The Dutch IRS has a catchy slogan, which goes like this: "Leuker kunnen we 't niet maken, wel makkelijker". Roughly translated, this means: "We can't make it more fun, but we can make it easier". Bake adopts a similar philosophy. Building code (especially C/C++) will never be fun, so let's try to make it as easy and painless as possible.
To that end, bake is a build tool, build system, package manager and environment manager in one. Bake automates building code, especially for highly interdependent projects. Currently, Bake's focus is C/C++.
Bake's main features are:
- discover all projects in current directory & build them in the correct order
- automatically include header files from dependencies
- use logical (hierarchical) identifiers to specify dependencies on any project built on the machine
- programmable C API for interacting with package management
- manage and automatically export environment variables used for builds
Bake depends on git for its package management features, and does not have a server infrastructure for hosting a package repository. Bake does not collect any information when you clone, build or publish projects.
Bake is supported on the following platforms:
- Linux
- MacOS
- Windows (validated on Windows 10)
Install bake using the following commands:
On Linux/MacOS:
git clone
make -C bake/build-$(uname)
bake/bake setup
On Windows:
git clone
cd build-Windows
cd ..
bake setup
On Windows, make sure to open a visual studio command prompt, as you will need access to the visual studio build tools. After bake is installed, you can invoke bake from any command prompt. If you want to install bake for all users, open the command prompt as administrator.
Bake installs a script to a location that is accessible for all users (C:\Windows\System32
on Windows or /usr/local/bin
on Linux). This however often requires administrator or root privileges. If you do not want bake to install this script and you get a password prompt, just press Enter untill the setup resumes.
In case you did not install bake for all users, you need to manually add $HOME/bake
on Windows) to your PATH
environment variable. You can do this on a command prompt by doing:
On Linux:
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bake
On Windows:
After you've installed bake once, you can upgrade to the latest version with:
bake upgrade
The following commands are useful for getting started with bake. Also, check out the bake --help
command, which lists all the options and commands available in the bake tool.
To create and run a new bake application project called my_app
, run the following commands:
bake new my_app
bake run my_app
You can also run projects in interactive mode. This will automatically rebuild and restart an application when a project file changes. To run in interactive mode, simply add --interactive
to the bake command:
bake run my_app --interactive
This example shows a simple configuration with a dependency on the
package and links with pthread
"id": "my_app",
"type": "application",
"value": {
"use": [""]
"lang.c": {
"lib": ["pthread"]
bake rebuild
bake clean
Specify a build configuration:
bake --cfg release
Build a project and its dependencies directly from a git repository using this command:
bake clone
Bake can manage environment variables that must be set during the build. To export an environment variable to the bake environment, use this command:
bake export VAR=value
Alternatively, if you want to add a path to an environment variable like PATH
, use this:
bake export PATH+=/my/path
These variables are stored in a configuration file called bake.json
in the root of the bake environment, which by default is $HOME/bake
To export the bake environment to a terminal, use:
export `bake env`
No. As long as you do not distribute bake (either as source or binary) as part of your (closed source) deliverable, you can use bake for building your projects. This is no different than when you would use make for your projects, which is also GPL licensed.
Yes. As long as your customers use the open source version of bake, and you do not distribute bake binaries or source files with your product, your customers can use bake.
No. Bake uses premake to generate its makefiles (we would've used bake to build bake- but chicken & egg etc). The generated makefiles are included in the bake repository, so you won't need premake to use bake.
Bake originally was a build tool developed for a framework ( It ended up simplifying building code a lot, and we decided to turn it into a separate project. So why did bake simplify building code that much?
Most build tools focus on the actual compilation process itself, and require project configurations to explicitly specify how source files get compiled to binaries. Since these rules are very similar for each C/C++ project, bake stores them into reusable drivers. As a result, bake project configurations can remain very simple and declarative.
In addition, bake is modular so that even when your build needs to do more than just compile C/C++ files, you can write a new driver that, for example, generates code. You can then simply reference that driver from your project configuration.
Having said that, bake is not perfect and there is still lots of work to do. It does not run on as many platforms as cmake does, and is not as flexible as make. Maybe someday it will be, maybe not. Bake's development is driven by its users, so if you are using it and you're missing a feature, let us know!
Bake is different from package managers like conan, brew or apt-get. It is intended as a tool for developers to easily import and use code from other developers. Bake for example does not have an online package repository, does not distribute binaries and by default stores packages in the user $HOME directory. Its only dependency is git, so no data is collected by bake when you download or publish packages.
