
- Fear arises when sacred gets scrambled and survival is threatened
- Heightens awareness, floods body with natural chemicals (adrenalin) for action
- Focuses attention outward and upward to chakras of perception and mental activity
- Results in hypervigilance, restlessness, anxiety, and inability to relax or settle
- Can stem from environment of danger or deprivation during childhood
- Creates a constant state of stress, which may lead to health issues like high blood pressure, heart trouble, stomach troubles, immune system depletion, weak adrenal glands, insomnia, or chronic fatigue
- Fear engages survival instincts and wakes us up but can become constant and hinder appropriate response
- Can be understood and released through acknowledgment of origins, allowing body to express responses, and developing resources for effective future encounters
Fear as a Sacred Adversary:
- Fear exists as an ally teaching self-preservation and the importance of taking care of ourselves
- Both fear and faith have similar causes: beliefs that govern behavior and influence feelings
- Replacing unreasonable fear with reasonable faith acts as a natural antidote to the first chakra demon
Reclaiming Our Roots (Muladhara Chakra):
- Sanskrit name for base chakra: "root support"
- Represents our connection to our bodies, physical world, earth, ancestors, family, and personal history
- Acknowledging past and examining it helps create a solid foundation
- Corresponds to the element earth and human dependence on energy from the planet
- Bringing muladhara to consciousness connects us to the commonality of the collective unconscious and anchors us into the earth
- Groundedness channels flow of excitement from ourselves to the environment and vice versa.
Grounding and the First Chakra:
- A healthy first chakra enables grounding, which is essential for basic aliveness and well-being.
- Grounding connects us to our body and environment, providing strength and stability.
- Physically, grounding occurs through the legs and feet, allowing energy to flow up from the base of the body.
- Being grounded brings consciousness into the body and aids in forming healthy boundaries.
- Spiritual growth requires embracing our natural tendencies rather than denying them through ascetic practices.
Effects of Grounding:
- Presence, focus, and dynamic energy
- Connection to emotional-electrical currents and physical-psychic processes
- Confident and contained demeanor
Consequences of Ungroundedness:
- Loss of stability and center
- Difficulty containing and holding boundaries
- Inability to mature and transform
Nourishment and the First Chakra:
- Adequate nourishment is necessary for physical survival.
- Lack of support or nourishment leads to a feeling of collapse.
- Neglecting one's right to be here can manifest as eating disorders or abandonment issues.
Manifestation and Prosperity:
- Grounding, connection with the body, self-nourishment, and self-preservation contribute to prosperity.
- Meeting basic survival needs provides security, stability, and independence.
- Manifestation requires focusing on specific goals and accepting limitations.
Limitation and Acceptance:
- Boundaries create necessary limitations for manifestation and growth.
- Accepting and cooperating with limitations allows energy to build and expand to higher levels.
- Rebelling against limitations keeps us in survival mode and unable to transcend them.
Growing the Lotus: Developmental Formation of the First Chakra
- Age: Womb to 12 months
- Physical growth
- Motor development
- Bonding and developing a sense of trust
- Feeling safe in the world
Needs and Issues:
- Infants need caretakers to meet their needs
- Lack of trust can affect emotional grounding and self-confidence
- Infants cannot provide for themselves
- Needs for food are met through others
- Infants experience a frightening world outside the womb
- Trust in caretakers is crucial for feeling safe
Experience of Newborns:
- Emerging from the warm and dark womb into light and cold
- Scared and hungry
- Basic instinct draws infant to breast for nourishment
- Need for trust and safety
Quote by Stanley Keleman:
- Infants have no control over their needs or surroundings
- Needs must be met, creating psychological foundation for relating to the world
Impact of Family:
- Lack of touching and holding can lead to emotional instability and fear of falling
- Importance of caretakers in establishing trust and sense of safety
First Chakra Development:
- Trust or mistrust is the foundation for all other chakras
- Enables security, emotional well-being, connection, bonding, and exploration
- Basic survival instincts are met through support from parents and caretakers
- Infant's first experiences of body and environment influence development
Infant Development:
- Nervous system responds instinctually in first few months
- No concept of separate selfhood
- Mother's emotional state and nutritional balance during pregnancy impact development
- Environment (womb) plays a role in infant's first experiences of self
- Birth is the gateway into life and the beginning of individuality
- First five to six months, infant remains in a state of fused identity
- Neonate experiences immersion in Dynamic Ground prior to ego development
Impact of Environment:
- Mother's body, voice, touch, and presence form the first experience of self
- Warm and attentive environments promote positive charge, hope, confidence, and enthusiasm
- Cold or cruel environments negatively impact early experiences of life and self
- Unmet needs during infancy can lead to distrust, dissociation, helplessness, inadequacy, and feelings of hostility towards the world
Trust vs. Mistrust:
- First developmental struggle in life
- Healthy resolution: a feeling of hope
- Essential for thriving and moving forward
- Developmental tasks centered around learning to operate the body as the basic vehicle of life
- Sensory-motor period, where awareness is sensory and the task is motor development
- At six months, child becomes vertical, energy begins to flow upward, and the second chakra opens.
Traumas and Abuses Impacting the First Chakra:
- Anything threatening survival in early life can affect first chakra formation.
- Younger children are more vulnerable to these threats.
- A smooth first year creates a solid foundation for later resilience.
- Trauma forces a child into fear and helplessness, blocking the downward energy flow.
- The mind-body connection is crucial for recovery.
Birth Trauma:
- Our first survival experience; separation from mother after birth is traumatic.
- Technological birth practices shock our ancient nervous systems.
- Breastfeeding and postnatal contact are important for bonding.
- Birth traumas can cause further difficulties and health issues.
- A proper grounding during infancy leads to calmness and positive relationships.
Impact of Birth Trauma:
- Infants may cry excessively, have health problems, and hinder parent-child bonding.
- Adults who experienced traumatic births might view life as surreal and accept isolation.
- Lack of safety and bonding in infancy can result in a vague sense of something missing from life.
Impact of Incubator Babies:
- Deprived of mother's touching and suckling.
- Seeing loving faces through glass without being touched is disembodied.
- Adults who were incubator babies might have trouble with relationships and understanding the importance of safety and bonding.
- Directly impacts survival, both physically and emotionally
- Physical abandonment: children in institutions suffer from marasmus, a wasting disease due to lack of touch
- Emotional abandonment: feelings of unwantedness and fear
- Can be subtle or blatant, longer separations create profound insecurity
- Adopted children experience abandonment by birth parents
- Threatens survival and elicits fear, may inhibit appropriate responses to common situations
- May result in excessive first chakra, clinging to security
- Leads to tendencies to abandon oneself in various ways
Impacts of Abandonment:
- Physical: weakness, hunched upper back
- Emotional: fear, insecurity, low self-esteem, mistrust of others
- Psychological: excessive clinging to security, inability to change
- Subtler form of abandonment
- Intermittent, instability leads to mistrust and further alienation
- Impacts third chakra (self-esteem) and fourth chakra (right to be loved)
- Result in self-neglect, shame, eating disorders, or digestive difficulties
Feeding Difficulties:
- Malnourishment or hostile eating situations affect ability to nourish oneself
- Emotional state of mother during feeding and inherited attitudes about food impact vital survival function
- Can result in trust issues, eating disorders, or stagnant energy due to being a closed system.
Enemas and First Chakra Trauma:
- Repeated use of enemas can be traumatic to the first chakra, leading to trust issues and a fractured sense of solidity (John Bradshaw)
- Can result in difficulties with boundaries, autonomy, and an inability or excessive need to hold and contain (third chakra issue)
- May have sexual overtones in some cases
- Destroys the child's trust and sense of control over their body
- Energy is pulled upward towards the head, leading to issues with feelings and self-esteem (second and third chakras)
Physical Abuse:
- Causes pain and teaches dissociation from bodily sensations
- May lead to addictive stress response and a need for crisis in order to feel alive
- Impacts all chakras, with difficulties in surrendering to feelings (second), power dynamics and self-esteem (third), relationships (fourth), communication (fifth), clear seeing (sixth), and clear thinking (seventh)
- Physically harms the body, leading to first chakra issues
- Creates a profound betrayal of trust
- May result in excessive or deficient coping strategies, such as dissociation or obsession with the body
- Fragmenting effect on the nervous system and natural flow of experience
- Can lead to physical injuries and damage
- Constantly dangerous environment, leading to fear and a constant companion, creating future crisis situations to stimulate a familiar sense of aliveness.
Accidents, Surgeries, and Illnesses:
- James had a series of freak accidents starting at age 4, including being hit by a car, fracturing his skull, appendicitis, and being attacked by a mugger
- These events traumatized his nervous system and led to post-traumatic stress symptoms, such as difficulty concentrating and containing energy
- Surgeries, illnesses, and accidents can have long-term emotional effects, including unconscious fears, difficulty sleeping, changes in eating habits, nervousness, and difficulty concentrating
- Impact of accidents may leave unidentified marks in the body as post-traumatic stress symptoms
- These symptoms may include energetic fragmentation and difficulty with containment, focus, grounding, and first chakra issues
Inherited Trauma:
- Lucy's sister died in the crib when she was two years old, leading to her parents doting on her out of fear that she might also die
- Lucy absorbed her parents' unconscious fear and had frequent health problems and insecurities throughout her life
- Parents with war trauma, poverty issues, racial persecution, holocaust survival, loss of a previous child, or unresolved survival issues may pass their fears onto their children through attitudes and beliefs about the world's danger.
Impact on First Chakra:
- Trauma can contaminate the underlying ground of being with an unidentified layer of fear and distrust that eventually becomes part of the bodily experience
- This can lead to first chakra issues, such as difficulty with containment, focus, grounding, and other first chakra issues.
Poor Boundaries and Embodiment:
- Interfering with boundary formation or dissolution can hinder self-development (Stanley Keleman)
- Clients without proper nurturing, continuity, and safety may struggle with boundaries (example of a client who grew up in an orphanage)
- Lack of boundaries can lead to legal issues, such as child molesting charges
- The world will provide boundaries if we don't establish our own (rejection, jail, illness)
- Pairing up with people with overly rigid boundaries is also a possibility
Effects of Poor Boundaries:
- Fear to set appropriate limits due to unmet lower chakra needs
- Unable to experience satisfaction of "enough" due to past denial of merging and contact
- Inability to form boundaries when serving family's survival needs in childhood
- Disembodiment: splitting into a disconnected spirit and body (Alexander Lowen)
- If lower chakra needs are not met, we may be afraid to set limits and establish boundaries
- Proper grounding and satisfaction of our basic needs enable us to set healthy boundaries
- Lack of awareness of bodily feelings and attitudes can lead to a disconnected sense of self.
Upper Chakra Dominance and First Chakra Damage:
- Experiences threatening survival lead to upward energy movement, cutting off bodily sensations and inhibiting the downward current.
- A person may be physically numb and neglect basic needs like eating and resting, resulting in frequent illnesses and lack of emotion awareness.
- Hypervigilant to external messages, searching for connection or danger, creating a mind-body split.
- Ground is often overlooked or invisible, leading to confusion and difficulty addressing the root issue.
Neurotic, Schizoid, and Schizophrenic Egos:
- Neurotic ego: Dominates the body, seeing it as an object to be controlled.
- Schizoid ego: Denies the body, disregarding its needs and sensations.
- Schizophrenic ego: Dissociates from the body, leading to alienation and objectification.
Impact of First Chakra Damage on Other Chakras:
- Sexuality: Affected due to experience of the body and connection.
- Personal power: Weakened without ground to stand on.
- Relationships: Adversely affected by lack of boundaries and constant reassurance.
- Communication: Blocked or excessive, disconnected from feeling.
- Upper chakras: Intensified with imagination and intellect as a defense against feeling; can lead to confusion, vagueness, or feeling of going crazy.
Objectifying the Body:
- Person may see their body as an alien entity, object, or thing.
- Women often view their bodies in this way due to societal conditioning.
- Resulting in control and maintenance focus rather than embracing the body as a living, dynamic statement of self.
Additional Chakra Imbalances:
- Second chakra: Sexuality affected by lack of connection with the body.
- Third chakra: Personal power weakened without ground.
- Fourth chakra: Relationships adversely affected, communication may be blocked or excessive.
- Fifth chakra: Communication and expression may be affected, leading to confusion or vagueness.
- Sixth chakra: Intensification of intellect as a defense against feeling.
- Seventh chakra: Disconnection from the body and ground, potentially leading to feelings of going crazy.
Grounding and Embodying Consciousness:
- Addressing first chakra damage by building a downward current and developing a solid foundation (ground).
- Grounding practices like mindfulness meditation, yoga, or grounding exercises can be helpful.
- Embracing the body as a living, dynamic statement of self rather than an object to be controlled.
- An emergency mechanism for coping with danger to life and sanity
- High degree of intelligence, creativity, and interest in spiritual matters
- Develops early in life due to lack of sense of safety or wanting from mother
- Marked by energetic statement of withdrawal from life
The Unwanted Child
- Developed when mother's emotions are transmitted to the child in womb
- Mother's fear, anger, or unwillingness to be pregnant impacts fetus
- Lack of freedom, safety, and sense of being wanted leads to contraction as a normal way of being
Characteristics of Schizoid/Creative
- Questioning right to exist, taking up space, and attending to physical needs
- Ignoring signals of hunger, thirst, or fatigue
- Difficulty experiencing body as whole organism
- Blocked at throat, constantly clearing it while speaking
- Hurtful speech, hurried and frightened
- Highly sensitive and intelligent mind
- Upper chakras highly developed, lower chakras have little energy
- Out of touch with body, lack of sexual partners and close friends
- Energetic process is fragmented, preferring to stay in realm of conversation
- Fear-based, living in fear and unable to handle too much charge or excitement
Healing Schizoid/Creative Character Structure
- Assignments in self-care: eating, sleeping, massage, baths
- Reclaim body piece by piece through drawing, movement, and boundary work
- Break habit of contraction with gentle physical exploration
- Gradually trust more people, open up, value self, and participate in life.
- Determining excess or deficiency in a chakra is necessary before using exercises
- An excessive chakra benefits from relaxing or discharging exercises, while a deficient one benefits from stimulating or charging exercises
Concept of Charge:
- Charge is a bioenergetic term for the body's basic excitement
- It is felt during intense emotional states such as anger, excitement, love, fear, and spiritual connection
- Issues from childhood can hold positive or negative charge
- Charge can be invoked through grounding exercises, increased breathing, fantasy, visualization, talking about charged material, or experiencing truth
Characteristics of Charge:
- Can be felt as intensity, enthusiasm, or heightened awareness
- Positive experiences also hold charge and can give a sense of well-being
- Increasing charge increases body's aliveness and awareness
Depression and Undercharge:
- Depression is a state of undercharge, lack of excitement or enthusiasm
- Increasing charge can help increase sense of well-being for those who are depressed or have weak bodies
Negative Effects of Charge:
- Not all charge is pleasurable; rigidity and chronic muscular tension defend against charge
- Overcharging the body can lead to anxiety, restlessness, fear, or feeling out of control
- Excessive charge is experienced as stress
Images and Truth:
- Dream images may hold a lot of charge and discussing them can spontaneously arise in the body as one discusses his dream
- Truth also has a charge, especially when it has been previously hidden.
Deficiencies in the First Chakra:
- A contracted and vacant first chakra may be recognizable by a person's physical posture and movements
- Contraction can pull energy upward, backward, or downward, leading to various symptoms
- Upward contraction: empty and vacant feeling, out of touch with feelings in the area
- Backward contraction: difficulty concentrating, restlessness, shifting position constantly
- Downward contraction: poor muscle tone, circulation, color, boundary formation, undernourished and undercharged
- A deficient first chakra may result from neglect or rejection during developmental stages, leading to insufficient energy for a solid foundation
- People with deficient first chakras respond well to grounding exercises and boundary work
Excesses in the First Chakra:
- An excessive first chakra feels heavy and solid, but with a sluggish and massive feeling
- The body may be large and dense, with excess weight distributed around the hips, thighs, and buttocks
- Movements are infrequent, eyes defensive, and head held steady
- People with excessive first chakras like routine, security, and possessions, and may appear cynical about spiritual subjects
- Excessive first chakra types need to discharge, let go, and shift from excessive stability to movement and flow through physical activities such as dancing, walking, swimming, or stretching
Balance in the First Chakra:
- A balanced first chakra is both solidly grounded and dynamically alive
- There is a sense of form without rigidity, bodily comfort, and healthy distribution of energy throughout
- Integrating excessive and deficient strategies involves bringing extremes back toward a common center, anchored in the physical body
Assessing Your History:
- Developmental life experiences can reveal information about a chakra's structure
- Neglect or rejection usually leads to deficiencies, while stressful situations and challenges result in excesses
- Persistent problems can be sorted into problems of excess or deficiency by comparing statements with the chart at the beginning of the chapter.
First Chakra Healing:
- Healing relationship with body, ground, and environment
- Determine connection with body and surroundings through observation of:
- Walking, talking, moving, breathing, sitting, eye contact
- Energetic statements (contraction, expansion, conflict, freezing, collapse, activation, deadening, dissociation)
- Emotions secondary to energetic statements
First Chakra Work:
- Keep focus on bodily sensations instead of emotions for containment
- Grounding techniques: putting feet back down, standing up
Body Drawing Exercise:
- Clients draw their own body on large newsprint with crayons
- No need for realism; depict how body feels energetically
- Therapist asks questions about the drawing and overlooked aspects
- Provides graphic representation of internal schema and areas needing attention
- Helps track progress over time
- Pencil-thin vs. puffy body
- Rigid vs. fluid bodies
- Fearful, contracted vs. overly expanded bodies
- Underformed, collapsed bodies
Mirror Exercise:
- Have client hold drawing before full-length mirror for self-reflection
- Provides insight into internal schema and areas needing attention
- Helpful in identifying how the person sees themselves
Home Assignment:
- If no mirror available, give as home assignment.
- Healing relationship with body and environment
- Gaining relief from painful emotions through physical expression
- Understanding inner process without intellectualization
- Provides a visual representation of progress over time
Body Dialog Exercise for Overcoming Dissociation:
- Reestablishing Communication with the Body:
- The first step in overcoming dissociation is to reconnect with the body.
- Client lays down, comfortable position, therapist takes notes.
- Client personifies body parts as workers in a corporation.
- Client asks each part how they feel about their job and role (from feet to face).
- The Body as a Corporation:
- Client speaks as if they are a visiting consultant interviewing body parts.
- Expressing Emotional Experiences:
- Client completes sentence "I am my [body part] and I..." with emotional experience.
- Whole Body Speaks:
- Each body part has the opportunity to express its feelings and experiences.
- Reading Back the Words:
- Therapist reads back what was written, omitting body parts.
- Client sees how their body is expressing their life experience.
- Dialoguing with Significant Parts:
- After whole body has spoken, client can have dialog with significant parts.
- Developing a Relationship:
- Goal is to develop a relationship through communication and acknowledgment.
- Dialogue can occur between client and themselves or therapist and client.
- Stanley Keleman Quote:
- "When the whole body has had a chance to speak, I then read back what I have written, omitting the actual body parts. The client then gets a chance to see how the body is expressing her life experience." - Stanley Keleman
- Understanding Body Experiences:
- Body does not lie, it experiences truth for itself.
- Continuing the Dialogue:
- Client can continue dialog with significant parts to gain deeper understanding and facilitate change.
First Chakra:
- Represents our physical reality
- Damage leads to a damaged relationship with the physical world
- Healing through creating a new relationship with the body, earth, and surroundings
- Affirming and pleasurable experiences are crucial for Schizoid structure with deficient first chakra
- Regular massage and physical exercise essential
- Massage breaks down contracted body armor and provides nurturing experience
- Exercise pumps energy through body and develops strength
- Body-ego is energized by the power of Dynamic Ground
- Entire physical being is electrically charged, making any bodily part a potential seat of somatic ecstasy
Working with Bodily Experience:
- Encourage clients to connect feelings with physical sensations
- Identify physical responses to emotions (e.g., butterflies in stomach, shallow breathing)
- Deepen feelings by intensifying physical response or creating an opposite reaction
- Help clients notice body numbness through exaggerating physical sensations
- Lessen negative feelings through opposite movements and grounding techniques
Importance of Grounding:
- Necessary for emotional and physical healing
- Encourages confrontation, saying no, getting angry, or defending
- Supports new structure by making it harder to retreat energetically
- Essential in maintaining a grounded position during emotional processing
- Prevents overwhelming the system with cathartic release if trauma is severe
Interdependence of Emotional and Physical Structures:
- Changes in physical structure support new emotional responses
- Changes in emotional expression support new physical postures
- Both sides must be worked simultaneously, but focus on the physical for this text.
Grounding Work with the Feet
- Connects us to the ground and grounding through feet and legs
- Two types: working directly on feet or standing on them
Directly Working on the Feet:
- Foot massage, flexing, arching, kicking, pushing
- Using tools like tennis balls or footsie rollers
- Helps open up muscles and releases tension
Standing on the Feet:
- Maintains deeper energetic connection to the body
- Essential for people with grounding problems
- Encourages greater presence in therapy sessions
Simple Grounding Techniques while Sitting:
- Keeping feet on the ground, preferably barefoot
- Pressing into feet reaffirms and strengthens grounding connection
Working Psychologically while Standing:
- Increases body's energy
- Allows greater assertiveness, overcomes passivity
- Supports independence and manifests autonomy
Attention to Client's Feet:
- Feeling feet holding up body's weight
- Texture of floor beneath
- Awareness of feet often increases, leading to greater grounding
Body Postures:
- Conscious: held in stomach, lifted shoulders and chest, straight spine
- Unconscious: slumping, tightening, standing habitually on one leg
Client's Experience with Grounding:
- Jittery or secure?
- Focus of tension or relaxation?
- Emotional responses (fear, excitement, sadness)?
- Sensations in the body and when they started
- Inviting deeper experience through statements and questions
Body Postures and Energy Flow:
- Locking knees cuts down on energetic connection between legs and ground, deadens bodily sensations
- Passive weight vs. alertness posture
- Dead weight: collapses chest, pushes belly forward, head falls downward, lessens breathing
- Alertness posture: holds knees slightly bent, keeps center of gravity low
Philosophical Implications:
- Having a client stand on their feet embodies concepts like autonomy, taking a stand, having a leg to stand on, etc.
- It's not so much the meaning of life we seek but our aliveness
Grounding Exercise:
- Client stands with feet shoulder width apart, toes slightly inward, knees slightly bent
- Ask client to push into their feet as if trying to part the floorboards for leg solidity
- Establish basic position and ask client to bend and straighten knees slowly while maintaining contact with the ground
- Trembling in the legs is a sign of new energy coming into the body
- Energy can be used to enliven deadened parts or passed upward to the rest of the body
- Increased contact with the ground builds up charge, which can lead to anxiety
Dealing with Anxiety:
- Observe client's physical and emotional states
- Curtail anxiety by slowing down or stopping the exercise, kicking legs in the air, or sitting in a chair
- Process anxiety by working through the material it illuminates
- Allow client to express feelings and find solid contact with someone
Benefits of Grounding:
- Increases energy flow in the body
- Builds up charge
- Helps resolve issues related to first chakra (jobs, housing, physical ailments)
Observations and Dialogue:
- Observe client's physical and emotional states during exercise
- Keep in touch with client through constant dialog to determine if they can handle pushing deeper into the issue
Case Study:
- Sally experienced anxiety during her first grounding experience due to confusion about her instinctual response to needing someone when they were not there
- Anxiety was resolved by allowing her to express feelings and find solid contact with someone, resulting in a feeling of calm.
Regressive Techniques:
- Preambulatory stages of life require certain techniques for first chakra work
- Rebirthing techniques involve laying down and simulate womb and birth experience
- Holotropic breath work releases deep tensions held in the body
- Not suitable for clients with serious trauma or unknown histories
Early Childhood Stages Techniques:
- Client lies down on back with bent knees
- Facilitate relaxation and deeper breathing
- Pushing the feet exercise: client raises legs, waves around, pushes outward with toes, kicks rapidly
- Expressive charge-discharge cycle for basic anger release
- Afterflow is important for feeling energy in body
Tenderer Emotions Techniques:
- Client begins lying down, works with hands and lips
- Massage shoulders and back, encourage reaching forward
- Encourage suckling response by pushing out lips
- Rekindles oral experience, satisfies cravings
- Establish clear boundaries and safety before using these techniques
- Aware of transference and countertransference issues
- Describe exercises ahead of time, allow client to opt out
- Not suitable for clients with extreme need to please or sexual abuse survivors
- Caution and discretion are imperative
First Chakra:
- Important for grounding and building foundation for growth
- Cultural programming weakens connection to first chakra
- Reclaiming body as sacred temple, asserting right to survive.
