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File metadata and controls

717 lines (556 loc) · 23.8 KB

The nixpkgs Library

nixpkgs is a nix module that defines a function taking a configuration set as argument and generating a set of derivations, utility functions to generate derivations. The source of this nix module is hosted at

This module is installed in the NIX_PATH by the nix-channel command. When importing it we can specify a config:

let pkgs =
      import <nixpkgs>
          { config.allowBroken = true;
            config.allowUnfree = true;

It returns a set (pkgs) which consists of a library of functions and package derivations.

Finding a function's definition

To find more details about any function in nixpkgs. Load nixpkgs in the nix repl and type the function name:

nix-repl> :l <nixpkgs>
nix-repl> stdenv.mkDerivation
«lambda @ /nix/store/gnkd9i59pswalkflb647fnjjnxgyl1n9-nixpkgs-20.09pre228453.dcb64ea42e6/nixpkgs/pkgs/stdenv/generic/make-derivation.nix:22:5»

Then you can open the file and check the definition.



nix-repl> :l <nixpkgs>
nix-repl> fetch<tab>

Trivial Builders

The following functions wrap stdenv.mkDerivation, making it easier to use in certain cases.

Running commands:

  • runCommand*

Writing files into nix store:

  • write*
  • symlinkJoin
  • buildFHSUserEnv
  • pkgs.mkShell


Attribute path nixpkgs.lib or nixpkgs.pkgs.lib contains a library of functions to help in writing package definitions. To see a list of all:

nix-repl> :l <nixpkgs>
nix-repl> lib.<tab>

Some common function sets:

  • nixpkgs.lib.asserts.*
  • nixpkgs.lib.attrsets.*
  • nixpkgs.lib.strings.*
  • nixpkgs.lib.trivial.*
  • nixpkgs.lib.lists.*
  • nixpkgs.lib.debug.*
  • nixpkgs.lib.options.*


Attribute path nixpkgs.stdenv or nixpkgs.pkgs.stdenv contains a nix package that provides a standard build environment including gcc, GNU coreutils, GNU findutils and other basic tools:

$ nix-env -qaP -A nixpkgs.stdenv
nixpkgs.stdenv  stdenv-darwin


stdenv provides a wrapper around builtins.derivation called stdenv.mkDerivation. It adds a default value for system and always uses bash as the builder, to which the supplied builder is passed as a command-line argument. mkDerivation extends derivation, it adds some additional attributes and passthru attributes:

lib.extendDerivation validity.handled
     overrideAttrs = f: mkDerivation (attrs // (f attrs));
     inherit meta passthru;
   } // passthru)
  (derivation derivationArg);

See nixpkgs/pkgs/stdenv/generic/make-derivation.nix.

mkDerivation arguments

See nixpkgs/pkgs/stdenv/generic/make-derivation.nix.

In addition to derivation arguments:

stdenv.mkDerivation {
  # if pname and version are specified the derivation "name" is
  # automatically set to "${pname}-${version}"
  pname   # optional package name
  version # optional package version
  builder ? # use your own builder script instead of genericBuild

  , depsBuildBuild              ? [] # -1 -> -1
  , depsBuildBuildPropagated    ? [] # -1 -> -1
  , nativeBuildInputs           ? [] # -1 ->  0  N.B. Legacy name
  , propagatedNativeBuildInputs ? [] # -1 ->  0  N.B. Legacy name
  , depsBuildTarget             ? [] # -1 ->  1
  , depsBuildTargetPropagated   ? [] # -1 ->  1

  , depsHostHost                ? [] #  0 ->  0
  , depsHostHostPropagated      ? [] #  0 ->  0
  , buildInputs                 ? [] #  0 ->  1  N.B. Legacy name
  , propagatedBuildInputs       ? [] #  0 ->  1  N.B. Legacy name

  , depsTargetTarget            ? [] #  1 ->  1
  , depsTargetTargetPropagated  ? [] #  1 ->  1

  , checkInputs                 ? []
  , installCheckInputs          ? []

  # Configure Phase
  , configureFlags ? []
  , cmakeFlags ? []
  , mesonFlags ? []
  , configurePlatforms ? lib.optionals
  , doCheck ? config.doCheckByDefault or false
  , doInstallCheck ? config.doCheckByDefault or false

  , strictDeps ? stdenv.hostPlatform != stdenv.buildPlatform
  , meta ? {}
  , passthru ? {}
  , pos ? # position used in error messages and for meta.position
  , separateDebugInfo ? false
  , outputs ? [ "out" ]
  , __darwinAllowLocalNetworking ? false
  , __impureHostDeps ? []
  , __propagatedImpureHostDeps ? []
  , sandboxProfile ? ""
  , propagatedSandboxProfile ? ""

  , hardeningEnable ? []
  , hardeningDisable ? []

  , patches ? []

  , __contentAddressed ?

