- no flag
$ yarn report
Fetched all decoded logs. Done in 16.41397433400154 s.
Group member list:
│ (index) │ address │ name │ discordId │
│ 0 │ '0xb66c6d8d96faa683a4eb2cb4b854f7bb2295e01e' │ 'Alice' │ 'haha123' │
│ 1 │ '0xb66c6d8d96faa683a4eb2cb4b854f7bb2295e01f' │ 'Alice2' │ 'haha123' │
EventLogs for contract 0x3975D8F35b9B805A3B05605F54ea6a615f2D4599:
│ (index) │ sender │ event │ args │ txnHash │ logIdx │
│ 0 │ 'Alice' │ 'GiveVoteRight' │ [ 'voter: 0xc6ffcA45d451f28754A81D10826f2ACDF171D9C5' ] │ '0xe12a7255da2275056462d21c1400e7a851f38c3eb2ea02affd12e4d470aee0ea' │ 145 │
│ 1 │ 'Alice' │ 'GiveVoteRight' │ [ 'voter: 0x265832C44f412013702761b9bC657CFBCd4cE69a' ] │ '0xe12a7255da2275056462d21c1400e7a851f38c3eb2ea02affd12e4d470aee0ea' │ 146 │
│ 2 │ 'Alice' │ 'GiveVoteRight' │ [ 'voter: 0x33Cb9c62131915C86DFfCb5C853379865Ae7379d' ] │ '0xe12a7255da2275056462d21c1400e7a851f38c3eb2ea02affd12e4d470aee0ea' │ 147 │
│ 3 │ 'Alice' │ 'GiveVoteRight' │ [ 'voter: 0x2F53eDad37fA7FC72E193d6d708065Bb9f38F4c2' ] │ '0xe12a7255da2275056462d21c1400e7a851f38c3eb2ea02affd12e4d470aee0ea' │ 148 │
│ 4 │ 'Alice' │ 'GiveVoteRight' │ [ 'voter: 0xD22C7a03d8a7f55916A1DF0ae3840B82B46216ae' ] │ '0xe12a7255da2275056462d21c1400e7a851f38c3eb2ea02affd12e4d470aee0ea' │ 149 │
│ 5 │ 'Alice' │ 'Vote' │ [ 'voter: Alice', 'proposalId: 1' ] │ '0x85dd94ad360437bee6b84c1247175cb96b499b3b53d661ed3e0ccfc2cb50c51d' │ 200 │
- verbose
$ yarn report -v
$ npx ts-node src/index.ts -v
[2023-08-07 00:10:03] Parsing config file...
[2023-08-07 00:10:03] Reading file from src/config.json ...
[2023-08-07 00:10:03] Parsing user config from config.json...
[2023-08-07 00:10:03] Found 2 users.
[2023-08-07 00:10:03] Parsing entries into a CaseInsensitiveMap...
[2023-08-07 00:10:03] New entries added: address: 0xb66c6d8d96faa683a4eb2cb4b854f7bb2295e01e , name: Alice , discordId: haha123
[2023-08-07 00:10:03] New entries added: address: 0xb66c6d8d96faa683a4eb2cb4b854f7bb2295e01f , name: Alice2 , discordId: haha123
[2023-08-07 00:10:03] Connected to network: Sepolia url: https://gateway.tenderly.co/public/sepolia
[2023-08-07 00:10:03] Getting creation block of contract 0x3975D8F35b9B805A3B05605F54ea6a615f2D4599
[2023-08-07 00:10:03] Searching block: 2019907
[2023-08-07 00:10:04] Searching block: 3029861
[2023-08-07 00:10:05] Searching block: 3534838
[2023-08-07 00:10:05] Searching block: 3787327
[2023-08-07 00:10:06] Searching block: 3913571
[2023-08-07 00:10:06] Searching block: 3976693
[2023-08-07 00:10:07] Searching block: 4008254
[2023-08-07 00:10:07] Searching block: 4024035
[2023-08-07 00:10:08] Searching block: 4031925
[2023-08-07 00:10:08] Searching block: 4035870
[2023-08-07 00:10:09] Searching block: 4037843
[2023-08-07 00:10:09] Searching block: 4038829
[2023-08-07 00:10:10] Searching block: 4038336
[2023-08-07 00:10:11] Searching block: 4038090
[2023-08-07 00:10:11] Searching block: 4038213
[2023-08-07 00:10:12] Searching block: 4038275
[2023-08-07 00:10:13] Searching block: 4038306
[2023-08-07 00:10:13] Searching block: 4038291