GNU make is a tool for generating compiler commands. It has a custom language for specifying build rules, and allows for a lot of complexity and flexibility in the project-specific makefiles. In a makefile, you would ordinarily find all information that is required to build your project, from the names and locations of source files, to the compiler flags, to where your binary will be stored.
Bake also generates compiler commands, but instead of requiring a user to create build rules from scratch, bake uses "drivers" (configurable plugins) to do much of the heavy lifting. Driver implementations look very similar to makefiles, in that they also specify build rules with in & outputs. This moves the most complex part of a build to a reusable module, while keeping configuration simple.
Bake further differentiates itself when it comes to working with multiple projects at once. With make, users often rely on "super" makefiles, that specify the locations of projects and the order in which they must be built. In contrast, bake automatically discovers the projects to build, and computes the right build order based on the project dependencies. If a dependency is not discovered, bake will locate it in the bake environment (or throw an error).
Finally, bake has many features beyond generating compiler commands that address problems commonly found during building, like managing environment variables, git integration and package versioning.
CMake and bake have similar goals in that both tools simplify the build process, but they do so in very different ways. To highlight the differences, lets take an example CMake project configuration, and then compare it to bake:
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.6)
include_directories ("bar")
add_subdirectory (bar)
project (foo)
add_executable(foo foo.c)
target_link_libraries (foo ${EXTRA_LIBS})
This configuration builds an executable called Foo
that depends on a library called Bar
(configuration for Bar
not shown). The Bar
project is a subdirectory of the Foo
project, and it is added to the configuration so CMake is able to find the Bar
project. The equivalent bake project configuration looks like this:
"id": "foo",
"type": "application",
"value": {
"use": ["bar"]
A few things jump out. First of all, the bake configuration does not specify where to find bar
. Bake will either automatically discover bar
from where it is invoked, or find bar in the bake environment in $HOME/bake
if it has been built before.
Secondly, the bake configuration does not explicitly specify the source files of the project. Bake looks for source files in well-defined locations, which is the same for each project (source files in src
, include files in include
A more subtle difference is how in CMake, the configuration adds the bar
subdirectory to the list of include paths. In bake, projects can use logical package identifiers to include their headers, like so:
#include <bar>
#include <> // Nested package
This is possible because bake copies header files of projects to the bake environment, and bake projects always are expected to have a header with the name of the project. This approach ensures that projects always can use the same include path, regardless of where packages are installed, and also prevents name collisions between header files of different projects.
There are of course many more differences, and this example covers only a small subset of the features of both CMake and bake, but hopefully it provides a bit more insight into how the two tools are different.
Yes. You will have to add the library not as a bake dependency, but as a library for the C driver. This example shows how to link with the m
(math) library:
"id": "my_app",
"type": "application",
"lang.c": {
"lib": ["m"]
This makes the project configuration platform-specific which is not ideal. To improve the above configuration, we should ensure that m
is only added on Linux (MacOS doesn't have a m
"id": "my_app",
"type": "application",
"${os linux}": {
"lang.c": {
"lib": ["m"]
It would be nice if we could wrap
from the previous example in a bake math
package, aso we don't have to repeat this configuration for every project. Bake lets us do this with the "dependee"
"id": "math",
"type": "package",
"value": {
"language": "none"
"dependee": {
"${os linux}": {
"lang.c": {
"lib": ["m"]
This creates a new "math" package that you can now specify as regular bake dependency. The "language": "none"
attribute lets bake know that there is no code to build, and this is a configuration-only project. The dependee
attribute tells bake to not apply the settings inside the JSON object to the math
project, but to the projects that depend on math
We can now use the math package like this:
"id": "my_app",
"type": "application",
"value": {
"use": ["math"]
You can find language-specific configuration options in the README of the language driver projects:
For C:
For C++:
All of the rules and instructions in bake that actually builds code is organized in bake "drivers". Drivers are shared libraries that bake loads when a project needs them. The most common used drivers are "language drivers", which contain all the build instructions for a specific language, like C or C++. Bake automatically loads the language drivers based on the "language"
attribute in your project.json
, as is specified here:
"id": "my_app",
"type": "application",
"value": {
"language": "c"
By default the language is set to "c", so if you do not specify a language, your project will build as a C project.
In some cases you will want to provide configuration options that are specific to a language, like linking with C libraries on your system, or provide additional compiler flags. In that case, you have to tell bake that the configuration you are about to specify is for a specific driver. This is where "lang.c" comes in:
"id": "my_app",
"type": "application",
"value": {
"language": "c"
"lang.c": {
"lib": ["m"]
The "lang.c"
member uniquely identifies the bake driver responsible for building C code, and bake will make all of the attributes inside the object ("lib"
) available to the driver.
