// Events
event GiveVoteRight(address indexed voter);
event Vote(address indexed voter, uint proposalId);
event Delegate(address indexed sender, address indexed to);
function giveRightToVotes(address[] calldata _voters) external {
require( msg.sender == chairperson, "Only chairperson can give right to vote.");
for (uint i; i < _voters.length; ++i){
address newVoter = _voters[i];
if (!voters[newVoter].voted && voters[newVoter].weight == 0){
voters[newVoter].weight = 1;
emit GiveVoteRight(newVoter);
test case:
it('shd be able to mass give right', async function () {
const userArr = users.slice(0, 3).map((user) => user.address)
const res = await ballotContract.connect(owner).giveRightToVotes(userArr)
const receipt = await res.wait()
for (const user of userArr) {
// check weight
expect((await ballotContract.voters(user)).weight).to.equal(1)
// shd emit `GiveVoteRight` 3 times
await expect(res).to.emit(ballotContract, 'GiveVoteRight').withArgs(user)
// should emit 3 events
await expect(receipt?.logs.length).to.equal(userArr.length)
tx: https://sepolia.etherscan.io/tx/0xe12a7255da2275056462d21c1400e7a851f38c3eb2ea02affd12e4d470aee0ea
// return total number of proposals
function proposalCount() external view returns (uint count){
count = proposals.length;