Compile-time Errors to implement:
Section | Error Case | Planned | Implemented ? |
3.10.1 | \u not followed with 4 hexadecimal digits |
no | no |
3.10.1 | int > 2147483648 |
yes | -- |
3.10.1 | long > 9223372036854775808L |
yes | -- |
3.10.2 | float > 3.4028235e38f |
yes | -- |
3.10.2 | float < 1.40e-45f |
yes | -- |
3.10.2 | double > 1.7976931348623157e308 |
yes | -- |
3.10.2 | double < 4.9e-324 |
yes | -- |
3.10.4 | "' " not following SingleCharacter or EscapeSequence |
yes | -- |
3.10.4 | "' .*LineTerminator.* ' " |
yes | yes through parser |
3.10.5 | "" .*LineTerminator.* " " |
yes | yes through parser |
3.10.5 | "" .*LineTerminator.* " " |
yes | yes through parser |
3.10.6 | \X with X != b,t,n,f,r,",',\,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 |
yes | yes through parser |
4.3 | whitout id being an accessible member type of T |
yes | -- |
4.4 | see section | -- | -- |
4.4 | see section (erasures ) |
-- | -- |
4.8 | type member of parameterized type as raw type | -- | -- |
4.8 | "pass actual type parameters to a non-static type member of a raw type that is not inherited from its superclasses or superinterfaces." | -- | -- |
4.9 | see section "Intersection Types" | -- | -- |
5.1.10 | see section "Capture Conversions" | -- | -- |
5.2 | see section "Assignment Conversions" | yes | -- |
5.5 | Casting conversions error cases | no | no |
6.4.3 | referring to any of the class fields by its simple name if there are two or more fields with the same simple name | yes | -- |
6.4.4 | Interface case | no | no |
6.5.2 | for AmbiguousName as name.Identifier , if name is reclassified as a TypeName and Identifier is neither a method or field nor a member type of the type denoted by TypeName |
yes | -- |
6.5.2 | for AmbiguousName as name.Identifier , if name is reclassified as a ExpressionName and Identifier is neither a method or field nor a member type of the type denoted by T with T the type of the expression denoted by ExpressionName |
yes | -- |
6.5.3 | if a package name consists of a single Identifier and no top level package of that name is in scope | yes | -- | | if a type name is of the form Q.Id , If Id does not name a member type within Q , or the member type named Id within Q is not accessible, or Id names more than one member type within Q |
yes | -- | | if an expression name consists of a single Identifier and there is not exactly one visible declaration denoting either a local variable, parameter or field in scope at the point at which the the Identifier occurs | yes | -- | | if the field is an instance variable and it appears within a static method, static initializer, or initializer for a static variable | yes | -- | | if an expression name is of the form Q.Id and Q is a package name |
yes | -- | | if an expression name is of the form Q.Id , Q is a type name that names a class type and there is not exactly one accessible member of the class type that is a field named Id |
yes | -- | | if an expression name is of the form Q.Id , Q is a type name that names a class type, there is exactly one accessible member of the class type that is a field named Id and this field is not declared static |
yes | -- | | if an expression name is of the form Q.Id , Q is a type name that names a interface type... |
no | no | | if an expression name is of the form Q.Id , Q is an expression name, T the type of Q and T is not a reference type |
yes | -- | | if an expression name is of the form Q.Id , Q is an expression name, T the type of Q and there is not exactly one accessible member of the type T that is a field named Id |
yes | -- | | if an expression name is of the form Q.Id , Q is an expression name, T the type of Q , there is exactly one accessible member of the type T that is a field named Id , this field is either field of interface type, final field of a class type or the final field length of an array type, and Q.Id appears in a context that requires a variable and not a value |
yes | -- | | the Identifier in an ElementValuePair is not the simple name of one of the elements of the annotation type identified by TypeName in the containing annotation | no | no | | if a method name is of the form Q.Id and Q is a package name |
yes | -- |
7.4 | if an annotation a on a package declaration corresponds to an annotation type T , T has a (meta-)annotation m that corresponds to annotation.Target and m does not have an element whose value is annotation.ElementType.PACKAGE |
no | no |
7.5.1 | import TypeName if TypeName does not exist |
yes | -- |
7.5.1 | import TypeName if the named type is not accessible |
yes | -- |
7.5.1 | if two single-type-import declarations in the same compilation unit attempt to import types with the same simple name | yes | -- |
7.5.1 | if a compilation unit contains both a single-static-import declaration that imports a type whose simple name is n , and a single-type-import declaration that imports a type whose simple name is n |
yes | -- |