- Element: Water
- Name: Svadhisthana (sweetness)
- Purpose: Movement and connection
- Location: Lower abdomen, sacral plexus
Characteristics of a Balanced Second Chakra
- Graceful movement
- Emotional intelligence
- Ability to experience pleasure
- Nurturance of self and others
- Ability to change
- Healthy boundaries
Developmental Stages and Tasks
- Developmental Stage: 6 months to 2 years
- Sensate exploration of the world
- Locomotion
- Basic Rights: To feel and have pleasure
Challenges and Traumas
- Issues: Movement, sensation, emotions, sexuality, desire, need, pleasure
- Demon: Guilt
- Traumas: Sexual abuse (covert or overt), emotional abuse, volatile situations, neglect, coldness, rejection, denial of child's feeling states, lack of mirroring, enmeshment, emotional manipulation, overuse of playpen or restricting normal movement, religious or moral severity, physical abuse, alcoholic families, inherited issues – parents who have not worked out their own issues around sexuality, untreated incest cases
Deficiency and Excess
- Deficiency: Rigidity in body and attitudes, frigidity, fear of sex, poor social skills, denial of pleasure, excessive boundaries, fear of change, lack of desire, passion, excitement
- Excess: Sexual acting out, sexual addiction, pleasure addiction, excessively strong emotions, hysteria, bipolar mood swings, crisis junkies, oversensitive, poor boundaries, invasion of others, seductive manipulation, emotional dependency, obsessive attachment
Physical Malfunctions
- Disorders of reproductive organs, spleen, urinary system
- Menstrual difficulties
- Sexual dysfunction: impotence, premature ejaculation, frigidity, nonorgasmic
- Low back pain, knee trouble, lack of flexibility
- Deadened senses, loss of appetite for food, sex, life
Healing Practices
- Movement therapy
- Emotional release or containment as appropriate
- Inner child work
- Boundary work
- 12-step programs for addictions
- Assign healthy pleasures
- Develop sensate intelligence
- I deserve pleasure in my life.
- I absorb information from my feelings.
- I embrace and celebrate my sexuality.
- My sexuality is sacred.
- I move easily and effortlessly.
- Life is pleasurable.
Letting Go to Movement
- Opposite of grounding and focusing in first chakra
- Challenge is to let go, feel, yield, and flow
- Universe exists through consistency and change
- Consistency provides meaning, change stimulates expansion
- Movements get us up and expand our perception
- Increase sensory input
- Build muscle tissue and enhance flexibility
- Stimulate nervous system
- Invites pleasure and extends field of perception
- Reveals hidden issues and feelings
- Senses give clues to unconscious processes in second chakra
- Gateway between internal and external world
- Constantly changing inner matrix of the world around us
- Data input for overall system
- Connects and gives meaning to experience
- Determines values based on perception and feeling
- Loss of sensual connection leads to loss of values and distinctions
- Biological need after survival needs are met
- Invites us to extend, expand, and tune in to senses
- Guides the soul as logic guides the mind
- Source of motivation and inspiration
- Key to stimulating movement in second chakra
- Source of pleasure comes from touch, closeness, play, and emotional validation.
- Children take pleasure in being alive and reaching out to encounter the world.
- Meeting life with love and encouragement creates a pleasurable experience.
Pleasure in Childhood and Its Impact on Adult Life:
- Jennifer:
- Grew up in a home where pleasure was frowned upon as an indulgence
- Expected to shoulder adult responsibilities, denying time for own pleasures
- Feels guilty about indulging in pleasures
- Struggles with buying clothes, taking vacations, and sexual pleasure
- Lives a grim life, looks older than her years
- Oliver:
- Given treats of pleasure as rewards for good behavior
- Denied pleasures when sad or needy
- Learned to deny his own wants
- Feels guilty about having pleasures, wondering if he deserves them
- Samantha:
- Grew up in a home where pleasure was provided in a healthy atmosphere
- Loved and respected body, positive and enthusiastic about life
- Impact of Family Attitudes on Pleasure:
- Was pleasure regarded as important or discouraged?
- Were vacations taken, laughter shared, and play encouraged?
- Was hard work and self-sacrifice emphasized over pleasure?
- Were work and play, self-discipline and pleasure, balanced?
- Attitudes Towards Pleasure:
- Pleasure invites us to live in the present, reduce stress, and extend awareness
- Denial of pleasure can lead to rigidity, brittleness, boundary issues, and addictions
- Culture's Perception of Maturity and Pleasure:
- Maturity equated with ability to deny pleasure
- Guilt and rigidity around pleasures as we grow older
- Primary pleasures denied can result in secondary addictive pleasures
- Impact of Denied Pleasure on Chakras:
- Constriction of life force, limiting the flow of energy
- Second chakra: importance of pleasure in inviting flow and installing essential programs for wholeness.
- Source of becoming conscious (Jung)
- Instinctual reactions to sensory data
- Unconscious reaction to information from senses
- Organize our feelings and give meaning to experiences
- Can arise from depths of psyche without conscious control
- Have a spiritual function as language of the soul
- Building blocks of experience, give meaning and integrates felt sense
- Pervasive feelings initiate quest for change and transformation
- Help unravel story of soul's journey
- Subconscious organizations of impulses to move away from harm and toward pleasure
- Difficult to feel emotions without some kind of movement
- Necessities, not idle longings
- Basic requirements for healthy functioning
- Nonnegotiable bottom line
- Often shamed in childhood, leading to disowning needs
- Can keep ourselves deprived and depleted by disowning needs
- Reclaiming needs allows us to take responsibility for own fulfillment
- Spiritual/emotional impulse inspiring movement towards something greater
- Soul's longing to move forward
- Object of desire may not be necessary, but feeling of desire is essential
- Desire fuels will and action
- Can lead to frustration and growth
- Combination of sensation and feeling
- Essential for developing energy and power
- Thrusting forward that leads us to action
- Staying in touch with feelings allows us to know soul's desire
- Unacknowledged aspects of personality, including desires and emotions
- Can sabotage will by fighting against it
- Denying shadow can lead to unhealthy repression or projection of unwanted traits onto others.
C.G. Jung's Perspective on Enlightenment and the Second Chakra:
- Enlightenment is achieved by making the darkness conscious, not by focusing on figures of light.
- The second chakra represents duality and polarity, and its task in adult development is to integrate previously polarized aspects of personality into an indivisible whole.
- One essential step is reclaiming the shadow.
The Shadow:
- Repressed instinctual energies that are locked away in the unconscious.
- They do not die but are no longer part of conscious awareness and are enacted unconsciously.
- Keeping the shadow repressed requires a great deal of energy and robs us of grace and power.
- It sabotages our work, relationships, and health.
- We attract those who embody our rejected shadow in our lives.
- Judgment arises out of resonance between the rejected self and behavior of others to remove stimuli that might awaken our shadow.
Impact of Repressing the Shadow:
- Cut off from our wholeness and inner child's innocence and spontaneity.
- Projected onto others, leading to intense criticism and judgment.
- Compels us to attract individuals who embody our rejected aspects.
- Causes an unhealthy guilt that rejects our worth as human beings.
Reclaiming the Shadow:
- Bringing instinctual energies into consciousness instead of repressing them.
- Eliminates judgment and restores wholeness.
- Allows us to acknowledge and accept rejected aspects of ourselves.
- Prevents the shadow from becoming demonic or taking over our conscious self.
- Repressed sexuality: seeing others' behavior as shameless, while remaining virtuous.
- Suppression of emotions: intolerance for needy and expressive individuals.
Guilt and the Second Chakra:
- Guilt is referred to as the demon of the second chakra because it curtails free movement and takes pleasure out of experiences.
- Feeling guilty prevents satisfaction and can lead to compulsive activities.
- Guilt keeps the shadow, our hidden desires and instincts, caged in the unconscious realm.
- Guilt polarizes the personality, dividing light against dark, good against bad.
- A polarized personality is characterized by either-or thinking with no room for ambiguity or subtle nuances.
- Morals taught in black-and-white terms to young children can lead to immature cognitive processes and either-or thinking.
- Feeling trapped in either-or thinking can thwart the movement aspect of the second chakra.
Fuzzy Logic and Ambiguity:
- Fuzzy logic is being introduced into computers to make decisions based on approximations between polarities instead of clear black-and-white choices.
- Ambiguity has a destabilizing effect, making it hard for some people to hold the tension between opposites and find new standpoints.
Healthy vs. Toxic Guilt:
- Guilt can be a healthy feeling that allows us to examine our behavior and make necessary changes.
- Excessive, habitual, internalized, and toxic guilt dominates the free flow of movement and full sensate experience of life.
Effects of Guilt on the Second Chakra:
- Guilt can thwart the movement aspect of the second chakra by taking pleasure out of experiences and creating paralysis.
- Developing the ability to feel emotions fully allows us to discern subtle nuances between polarities and make better decisions.
- Healthy guilt acts as a guide, while toxic guilt dominates and binds us.
- Ultimate expression of issues associated with second chakra
- Incorporation of Eros, the connecting force of attraction
- Expresses movement, sensation, pleasure, desire, emotions, polarity
- Unites opposites, transcends isolation, forms foundation for next chakra level (power)
- Brings us into contact with others, grounds for growth
- Misunderstood in modern culture
- Ancient god, connecting force that unites and delights
- Hindu mythology: originator of all gods, binding power of allurement
- Denial can lead to destructive activities
- Unity of culture and nature, work and love, morality and sexuality
- Embracing Eros: capacity for surrender, ability to flow with instinctual/emotional body
- Ecstatic expression of life force in lower chakras
Effects of Mismanaged Sexuality:
- Denial can pull things apart, leads to destructive activities
- Guilt as antidote to pleasure and self-esteem, locks essential gateway to pleasure and transformation
- Rejection of sexuality sends it to shadow, takes on demonic form (dissociation and perpetration)
- Essential for reclaiming second chakra, honoring Eros in every aspect of life
Balanced Second Chakra Characteristics:
- Capacity for sexual satisfaction and pleasure
- Comfort with intimacy
- Ability to accept movement and change gracefully
- Steadiness and clarity in emotional states
- Nurturing self and others while maintaining healthy boundaries
- Healthy expression of intimacy, pleasure, and joy
- Qualifications for healthy sexuality to be decided by individuals
- Consenting adults, mutual enhancement, integration with life, stimulation of growth, enhances chakra system.
Second Chakra Development:
- Age: 6 months to 2 years
- Sensate exploration of the world
- Locomotion
- Separation from symbiotic fusion
Needs and Issues:
- Separation vs. attachment
- Safety and support for exploration
- Emotional security
- Stimulating environment
- Self-gratification
Significant Milestones:
- Increased alertness at 6 months
- Desire to explore the external world through senses
- Development of locomotion
- Shattering of blissful psychic unity
- Connection of dualities through feelings
- Distinctions between inner and outer, self and other, pleasure and pain
- Duality of "good mother" and "bad mother"
- Security and emerging as a separate self
Importance of Touch:
- Provides security and connectedness
- Helps develop trust in senses and emotions
- Essential for emotional development
- Promotes healthy emotional bonds between parents and child
Impact of Environment:
- Crucial influence on emotional climate and development
- Somatic experiences hardwired into the system
- Programming of emotional repertoire through responsive mirroring
Developing a Healthy Second Chakra:
- Sensate connection between inner and outer world
- Supportive emotional environment for closeness and separation
- Feeling of pleasure and connection with body
- Awakening consciousness through sensory stimulation
Consequences of Neglect:
- Lack of touch or connection leads to anxiety and fear
- Prevents appropriate development
- Throws one back to the panic and fear of the first chakra.
- Tactile and Sensate Deprivation
- David grew up without physical affection, leading to difficulty connecting with himself and understanding his wants (soul wound)
- Lack of appropriate sensory input during infancy and childhood affects development of mind-body connection
- Jean Liedloff: touch affirms body identity, absence leads to internal disconnection and possible narcissistic wound
Effects of Tactile Deprivation:
- Disconnect between feeling self and external image
- Happiness becomes a goal instead of normal condition
- Split between deeper, vulnerable feelings and shallower exterior self
- Children need sensory input for proper development
- Appropriate sensate stimulation increases intelligence and coordination
- Lack of touch can result in autoerotic behaviors or eating disorders as attempts to fill the gap
Impact on Development:
- Sensory channels may shut down due to too much or too little stimulation
- Children deprived of touch may distance themselves from others, denying their need for closeness
- Lack of touch affects development of end organs in skin, leading to feedback deficiency
- Failure to learn sensate language is like failing to learn to read, losing an essential channel of information
- Sensations are building blocks of emotional intelligence and allow us to get along well with others
Development during Infancy:
- Baby learns to string together sensations, actions, and reactions into organized sense of self between ages 9-18 months
- Linking different senses into a single gestalt marks primary connection between mind and body
- If senses do not logically flow from experience, child may distrust them and shut them down
Consequences of Sensory Deprivation:
- Misjudgment of situations due to underdeveloped sensate function (Jung)
- Overstimulation can create anxiety, while understimulation leaves the child disconnected
- Child may not be able to trust her senses as reliable information gatherers in adulthood.
Emotional Environment
- Rebecca's experiences during her parents' divorce shaped her emotional identity
- Witnessed violent fights between parents and learned anger as primary way of relating
- Emotions reflect the emotional climate in which a child is immersed
- Emotional energy moves us and has to go somewhere
Impact of Unhealthy Emotional Environments on Children
- Repression of emotions can affect physiological state, sense of self, and social relationships
- Children may learn unhealthy emotional patterns from their environment
- Punishment, rejection, or shame for expressing feelings can lead to emotional illiteracy
Emotional Identity and Emotional Literacy
- Child develops emotional identity during this stage
- Emotions become core complex within the developing self
- Effective mirroring and positive response to emotional expression promotes emotional literacy
- Emotions can evolve into meaning and mature through the chakras
Consequences of Repressing Emotions
- Inhibiting emotions requires deadening sensations and aliveness
- Alcohol or drugs may be used to create distance from experience
- Behavior may be compulsive, devoid of feelings
- Abusive parents are unable to feel the pain of the child
Importance of Emotional Literacy
- Emotions are the first language of the child
- Effective mirroring and positive response help child understand emotions
- Understanding emotions allows for more mature expression
- Emotional literacy promotes connection and human experience.
Emotional Enmeshment:
- Children are not entirely belong to their parents; they develop their own identity (Gibran)
- Second Chakra Development:
- Begins with mother-child fusion, ends with autonomy
- Child learns emotions as extension of family's but later develops own
- Enmeshment occurs when child is not allowed to express unique identity
Effects of Emotional Enmeshment:
- Guilt for pursuing one's needs and interests
- False sense of self, defined by others' reactions
- Outer persona at odds with inner needs (Narcissistic Personality - Miller)
- Lack of individuation or authenticity
Characteristics of Enmeshed Child:
- Highly aware of others’ feelings
- Clairsentience (ability to sense others’ emotions)
- Other-directed second chakra, not grounded in bodily experience
- Can lead to tumultuous blend of others' emotions that one cannot control
Impact of Emotional Enmeshment:
- Victim experiences life as taken by someone else (Evangeline Kane)
- Imposed death experience for the victim.
Sexual Abuse:
- Hits the second chakra, affecting its development and function
- Impacts free flow of energy, intimacy, pleasure, healthy sexuality, comfort with emotions, sense of boundaries, positive body image, trust, power, communication, and relationships
- Can result in excess intuition and thinking in chakras six and seven as compensation
- Includes any act that does not respect a child's natural sexual development
- Forms of sexual abuse: slapping or punishing children for exploring their genitals, pushing sexuality onto unwilling or developmentally inappropriate children, exhibitionism, voyeurism, exposure to pornography, unwanted physical affection, age-inappropriate language, invasion of privacy, and sexual engagement with a child
- Can be emotionally numbing, leading to addictions, eating disorders, phobias, sexual dysfunction, guilt, shame, depression, hostility, dependency, sleep disorders, psychosomatic disorders, repressed memories, intrusive memories, confusion between pleasure and pain, and emotional betrayal
- Difficulty with boundaries may result in further traumas and high incidence of subsequent abuse
- Effects can be lifelong and impact immune system function
Impact on Chakras:
- Second chakra: assaults feeling and sensate functions, affects ego development and boundary formation
- Sixth and seventh chakras: compensate with excess intuition and thinking due to the assault on the second chakra
Childhood Sexual Abuse:
- Affects all aspects of the second chakra
- The younger the event, the more devastating its effects
- Stimulation of erogenous zones at sensitive ages may result in difficulty forming boundaries and protecting oneself from further invasions
- Can lead to emotional numbness, addictions, eating disorders, phobias, sexual dysfunction, guilt, shame, depression, hostility, dependency, sleep disorders, psychosomatic disorders, repressed memories, intrusive memories, confusion between pleasure and pain, difficulty with intimacy and trust, and celibacy or promiscuity
- Some untreated survivors may become perpetrators
- Violates the second chakra on multiple levels: power, boundaries, dignity, emotion, body, spirit
- Can force the entire chakra system to close due to the trauma
- Effects can be similar to those of childhood sexual abuse when there are unhealed wounds from earlier experiences
- Strong foundations in lower chakras aid recovery process.
- Abortion has emotional consequences for women, including moral struggle, emotional turmoil, guilt, fear, grief, and loss.
- It interrupts the natural process of pregnancy and causes physical trauma to second chakra organs.
- Women should treat themselves with tenderness after an abortion, similar to how they would treat a rape victim.
- Dialogue or ritual around the possible spirit of the child is important, as well as dialoguing with the body before, during, and after the procedure.
- Having support from friends and writing in a journal can help in healing.
- Political climate around abortion can add to the pain and trauma for women, instead of love and support they need.
Effects of Abuses on Second Chakra:
- The wounds to the second chakra are profound due to societal confusion around sexuality and pleasure, mechanization, and disconnection between mind and body and self and environment.
- Blocked development of the second chakra severs internal and external connections.
- Lack of tactile stimulation and nurturing leads to fragmentation, isolation, and disconnection from feelings and others.
- Denial of expression through movement results in rigidity, requiring great energy and leading to judgmental behavior.
General Effects of Abuses:
- In a world that denies pleasure and sensate experiences, we become out of touch with our bodies and feelings.
- Lack of empathy and compassion results from disconnection from self and others.
- Rigidity and lack of flexibility hinder new ideas and possibilities, leading to judgmental behavior.
- Samantha's case study illustrates an individual with an Oral character structure or "Lover" type.
- She experiences deep feelings of loss, despair, and abandonment following the end of a primary relationship.
- Oral characters are undernourished emotionally, leading to chronic neediness and a dependency on external sources for validation and energy.
Oral Characteristics:
- Fear of reaching out for what they want due to fear of disappointment.
- Dependent, addictive, and needy behavior.
- Soft and underformed body with possible collapse in the chest.
- Chronically undercharged, prone to depression, and seeking nourishment from food or love.
- Focus on service to others as a defense mechanism.
- Clingy and hurt by rejection, which perpetuates the problem.
Psychosexual Development:
- Correlates to the oral stage in Freud's psychosexual stages.
- Emotional and physical deprivation during this stage can impact future development.
- Affects the ability to ground and form, leading to excessive neediness in the second chakra.
Impact of Deprivation:
- Oral character remains chronically undercharged, leading to emotional instability and low energy levels.
- Struggles with the question of "Am I wanted?" rather than "Will I survive?"
- Focus is on satisfying nourishment from food or love.
Defenses and Coping Mechanisms:
- Seeks dependence and merging as a defense against deprivation.
- Fixated outside the self for energy and validation.
- Prone to codependency.
Healing Oral Character Structure:
- Learning to nourish oneself physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
- Developing boundaries and focusing on self-care and spiritual growth.
- Encouraging aggression to build inner strength and assertiveness.
- Balancing the second chakra by developing willpower and grounding.
Second Chakra: Excess and Deficiency
- Reflects amount of internal and external movement, emotional identification, and sexual expression
- Balance essential for progress to third chakra center of power
- Maintaining flexibility to expand to either pole as situations require
- Holding one's center (grounding of chakra one) crucial for finding balance
Second Chakra Deficiency
- Restricted movement: physical, emotional, and sexual
- Rigid or jerky motions, stiff joints, and inflexible musculature
- Inhibits flow of excitation, lowers breathing and metabolic rate, diminishes emotions
- Creates fear of change and monopolarization of ideas
- Avoidance of pleasure, harsh inner critic, denial of self-pleasure
- Emptiness, dullness about life, feeling stuck, isolation, resignation, apathy, or pessimism
- Repressed, diminished, or nonexistent sexual feelings
- Fear and judgment around sex, shame, shyness, intense awkwardness in social situations, perceived as having no feelings
Physical Signs of Second Chakra Deficiency:
- Stiff pelvis, inflexibility, difficulty bending knees and hips
- Rigid musculature that has trouble yielding to softness and feeling
- Restricted movement inhibits the flow of energy through the body
Emotional Signs of Second Chakra Deficiency:
- Emptiness, dullness about life
- Feeling stuck, resignation, apathy, or pessimism
- Inability to sense one's own needs
- Fear of change and monopolarization of ideas
- Intense awkwardness in social situations
- Perceived as having no feelings
- Hidden emotions
Sexual Signs of Second Chakra Deficiency:
- Repressed, diminished, or nonexistent sexual feelings
- Difficulty connecting emotionally during sex
- Numbness in the lower body
- Difficulty achieving arousal or climax
- Shame around sex, judgment, or intense shyness
- Fear and avoidance of sex due to past wounds or internalized shame about not being good enough.
Second Chakra Excesses
- Dana's excessive second chakra: intense emotional states, social, sexual, and dramatic relationships
- Difficulty separating feelings from realities, sensitive to emotions, and unable to let things go
- Needs constant stimulation and connection, may be codependent or addicted to people and partying
- Craves sensory stimulation and variety, has a weak container for emotions
- Sexually responsive but can lead to addiction or neglect of other areas of life
- Emotional volatility: anger, tears, excitement, fears
- Inability to comprehend separateness, clairsentient, unable to distinguish own feelings from others'
- Intense need for connection, social and emotional dependency
- Highly sensitive to emotions, taking on others' feelings
- Craving for stimulation, change, and excitement
- Difficulty sitting still or focusing, impulsivity
- Overwhelmed by intense emotions, difficulty containing and discharging them
- Addictive behaviors as a compensation or avoidance strategy
- Intense emotional experiences dictate behavior of others in the family
- Excessive focus on others at the cost of self, creating codependent relationships
- Difficulty setting boundaries, forming healthy relationships
- Addiction to people and partying as a way to avoid deeper emotions
- Sexual addiction or neglecting other aspects of life for intimacy
- Inability to channel emotional energy into productive output
- Feeling lost or alone in quieter states
- Craving for constant stimulation hinders personal growth
- Second chakra relates to water and emotions, with a weak container for emotional energy due to poor boundaries
- Upward current is more active than downward current of conscious understanding
- Excessive second chakra leads the rest of the system around by its gonads
- Addictions are a compensation or avoidance strategy, often related to emotional needs and feelings of lack of control
- Second chakra imbalances may result in addictive behaviors, creating a cycle that is never satisfied.
- Reconnecting with the sensations of the body
- Discharging and containing pervading emotions
- Completing blocked movements frozen by trauma
- Learning to decipher and appropriately meet needs
- Focusing on healthy boundaries, self-care, and personal growth.
Healing the Second Chakra:
- John Bradshaw: "We cannot heal what we cannot feel" (attitudes towards emotions and sexuality)
- Healing second chakra is a complex task, involving various aspects of emotional and sexual health
- Goal is to encourage movement in restricted areas or contain excess movement
- Focus on paying attention to subtle currents and impulses
Natural Healing Process:
- The body has its own healing process
- Wounds need cleaning and bandaging, but healing occurs naturally
- Interrupted healing process upsets foundation and free flow of energy
- Streaming of energy through the body restores balance and promotes healing
- Act on behalf of natural healing process for optimal results
Healing Techniques:
- Encourage movement where it is restricted
- Contain excess movement through releasing emotions or tolerating increased sensation
- Pay attention to subtle currents and impulses
Challenges in Healing the Second Chakra:
- Cultural attitudes towards emotions and sexuality complicate healing
- Difficulty defining healthy emotional responses and sexuality
- Challenges in opening sensate channels in a stimulating world
- Struggles with holding a healthy sexuality when others are wounded
Importance of Balancing Second Chakra:
- Ability to embrace change without losing core stability is a touchstone for healing
- Healing techniques focus on encouraging movement and containing excess movement within chakra theory
- Integrating emotional energy towards constructive ends through the natural healing process.
Thawing the Ice: A process of restoring the free flow of movement and emotion in individuals with traumatic experiences.
Ray's Story:
- Complained of recurrent neck pain, tried various methods without success
- Held body rigidly, energy contracted
- Trauma response: inhibited fight or flight leading to frozen response
Trauma and the Freezing Response:
- Occurs when an individual adapts to threat but cannot adapt again or return to pre-threat functioning
- Results in partial checkout from body and dissociation from painful sensations
- Peter Levine's description: ongoing activation with inhibition, leading to frozen intensity (tonic immobility)
- Natural response throughout the animal kingdom for survival against predators
Bioenergetic Work:
- Began favorably with Ray, releasing trapped energy through movement
- Gradually integrated historical material and emotions into movements
- Established boundaries and power to work more deeply on emotional content
The Freezing Response and Thawing:
- Increased energy flow in preparation for fight or flight during trauma
- Repeated trauma forces living in contradiction of activation and inhibition
- Frozen response produces immobility, rigidity, and uncoordinated movements
- Thawing involves freeing up body's natural movement slowly and carefully
- Anchoring energy to ground it and prevent overwhelming nervous system
- Small pieces of traumatic experience integrated gradually (titration)
The Impact of Trauma:
- Universal imprint left by trauma: guilt
- Individual may feel responsible for causing the trauma regardless of circumstances.
Additional Notes:
- Peter Levine's book, "Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma through the Body" provides a more detailed description of the process.
Working Through Guilt:
- Examining past influences:
- Child with poor academic performance: acknowledge volatile family situations hindering focus on studies.
- Person feeling needy: determine if needs were met in the past.
- Acknowledging past forces:
- Allows for change in present behavior.
- Does not mean avoiding responsibility, but understanding context.
Steps to Move Through Guilt:
- Put the guilty behavior in context: Identify external factors acting on you at the time.
- Examine motives and underlying needs: Understand what you were trying to satisfy or accomplish.