If you want to build a C++ project, instead of using the "lang.c"
attribute, you have to use the "lang.cpp"
attribute, which identifies the C++ driver:
"id": "my_app",
"type": "application",
"value": {
"language": "c++"
"lang.cpp": {
"lib": ["m"]
You can use either, but for specifying driver-specific configuration you always have to use lang.cpp
The following command will show you a list of the available drivers:
bake list bake.*
Everything except for bake.util
is a driver. If you just built bake for the first time, this will only show the "lang.c"
and "lang.cpp"
Yes! You can load as many drivers as you want. If you want to add a driver, simply add it to your configuration like this:
"id": "my_app",
"type": "application",
"my_custom_driver": { }
Driver documentation is a bit lacking at the moment, but we will eventually address that. In the meantime, you can take a look at the C driver to see what a fully fletched driver looks like:
Bake relies on git to store packages. To install a package, use the bake clone
command with a GitHub repository identifier:
bake clone SanderMertens/example
If your git repository is not hosted on GitHub, simply provide the full git URL:
bake clone
Any URL that is accepted by git is accepted by bake.
When bake clones a package with dependencies, it will try to also install those dependencies. It does this by taking the git URL specified to bake clone
, and replacing the package name with the dependency name. For example, if the git repository depends on project foobar
, bake would also look for
Future versions of bake may provide more intelligent ways to locate packages.
A number of people have asked me why I used JSON for project configuration. There are two reasons:
- It is a ubiquitous language that everyone understands,
- It has a C parser that can be easily embedded into bake without adding dependencies
A disadvantage of JSON is that while it is fine for trivial configurations, it can get a bit unwieldy once project configurations get more complex. In bake however, you can encapsulate complexity into a configuration-only project, and then include that project as a dependency in your project configuration (example).
Additionally, bake is not like traditional build tools where you specify rules with inputs and outputs in your project configuration. If you want to, for example, add a code generation step to your build, you write a driver for it, and then include the driver in your project configuration.
The drivers for C & C++ projects by default use gcc/g++ (on Linux) and clang/clang++ (on MacOS). If you want to change the default compiler, you can set the CC
(for C) and CXX
(for C++) environment variables, as long as the command line options are compatible with gcc. Instead of setting the environment variables manually, you can make them part of a bake environment like this:
bake export CC=clang --env clang_env
To use the environment, and build with clang, you can then invoke bake like this:
bake --env clang_env
To export CC
or CXX
to the default environment, simply leave out the --env
Bake always stores binaries in the bin/arch-os-config
directory of your project. When your project is a public project (this is the default) binaries are also copied to the target bake environment, which by default is $BAKE_HOME/arch-os/config/bin
or $BAKE_HOME/bake/arch-os/config/lib
. By default, $BAKE_HOME
is set to ~/bake
To prevent a project from being stored in the bake environment, add this to the project.json
"value": {
"public": false
Usually you do not need to know where binaries are stored, as you can run applications with bake run
, and specify dependencies by using their logical name.
By default, binaries are built with the default debug configuration. To build a release configuration, add --cfg release
to your bake command. You can add/change configurations in the bake configuration file. See "Configuring Bake" for more details.
Bake does not support having different versions of a package in the same environment. If you want to use different versions of the same package on a machine, you have to use different bake environments. You can do this by setting the BAKE_HOME
environment variable. By default, this variable is set to $HOME/bake
, but you can override it to any path you want. You can set BAKE_HOME
in a new environment called my_env
(for example) with this command:
bake export BAKE_HOME=/home/user/my_path --env my_env
To set the variables in this environment, add --env my_env
to any bake command, like this:
bake --env my_env
The goal of bake is to bring a level of abstraction to building software that is comparable with npm
. Tools like make
, cmake
and premake
abstract away from writing your own compiler commands by hand, but still require users to create their own build system, with proprietary mechanisms for specifying dependencies, build configurations etc.
This makes it difficult to share code between different people and organizations, and is arguably one of the reasons why ecosystems like npm
are thriving, while ecosystems for native code are fragmented.
Bake is therefore not just a build tool like make
that can automatically generate compiler commands. It is also a build system that specifies how projects are organized and configured. When a project relies on bake, a user does, for example, not need to worry about how to link with it, where to find its include files or whether binaries have been built with incompatible compiler flags.