7.5.1 | if another top level type with the same simple name is declared in the current compilation unit except by a type-import-on-demand declaration or a static-import-on-demand declaration | yes | -- |
7.5.2 | import PackageOrTypeName .* if PackageOrTypeName is not accessible |
yes | -- |
7.5.3 | import static TypeName . Identifier if TypeName does not exist |
yes | -- |
7.5.3 | import static TypeName . Identifier if there is no member of the name Identifier or if all of the named members are not accessible |
yes | -- |
7.5.3 | if a compilation unit contains both a single-static-import declaration that imports a type whose simple name is n , and a single-type-import declaration that imports a type whose simple name is n |
yes | -- |
7.5.3 | if a single-static-import declaration imports a type whose simple name is n , and the compilation unit also declares a top level type whose simple name is n |
yes | -- |
7.5.4 | import static TypeName .* if TypeName does not exist |
yes | -- |
7.5.4 | import static TypeName .* if the named type is not accessible |
yes | -- |
7.6 | if the name of a top level type appears as the name of any other top level class or interface type declared in the same package | yes | -- |
7.6 | if the name of a top level type is also declared as a type by a single-type-import declaration in the compilation unit containing the type declaration | yes | -- |
7.6 | if a top level type declaration contains any one of the following access modifiers: protected , private or static |
yes | -- |
8.1 | if a class has the same simple name as any of its enclosing classes or interfaces | yes | yes |
8.1.1 | if the same modifier appears more than once in a class declaration | yes | yes |
8.1.1 | if an annotation a on a class declaration corresponds to an annotation type T , T has a (meta-)annotation m that corresponds to annotation.Target , and m does not have an element whose value is annotation.ElementType.TYPE |
no | no | | if a normal class that is not abstract contains an abstract method | yes | yes | | Enum types declared abstract |
no | no | | if an enum type E has an abstract method m as a member whithout having one or more enum constants that have class bodies that provide concrete implementations of m |
no | no | | the class body of an enum constant declares an abstract method. | no | no | | new myClass with myClass declared as abstract |
yes | -- | | declaration of an abstract class type such that it is not possible to create a subclass that implements all of its abstract methods | -- | -- | | if the name of a final class appears in the extends clause of another class declaration | yes | -- | | class is declared both final and abstract |
yes | yes |
8.1.2 | if a generic class is a direct or indirect subclass of Throwable |
yes | -- |
8.1.2 | referring to a type parameter of a class C anywhere in the declaration of a static member of C or the declaration of a static member of any type declaration nested within C |
no | no |
8.1.2 | referring to a type parameter of a class C within a static initializer of C or any class nested within C |
no | no |
8.1.4 | extends ClassType if ClassType is not accessible |
yes | -- |
8.1.4 | extends ClassType if ClassType names a final class |
yes | -- |
8.1.4 | extends ClassType if ClassType names the class Enum or any invocation of it |
no | no |
8.1.4 | extends TypeName<TypeArgs> and it is not a correct invocation of the type declaration denoted by TypeName, or some of the type arguments are wildcard type arguments |
no | no |
8.1.4 | if a class depends on itself : class A extends B {} class B extends A {} |
yes | -- |
8.1.5 | Interfaces related error cases | no | no |
8.2 | Error cases because only members of a class that are declared protected or public are inherited by subclasses declared in a package other than the one in which the class is declared |
-- | -- |
8.3 | the body of a class declaration declares two fields with the same name | yes | yes |
8.3.1 | the same modifier appears more than once in a field declaration | yes | yes |
8.3.1 | a field declaration has more than one of the access modifiers public , protected , and private |
yes | yes |
8.3.1 | if an annotation a on a field declaration corresponds to an annotation type T , T has a (meta-)annotation m that corresponds to annotation.Target , and m does not have an element whose value is annotation.ElementType.FIELD |
no | no | | a blank final class variable is not definitely assigned by a static initializer of the class in which it is declared |
yes | -- | | a blank final instance variable is not definitely assigned at the end of every constructor of the class in which it is declared |
yes | -- | | a final variable is also declared volatile |
yes | -- |
8.3.2 | the evaluation of a variable initializer for a static field of a named class (or of an interface) can complete abruptly with a checked exception | -- | -- |