[2023-08-07 00:10:14] Searching block: 4038283
[2023-08-07 00:10:14] Searching block: 4038287
[2023-08-07 00:10:15] Searching block: 4038285
[2023-08-07 00:10:16] Searching block: 4038286
[2023-08-07 00:10:16] Creation block found: 4038286
[2023-08-07 00:10:16] Start fetching eventLogs from block 4038286 to 4039815
[2023-08-07 00:10:16] Chunk size: 500, # of chunks: 4
[2023-08-07 00:10:16] Getting eventLogs for 0x3975D8F35b9B805A3B05605F54ea6a615f2D4599: [4038286 , 4038786]
[2023-08-07 00:10:17] Getting eventLogs for 0x3975D8F35b9B805A3B05605F54ea6a615f2D4599: [4038787 , 4039287]
[2023-08-07 00:10:17] Getting eventLogs for 0x3975D8F35b9B805A3B05605F54ea6a615f2D4599: [4039288 , 4039788]
[2023-08-07 00:10:17] Getting eventLogs for 0x3975D8F35b9B805A3B05605F54ea6a615f2D4599: [4039789 , 4039815]
[2023-08-07 00:10:18] All eventLogs fetched. # of logs: 4
[2023-08-07 00:10:18] Importing contract abi from ./abis/Ballot2.json...
[2023-08-07 00:10:18] Decoding eventLog for txn: 0xe12a7255da2275056462d21c1400e7a851f38c3eb2ea02affd12e4d470aee0ea
[2023-08-07 00:10:18] Decoding eventLog for txn: 0xe12a7255da2275056462d21c1400e7a851f38c3eb2ea02affd12e4d470aee0ea
[2023-08-07 00:10:18] Decoding eventLog for txn: 0xe12a7255da2275056462d21c1400e7a851f38c3eb2ea02affd12e4d470aee0ea
[2023-08-07 00:10:19] Decoding eventLog for txn: 0xe12a7255da2275056462d21c1400e7a851f38c3eb2ea02affd12e4d470aee0ea
[2023-08-07 00:10:19] Decoding eventLog for txn: 0xe12a7255da2275056462d21c1400e7a851f38c3eb2ea02affd12e4d470aee0ea
[2023-08-07 00:10:19] Decoding eventLog for txn: 0x85dd94ad360437bee6b84c1247175cb96b499b3b53d661ed3e0ccfc2cb50c51d
Fetched all decoded logs. Done in 16.172382874965667 s.
Group member list:
│ (index) │ address │ name │ discordId │
│ 0 │ '0xb66c6d8d96faa683a4eb2cb4b854f7bb2295e01e' │ 'Alice' │ 'haha123' │
│ 1 │ '0xb66c6d8d96faa683a4eb2cb4b854f7bb2295e01f' │ 'Alice2' │ 'haha123' │
EventLogs for contract 0x3975D8F35b9B805A3B05605F54ea6a615f2D4599:
│ (index) │ sender │ event │ args │ txnHash │ logIdx │
│ 0 │ 'Alice' │ 'GiveVoteRight' │ [ 'voter: 0xc6ffcA45d451f28754A81D10826f2ACDF171D9C5' ] │ '0xe12a7255da2275056462d21c1400e7a851f38c3eb2ea02affd12e4d470aee0ea' │ 145 │
│ 1 │ 'Alice' │ 'GiveVoteRight' │ [ 'voter: 0x265832C44f412013702761b9bC657CFBCd4cE69a' ] │ '0xe12a7255da2275056462d21c1400e7a851f38c3eb2ea02affd12e4d470aee0ea' │ 146 │
│ 2 │ 'Alice' │ 'GiveVoteRight' │ [ 'voter: 0x33Cb9c62131915C86DFfCb5C853379865Ae7379d' ] │ '0xe12a7255da2275056462d21c1400e7a851f38c3eb2ea02affd12e4d470aee0ea' │ 147 │
│ 3 │ 'Alice' │ 'GiveVoteRight' │ [ 'voter: 0x2F53eDad37fA7FC72E193d6d708065Bb9f38F4c2' ] │ '0xe12a7255da2275056462d21c1400e7a851f38c3eb2ea02affd12e4d470aee0ea' │ 148 │
│ 4 │ 'Alice' │ 'GiveVoteRight' │ [ 'voter: 0xD22C7a03d8a7f55916A1DF0ae3840B82B46216ae' ] │ '0xe12a7255da2275056462d21c1400e7a851f38c3eb2ea02affd12e4d470aee0ea' │ 149 │
│ 5 │ 'Alice' │ 'Vote' │ [ 'voter: Alice', 'proposalId: 1' ] │ '0x85dd94ad360437bee6b84c1247175cb96b499b3b53d661ed3e0ccfc2cb50c51d' │ 200 │
✨ Done in 17.73s.
