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+ "tutorial-iss.md",
- #"tutorial-iss.md",
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+```@raw html
+# Solving optimal control problems with Julia
+### [Jean-Baptiste Caillau](http://caillau.perso.math.cnrs.fr), [Olivier Cots](https://ocots.github.io), [Joseph Gergaud](https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=pkH4An4AAAAJ&hl=fr), [Pierre Martinon](https://www.linkedin.com/in/pierre-martinon-b4603a17), [Sophia Sed](https://iww.inria.fr/sed-sophia)
+```@raw html
+# What it's about
+- Nonlinear optimal control of ODEs:
+g(x(t_0),x(t_f)) + \int_{t_0}^{t_f} f^0(x(t), u(t)) \to \min
+subject to
+\dot{x}(t) = f(x(t), u(t)),\quad t \in [0, t_f]
+plus boundary, control and state constraints
+- Our core interests: numerical & geometrical methods in control, applications
+# Where it comes from
+- [BOCOP: the optimal control solver](https://www.bocop.org)
+- [HamPath: indirect and Hamiltonian pathfollowing](http://www.hampath.org)
+- [Coupling direct and indirect solvers, examples](https://ct.gitlabpages.inria.fr/gallery//notebooks.html)
+# OptimalControl.jl
+- [Basic example: double integrator](https://control-toolbox.org/docs/optimalcontrol/dev/tutorial-basic-example-f.html)
+- [Basic example: double integrator (cont'ed)](https://control-toolbox.org/docs/optimalcontrol/dev/tutorial-basic-example.html)
+- [Advanced example: Goddard problem](https://control-toolbox.org/docs/optimalcontrol/dev/tutorial-goddard.html)
+# Wrap up
+- [X] High level modelling of optimal control problems
+- [X] Efficient numerical resolution coupling direct and indirect methods
+- [X] Collection of examples
+# Future
+- [ct_repl](./assets/repl.mp4)
+- Additional solvers: direct shooting, collocation for BVP, Hamiltonian pathfollowing...
+- ... and open to contributions!
+- [CTProblems.jl](https://control-toolbox.org/docs/ctproblems/stable/problems-list.html)
+# control-toolbox.org
+- Open toolbox
+- Collection of Julia Packages rooted at [OptimalControl.jl](https://control-toolbox.org/docs/optimalcontrol)
+```@raw html
+# Credits (not exhaustive!)
+- [DifferentialEquations.jl](https://github.com/SciML/DifferentialEquations.jl)
+- [JuMP](https://jump.dev/JuMP.jl),
+ [InfiniteOpt.jl](https://docs.juliahub.com/InfiniteOpt/p3GvY/0.4.1),
+ [ADNLPModels.jl](https://jso.dev/ADNLPModels.jl)
+- [Ipopt](https://github.com/coin-or/ipopt)
+- [JuliaDiff](https://juliadiff.org)
+ ([FowardDiff.jl](https://juliadiff.org/ForwardDiff.jl),
+ [Zygote.jl](https://fluxml.ai/Zygote.jl))
+- [MLStyle.jl](https://thautwarm.github.io/MLStyle.jl)
+- [REPLMaker.jl](https://docs.juliahub.com/ReplMaker)
diff --git a/docs/src/tutorial-goddard.md b/docs/src/tutorial-goddard.md
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@@ -277,9 +277,11 @@ using MINPACK # NLE solver
nle = (s, ξ) -> shoot!(s, ξ[1:3], ξ[4], ξ[5], ξ[6], ξ[7]) # auxiliary function
# with aggregated inputs
ξ = [ p0 ; t1 ; t2 ; t3 ; tf ] # initial guess
-indirect_sol = @suppress_err begin # hide
-fsolve(nle, ξ)
-end # hide
+global indirect_sol = # hide
+@suppress_err begin # hide
+fsolve(nle, ξ) # hide
+indirect_sol = fsolve(nle, ξ) # resolution of S(ξ) = 0
+end # hide
# we retrieve the costate solution together with the times
p0 = indirect_sol.x[1:3]
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# Indirect simple shooting
-In construction.
+In this tutorial we present the indirect simple shooting method on a simple example.
+```@setup main
+using Suppressor # to suppress warnings
+Let us start by importing the necessary packages.