A secondary goal is to create a zero-dependency build tool that can be easily ported to other platforms. Whereas other build tools exist, like make
, premake
, rake
and gradle
, they all rely on their respective ecosystems (unix
, lua
, ruby
, java
) which complicates writing platform-independent build configurations. Bake's only dependency is the C runtime.
You can create a new bake project with the bake new
command. This command has a few options, which lets you create different kinds of projects (see "Project Kinds"). By default, bake creates an "application" project, which is a standard executable. To create a new application project called my_app
, run the following command:
bake new my_app
This will create a new directory called my_app
with the contents of a basic bake application project. If you want to create a bake package (a shared library), you can simply add --package
to the command:
bake new my_pkg --package
When a new project is created, its metadata is also stored in the bake environment. That means that the project is now discoverable by bake, and can be used as dependency of other projects. You can inspect the bake environment with this command:
bake list
Your new project should show up in the list of projects.
Bake lets you create projects with nested identifiers, like
. This lets you create hierarchies of projects. The .
notation is used to denote different elements in the project identifier. To use nested identfiers, simply specify their name with bake new:
bake new
This will create a new directory foo-bar
. The project will appear as
when you do bake list
Bake's primary task is to build the code in your projects, and generate binaries in a reliable and reproducible way. You can simply build a bake project by invoking the bake
This will recursively discover and build all bake projects in the current directory. The command is synonymous for running bake with the build
bake build
Alternatively you can also specify a directory to build, like so:
bake my_directory
bake build my_directory
Bake has a number of actions, of which the following are related to building your project:
bake build
bake rebuild
bake clean
The build
action incrementally builds your project, and will reuse artefacts from previous builds, like object files and binaries. The rebuild
action cleans artefacts from previous builds, and is then followed by a regular build. The clean
action cleans all build artefacts for the project.
Bake allows you to build for multiple platforms and build configurations from the same source tree, as it stores build artefacts in locations that are platform/configuration specific. When you do a bake rebuild
, only the artefacts for the current platform / configuration are cleaned, whereas bake clean
cleans artefacts for all platforms / configurations.
Bake automatically discovers projects in the provided path, or current directory if no path was specified. It will then order the discovered projects based on their dependencies, so that they are built in the correct order. This removes the need for building makefiles in which you explicitly have to maintain the build order for your projects. Bake uses the information in the use
attribute of your project configuration (see Project Configuration).
Bake will not attempt to discover projects in subdirectories of projects if those subdirectories have special meaning. The following directories are skipped, only if they are found inside a bake project directory:
- src
- include
- config
- data
- test
- etc
- lib
- bin
- install
- examples
- .bake_cache
Additionally, bake will skip any directories that start with a .
Bake lets you build projects with different build configurations, like debug
and release
. By default, bake has built-in settings for debug
and release
configurations. You can specify a build configuration with the --cfg
bake my_project --cfg release
The default configuration is debug
. The difference between debug
and release
is that debug
disables optimizations and enables debugging code (release adds the -DNDEBUG
flag). Furthermore, debug
builds add compiler debugging information (like -g
in gcc).
Bake never mixes binaries between build configurations. Therefore, if you build a project in release
mode, but its dependencies haven't been built in release
mode yet, the build will fail.
To make working across configurations easier, bake lets you do so called "recursive builds". These builds don't just build the current project, but also all dependencies for a project (and dependencies of dependencies, hence recursive builds). When building a project in release
mode, but all dependencies have been built in debug
mode, you can simply do:
bake my_project --cfg release -r
The -r
flag enables recursive building, which will, in addition to the current project, rebuild all dependencies in release mode as well. Recursive builds work for any dependency that is available in the bake environment. Bake keeps track of where the source files of your projects are located on disk, which is how it can start a build for a dependency, even when it is not discoverable from the location where bake was invoked from.
You can run bake projects by using bake run
, followed by either a folder or a project id:
bake run
bake run my_directory
This only works for application projects (see Project Kinds). Bake will automatically start the executable and monitor its status. Before running the project, bake will first attempt to do a recursive build (see Recursive builds) so that the project and all its dependencies are built and are available for the right configuration. You can specify a configuration just like you would when building:
bake run --cfg release
Additionally, bake lets you do interactive builds, which monitor changes from your project, and rebuild the project when a change occurs. To start an interactive build, add the --interactive
bake run --interactive
Currently bake does not monitor changes in the source code of dependencies, though it may do so in the future.
Bake supports different project kinds which are configured in the type
property of a project.json
file. The project kind determines whether a project is a library or executable, whether a project is installed to a bake environment and whether a project is managed or not. The following table shows an overview of the different project kinds:
Project Kind | Description |
application | Executable |
package | Shared object |
template | Template for new bake projects |
A public project is a project that is installed to the bake environment. In this environment, bake knows where to find include files, binaries and other project resources. This allows other projects to refer to these resources by the logical project name, and makes specifying dependencies between projects a lot easier.
Private projects are projects that are not installed to a bake environment. Because of this, these projects cannot be located by other projects. Private projects may depend on public projects, but public projects cannot depend on private projects. Binaries of private objects are only stored in the bin folder in the project root.
Each bake project uses the same layout. This makes it very easy to build bake projects, as bake always knows where to find project configuration, include files, source files and so on. A bake project has at least three files:
Directory / File | Description |
project.json | Contains build configuration for the project |
src | Contains the project source files |
include | Contains the project header files |
In addition, a bake project can contain the following optional directories:
Directory / File | Description |
etc | Miscellaneous project-specific files |
install | Miscellaneous files that can be used by all projects in bake environment |
templates | Template projects that are automatically installed when building the project |
Bake will by default build any source file that is in the src
directory. If the project is public, files in the include
, etc
and install
folders will be soft-linked to the bake environment on Linux/MacOS, and copied when using Windows.
When bake builds a project, build artefacts are stored in these directories:
Directory / File | Description |
bin | Contains project binaries |
.bake_cache | Contains temporary files, like object files and precompiled headers |
Bake stores temporary files in platform- and configuration specific directories, so that you can safely do debug/release builds, and builds for different operating systems from the same source directory.
A bake project file is located in the root of a project, and must be called project.json
. This file contains of an id
describing the logical project name, a type
describing the kind of project, and a value
property which contains properties that customize how the project should be built.
This is a minimal example of a bake project file that builds an shared object. With this configuration, the project will be built with all values set to their defaults.
"id": "my_library",
"type": "package"
This example shows how to specify dependencies and specify additional flags:
"id": "my_application",
"type": "application",
"value": {
"use": ["my_library"]
"lang.c": {
"cflags": ["-DHELLO_WORLD"]
In this example, if my_library
is a project that is discovered by bake, it will be built before my_application
The following properties are available from the bake configuration and are specified inside the value
Property | Type | Description |
language | string | Language of the project. Is used to load a bake language driver. May be null . |
version | string | Version of the project (use semantic versioning) |
public | bool | If true , project is installed to $BAKE_TARGET |
use | list(string) | List of dependencies using logical project ids. Dependencies must be located in either $BAKE_HOME or $BAKE_TARGET . |
use_private | list(string) | Same as "use", but dependencies are private, which means that header files will not be exposed to dependees of this project. |
sources | list(string) | List of paths that contain source files. Default is src . The $SOURCES rule is substituted with this value. |
includes | list(string) | List of paths that contain include files. |
keep_binary | bool | Do not clean binary files when doing bake clean. When a binary for the target platform is present, bake will skip the project. To force a rebuild, a user has to explicitly use the bake rebuild command. |
The cflags
attribute is specified inside the lang.c
property. This is because cflags
is a property specific to the C driver. For documentation on which properties are valid for which drivers, see the driver documentation.
When projects depend on other projects that require additional library paths or include paths, it may not be desirable to require having these properties propagate to dependees. For example, bar
depends on foo
, and foo
requires adding an include
path to the build configuration. Now, helloworld
depends on bar
, but it does not need to know about foo
To prevent the foo
build settings from propagating to helloworld
, bar
will need to configure foo
as a "private dependency". The following configuration shows how to do this:
"id": "bar",
"type": "package",
"value": {
"use_private": ["foo"]
This way, foo
is still added as a dependency to bar
, but helloworld
will not be exposed to foo
, nor inherit any of its build settings.