- Identify potential influences from upbringing: Consider how your behavior was modeled for you.
- Address underlying needs: Seek ways to directly fulfill those needs in a healthy manner.
- Make amends for any harm caused: Find ways to make things right, or address the situation in a more global way.
- Plan new behavior: Set goals for healthier actions moving forward.
- Forgive yourself and move on: Allow yourself to let go of guilt and focus on growth.
Healthy Guilt:
- Emotional core of conscience: results from behaving against beliefs and values.
- Questions to examine limiting belief systems:
- What belief system says certain behaviors are wrong (e.g., sex, self-care)?
- Where did you learn it?
- Who does the belief serve?
- What are the effects of those values on your life and relationships?
- What is your own belief, and what evidence supports it?
- What are the results of following that belief system?
- Is harm caused to yourself or others?
- Seek support for actions you believe in.
Healing the Second Chakra:
- Involves reclaiming the right to feel
- Blocks to feelings: guilt and shame
- Emotions related to abuse can be overwhelming and conflicting
- Intense longing and betrayal
- Expansive anger and contracting fear
- Simultaneous urge to reach out and withdraw
Reclaiming the Right to Feel:
- Emotions are natural responses
- Precursors to action (chakra three)
- Difficult to allow emotions if inspired action is dangerous or frightening
Managing Excessive Emotions:
- Create a safe way to lessen emotional force
- Channel emotion into appropriate movements or activities
- Anger: cleaning house, physical activity
- Grief: writing poetry
- Fear: heightened awareness
- Longing: creative activities
- Channel emotion into appropriate movements or activities
Understanding Emotions:
- Dimensional texture of experience
- Without feelings, life is flat and meaning elusive
- When emotions are excessive, shift awareness to body sensations
- Consciously bringing attention inward softens emotions, brings richer information and connection.
Emotional Release:
- Goal of therapy to facilitate emotional release for healing and transformation
- Catharsis can bring profound healing but not always the case
- Emotional release involves body and movement, releasing energy vortex of emotion
- Not enough for head to acknowledge emotions without bodily expression and movement
- Can be overwhelming if trauma is severe or emotional patterns are deeply ingrained
- Short-term relief without cognitive integration can lead to seeking repeated release
- Emotional release completes actions that have been interrupted, makes energy available for new orientation
- Alternative to emotional release when ground is not stable or safety and containment are needed
- Learning to embrace feelings bodily and let them unfold within containing body
- Prevent disintegration and retraumatization from severe past traumas
- Balance for excessive second chakra, prevent addictive behaviors and understand motivation
- Containment invites creation of alternative paths for energy expression
- Not denying or negating experiences but consciously focusing on emotional process and where it is trying to go
Emotional Release Pros:
- Healing and transformation through releasing long-held emotions
- Completing interrupted actions and gaining new orientation to situation
- Reclaiming energy once emotion is released
Emotional Release Cons:
- Can be overwhelming if trauma is severe or emotional patterns are deeply ingrained
- May simply discharge energy without cognitive integration, leading to repeat seeking of release
Containment Pros:
- Prevents disintegration and retraumatization from severe past traumas
- Balances excessive second chakra and prevents addictive behaviors
- Invites creation of alternative paths for energy expression
Containment Cons:
- Not advisable when ground is not stable or safe, as it can leave one disintegrated rather than integrated.
Sexual Healing:
- Connection and expansion force that should not be separated from the rest of life
- Involves emotional/sensate approach to life
- Engage with yearning, poetry, texture, closeness
- Requires balance between containment and flow
- Cannot occur in isolation; tied to emotions, senses, desires, pleasure, needs
Sexual Healing and Eros:
- Eros is the binding element par excellence
- Bridge between being and becoming
- Binds fact and value together
- Courting Eros requires surrender to the unknown
- Requires emotional and physical security
- Healing emotional wounds restores appropriate discrimination and trust
- Infuses sexuality with the divine, enhancing and connecting
Mechanical Sexual Dysfunctions:
- Reflect failure to contain or surrender to excitement
- Energetic issues reflected in personality
- Addressing energy patterns in body armor may address sexual problems
Emotional Healing:
- Important for emotional confidence and trust
- Allows full opening to the experience of Eros
- Restores discrimination and trust
- Grounding of the first chakra and emotional confidence of the second is necessary
Sexuality and Chakras:
- Second chakra: prime mover of energy in the system
- Vital forces begin their journey upward, carrying the soul on currents of emotion and desire
- Balanced second chakra has a deep emotional core that is grounded and open
- Importance of body health (first chakra), ego and sense of power (third chakra), relationships (fourth chakra), imagination (sixth chakra), and spiritual union (seventh chakra) in sexual healing.
Sexual Healing and Intimacy:
- Involves another person, a sacred lover
- Trust and patience required
- Encourage processing emotions during sexual experience
- Importance of clear communication and open hearts
- Enhances and is affected by each chakra
Chakra Three: Burning Our Way into Power (Third Chakra)
Third Chakra at a Glance:
- Element: Fire
- Name: Manipura (lustrous gem)
- Purpose: Transformation
- Issues: Energy, activity, autonomy, individuation, will, self-esteem, proactivity, power
- Color: Yellow
- Location: Solar plexus
- Ego identity: Self-definition
Orientation: Self-definition
- Demon: Shame
Developmental Stage: 18 months to 4 years
- Developmental Tasks: Realization of separateness, establishment of autonomy
- Basic Rights: To act and be an individual
Balanced Characteristics: Responsible, reliable, balanced, effective will, good self-esteem, balanced ego-strength, warmth in personality, confidence, spontaneity, playfulness, sense of humor, appropriate self-discipline, sense of one's personal power, able to meet challenges
Traumas and Abuses:
- Deficiency: Low energy, weak will, poor self-discipline, low self-esteem, cold (emotionally and/or physically), poor digestion, collapsed middle, attraction to stimulants, victim mentality, blaming of others, passive, unreliable
- Excess: Overly aggressive, dominating, controlling, need to be right, have the last word, manipulative, power hungry, deceitful, attraction to sedatives, temper tantrums, violent outbursts, stubbornness, driving ambition (type A personality), competitive, arrogant, hyperactive
- Physical malfunctions: Eating disorders, digestive disorders, ulcers, hypoglycemia, diabetes, muscle spasms, muscular disorders, chronic fatigue, hypertension, disorders of stomach, pancreas, gall bladder, liver
Healing Practices:
- Deficiency: Risk taking, grounding and emotional contact, deep relaxation, stress control
- Excess: Vigorous exercise (running, aerobics), martial arts, sit-ups, psychotherapy: build ego strength, release or contain anger, work on shame issues, strengthen the will, encourage autonomy
- I honor the power within me.
- I accomplish tasks easily and effortlessly.
- The fire within me burns through all blocks and fears.
- I can do whatever I will to do.
Power and Powerlessness
- Culture obsessed with power: headlines reveal conflict, dominance, and victimization
- Strength defined as dominance, sensitivity seen as weakness
- Political news reads like sports page: winners and losers, one up or one down
- Fascinated by others' triumphs and struggles for control
Questions about Power
- What is power? Where does it come from?
- How do we use it? Avoid its duality?
- Empowerment without diminishing others?
- Society of victims and controllers: obedience, cooperation with larger structures
Concepts of Power
- "Power-over" based on struggle and opposition between dualities
- Found with guns and money, dominion to rule
- Inner world: power gained by fighting inferior parts
- Struggle becomes focus of life force
- Winning inner battles leads to fragmentation
- Reclaiming power: transformation, inspiration, empowerment
Third Chakra and Power
- Challenge of the third chakra: restructuring how we think about power
- Duality emphasizes combination and synergy rather than separation
- Combination of ascending and descending currents creates focused energy
- Integrating both sides of polarity: reaching beyond duality, expanding choices
- Exercising will: discovering strengths, individuation, building power
- Leaving safety behind, meeting challenge, growing stronger
- Purpose of third chakra: transforming inertia into conscious direction
- Fire of chakra three: dynamic and light, rising upward, necessary to reach upper chakras
- Willingness to leave passivity behind, confront uncertainty, individuate
Basic Issues of the Third Chakra
- Energy
- Activity
- Autonomy
- Authority
- Individuation
- Will
- Self-esteem
- Shame
- Proactivity
Energy and Activity
- Grounding is essential for converting energy into action
- Energy builds up and needs reorganization, expression, and discharge
- Increased excitation leads to urge to organize feelings into action
Natural Expression of Energy
- Expression of energy is through activity
- Activity engages us with surroundings, teaches about world and self
- Can result in delight or disaster
Maturity and Personal Responsibility
- As we mature, choose which impulses to act upon and control
- Emergence of conscious self where mind acts upon instincts
- Birth of ego and personal responsibility
Healthy Third Chakra
- Exhibits energetic vitality
- Enjoyment and enthusiasm about life
- Sense of personal power gives hope and positive outlook
- Strength and will to face challenges
Impact of Shame and Disapproval
- Activity can diminish sense of power with shame and disapproval
- Inhibition of impulses leads to self-consciousness and division within personality
- Takes energy to maintain this division, robs us of basic vitality and wholeness
Autonomy and Chakras:
- Progression from lower to higher chakras: individuality to universality
- Lower gears (first three chakras): grounded, engaged, motivated, active, preserve individual self
- Upper chakras: connect to universal through communication, vision, understanding
- Heart chakra: individual and universal meet in perfect balance
Importance of Autonomy:
- Firm grasp of self essential for love and universal consciousness
- Overcoming the vastness of the universal without a solid sense of self can lead to loss of identity
- New Age and spiritual movement often overlook personal ego and autonomy
- Essential step for obtaining universal consciousness: letting go of attachment and transcending smallness of ego
- Autonomous individuals retain their individuality, follow own growth, and come together by choice
- Balanced relationships allow separation and freedom
- Autonomy essential for personal responsibility
Effects of Lack of Autonomy:
- Loss of identity and sense of self
- Overwhelmed by vastness of upper chakras
- Blaming others for problems instead of taking responsibility
- Enmeshed relationships with overreliance on partners for autonomy
- Passive and irresponsible behavior
- Waiting for others to change instead of taking action
Grounding Exercises:
- Simple grounding exercises can help reconnect individuals to themselves
- Reconstruction takes time and effort
- Grounding in autonomy allows for appropriate responsibility and power.
Individuation: A process of personal growth and self-realization described by Carl Jung. It is a journey towards wholeness and awakening, integrating previously undeveloped aspects of oneself into a comprehensive Self.
- Journey towards realization and embracing the larger world of the personal and collective unconscious
- Awakens from small world to individuate and embrace unique, divine individuality
- Cannot be fully grasped as it is part of the mystery of transformation
Third Chakra and Individuation:
- Begins at third chakra, where ego awakens and differentiates from outer expectations
- Overcoming unconscious habits defined by others
- Daring to be unique and risking disapproval for personal truth
- Unfolding of unique destiny and unfolding of the soul
- Prevents changing the world if not individuated from societal expectations
- Power cannot be truly claimed without willingness to individuate
Jung's Concept of Individuation:
- Parallels adult development process through chakras
- Begins in third chakra with birth of psychic autonomy
- Many people do not awaken this chakra, remaining less differentiated in lower chakras
- Damage to or lack of completion in lower chakras keeps us from maturing and true psychic freedom.
Ego Identity:
- Formation of an autonomous new identity beyond physical body and emotional experience
- Marks the birth of the ego as a conscious, self-determining separate entity
Freud's Concept of Ego:
- One of three major components of personality
- Mediates between id (instinctual drives) and superego (consciousness that controls these drives)
- Manages division between conscious and unconscious, interior and exterior
- Organizes instinctual energies and regulates their flow
Jung's Concept of Ego:
- Represents conscious element of the Self
- Facilitates interaction between inner and outer experience
- Acts as an operating principle
Pierrakos' Concept of Ego:
- Mediates energy flow into and out of the core of human being
- Discriminates, analyzes, regulates energy and experience
- Organizes instinctive energy coming up from chakras 1 & 2
Characteristics of a Well-Functioning Ego:
- Allows guidance by unconscious energies while considering spiritual energies
- Maintains consistency in the Self
- Protects core Self with defenses
- Develops strategies and behaviors to meet core self's needs
- Organizes consciousness toward self-definition
Ego as a Container for Individuation:
- Divides between conscious and unconscious aspects of Self
- Spurs growth through interaction with the world
- Acts as a foundation for personal development
The Importance of Ego:
- Grounded self and individualized roots of consciousness
- Balances energy in the system and maintains homeostasis
- Necessary to anchor growth beyond the realms of the ego (individuation)
Transcending the Ego:
- Not a limiting or false concept, but a necessary foundation for growth
- Should not confine us at all times, but serve as an anchor for experience
Love and Will in Modern Times:
- Once seen as answers to life's problems
- Now considered the source of problems due to excessive focus on them
Chakra Therapy Session: A woman in a therapy group volunteered to work on third chakra issues but lacked initiative.
Problem of External Dependence:
- She looked outside herself for direction instead of questioning her own needs and desires.
- Believed there was a prescribed way of living and acting, without examining the source.
The Importance of Personal Will:
- The will is the intensity of desire raised to action.
- It's crucial to recognize and foster our personal will for authentic growth.
- Questioning "What would I do if there was nothing I was supposed to do?" can lead to self-discovery.
Childhood Conditioning:
- As children, we are rewarded for obeying societal expectations and punished for disobedience.
- Our will becomes structured by external influences, neglecting our inner needs and direction.
- Obedience is a form of disembodied will that can make us susceptible to manipulation.
Consequences of Suppressed Will:
- We become passive-aggressive or reactive in our actions instead of taking strategic steps.
- We may lose touch with our emotions and become apathetic, unable to enter the heart chakra's love.
The Power of Intention:
- The will is rooted in desire (wish) and consciousness.
- Our longing fuels the will, which brings future goals into reality.
Physical Manifestation of Will:
- The third chakra, located in the solar plexus, represents personal power and self-esteem.
- A strong will keeps our body upright and our chakras aligned, providing vitality and grounding.
Exercises for Developing Will:
- Doing exercises like sit-ups can strengthen stomach muscles and support the vulnerable solar plexus area.
- Practicing self-care and setting personal goals can help foster a strong will.
- Low self-esteem can lead to avoidance of choices and decisions, stifling personal development (Whitmont)
- Energetic vitality requires a healthy sense of self (Whitmont)
- Making mistakes is necessary for growth and developing a sense of power (Whitmont)
Self-Worth and Shame
- Self-worth: essential for taking care of oneself and feeling confident (Bradshaw)
- High self-worth leads to self-care and personal power (Bradshaw)
- Shame: demon of the third chakra, blocks personal power and effective action (Bradshaw)
- Shame transforms into a toxic identity when it takes over one's whole being (Bradshaw)
- Shame-bound personalities feel stuck and engage in compulsive repetition and addiction (Bradshaw)
- Being proactive is an alternative to being reactive or inactive (Covey)
- Proactive people choose their actions, take responsibility for shaping their future, and are a causative influence on their environment (Covey)
- Power as the ability to make change and transform (Starhawk)
- Power is not a thing but a process of becoming real (Starhawk)
- Power comes from authenticity, taking risks, making mistakes, and being responsible for them (Starhawk)
- Earth and water anchor us in reality, forming the container for transformation (Starhawk)
Third Chakra Development (18 months to 4 years)
- Development of autonomy
- Development of language
- Impulse control
- Mastery of holding on and letting go
- Toilet training
- Self-definition
Needs and Issues:
- Appropriate discipline
- Support of autonomy
- Confidence and encouragement
- Play
- Emerging autonomy still immersed in dependency
- Feeling separate while wanting constant assurance from parents
- Desire for self-expression and willfulness
- Difficulty with impulse control
- Decisive stage for developing cooperation, self-esteem, and a strong will
- Transition from anxiety of separating from mother to independence
- Development of language instills concepts enabling mind to operate on impulses and behavior
- Establishing connection between language and action for impulse control
- Conceptualization of past, present, and future enabling control, planning, and reflection
- Anxiety of separating from mother decreases around 18-24 months
- Language abilities progress to simple two to three word sentences
- Child emerges as cooperative individual around three years
Impact on Development:
- Proper handling of third chakra stage crucial for self-esteem, personal autonomy, and a strong will
- Development of ego identity by sorting through impulses and instincts from lower chakras.
Ego's Role in Personality Development:
- Ego acts as mediator between shadow and persona
- Decides which personality parts are "hired" or "fired" based on growing definition of Self
- Struggle for control played out during toilet training
Toilet Training and Muscular Control:
- Involves learning to control muscles previously allowed to respond in the moment
- Establishes patterns for life, becoming hardwired into character structure
- Shame or early toilet training can lead to external regulation of holding on and letting go
- Loss of spontaneity and joy if held on to or let go too readily
Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt:
- Successful handling of this stage results in autonomy and power
- Unfulfilled lower chakras may hinder individuation
- Thwarting a child's autonomy can lead to resistance or submission
- Lack of inner control diminishes personal power and responsibility
Implications for Parenting:
- Supply guidance without suppressing emerging ego
- Allow child to assert herself as an autonomous being
- Avoid excessive indulgence or overcontrol
- Provide appropriate limits for growth
- Encourage inner discipline for accomplishing difficult tasks.
Traumas and Abuses: The Story of Carl
- Claude Steiner's story about an ordinary man named Carl
- Carl enjoyed sitting in the park basking in the sun
- One day, a large uniformed man blocked the sun from Carl
- Carl tried to move but the man followed, blocking the sun again
- Carl asked the man to move but he refused
- Carl became angry and tried to push him away
- The man responded by stepping on Carl's foot with his boot
- Carl screamed for help but no one came
- He looked around and saw everyone in the park was being treated similarly
- Most people were passive, some reading, others staring disapprovingly at Carl
The Loss of Personal Power
- People are held in places within a culture where personal power is epidemically lost
- People are ostracized for acts of individuality or feared
- To keep power over others, people often give up their freedom and authenticity
- Examples: straight men offended by flamboyantly dressed gay men, obedient wives offended by militant feminism, war veterans offended by peace marchers
- This loss results in a civilization obsessed with creating the shadow of power through warfare and technology
- Numb to our pain, we deplete ourselves, our resources, and our planet
- Cultural myth tells us that power lies outside of ourselves
The Taking Away of Power
- It is natural for us to use our life energy to move forward
- Instinctual to protect ourselves
- Authority relieves us of the responsibility of independent action
- We are depleted, numb, and emptied inside
- Our cultural myth perpetuates this powerlessness by telling us that power lies outside of ourselves in approval, gadgets, or a distant god.
Possible Outcomes for Carl
- Continued to yell and scream but was chained to his bench
- Gave up rebellion and conformed to expectations
- Rallied support and created an uprising in the park
- Transformed his jailer
- What would you have done?
Poisonous Pedagogy and Authority:
- Previous generations believed in the ultimate authority of God, man over woman, parent over child.
- Children were expected to be obedient and quiet, and punishment was believed to be for their own good.
- Measures used to accomplish this ranged from rejection to physical beatings.
- Children may be made an accomplice in their own punishment.
- People spend years in therapy to recover from self-negating beliefs instilled during childhood.
- These beliefs are passed down from generation to generation, denying basic instincts and causing division among individuals.
Developing Inner Authority:
- Children contend with various models of authority (parents, caretakers, teachers).
- Inner authority is essential for organizing personal energy into an effective will.
- To command our lives, we need inner authority to make decisions and resist or yield appropriately.
- The absence or presence of inner authority shapes our concept of power and relationships with others.
Impact of Authority on Inner Authority:
- Our inner authority is formed by those who held authority over us as children.
- If our parent was authoritarian, our inner authority may be tyrannical or a wimp.
- The gender of the authority figure also influences how we carry and project power.
- Examine the influence of authority in your own life:
- Central authority figure during childhood?
- How did they establish their authority?
- Feelings towards this person and their authority?
- Obeyed out of respect or fear?
- Reactions to this authority (rebel, obey, or vary)?
- Current form and alignment with your life?
Inner Authority and Inner King:
- The inner King represents the vital and vigorous inner authority in childhood.
- The inner King may be killed if not protected by inner warriors.
- The absence of inner authority as a child results in its being formed by those who held authority over us.
- Bringing inner authority into better alignment with your life involves recognizing its strengths, aligning it with your values, and making conscious decisions to cooperate willfully or resist with intention.
Understanding Authority and Punishment
- Respect for authority resonates with inner truth, invites participation, and increases power and skill (Starhawk)
- Fear-based authority and punishment regress behavior to survival level (Starhawk)
Effects of Punishment
- Instills fear, controls behavior, robs free will, conditions automatic reactions (Starhawk)
- Must take away something greater than what might be gained, can be physical or emotional, literal or symbolic
Impact of Physical and Emotional Abuse
- Forces acceptance of dictated actions, undermines self-definition and power
- Creates a sense of smallness and vulnerability in the face of power (John Bradshaw)
Responses to Punishment
- Comply, rebel, withdraw, manipulate (Starhawk)
- Can make third chakra dysfunctional if they characterize a pattern
Effects of Denying Authenticity
- Building power on compliance and living up to expectations instead of authenticity (Starhawk)
- Developing sense of self based on external sources, leading to feelings of inadequacy and weakness if dominance is imposed
Starhawk's Ways of Responding to Punishment
- Comply: being deficient in third chakra function
- Rebel: being excessive in third chakra function
- Withdraw: creating stumbling blocks to true effectiveness and responsibility
- Manipulate: initial rebellion followed by manipulation through withdrawal
Impact of Childhood Punishment
- Can lead to passive-aggressive behavior, feeling small, and seeing others as bigger or stronger
The Parentified Child:
- It is better for individuals to fulfill their own duties than take on those of others, even if successful.
- Situations within families may require children to assume adult responsibilities prematurely.
- Reasons for this include parental substance abuse, poverty, illness, death, or divorce.
- Children in these situations often feel inadequate and powerless due to unrealistic expectations.
- Recognizing the inappropriateness of these roles and working through feelings is essential for overcoming a sense of inadequacy.
Effects of Parental Responsibilities on Children:
- Janet's Story: Oldest child of an alcoholic mother and traveling father, took on role of substitute parent at a young age due to mother's substance abuse.
- Felt powerless and inadequate due to siblings' resentment and household chaos.
- Struggled academically and did not attend college as a result.
- Jack's Story: Son of a prominent surgeon, excelled academically but experienced severe nervous breakdown upon entering college due to feeling inadequate.
- Constantly pushed beyond age-appropriate level, felt shyness and inferiority around peers.
Impact on Third Chakra:
- The third chakra handles raw energy throughout the system.
- Overstimulation: Children's sensory systems are overwhelmed when exposed to adult intensity and may react with hypersensitivity or hyperactivity.
- Understimulation: Lack of proper stimulation in early childhood can result in feelings of emptiness, fatigue, and fear of sexual inadequacy.
Effects on Child Development:
- Janet and Jack's Stories: Both children experienced a sense of inadequacy due to premature responsibilities, affecting their self-esteem and academic performance.
- Randy's Story: Lack of stimulation during infancy led to feelings of emptiness, fear of sexual inadequacy, and fatigue.
- Both overstimulation and understimulation can have damaging effects on a child's emotional, physical, and intellectual development.
Shame and its Impact:
- Intensifies control and release dynamics
- Results from various forms of childhood abuse or excessive criticism
- Creates a consciousness that scrutinizes and controls behavior
- Collapses the third chakra, affecting breathing, alignment, and perception
- Experienced as an inward spiral in the belly
- Creates a block between mind and body, fuses sense of shame and self
Origins of Shame:
- Childhood abuse: physical, emotional, sexual, neglect, abandonment, excessive criticism
- Parental statements like "You ought to be ashamed of yourself!"
- Failure to praise accomplishments or teach self-care
- Unacknowledged parental shame passed down to children
Effects of Shame:
- Divides ego from instinctual core
- Reduces the size of the chest cavity and affects breathing
- Displaces chakras six and seven (perception and understanding) from central column
- Affects thoughts and perceptions, causing them to be out of kilter with reality
- Creates a belief of being fatally flawed
- Leads to self-fulfilling prophecy of inferiority
Shame and Chakras:
- Shame collapses the third chakra, affecting whole torso and alignment
- Mind tries to run body beyond capabilities, ignoring messages for rest or food
- Denies emotional needs and keeps system run-down.
Will and Child Raising:
- Willful children are more challenging to raise due to their energy and desire to make decisions.
- Parents may find it difficult to tolerate this challenge due to being overworked, disengaged, or shame-bound.
- The will is disabled when emotions get bound by shame, freezing the interaction of the mind and will.
Parental Guidance:
- Parents should provide guiding principles and final authority for the child's safety and well-being.
- Struggling with a child's natural rhythms can lead parents to break their will, establishing complete authority.
- A separate identity and individuation cannot take place without allowing the child to make decisions and express feelings.
Impact of Breaking the Will:
- Breaking the will of a child creates people who lack feeling, enthusiasm, and a healthy sense of power.
- Such individuals are easily manipulated, controlled, and may resort to passive-aggressive behavior or violence.
- Without a strong will, individuals struggle with self-control and personal freedom.
Rules of Poisonous Pedagogy:
- Adults are the masters: Parents hold all the power and determine what is right and wrong.
- Child is held responsible for parents' anger: The child is blamed for adult emotions.
- Parents must be shielded: Children should not express feelings that may upset their parents.
- Child's life-affirming feelings are a threat: Parents suppress the child's positive emotions.
- Will must be broken as soon as possible: Parental domination and control stifles individuality from an early age.
