This usecase describe how to run a demo GWAS analysis with plink2 and regenie. Further down in this README file you also have an example of how to run PRSice2 software to compute polygenic risk scores.
This will use genotype and phenotype data formatted according to CoMorMent specifications,
and the helper script that reads the phenotype data,
extracts user-defined subset of phenotypes and covariates,
and prepares the scripts or SLURM jobs for plink2
and regenie
In this demo we're using example data from reference/examples/regenie folder.
Take a moment to look at the phenotype file and it's dictionary file which will be used throughout this example.
For genetic data, we're using hard genotype calles in plink format, with n=500
individuals (example_3chr.fam) and m=500
SNPs across three chromosomes (example_3chr.bim). Note: if you click on the above links and see Stored with Git LFS
message on the github pages, you'll only need to click the View raw
link and it should show the content of the file you're trying to see.
Now, to run this use case, just copy the script and config.yaml file from $COMORMENT/containers/scripts/
into your current folder, and run the following commands (where run1
gives example of case/control GWAS with plink2, while run2
is an example for quantitative traits with regenie; these choices are independent - you could run case/control GWAS with regenie, and quantitative trait with plink2 by choosing --analysis argument accordingly; the meaning of the /REF
and $SIF
is explained in the INSTALL section of the main README file, as well as the way you are expected to setup the APPTAINER_BIND
variable; if you are confused by --argsfile
, read further down below on this page where it's explained in detail):
apptainer exec --home $PWD:/home $SIF/python3.sif python gwas \
--argsfile /REF/examples/regenie/example_3chr.argsfile \
--pheno CASE CASE2 --covar PC1 PC2 BATCH --analysis plink2 figures --out run1_plink2
apptainer exec --home $PWD:/home $SIF/python3.sif python gwas \
--argsfile /REF/examples/regenie/example_3chr.argsfile \
--pheno PHENO PHENO2 --covar PC1 PC2 BATCH --analysis regenie figures --out run2_regenie
Off note, if you configured a local python3 environment (i.e. if you can use python without containers), and you have basic packages such as numpy, scipy and pandas, you may use
script directly - i.e. drop apptainer exec --home $PWD:/home $SIF/python3.sif
part of the above comand. Otherwise, we recommend to export $PYTHON
variable as follows: export PYTHON="apptainer exec --home $PWD:/home $SIF/python3.sif python"
, and then it e.g. like this: $PYTHON ...
We're going to use --argsfile
argument pointing to example_3chr.argsfile to specify some lengthy flags used across all invocations of the
scripts in this tutorial. It defines what phenotype file to use (--pheno-file
), which chromosome labels to use (--chr2use
), which genotype file to use in fitting the regenie model (--geno-fit-file
) as well as genotype file to use when testing for associations (--geno-file
); the --variance-standardize
will apply linear transformation to all continuous phenotypes so that they became zero mean and unit variance, similar --variance-standardize argument in plink2. The --info-file
points to a file with two columns, SNP
and INFO
, listing imputation info score for the variants. This is optional and only needed for the --info
threshold to work. Other available QC filters include --maf
, --geno
and --hwe
# example_3chr.args file defines the following arguments:
--pheno-file /REF/examples/regenie/example_3chr.pheno
--geno-fit-file /REF/examples/regenie/example_3chr.bed
--geno-file /REF/examples/regenie/example_3chr.bed
--info-file /REF/examples/regenie/ --info 0.8
--chr2use 1-3
--maf 0.1 # normally 0.01 or lower
--geno 0.5 # normally 0.98 or higher
--hwe 0.01 # normaly 1e-10 or lower
In the above example --geno-fit-file
points to the same file as --geno-file
, which is NOT how things should be done in a real application. --geno-fit-file
should point to a single genetic file (merged across chromosomes),
constrained to approximately less than a million SNPs, for example constrain to genotyped SNPs, or constrain to the set of HapMap3 SNPs. For a real example, see
Adding figures
to the --analysis
argument trigger post-GWAS scripts to generate manhattan / qq plots.