Bake property values may contain calls to template functions, which in many cases allows project configuration files to be more generic or less complex. Additionally, template functions can be used to parameterize bake template projects. Template functions take the following form:
${function_name argument}
They are used like this:
"id": "my_project",
"type": "package",
"value": {
"include": ["${locate include}"]
The following functions are currently supported:
Function | Description |
locate | Locate project paths in the bake environment |
os | Match or return operating system |
language | Match or return target language |
id | Return project identifier |
The next sections are detailed description of the supported functions:
The locate function allows a project configuration to use any of the project paths in the bake environment. This functionality can also be used programmatically, through the ut_locate
function in the bake.util
Parameter | Description |
package | The package directory (lib) |
include | The package include directory |
etc | The package etc directory |
lib | The package library (empty if an executable) |
app | The package executable (empty if a library) |
bin | The package binary |
env | The package environment |
The os
function can be used to specify platform-specific settings, or use the platform string in a path. The following example demonstrates how it can be used:
"${os linux}": {
"include": ["includes/linux"]
The os
function can match both operating system and architecture. The following expressions are all valid:
- x86-linux
- darwin
- x86_64
- x86_64-darwin
- i386
For a full description of the expressions that are supported, see the documentation of ut_os_match
The os
function may be nested:
"${os linux}": {
"include": ["includes/linux"],
"${os x86_64}": {
"lib": ["mylib64"]
"${os x86}": {
"lib": ["mylib32"]
If no argument is provided to os
, it will return the current architecture in the following format:
This format is consistent with the platform-specific bin path under which bake stores project binaries (like bin/x86-linux
The language
function matches or returns the language of the project.
When an argument is provided, it is matched against the current language:
"${language c}": {
"lib": ["my_c_lib"]
"${language cpp}": {
"lib": ["my_cpp_lib"]
The function accepts both cpp
and c++
for C++ projects.
When the argument is ommitted, the current language is returned. This is particularly effective in combination with the dependee
attribute, when dependees can be implemented in different languages:
"dependee": {
"lang.${language}": {
The id
function returns the current project id in various formats. When the function is used without arguments, it returns the project id as it appears in the project.json
To obtain the id in other formats, the following arguments can be passed to the id
Parameter | Description | Example ----------|------------- no parameter | | base | Last element of an id | bar upper | Upper case, replace '.' with '_'. Used for macro's | FOO_BAR dash | Replace '.' with '-'. Used for repository names | foo-bar underscore | Replace '.' with '_'. Used for variable names | foo_bar
Bake lets you create template projects which contain boilerplate code for common types of applications. Template projects look like regular projects, with two exceptions:
- The project type is set to
- Files may contain template functions that are resolved when instantiating a template
You can create a new template project by specifying the --template
flag when using the bake new
bake new my_template --template
This creates a new template project which can be instantiated like this:
bake new my_app -t my_template
A template project can be parameterized using bake template functions (see previous chapter), like so:
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
printf("Hello ${id}!");
return 0;
Template functions may occur at any point in your files. Not all files in a project are parsed. Only files with the following extensions are considered by the template parser:
- c, cpp, h, hpp, html, js, css, json, md, sh, bat, lua, python, java, cs, make
Additionally, files with the following filename will be considered:
- Makefile
These lists may be extended with additional extensions and filenames.
Additionally, filenames may also be parameterized with bake template functions. The syntax for doing so is (xxx
is a placeholder for parts of the filename):
xxx__<template function>.<file extension>
xxx__<template function>_<template argument>.<file extension>
xxx__<template function>__xxx.<file extension>
xxx__<template function>_<template argument>__xxx.<file extension>
For example, if you want a source file in your template project to have the base name of the instantiated project, you can name it like this:
This is equivalent to the template function:
${id base}.c
If you are developing a new template, you'll often find yourself wanting to instantiate it to test modifications to the template. To make this process easier, bake lets you instantiate templates directly. Simply do:
bake run my_template --template
where my_template
is the template name. This will cause bake to automatically instantiate a new temporary project with the template.
Bake can be optionally configured with configuration files that specify the environment in which bake should run and the build configuration that should be used. Bake locates a bake configuration file by traveling upwards from the current working directory, and looking for a bake.json
file. If multiple files are found, they are applied in reverse order, so that the file that is "closest" to the project takes precedence.
A bake configuration file consists out of an environment
and a configuration
section. The configuration
section contains parameters that are not specific to a project, but influence how code is built. The environment
section contains a list of environment variables and their values which are loaded when bake is started.
The bake env
command prints the bake environment to the command line in a format that can be used with the export
bash command, so that the bake environment can be easily exported to the current shell, like so:
export `bake env`
Bake automatically adds `$BAKE_HOME/bin` to the `PATH` environment variable. This ensures that even when applications (tools) are not installed to a global location, such as `/usr/local/bin`, they can still be directly accessed from a shell when the bake environment is exported.
The following table is a list of the configuration parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
symbols | bool | Enable or disable symbols in binaries |
debug | bool | Enable or disable debugging (defines NDEBUG if false ) |
optimizations | bool | Enable or disable optimizations |
coverage | bool | Enable or disable coverage |
strict | bool | Enable or disable strict building |
It is up to plugins to provide implementations for the above parameters. Not all parameters may be implemented. Refer to the plugin documentation for specifics.
