You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 27
CorDapp Packaging
This document describes how to build format version 2 CPKs, CPBs and CPIs.
You will need a working copy of corda-cli
with the mgm and package plugins installed. See https://github.com/corda/corda-cli-plugin-host#setupbuild.
This describes how to convert an existing CorDapp project to the new Gradle plugin.
- Add a new version number to
- Add this repository to pluginManagement/repositories in
:maven { url "${artifactoryContextUrl}/corda-dev" content { includeGroupByRegex 'net\\.corda\\.plugins(\\..*)?' } }
- Add the plugin to the plugins section of
:id 'net.corda.plugins.cordapp-cpk2' version cordaGradlePluginsVersion2 id 'net.corda.plugins.cordapp-cpb2' version cordaGradlePluginsVersion2
- Inside the cordapp project change the plugins block at the top of the file:
id 'net.corda.plugins.cordapp-cpk2' // or id 'net.corda.plugins.cordapp-cpb2'
To build a CPK, configure the project with either cordapp-cpk2
or cordapp-cpb2
plugin and run the jar
Gradle task.
./gradlew jar
To build a CPB, configure the project with the cordapp-cpb2
plugin and run the cpb
Gradle task.
./gradlew cpb
We need to generate a code signing key for signing the CPI. This key can be generated once and kept for reuse.
Generate a signing key:
keytool -genkeypair -alias "signing key 1" -keystore signingkeys.pfx -storepass "keystore password" -dname "cn=CPI Plugin Example - Signing Key 1, o=R3, L=London, c=GB" -keyalg RSA -storetype pkcs12 -validity 4000
The Gradle plugin can be configured with a cordapp/signing section to define which signing keys the CPK and CPB are signed with. If that section is missing from configuration a default signing key will be used.
If we are using the default signing key, we need to import it into our key store before building a CPI.
- Save the following text into a file named
- Import
into the keystorekeytool -importcert -keystore signingkeys.pfx -storepass "keystore password" -noprompt -alias gradle-plugin-default-key -file gradle-plugin-default-key.pem
The notary CPB is signed with an R3 production code signing certificate issued by the DigiCert. To use it import DigiCert certificate.
- Save the following text into a file named
-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIGsDCCBJigAwIBAgIQCK1AsmDSnEyfXs2pvZOu2TANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQwFADBi MQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEVMBMGA1UEChMMRGlnaUNlcnQgSW5jMRkwFwYDVQQLExB3 d3cuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29tMSEwHwYDVQQDExhEaWdpQ2VydCBUcnVzdGVkIFJvb3Qg RzQwHhcNMjEwNDI5MDAwMDAwWhcNMzYwNDI4MjM1OTU5WjBpMQswCQYDVQQGEwJV UzEXMBUGA1UEChMORGlnaUNlcnQsIEluYy4xQTA/BgNVBAMTOERpZ2lDZXJ0IFRy dXN0ZWQgRzQgQ29kZSBTaWduaW5nIFJTQTQwOTYgU0hBMzg0IDIwMjEgQ0ExMIIC IjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAg8AMIICCgKCAgEA1bQvQtAorXi3XdU5WRuxiEL1 M4zrPYGXcMW7xIUmMJ+kjmjYXPXrNCQH4UtP03hD9BfXHtr50tVnGlJPDqFX/IiZ wZHMgQM+TXAkZLON4gh9NH1MgFcSa0OamfLFOx/y78tHWhOmTLMBICXzENOLsvsI 8IrgnQnAZaf6mIBJNYc9URnokCF4RS6hnyzhGMIazMXuk0lwQjKP+8bqHPNlaJGi TUyCEUhSaN4QvRRXXegYE2XFf7JPhSxIpFaENdb5LpyqABXRN/4aBpTCfMjqGzLm ysL0p6MDDnSlrzm2q2AS4+jWufcx4dyt5Big2MEjR0ezoQ9uo6ttmAaDG7dqZy3S vUQakhCBj7A7CdfHmzJawv9qYFSLScGT7eG0XOBv6yb5jNWy+TgQ5urOkfW+0/tv k2E0XLyTRSiDNipmKF+wc86LJiUGsoPUXPYVGUztYuBeM/Lo6OwKp7ADK5GyNnm+ 960IHnWmZcy740hQ83eRGv7bUKJGyGFYmPV8AhY8gyitOYbs1LcNU9D4R+Z1MI3s MJN2FKZbS110YU0/EpF23r9Yy3IQKUHw1cVtJnZoEUETWJrcJisB9IlNWdt4z4FK PkBHX8mBUHOFECMhWWCKZFTBzCEa6DgZfGYczXg4RTCZT/9jT0y7qg0IU0F8WD1H s/q27IwyCQLMbDwMVhECAwEAAaOCAVkwggFVMBIGA1UdEwEB/wQIMAYBAf8CAQAw