The gwas.sif
container file has multiple tools related to imputation and GWAS analysis, as summarized in the Sofware table below.
Note that some specific tools (e.g. bolt
) are added to the path directly from their /tools
folder (e.g. /tools/bolt
) due to hard-linked dependencies.
Either way, all tools can be invoked by their name, as listed above. For example:
>singularity exec gwas.sif regenie
| REGENIE v2.0.2.gz |
Copyright (c) 2020 Joelle Mbatchou and Jonathan Marchini.
Distributed under the MIT License.
Compiled with Boost Iostream library.
Using Intel MKL with Eigen.
ERROR: You must provide an output prefix using '--out'
For more information, use option '--help' or visit the website:
List of software included in the container:
OS/tool | version | license |
ubuntu | 20.04 | Creative Commons CC-BY-SA version 3.0 UK licence |
bcftools1 | 1.19 | MIT/Expat/GPLv3 |
bedtools2 | 2.31.1 | MIT |
beagle3 4 | 22Jul22.46e | GPLv3 |
bgenix5 | 1.1.7 | Boost |
bolt6 | v2.4.1 | GPLv3 |
cat-bgen7 | same version as bgenix | Boost |
duohmm8 | 95bd395 | MIT |
eagle9 | v2.4.1 | GPLv3 |
edit-bgen10 | same version as bgenix | Boost |
flashpca_x86-6411 | 2.0 | GPLv3 |
gcta6412 | 1.94.1 | GPLv3 |
gctb13 | 2.04.3 | MIT |
GWAMA14 | 2.2.2 | BSD-3-Clause |
HTSlib15 | 1.19.1 | MIT/Expat/Modified-BSD |
king16 | 2.3.2 | permissive |
ldak17 | 6 | GPLv3 |
liftOver18 | latest | permissive |
metal19 | 2020-05-05 | - |
minimac420 | v4.1.6 | GPLv3 |
plink21 | v1.90b7.2 64-bit (11 Dec 2023) | GPLv3 |
plink222 | v2.00a5.10LM 64-bit Intel (5 Jan 2024) | GPLv3 |
plink2_avx222 | v2.00a5.10LM AVX2 Intel (5 Jan 2024) | GPLv3 |
PRSice_linux23 | 2.3.5 | GPLv3 |
qctool24 | 2.2.2, revision e5723df2c0c85959 | Boost |
regenie25 | v3.6 | MIT/Boost |
samtools1 | v1.19.2 | MIT/ExpatD |
shapeit4.226 | v4.2.2 | MIT |
shapeit527 phase_rare | v5.1.1 | MIT |
shapeit527 phase_common | v5.1.1 | MIT |
shapeit527 ligate | v5.1.1 | MIT |
shapeit527 switch | v5.1.1 | MIT |
shapeit527 xcftools | v5.1.1 | MIT |
simu_linux28 | v0.9.4 | GPLv3 |
snptest29 | v2.5.6 | permissive |
switchError30 | 6e688b1 | MIT |
vcftools31 | 0.1.17 (git SHA: d511f469e) | GPLv3 |
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