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Ultimate Govee


Provides command and control interface for interacting with Govee via Bluetooth LE, AWS IoT Core, LAN (TODO), and Govee OpenAPI Developer Platform (TODO).

If a device type is known, it will be categorized and have type-specific device states. Supported types so far:

  • Purifiers
  • Humidifiers
  • RGB Lights (Bulbs, Strips, etc.)
  • RGBIC Lights (Bulbs, Strips, Glide, etc.)
  • Air Quality Monitors
  • Hygrometers
  • Ice Makers

Control Channels

The primary control channel is AWS IoT Core - this is a Pub/Sub system that works with any WiFi-enabled device (and soon any device behind a disributed gateway). If you have a bluetooth adapter, you can enable the BLE control channel to control those directly; however, if you try to enable this and do not have a bluetooth adapter - it will cause the library to crash.

This works on OSX and Linux system. Have not tested Windows.


Devices are composed of various states, some allow you to change them while others are informational only. Each state keeps a history for the previous 5 state values and if it's a controllable state you can set it to one of them by invoking the previousState method, which accepts a value between 0 and 5 (0 means set it to the current state, 1 the previous state, all the way to 5 being the 5th previous state). This allows for automations like "When motion: set RGBICLightDevice's wholecolor state to white and brightness state to 100%; On motion clear return to the previous brightness and previous light effect"

const device: RGBICLight;
onMotion() {
  device.wholeColor().setState({red: 255, green: 255, blue: 255});
onMotionClear() {


  • isActive - Whether the device is "active", i.e. the Purifier is running
  • batteryLevel - The remaining battery level as a percentage (if device is battery powered)
  • brightness - The brighness (as percentage) for the device (in the case of RGBICLights, this is the entire device)
  • colorRGB - Color of a light, for bulb and strips this is for the device itself
  • colorTemp - The color temperature for the light (2000K - 9000K)
  • connected - This should indicate whether the device is online, however it's not consistent
  • controlLock - Locks or unlocks the physical controls on the device
  • displaySchedule - Sets when the display on the device is to be illuminated
  • filterExpired - Flag indicating the device's filter is needing replaced
  • filterLife - The remaining life of the device's filter (as a percentage), not all devices report this
  • humidity - An object containing the valid relative humidity range, current reading, calibration settings and raw value
  • lightEffect - Contains the list of valid light effects for the device, you can control the state via the effect name or the numeric code
  • mode - The active mode of the device, this state is meaningless without a specific device implementation
  • nightLight - Control the night light feature of the device, if the device has one
  • power - Whether the device is on or off, this is similar to
  • isActive but applies primarily to switch and light devices
  • temperature - An object containing the valid temperature range, current reading, calibration settings and raw value
  • timer- Allows interacting with the device's timer feature (setting the start and end for operation)
  • waterShortage - Flag indicating the device is out of water.


  • mistLevel - The amount of mist the humidifier is emitting
  • targetHumidity - If paired with Hygrometer or one is integrated, sets the relative humidity at which the device will pause activity
  • uvc - Some humidifiers offer a UVC sterilization feature, set this to true to enable sanitization
  • manualMode - Simple mode where you can control the mistLevel directly
  • customMode - Set three mist levels and their durations, once the first is completed it starts the second, the third can be indefinite or a finite duration
  • autoMode - Humidifier will operate automatically until the target humidity is reached

Ice Makers

  • nuggetSize - Set the size of the ice cubes
  • makingIce - Analogous to isActive, starts or stops the ice production
  • iceMakerStatus - The status of the device: washing, idle, making ice, etc.
  • scheduledStart - Allows you to set a time in the future to start ice production
  • basketFull - Flag indicating the basket is full and needs to be emptied.


  • fanSpeed - Reported as a percentage, indicates how much the purifier is working. Some devices only allow 3 speeds, some 4.
  • manualMode - Control the fan speed directly
  • customMode - Set three speed settigns and their durations, once the first is complete it starts the second, the third can be indefinite or a finite duration
  • autoMode - If paird with an air quality monitor or has one integrated, will purify the air until the air quality measurement is below the threshold

Air Quality Monitor

  • pm25 - the PPM measurements of particles in the air
  • humdidity - the measured ambient relative humidity
  • temprature - the measured ambient temperature


  • humidity - the measured ambient relative humidity
  • temperature - the measure ambient temperature
  • batteryLevel - Remaining battery level of the device

Presence Sensor

  • presence-mmWave - mmWave sensor detected, distance in centimeters and duration
  • presence-biological - IR sensor detected, distance in centimters and duration
  • enablePresence - Flags for enabling the sensors
  • detectionSettings - Configure the detection distance, report detection duration and duration before absence

RGB Lights

  • micMode - Makes the device sound reactive, various settings can be applied to this mode such as sensitivity, colors and intensity
  • colorMode - The color of the light
  • brightness - The brightness of the light
  • colorTemp - The color temperature of the light


  • micMode - set the device to be audio reactive, you can change the colors, intensity, how the colors change (chase, pulse, etc)
  • wholeColorMode - controls the color of the entire device
  • segmentedColorMode - controls color and brightness of the individual light segments
  • lightEffect - activates one of the numerous light effects defined by govee (the application automatically retrieves this list)
  • advancedColorMod - This allows for you to create DIY light effects (this is not implemented yet)

Installing the library

npm install --save @constructorfleet/ultimate-govee

Running the library

NOTE All options for this module are optional, but at least one control channel must be enabled to interact with devices

First, import the UltimateGoveeModule:

  import: [UltimateGoveeModule.forRootAsync({
    persist: {
      rootDirectory: 'path/to/persistent/storage', // Path to persistent storage, as of now, it writs a lot for debugging
    auth: {
      refreshMargin: 5000 // Number of milliseconds before token expires to reauthenticate with Govee
    channels: {
      ble: {
        enabled: true, // Whether to enable the BLE control channel (if you do not have BLE adapter, this MUST be false)
        deviceIds: [ // List of IDs for devices to command and control - these are not the BLE address!
      iot: {
        enabled: true, // Whether to enable the AWS IoT Core control channel
export class AppModule {}

Then, inject the UltimateGoveeService:

export class AppService {
  constructor(private readonly govee: UltimateGoveeService, ...) {}

Subscribe to device discovery events:

this.govee.deviceDiscovered.subscribe((device: Device) => {
  // Get the device value of all states
  // Get a specific device state

  // Issue a command to the device state
    enabled: true,
    startHour: 14,
    startMinute: 30,

Connect using the user's credentials:

this.govee.connect(username, password);


nest test

Future Work

  • - Configure control channels on initialization and during runtime.
  • [ ] - Configurable controllers.
  • - Specify devices to listen for.
  • - Device overrides.
  • - LAN control channel.
  • - Govee OpenAPI control channel.
  • - Tool for facilitating device support.


Nest is an MIT-licensed open source project. It can grow thanks to the sponsors and support by the amazing backers. If you'd like to join them, please read more here.

Stay in touch


Ultimate-Govee is GPLv3 Licensed. Nest is MIT licensed.

Special Thanks: