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base repository: chunpu/markdown2confluence
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head repository: connected-world-services/markdown2confluence-cws
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compare: master
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  • 10 commits
  • 29 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Mar 13, 2017

  1. Only list dependencies needed for library

    There's only a few ways this library is used, and this change should not
    impact any of them.
    1. Library for another tool: the devDependencies are not used.
    2. Command-line client: the devDependencies are not used.
    3. Local development: the devDependencies would be installed.
    4. Automated tests: the devDependencies are installed.
    5. Automated documentation: the devDependencies are installed.
    Pulling in this change will significantly reduce the number of
    dependencies when other people use markdown2confluence in their
    ├── marked@0.3.6
    ├─┬ min-qs@1.3.0
    │ └── min-util@2.3.0
    └─┬ min-util@2.3.0
      └─┬ cou@1.3.0
        └── min-is@2.2.0
    ├─┬ jade@1.11.0
    │ ├── character-parser@1.2.1
    │ ├─┬ clean-css@3.4.25
    │ │ ├── commander@2.8.1
    │ │ └── source-map@0.4.4
    │ ├── commander@2.6.0
    │ ├─┬ constantinople@3.0.2
    │ │ └── acorn@2.7.0
    │ ├─┬ jstransformer@0.0.2
    │ │ ├── is-promise@2.1.0
    │ │ └─┬ promise@6.1.0
    │ │   └── asap@1.0.0
    │ ├─┬ transformers@2.1.0
    │ │ ├─┬ css@1.0.8
    │ │ │ ├── css-parse@1.0.4
    │ │ │ └── css-stringify@1.0.5
    │ │ ├─┬ promise@2.0.0
    │ │ │ └── is-promise@1.0.1
    │ │ └─┬ uglify-js@2.2.5
    │ │   ├── optimist@0.3.7
    │ │   └── source-map@0.1.43
    │ ├── void-elements@2.0.1
    │ └─┬ with@4.0.3
    │   ├── acorn@1.2.2
    │   └── acorn-globals@1.0.9
    ├── jade-gist@1.0.5
    ├─┬ min-util@1.10.1
    │ └─┬ cou@1.3.0
    │   └── min-is@2.2.0
    ├── raw-loader@0.5.1
    └─┬ webpack@1.14.0
      ├── acorn@3.3.0
      ├── async@1.5.2
      ├── clone@1.0.2
      ├─┬ enhanced-resolve@0.9.1
      │ └── memory-fs@0.2.0
      ├── interpret@0.6.6
      ├─┬ loader-utils@0.2.17
      │ ├── big.js@3.1.3
      │ └── emojis-list@2.1.0
      ├── memory-fs@0.3.0
      ├─┬ node-libs-browser@0.7.0
      │ ├── assert@1.4.1
      │ ├─┬ browserify-zlib@0.1.4
      │ │ └── pako@0.2.9
      │ ├─┬ buffer@4.9.1
      │ │ ├── base64-js@1.2.0
      │ │ └── ieee754@1.1.8
      │ ├─┬ console-browserify@1.1.0
      │ │ └── date-now@0.1.4
      │ ├── constants-browserify@1.0.0
      │ ├─┬ crypto-browserify@3.3.0
      │ │ ├── browserify-aes@0.4.0
      │ │ ├── pbkdf2-compat@2.0.1
      │ │ ├── ripemd160@0.2.0
      │ │ └── sha.js@2.2.6
      │ ├── domain-browser@1.1.7
      │ ├── events@1.1.1
      │ ├── https-browserify@0.0.1
      │ ├── os-browserify@0.2.1
      │ ├── path-browserify@0.0.0
      │ ├── process@0.11.9
      │ ├── querystring-es3@0.2.1
      │ ├── stream-browserify@2.0.1
      │ ├─┬ stream-http@2.6.3
      │ │ ├── builtin-status-codes@3.0.0
      │ │ └── to-arraybuffer@1.0.1
      │ ├─┬ timers-browserify@2.0.2
      │ │ └── setimmediate@1.0.5
      │ ├── tty-browserify@0.0.0
      │ ├─┬ url@0.11.0
      │ │ ├── punycode@1.3.2
      │ │ └── querystring@0.2.0
      │ ├─┬ util@0.10.3
      │ │ └── inherits@2.0.1
      │ └─┬ vm-browserify@0.0.4
      │   └── indexof@0.0.1
      ├─┬ supports-color@3.2.3
      │ └── has-flag@1.0.0
      ├── tapable@0.1.10
      ├─┬ watchpack@0.2.9
      │ ├── async@0.9.2
      │ └─┬ chokidar@1.6.1
      │   ├─┬ anymatch@1.3.0
      │   │ └─┬ micromatch@2.3.11
      │   │   ├─┬ arr-diff@2.0.0
      │   │   │ └── arr-flatten@1.0.1
      │   │   ├── array-unique@0.2.1
      │   │   ├─┬ braces@1.8.5
      │   │   │ ├─┬ expand-range@1.8.2
      │   │   │ │ └─┬ fill-range@2.2.3
      │   │   │ │   ├── is-number@2.1.0
      │   │   │ │   ├── isobject@2.1.0
      │   │   │ │   └── randomatic@1.1.6
      │   │   │ ├── preserve@0.2.0
      │   │   │ └── repeat-element@1.1.2
      │   │   ├─┬ expand-brackets@0.1.5
      │   │   │ └── is-posix-bracket@0.1.1
      │   │   ├─┬ extglob@0.3.2
      │   │   │ └── is-extglob@1.0.0
      │   │   ├── filename-regex@2.0.0
      │   │   ├── is-extglob@1.0.0
      │   │   ├── is-glob@2.0.1
      │   │   ├── normalize-path@2.0.1
      │   │   ├─┬ object.omit@2.0.1
      │   │   │ └─┬ for-own@0.1.5
      │   │   │   └── for-in@1.0.2
      │   │   ├─┬ parse-glob@3.0.4
      │   │   │ ├─┬ glob-base@0.3.0
      │   │   │ │ ├── glob-parent@2.0.0
      │   │   │ │ └─┬ is-glob@2.0.1
      │   │   │ │   └── is-extglob@1.0.0
      │   │   │ ├── is-dotfile@1.0.2
      │   │   │ ├── is-extglob@1.0.0
      │   │   │ └── is-glob@2.0.1
      │   │   └─┬ regex-cache@0.4.3
      │   │     ├── is-equal-shallow@0.1.3
      │   │     └── is-primitive@2.0.0
      │   ├── async-each@1.0.1
      │   ├── glob-parent@2.0.0
      │   ├─┬ is-binary-path@1.0.1
      │   │ └── binary-extensions@1.8.0
      │   ├─┬ is-glob@2.0.1
      │   │ └── is-extglob@1.0.0
      │   └─┬ readdirp@2.1.0
      │     └── set-immediate-shim@1.0.1
      └─┬ webpack-core@0.6.9
        ├── source-list-map@0.1.8
        └── source-map@0.4.4
    fidian committed Mar 13, 2017
    Configuration menu
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    d0e6850 View commit details
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Commits on Mar 14, 2017