HQYDVR0OBBYEFGg34Ou2O/hfEYb7/mF7CIhl9E5CMB8GA1UdIwQYMBaAFOzX44LS cV1kTN8uZz/nupiuHA9PMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIBhjATBgNVHSUEDDAKBggrBgEF BQcDAzB3BggrBgEFBQcBAQRrMGkwJAYIKwYBBQUHMAGGGGh0dHA6Ly9vY3NwLmRp Z2ljZXJ0LmNvbTBBBggrBgEFBQcwAoY1aHR0cDovL2NhY2VydHMuZGlnaWNlcnQu Y29tL0RpZ2lDZXJ0VHJ1c3RlZFJvb3RHNC5jcnQwQwYDVR0fBDwwOjA4oDagNIYy aHR0cDovL2NybDMuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29tL0RpZ2lDZXJ0VHJ1c3RlZFJvb3RHNC5j cmwwHAYDVR0gBBUwEzAHBgVngQwBAzAIBgZngQwBBAEwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEMBQAD ggIBADojRD2NCHbuj7w6mdNW4AIapfhINPMstuZ0ZveUcrEAyq9sMCcTEp6QRJ9L /Z6jfCbVN7w6XUhtldU/SfQnuxaBRVD9nL22heB2fjdxyyL3WqqQz/WTauPrINHV UHmImoqKwba9oUgYftzYgBoRGRjNYZmBVvbJ43bnxOQbX0P4PpT/djk9ntSZz0rd KOtfJqGVWEjVGv7XJz/9kNF2ht0csGBc8w2o7uCJob054ThO2m67Np375SFTWsPK 6Wrxoj7bQ7gzyE84FJKZ9d3OVG3ZXQIUH0AzfAPilbLCIXVzUstG2MQ0HKKlS43N b3Y3LIU/Gs4m6Ri+kAewQ3+ViCCCcPDMyu/9KTVcH4k4Vfc3iosJocsL6TEa/y4Z XDlx4b6cpwoG1iZnt5LmTl/eeqxJzy6kdJKt2zyknIYf48FWGysj/4+16oh7cGvm oLr9Oj9FpsToFpFSi0HASIRLlk2rREDjjfAVKM7t8RhWByovEMQMCGQ8M4+uKIw8 y4+ICw2/O/TOHnuO77Xry7fwdxPm5yg/rBKupS8ibEH5glwVZsxsDsrFhsP2JjMM B0ug0wcCampAMEhLNKhRILutG4UI4lkNbcoFUCvqShyepf2gpx8GdOfy1lKQ/a+F SCH5Vzu0nAPthkX0tGFuv2jiJmCG6sivqf6UHedjGzqGVnhO -----END CERTIFICATE-----
- Import
into the keystorekeytool -importcert -keystore signingkeys.pfx -storepass "keystore password" -noprompt -alias digicert-ca -file digicert-ca.pem
Please refer to the group policy wiki page to learn more about the GroupPolicy.json
file included in CPIs: Group Policy
If you intend to run a basic static network setup, you can use the corda-cli mgm plugin to generate a group policy file. For example, you could run this command to generate a group policy file:
./corda-cli.sh mgm groupPolicy > TestGroupPolicy.json
Refer to the plugin README.md
for more information on this plugin: README.md
If running a dynamic network, you will need to export the group policy file from the MGM using the HTTP API. Information on how to do this can be found on the MGM Onboarding wiki page.
The gradle plugin will build the CPB. Run this command to turn a CPB into a CPI:
./corda-cli.sh package create-cpi \
--cpb mycpb.cpb \
--group-policy TestGroupPolicy.json \
--cpi-name "cpi name" \
--cpi-version "" \
--file output.cpi \
--keystore signingkeys.pfx \
--storepass "keystore password" \
--key "signing key 1"
Corda will validate that uploaded CPIs are signed with a trusted key. To trust your signing keys, upload them with these commands.
- Import the DigiCert certificate into Corda
curl --insecure -u admin:admin -X PUT -F alias="digicert-ca" -F [email protected] https://localhost:8888/api/v1/certificates/cluster/code-signer
- Export the signing key certificate from the key store
keytool -exportcert -rfc -alias "signing key 1" -keystore signingkeys.pfx -storepass "keystore password" -file signingkey1.pem
- Import the signing key into Corda
Use an alias that will be unique over time. Consider how certificate expiry will require new certificates with the same x500 name as existing certificates and define a naming convention that covers that use case.
curl --insecure -u admin:admin -X PUT -F alias="signingkey1-2022" -F [email protected] https://localhost:8888/api/v1/certificates/cluster/code-signer
- Import the gradle plugin default key into Corda
Note: Do not import the gradle plugin key into the Corda in production. This should only be used in development.
curl --insecure -u admin:admin -X PUT -F alias="gradle-plugin-default-key" -F [email protected] https://localhost:8888/api/v1/certificates/cluster/code-signer