Impact on Chakra Development:
- These abusive rules impact the development of the third chakra, affecting will, self-esteem, personal responsibility, and personal freedom.
- Domination and suppression can lead to a collapse at the core, requiring other chakras to compensate.
Character Structure: The Endurer (or Masochist)
Description: Sam was described as a dense, muscular, and heavy character with a sad and plaintive expression. His voice did not match his powerful body and seemed to come out in a modified whine. He began expressing feelings of fatigue, depression, and feeling stuck in his job.
Subversion of Muscular System: In the development of this character structure, the muscular system of the growing child is subverted from its natural function of movement to the neurotic function of holding.
Alexander Lowen's Analysis: According to Alexander Lowen, Sam was an example of the Endurer character structure.
Endurer Dilemma: The Endurer is locked in a holding pattern that binds the energy of the will, restrains autonomy, and compresses spontaneity, joy, and optimism. They are caught in a vicious cycle where activity that cannot move forward is turned against the self.
Block in Energy: A block in the energy is a place in the psychic and somatic realm where two or more opposing forces meet. The Endurer experiences this as feeling stuck between needs that seem mutually exclusive.
Development of Endurer Structure: The Endurer structure develops when the parent is overly controlling, squashing the child's emerging autonomy. The child submits to authority but resists on the inside, leading to passive-aggressive behavior and a tendency to sabotage.
Characteristics of Endurers: Endurers are reliable, steady, hardworking, anxious to please, and able to endure. They can stick to business and accomplish difficult or unpleasant tasks, but they also have a tendency to sabotage themselves. The ambivalence is between aggression and tender feelings.
History of Sam: Sam's mother was smothering, his father distant and passive, and his older brother picked on him. When he was just over two years old, his sister was born, and his mother forced him into early toilet training to avoid having two children in diapers. He was punished for defending himself so that he would not become like his brother. His mother doted on him but controlled him, usurping his autonomy. When he later dropped out of college because of poor grades, she refused to speak to him for a number of years.
Effects of Endurer Structure: The Endurer's life becomes grim, their energy bound, and their sexuality lukewarm. They feel stuck and have a reduced energy level. This results in a deficient third chakra.
The Endurer Character:
- Desires approval and affection, leading to conflict between need for love and autonomy
- Feels both manipulated and angry towards the source of affection
- Accepts reality while fighting its demands, resulting in terrible inner conflict (Lowen)
- Conditioned by conditional love as reward or punishment for behavior
- Third and fourth chakras are at odds: love or autonomy but not both
- Root cause is fear of shame and humiliation
Characteristics of Endurer:
- Experiences shame attacks when punished or criticized
- Collapses third chakra, making it difficult to protect oneself
- Fears exposure and humiliation, leading to holding in feelings, thoughts, needs, and self
- Primary pattern is holding in, creating blocks in the chakra system (legs, hands, throat, genitals)
- Body becomes dense and large with thick padding between thighs and chest
- Posture reflects shame: tail tucked in, head lowered, third chakra collapsed
- First and fifth chakras are blocked, leading to masochism
- Anger arises but turns inward as energy builds up and is punished internally
- Feelings of hopelessness and despair result from internal conflict between superego and id
Endurer's Experience:
- Experiences life as a series of "have-to's"
- Unable to see proactive paths for change
- Believes situations must be tolerated rather than altered
- Liberating current cannot enter upper chakras due to will's submission and resistance
- Inner critic dominates, fueled by shame and fear of exposure
Healing the Endurer:
- Expressing both angry and tender feelings
- Releasing anger from self-criticism through externalization
- Acknowledging needs and releasing them from shame
- Movement breaks holding patterns and allows for nurturance
- Building self-esteem to stand up to inner critic and reclaim autonomy
Excess and Deficiency in Third Chakra:
Third Chakra Excess:
- Demand for a false self to hide the authentic self
- Compensates for feelings of helplessness, abandonment, neglect, and abuse
- Attachment to power, control, and self-esteem boosting
- Human doing instead of human being
- Constant activity and chronic stress
- Rigid will that is inflexible and easily angered or fearful
- Need to be in control of oneself, others, and situations
- Physical control of body through rigorous regimens
- Disengagement from experience and feelings
- Robs vital energy from other chakras
- Abuse of power, neglecting self-nurturance, compassion, patience, and understanding
- High anxiety level leading to hyperactivity and muscle tension
Third Chakra Excess Signs:
- Constant activity and human doing instead of being
- Rigid will and inflexibility
- Need for control
- Physical control of body through rigorous regimens
- Disengagement from experience and feelings
- Abuse of power
- Neglect of self-nurturance, compassion, patience, and understanding
- High anxiety level leading to hyperactivity and muscle tension
Third Chakra Deficiency:
- Underdeveloped will
- Lack of vitality and motivation
- Feeling helpless and powerless
- Poor self-esteem
- Lack of direction and purpose
Third Chakra Deficiency Signs:
- Lack of motivation and vitality
- Helplessness and powerlessness
- Poor self-esteem
- Lack of direction and purpose
Excessive Attachment to Power:
- Compensates for feelings of helplessness, abandonment, neglect, and abuse
- Constant need for approval from others
- Human doing instead of human being
- Rigid will that is inflexible and easily angered or fearful
- Need to be in control of oneself, others, and situations
- Physical control of body through rigorous regimens
- Disengagement from experience and feelings
- Abuse of power
- Neglect of self-nurturance, compassion, patience, and understanding
- High anxiety level leading to hyperactivity and muscle tension
Signs of Excessive Power:
- Dominating, aggressive, angry, and inflated personality
- Need for constant control and perfectionism
- Disregard for the feelings and needs of others
- Neglect of self-care and nurturance
- High anxiety level leading to hyperactivity and muscle tension
Flexible Will:
- Balanced approach to life
- Adaptable and resilient
- Ability to handle challenges with grace and ease
- Openness to new experiences and perspectives
Signs of a Flexible Will:
- Adaptability and resilience
- Graceful handling of challenges
- Openness to new experiences and perspectives
- Balanced approach to life.
Third Chakra Deficiency:
- Characterized by lack of fire and vitality, poor self-discipline, weak will, and lack of spontaneity
- People may be easily manipulated, victimized, depressed, and appear cold or withdrawn
- Fear, guilt, and shame dominate, contracting energy and binding it with shame
- Passivity is a common coping mechanism to avoid vulnerability and risk
- Relationships may be characterized by passive behavior and secret resentment
- People may let others take the lead while experiencing frustration and control
- Fear of confrontation and emotional risks, leading to isolation and depletion
- Lack of willpower, poor follow-through, and avoidance of responsibility
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Depression
- Victim mentality
- Intensely shy or cold behavior
- Passive-aggressiveness
- Fear of isolation and engagement
- Poor self-esteem
- Excessive activity that runs out of fuel
- Chronic holding that binds energy into exhaustion
- Medical conditions such as candida overgrowth, Epstein-Barr syndrome, Lyme disease, and food allergies
Coping Mechanisms:
- Passivity and avoidance
- Isolation and monotony
- People pleasing
- Following rules and letting others lead
- Playing it safe
Upper Chakras:
- May be excessive by contrast, leading to a need for love and liberation
- Love can increase energy of the third chakra and build self-esteem
- Relationship failure can lead to contraction and return to beliefs of inadequacy
- Attracted to stimulants like caffeine, amphetamines, or cocaine to feel normal or continue constant activity
- Highly anxious personalities may be attracted to calming drugs such as opiates, barbiturates, and alcohol
Both Deficient and Excessive Strategies:
- May exhibit both deficient and excessive behaviors in dealing with underlying wounds of autonomy and self-esteem.
Healing the Third Chakra (Manipura)
- Essential for healthy metabolism, energy distribution, and determining the course of our lives
- Two levels of work: internal management of energy and external expression
- Inner work comes first to overcome inertia and knots within the body
Overcoming Inertia (Healing Deficiency)
- First step in individuation process
- Build up energy as if kindling a fire
- Increase metabolic energy through:
- Attention to diet (complex carbs, sufficient protein, vegetables)
- Regular eating intervals and aerobic exercise
- Engage in activities that energize
- Confronting challenges increases psychic voltage and reveals hidden reserves of power
Building the Fire (Deficient Third Chakras)
- Nourish body with proper fuel
- Increase physical fitness to improve energy flow and self-esteem
- Identify activities that provide nourishment and support
- Embrace challenges to increase energy and aliveness
Strengthening the Will (Deficient Third Chakras)
- Create a long-term master plan for goals and desires
- Stick to plans or routines to increase feelings of power and control
- Balance energy distribution by engaging other chakras when needed
Managing Excess Energy (Excessive Third Chakras)
- Redirect excess energy to other chakras
- Open channels for emotional expression and softening the heart
- Practice relaxation techniques (guided meditation, yoga)
- Allow downtime without expectations or goals
Maintaining Balance (Third Chakra Imbalances)
- Understand your individual energy patterns and needs
- Cultivate awareness of emotions and thoughts
- Practice self-acceptance and self-compassion
- Seek professional guidance when needed.
Third Chakra Healing: General Strategies
- Give up attachment to being safe:
- Accept risks and challenges
- Face reality of an uncertain world
- Increase personal power by taking responsibility and proactively shaping future
- Work with anger:
- Anger is relevant to third chakra as it expresses assertive energy
- Blocked anger can result in deficient or excessive conditions
- Deficient structures may not express anger, leading to frustration and weight problems
- Releasing blocked anger improves metabolism and stabilizes weight issues
- Address past abuses of power to free energy for present challenges
Give up Attachment to Being Safe
- Safety is a comforting illusion that limits personal growth
- Clinging to safety keeps us powerless and wanting the world to be shaped for us
- Increases personal power through facing challenges and taking risks
- Need to accept responsibility and mature
- Meeting challenges and resolving them successfully increases power
Work with Anger
- Anger is energy that expresses assertive, fiery emotion
- Blocked anger can result in deficient or excessive conditions
- Deficient structures may not be aware of their own anger
- Allowing expression of anger gives permission to have this energizing and empowering emotion
- Releasing blocked anger improves metabolism and helps stabilize weight problems
- Address past issues that caused anger to free energy for present challenges
- Inappropriate charge for present issues can be addressed by examining past abuses of power
Feelings, Needs, and Drives
- Core of human life is grounded in feelings, needs, and drives
- Shame hounds us to the core when these are suppressed
- Addressing shame frees up energy for personal growth.
Therapeutic Anger:
- Releasing anger towards parents helps prevent continuous badgering of partners.
- Standing up to parents prevents resentment towards wives, girlfriends, or daughters.
- Expressing anger at its source increases empowerment and decreases excessive harm.
- Clients may fear expressing anger in therapy will make them horrible, angry people.
- Expressing anger actually makes clients less angry and more effective in their lives.
Third Chakra and Shame:
- Imbalances in third chakra lead to shame demon attacks.
- Shame foundations undermined by fear of making mistakes or not being "good enough."
- Shame results from abuse, seeing the child self in context helps dissipate it.
- Inner child dialogues replace critical, shaming programs with compassion and forgiveness.
Building Ego Strength:
- Third chakra work focuses on building ego strength.
- Develop contact with authentic self through body and feelings/aspirations.
- Raise self-esteem by attacking shame demon.
- Create a sense of power through meeting challenges and engaging in stimulating activities.
- Release inhibitions and fears to access spontaneous, playful energy.
Manifesting Goals:
- Honoring consciousness coming down from top chakra with goals and intentions.
- Develop willpower by applying energy to goals or routines that develop skills/energy.
- Results positively reinforce the process and ground third chakra power in reality.
Healthy Third Chakra:
- Healing third chakra brings a healthy sense of power.
- Promotes proactive, causative approach to life.
- Confident, warm, responsible, and persevering personality.
- Able to confront opposition effectively without reactive retaliation.
- Person with good vitality and playful ability to laugh at themselves.
Chakra Four (Fourth Chakra) at a Glance
- Element: Air
- Name: Anahata (unstruck)
- Purposes: Love, balance
- Issues: Love and relationship balance, self-love, intimacy, anima/animus, devotion, reaching out and taking in
- Color: Green
- Location: Chest, heart, cardiac plexus
- Social Orientation: Self-acceptance, acceptance of others
Characteristics (Balanced)
- Compassionate
- Loving
- Empathetic
- Self-loving
- Altruistic
- Peaceful, balanced
- Good immune system
Developmental Stage and Tasks
- Developmental Stage: 4 to 7 years
- Developmental Tasks: Forming peer and family relationships. Developing persona
Basic Rights
- To love and be loved
Traumas and Abuses
- Rejection, abandonment, loss
- Shaming, constant criticism
- Abuses to any other chakras, especially lower chakras
- Unacknowledged grief (including parents’ grief)
- Divorce, death of loved one
- Loveless, cold environment
- Conditional love
- Sexual or physical abuse
- Betrayal
- Antisocial
- Withdrawn, cold
- Critical, judgmental, intolerant of self or others
- Loneliness, isolation
- Depression
- Fear of intimacy, fear of relationships
- Lack of empathy
- Narcissism
- Codependency
- Poor boundaries
- Demanding
- Clinging
- Jealousy
- Overly sacrificing
Physical Malfunctions
- Disorders of the heart, lungs, thymus, breasts, arms
- Shortness of breath
- Sunken chest
- Circulation problems
- Asthma
- Immune system deficiency
- Tension between shoulder blades, pain in chest
Healing Practices
- Breathing exercises (pranayama)
- Work with arms: reaching out, taking in
- Journaling, self-discovery
- Psychotherapy
- Examine assumptions about relationships
- Emotional release of grief
- Forgiveness when appropriate
- Inner child work
- Codependency work
- Self-acceptance
- Anima-animus integration
- I am worthy of love
- I am loving to myself and others
- There is an infinite supply of love
- I live in balance with others
Shades of Green
- Our culture may be obsessed by power, but we are driven by the need for love
- The basic right of the heart chakra—to love and be loved—is simple, profound, direct
- Love is the force that runs our lives
We cannot live without love, yet it is lacking in the world
- All forms of child abuse are travesties of love, not a complete absence of love but an absence of healthy love
Travesties of Love
- Spanking, sexual molestation, severe punishment, smothering, overmanagement with the justification of "I love you"
- Turning towards warfare and violence instead of love
- Television violence modeling behavior for children
- Gangs providing sense of belonging for youth with cruelty as a sign of manhood
- Political agendas cutting funds for needy populations while defense budget soars
Mythology and Cultural Values
- Myths shape our lives, define what is possible, and influence relationships
- In Western civilization, the Great Mother archetype has been forgotten
- The Great Father has become sole protagonist in dominant mythology
- We have inherited a myth of a broken home
- Prevalent myth is one of separation from nature, each other, and the divine
Consequences of Separation
- Individuals endowed with moral right to further their own existence at the expense of environment and others
- Vast separations between men and women, women and women, and men and men
- Love culturally restricted to limited heterosexual dyads and their offspring
- Resulting in abuse, divorce, isolation, and limitation
Healing the Heart and Crossing the Rainbow Bridge
- Reconnecting severed parts of the world and recognizing our divine nature as part of greater mystery of unfolding
- Healing the heart through integration of mind and body, mystical and mundane, self and other into an integrated whole
- Necessary for assuring the future of this world
Fourth Chakra: Heart Chakra
- Enters the mystery of love and relationships
- Basic issues: balance, self-reflection, self-acceptance, intimacy, love, compassion, devotion, grief, and self-expression
- Perfect balance between manifesting and liberating currents
- Foundation for healthy and long-lasting relationships
- Essential principle at the heart of the chakra system
- Represents integration of spirit and mind with body and soul
- Ancient tantric diagram depicts heart chakra as a lotus of twelve petals containing a six-pointed star made of interlacing triangles
- Balance is essential for love relationships, both self and others
Love and Relationships
- Expands our horizons and brings us into deeper connection with ourselves
- Falls in love: sees things anew, physical connection, confronts deepest nature, reveals shadow, and sets ground for chakra five expression
- Being loved increases self-experience and divinity, reflects our own divinity, and forces us to examine ourselves in new light
- Loss of love produces profound despair, throws us back to past, and forces confrontation and healing
Self-Reflection and Self-Acceptance
- Love melts rigid attitudes and alters psychic structure
- Intimacy allows rejected parts of psyche to emerge safely and sets ground for self-expression
- Being loved increases experience of Self and fosters self-care and pride
- Loss of love brings vulnerability, confrontation, and healing
- Bringing forth deeply interior aspects of the self
- Honoring self before offering it to another
- Essential for healthy relationships
- Blocked by absence of self-love
- Self-love fosters respectful, honest, compassionate relationships
Anima/Animus and Eros/Thanatos
- Heart chakra deals with balance between opposites, feminine and masculine energies, and life and death forces (anima/animus and eros/thanatos)
- Love unites opposites in perfect harmony
Grief and Compassion
- Love brings spiritual awakening, loss produces profound despair, and grief is a necessary part of the process
- Grief leads to deeper understanding of self and others, fostering compassion and empathy
- Balance between love and loss allows us to fully experience both
- Heart chakra also deals with devotion, which deepens our connection to ourselves and others, as well as to the divine.
- Clients may not truly establish or live fully in their "I" or Self
- Beholding self is essential for healing and recognition of soul
- Self-reflective consciousness = place of self-examination
- Defines and comes into relationship with oneself
- Essential for evolution and rising from third chakra obsession to fourth chakra integration and peace
- Allows integration of psychic pieces and seeing how they relate, becoming whole
- Requires conscious attention to change patterns and create something new
- Without self-examination, repetition of past and neurotic patterns
- Births a new integrated Self, not bound by the past
- Essential for establishing balance in heart chakra
- Involves mind listening to body's subtle communications
- Leads to recovery of memories, working through traumas, releasing stored tensions, and completing unresolved emotional transactions
- Reconnects feelings with mental images, impulses with belief systems, and sensation with meaning
Mind-Body Balance in Heart Chakra
- Prime area of balance in heart chakra
- Involves learning to decipher body's messages
- Mind listens to body's subtle communications
- Leads to integration of various parts of experience
- Love is a bodied truth and somatic reality
- Work on lower chakras prepares for this higher-level understanding.
- Concepts in Jungian psychology representing the inner feminine and inner masculine archetypes.
- Help in continuing individuation process in heart chakra.
- Men believed to carry anima more prominently, women animus, but both genders have both.
- Archetypes also exist externally as cultural stereotypes.
- First imprinting comes from parents and media, influencing our perceptions.
- Culturally dictated images of masculine and feminine can lead to repression if polarized.
Repression and Projection:
- Repressed unconscious anima or animus gets projected onto others.
- Can cause conflict in intimate relationships.
- Both genders capable of carrying undeveloped archetype.
Impact on Relationships:
- In heterosexual and gay relationships, roles can be reversed.
- Repressed side must be developed for wholeness and balanced relationships.
Hieros Gamos (Internal Sacred Marriage):
- Stage in individuation process where masculine and feminine energies within are balanced.
- Occurs during midlife when earlier development favored one side over the other.
- Balancing both archetypes leads to stable, respectful relationships with freedom.
- Recognizing and developing undeveloped sides leads to personal growth.
- No one else can live our unlived lives for us.
- Avoid looking for someone to embody repressed qualities while remaining incomplete.
Relationships and Balance:
- Love unites living beings and completes them (Teilhard de Chardin)
- Importance of balance in personal relationships
- Imbalances lead to pressure, frustration, and stress
- Balance is a constantly fluctuating homeostasis
Heart's Desire for Balance:
- Reaching out and taking in (fourth chakra)
- Fear and grief can block reaching out and taking in
- Healthy relationships involve understanding each other through love, not just extreme stress
Reaching Out and Taking In:
- Blockages in heart chakra affect arms movement
- Deficient chakras result in an inability to receive love
- Imbalance leads to the pursuer-distancer dynamic
Case Studies:
- David and Julie: David mistrusts and defends; Julie reaches out
- David's mother's overly sweet love left him defensive
- Exercise to practice different dynamics
- Kathy: Fear of abandonment and surrendering
- Focus on the sweetness in new relationship
- Practicing pulling her lover in while holding her ground
homas Moore's exploration of the struggle between the soul's need for attachment and the spirit's need for freedom in relationships.
- Longing and fear of commitment in heart chakra
- Lower chakras seek security, while upper chakras crave novelty
- Soul finds security, spirit hates constriction and limitation
Balancing Attachment and Freedom:
- Healthy relationships honor both upward and downward movements of energy
- Need to create balance between expansion and constriction, freedom and commitment
- Quote: "Many people seem to live the pain of togetherness and fantasize the joys of separateness"
Impact of Childhood Experiences:
- Children of divorce search for refuge in attachment or freedom
- Ignores dynamic balance that serves both liberation and manifestation
- More we allow one kind of energy, more the other can come through
Commitment and Solitude:
- Once commitment is made, easier to respect partner's solitude/freedom
- Once freedom is respected, easier to make a commitment
- More a partner insists on one aspect, more his lover will yearn for its opposite
Dynamic Balance:
- Dance between attachment and freedom
- Allowing both energies leads to fruitful relationships that don't settle down in one place.
Eros and Thanatos: the dynamic forces in love and relationships
- Eros: force of life, allures and unites (son of Aphrodite)
- Thanatos: force of death, divides and destroys (born of Night)
Entering a Relationship:
- Swept up by Eros
- Expanded consciousness and merging with something greater
- Longing for union and making living worthwhile
The Dark Side of Love:
- Our unconscious patterns sabotage relationships
- Annoyance towards partner's lack of consciousness
- Missed cues to partner's needs
- Facing Thanatos: feeling helpless and powerless
Inseparable Steps in the Dance:
- Eros and Thanatos cannot be controlled
- Not all relationships end in tragedy, but coming together and parting are necessary
- Idealistic views of love may cause great pain when faced with Thanatos
Denial of Thanatos:
- Pain can be avoided by honoring Thanatos' presence
- Claim, not deny, our need for separateness and understand partner's fear of engulfment
Grief: Demon of the Heart
- When Thanatos (death) strikes, we experience grief.
- Grief is the resident demon that sits on the heart chakra.
- A heavy heart with grief makes it hard to open and breathe.
Effects of Unacknowledged Grief:
- Numbness to feelings and aliveness
- Hardened, cold, rigid, and distant
- Feeling dead inside
Benefits of Acknowledging and Expressing Grief:
- Vital key to opening the heart
- Shedding tears and expressing truth
- Heart lightens, breath deepens
- Sense of spaciousness emerges
- Hope is reborn
- Compassion for others
Love and Grief:
- We open ourselves in love and expand
- Wounded at the core when hurt in matters of love
- Deepest loss: feeling abandoned and losing authentic self
Case Study: Client and Love Loss
- Shaky and tearful phone call
- Fear of abandonment
- Losing both lover and self
Grief from Relationship Ends:
- Primal abandonment and powerlessness
- Passes with time but can carry unresolved grief
Case Study: Susan and Maternal Love
- Over-attentive, smothering mother
- Lack of independence
- Shaped definition of love
- Feeling inadequate and codependent
- Constricted chest and depression
- Recognizing the grief for loss of authenticity
Impact of Love Impairment:
- Personal problem
- Collective situation: affecting how we treat each other
Healing from Grief: Compassion
- Defined as "to have passion with" and reaches beyond ourselves to understand the needs of others
- Requires being in touch with our own yearnings and pain
- Expands upper and lower chakra expression, balancing stability and openness
- Penetrates deeply, providing support for all living beings (Great Compassion)
- Practice deep compassion instead of fixing things when unable to do so
- Indian philosopher who emphasized the importance of compassion
- Pain opens us up to deeper understanding of others and expands our being
- "Whoever wishes to attain Buddhahood need not follow various practices but must only practice one thing and that is deep compassion."
- Compassion does not mean fixing things, but offering understanding instead
- Importance of empathy and non-demanding listening when working with couples or others in need
- Selfless love and conscious surrender to a greater force beyond oneself
- Path of bhakti yoga in various branches of yoga
- Transcends perceived limitations and allows energy within the Self to flow beyond
- Can lead to dependency on external sources if not balanced with self-connection and inner work
- Importance of reconnecting responsibly to the self when the object of devotion leaves or falls from grace.
Additional thoughts:
- Compassion and devotion are interconnected, as compassion is a form of love for others
- Devotion can also lead to expansion of the ego if not balanced with self-awareness and inner work.
Fourth Chakra Development:
- Age 4 to 7 years
- Tasks: Formation of social identity and gender roles, development of altruism, formation of peer relationships
- Needs and Issues:
- Initiative vs. guilt: Child begins to understand consequences of actions and develops a sense of responsibility
- Love vs. rejection: Seeking love and acceptance from peers and family
- Social acceptance: Desire to fit in and belong
- Self-acceptance: Developing a positive self-image
Fourth Chakra Development Stages:
- Begins between 3-4 years, after autonomy and basic impulse control are established
- Marks the formation of social identity or persona
- Child begins to see world beyond own needs
- Relationships expand from one-on-one to larger family and social structures
- Development may not be smooth
Parent-Child Relationship:
- Internalization of parent-child relationship is important
- Context of relationship also matters, e.g., fear vs. love
- Eric Berne's transactional analysis outlines internalized relationships as parent, adult, or child scripts
Impact on Life:
- We may find ourselves repeating these relationships with others
- Inner critic and rebellious urges may both clamor for the driver's seat throughout life.
Child Development and Gender Identification:
- Children may imitate parents or peers through identification, forming relationship programs and internalizing gender roles.
- Observing family members provides models for gender-oriented behavior.
- Gender roles are reinforced during childhood with messages about masculinity and femininity.
- Splitting and repression of masculine or feminine traits can lead to personal crises in midlife.
