- Metadata
- Font face declaration
- Style
- Text content
- Font
- ✔️ Family
- ✔️ Style
- ✔️ Size
- ❌ Language
- Font effects
- ✔️ Font color
- ✔️ Effects
- ❌ Relief
- 🔜 Overlining
- 🔜 Strikethrough
- 🔜 Underlining
- Position
- ❌ Position
- ❌ Rotation & scaling
- ❌ Spacing
- Hyperlink
- ✔️ Hyperlink
- ❌ Events
- ❌ Character Styles
- Highlighting
- ❌ Color
- Borders
- ❌ Line arrangement
- ❌ Line
- ❌ Spacing to contents
- ❌ Shadow style
- Indents & spacing
- 🔜 Indent
- 🔜 Spacing
- 🚧 Line spacing
- Alignment
- ✔️ horizontal
- 🚧 vertical
- Text flow
- ❌ Hyphenation
- ✔️ Breaks
- 🚧 Options
- Outline & numbering
- ❌ Outline
- ❌ Numbering
- ❌ Line numbering
- Tabs
- ✔️ Type
- 🔜 Fill character
- Drop caps
- Borders
- 🔜 Line arrangement
- 🔜 Line
- ❌ Spacing to contents
- ❌ Shadow style
- Area
- 🚧 Color
- ❌ Gradient
- ❌ Hatching
- ❌ Bitmap
- ✔️ Heading
- ✔️ Paragraph
- ✔️ tab
- ✔️ line break
- ❌ hyphen
- 🔜 span
- 🚧 hyperlink
- ❌ number
- 🚧 List
- ❌ Section
- ❌ Change Tracking
- ❌ Bookmark & Reference
- ❌ Note
- ❌ Text field
- ❌ Table
- ❌ Graphic content
- ❌ Drawing shape
- ❌ Frame
- ❌ 3D Shape
- ❌ Chart
- ❌ Form