Take a look at the resulting run1.log and run2.log, to see if was executed as intended. For this small-scale demo example, you could execute the actual GWAS locally on your machine as follows:
export REGENIE="apptainer exec --home $PWD:/home $SIF/gwas.sif regenie"
export PLINK2="apptainer exec --home $PWD:/home $SIF/gwas.sif plink2"
export PYTHON="apptainer exec --home $PWD:/home $SIF/python3.sif python"
export RSCRIPT="apptainer exec --home $PWD:/home $SIF/r.sif Rscript"
cat | bash
cat | bash
Otherwise you need to submit the SLURM jobs, generated by script. There are two jobs for plink2
analysis: run1_plink2.1.job
and run1_plink2.2.job
, and three jobs for regenie
analysis: run1_regenie.1.job
, run1_regenie.2.job
, run1_regenie.3.job
(and similarly for run2
). These jobs must be executed in order, i.e. .2.job
need to wait for .1.job
, and .3.job
need to wait for .2.job
. You still can submit all jobs at once, but use SLURM's dependency management as described here:
RES=$(sbatch run1_plink2.1.job)
RES=$(sbatch --dependency=afterany:${RES##* } run1_plink2.2.job)
RES=$(sbatch run2_regenie.1.job)
RES=$(sbatch --dependency=afterany:${RES##* } run2_regenie.2.job)
RES=$(sbatch --dependency=afterany:${RES##* } run2_regenie.3.job)
To customize parameters in the header of the slurm jobs, use --slurm-job-name
, --slurm-account
, --slurm-time
, --slurm-cpus-per-task
, --slurm-mem-per-cpu
arguments of the
script (and let us know if there is anything else you need to customize!).
Further, you may need to customize --module-load
argument, which by default loads singularity/3.7.1
Feel free to replace this with other version of Singularity/Apptainer, or list multiple modules if you need to load something else in addition to Singularity.
(a handy trick: if you want to explicily avoid loading the Singularity module, because it's pre-installed, but don't need any other modules, you may add another irrelevant module just to overwrite the default --module-load
Finally, you need to customize --comorment-folder
folder containing a containers
subfolder with a full copy of
For more results, see gwas_demo folder. Main results are the following GWAS summary statistics:
Each file is merged across all chromosomes, and has a minimal set of columns (SNP, CHR, BP, A1, A2, N, Z, BETA, SE, PVAL
), as described in the specification.
It is also supported to run GWAS on dosages stored in BGEN format, instead of using hard call phenotypes from plink's bed/bim/fam format.
If you have genotypes formatted this way, the only change you need is to change --geno-file
file, pointing it to .bgen
(or a .vcf
) file
as in this example: example_3chr_bgen.argsfile.
It is expected that .bgen
has corresponding .sample
and .bgen.bgi
Similarly, for a .vcf
(or .vcf.gz
) formats you need to generate .tbi
and/or .csi
index files (see
To see more info about
arguments, try this:
>apptainer exec --home $PWD:/home $SIF/python3.sif python gwas --help
Key arguments are also described below,
but the actual --help
output will describe more arguments - we don't copy this information here since tool is being actively developed.
usage: gwas [-h] [--out OUT]
[--geno-file GENO_FILE] [--geno-fit-file GENO_FIT_FILE] [--fam FAM]
[--chr2use CHR2USE]
[--pheno-file PHENO_FILE] [--dict-file DICT_FILE]
[--covar COVAR [COVAR ...]]
[--pheno PHENO [PHENO ...]] [--pheno-na-rep PHENO_NA_REP]
[--analysis {plink2,regenie,figures} [{plink2,regenie,figures} ...]]
--analysis {plink2,regenie,figures} [{plink2,regenie,figures} ...]