8.3.2 | if an instance variable initializer of a named class can throw a checked exception (unless that exception or one of its supertypes is explicitly declared in the throws clause of each constructor of its class and the class has at least one explicitly declared constructor) | -- | -- | | if a reference by simple name to any instance variable occurs in an initialization expression for a class variable | yes | -- | | if the keyword this or the keyword super occurs in an initialization expression for a class variable |
yes | -- | | see Restrictions on the use of Fields during Initialization | yes | -- | | referring to any ambiguously inherited field by its simple name | yes | -- |
8.4 | the body of a class declares as members two methods with override-equivalent signatures (name, number of parameters, and types of any parameters) | yes | yes |
8.4.1 | two formal parameters of the same method or constructor are declared to have the same name Example: void myMethod(int i, float i) |
yes | yes |
8.4.1 | if an annotation a on a formal parameter corresponds to an annotation type T , T has a (meta-)annotation m that corresponds to annotation.Target , and m does not have an element whose value is annotation.ElementType.PARAMETER |
no | no |
8.4.1 | if a method or constructor parameter that is declared final is assigned to within the body of the method or constructor |
yes | -- |
8.4.2 | declare two methods with override-equivalent signatures (defined below) in a class | yes | yes |
8.4.3 | the same modifier appears more than once in a method declaration | yes | yes |
8.4.3 | a method declaration has more than one of the access modifiers public , protected , and private |
yes | yes |
8.4.3 | a method declaration that contains the keyword abstract also contains any one of the keywords private , static , final , native , strictfp , or synchronized |
yes | yes |
8.4.3 | a method declaration that contains the keyword native also contains strictfp |
yes | yes |
8.4.3 | if an annotation a on a method declaration corresponds to an annotation type T , T has a (meta-)annotation m that corresponds to annotation.Target , and m does not have an element whose value is annotation.ElementType.METHOD |
no | no | | an abstract method m is not declared directly within an abstract class A |
yes | -- | | a subclass of A that is not abstract does not provide an implementation for m |
yes | -- | | attempt to reference the current object using the keyword this or the keyword super or to reference the type parameters of any surrounding declaration in the body of a class method |
yes | -- | | attempt to override or hide a final method | yes | -- |
8.4.6 | if any ExceptionType mentioned in a throws clause is not a subtype of Throwable |
yes | -- |
8.4.6 | for each checked exception that can result from execution of the body of a method or constructor, if that exception type and a supertype of that exception type is not mentioned in a throws clause in the declaration of the method or constructor |
yes | -- |
8.4.6 | if B is a class or interface, and A is a superclass or superinterface of B , and a method declaration n in B overrides or hides a method declaration m in A , n has a throws clause that mentions any checked exception types, and m does not have have a throws clause |
-- | -- |
8.4.6 | if B is a class or interface, and A is a superclass or superinterface of B , and a method declaration n in B overrides or hides a method declaration m in A , n has a throws clause that mentions any checked exception types, m has a throws clause and for some checked exception type listed in the throws clause of n , that same exception class or one of its supertypes is not in the erasure of the throws clause of m |
-- | -- |
8.4.7 | a method declaration is either abstract or native and has a block for its body |
yes | yes |
8.4.7 | a method declaration is neither abstract nor native and has a semicolon for its body |
yes | yes |
8.4.7 | a void method contains a return statement that has an Expression |
yes | yes |
8.4.7 | if a method has a return type, the body of the method does not contain return statements or some return statements do not have an Expression |
yes | yes | | an instance method overrides a static method |
-- | -- | | a static method hides an instance method |
-- | -- | | if a method declaration d1 with return type R1 overrides or hides the declaration of another method d2 with return type R2 and d1 is not return-type substitutable for d2 |
-- | -- | | a method declaration has a throws clause that conflicts with that of any method that it overrides or hides |
-- | -- | | if an overridden or hidden method is public and the overriding or hiding method is not public |
yes | -- | | if an overridden or hidden method is protected and the overriding or hiding method is not protected or public |
yes | -- | | if the overridden or hidden method has default (package) access and the overriding or hiding method is private |
yes | -- |
... | ... | ... | ... |
8.9 | Enum error cases | no | no |
9 | Interfaces error cases | no | no |
10.4 | attempt to access an array component with a long index value results |
yes | -- |
10.6 | some expressions are not assignment-compatible with the array’s component type | yes | -- |