Impact of Family Dynamics on Social Identity:
- Children internalize not only their relationship with parents but also the family system as a whole.
- Role assignments (e.g., eldest, youngest, middle child) shape social identity and influence behavior.
- Childhood roles in the family are often reenacted in adult relationships and social arenas (school, work).
Social Identity Development:
- The development of a social identity prepares children for more complex interactions with the larger world.
- Balancing autonomy and relinquishing it is essential during this stage.
Early Childhood Development (Ages 3-6): Preoperational Period
- Autonomy: Weak for some children, leading to being swept away by others or living in fear of losing the self.
- Behavior driven by external influences and lack of self-awareness.
- Intellectual development takes a leap, moving from sensory-motor to conceptual-symbolic.
- Children begin to understand relationships between people and components of the world around them.
- Interest in concepts and creating larger ideas based on experiences.
- Moral development: Good boy/nice girl stage described by Kohlberg.
Social Development and Emotional Needs
- Children form relationships as a basis for fourth chakra development.
- Stable routines provide security and identity.
- Disruptions in relationships can threaten security and developing social identity, affecting self-esteem.
- Peer relationships begin to develop at this age.
- Imaginary playmates common during this period as practice for real relationships.
Questions to Consider for Healthy Family Relationships
- Are family relationships based on fighting for rights or giving up oneself?
- Is emotional expression and affection modeled?
- Is communication open, and are problems worked through in a healthy way?
- Is there consistency and equality among siblings?
Initiative vs. Guilt (Struggle of Fourth Chakra Development)
- Building on the previous stage of autonomy vs. shame.
- Initiative leads to reaching out to others, love, and heart chakra development.
- Shame inhibits reaching out and awakening of heart chakra.
Socialization and Ego Development
- Children learn behavior patterns and values that the culture deems important.
- Social identity often develops at the cost of previous identities.
- Denial of lower chakras for social acceptance and ego enhancement can lead to emotional emptiness.
Integration of Persona and Shadow
- Parts of ourselves that get ignored or rejected become part of our shadow, split off from the persona.
- Balance and wholeness come from reuniting the persona with the rejected shadow.
Fourth Chakra Development
- Transcendence of ego and integration of higher and lower chakras.
- Creation of sacred marriage of masculine and feminine.
- Development of social empathy and altruism.
- Achievement of balance within and expression through relationships with others.
- Gateway to spiritual fulfillment and personal mastery.
- Reward: Self-acceptance and self-love.
- Lack of love is devastating and disrupts the heart chakra, which integrates and unifies us
- Most abuses occur within family relationships, causing a distortion of the relationship and shutting down the connection to others
- Abuse impacts development on three levels: the experience of abuse, interpretation of abuse, and fusion of abuse with love
Effects of Childhood Abuse:
- A child's first understanding of love comes from fulfilling survival and dependency needs
- Traumatic experiences can distort natural development in any chakra
- The abuse-love link perpetuates abuse in adult relationships
- Superficial attention leaves the child with a superficial capacity for love
- Abuse can impact physical, emotional, and psychic development
- Abuse undermines the natural developmental process and interferes with self-esteem and relationship to others
Impact of Abuse on Self-Love:
- Children identify with their caretakers and take on their attitudes towards themselves
- Abuse makes us feel unlovable and convinces us of our intrinsic flaw
- Loss of self-love results in seeking validation from others, which often drives them away
- Giving everything to another leaves us bankrupted and without a center to attract others.
Abuse as the Antithesis of Love:
- Abuse is the opposite of love and interferes with our love for life
- If life is painful or lacking in connection, we no longer want to relate to it
- Feeling unlovable makes us cut off from our divinity and specialness as human beings.
Internalized Relationships:
- Archetypal components of psyche shaped by early family experiences
- Mother: if mistreated, affects understanding of feminine and relationship expectations
- Impaired: fear of control, expectation of withholding
- Projections on women in life lead to unhealthy relationships
- Father: influences relationship with masculine qualities and all men
- Repeating patterns with same kind of person, expecting different results
- Imago: composite picture of influential figures in early life, etched into nervous system
- Programming reactions, defenses, behaviors, interpretations of events
- Unraveling primary relationships necessary for self-reflective consciousness and growth
Impact on Current Relationships:
- Provide training ground for personal growth
- Mirror our hopes, fears, strengths, and weaknesses
- Offer opportunities to reclaim rejected parts of ourselves
Challenges in Bonding:
- Unintegrated parts seek bonding elsewhere
- Bonding patterns can be oppressive, leading to loss of fresh perspective on partner
- Conscious awareness necessary to break unhealthy patterns
Family Impact:
- Mother's treatment affects relationship with feminine and all it represents
- Father's treatment influences understanding of masculinity and relationships with men
Key Quotes:
- "Internalized relationships form archetypal components of our psyche."
- "The way our father treated us affects our relationship with all men as well as our internal masculine."
- "Our current relationships always provide the training ground for this process."
- "Unintegrated parts of ourselves that are not bonded into the heart with love will seek bonding elsewhere."
- Conflicted relationships skew our conception of love
- Children's dependency prevents recognition of contradiction between love and abuse
- Children equate love with pain and mistreatment, feel duty to bear it
Impact on Heart Chakra and Upper Three Chakras:
- Affects ability to speak truth, see clearly, and question
- Acceptance of unhealthy relationships impacts heart chakra
Fantasy Bond:
- Adults may be blind to abuse in relationships
- Illusion of being loved keeps us accepting mistreatment
- Make excuses for partners, continue unhealthy relationships
- Universal experience that wounds deeply
- Fear of rejection triggers feelings of helplessness and despair
- Identification with rejector leads to self-rejection and grief
Impact on Heart Chakra:
- Rejection felt as death for a child
- Loss of love triggers abandonment fears
- Deeper the love, stronger identification with the other
Effects of Rejection:
- Self-preservation: Anger instead of sadness
- Uncovering truths and learning important lessons
- Need for self-compassion during grief process
- Reconnecting with core self once again.
Character Structure: Rigid/Achiever
- Henry was a successful CEO with a highly charged energy system but lacked depth and openness to deeper feelings.
- His body language showed a slightly arched back, tense muscles, and restricted breathing, indicating a blocked heart.
- His inability to experience deep emotions was due to parental rejection during his fourth chakra developmental period.
- Henry's parents were originally loving and supportive but suddenly expected him to grow up and rejected his need for love and security.
- He was no longer allowed to express vulnerability or seek comfort, leading him to stiffen his body and restrict his breath.
- His father's high expectations and distant behavior, combined with his mother's silent support, left Henry feeling unloved and inauthentic.
Impact on Development:
- At a time when Henry's heart should have been open and inquisitive, he was told to shut down his feelings and perform.
- This rejection of the true self in favor of the achieving self is what gives this character structure its more positive name of the Achiever.
- Henry shut down both the second and fourth chakras while squeezing his life force tightly into the third chakra ego/activity center, resulting in successful business activity fueled by drive and ambition.
- Inability to experience deeper emotions or satisfy the need for love and recognition.
- Blocked heart due to parental rejection during fourth chakra developmental period.
- Restricted breathing and tense body posture.
- Channeling energy into achievement as a way to win approval and love.
Positive Aspects:
- Highly successful in business and other achievements.
- Confident and driven personality.
- Ability to focus and perform under pressure.
Negative Aspects:
- Inability to experience deeper emotions or form meaningful relationships.
- Blocked heart leading to feelings of emptiness and unfulfillment.
- Restless and always moving on to the next achievement in search of love and recognition.
Parental Rejection:
- Beginning during fourth chakra developmental period.
- Originally loving and supportive parents suddenly expected Henry to grow up and rejected his need for love and security.
- He was no longer allowed to express vulnerability or seek comfort, leading him to stiffen his body and restrict his breath.
- Rejection of the true self in favor of the achieving self.
Impact on Energy Flow:
- Closing down of second and fourth chakras while squeezing life force into third chakra ego/activity center.
- Highly charged energy system without depth or openness to deeper feelings.
- Rigid (Achiever):
- Hold back energetically due to fear of own feelings and disconnected from inner child.
- Afraid to surrender and never feel enough, constantly seeking achievement.
- Prone to addiction or burnout.
- Healing requires meeting vulnerable child and expressing emotions.
- Hysteric:
- Women more likely than men due to cultural permission to express feelings.
- Rejection from father leads to hysterical expression of emotions for attention.
- Focus on family and relationships, becoming demanding and possessive.
- Uneven and sporadic emotional expression.
- Pear-shaped body with rigidity in chest.
- Need for authenticity met through strong emotions.
- Can be caring, supportive, charming.
- Long for closeness but fear revealing shortcomings.
- Hurried Child:
- Difficulty with reciprocating tenderness and often leave relationships first.
- Defended against rejection, unconsciously reject others.
- Hungry for real love directed towards authentic self.
- Rejection from father during maturation.
- Lack of empathy from parents.
- High expectations for performance.
- Difficulty with intimacy and authenticity.
Rigid (Achiever):
- Disconnected inner child.
- Fear of feelings, unable to surrender.
- Afraid they're never enough.
- Prone to addiction or burnout.
- Healing requires meeting vulnerable child and expressing emotions.
- Energy is channeled into achievement without satisfaction, leaving in frustration.
- Heart chakra is closed, energy ascends instead of descending.
- Rejection met with hysterical expression of emotions for attention.
- Focus on family and relationships, becoming demanding and possessive.
- Uneven and sporadic emotional expression.
- Longing for authenticity met through strong emotions.
- Pear-shaped body with rigidity in chest.
- Difficulty breathing when triggered emotionally.
- Can be caring, supportive, charming.
- Heart chakra is closed or tentatively open.
- Fear of revealing shortcomings and vulnerability.
- Unconsciously reject others to protect themselves.
- Hungry for real love directed towards authentic self.
Heart Chakra Excess:
- Disconcerting to think of an excess in the heart chakra as a problem
- Not an excess of actual love, but excessive use of love for one's own needs
- Occurs when we overcompensate for our own wounds
- Others become victims in our drama of overcompensating
- Love used like a drug to remove ourselves from responsibilities and unresolved pain
- Compensating for the incompleteness within oneself or using another to go where one cannot or will not go
- Codependent behavior: excessive caretaking and meddling, denying other's self-reliance
- Love becomes an obsession, blurring the lines between oneself and the loved one
- Jealousy: a projection of insecurities, product of the hungry heart
- Craving connection, cannot tolerate separation
- Needy behavior results in rejection, deepening underlying wound
- Poor boundaries and poor discrimination
- Idealistic thinking about love leading to unrealistic expectations
- Addiction-like focus on love undermines clarity and judgment
- Excessive heart chakra where the emphasis on others is out of balance
- Compulsive need to fixate on others with excessive caretaking and meddling
- Behavior arises from denied needs for such care
- Denies other's self-reliance
- Not an act of love but an obsession disguised as love.
Effects of Heart Chakra Excess:
- Demanding and possessive love
- Blindly connected love
- Jealousy: projection of insecurities
- Poor boundaries and poor discrimination
- Idealistic thinking about perfection of love leading to unmet expectations
- Addiction-like focus on love undermines clarity and judgment.
Alan's Reaction: Avoidant Response due to Deficient Heart Chakra
- Alan went through a painful divorce and declared he would never fall in love again
- Friends encouraged him to find someone new, but he didn't want anyone else
- He was reacting to the wound with an avoidant response, closing shop and avoiding risks
- Known as deficient heart chakra, responses to wounds of love include:
- Withdrawal from love
- Love becomes conditional ("If you don't treat me better...")
- Playing games of coldness to manipulate others
- Waiting for rescue instead of taking risks
- Feeling depleted, unwilling to give or forgive
- Dwelling on old relationships and holding onto anger
- Judging others as a defense mechanism
Characteristics of Deficient Heart Chakra
- Basic stance is avoidant due to past hurt
- Feels unlovable at the core, fears intimacy may reveal this core
- Lacks empathy and compassion for self and others
- Prone to bitterness, cynicism, and judgment as a defense mechanism
- Feels unable to afford the risk of opening up and giving love
- Stuck in anger and betrayal from past relationships
- Deprived of love leads to depression and isolation
Combination of Deficient and Codependent Heart Chakra
- Common to oscillate between deficient and codependent heart chakra
- When open, overflowing with love for everyone; when closed, pushing others away
- Fears revealing unacceptable core in intimacy
- Needs self-love to promote pride in one's interior
- Cycle perpetuates itself based on fear of loneliness or rejection
- Important to examine basic stance and bring it into balance whenever possible
- Love acts as a healing force, bridging gaps and mending wounds (Shakespeare)
- Honoring individuality essential for soulful love
- Inner work of self-love: recognizing and reclaiming individual parts
The Task of Self-Acceptance
- Honoring individuality: unique selves within us
- Recognize and integrate various subpersonalities
- Bring feelings into relationship with belief systems
- Form alliances between inner child and responsible adult
- Inner masculine makes love with inner feminine
- Reclaiming parts with loving awareness of heart chakra
Benefits of Self-Integration
- Increases complexity, maturity, and capabilities
- Sets ground for creativity (chakra five)
- Penetrating insight and understanding (chakras six and seven)
Inner Family Exercise
- List various parts of yourself: inner child, critic, lover, clown, parent, achiever, quiet one, etc.
- Describe each part with a few words: playful, wounded, needy, exhausted, driving, relentless, etc.
- Write down what each part wants: fun, perfection, approval, recognition, etc.
- Determine how often these parts succeed and the realism of their desires
- Explore relationships between parts: inner child and adult, critic and artist, clown and sad inner child, hero and others
- Write dialogs between parts to understand dynamics and seek resolution.
- Feelings are the antennae of the soul, acting as sensory organs for emotional experiences.
- Hurt feelings lead to protective reactions and closing off emotions.
- The realm of feelings is located in the second chakra and accessed through breath in the heart chakra.
Breath and Feelings:
- Holding back feelings results in holding the breath, restricting air flow, and deadening oneself.
- Deepening the breath allows repressed feelings to surface and restore natural balance.
- Practicing breath work with a trusted friend or therapist is beneficial.
- Yoga breathing exercises (pranayama) can also be used to open the chest and charge the body with prana, the vital energy of air.
Observing the Breath:
- Most people do not pay attention to their breathing patterns.
- The first step in breath work is observing your own breathing and allowing someone else to observe you breathe.
- Feedback from an observer can help identify when and how you hold the breath during the cycle.
- Smooth and balanced breathing is the goal, with an emphasis on belly or chest breathing.
- Consciously expanding restricted areas can bring forth feelings, impulses, and desires.
- Try not to block these emotions during the practice.
Exercise for Opening the Heart: A simple practice that coordinates arm movements with breath for facilitators.
Step One:
- Have partner lay down with knees bent, feet in contact with ground
- Observe their breathing patterns and aware of held areas
- Encourage relaxation by gently touching constricted areas and massaging shoulders, pectoral muscles, and heart chakra area
- Use props like a pillow to help open the heart area if needed
Step Two:
- Encourage partner to reach arms forward on exhale and pull in toward heart on inhale
- Suggest focusing on love during inhale and letting go or offering during exhale
- Observe which direction (reaching or pulling) is more challenging for the partner
Step Three:
- Stand behind partner and grab hands
- Offer resistance during inhale when partner pulls arms in and during exhale when they push away
- Increases energy flow and helps release blocked feelings.
- Unshed grief restricts breath; deep breathing releases grief
- Grief based on loss, especially of loved ones
- Loss may lead to loss of parts of self (inner child, tender self, etc.)
- Important to regain connection with self rather than increasing attachment to what was lost
- Asking questions: Why was this person special? What did they bring to us? What part of self was bonded?
- Grieving reclaims sacred essence within ourselves
- Triggers previous unhealed wounds
- Cleaning wounds leads to wholeness
- Remembering hope and looking for "pony" in manure (meaning finding positivity amidst pain)
- Protecting heart from harm may barricade it against receiving and healing
- Blame acts as a barrier to forgiveness
- Forgiveness allows heart to lighten and move on
- Importance of self-forgiveness: understanding our actions, separating mistake from essence, making amends if necessary
- Treating activated part of self with compassion
- Difficulty in forgiving others: working through feelings before forgiveness
- Forgiveness an organic process, renews openness and awareness, frees up energy for positive future.
Love as a Verb:
- Love is not just a feeling, but an action that requires commitment
- Covey advised a man to "love her" even when feelings were not present
- Love is created through serving, sacrificing, listening, empathizing, appreciating, and affirming others
- Love is a daily commitment that requires effort and attention
Fantasizing About Love:
- Imagining ideal relationships can help reprogram the heart chakra
- Allowing feelings to fully permeate the body during fantasy helps nourish and heal
- Visualizing supportive and loving relationships at various stages of life can help us grow and develop
Expanding Beyond the Self:
- The fourth chakra encourages connection with all life beyond our own ego
- Acts of selfless service and altruism can uplift both giver and receiver
- Giving unexpected favors to others or even to ourselves can help us expand our sense of love
Maintaining a Balance of Energies:
- The heart chakra requires balance between intimacy and autonomy
- Neglecting boundaries can lead to unconscious shutting down and withdrawal
- Engaging in active acts of love, such as reaching out and taking action, can help maintain a healthy balance of energies.
Exercise: "Come Closer, Go Away"
- Sit in front of partner with hands meeting at heart level
- Partner pulls hands towards his heart saying "Come closer"
- Offer resistance but allow movement
- Partner pushes hands back saying "Go away"
- Offer resistance but allow movement
- Repeat process, switching roles
- Discuss how it mirrors relationship dynamics
- Who initiates pulling/pushing/resisting?
- What effect does it have?
- Is it balanced?
Healing the Heart Chakra
- Brings acceptance and openness for spirit to find peace
- Fourth chakra allows letting go after third chakra's work
- Being as opposed to doing is qualitative difference between fourth and third chakras
- Healing heart involves attending to vulnerable aspects within
- Cannot be forced with manipulation, derision, or command
- Love exposes instinctual core and enables evolution
- Embraces and heals larger world around us
- Relationships further individual and collective soul evolution
Quote by Stephen Levine
"Love is not what we become but who we already are."
At a Glance:
- Element: Sound
- Name: Vissudha (purification)
- Purpose: Communication and Creativity
- Identity: Self-expression
- Orientation: Creative
- Demonic Influence: Lies
- Developmental Stage: 7 to 12 years
- Basic Rights: To speak and be heard
Balanced Characteristics:
- Resonant voice
- Good listener
- Clear communication
- Lives creatively
Traumas and Abuses:
- Lies, mixed messages
- Verbal abuse, constant yelling
- Excessive criticism (blocks creativity)
- Secrets (threats for telling)
- Authoritarian parents (don’t talk back)
- Alcoholic, chemical-dependent family (don’t talk, don’t trust, don’t feel)
- Fear of speaking
- Small, weak voice
- Difficulty putting feelings into words
- Introversion, shyness
- Tone deaf
- Poor rhythm
- Too much talking, talking as a defense
- Inability to listen, poor auditory comprehension
- Gossiping
- Dominating voice, interruptions
Physical Malfunctions:
- Disorders of the throat, ears, voice, neck
- Tightness of the jaw
- Toxicity (due to the chakra’s name, which means “purification”)
Healing Practices:
- Loosen neck and shoulders
- Release voice
- Singing, chanting, toning
- Storytelling
- Journal writing
- Automatic writing
- Practice silence (excess)
- Non-goal-oriented creativity
- Psychotherapy
- Learn communication skills
- Complete communications
- Letter writing
- Inner child communication
- Voice dialog
- I hear and speak the truth.
- I express myself with clear intent.
- Creativity flows in and through me.
- My voice is necessary.
Additional Points:
- Vibration and Sound Pollution: Our modern world bombards us with dissonance, impacting our body and nervous system.
- Mass Communication: Modern communication technologies give us faster access to more information than ever before but can also make it hard for us to hear our own unique vibration and express our truth.
Quote: "If it is true that you are what you eat, it may just as accurately be said that you are what you listen to." - Steven Halpern
- Sounds identified as vocables from the cosmic drum of Shiva
- Paradigm of creation and its dissolution is reabsorption into source
- Enter etheric level of throat chakra
- Realm of vibrations, sound, communication, and creativity
Throat Chakra (Fifth Chakra)
- Transition from balanced middle ground of heart chakra
- Focus on upper chakras for liberation and manifestation
- Breaking free from gravity and structure
- Abstract yet broader in scope
- Concerned with vibrations as subtle, rhythmic pulsations
Symbols and the Upper Chakras
- Symbols root in depths of soul
- Language skims surface of understanding
- Words make infinite finite and carry mind beyond becoming
- Upper chakras represent symbolic world of mind
- Words, images, and thoughts are symbolic reflections of manifested plane
- Each word, image, and thought is a packet of meaning
- Symbols can be shared to enhance consciousness
- Resonate with symbols for deeper understanding.
Resonance and Vibration:
- All life is rhythmic and resonating system
- Each waveform has a frequency that describes how frequently waves rise and fall
- Resonance is a state of synchronization among vibrational patterns
- When two or more sounds from different sources vibrate at the same frequency, they resonate together
- Rhythmic entrainment of various frequencies forms a coherent central vibration
Principles of Vibration and Resonance:
- Waves oscillate back and forth at the same rhythm when in resonance
- Waves add height and lock into phase with each other
- Oscillating waveforms tend to stabilize when they enter into resonance
- Resonant frequencies bond together (rhythm entrainment or sympathetic vibration)
Experiencing Resonance:
- Immersed in a field of resonance when listening to music or being in love
- Rhythmic movements stay in phase with music and becomes difficult to move out of phase
- Feeling pleasure, expansiveness, and rhythmic connection with the pulse of life
- Experiencing deep resonance during sleep, when heart rate, breathing, and brain waves settle into a deep, rhythmic entrainment
Resonance in the Body:
- The body is made of emptiness and rhythm at its ultimate heart
- Needs both flexibility and tension to sound a note and resonate with different frequencies
- Opening to resonance requires grounding and an openness of breath for softness and flexibility
Implications of Resonance:
- When we can't resonate with the world around us, we become isolated and ill
- Sleep puts us back in harmony with our own resonance and helps us rejuvenate from distracting vibrations.
- Level of fifth chakra where attention moves from physical plane into subtler etheric fields
- Commonly known as aura, generated by internal processes including digestion, neuron firing, emotional state, and outer activities
- Our life force is a stream of pulsating energy
- When not fragmented, pulsation moves freely through body and out into world
- Creates resonant etheric field around body for coherent connections with outside world
Interactions and Resonance:
- Etheric fields engage during interactions with others
- Most rewarding connections occur with resonance between vibrational fields
- Subtle resonance deepens feeling of connection
- Kirlian photography reveals etheric body's sensitivity to thoughts and emotions
Kirlian Photography:
- Allows seeing of etheric field activity
- Revealed remarkable things about etheric body
- Cut leaf's etheric body remains similar despite physical changes
- Human thought changes result in dramatic aura changes
Fifth Chakra and Vibrational Refinement:
- Work to refine vibrations in fifth chakra, vissudha, for subtlety
- Purification is vibrational refinement through ridding body of toxins, truthful speech, and working lower chakras issues
- Prepares entry into even more refined energies of higher chakras.
- Essential function of the fifth chakra
- Self-expression: a gateway between inner world and outer world
- Allows inner self to get out into the world
- Counterpart to sensate reception in second chakra
- Problems in one chakra often reflected in the other
Throat Chakra as Internal Gateway
- Narrowest passage within whole chakra system
- Relay system connecting messages from body with brain information
- Mind and body connection is crucial
- Unconscious becomes conscious through throat chakra
- Blockage in throat chakra hinders upward movement of energy
- Impedes access to higher self
- Mind-body incongruence leads to neck problems
Case Study: Sarah's Neck Issues
- Grew up in violent alcoholic family
- Required to keep head in order to survive
- Head out of alignment with torso, disconnected from body
- Communication between mind and body blocked at throat chakra
- Only possible to address the issue when able to take action
The Voice as a Manifestation of the Fifth Chakra
- Vehicle for mind's manifestations
- Living expression of one's basic vibration
- Health of fifth chakra indicated by voice quality
- Constricted chakra: whiny, whispered, mumbled
- Excessive chakra: loud, shrill, interrupting
- Signs of healthy fifth chakra: resonant and rhythmic voice
- Balanced conversation with others
Connection Between Voice and Other Chakras
- Contracted body (chakra one): restricts the voice
- Lack of feeling (chakra two): makes voice seem mechanical
- Too little will (chakra three): sounds pinched and whiny
- Third chakra excess: dominating voice
- Breath (chakra four) required for full voice
- Unopen consciousness (chakras six and seven): repetitive and dull
- Frozen in the past: voice does not seem present
Inner Dialogue and Integration
- Many voices within us
- Inner dialog between various parts of self
- Honors and integrates each voice through individuation process
- Brings all voices together as a whole
Expression and Individuation
- Freedom to express ourselves essential for individuation
- Blockage in fifth chakra: excessively introverted, unable to express or take in new information
- Severe block negatively affects the whole system.
Individuality and Truth:
- Expressing individuality equals expressing truth
- A nonindividuated person may not speak their truth
- Fearful or ego-weak individuals may deny their authenticity
- Lower chakras' health impacts ability to live in truth
Lower Chakras and Self-Acceptance:
- Fourth chakra brings self-acceptance
- Acceptance creates container for personal truths to emerge
- Strong ego and will necessary to express truth despite opposition
Contradictions and Truth:
- Living with inner conflicts requires acknowledging conflicting truths
- Resolution comes from accepting all pieces as true
- Negative experiences can lead to denial of truth
Lies and the Fifth Chakra:
- Lies form the demon of the fifth chakra
- Lies told with words, actions, or body language
- Living a lie arrests personal progression
Creativity and Truth:
- Living in truth allows resonance with others
- Creativity is a consciously willed process at the fifth chakra
- Communication is creative expression of all within us
- Creativity as a pure expression of self's individuation
- Creativity the gateway between past and future.
