There a several ways you can contribute to fs2-queues
- You found a bug? You can open an issue.
- If you have an idea, found something missing, or just a question, you can also open an issue.
- Code contributions are also welcome, you can open a pull request.
- For coding conventions, please see below.
The documentation is written in markdown and lives in the docs
All scala code snippets must be valid, they are compiled and executed using mdoc.
To verify that your snippets work, run:
$ sbt readme/mdoc
uses scalafmt to format its code and defines some scalafix rules. Before submitting code contribution, be sure to have proper formatting by running
$ sbt prePR
and check the result.
is licensed under the Apache Software License 2.0. Opening a pull request is to be considered affirmative consent to incorporate your changes into the project, granting an unrestricted license to the Commercetools GmbH to distribute and derive new work from your changes, as per the contribution terms of ASL 2.0. You also affirm that you own the rights to the code you are contributing. All contributors retain the copyright to their own work.