10.6 | if the component type of the array being initialized is not reifiable | -- | -- |
11.2.3 | if a method or constructor body can throw some exception type E when both of the following hold: • E is a checked exception type • E is not a subtype of some type declared in the throws clause of the method or constructor |
-- | -- |
11.3 | if a static initializer or class variable initializer within a named class or interface can throw a checked exception type | -- | -- |
11.3 | if an instance variable initializer of a named class can throw a checked exception unless that exception or one of its supertypes is explicitly declared in the throws clause of each constructor of its class and the class has at least one explicitly declared constructor | -- | -- |
11.3 | if a catch clause catches checked exception type E1 but there exists no checked exception type E2 such that all of the following hold: • E2 <: E1 • The try block corresponding to the catch clause can throw E2 • No preceding catch block of the immediately enclosing try statement catches E2 or a supertype of E2 . unless E1 is the class Exception. |
-- | -- |
... | ... | ... | ... |
14.21 | a statement is unreachable | -- | -- |
15.8.3 | the keyword this appears elsewhere than in the body of an instance method, instance initializer or constructor, or in the initializer of an instance variable of a class |
yes | -- |
15.8.4 | ClassName.this whith the current class not an inner class of class ClassName or ClassName itself |
yes | -- |
15.9 | any of the type arguments used in a class instance creation expression are wildcard type arguments | yes | -- |
15.9.1 | for new TypeArgumentsopt ClassOrInterfaceType the class or interface named by ClassOrInterfaceType is not accessible or if ClassOrInterfaceType is an enum type |
yes | -- |
15.9.1 | for new TypeArgumentsopt ClassOrInterfaceType the class or interface named by ClassOrInterfaceType is final |
yes | -- |
15.9.1 | for Primary. new TypeArgumentsopt Identifier if Identifier is not the simple name of an accessible non-final inner class that is a member of the compile-time type of the Primary |
-- | -- |
15.9.1 | for Primary. new TypeArgumentsopt Identifier if Identifier is ambiguous or denotes an enum type |
-- | -- |
15.9.1 | for Primary. new TypeArgumentsopt Identifier if Identifier is not the simple name of an accessible non-abstract inner class that is a member of the compile-time type of the Primary |
-- | -- |
15.9.1 | for Primary. new TypeArgumentsopt Identifier if Identifier is ambiguous or denotes an enum type |
-- | -- |
15.9.2 | TO COMPLETE : Enclosing Instances error cases | -- | -- |
15.10 | ClassOrInterfaceType does not denote a reifiable type | -- | -- |
15.10 | the type of each dimension expression within a DimExpr is not a type that is convertible to an integral type | yes | -- |
15.10 | the promoted type is not int |
yes | -- |
15.11.1 | for a FieldAccess Primary.Identifier , the type of the Primary is not a reference type T |
yes | -- |
15.11.1 | for a FieldAccess Primary.Identifier , the identifier names several accessible member fields of type T |
yes | -- |
15.11.1 | for a FieldAccess Primary.Identifier , the identifier does not name an accessible member field of type T |
yes | -- |
15.11.2 | if super appears in class Object |
-- | -- |
15.11.2 | T.super if the current class is not an inner class of class T or T itself |
yes | -- |
15.12.1 | if the form is MethodName that is TypeName.Identifier and TypeName is the name of an interface |
no | no |
15.12.1 | if the form is super.NonWildTypeArgumentsopt Identifier and T the type declaration immediately enclosing is either the class Object or an interface |
yes | -- |
15.12.1 | if the form is ClassName.super.NonWildTypeArgumentsopt Identifier and ClassName is not a lexically enclosing class of the current class |
yes | -- |
15.12.1 | if the form is ClassName.super.NonWildTypeArgumentsopt Identifier and ClassName is the class Object |
yes | -- |
15.12.1 | if the form is ClassName.super.NonWildTypeArgumentsopt Identifier and T the type declaration immediately enclosing is either the class Object or an interface |
yes | -- |
15.12.1 | if the form is TypeName.NonWildTypeArguments Identifier and TypeName is the name of an interface rather than a class |
no | no | | if the search does not yield at least one method that is potentially applicable | -- | -- | | if no applicable variable arity method is found | -- | -- |
15.12.3 | if the method invocation has a MethodName of the form Identifier, and the method is an instance method and the invocation appears within a static context | -- | -- |
15.12.3 | if the method invocation has a MethodName of the form Identifier, and the method is an instance method and the invocation does not appear within a static context and the invocation is not directly enclosed by ClassName or an inner class of ClassName |
-- | -- |
