ImageShare is a lightweight web app for uploading images. It was originally designed as a replacement for the Nintendo 3DS Image Share Service, accessible through the Nintendo 3DS/2DS Browser, but it also works on many other basic/legacy web browsers. When you select an image with ImageShare, it is uploaded to Imgur and presented as a QR code to scan with another device.
- Does not require account creation or a login
- Compatible with many old and low-end web browsers (live version is limited by what CloudFlare CDN supports)
- JavaScript does not have to be enabled in the browser
- Fully open-source and can self-hostable using Heroku, DigitalOcean App Platform, or nearly any PHP server
- 3DS/New 3DS only: Automatic game title detection, using database from (example)
Just open in your browser to access ImageShare. If your device can scan QR codes with a camera (press L + R buttons on 3DS home screen), scan the below code to open ImageShare.
Once you have ImageShare open, bookmark it (tap the star button on the 3DS) for easy access later.
ImageShare uses Plausible Analytics to report anonymous usage data, including how many times the app is used and the browser/device used. Uploaded images are not stored on ImageShare servers, only on Imgur. The QR code is generated using the Google Charts API, which requires sending the URL to a Google server after upload.
Images uploaded using ImageShare are subject to Imgur's Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.