--out OUT prefix for the output files (<out>.covar, <out>.pheno, etc)
--geno-file GENO required argument pointing to a genetic file: (1)
plink's .bed file, or (2) .bgen file, or (3) .pgen
file, or (4) .vcf file. Note that a full name of .bed
(or .bgen, .pgen, .vcf) file is expected here.
Corresponding files should have standard names, e.g.
for plink's format it is expected that .fam and .bim
file can be obtained by replacing .bed extension
accordingly. supports '@' as a place holder for
chromosome labels
--geno-fit-file GENO_FIT_FILE
genetic file to use in a first stage of mixed effect
model. Expected to have the same set of individuals as
--geno-file (this is NOT validated by the script,
and it is your responsibility to follow this
assumption). Optional for standard association
analysis (e.g. if for plink's glm). The argument
supports the same file types as the --geno-file argument.
Noes not support '@' (because mixed effect tools
typically expect a single file at the first stage.
--fam FAM an argument pointing to a plink's .fam file, use by script to pre-filter phenotype information
(--pheno) with the set of individuals available in the
genetic file (--geno-file / --geno-fit-file). Optional when
either --geno-file or --geno-fit-file is in plink's format,
otherwise required - but IID in this file must be
consistent with identifiers of the genetic file.
--chr2use CHR2USE Chromosome ids to use (e.g. 1,2,3 or 1-4,12,16-20).
Used when '@' is present in --geno-file, and allows to
specify for which chromosomes to run the association
--pheno-file PHENO_FILE
phenotype file, according to CoMorMent spec
--dict-file DICT_FILE
phenotype dictionary file, defaults to <pheno>.dict
--covar COVAR [COVAR ...]
covariates to control for (must be columns of the
--pheno-file); individuals with missing values for any
covariates will be excluded not just from <out>.covar,
but also from <out>.pheno file
the list of continuous phenotypes to standardize
variance; accept the list of columns from the --pheno
file (if empty, applied to all); doesn't apply to
dummy variables derived from NOMINAL or BINARY
--pheno PHENO [PHENO ...]
target phenotypes to run GWAS (must be columns of the
Filtering options:
--info-file INFO_FILE
File with SNP and INFO columns. Values in SNP column must be unique.
--info INFO threshold for filtering on imputation INFO score
--maf MAF threshold for filtering on minor allele frequency
--hwe HWE threshold for filtering on hardy weinberg equilibrium p-value
--geno GENO threshold for filtering on per-variant missingness rate)
Computing polygenic risk scores require (and testing how they work on a known phenotype data)
require a similar set input to what you use for running a GWAS analysis,
with an addition of an --sumstats
argument that points to summary statistics.
You can run an example as follows:
apptainer exec --home $PWD:/home $SIF/python3.sif python pgrs \
--sumstats run1_plink2_CASE.gz \
--geno-file /REF/examples/regenie/example_3chr.bed \
--geno-ld-file /REF/examples/regenie/example_3chr.bed \
--pheno-file /REF/examples/regenie/example_3chr.pheno --pheno CASE CASE2 --covar PC1 PC2 BATCH \
--chr2use 1-3 --variance-standardize \
--analysis prsice2 --out run3_prsice2 \
--keep-ambig # only for a purpose of this demo; exclude for real analysis (unlee you know why it's there)
export PRSICE2="apptainer exec --home $PWD:/home $SIF/gwas.sif PRSice_linux"
cat | bash
The resulting run3_prsice2.summary
file looks as follows,
which is reasonable: PGRS computed based on CASE phenotypes explains CASE phenotype better (P=1.88e-09) than CASE2 phenotype.
Phenotype Set Threshold PRS.R2 Full.R2 Null.R2 Prevalence Coefficient Standard.Error P Num_SNP
CASE Base 0.9 0.064886 0.818532 0.753646 - 92.0264 15.3183 1.88278e-09 50
CASE2 Base 0.9 5.09224e-05 0.0334905 0.0334396 - 0.93301 7.02908 0.894402 50
For more information, see this:
apptainer exec --home $PWD:/home $SIF/python3.sif python pgrs --help