- Added:
- Support range filter
- Changed:
is now an extra dependencies- As default without
extra, mongo_queries_manager cast only isoformat string into datetime - Use Poetry instead of pipenv
- Use nox instead of tox
- Update pyproject.toml
- Add GitHub workflow (format, lint, type, test, coverage)
- Add GitHub stale
- Add pre-commit, black, isort, flake8 dev dependencies
- Fixed:
- Regex issue on list format with space
- Added:
- New exception
- New population & projection tests
- New exception
- Changed:
- Clean docstrings
- Population logic (use recursion)
- Population projection logic (use recursion)
- Added:
- Blacklist logic
- Tests on blacklist logic
- Changed:
- Population is now optional (default False)
- Changed:
- Tests, fix population into dict returns (optional)
- Added:
- Population logic with projection
- Population tests
- Changed:
- Tests, add Population into dict returns
- Added:
- Mongo projection logic
- Projection tests
- New exception
- Changed:
- Clean docstrings
- Tests, add projection into dict returns
- Removed:
- Regex logic for $text find
- Changed:
- Text operator tests
- Added:
- Mongo $text operator
- New exception
- Text operator tests
- Added:
- Custom cast
- Custom cast tests
- Refactor:
- Refactor class logic
- Tests
- Added:
- Tests (Operators, types, sort, skip, limit, errors).
- New custom exception (SkipError, LimitError, ListOperatorError, FilterError), inherit from MongoDBQueriesManagerBaseError.
- Limit now support empty value (ie,
). - Skip now support empty value (ie,
). - Code docstrings
- Changed:
- Rename exception MongoDBQueriesManagerError to MongoDBQueriesManagerBaseError.
- Fix:
- Issue with $exist operator.
- Initial release.