diff --git a/cinema.js b/cinema.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5b7409c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cinema.js
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+ //creating a js object to reference the html form element
+const form = document.querySelector(".form");
+ //creating a js object to correspond to a submit event
+ //then using the text input data as argument to the searchMovies function
+const textInput = form.addEventListener( "submit", event => {
+ //preventing the default action of submitting the event before we've had
+ //a chance to code anything to this event.
+ event.preventDefault()
+ // creating a js object to reference the html text iunput element
+ const inputField= document.querySelector('.form__input')
+ // using inputField as the argument for the searchMoviesfunction
+ searchMovies(inputField.value);
+//searches for movies in the api datbase, usdiong the argument "movie"
+function searchMovies(movie) {
+ //fetches api with api key and parameter "movie"
+ fetch(`http://www.omdbapi.com/?apikey=323bfd8f&s=${movie}`)
+ //.then is carried on on succesful receipt of the data
+ //response stands for the data that the api has returned.
+ //we are returning that data in json format
+ .then(function(response) {
+ return response.json();
+ })
+ //a promise returns a promise, so on successful completion of above
+ //body, which is the json format of the api data is returned
+ .then(function(body){
+ console.log(body);
+ //we want to diplay the particuloar details of the data we require which
+ //have been returned by the api search
+ displayMovies(body.Search)
+ })
+ //code for if the promise fails, an exception.
+ .catch(function(error) {
+ console.log('Server failed to return data',error);
+ });
+ }
+ let filmItem;
+ let selectedFilmTitle;
+ function displayMovies(searchResults) {
+ //selecting the html element ul as my parent node
+ const parentNode = document.querySelector(".results__list"); //ul
+ //map returns a new array, so requires a new variable to
+ //refence it (movieString)
+ const movieString = searchResults.map( item => {
+ //for every item in the searchResults, add a list element
+ //and insert the following html
+ // selectedFilmTitle = item.Title;
+ return `
+ }).join(''); // .join() is required to remove the trailing ,
+ //Sets the html of the ul to the movieString that was
+ //created above
+ parentNode.innerHTML = movieString;
+ //Below code is for clicking on things
+ //filmItem is now set to the li's within the ul.
+ filmItem = document.querySelectorAll('.results__list > li')
+ //spread operator changes the copy into an array
+ //ask for clarification on this one??
+ //Is it because we want to make through the contents?
+ const filmItemCopy = [...filmItem]
+ //So for each film item we add an event listener for click
+ //which calls the fetchMoreDeatilsWithId function
+ filmItemCopy.map(aFilm => {
+ aFilm.addEventListener('click', event => {
+ //fetchMoreDeatilsWithId gets data on
+ // the film using its id
+ fetchMoreDeatilsWithId(event.path[1].dataset.imdbid)
+ fetchAGiphy(event.path[1].dataset.Title)
+ // fetchAGiphy(event.searchResults.Title)
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ // console.log(selectedFilmTitle);
+ //fetchMoreDeatilsWithId gets data on
+ // the film using its id property
+ function fetchMoreDeatilsWithId (imdbIDToSearchWith) {
+ //fetch casll to the api using the parameter of ID to get more info
+ fetch(`http://www.omdbapi.com/?apikey=323bfd8f&i=${imdbIDToSearchWith}`)
+ .then(function(response) {
+ return response.json();
+ })
+ .then(function(body){
+ //Successful receipt of data is passed into the
+ //addDisplayPlot function.
+ addDisplayPlot(imdbIDToSearchWith, body);
+ })
+ .catch(function(error) {
+ console.log('Server failed to return data',error);
+ });
+ }
+ // const giphUrl = "https://api.giphy.com/v1/gifs/search?";
+ // const giphApiKey = "api_key=ggvo0rd0F3430o7HlYXGh2ZwXzPMx0f9";
+ // const gifquery = "&q=${VARIABLE}&limit=2&offset=0&rating=G&lang=en";
+ // function fetchAGiphy(movieTitle) {
+ // fetch(`https://api.giphy.com/v1/gifs/search?api_key=ggvo0rd0F3430o7HlYXGh2ZwXzPMx0f9&q=${movieTitle}&limit=2&offset=0&rating=G&lang=en`)
+ // .then(function(response) {
+ // return response.json();
+ // })
+ //
+ // .then(function(body) {
+ // console.log(body)
+ // // addGiphy(movieTitle)
+ // });
+ //
+ // .catch(function(error) {
+ // console.log('Server failed to return data',error);
+ // });
+ // }
+ // function addGiphy(movieTitle) {
+ // const parentNode = document.querySelector(".results__gifphy")
+ // parentNode.innerHTML = ``
+ // }
+ function addDisplayPlot(imdbIDToSearchWith, movieData) {
+ // take the plot and set it in to a
that i can
+ //display on the screen, omitting all other li's.
+ //This parent node is set to the data attribute that
+ //is the `id` of the movie
+ const parentNode = document.querySelector(`[data-imdbid=${imdbIDToSearchWith}]`)
+ //below im setting the inner html of the parent node,
+ //the ul, to contain a list that has the details for
+ //the movies and im adding the Plot.
+ parentNode.innerHTML =
+ `