- verbose w/ output
$ yarn report -v -o demo.txt
$ npx ts-node src/index.ts -v -o demo.txt
[2023-08-07 00:10:36] Parsing config file...
[2023-08-07 00:10:36] Reading file from src/config.json ...
[2023-08-07 00:10:36] Parsing user config from config.json...
[2023-08-07 00:10:36] Found 2 users.
[2023-08-07 00:10:36] Parsing entries into a CaseInsensitiveMap...
[2023-08-07 00:10:36] New entries added: address: 0xb66c6d8d96faa683a4eb2cb4b854f7bb2295e01e , name: Alice , discordId: haha123
[2023-08-07 00:10:36] New entries added: address: 0xb66c6d8d96faa683a4eb2cb4b854f7bb2295e01f , name: Alice2 , discordId: haha123
[2023-08-07 00:10:36] Connected to network: Sepolia url: https://gateway.tenderly.co/public/sepolia
[2023-08-07 00:10:36] Getting creation block of contract 0x3975D8F35b9B805A3B05605F54ea6a615f2D4599
[2023-08-07 00:10:37] Searching block: 2019908
[2023-08-07 00:10:37] Searching block: 3029863
[2023-08-07 00:10:38] Searching block: 3534840
[2023-08-07 00:10:38] Searching block: 3787329
[2023-08-07 00:10:38] Searching block: 3913573
[2023-08-07 00:10:39] Searching block: 3976695
[2023-08-07 00:10:39] Searching block: 4008256
[2023-08-07 00:10:39] Searching block: 4024037
[2023-08-07 00:10:40] Searching block: 4031927
[2023-08-07 00:10:41] Searching block: 4035872
[2023-08-07 00:10:41] Searching block: 4037845
[2023-08-07 00:10:42] Searching block: 4038831
[2023-08-07 00:10:42] Searching block: 4038338
[2023-08-07 00:10:43] Searching block: 4038092
[2023-08-07 00:10:43] Searching block: 4038215
[2023-08-07 00:10:44] Searching block: 4038277
[2023-08-07 00:10:44] Searching block: 4038308
[2023-08-07 00:10:45] Searching block: 4038293
[2023-08-07 00:10:46] Searching block: 4038285
[2023-08-07 00:10:46] Searching block: 4038289
[2023-08-07 00:10:47] Searching block: 4038287
[2023-08-07 00:10:48] Searching block: 4038286
[2023-08-07 00:10:48] Creation block found: 4038286
[2023-08-07 00:10:48] Start fetching eventLogs from block 4038286 to 4039817
[2023-08-07 00:10:48] Chunk size: 500, # of chunks: 4
[2023-08-07 00:10:48] Getting eventLogs for 0x3975D8F35b9B805A3B05605F54ea6a615f2D4599: [4038286 , 4038786]
[2023-08-07 00:10:49] Getting eventLogs for 0x3975D8F35b9B805A3B05605F54ea6a615f2D4599: [4038787 , 4039287]
[2023-08-07 00:10:49] Getting eventLogs for 0x3975D8F35b9B805A3B05605F54ea6a615f2D4599: [4039288 , 4039788]
[2023-08-07 00:10:49] Getting eventLogs for 0x3975D8F35b9B805A3B05605F54ea6a615f2D4599: [4039789 , 4039817]
[2023-08-07 00:10:49] All eventLogs fetched. # of logs: 4
[2023-08-07 00:10:49] Importing contract abi from ./abis/Ballot2.json...
[2023-08-07 00:10:49] Decoding eventLog for txn: 0xe12a7255da2275056462d21c1400e7a851f38c3eb2ea02affd12e4d470aee0ea
[2023-08-07 00:10:50] Decoding eventLog for txn: 0xe12a7255da2275056462d21c1400e7a851f38c3eb2ea02affd12e4d470aee0ea
[2023-08-07 00:10:50] Decoding eventLog for txn: 0xe12a7255da2275056462d21c1400e7a851f38c3eb2ea02affd12e4d470aee0ea
[2023-08-07 00:10:50] Decoding eventLog for txn: 0xe12a7255da2275056462d21c1400e7a851f38c3eb2ea02affd12e4d470aee0ea
[2023-08-07 00:10:50] Decoding eventLog for txn: 0xe12a7255da2275056462d21c1400e7a851f38c3eb2ea02affd12e4d470aee0ea
[2023-08-07 00:10:51] Decoding eventLog for txn: 0x85dd94ad360437bee6b84c1247175cb96b499b3b53d661ed3e0ccfc2cb50c51d
Fetched all decoded logs. Done in 14.70126854199171 s.
Group member list:
│ (index) │ address │ name │ discordId │
│ 0 │ '0xb66c6d8d96faa683a4eb2cb4b854f7bb2295e01e' │ 'Alice' │ 'haha123' │
│ 1 │ '0xb66c6d8d96faa683a4eb2cb4b854f7bb2295e01f' │ 'Alice2' │ 'haha123' │
EventLogs for contract 0x3975D8F35b9B805A3B05605F54ea6a615f2D4599:
│ (index) │ sender │ event │ args │ txnHash │ logIdx │
│ 0 │ 'Alice' │ 'GiveVoteRight' │ [ 'voter: 0xc6ffcA45d451f28754A81D10826f2ACDF171D9C5' ] │ '0xe12a7255da2275056462d21c1400e7a851f38c3eb2ea02affd12e4d470aee0ea' │ 145 │
│ 1 │ 'Alice' │ 'GiveVoteRight' │ [ 'voter: 0x265832C44f412013702761b9bC657CFBCd4cE69a' ] │ '0xe12a7255da2275056462d21c1400e7a851f38c3eb2ea02affd12e4d470aee0ea' │ 146 │
│ 2 │ 'Alice' │ 'GiveVoteRight' │ [ 'voter: 0x33Cb9c62131915C86DFfCb5C853379865Ae7379d' ] │ '0xe12a7255da2275056462d21c1400e7a851f38c3eb2ea02affd12e4d470aee0ea' │ 147 │
│ 3 │ 'Alice' │ 'GiveVoteRight' │ [ 'voter: 0x2F53eDad37fA7FC72E193d6d708065Bb9f38F4c2' ] │ '0xe12a7255da2275056462d21c1400e7a851f38c3eb2ea02affd12e4d470aee0ea' │ 148 │
│ 4 │ 'Alice' │ 'GiveVoteRight' │ [ 'voter: 0xD22C7a03d8a7f55916A1DF0ae3840B82B46216ae' ] │ '0xe12a7255da2275056462d21c1400e7a851f38c3eb2ea02affd12e4d470aee0ea' │ 149 │
│ 5 │ 'Alice' │ 'Vote' │ [ 'voter: Alice', 'proposalId: 1' ] │ '0x85dd94ad360437bee6b84c1247175cb96b499b3b53d661ed3e0ccfc2cb50c51d' │ 200 │
[2023-08-07 00:10:51] Table stored in demo.txt
✨ Done in 16.36s.
output: demo.txt