This is an example configuration file:
"PATH": ["/my/path"],
"FOO": "Some value"
Note that environment variables configured as a JSON array (as shown with the PATH
variable), are appended to their current value. Elements in the array are separated by a :
or ;
, depending on the platform.
With the --cfg
and --env
flags the respective configuration or environment can be selected.
Files in the install
and etc
directories are automatically copied to the project-specific locations in the bake environment, so they can be accessed from anywhere (see below). The install
folder installs files directly to a location where other projects can also access it, whereas files in etc
install to the project-specific location in the bake environment. For example, the following files:
|-- etc
| | index.html
| + style.css
+-- install/etc
| image.jpg
+ manual.pdf
would be installed to the following locations:
Bake allows projects to differentiate between different platforms when installing files from the etc
and install
directories. This can be useful when for example distributing binaries for different architectures and operating systems. By default, all files from these directories installed. However, bake will look for subdirectories that match the platform string. Files in those directories will only be installed to that platform. For example, consider the following tree:
+-- etc
|-- Linux/linux_manual.html
|-- Darwin/darwin_manual.html
|-- Linux-i686/
|-- Linux-x86_64/
|-- Linux-armv7l/
+-- Darwin-x86_64/
Here, only the
that is in the directory that matches the platform string will be installed.
The platform string is case independent. It allows for a number of different notations. For example, both x86-linux
and linux-x86
are allowed. In addition, projects can also just specify the operating system name, in which case the file will be installed to all architectures, as long as the operating system matches the directory name.
To see the exact matching of the platform string, see the implementation of ut_os_match
in bake.util
It is not uncommon that a project needs to include or link with a project that itself was not built with bake. Often such projects require that you specify custom include paths, library paths, and link with specific libraries. When you have many projects that depend on such an external project, it can become tedious having to repeat these properties in every project.json
Bake allows you to create a project that "wraps around" the external project, in which you describe this build configuration once. Once done, projects can simply add this project as a dependency, and the properties will be automatically added.
Consider a project that requires dependees to add /usr/local/include/foobar
to their include path, that need to link with
, which is a library located in /usr/local/lib/foobar
. For such a project, this is what the project.json
could look like:
"id": "foobar",
"type": "package",
"value": {
"language": "none",
"dependee": {
"lang.c": {
"include": ["/usr/local/include/foobar"],
"libpath": ["/usr/local/lib/foobar"],
"lib": ["foobar"]
Lets go over each property. The first two specify that the project is a bake package with the id foobar
. Because bake packages are public by default, we do not have to explicitly add "public": true
to the project.json
file to ensure that other packages can find this dependency.
The next property is "language": "none"
. This ensures that when ran, bake does not try to build anything for the package. It also ensures that when specifying this package as a dependency, bake will not try to link with any binaries.
The dependee
property is where the properties are specified for projects that depend on foobar
. For every dependee project, bake will add the include, libpath and lib properties to those of the dependee configuration. Therefore, a project that depends on foobar
, simply can do:
"id": "my_app",
"type": "application",
"value": {
"use": ["foobar"]
... and bake will take care of the rest.
When include files or libraries are not installed to a common system location, you can use bake to make these files available to dependee projects as well. Suppose we have a project called helloworld
, which is shipped as a library
, and two header files called helloworld.h
and helloworld_types.h
. We could include these files in a bake project, like this:
+-- include
|-- helloworld.h
+-- helloworld_types.h
That way, when running bake, they are installed to the bake environment and are available to other projects. However, there is a potential problem with this approach. The helloworld.h
file might for example depend on helloworld_types.h
, simply by doing:
#include <helloworld_types.h>
Because bake does not automatically add project-specific include paths to the include path when compiling (to prevent name-clashes), that include file will not be found by the compiler. Therefore, an additional property is required that includes the correct path from the bake environment. Instead of hard-coding that path, bake provides a convenient way to do this:
"id": "helloworld",
"type": "package",
"value": {
"language": "none"
"dependee": {
"include": ["${locate include}"],
The ${locate include}
part of the include path will be substituted by the project-specific include folder when the project.json
is parsed.