Generic Builder Attributes

The generic builder provided by stdenv uses environment variables to control its behavior. These environment variables are passed as attributes of the derivation. Note that we can pass any arbitrary attributes to the derivation arg set.

Refer to the nix manual for details about the builder. Some of the attributes that we can use:

src     # source directory containing the package source

Builder environment and execution

Environment of the builder: In addition to the environment provided by derivation:

  • stdenv contains the path to stdenv package. The shell script $stdenv/setup is typically sourced by the builder script to setup the stdenv environment.
  • buildInputs attribute ensures that the bin subdirectories of these packages appear in the PATH environment variable during the build, that their include subdirectories are searched by the C compiler, and so on.

Builder script execution:

  • If builder is not set, then the genericBuild function from $stdenv/setup is called as build script. buildPhase, installPhase customizations in mkDerivation are used by genericBuild allowing customization of its behavior. See the manual to check out more details about the build phases.
  • If builder is set then the specified builder script is invoked with bash. You can source $stdenv/setup in the script. You can still define buildPhase, installPhase etc as shell functions and then invoke genericBuild in your script.

To checkout the shell functions and environments available in $stdenv/setup install stdenv and visit its store path.

An Example Package

Let's now try to build a small real Haskell source package. packcheck is a minimal Haskell package that contains a shell script which can build any Haskell package. We will use that script to build packcheck itself:

$ mkdir nix-play
$ cd nix-play
$ cat > default.nix
    with import <nixpkgs> {};
    let src = fetchurl {
          url =;
          sha256 = "79e7cfc63e70b627be8c084b3223fdd261a5d79ddd797d5ecc2cee635e651c16";

        path =
            + ":${which}/bin"
            + ":${coreutils}/bin"
            + ":${gnused}/bin"
            + ":${gawk}/bin"
            + ":${gnutar}/bin"
            + ":${gzip}/bin"
            + ":${curl}/bin"
            + ":${llvmPackages.bintools}/bin"
            + ":${ghc}/bin"
            + ":${cabal-install}/bin";

    in derivation {
        name = "packcheck-0.5.1";
        system = "x86_64-darwin";
        builder = "${bash}/bin/bash";
        args =
            [ "-c"
              ''set -e
                export HOME=$TMP
                export PATH=${path}
                tar -zxvf ${src}
                cd packcheck-0.5.1
                bash cabal-v2
                mkdir -p $out/bin
                touch $out/bin/hello

with is a nix language keyword. import, fetchurl and derivation are nix builtin functions. We can use them with or without builtins. prefix e.g. we can use builtins.import or just import.

<nixpkgs> is a syntax that is used to refer to the first nix module (better known as nix expression) named nixpkgs found in NIX_PATH. By default it would be the nix expression in $HOME/.nix-defexpr/channels/nixpkgs. The evaluation of this expressions returns a set named nixpkgs. nixpkgs.* in the code is just accessing members of this set.

The builtin function import brings in the result of a nix expression in the current scope. For example, to bring in the nixpkgs set and refer to it by the name nixpkgs we can use:

let nixpkgs = import <nixpkgs> {};
in nixpkgs.dockerTools.buildImage { ... }

with import <nixpkgs> {}; brings all the members of the set imported by import <nixpkgs> {} into the current scope. For example, the package nixpkgs.ghc comes into the current scope as the name ghc and we can refer to it using ${ghc}.

builtins.fetchurl downloads the file referred to by the URL and assigns the path location of the downloaded file to the src variable.

We setup the path variable to a PATH string containing the paths of all the required utilities needed by the build script.

derivation uses bash as the builder which is invoked with the -c option passing an inline bash script as argument. The script untars the source tarball, changes directory to the source and then invokes its build script to build the package. Finally, it creates a dummy hello artifact inside the output directory passed by nix.


In the above example, for simplicity we used with import <nixpkgs> {} which brought all the package names under nixpkgs as variables in our scope. Instead of clobbering the namespace with all those variables we should pass them as arguments, as follows:

$ cat packcheck.nix
{ fetchurl, bash, which, coreutils, gnused, gawk, gnutar, gzip, curl
, llvmPackages, ghc, cabal-install }:

Then we can call the function defined in packcheck.nix supplying the arguments using nix-build as follows:

$ nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; nixpkgs.pkgs.callPackage ./packcheck.nix {}'

callPackage calls ./packcheck.nix, automatically filling the arguments that are not explicitly supplied in the arguments to callPackage (i.e. {} in the above example). The argument variables are filled from the variables of the same names available in the current scope i.e. the ones brought in scope by the with clause in the command above.