15.12.3 | if the method invocation has a MethodName of the form TypeName.Identifier or TypeName.NonWildTypeArguments Identifier and the compile-time declaration for the method invocation is for an instance method |
-- | -- |
15.12.3 | if the method invocation has the form super.NonWildTypeArgumentsopt Identifier and the method is abstract |
yes | -- |
15.12.3 | if the method invocation has the form super.NonWildTypeArgumentsopt Identifier and the method invocation occurs in a static context |
-- | -- |
15.12.3 | if the method invocation has the form ClassName.super.NonWildTypeArgumentsopt Identifier and the method is abstract |
yes | -- |
15.12.3 | if the method invocation has the form ClassName.super.NonWildTypeArgumentsopt Identifier and the method invocation occurs in a static context |
-- | -- |
15.12.3 | if the method invocation has the form ClassName.super.NonWildTypeArgumentsopt Identifier and the invocation is not directly enclosed by ClassName or an inner class of ClassName |
-- | -- |
15.12.3 | the compile-time declaration for the method invocation is void , and the method invocation is not a top-level expression ( the Expression in an expression statement or in the ForInit or ForUpdate part of a for statement ) |
yes | -- | | for a MethodInvocation, if the MethodName is an Identifier, the invocation mode is not static , given T be the enclosing type declaration of which the method is a member, and n an integer such that T is the nth lexically enclosing type declaration of the class whose declaration immediately contains the method invocation, the nth lexically enclosing instance of this does not exist. |
-- | -- |
15.13 | ArrayRefExp [exp] the type of the ArrayRefExp is not an array type |
yes | -- |
15.14.2 | in exp++ result of exp is not a variable of a type that is convertible to a numeric type |
yes | -- |
15.14.3 | in exp-- result of exp is not a variable of a type that is convertible to a numeric type |
yes | -- |
15.15.1 | in ++exp result of exp is not a variable of a type that is convertible to a numeric type |
yes | -- |
15.15.2 | in --exp result of exp is not a variable of a type that is convertible to a numeric type |
yes | -- |
15.15.3 | the type of the operand expression of the unary + operator is not a type that is convertible to a primitive numeric type |
yes | -- |
15.15.4 | the type of the operand expression of the unary - operator is not a type that is convertible to a primitive numeric type |
yes | -- |
15.15.5 | the type of the operand expression of the unary ~ operator is not a type that is convertible to a primitive integral type |
yes | -- |
15.15.6 | the type of the operand expression of the unary ! operator is neither boolean nor Boolean |
yes | -- |
15.16 | Cast expressions error cases | no | no |
15.17 | the type of each of the operands of a multiplicative operator is not a type that is convertible to a primitive numeric type | yes | -- |
15.18 | for a+b with a and b not Strings, the type of each of the operands of the + operator is not a type that is convertible to a primitive numeric type |
yes | -- |
15.18 | the type of each of the operands of the binary - operator is not a type that is convertible to a primitive numeric type |
yes | -- |
15.19 | the type of each of the operands of a shift operator must be a type that is convertible to a primitive integral type | yes | -- |
15.20 | a<b<c |
yes | -- |
15.20.1 | the type of each of the operands of a numerical comparison operator is not a type that is convertible to a primitive numeric type | yes | -- |
15.20.2 | the type of a RelationalExpression operand of the instanceof operator is neither a reference type nor the null type | yes | -- |
15.20.2 | the ReferenceType mentioned after the instanceof operator does not denote a reference type | yes | -- |
15.20.2 | the ReferenceType mentioned after the instanceof operator does not denote a reifiable type | -- | -- |
15.21 | a==b==c where c is not of type boolean |
yes | -- |
15.21 | a == b , a != b if a and b not convertible to numeric type, not boolean or Boolean , not reference type or null |
yes | -- |
15.21.3 | a == b , a != b if it is impossible to convert type of either operand to the type of the other by a casting conversion |
yes | -- |
15.22 | ex1 & ex2 , ex1 ^ ex2 , `ex1 |
ex2where both ex1and ex2types are neither boolean` nor numeric type |
yes |
15.23 | ex1 && ex2 where ex1 or ex2 type is neither boolean nor Boolean |
yes | -- |
15.24 | `ex1 | ex2where ex1or ex2type is neither booleannor Boolean` |
15.25 | ex ? ex1 : ex2 where ex type is neither boolean nor Boolean |
yes | -- |
15.25 | ex ? ex1 : ex2 where ex1 or ex2 are void method invocations |
yes | -- |
15.26 | a = b where a is not a variable |
yes | -- |
15.26.1 | a = b where b cannot be converted to a type by assignment conversion |
yes | -- |
16 | local variable and blank final field must be definitely assigned before access | yes | -- |
16 | blank final variable must be definitely unassigned before assignment | yes | -- |
16.1.8 | local variable v must be definitely assigned before compound assignment (example: a += b ) where a is v |
yes | -- |