Fifth Chakra Development: Age 7 to 12
- Self-expression
- Symbolic reasoning
- Communication skills
Needs and Issues:
- Industry vs. inferiority
- Creativity
- Access to tools for learning and creativity
- Exposure to larger world
Developmental Stages:
- Allowance of child's streamings to develop leads to individuality and connectedness
- Development of communication is less clearly defined
- Language development begins in the womb
- Child realizes sounds represent things at nine months and starts imitating them
- Vocabulary growth and constant talking by age four or five
- Understanding of time and reversibility around age seven
- Moral behavior with social consequences during this stage
Piaget's Period of Concrete Operations:
- Marked by more sophisticated symbolic reasoning
- Child can create mental representation of a series of actions
- Shift in consciousness away from relationship-dominated fourth chakra towards creative expression and social identity
Erikson's Struggle between Industry and Inferiority:
- Child learns to win recognition by producing things
- School environment becomes main focus for creative expression
- Tools provide means of acting on the world and expanding creative possibilities
- Child feels secure enough to speak her truth and experiment creatively
- Importance of recognition and ego strength
Creative Identity:
- Expansion of mental capacity
- Learning to use symbols to reach beyond immediate experience
- Absorption of information about the world
- Awakening of self-expression
- Requires systemic fullness gained in previous stages for natural forward movement of communication and creativity.
- Traumas do not make us emotionally ill, but the inability to express them does. (Alice Miller)
- Trauma impacts us with a vibration that we are meant to express.
- Restricting expression results in loss of resonance and disconnection from life.
- Unexpressed trauma is stored in the body as stress.
- Blockage in the throat chakra impedes energy flow and expression.
Impact of Trauma:
- Unacknowledged vibrations from external sources can cause stress.
- Strong negative impacts or intolerable situations that cannot be expressed lead to frozen trauma at the core.
- Hiding and blocking emotions is a form of protection against exposure, harm, or ridicule.
Reasons for Blocking Expression:
- Shame, fear for safety, or disconnection from the core self can prevent expression.
- Physical signs of hiding include tightened neck and shoulders, misaligned head, talking about anything except the real issue, stuffing food, and inertia.
Consequences of Blocked Expression:
- Hiding keeps us in isolation and prevents intimacy and evolution.
- Long-term blockages make it harder to open up and express ourselves.
- Breaking silence requires overcoming habits and demons from the lower chakras.
- Biological instinct to keep quiet in danger
- Instinctually hold breath and voice freezes
- Throat chakra closes down due to fear and physiological response
- Living in fear of exposing oneself
- Silence instilled by external threats
- Internalization of shame and guilt
Effects of Fear:
- Cannot speak even if wanted to
- Racing thoughts, mind unable to think clearly
- Throat constricts and chokes on words
- Critic internalized as vicious guardian
Causes of Fear:
- Childhood experiences of abuse or humiliation
- Inability to express what was done to them
- Instilled silence through fear of consequences
Guilt and Shame:
- Desire to hide oneself due to perceived flaws
- Internalized criticism and self-criticism
- Critic protects vulnerable self from outer threats
Effects of Guilt and Shame:
- Critic becomes overzealous and unrealistic
- Self-fulfilling prophecies of inadequacy
- Fear and awkwardness when expressing oneself
- Monologue instead of dialogue
Challenging the Critic:
- Getting a second opinion to challenge critic
- Allowing voice of child to emerge and combat critic
- Facilitating dialog instead of monologue
- All action is communication, keeping secrets requires constant vigilance over what we say and express non-verbally
- Children who are forced to keep secrets may experience:
- Sexual abuse survivors: fear, terror, suicide, internalized silence
- Children with family secrets: guarded expression, difficulty in intimate relationships
- Secrets kept from children can impede problem-solving skills and emotional exploration
- Sexuality is another common forbidden subject, leading to shame and guilt
- Secrets block the flow of energy through the fifth chakra, perpetuating negative patterns
Effects of Secrets:
- Ignorance: secrets prevent new information from being gained
- Emotional suppression: unable to express or acknowledge true feelings
- Physical symptoms: terror, shame, guilt, addiction, compulsive behavior
- Difficulties in relationships: intimacy, trust, communication
Lies and Mixed Messages:
- Lies create dissonance within the self
- Being told to feel differently than we do: lies to ourselves and others
- Experiencing love but being abused, neglected or shamed: lies about love
- Asking for apologies or gratitude for unwanted situations: lies about feelings and experiences
- Living a lie: unable to express true emotions and reactions.
Case Study: Daniel's Experience
- Victim of his father's rage
- Forced to endure punishment without reacting
- Denied honest reaction to abuse: lived a lie
- Inner critic guards fifth chakra, regulates speech
- Resulting in vicious self-criticism and difficulty expressing emotions.
- Children learn by imitation, including language use and communication skills
- Hostile home atmosphere (yelling, screaming, arguing) can negatively impact communication development
- Unpleasant environment may lead to shutting down aural functions and inner counter-dialogue
- Later in life, difficulty listening to others, entertaining new ideas, and being open to hearing truth
- Rigid rules without room for discussion limit child's ability to learn communication skills
- Lack of a safe space for children to express their truth may lead to feelings of devaluation
- Inability to listen impairs clear communication
- Lack of conversation and questioning from caregivers hinders communication development
- Children need caring adults to talk with, learn reasoning skills, question, think, trust, and share ideas
- Neglected children may struggle with poor communication skills and keeping secrets in adulthood.
- Stella was a powerful and beautiful woman with a seductive smile and compelling eyes
- She worked as a model, singer, and had aspirations of acting
- Prone to short-lived, frustrating relationships due to rages and distrust
- Created an outer persona of beauty and power, hiding vulnerability and insecurity
- Had a strong fifth chakra and excessive will in the third chakra
- Open but disconnected second chakra, weak sense of ground
- Tended to be highly sexual but lacked emotional commitment
- Fragile and lonely underneath
Character Structure Development:
- Set by age 6, but discussed in fifth chakra due to energy focus on upper chakras
- Result of deprivation between ages 2.5-4 (third chakra development)
- Creatives and brilliant communicators who enjoy power
- Vulnerability is a problem and efforts are made to avoid it
- Strong fifth chakra makes them charismatic and powerful
- Broad shoulders, narrow hips, attractive, confident
- Physically present but poorly grounded
- Powerful and compassionate defenders of underdogs
- Great supporters and nurturers, but can turn into attacking challengers when challenged
- Seduction and manipulation may have been used against them as children
- May ignore ethics to live by their own rules
- Inconsistent parenting leads to lack of trust and weak first chakra
- Open emotional center with power in third chakra, conditional love in fourth chakra, capable fifth chakra
- High intelligence and piercing perceptiveness in sixth and seventh chakras
- Recognition and meeting of vulnerable needs
- Acceptance of imperfect self instead of powerful image
- Learning to direct anger at perpetrators instead of loved ones
- Loved ones who accept imperfections and do not leave during attacks.
Excess and Deficiency in Throat Chakra
- Rapid or incessant talking
- Controlling conversations and subject matter
- Discharging energy through excessive speech
- Displaced rage expression
- Lengthy descriptions without sharing feelings
- Defense mechanism to discharge stress and energy
- Fear avoidance of feelings
- Need for attention and control
- Difficulty getting words together
- Weak, airy, pinched, or rhythmically erratic voice
- Self-consciousness and shyness
- Fear of humiliation
- Communication restriction within
- Great separation between mind and body
- Difficulty communicating about feelings
- Defense mechanism to hide emotions as a result of past interrogations or experiences
- Extreme self-consciousness
Excess: Void of real content, lacks balance, and may inhibit effective listening
Deficiency: Inability to communicate effectively, fear of speaking, and difficulty expressing emotions
Combination of Excessive and Deficient Throat Chakras
- Lack of ground can result in both excessive speech and difficulty communicating
- Can communicate well in some situations but poorly in others
Balanced Throat Chakra
- Good communication skills, effective listening, and ability to accurately communicate emotions
- Resonant voice with natural rhythms, appropriate tonality, and volume
- Balance between speaking and listening
- Graceful body movements and timing
- Creative approach to life and expression of individuality
- Openness to infinite possibilities and new ways of approaching life
- A friend offered voice lessons in exchange for bodywork, but discovered she couldn't project her voice fully without crying (Emotional Connection to Voice)
- The human body is a living resonator of sound, and releasing bodily tensions essential for freeing the throat chakra
- Process of getting in touch with basic pulsating vibration: holding breath, feeling contraction and release, experiencing streaming (Reclamation of Body)
- Containing strong urges to move forward can result in poor timing and lack of energy (Proper Timing)
Emotional Connection to Voice:
- Emotions are connected to the voice and cannot be hidden while singing or projecting voice
- Healing involves letting out sound of grief and anger, as well as talking about feelings and putting them into intellectual context
The Vibrating Body:
- Human body is a living resonator of sound, affecting each atom and resonating with sounds we make
- Release of bodily tensions necessary to restore natural reflexive and vibratory nature of the body
- Process of getting in touch with basic pulsating vibration: holding breath, feeling contraction and release, experiencing streaming
Proper Timing:
- Containing energy and expressing ourselves before our truth is fully ripened can result in poor timing and lack of energy
- Financial pressure, emotional insecurity, fear, hunger for power, and excessive rule of the mind can push us out of sync with our natural rhythm
- Lower chakras becoming strong allows proper timing to occur and dancing to the rhythm of our own personal vibration.
- Move freely around the room with eyes closed
- Let movements be instinctual rather than deliberate
- Make abstract sounds as you move
- Coordinate movement and sound for a vibrational experience
Cleaning Out The Field:
- Pay attention to outer vibrations (sound pollution, media, rhythms of daily life)
- Identify sources of toxic noise and people
- Eliminate or reduce exposure to toxic noise (soundproofing, earplugs, etc.)
- Take regular periods of quiet time for self-reflection and consciousness expansion
Importance of Sound Awareness:
- Ears remain open constantly
- Important to pay attention to outer vibrations and their impact on our consciousness
- Eliminating distracting patterns helps deepen communication with ourselves and others
Deep Listening:
- Inner listening connects heart and mind
- Silence is essential for true communication and self-reflection
- Practicing inner listening allows upper and lower chakras to resonate, connecting mind and body
- Sit in a quiet place and listen to various sounds around you
- Blend all sounds into one general sound
- Allow your body to subtly move with the rhythm of the combined sound
- Follow where the movement takes you while staying with the overall sound.
Toning encourages natural expression of sound from the throat, unencumbered by intellectual meaning or aesthetic appeal. It is a spontaneous response to physical or emotional stimuli.
- Toning is not forced into specific words, melodies, or sounds
- Natural sounds emerge when we are moved physically or emotionally
- Embarrassment often leads to stifling these sounds, closing down the throat chakra
Benefits of Toning:
- Relieves pain by releasing tension through groans and other sounds
- Best done after warming up the body
Warm-up Exercise:
- Stand erect and stretch body in all directions
- Shake out legs and swing arms to loosen up
- Close eyes, take deep breath, and let sound emerge
- Find a sustainable note that resonates with you
- Sing the note fully, feeling where it originates in your body
- Let go of the tone naturally and notice how you feel
Preparation for Toning:
- Stand with feet planted firmly on the ground
- Close eyes and take deep breath
- Open mouth and let sound emerge spontaneously
Toning Technique:
- Find a sustainable note that resonates with you
- Sing this note fully, reaching for resonance and relaxation
- Feel where the sound originates in your body (throat, chest, belly, or head)
- Let it come from your whole body at once, integrating disconnected parts
- Release the tone naturally and notice how you feel
- Write or draw in a journal to release creativity
- Notice feelings of presence and relaxation.
- Mantra: a state indicative of the presence of divinity, a more sophisticated form of toning
- Chanting: rhythmic repetition of a simple phrase or sound lulls consciousness into resonance, bypasses conscious mind, allows for deeper resonance or trance state
- Mantras are chants uttered silently in the mind, cleanses and orders the mind, expands individuated consciousness to merge with greater consciousness
- Transcendental Meditation (TM): a meditation technique where one mentally repeats a given mantra to create meditative state and synchronize brain waves
Benefits of Chanting Mantras:
- Synchronizes brain waves between various lobes of the brain
- Recalibrates basic vibrational essence
- Enter quiet and rhythmic state, free from mental garbage
- Releases "liquid nectar" in the pineal gland, contributing to altered consciousness
- Resonates with specific chakras (seed sounds and vowel sounds listed)
Chanting Techniques:
- Silently chant mantra given by teacher or create own mantra
- Each chakra has a specific mantra sound (seed sound and vowel sound listed)
- Experiment with both seed sounds and vowel sounds to find what works best
- Sit or stand comfortably, deep breaths, let sound resonate fully in body for at least 1 minute when alone, longer with a group
Creating Your Own Mantra:
- Pick sounds that resonate with one, two, or three chakras needing attention
- Put sounds together in a pleasing way
- Sit in silent meditation and mentally intone the created sound
- Imagine expanding or clearing the chosen chakras (best results with consistent use over time)
Throat Chakra and Communication:
- Techniques for toning the chakra help sounds resonate easily through the body
- Focus on effective communication with others, which includes understanding their perspective
The Need to be Heard:
- Quote from Steven R. Covey: "If you wish to be understood, seek first to understand"
- Human need to be heard is profound and validates our truth, individuality, and existence
- Inability to be heard can lead to feelings of insanity, doubt, and disconnection from reality
- Sometimes more important than finding solutions is acknowledging the other person's feelings
Communication Dynamics:
- Example of couples not being able to effectively communicate due to unmet need to be heard
- Karen needed George to acknowledge her struggles, even if he couldn't change them
- George wanted Karen to understand his own difficulties with his job and absence from home
- Neither was able to express or feel heard, leading to a strained connection
Importance of Listening:
- Deep listening can lead to healing and improved communication
- Simple practice of acknowledging someone's feelings can go a long way toward resolving issues
- Understanding the other person's perspective is crucial for effective communication.
Active Listening:
- Enables another person to feel heard
- Quiet self and focus entire energy on speaker
- Nod or say "mmhm" for acknowledgement, no interruptions or comments
- Ask if speaker is complete before responding
- Repeat what was heard in own words without parroting exact phrases
- Co-communicator corrects misunderstandings, clarifying their perspective
- Both parties must be satisfied that they have been truly heard before sharing own truth
- Difficulties can be addressed by recording conversations or writing out feelings
- Writing allows for finding one's voice and clarity in communication
- Practice active listening during written communication to deepen understanding
David's Experience:
- Struggled to communicate effectively with wife due to personality differences
- Encouraged to write down unexpressed feelings without censoring them
- Read writing aloud for active listening and building trust in own voice
- Practice sticking to truth in face of opposition through role-playing
- A form of communication that transcends time
- Allows for finding voice, clarity, and completion
- Can be used for unresolved situations with unreachable or unresponsive people
- A cry of the soul and revelation of human emotion
- Performances can serve as initiation into the mysteries of the human soul.
Frederick Delius and the Power of Music
- Music affects our entire mind-body system
- Moves us emotionally, sells products, and unites communities
- Combines upper and lower chakra experiences
- Can put us in a trance for healing and spiritual growth
Emotional Effects of Music
- Affects emotions through the thalamus and limbic system
- Can invoke specific emotional states (anger, depression, etc.)
Shamanic Use of Music and Drumming
- Works on principle of resonance for healing
- Transcends ego and enters broader spiritual state
Science of Music's Impact on the Brain
- Thalamic reflex produces foot tapping, body swaying
- Surrounded by limbic system, which affects emotions and endocrine system
Indian Philosophies on Sound and Music
- Sound is primordial ingredient of creation
- Given to Brahma and Saraswati for creation and beginnings
- Creator of consciousness that maintains the web of life
- Fifth chakra facilitates passage between abstract information and manifested realm
- Sound brings us into resonance and harmony on spiritual plane
- Element: Light
- Name: To perceive and command
- Purpose: Pattern recognition
- Issues: Image, Intuition, Imagination, Visualization, Insight, Dreams, Vision
- Color: Indigo
- Location: Forehead, brow, carotid plexus, third eye
- Identity: Archetypal, Self-reflection
- Orientation: Inward
- Demon: Illusion
- Developmental Stage: Adolescence
- Developmental Task: Establishment of personal identity. Ability to perceive patterns
- Basic Rights: To see
- Balanced Characteristics: Intuitive, Perceptive, Imaginative, Good memory, Good dream recall, Able to think symbolically, Able to visualize
Traumas and Abuses:
- What you see doesn't go with what you’re told.
- Invalidation of intuition and psychic occurrences.
- Ugly or frightening environment (war zone, violence)
- Insensitivity.
- Poor vision.
- Poor memory.
- Difficulty seeing future.
- Lack of imagination.
- Difficulty visualizing.
- Denial (can’t see what is going on).
- Monopolarized (one true right and only way)
- Hallucinations.
- Delusions.
- Obsessions.
- Difficulty concentrating.
- Nightmares
Physical Malfunctions:
- Headaches.
- Vision problems.
Healing Practices:
- Create visual art.
- Visual stimulation.
- Meditation.
- Psychotherapy.
- Coloring and drawing, art therapy.
- Working with memory.
- Connecting image with feeling.
- Dreamwork.
- Hypnosis.
- Guided visualizations.
- Past life regression therapy
- I see all things in clarity.
- I am open to the wisdom within.
- I can manifest my vision.
Stories of Image Syndrome:
- Monica: Lonely and isolated due to distorted self-image.
- Stuart: Unable to see beauty beyond narrow image of an acceptable girlfriend.
- William: Living a false life based on illusory images.
Quote by Aniela Jaffe: Consciousness fails, the images sink back again into the dark, into nothingness, and everything remains as if unhappened. But if it succeeds in grasping the meaning of the images, a transformation takes place...
Sixth Chakra Issues:
- Pattern Recognition.
- Archetypes.
- Symbols.
- Images.
- Dreams.
- Intuition.
- Transcendence.
- Vision.
- Clairvoyance.
- Illusion.
Psychic Development and the Third Eye (Sixth Chakra)
- Psychic development requires both intention and attraction of symbol (Jung)
- Entering brow chakra, looking back with new vision and seeing pattern
- Building a rainbow bridge with colors of chakras
- Intuiting necessary steps to complete the pattern
- Guidance from sight for actions in transformation
- Third eye: inner perception, organ of consciousness and creativity
- Function: seeing the way, bringing light of consciousness to all
Pattern Recognition
- "Eyes are gateways to the soul" (Shakespeare)
- Seeing patterns reveals identity and meaning
- Continue looking beyond initial recognition
- Game of connect the dots analogy
- Forming incomplete pattern to see whole image
- Chakra six's role: assembling information into meaningful patterns
- Simultaneously seeing past, present, and future
- Recognition can limit or expand possibilities based on interpretation
- Finding insight through recognizing patterns within self
- Towards wholeness, clarity, extended consciousness.
Third Eye (Sixth Chakra) Specifics
- Gateway to soul
- Higher vibration: light
- Basic function: seeing and perceiving beyond physical sight
- Organ of inner perception: third eye
- Witnesses internal screen: memory, fantasy, images, archetypes, intuition, imagination.
Illusion and Perception
- Illusion is a frozen image that disrupts open-minded perception
- We see things based on our own perspective rather than reality (Anais Nin: "We don't see things as they are. We see things as we are")
Causes of Illusion
- Fixation on an image pulls us out of present time and authentic living
- Investment of psychic energy keeps illusion in place
- Obsession results from the more energy invested, the more deeply attached
Examples of Illusion
- Anya: Adopted illusion of "happily ever after" marriage model, investing all energy into husband and family, denying her own needs and hiding husband's abuse
- Maria: Obsessed with fear of abandonment, interpreting present situations based on past experiences (father leaving)
Effects of Illusion
- Seals energy into illusion, making it difficult to let go
- Repetitive cycles prevent true understanding
- Illusions can become obsessions or delusions when excessively invested in
Illusion and Chakras
- Sixth chakra excess leads to obsession or delusion
- Upper chakras spin wildly without grounded connection to first chakra, resulting in no forward movement
- Bits of information that reveal the identity of the whole
- Images and experiences constellated by a common theme
- Cannot be seen directly, but apparent in events of our lives
- Influence our life from the unconscious
- Can be symbolically represented by archetypal images
- Lie in the unconscious and influence us through projections
Archetypes as Instinct:
- Psychological goal toward which whole nature of man strives
- Composite of all human experience
Archetypal Categories:
- Cat: any feline creature
- Great Mother: embodies nurturing and self-sacrificing benevolence or the terrible mother: fear of being devoured
- Inner anima archetype: a fantasy woman that seduces a man
- Hero: quest to achieve something extraordinary
Archetypes and Chakras:
- Each chakra associated with an archetype and an element
- Chakra system is an archetypal pattern, similar to Jung's archetype of wholeness, the Self
- Archetypal process toward self-realization
- Involves reclaiming shadow, establishing autonomy, integrating anima and animus, expressing individuality, recognizing archetypal influences, and integrating all elements into greater wholeness
Encountering Archetypes:
- Recognizing archetypal significance of symbols brings us into a larger spiritual framework
- Understanding the pattern and meaning leads to insight and directed action
- Deposit of all human experience, including archetypes
- A living system of reactions and aptitudes that determine individual life in invisible ways
- Archetypes carry numinous energy and meaning.
Archetypes: bits of information that reveal the identity of the whole, psychologically representing instinct as a spiritual goal, composites of images and experiences with common themes, shaping our understanding like morphogenetic fields, influencing our lives, cannot be seen directly but are apparent in events.
- Archetype as a spiritual goal: C.G. Jung's perspective, archetypes are the precipitate of all human experience, lying in the unconscious and influencing life, releasing their projections is a duty.
- Archetypal image: symbolic representation of an archetype, not fully integrated into the ego leads to illusion.
- The Hero archetype: quest for extraordinary achievement, William's drive toward success but felt empty and left his soul thirsting for deeper meaning.
- Chakras and archetypes: each chakra can be correlated to an archetype, has the archetypal energy of its associated element.
- Archetypal pattern: totality of the Self as the central archetype of order in the psyche, formative principle of individuation.
Individuation: archetypal process, common elements comprise the archetypal pattern, mirrors the unfolding of the chakras, reclaiming the shadow, establishing autonomy, integrating anima and animus, expressing individuality, recognizing archetypal influences, integrating all elements into a greater wholeness.
- Recognizing archetypal energy: pattern and meaning bring understanding, guide action.
- Archetypal identity: gained through recognition of images and symbols in dreams, imagination, art, relationships, or situations.
- Journeying to the Underworld: metaphor for dealing with loss, acceptance as an inward journey with a sacred purpose.
Unconscious: deposit of all human experience, living system of reactions and aptitudes that determine life invisibly, archetypes carry psychic charge and meaning.
- Archetypes and instincts: forms which the instincts assume, embedded in a larger field, carry numinous energy.
Image as Symbol:
- Archetypes are psychic energies that manifest through symbols (Edward Whitmont)
- We encounter symbols of archetypes, not the archetypes themselves
- Language is made up of sound symbols and visual representations
- Symbols are a whole-brain way of communicating about deep archetypal energies
- Archetypes become integrated into consciousness through symbols
- Pattern recognition leads to emergence of symbols
- Archetypes speak to us in an archetypal language through symbols
Symbols and the Unconscious:
- Symbols emerge from dreams, fantasies, art, and chance encounters
- Dreams link conscious and unconscious mind
- Dreams present alternatives to ordinary reality
- Dreams unlock the mystery of soul and spirit connection
- Dreams reveal hidden feelings and understandings
- Dreams bring answers to problems and are spiritual teachers
- Scientific discoveries have been made through dreams
Symbols and Archetypes:
- Archetypes are non-physical templates for psychic energy
- Archetypes become integrated into consciousness through symbols
- Symbols represent archetypal energies in the visual realm
- Dreams link lower and upper chakras
- Dreams reveal hidden aspects of self and connection to universal archetypal world
- Dreams present alternatives to ordinary reality
- Dreams provide insights, imagination, vision, and understanding
- Dreams communicate essential information about health, relationships, growth, etc.
- Dreams are a primary experience of transcendent consciousness
- Archetypes speak to us through symbols in dreams
Example of Working with Symbols:
- Snake skin appearing in life as a symbol of transformation and shedding old skin
- Interpreting the symbol based on personal experiences, feelings, and beliefs
- Honoring and bringing into life what is represented by the symbol
- A leap towards wholeness from fragmentation
- Unconscious recognition of pattern, one of four functions in Jungian typology
- Passive function related to chakra six
- Development enhances psychic abilities and embraces the mystery of the cosmic world
- Suppressed in a culture that favors logic over intuition
- Requires surrender and openness, not willpower
- Reveals underlying wholeness of the psyche in a momentary illumination
Intuition vs. Rational Mind:
- Intuition reveals larger wholes on an immediate, experiential level
- Rational mind thinks in pieces, poorly suited for grasping cosmic consciousness
- Intuition is described as a flash of light in the darkness
Sixth Chakra and Clairvoyance:
- Development opens possibilities for clairvoyance or "clear seeing"
- Allows perception of nonphysical planes, auras, chakras, past and future events
- Develops through conscious surrender to unconscious mind
- Learning to focus internal attention on something to illuminate patterns
- Allows us to shine the light of awareness on what we wish to see
Intuition in Spiritual Growth:
- Helps maintain ground during transformation
- Becomes the ground of the transpersonal psyche
- Makes unknown territory knowable
- Requires trust, practice, and opening to inner feelings, voices, and images.