We can write this expression in default.nix so that we can use nix-build without any arguments:

$ cat default.nix
{ nixpkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:
    nixpkgs.pkgs.callPackage ./packcheck.nix {}
$ nix-build

Installing the package

$ nix-env -i ./result

Building user environments

We now know how to build a derived object from a recipe using nix-build. The derived object output from nix-build is stored in the nix store and a result link to the object is made available in the current directory or as specified on the command line.

We can go further and also create a user environment for the object and link its artifacts from a user profile, making the artifacts available for general use.

A user environment is a collection of derived objects linked into a standard file system hierarchy under one root. .nix-profile is a user environment.

$ cat myprofile.nix
let nixpkgs = import <nixpkgs> {};
in nixpkgs.buildEnv {
      name = "my-packages";
      paths = [ nixpkgs.pkgs.bc nixpkgs.pkgs.coreutils ];
      pathsToLink = [ "/share" "/bin" ];
      extraOutputsToInstall = [ "man" "doc" ];

It would create a derived object my-packages containing /share, /bin directories of the bc and coreutils packages.

The nix-env command creates new user environments whenever we install or uninstall packages.

Build functions and derivations

See Nix Language Tutorial for nix expression language and builtin functions.

The set nixpkgs consists of a lot of nix functions/builders in addition to package derivations. These functions can be used in various custom derivations. See the reference guide mentioned above for some common ones. For an authoritative source of all functions see $HOME/.nix-defexpr/channels/nixpkgs.

Building Nix shell

nix-shell file.nix starts a shell from the nix expression in file.nix

with (import <nixpkgs> {});
mkShell {
  buildInputs = [

  shellHook = ''
    alias ll = "ls -l"
    export C_INCLUDE_PATH = "${gmp}/include"

By default nix-shell spawns a shell from shell.nix if the filename argument is not specified.

The expression file file.nix must specify a derivation. The function mkShell in the example above generates a derivation that creates a shell environment.

Note that we can use the specific components of a package as dependencies e.g. would install the developer components (e.g. header files) of the package, the default package name gmp is the same as gmp.out.

Customizing Nix distribution

Nix getting started guide describes how the nix distribution works. The whole distribution or collection of packages visible to nix commands are defined by the nix expression obtained by evaluating $HOME/.nix-defexpr. Packages derived from this source are fetched, built and stored in the nix store. When packages are available in the binary cache they are downloaded from the cache.

Picking a Nix distribution

Within a nix expression, instead of picking nixpkgs from NIX_PATH or configured nix channels, we can pick a specific version of nixpkgs:

nixpkgs = import (fetchTarball "") {}

This can be used to pin the code to a specific version. For stability use a stable nixos release version or for most current release use nixos-unstable.

Customizing the Nix distribution

What nix packages are available to you is determined by the NIX_PATH. The directories in the NIX_PATH are combined together in a single nix expression, this nix expression is used by the nix utilities to show available packages or to install packages.

We can customize the distribution we are using by:

  • Specifying a config when importing nixpkgs import <nixpkgs> config
  • Using a global configuration file in ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix
  • Specifying overlays using the ~/.config/nixpkgs/overlays.nix file
  • Specifying overlays using individual overlay files in the
    ~/.config/nixpkgs/overlays directory.
  • Using environment variables

Config specification

Configuration to customize nixpkgs is specified as a set with attributes

  allowUnfree =
  allowUnfreePredicate =
  allowBroken =
  allowUnsupportedSystem =
  whitelistedLicenses =
  blacklistedLicenses =
  allowInsecurePredicate =
  permittedInsecurePackages =
  packageOverrides =
  overlays =

Usually we skip the config when importing nixpkgs and default values of these attributes are used:

import <nixpkgs> {};

However we can use a config:

import <nixpkgs> { allowUnfree = true; };

Configuration file

XXX todo: move the distracting parts out in a let caluse. Explain those in separate sections before the config example.

We can modify the source nix expression defining the nix distribution by using the nix configuration file ~/.config/nixpkgs/config.nix. That way we can change or override the packages visible to the system, and add our own packages to it:

  allowUnfree = true;
  allowUnfreePredicate =
      pkg: builtins.elem (lib.getName pkg) [ "flashplayer" "vscode" ];
  allowBroken = true;
  allowUnsupportedSystem = true;
  whitelistedLicenses = with stdenv.lib.licenses; [ amd wtfpl ];
  blacklistedLicenses = with stdenv.lib.licenses; [ agpl3 gpl3 ];
  allowInsecurePredicate = pkg: builtins.stringLength (lib.getName pkg) <= 5;
  # Checked only if allowInsecurePredicate is not defined
  permittedInsecurePackages =
  # takes all available pkgs as an argument and returns a modified set
  # of packages.
  packageOverrides = pkgs:
      with pkgs;
          # Write a shell script in nix store to setup paths
          # This is an example, you may not need this as this may already be
          # setup by
          myProfile =
              writeText "my-profile"
                  export PATH=$HOME/.nix-profile/bin:/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/bin:$PATH
                  export MANPATH=$HOME/.nix-profile/share/man:/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/share/man:$MANPATH
                  export INFOPATH=$HOME/.nix-profile/share/info:/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/share/info:$INFOPATH
          # define a custom package bundle
          myBundle = pkgs.buildEnv {
              name = "my-packages";
              paths = [
                texinfoInteractive # for install-info command

