Middleware for decentralized subgraph queries for Curve, Convex, Votium
Running for development:
Create an .env
file with the following variables:
API_ENV= ('dev' or 'prod')
REDIS_PASSWORD= (Redis DB Passwrod)
GRAPH_API_KEY= (API Key for decentralized subgraphs)
PG_USER= (Postgres username)
PG_PASS = (Postgres password)
PG_DATABASE = (Postgres DB name)
PG_HOST = (Postgres DB Host)
PGA_MAIL = (PGAdmin email)
PGA_PASS = (PGAdmin password)
And for letsencrypt with production deployment:
[email protected]
Then run:
cp docker-compose.override.yaml.sample docker-compose.override.yaml
sudo docker-compose up