Transcendent Function and Chakras:
- Transcendence: uniting opposites in oneself, maintaining psychic life in constant flux
- Chakra structure: transition from physical to nonphysical realms
- Chakras six and seven: realm of transpersonal consciousness, supraconscious or transcendent consciousness
- Below chakra three: instinctual flow of unconscious mind
- Chakra three: egoic consciousness, sense of separate self
- Realm of transpersonal consciousness: beyond ego and instincts, reflects and combines both
- Chakras six and seven: mental mirrors of lower and middle realms, respectively
- Chakra six: symbolically reflects unconscious, realm of conscious understanding
- Chakra seven: central processing unit (CPU), finds meaning in images from lower chakras
Tantric Texts and Nadis:
- Depict chakras as figure eight patterns with Ida and Pingala nadis
- Ida and Pingala: polar opposites, solar and lunar, masculine and feminine
- Meet in chakra six, ground for dualities to meet and transform
- Outcome of working through sixth chakra
- Emergence of personal vision
- Expand internal picture into larger worldview
- Addressing personal or global issues
- Participating in shaping future
- Vision uses imagination to create something new
- Illusion vs. vision: pictures held in mind, but illusion binds energy and holds back progress
- Vision leads forward, illusions hold back
- Essential part of healing process
- Changes begin with personal vision
- Need an image to steer psychic energy toward new manifestation
- Healing of sixth chakra allows for the formation of vision
- Liberating from past grips and creating path to future.
Sixth Chakra Development: The ability to think symbolically and abstractly marks the specific development of the sixth chakra. This period is known as formal operations, which begins around age twelve. At this stage, a child can reason about things they have not experienced and live in the symbolic realm.
- Tasks: Independence, originality
- Needs and Issues: Self-reflection, freedom and responsibility, identity vs. role confusion
- Symbolic Understanding: Man's need to understand the world and experiences symbolically as well as realistically begins early in childhood and is essential for imaginative creativity.
- Pattern Recognition: Developing throughout life, recognition of patterns tells us something about ourselves and the world around us.
Sixth Chakra Development (continued):
- Archetypal Hero Worship: Adolescents search for a meaningful personal identity by engaging in hero worship and experimenting with new identities.
- Imagination: The adolescent's imagination often clashes with the older generation's lack of imagination.
- Persona vs. Identity: While a social persona is formed relatively unconsciously at the fourth chakra stage, personal identity becomes consciously sought during adolescence as part of the search for meaning in life.
Impact on Adolescent Development:
- Archetypal Dramas: Archetypal dramas have a significant impact on the creation of identity in adolescents, even if their symbolism is not consciously understood.
- Personal Identity: The search for personal meaning and identity during adolescence can lead to experimentation with new roles, ideologies, and cultural icons.
- Identity vs. Role Confusion: The dominant concern during adolescence is the search for a meaningful personal identity that resonates with the Self and provides direction for the powerful surge of energy that occurs as physical growth tapers off and sexual energy ripens.
Adult Development:
- Awakening of symbolic communication and archetypal identity usually occurs after a midlife crisis or in adolescence.
- Previously adopted roles no longer satisfy, leading to exploration of new possibilities (Sixth chakra development).
- Spiritual awakening brings clarity, insight, and perspective change.
- Can occur at any time in life, often preceded by darkness and personal struggles.
Traumas and Abuses:
- Visual memory directly linked with somatic experience.
- Abuses to any chakra can affect the opening of the sixth chakra.
- Repression or dissociation are ways to avoid unpleasant feelings associated with memories.
Case Study: Sandra
- Witnessed father's violence towards her mother and repressed the memory, maintaining a false illusion of her father as loving and kind.
- Failed to take action when husband became violent, unable to separate love from abuse.
- Repressed memory affected her psychically, leading to body sensations, dreams, and visual symptoms (glasses).
Case Study: Tom
- Dissociated from childhood memories, unable to understand impact of words and actions on others.
- Unacknowledged patterns in relationships led to excessive activation of the sixth chakra, cluttered psyche.
Impact of Environment:
- Daily scenes of suffering can close down the sixth chakra and impair physical sight.
- Exploring family dynamics around vision problems can reveal underlying illusions.
Illusions in Recovery:
- Falsely remembering past as safe and secure might be an illusion of certainty.
- Children's intuition can be hindered by denial of family secrets or contradictions.
- Intense self-scrutiny can paralyze the sixth chakra, making it less available for outward vision.
- Shame-based people may shield their eyes from others to prevent negative images from being seen.
- Inability to meet another's gaze results in psychological blindness.
Sixth Chakra Deficiency
- Poor intuitive ability
- Focus on rational thought process
- Psychically insensitive or "head-blind"
- Failure to notice subtle nuances of mood, including own intuitions
- Difficulty visualizing or imagining things differently
- Inability to remember dreams or recall them in waking consciousness
- Strong belief in seeing only one true way
- Monopolarized state of mind
- Refusal to see differences, denial
Effects of Sixth Chakra Deficiency
- Undeveloped faculties associated with the sixth chakra
- Missing subtle cues and nuances in social situations
- Difficulty asking for what we want or noticing when others are hinting for us to leave
- Inability to imagine change or visualize alternatives
- Repression of unconscious contents, making it difficult to access deeper self
- Monopolarized thinking, unable to see other perspectives
- Refusal to acknowledge or address denial and unwillingness to take action in life.
Causes of Sixth Chakra Deficiency
- Poor memory in general, leading to closure of sixth chakra for protection
- Difficulty visualizing or imagining things differently due to repressed memories using up storage capacity
- Belief in seeing only one true way and refusal to see differences.
Impact of Sixth Chakra Deficiency on Lower Chakras
- If lower chakras have not provided security, person may prefer to stay within the familiar rather than expand into unknown.
- Personal and collective phenomenon
- Refusal to acknowledge or address problems or differences, insisting they don't exist
- Creates a fantasy world that keeps individuals from taking action in their lives.
Sixth Chakra: Excess
- Disconnected image or memory of an event leads to investment of energy in an image
- Multiple dissociated images result in excessive condition in the sixth chakra
- Elements may manifest as obsessive fantasies, delusions, or hallucinations
- Can range from mild neurotic behavior to full-blown psychosis
- Appearance of laboring under the burden of too much psychic input
- Vision blindness: fixation on image prevents awareness of reality
Causes of Sixth Chakra Excess
- Withdrawn energy from lower chakras
- Loss of limitation and simplicity in upper chakras
- Overidentification with archetypal energies
- Poor ego balance
- Unresolved past life issues leading to fantasies (may reveal current issues)
Characteristics of Sixth Chakra Excess
- Obsession with psychic readings, past readings seen as gospel
- Lack of discernment and discrimination
- Inability to ground psychic energy
- Prone to channeling, risk of receiving inaccurate information
- Difficulty concentrating due to intrusive elements and anxiety
- Unable to settle the mind or ground psychic energy
Dangers of Sixth Chakra Excess
- Impaired ability to discern truth from fantasy
- Vastness of astral plane without testing ground of lower chakras
- Risk of receiving inaccurate information during psychic activities
- Desire to bypass sorting and testing process
Recurrent Nightmares
- Result from either excess or deficiency in sixth chakra
- Dissociated fragments from unconscious that cannot be integrated into waking life
- Compare presence of nightmares with other sixth chakra characteristics to determine state of the chakra
Balanced Sixth Chakra
- Intuitive perceptive abilities that enhance functioning
- Imagination and creativity
- Clear mind, ability to think symbolically
- Calm mind, ability to see clearly without personal issues or lower identities in the way.
Understanding Mythic Consciousness and the Sixth Chakra:
- Proper understanding of mythic consciousness is necessary for psychic and social integration.
- In our culture, most people lack development in the sixth chakra due to lack of teaching in intuition, symbolic thinking, and belief in psychic awareness.
- Development of the sixth chakra requires overcoming bias and disbelief, focus, practice, and discipline.
- Healing at any level brings clarity to the larger picture.
- Lack of connection with earth and body hinders effective opening of upper chakras.
- Partially awakened upper chakras hinder integration of the Self and resolution of contradictions between perception and experience.
Developing the Sixth Chakra:
- Begin development through dreamwork.
- Dreams teach us to think symbolically, see what is hidden, and access archetypal realm.
- Guidelines for dreamwork:
- Make an affirmation to remember dreams before sleep.
- Review day in reverse before sleeping.
- Do not move when waking until reviewing the dream completely.
- Keep writing implements by bed and write down fragments of dreams.
- Recall usually improves with attention paid to dreams.
- Supplements like vitamin B or melatonin may increase dream activity and recall, while marijuana and alcohol suppress it.
Benefits of Developing the Sixth Chakra:
- Improved perception and integration.
- Fluid and dynamic flow of psyche through chakra system.
- Resolution of contradictions between perception and experience.
Dream Journaling and Analysis:
- Write dreams in present tense with detailed descriptions, including feelings and senses
- Each person, animal, or thing represents an aspect of self
- Examine dream ego's state and intentions
- Engage in dialog between dream elements
- Share dreams with others for deeper understanding
Archetypal Understanding:
- Expand into archetypal identity through mythological knowledge
- Myths reveal the dance of archetypes on collective consciousness
- Knowledge of myths stimulates imagination and spiritual growth
- Essential for bridging internal and external during universal consciousness step
Visual Art as a Tool:
- Use art to tap unconscious, stimulate visual thinking, and have fun
- Draw chakras for self-exploration and understanding
- Create collages as an alternative to traditional drawing for emotional expression and growth.
Additional Suggestions:
- Nonartists can create art through various methods
- Meditative state helps in creating art and exploring emotions
- Art is a valuable tool for communication with deepest self and spirit world.
Jung and Mandalas
- Jung described mandalas as symbols reflecting wholeness
- Geometric designs emanating from a center, created with compass and ruler
- Can create one for each chakra for meditation
- Involves imagining or remembering non-physically present elements
- Similar to psychic seeing, but with different subjects
- Developing visualization skills can help with psychic abilities
- Simple exercise: imagine a glass of water with various properties
Creative Visualization
- Using imagination to manifest desires
- Can embellish memories and dreams by asking detailed questions
- Use symbols like a house or rose for deeper exploration
- Lie down, relax, and engage fully with the visualization
- Affirm trust in manifestation and let go when finished
Guided Visualizations and Trance Journeys
- Tapes or friends can guide journeys through archetypal realms
- Allow yourself to fully experience the journey and its teachings
- Can create own trance journeys with a theme and altered state techniques.
Developing Intuition:
- Connecting to the higher power of the universe through intuition (Shakti Gawain)
- Intuition is always available but needs validation and trust (Gawain, Clarissa Pinkola Estes)
- Validate intuition by listening deeply and entering a state of openness
- Beliefs about intuition's power and past experiences can impact trust in it
- Create symbols or imaginary guides to help access intuition (Estes)
- Passive, largely unconscious experience
- Cannot be forced but requires trust and deep listening
- Belief in its viability is important
- Validate hunches and follow in the right direction
- Trust in oneself and surroundings essential for effective intuition
Clarissa Pinkola Estes' Story:
- Metaphor for intuition as a turbulent gut feeling
- Imaginary symbols can help access intuition (dolls)
- Visualize and ask questions to receive answers from within
- Clear seeing beyond physical reality (French term)
- Clears illusions and sees energies flowing around objects, people
- Can be developed by anyone
- Developed through meditation, visualization, and following intuition
Developing Clairvoyance:
- Combination of exercises: meditation, visualization, trusting intuition
- Read each other's chakras in pairs to practice clairvoyance
- Ask questions and report impressions back to partner (may not be visual)
- Validation of abilities helps build confidence and strengthen "vision" muscle.
A spiritual practice involving a solo rite of purification and seeking guidance from the natural world. It is a deep embracing of Self, typically including three phases: separation, quest, and return.
- Separation: Leaving the known world behind to psychologically sever oneself from mundane concerns. This usually involves traveling to a wilderness area with minimal equipment and abstaining from food during the heart of the quest.
- Quest: Entering a sacred dimension outside time and space, opening fully to spirit. During this phase, one may encounter psychological demons, animal spirits, or have powerful dreams, and there may be an experience of ego death followed by psychological rebirth.
- Return: Sharing the vision and wisdom gained with a group or friend upon returning from the solo time. The group or friend can help facilitate the transition back to civilization.
Light and Malillumination:
- Humans need exposure to full-spectrum sunlight for optimal health, but artificial lighting and indoor lifestyles decrease our exposure.
- Jacob Liberman's book "Light: Medicine of the Future" discusses the importance of natural light and the negative effects of malillumination, including depression, fatigue, stress hormones, cholesterol levels, hyperactivity, learning disorders, visual difficulties, nutritional problems, tooth decay, and seasonal affective disorder.
- Light enters the body through the eyes and affects the hypothalamus, pineal gland, and endocrine system, regulating vital functions and coordinating the body with the environment.
Meditation: A practice that improves focus and concentration and is an important element in psychic development. It calms the mind, making it easier to open inner sight and perceive patterns beyond ordinary awareness.
- The Self contains our past, present, and future life, and ascending to the sixth chakra opens us to transcendent realms, profound insight, and a larger system of being.
- Chakra six expands consciousness through imagination and creativity, preparing us for the final passage on the Rainbow Bridge and understanding the dance of divinity and consciousness in the next chakra.
Seventh Chakra: Opening to the Mystery of Heaven
Seventh Chakra at a Glance
- Element: Thought
- Name: Sahasrara (thousandfold)
- Purpose: Understanding
- Issues: Transcendence, Immanence, Belief systems, Higher Power, Divinity, Union, Vision
- Color: Violet
- Location: Cerebral cortex
- Identity: Universal
- Orientation: Self-knowledge
- Developmental Stage: Early adulthood and after
- Developmental Task: Assimilation of knowledge. Development of wisdom
- Basic Rights: To know and to learn
- Balanced Characteristics: Ability to perceive, analyze, and assimilate information. Intelligent, thoughtful, aware. Open-minded, able to question. Spiritually connected. Wisdom and mastery, broad understanding
Traumas and Abuses
- Withheld information
- Education that thwarts curiosity
- Forced religiosity
- Invalidation of one’s beliefs
- Blind obedience (no right to question or think for oneself)
- Misinformation, lies
- Spiritual abuse
- Spiritual cynicism
- Learning difficulties
- Rigid belief systems
- Apathy
- Excess in lower chakras—materialism, greed, domination of others
- Overintellectualization
- Spiritual addiction
- Confusion
- Dissociation from body
Physical Malfunctions
- Coma
- Migraines
- Brain tumors
- Amnesia
- Cognitive delusions
Healing Practices
- Reestablish physical, emotional connection (excess)
- Reestablish spirit connection (deficiency)
- Learning and study
- Spiritual discipline
- Meditation
- Psychotherapy
- Examine belief systems
- Develop inner witness
- Work with higher power
- Divinity resides within
- I am open to new ideas
- Information I need comes to me
- The world is my teacher
- I am guided by higher power
- I am guided by inner wisdom
The Separation of Spirit and Matter
- Western civilization beliefs: spirit and matter are separate and distinct
- Earth treated as an inanimate object
- Science examines the world rationally, avoiding spiritual issues
- Corporations focus on economic prowess with disregard for spiritual well-being and environment
- People prioritizing spirituality considered fringe members of society
Merging with Divine Consciousness
- Need to disconnect from illusions and attachments between ourselves and the divine
- Ultimate source of soul wounds: stripping ordinary existence of its spiritual meaning, leaving people without purpose or direction
- Seventh chakra is about merging with divine consciousness and realizing our true nature
- The Rainbow Bridge: connection between individual self and universal creation
- Purpose: contact the divine and manifest divinity in bodies and actions to transform the world
- Need to retain a home for the spirit to return, avoiding getting lost in the infinite.
- The final frontier and key to understanding existence
- Allows us to perceive our own existence and the world around us
- Act of individual consciousness reflecting on its own immensity is the mystery of the crown chakra
- Realization that consciousness flows through all life forms and exists within our own consciousness is enlightenment
Characteristics of Consciousness
- More than just thoughts or perceptions
- Involves faculties such as memory, discrimination, and integration
- A mystery that can only be experienced, not explained
Mystery of the Crown Chakra
- Witnessing one's own consciousness is a miracle
- Human mind's ability to decipher language, learn, and create is miraculous
- Consciousness is described as a unified field in which all existence is embedded
- Sentient beings have the capacity to tap into this universal field of intelligence
- Expanding awareness through meditation, spiritual practice, altered states of consciousness, study, education, and paying attention
Limitations of Consciousness
- Human brain is more sophisticated than any machine we have created
- Our ability to access consciousness depends on our apparatus or capacity
- A monkey cannot access the same magnitude of consciousness as a human
Expanding Consciousness
- Opening the crown chakra involves expanding awareness
- Can be achieved through various means such as meditation, spiritual practice, altered states of consciousness, study, education, and paying attention.
- Erich Jantsch's three levels of human consciousness: rational, mythical, and evolutionary
- Rational system: observing and enacting from the riverbank using scientific methods and empirical means. Essential activities are observation and measurement.
- Mythical system: immersing in the river, shifting from observation to experience, identifying with the force of the river and embracing a subject-subject relationship. Archetypal consciousness emerges.
- Evolutionary system: merging with the river, transcending the rational system, and entering universal mind. I and thou become we. Realizing that divine consciousness is who the Self really is.
Three System Levels of Human Consciousness by Erich Jantsch:
- Rational system:
- Sitting on the riverbank
- Knowledge comes through science and logical, empirical means
- Essential activities: observation and enactment
- I-it relationship: subject to object
- Mythical system:
- Immersed in the river
- Shift from observation to experience
- Identify with the river as a force greater than ourselves
- Archetypal consciousness emerges
- Evolutionary system:
- Merging with the river
- Transcending the rational system
- I and thou become we
- Universal mind, union with the divine
- Expansion into cosmic consciousness
The Witness:
- Consciousness within that silently observes emotions, thoughts, impulses, and attachments
- Above and beyond body and experience but silently observes all events
- Indestructible spark of divinity and eternal guide
- Objective and subjective
- Detaches from suffering and teaches us how to swim in the stream when we're flailing about.
Exercises for Embracing the Witness:
- Meditate on the present moment and observe the witness inside you.
- Practice detaching from your thoughts and emotions while remaining aware of the witness within.
- Cultivate self-awareness by observing your own reactions and responses to various situations.
- Engage in spiritual practices that help deepen your connection to the witness, such as prayer or meditation.
- The crown chakra can be seen as the operating system in the human psyche, interpreting instructions and deriving meaning from experiences.
- Meaning gives purpose to life and influences how we interpret and react to events.
- Beliefs are formed based on interpretations of experiences and become the operating system for other chakras.
- Our beliefs shape our reality and are influenced by past experiences.
- Reprogramming work in the crown chakra involves examining and questioning belief systems.
Formation of Beliefs:
- Beliefs are made up of interpretations of experiences, forming a continual feedback system.
- Conception is the beginning point of all that we manifest, including our beliefs and concepts.
- DNA in biological conception contains "in-form-ation" that organizes tissue into a particular form.
- Our beliefs act as ordering principles for information and guide behavior.
Impact of Beliefs on Reality:
- The nature of our belief system determines our interpretation of events and influences the way we order our lives.
- Different beliefs lead to different interpretations of the same event, which can affect behavior and interactions with others.
- Our beliefs shape our reality and are shaped by it in a continual cycle.
Examining Belief Systems:
- The awakened crown chakra questions all belief systems, constantly reprogramming and upgrading the operating system of our lives.
- It is easier to generate shifts in consciousness than applying insights to changing one's life, but outer changes are impossible without inner awakening.
- Reprogramming work in the crown chakra involves examining and challenging limiting beliefs that no longer serve us.
- Each identity explored in the text represents a metaphoric layer of clothing that unfolds towards unity and recognition of the one. (C.G. Jung)
First Chakra: Physical Identity
- Identification with the body and its needs and abilities, self-preservation.
Second Chakra: Emotional Identity
- Transforms physical sensations into value-oriented meaning, sparks desire and motivation, self-gratification.
Third Chakra: Will Identity (Ego Identity)
- Birth of the executive element of the Self, separate from unconscious drives, primarily concerned with self-definition.
Fourth Chakra: Social Identity
- Expands ego identity to include relationships with others, serves toward service to others, self-acceptance essential for acceptance of others.
Fifth Chakra: Creative Identity
- Seeks to make a contribution to the world through art and creativity, self-expression.
Sixth Chakra: Archetypal Identity
- Identification with transpersonal, mythic forces that guide our world and lives, self-reflection on divine energies.
Seventh Chakra: Universal Identity
Identification with all of creation, understanding of interconnectedness with the entire web of life, requires consciousness expansion.
Each identity is a belief system and a means of interpretation, influences how we relate to the world and others.
Realizing universal identity requires a foundation of lower identities in place.
Crown Chakra Demon: Attachment
- Inhibits expansion and growth in the crown chakra
- Necessary for commitments but denies the fluid state of the universe
- Keeps us anchored, unable to move forward
- Sources of suffering in Eastern religions
- Can learn about attachments through pain and loss
Characteristics of Attachment
- Slippery demon: necessary but can become a problem
- Renouncing attachment may not be a spiritual act
- Can lead to escapism instead of growth
- About how we direct psychic energy
- Defending against suffering rather than learning from it
- Teaches us about ourselves
- Empowers underlying needs and beliefs
Effects of Attachment
- Fixates energy outside the Self
- Distracts us from inner witness
- Closes down consciousness
- Can lead to ignorance
- Similar to addiction: avoidance in reverse
Addressing Attachment
- Address underlying factors
- Redirect psychic energy to the Self
- Question beliefs and their costs/benefits
- Expand belief systems
- Release through facing or letting go
Examples of Attachment
- Yogi abandoning family for enlightenment
- Catholic church's attachment to earth-centered cosmology
- Father's attachment to son's sinfulness
Impact of Avoidance and Relationships
- One person's avoidance becomes another's attachment
- Both sides need willingness to release or face issues
- Centers involved: third chakra (ego)
Meditation and Consciousness Expansion
- Silent mind widens consciousness
- Turns towards any point in the universe for knowledge.
Higher Power and Twelve-Step Movement:
- Higher power is an essential aspect of the twelve-step movement for addiction and disorder recovery.
- Connecting to a higher power involves surrendering attachments, belief systems, habits, and need for control.
- Early experiences with higher power come from parents and shape our ability to trust and surrender.
- Surrender does not require abandoning lower states but releasing defenses and attachments.
Transcendence and Immanence:
- The crown chakra is a gateway to the infinite and to creation.
- Transcendence is the goal of moving up through the chakras, offering liberation.
- Immanence is the path of manifestation, with the divine existing in everything living and nonliving.
- Creation is an expression of the divine that is profound and refined.
Soul vs. Spirit:
- The soul gathers spirit, forming an individual's abstract being.
- Spirit seeks transcendence and universality, while the soul focuses on manifestation and embodiment.
Embracing the Gods:
- We are all elements of the divine but often forget or contract our divinity.
- Embracing deity within inspires greater consciousness and responsibility.
- Becoming a god/goddess requires commitment to consciousness and attention to every moment.
- Mythology embodies archetypal energies, offering infinite manifestations of the divine.
- "We are as Gods and might as well become good at it." - Stewart Brand
- "Whoever worships another divinity than his self, knowing him not, knows not." - Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
- Early adulthood and throughout life
- Intellectual independence
- Spiritual connection
- Development of worldview
- Education
- Ego transcendence
- Maturation
- Wholeness
Needs and Issues:
Spiritual Freedom:
- Desire for deeper understanding and connection to existence
- Asking questions about the meaning of life, source, etc.
Intellectual Stimulation:
- Expanding horizons
- Mastering relationships
- Growing towards understanding and wisdom
- Continuous learning and upgrading cognitive matrix
Spiritual Practice:
- Seeking answers to spiritual questions
- Transcending ego in the search for meaning
Seventh Chakra Development:
- Builds cognitive structure, belief systems, and understanding of the world
- Gradual awakening of consciousness throughout life
- Deepening thirst for knowledge and connection in adolescence
- Healthy foundation essential for healthy seventh chakra development
- Fixation on parents' beliefs
- Limited opportunities for learning and information
- Lack of encouragement and permission to question
- Forcing spirituality upon children
Supporting Seventh Chakra Development:
- Stimulating intellect and organizing opportunities for learning
- Encouraging questioning and providing discussions or resources to find answers
- Modeling the value of learning, thinking, reading, and questioning
- Allowing child to make choices, but making broad range available.
Traumas and Abuses:
- Abuses to the crown chakra limit focus and concentration.
- Withholding information can deprive children of proper mental nourishment and shut down their curiosity.
Withholding Information:
- Parents may withhold information from children, believing it's for their own good.
- Children are naturally curious and seek knowledge, withholding it can limit their development.
- Poor education can also hinder a child's natural hunger for knowledge.
Spiritual Abuse:
- Forcing unrealistic purity or spiritual belief systems on children can close the crown chakra and produce shame and fear.
- Children should be allowed to explore spirituality at their own pace in a loving and respectful environment.
- Exposure to a variety of spiritual options is important for healthy development.
Impact of Trauma:
- Untied ancient knowledge can return with slight variations until it's confronted.
- Children who experience trauma or abuse may have a harder time opening to spirituality later in life.