                # copy our shell script to user profile i.e. $out
                (runCommand "profile" {}
                    mkdir -p $out/etc/profile.d
                    cp ${myProfile} $out/etc/profile.d/
          pathsToLink = [ "/share" "/bin" ];
          extraOutputsToInstall = [ "man" "doc" ];

          # Copy info files to the info root node i.e. $out/share/info/dir
          postBuild =
              if [ -x $out/bin/install-info -a -w $out/share/info ]
                shopt -s nullglob
                for i in $out/share/info/*.info $out/share/info/*.info.gz
                    $out/bin/install-info $i $out/share/info/dir

See ~/.nix-defexpr/channels/nixpkgslib/licenses.nix for a complete list of licenses.

Environment variables



A package set is a dependency tree. Packages at the top of the tree depend on packages below. If we override a package in this tree the whole tree should be rebuilt to use the changed definition wherever the package is used.

Note that overriding a package lower below may cause rebuilding of all the packages that depend on it. To avoid rebuilding the whole world we can push the override as far above in the tree as possible. For example, if one of the packages that depends on "git" requires a changed definition of git then we can override that package to use a new "git" instead of overriding the original "git".

The functions below are basic low level constructs to override individual packages in the package set.

Override is used on a function to override its arguments. Wherever a function is called to build the whole package set, it is effectively replaced by its overridden definition. makeOverridable can be used to make a function overridable, providing a override attribute that can be called to override its arguments.

<pkg>.override          # override the arguments passed to an overridable function "pkg".
<pkg>.overrideAttrs     # override the attribute set passed to a stdenv.mkDerivation call
<pkg>.overrideDerivation # override a derivation using an old derivation


Override is used to override function definitions whereas overlays override sets. We can combine a set definition with a new overridden definition to create a new resulting set. This can be used to override the entire set of packages (nixpkgs).

Overlays are Nix functions which accept two arguments, conventionally called self and super, and return a set of packages. The first argument (self) corresponds to the final package set. The second argument (super) corresponds to the result of the evaluation of the previous stages of Nixpkgs. It does not contain any of the packages added by the current or following overlays:

self: super:
      boost = super.boost.override {
        python = self.python3;
      rr = super.callPackage ./pkgs/rr {
        stdenv = self.stdenv_32bit;

The value returned by this function should be a set similar to pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix, containing overridden and/or new packages.

Applying Overlays

  1. When importing nixpkgs:

    import <nixpkgs> { overlays = [ overlay1 overlay2 ]; }.
  2. Using ~/.config/nixpkgs/overlays.nix file

  3. By creating individual overlay files in the ~/.config/nixpkgs/overlays directory.

  4. By calling the following:


This is more expensive as it recomputes the nixpkgs fixed point.


packageOverrides acts as an overlay with only the super argument. It is therefore appropriate for basic use, but overlays are more powerful and easier to distribute.

We can modify the attibutes of a package derivation or add new package derivations to the set of packages in nixpkgs

  packageOverrides = pkgs: rec {
    coreutils = pkgs.coreutils.override { ... };

Installing Additional Package Components

For example, if we want to install the dev version of the gmp package to get the gmp.h header file installed in ~/.nix-profile/include

  packageOverrides = super:
      gmp =
          super.gmp.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs:
                meta = oldAttrs.meta // { outputsToInstall = oldAttrs.meta.outputsToInstall or [ "out" ] ++ [ "dev" ]; };

Finding sha256

$ nix-prefetch-url
path is '/nix/store/w5ipisq7bq6zmjjfmjzvws62wkwnp7hs-beam-core-'

Specify the sha256 given above. Then evaluate the expression.:

$ nix-shell
building '/nix/store/gcp4vxffxfadb5sx1j5cfcws52m1nc1z-source.drv'...

hash mismatch in fixed-output derivation '/nix/store/a6i38xchxpdp1y1mg700j9ijg3cb5101-source':
  wanted: sha256:0ixaxjmgg162ff7srvwmkv5lp1kfb0b6wmrpaz97rsmlpa5vf6ji
  got:    sha256:0d79ca1rxnq2hg1ap7mx3l3qg3hwfaby4g3cckk4y3ml86asw6jh

If the sha256 mismatches use the hash in the "got" field above.

Further Reading

You are now equipped with all the basic knowledge of Nix and Nix packaging, you can now move on to the Nix Haskell Development Guide.
