This is the dataset for Constructed languages.
This language list is generated from ISO-639-3, with some additions. If your favorite language is missing, please open an issue on Github.
- Afrihili
- Balaibalan
- Blissymbols
- Brithenig
- Dutton World Speedwords
- Esperanto
- Ido
- Interglossa
- Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association)
- Interlingue
- Interslavic
- Klingon
- Kotava
- Lingua Franca Nova
- Lojban
- Láadan
- Neo
- Novial
- Quenya
- Romanova
- Sindarin
- Talossan
- Toki Pona
- Volapük
This work is marked with CC0 1.0
By editing this file, contributers are agreeing to release their contributions under the CC0 license.