  1. Allow text links to show up as linked text

    This allows the markdown `[desc](` to be rendered in Confluence as `[desc|]`.
    fidian authored Mar 14, 2017
    Configuration menu
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    47d285f View commit details
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  2. Configuration menu
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    bfdc8d2 View commit details
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Commits on Mar 16, 2017

  1. Rewrite and vastly alter.

    * Rebrand as markdown2confluence-cws.
    * Removes dependencies (min-util, min-qs).
    * Changes dev-only dependencies to devDependencies.
    * Removes the website and browser builds. You can use to bundle
      automatically. #12
    * Fixes nested lists. #11
      #4 #3
    * Fixes links to show the link text. #13
    * Adds more newlines to ensure blocks work as expected.
    * Corrects tables.
    * Sets a default highlighting of "none" when no language is specified.
    * Command-line program can read from stdin.
    * A pretty comprehensive suite of tests to ensure the library still
    fidian committed Mar 16, 2017
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    544a6a3 View commit details
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Commits on Mar 17, 2017

  1. Configuration menu
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    e876abe View commit details
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Commits on Apr 6, 2017

  1. Releasing 2.0.2

    fidian committed Apr 6, 2017
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    35b24a2 View commit details
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Commits on Jun 23, 2017

  1. Fixing package name

    fidian committed Jun 23, 2017
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    3e59fd5 View commit details
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  2. Release 2.0.3

    fidian committed Jun 23, 2017
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    6112edd View commit details
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Commits on Jul 17, 2017

  1. Fixing example + allowing Buffer objects as input

    These changes were submitted by @edoronin in a pull request. I had
    feedback on some of the code and I didn't get a reply, so this commit is
    being added instead. Closes #1.
    fidian committed Jul 17, 2017
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    5fc714a View commit details
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  2. Releasing 2.0.4

    fidian committed Jul 17, 2017
    Configuration menu
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    de259c3 View commit details
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