+```@example main
+using OptimalControl
+using MINPACK # NLE solver
+Let us consider the following optimal control problem.
+```@example main
+t0 = 0
+tf = 1
+x0 = -1
+xf = 0
+α = 1.5
+@def ocp begin
+ t ∈ [ t0, tf ], time
+ x ∈ R, state
+ u ∈ R, control
+ x(t0) == x0
+ x(tf) == xf
+ ẋ(t) == -x(t) + α * x(t)^2 + u(t)
+ ∫( 0.5u(t)^2 ) → min
+nothing # hide
+From the Pontryagin Maximum Principle, we have that the maximising control is given by
+u(x, p) = p
+and we can define the flow of the associated Hamiltonian vector field
+```@example main
+u(x, p) = p
+f = Flow(ocp, u)
+nothing # hide
+We define an auxiliary exponential map.
+```@example main
+exp(p0; saveat=[]) = f((t0, tf), x0, p0, saveat=saveat).ode_sol
+nothing # hide
+We are now in position to define the shooting function and solve the shooting equations.
+```@example main
+S(p0) = exp(p0)(tf)[1] - xf; # shooting function
+nle = (s, ξ) -> s[1] = S(ξ[1]) # auxiliary function
+ξ = [ 0.0 ] # initial guess
+global indirect_sol = # hide
+@suppress_err begin # hide
+fsolve(nle, ξ) # hide
+indirect_sol = fsolve(nle, ξ) # resolution of S(p0) = 0
+end # hide
+p0_sol = indirect_sol.x[1] # costate solution
+println("costate: p0 = ", p0_sol)
+@suppress_err begin # hide
+println("shoot: |S(p0)| = ", abs(S(p0_sol)), "\n")
+end # hide
+nothing # hide
+We get:
+```@example main
+# parameters
+times = range(t0, tf, length=2)
+p0min = -0.5
+p0max = 2
+# plot of the flow
+plt_flow = plot()
+p0s = range(p0min, p0max, length=20)
+for i ∈ 1:length(p0s) # plot some trajectories
+ sol = exp(p0s[i])
+ x = [sol(t)[1] for t ∈ sol.t]
+ p = [sol(t)[2] for t ∈ sol.t]
+ label = i==1 ? "extremals" : false
+ plot!(plt_flow, x, p, color=:blue, label=label)
+p0s = range(p0min, p0max, length=200)
+xs = zeros(length(p0s), length(times))
+ps = zeros(length(p0s), length(times))
+for i ∈ 1:length(p0s)
+ sol = exp(p0s[i], saveat=times)
+ xs[i, :] = [z[1] for z ∈ sol.(times)]
+ ps[i, :] = [z[2] for z ∈ sol.(times)]
+for j ∈ 1:length(times) # plot intermediate points
+ label = j==1 ? "flow at times" : false
+ plot!(plt_flow, xs[:, j], ps[:, j], color=:green, linewidth=2, label=label)
+plot!(plt_flow, xlims = (-1.1, 1), ylims = (p0min, p0max))
+plot!(plt_flow, [0, 0], [p0min, p0max], color=:black, xlabel="x", ylabel="p", label="x=xf")
+# solution
+sol = exp(p0_sol)
+x = [sol(t)[1] for t ∈ sol.t]
+p = [sol(t)[2] for t ∈ sol.t]
+plot!(plt_flow, x, p, color=:red, linewidth=2, label="extremal solution")
+plot!(plt_flow, [x[end]], [p[end]], seriestype=:scatter, color=:green, label=false) # solution
+# plot of the shooting function
+plt_shoot = plot(xlims=(p0min, p0max), ylims=(-2, 4), xlabel="p₀", ylabel="y")
+plot!(plt_shoot, p0s, S, linewidth=2, label="S(p₀)", color=:green)
+plot!(plt_shoot, [p0min, p0max], [0, 0], color=:black, label="y=0")
+plot!(plt_shoot, [p0_sol, p0_sol], [-2, 0], color=:black, label="p₀ solution", linestyle=:dash)
+plot!(plt_shoot, [p0_sol], [0], seriestype=:scatter, color=:green, label=false) # solution
+# plots
+plot(plt_flow, plt_shoot, layout=(1,2), size=(800, 450))