Effects of Withholding Information:
- Can lead to doubt and shame, making children less likely to ask questions.
- Can stunt their intellectual growth and limit their understanding of the world.
Impact of Poor Education:
- Fails to stimulate and support a child's natural curiosity and hunger for knowledge.
- Makes learning a tedious and boring task instead of a joyous exploration.
Spiritual Abuse Examples:
- Forcing children to accompany parents in proselytizing can cause fear, shame, and negative experiences with spirituality.
- Insisting on perfection or teaching that they are full of sin can also close the crown chakra.
Importance of Validation:
- Validating a child's questions and curiosity can help them understand the world around them.
- Allows for healthy intellectual growth and an open crown chakra.
Traumas and abuses to the crown chakra, including withholding information or spiritual abuse, can limit focus and concentration or produce shame and fear, making it harder for individuals to open up to their own personally fulfilling spirituality. Children are naturally curious and need proper mental nourishment through access to knowledge, a loving environment, and validation of their questions. Poor education can also hinder intellectual growth and curiosity, while spiritual abuse can cause negative experiences with spirituality and limit options for healthy exploration.
Continuum Philosophy and Intellect
- Goal: Make intellect a competent servant instead of an incompetent master
- Jean Liedloff: Closed crown chakra prevents realization of transformative energies and consciousness
Crown Chakra and Consciousness
- Important for achieving freedom and realizing transformative energies
- Patterns of behavior repeat without awareness when crown chakra is closed
- Closed chakra may result in being ruled by unconscious
The Know-it-All and Cognitive Closure
- Refusal to accept new knowledge and information
- Rigid beliefs create cognitive closure
- Opposite of infinite knowledge and possibility
- Can lead to skepticism and unhappiness
- John Bradshaw: Cultic authoritarian religion creates cognitive closure
Need to be Right
- Being right supports the ego and closes off new information
- Separates individuals from unity and expansion
- Question: What gives final authority on what's right?
Failure to Learn
- Learning is a process of incorporating change through experience
- Difficulties in changing and understanding new information with closed crown chakra
- Chronic condition may result in learning difficulties
- New information resisted if it erodes belief systems
- Question: Are you overly identified with your beliefs?
Belief in Limitations:
- People strongly defend beliefs about what they cannot achieve or change
- These beliefs can become self-fulfilling prophecies
- Infinite universe has endless possibilities, but we cannot know them all
Spiritual Skepticism:
- Disbelief that anything exists beyond the material world
- A deficiency of the seventh chakra
- Can lead to doubt and hinder trust in a higher power or unknown
- A healthy amount of skepticism is necessary for discrimination
Excess in Crown Chakra:
- Overinvestment of energy as a defense mechanism
- Pulling oneself up into the head to avoid feelings and worldly demands
- Can result in confusion, frustration, or dissociation
- Schizoid/Creative types often exhibit this pattern
- Intellect can harm the soul when possessed
- Building on strengths at the cost of other parts (body, emotions, heart)
- Creates a safe, fascinating, and ego-inflating world
- Can lead to elusiveness and distraction if not grounded in wisdom and understanding
Spiritual Addiction:
- Spirituality becomes an escape from lower chakra demands
- Vows of poverty, chastity, obedience, or excessive meditation can be addictive
- Can result in spiritual growth or arrest depending on application
Feeling Overwhelmed:
- Excess energy in the head leading to confusion and dissociation
- Too much information without proper organization can be overwhelming
- Grounding, meditation, or exercise can help calm or discharge excess energy
- A severe and chronic state of feeling overwhelmed
- Reveals an excess in the upper chakras (fifth, sixth, seventh)
- Manifestations include voices, hallucinations, or delusional belief systems
- Lack of focus and containment due to a breakdown of the operating system's organization.
- Awake to reality of spiritual nature by eliminating demons of fear, guilt, shame, grief, lies, illusions, and attachments
- Develop capacity for stillness and concentration through meditation
- Liberate from habitual patterns of thoughts and experience consciousness as infinite source
- Open chakra by developing capacity for stillness and concentration
- Healing involves removing demands of outside world, false beliefs, and experiencing personal connection with divine source
Meditation: Technique for Calming, Clarifying, and Energizing the Mind
- Train mind to enter subtler states of consciousness
- Access deeper, grander state of awareness
- Order and clarity brought to mind affects everything else
- Numerous techniques available, including:
- Nonspecified, free-flowing movement (Authentic Movement or Rajneesh’s Chaotic Meditation)
- Regulating and watching breath
- Gazing at image, flame, mandala, or symbol
- Uttering mantra, phrase, or affirmation
- Observing witness or following thoughts
- Walking silently and mindfully
- Concentrating on concept or problem (Zen koan)
- Intent listening to sounds or music
- Visualizing moving energy up and/or down body
- Guided visualizations or trance journeys
- Simply relaxing and being receptive
- Meditation leads to increased physical health, productivity, creativity, personal satisfaction, and mental silence
- Access deeper wisdom and self-knowledge
- Quiet mind disengages habitual responses and frees from patterns
- Meditation can bring unconscious material into consciousness for processing
- Serves both ascending (liberating) and descending (manifestation) currents
- Can have profound results, including accessing deeper states of universal consciousness.
Meditation Stages: Concentrative vs Receptive
- Yoga Sutras describe three stages in concentrative meditation:
- Ydharana (concentration): focusing awareness on object
- Dhyana (meditation or merging): allowing it to merge with the object
- Samadhi (ecstasy): experiencing state of total absorption and no longer a sense of subject and object
- Receptive meditation: opening to flow of thoughts, feelings, or impulses and following wherever it might lead.
Mindfulness: essential key to conscious living; fundamental quality in the crown chakra; enables full experience of present moment; requires examining who we are and questioning our perspective; paying attention to subtle flavors and textures of each moment; brings past and future into present consciousness; underlies concept "Waiting Is"
Characteristics of Mindfulness:
- Paying Attention: noticing every moment without attachment
- Present Moment Awareness: enabling full experience and satisfaction
- Connection: being in touch with experiences and emotions
- Avoiding Defenses: no dissociation, presumptions, numbness, impatience, fear, or chakra demons
Benefits of Mindfulness:
- Open Attention: new possibilities and freedom from unconsciousness
- Rich Information: full information equals intelligence, avoids suffering
- State of Observation: does not judge, value, negate, or applaud; simply witnesses
Enemies of Mindfulness:
- Dissociation: disconnecting from experience
- Presumptions: not allowing present moment to unfold uniquely
- Numbness: shutting off valuable information and robbing fullness of experience
- Impatience: rushing to the future, not realizing richness of present
- Fear: cannot fully engage, contracts attention
Mindfulness means paying attention. It involves noticing the subtle flavors and textures of each moment and appreciating their many interwoven levels of meaning without getting attached to any particular one.
We keep [the past and future] consciously in sight as ways to enhance the meaning of the present.
In waiting, we are not putting our attention on the future, but experiencing the perfection of the unfolding present.
When we commit ourselves to paying attention in an open way, without falling prey to our own likes and dislikes, opinions and prejudices, projections and expectations, new possibilities open up and we have a chance to free ourselves from the straightjacket of unconsciousness.
Exercise to Discover the Witness
- Methods: Meditation or conversation with another
- Purpose: Recognize the reality of essential self beneath normal vantage point
Meditation Method
- Choose emotionally charged scene, story, or situation
- Watch drama from witness's perspective
- Observe reactions and write down observations in a journal as if describing a third person
- Repeat process with each charged part of the scene
- Switch to first person to meet the witness and write its observations and insights about self
- Remember, witness is not a judge
- Witness may observe multiple layers until objective core Self is reached
- Core Self has wisdom
With Another
- Share troubling scene, story, or situation with a friend or therapist in first person
- Friend acknowledges but does not interrupt
- Retell the story in third person from witness's perspective
- Friend may ask witness for further observations or insights about self.
- Concept of connecting with a higher power for guidance and insight
- Can be defined in various ways: communing with divine intelligence, God or Goddess, disembodied masters, or an unconscious aspect of our own mind
- Important to receive information for healing and guidance towards wholeness
Communing with the Higher Self:
- Climbing metaphor for gaining perspective on difficult situations
- Archetype that allows us to receive valuable information
- Exercise for guidance: talking to a concept of deity (God or Goddess) for insight
Exercise for Guidance from the Higher Self:
- Create mental image of deity
- Phrase concern as a question and describe it to a friend
- Switch roles with friend, ask the question as the deity and answer as the deity would
- If alone, play both parts and write or record answers
Talking to God or Goddess:
- Create mental image of deity, does not matter what it looks like as long as it carries wisdom and compassion
- Phrase concern as a mature question, rather than petty questions
- Describe the image and question to a friend
- Change places, ask question as the deity and answer as the deity would
- Can also do exercise alone, play both parts and write or record answers
- Image concept of God or Goddess
- Write question on paper
- Take on the God or Goddess form and read the question
- Answer as the deity would, remember or record answer
- Do journal writing on insights received.
- Practice to reduce suffering and become mindful
- Difficulty detaching when deeply attached
- Avoidance increases attachment
Journal Exercise to Loosen Attachment:
- *Close eyes and drop into body- *
- *Identify object of attachment and associated pain- *
- *Observe feelings with witness consciousness- *
- *Write down attachment details: person, qualities, benefits, parts of self affected- *
- *Identify attached stories and assess accuracy- *
- *List what attachment is costing (energy, time, health, etc.)- *
- *Find reason for separation (higher wisdom, old wounds, compassion, etc.)
- *Meditation: soak in feelings, make clear separation, call in positive energy sources, fill emptiness with new activities or practices
Nonattachment Journal Exercise: (Can be used for avoidance as well)
- Identify object of avoidance and associated fear
- Observe feelings with witness consciousness
- Write down details: person, situation, benefits of avoidance, parts of self affected
- Identify avoided stories and assess accuracy
- List what avoidance is costing (energy, time, relationships, etc.)
- Find reason for separation (growth, new opportunities, healing, etc.)
- Meditation: soak in feelings, make clear separation, call in positive energy sources, fill emptiness with new activities or practices
Transcending the Lower Egos: a meditation exercise to open the crown chakra and drop sheaths of identity associated with lower chakras.
Step One: Let go of anything that is not your body:
- Sit comfortably and focus on your body.
- Feel its length, width, edges, and boundaries.
- Embrace the resident dweller inside your body.
- Ask the resident to join you on a journey.
Step Two: Allow yourself to feel emotions:
- Notice all emotions experienced.
- Separate yourself from them.
- Choose not to go on emotional rides if desired.
Step Three: Observe your actions and reactions:
- See yourself in actions.
- Recognize the ego's attachment.
- Understand actions as choices.
Step Four: See yourself interacting with others:
- Observe how they see you.
- Understand the role you play.
- Realize the puppet master behind the persona.
Step Five: Acknowledge your creations:
- Recognize the I that created them.
- Leave them behind and prepare to move on.
Step Six: Observe archetypal energies:
- Understand cultural influences.
- See yourself as part of an archetypal urge.
- Realize there is a presence separate from archetypal energy.
Step Seven: Expand beyond identification:
- Feel the connection with all creation.
- Embrace your ultimate reality as divine intelligence or pure awareness.
Examining Belief Systems:
- Expanding consciousness leads to growing belief systems.
- Limiting beliefs hinder growth (e.g., "I can't do it," "It's impossible").
- Anything is possible, and belief systems originate from experiences and influences.
Exploring the Origin of Beliefs:
- Trace beliefs back to their source by asking: When did I first get this idea? Where did those thoughts come from?
- Identify outer influences (parents, peers, literature, loved ones).
- Reach core experience and ask: Is this a belief I constructed?
- Consider the beliefs that influenced previous experiences.
The Role of Consciousness and Information:
- Consciousness brings us information to conduct our lives.
- Each chakra has unique needs for growth (e.g., first chakra needs food and touch).
- The seventh chakra feeds on information.
Importance of Continuous Learning:
- Life force and evolution aim to become smarter and obtain more information.
- Nourish the seventh chakra by feeding ourselves with new knowledge.
- Choose subjects that interest us for learning, including self-exploration.
- Gain knowledge of the world around us and within us for self-mastery.
- C.G. Jung's perspective on psychic wholeness: energy withdrawal from external deities to psyche
- Origin of the word religion: reconnecting with spirit, soul, and eternal aspects of life
- Religion as a psychic structure for connecting with the world
- Seven lotus metaphor: religion is one of many petals, impacts crown chakra
- Drives towards religion: security (root chakra), emotional fulfillment (sacral chakra), power, community, creative expression (solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye)
- Spiritual growth vs. religious obstacles: denial of feelings, avoidance, control, righteousness
- Adapting religion as a defense
- Religion's benefits: structure, practice, community, support, grounding practices (meditation, choir, rituals, puja, yoga, service)
- Importance of religion with a practice vs. just ideas and concepts.
Restoration of the Sacred THE MANY SHADES OF THE RAINBOW
Trauma and Difficulties:
- Obstacles we encounter in life, including childhood traumas and cultural blind spots
- Shut down our evolutionary process
The Archetype of the Self:
- Contains the program to become whole
- Each time we work through a past trauma, we reclaim a piece of our body's reality and temple
Reclamation and Restoration:
- Breaking down barriers to love and divine nature
- Recognition of what already is (Enlightenment or awakening)
- Unfolding petals of chakras, bringing deeper meaning and richer life experiences
The Journey Continues:
- Not about reaching a destination but being conscious throughout the journey
- Bring depth and wisdom to every level
- Uncovering obstacles is not the end, it's the beginning of another voyage in consciousness
The Return Trip:
- Psychic realization or discovery of the soul is just the start
- Another voyage made in consciousness instead of ignorance
- World still needs wisdom and guidance, even with enlightenment or awakening.
Sri Aurobindo's Teachings on Chakras: The Descent of Consciousness
- Journey from top to bottom in consciousness development
- Access to upper chakras is unconscious; we don't live there yet
- As we grow, we encounter energy coming down from the top
- Upper chakra energies filter down, but we don't operate from those levels fully
- In the journey downward:
- Instead of basing decisions on feelings, use principles
- Devise strategies instead of repeating impulsive patterns
- Create who we are instead of discovering who we are
- Energy coming up from the ground is dynamic and expansive
- Energy coming down from the top is systematic and calm
- Chakras once fully realized:
- Crown chakra: state of being, consciousness is an experience, not a thing
- Illumination brings inspiration to creativity
- Understanding necessary for compassion in heart chakra
- Power becomes directed transformation with intelligence
- Emotions and sexuality deepen and broaden understanding
- Consciousness makes the body fully alive, and body gives consciousness a place to live
Ideas on Enlightenment:
- Enlightenment comes in pieces, it happens a little bit every day
- We gain wisdom from insights, feelings, relationships, successes/failures
- Change ourselves, change the world (we're a complete, indivisible system)
Assessing Chakra Balance
- Divide a piece of paper into four columns: Issues, Strengths, Excess, and Deficiency
- Go through the chakra lists in the book and write down applicable words for each column
- Have a friend assess you and compare results
- Use strengths to address weaker areas
- Consider journaling and healing activities
Top-Down Approach
- Use excessive energy to build up deficient energy
- Excess in 6th chakra: visualize a healthy body or better relationship
- Strong communicators: use skills to increase sense of power, improve relationships
- Highly disciplined: use discipline for physical exercises, meditative practices
Five Basic Character Structures
- Each person's energy distribution through chakras is unique
- Five basic structures: Overcontroller, Controller, Avoider, Compulsive, and Pleaser
Four Basic Patterns of Unbalanced Energy Distribution
- Top-down: excess moves down to deficiency
- Excess in higher chakras, deficiency in lower ones
- Bottom-up: deficiency moves up to excess
- Deficient in lower chakras, excessive in upper ones
- Inside-out: deficiency moves from core outward
- Low self-esteem, poor boundaries, fear of intimacy
- Outside-in: excess moves from external environment inward
- Overstimulation, addiction, dependency on others
General Principles
- Use assessment to understand energy patterns
- Use strengths to address weaknesses
- Energy follows attention
- Characteristics: live primarily in their heads, excessive upper chakras, deficient lower ones, thinking-intuitive types, ponder before acting, often intellectual or analytical jobs
- Growth and balance: comes from moving energy downward and connecting with the body
- Suffer from early childhood difficulties that led to disconnection from the body
- Tend to be complex and intelligent
- Natural tendency is to move energy upward
- Examples: Schizoid/Creative individuals, teachers, counselors, writers
Bottom-Up Systems:
- Characteristics: energetically bottom-heavy, ruled by emotions and instincts, prefer repetitive patterns, simple expectations, satisfied with routines, oriented towards self-preservation and self-gratification
- Growth and balance: comes from moving energy upward
- Enjoy physical activity, keeping nose to the grindstone, predictable and reliable
- Ruled by unconscious, often follow impulses and path of least resistance
- May result from strict parenting that curtails natural expansiveness and punishes creative behavior
- Examples: sports jocks, laborers, outdoorsmen, empty-headed ingenue, classic housewives
- Top-down and bottom-up systems refer to chakra systems and energy flow within individuals
- Both types have growth and balance achieved through moving energy in opposite directions of their natural tendency
- Childhood experiences play a significant role in shaping these energy systems
- Both types have stereotypical examples and are not limited to those examples alone.
- Energetically centered in middle ego centers
- Growth comes from extending energy downward to deeper self and upward toward spirit and intellect
- Overall balance between upper and lower chakras
- Poorly connected to either end
- Take bodies for granted and avoid introspection
- Middle chakras blocked, energy held in middle of body
- Characteristics: Endurer structure, ego- and action-oriented extroverts, socialites, performers, middle managers, bureaucrats
- Interested in outside world, politics, business, relationships, performing arts
- May have no interest in inner life or spirituality
- Common pattern in mainstream American culture
Outside-In Systems:
- Energetically disconnected integrative middle
- Aware of head and body, neither connected to other
- Great chasm of emptiness in the middle, especially at heart
- Highly sensitive physically with possible allergies, irritations, or chronic pains
- Obsessed with body through dieting or hypochondria
- Upper chakras highly developed, intelligent, creative, intuitive
- Tend toward introversion
- Repressed traumas or wounds to heart
- Growth comes from establishing deep relationships and opening up
- Can signify serious dissociations
- Possible configurations: Oral structure, multiple personality disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, borderline personality disorders.
Balanced Systems:
- Achieving relative balance through chakras is possible without being an enlightened master
- Characteristics of a balanced person:
- Well grounded and in touch with body
- Good health and vitality
- Aware of feelings without being ruled by them
- Sexually content without being driven
- Confident and purposeful (third chakra)
- Compassionate and loving heart
- Clear communication and listening skills
- Imagination, wisdom, and personal connection with spirit (upper chakras)
- Achieving balance takes time, patience, dedication, and using strengths to counteract weaknesses
- Assessing energy distribution for balance
- Profound results from visualizing or moving energy
- Starting work from the ground up recommended for ungrounded types
Grounding Exercises:
- Establishing boundaries
- Sensing blocked energy
- Focusing life energy in the present moment
- Techniques: body dialog, drawings of the body
- Contraindicated if person cannot concentrate on exercises
- Alternative methods: conversation, historical material, dreams
Working with Clients:
- Following client's pattern of unfolding
- Assisting and encouraging where needed
- Whole self (body, soul, mind, spirit, chakras) must be kept in mind throughout the process.
Kundalini Awakening
- A spiritual experience described as the awakening of a dormant energy at the base of the spine in Hindu mythology
- Kundalini is represented as a serpent goddess, Shakti, coiled three and a half times around the first chakra
- Awakening occurs when the Kundalini energy begins to rise through the body, piercing and opening the chakras
- Symptoms may include twitching, intense heat, shaking, emotional instability, hallucinations, and extreme mood swings
Classical Psychology Perspective
- Marlena's symptoms could be mistakenly diagnosed as a psychotic break
- However, these symptoms can also indicate Kundalini awakening
Causes of Kundalini Awakening
- Extended periods of meditation, yoga, fasting, stress, trauma, psychedelic drugs, or near-death experiences
- Can be triggered by mundane experiences as well
Experience and Effects
- Intense energy undulates in the body as it rises through the chakras
- Creates a vertical connection between the chakras by opening subtle channels, particularly the central channel (sushumna)
- A healing force with sometimes unpleasant effects that can last for minutes, days, months, or even years
Handling Unpleasant Kundalini Symptoms
- Attend to the body: Purify and nourish it by avoiding harmful substances, practicing massage and exercise, and eating well
- Reduce stress: Make time for spiritual transformation and find support
- Find support: Connect with others who have had similar experiences and seek spiritual companionship
- Educate yourself: Learn about Kundalini and the chakras to better understand the experience
- Treat underlying psychological issues: Address unresolved emotional baggage to facilitate a smoother journey
- Examine your spiritual practices: Adjust or discontinue practices that exacerbate symptoms, and consider beginning new ones if none are in use
- Practice grounding: Establish a strong foundation for the Kundalini energy through grounding exercises
- Practice yoga: Strengthen the body, purify subtle channels, and awaken chakras to facilitate a smooth passage of Kundalini energy
Shiva—Counterpart to Kundalini-Shakti
- Kundalini is the upward current that breaks out of restricted matter and moves toward the infinite
- Shiva, her counterpart, represents the source of the downward current
- Destroys ignorance, attachment, and illusion to bring realization of the eternal consciousness within
- The axis of manifestation developing from the point-limit (bindu), the center of the universe.
- Archetype with both light and dark forces
- Active principle: Rudra, destroyer and sealer of ignorance
- Later aspects: Shiva, lord of sleep, ultimate transcendent deity, representing peace and bliss
- Inactive form: corpse, symbolizing forgetfulness
- Enlivened by Shakti, causes the dance of Shiva
- Primal emanation of life, cosmic parents
- Represents pure consciousness and form/order
- Tempering force for Kundalini's chaotic energies
- Symbolized as Shiva lingam (male symbol of creation)
- Brings calm and order to Kundalini's wildness
- Can temper the violent ravages of Kundalini
- Dynamic feminine principle, moving toward freedom and chaos
- Raw, vital energy, needs Shiva for manifestation
- Causes Shiva to move into manifestation as the dance (Shiva Nataraja)
- In union with Shiva: primordial emanations of life
Cosmic Principles:
- Male and female, upper and lower, form and chaos, transcendence and immanence
Invoking Shiva's Energy:
- Calls upon the transcendent bliss of the crown chakra
- Brings down through body, invokes manifesting current
- Synthesizes cosmic principles into a single dynamic essence.
- Dwells steadfastly at the junction of emanation and resorption
- Returned to primordial oneness, the universal heart.
Tantra: a spiritual practice that involves weaving together opposing energies (Shakti and Shiva) through all chakras, ultimately balancing them in the heart for enlightenment; not about renunciation but embracing life's experiences and expanding consciousness
- Literally means "loom" or "to stretch"
- Involves weaving together opposites: mortal and divine, male and female, spirit and matter, Heaven and Earth
- Balancing Shakti (downward flow) and Shiva (upward flow) in heart results in ultimate balance
Tantra and Sexuality:
- Sacred act embodying union of Shiva and Shakti on physical plane
- Tantra seeks enlightenment through experiencing life fully, embracing senses and emotions
- Transforms acts into creative evolution rather than ceasing action
- Heart chakra is central integrating chamber
- Bringing feelings to a place of wisdom and understanding at the heart
- Realization comes from crown chakra, allowing us to embrace whole
- Body is temple where all things come to rest and fruition; need integration for completeness
Union of Shiva and Shakti:
- Two triangles symbolize their union in objective universe
- Separated triangles represent dissolution: time and space cease to exist
Bringing Ourselves into the Center at the Heart:
- Feeling bodies, needs, emotions, and considering effects on others
- Embodying wisdom by not blindly accepting beliefs without testing with body's truth
- Approaching life with compassion and love
- Dwelling in a place of peace and balance
Current State of the World:
- Issues centered around power and aggression
- Living in shadow of potential nuclear holocaust
- Exaltation of individuality and worship of hero's quest
- Technology prowess
- Call to return from third chakra to fourth: benefit community with individual possibilities
Returning from the Hero's Quest:
- Emphasis on bringing home the fruits of individuality and power for community benefit
- Limited possibilities as individuals, but unlimited potential as conscious members of larger community
- Quest for enlightenment requires returning to world and becoming part of evolutionary system
- Love is essential to lift us out of violence, aggression, and coldhearted individualism
- Creating connection between Heaven and Earth as conscious, integrated individuals
Rainbow Bridge:
- Created by each conscious, integrated individual
- Essential piece emphasized at this time for healing the original fabric of wholeness.
Building a Temple for the Divine:
- Spirituality is the awakening of divinity in consciousness (Harish Johari)
- In Norse mythology, giants built Valhalla as gods' abode but asked for payment - Frejya, goddess of love
- Cannot build our temple through external means or by sacrificing love
- Need to build a temple within ourselves to access full spectrum of divinity
The Divine:
- More than just consciousness
- Includes beauty, sound, love, energy, feeling, and form
- Accessing these frequencies requires a capable temple within
Chakras as Essential Chambers:
- Each chakra represents an essential chamber in the temple of the Self
- Houses an aspect of the sacred and is necessary for wholeness
- Cleansing, decorating, and restoring each chamber allows access to more divinity
Building a Temple Step by Step:
- Build foundation and reclaim life force (develop the seven chakras)
- Open to the gods
- Bring forth divinity through sacred living
- Enhance journey for others by guiding them on their own quests
The Rainbow Bridge as a Sacred Quest:
- Crossing bridge is a journey towards self-evolution and humanity's evolution.