You can setup a knowledge base and documentation for your project using Confluence. The team can use this documentation repository to create articles and documentation knowledge bases related to the project.
PCC supports the following documentation tool:
- Confluence
PCC allows you to setup a Confluence repository for your project to create documentation related to your project.
To setup Confluence for your project, perform the following:
1.Login into PCC.
2. Search for the required project. The Project dashboard appears. Click Wiki from the IT SERVICES STATUS tab.
{% hint style="info" %} You can also navigate to Wiki from the Vertical Sidebar navigation menu. Click IT Services and then select Wiki. {% endhint %}
3.You have two options to setup a Confluence page:
- Connect to existing
- Deploy New
a) If you want to connect to the existing server, Click Connect Existing. Enter URL of the existing server and click Connect. The Confluence page will be setup to the existing server.
b) If you want to connect to a new server, Click Deploy New. Enter Cloud Provide details and click Deploy. The Confluence page will be setup to a new service provider.