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This project hosts a wrapper for the COPASI API used primarily for running simulations and steady state analysis of SBML/COPASI models.

Main use of this project is as JavaScript wrapper of the simulation API. For that we use Emscripten.

Using from node.js

The API is wrapped in the copasi.js file. So after loading the wasm module, you pass the module to the constructor of the COPASI class:

var createApi = require('./copasijs.js');
var COPASI = require('./copasi.js');
var fs = require("fs");

createApi().then((Module) => {

    // instantiate COPASI simulator
    var instance = new COPASI(Module);

    // check version
    console.log('Using COPASI: ', instance.version);

    // load a local file using the filesystem 
    var data = fs.readFileSync(process.argv[2], 'utf8');

    // print model structure
    // simulate the model
    console.log(instance.simulateEx(0, 10, 11));

Download Release

You could just take one of the release archives directly from the releases page. There are three different kind of archives:

  • for use with nodejs
  • that is compiled only to javascript for the WEB environment
  • containing js + wasm file

Alternatively, you can build using the instructions below.

Emscripten build

To build from a clone we use the following (ensuring that you first have initialized the Emscripten sdk):


curl -L -O 
tar -zxf libuuid-1.0.3.tar.gz
cd libuuid-1.0.3
emconfigure ./configure --prefix=$PWD/../em-dependencies --disable-dependency-tracking --with-pic --enable-static=yes --enable-shared=no CFLAGS='-fPIC'
emmake make
emmake make install
cd ..
rm em-dependencies/lib/*

git clone
emcmake cmake -G Ninja -B em-build-dependencies -S copasi-dependencies \
  -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=em-dependencies \
  -DBUILD_zlib=ON \
  -DBUILD_archive=OFF \
  -DBUILD_clapack=ON \
cmake --build em-build-dependencies --config=Release

git clone
cd COPASI && gitTools/UpdateCopasiVersion --force && cd ..
cd COPASI && git checkout release/Version-4.43 && cd ..

cp COPASI/copasi/lapack/f2c.h em-dependencies/include 
cp COPASI/copasi/lapack/blaswrap.h em-dependencies/include

emcmake cmake -G Ninja -B em-build-copasi -S COPASI \
  -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=em-dependencies \
  -DCOPASI_DEPENDENCY_DIR=em-dependencies \
  -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=em-dependencies \
  -DF2C_INTEGER=int \

cmake --build em-build-copasi --config=Release
cmake --install em-build-copasi --config=Release

JavaScript Library

git clone
emcmake cmake -DCOPASIJS_DEPENDENCY_DIR=em-dependencies -S COPASI.js -B em-build-copasijs -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=bin-js
cmake --build em-build-copasijs --config=Release
cmake --install em-build-copasijs --config=Release

Now that the files are in bin-js, we can run test programs with for example nodejs:

cp COPASI.js/test/load_and_simulate.js bin-js
cd bin-js
node load_and_simulate.js COPASI.js/example_files/oscli.xml


This project requires:

Building the standalone library

The best way to set this up, is to just install the COPASI dependencies first into a dependency directory, then compile the COPASISE library, and install it also into that directory. The code below can be used to test the library standalone on any system:

git clone
cmake -G Ninja -B build-dependencies -S copasi-dependencies \
  -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=dependencies \
  -DBUILD_zlib=ON \
  -DBUILD_archive=OFF \
cmake --build build-dependencies --config=Release

git clone
cd COPASI && gitTools/UpdateCopasiVersion --force && cd ..
cd COPASI && git checkout release/Version-4.43 && cd ..

cp COPASI/copasi/lapack/f2c.h dependencies/include 
cp COPASI/copasi/lapack/blaswrap.h dependencies/include

cmake -G Ninja -B build-copasi -S COPASI \
  -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=dependencies \
  -DCOPASI_DEPENDENCY_DIR=dependencies \
  -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=dependencies \
  -DF2C_INTEGER=int \

cmake --build build-copasi --config=Release
cmake --install build-copasi --config=Release


Once the dependencies are compiled as above and installed into dependencies, you can run the standalone test runner like so:

git clone
cmake -DCOPASIJS_DEPENDENCY_DIR=dependencies -S COPASI.js -B build-copasijs
cmake --build build-copasijs --config=Release
cd build-copasijs && ctest -V