When a project needs to link with an external binary, one option is to install it to a global location. The bake equivalent is to install it to the lib
directory in the bake environment. That way, the library will be installed to $BAKE_TARGET/lib
To install the library to this location, it needs to be added to the project folder. Add the library to this location:
+-- install/lib/
The project configuration now needs to be configured so that dependee projects link with the library:
"id": "helloworld",
"type": "package",
"value": {
"language": "none"
"dependee": {
"lib": ["helloworld"]
In some cases it may be desirable to link with a library without copying it to a public location, like /usr/local/lib
. In that case, the library can also be copied to the bake environment, in the same way we did for the the include file. First, the library needs to be installed to a project specific location. This can be accomplished by storing it in the lib
directory in the project:
+-- lib/
Now the dependee
section in the project.json
file needs to be adjusted so that projects depending on helloworld
will link with the correct library. To avoid having to rely on LD_LIBRARY_PATH
, or having to specify a full path in the project configuration, we can use the link
property in combination with a bake template function. The full configuration now looks like this:
"id": "helloworld",
"type": "package",
"value": {
"language": "none"
"dependee": {
"link": ["${locate lib}/helloworld"]
Bake will automatically expand the expression in the link
path so that it contains the lib
and .so
prefixes. The link
property will cause bake to link with the library using a hard-coded path, just like other project dependencies.
Some prebuilt libraries cannot be linked with using a hard-coded path. Typically libraries that have been compiled with "--soname" may cause problems, as the hardcoded path will be overwritten at link-time with the name provided to "--soname", which will cause the runtime linker to fail.
When deploying binaries, a project likely needs to include versions for multiple operating systems. This can be done by storing the binaries in a directory that matches the target operating system. The following tree shows the helloworld
project with two binaries, for Linux and MacOS:
+-- lib
|-- Linux-i686/
|-- Linux-x86_64/
+-- Darwin-x86_64/libhelloworld.dylib
Bake will automatically install and link with the binary that corresponds with the target platform. Note that bake also automatically tries to find libraries that end in dylib
on MacOS.
The following tree and project file show a non-bake project where the include files and binary file are installed to the bake environment, and the project supports multiple operating systems.
|-- project.json
|-- include
| |-- helloworld.h
| +-- helloworld_types.h
+-- lib
|-- Linux-i686/
|-- Linux-x86_64/
+-- Darwin-x86_64/libhelloworld.dylib
"id": "helloworld",
"type": "package",
"value": {
"language": "none"
"dependee": {
"include": ["${locate include}"],
"link": ["${locate lib}/helloworld"]
Bake installs projects to the "bake environment". The bake environment is located in a location specified by the BAKE_HOME
environment variable, and contains all the metadata and binaries for public projects, miscellaneous files and templates. By default, the bake environment is located in ~/bake
. A different location can be specified by changing the value of the BAKE_HOME
environment variable.
Projects in the bake environment can be automatically discovered and linked with by using their logical name. Here is an example of two public projects, one application
and one package
, where the application
depends on the package
"id": "my_lib",
"type": "package"
"id": "my_app",
"type": "application",
"value": {
"use": ["my_lib"]
Note that neither project configuration specifies where they are built to, or where to find the my_lib
project. This is automatically managed by the bake environment.
To get an overview of the projects stored in the bake environment, you can do:
bake list
The bake environment stores platform-specific data (such as binaries) in a location that is specific to a platform and build configuration. For example, if you are doing a debug build on Windows, you will find a directory in $BAKE_HOME
During a build, this directory is accessible through the BAKE_TARGET
environment variable. This will contain all binaries (in bin
and lib
directories) for projects built for this platform and build configuration. The bake list
command shows which projects have been built for which build configuration.
Bake uses the following environment variables:
Variable | Description |
BAKE_HOME | Location of the bake environment |
BAKE_CONFIG | The current build configuration used by bake (debug by default) |
BAKE_ENVIRONMENT | The current build environment used by bake (default by default) |
BAKE_VERBOSITY | Specify the bake logging level (INFO by default) |
BAKE_ARCHITECTURE | Specify the processor architecture (default is the host architecture) |
BAKE_OS | Specify the operating system (default is the host operating system) |
The following is the output of bake --help
Usage: bake [options] <command> <path>
-h,--help Display this usage information
-v,--version Display version information
--cfg <configuration> Specify configuration id
--env <environment> Specify environment id
--strict Manually enable strict compiler options
--optimize Manually enable compiler optimizations
--package Set the project type to package
--template Set the project type to template
--test Create a test project
--id <project id> Specify a project id
--type <package|template> Specify a project type (default = "application")
--language <language> Specify a language for project (default = "c")
--artefact <binary> Specify a binary file for project
-i,--includes <include path> Specify an include path for project
--private Specify a project to be private (not discoverable)
--interactive Rebuild project when files change (use w/run)
-r,--recursive Recursively build all dependencies of discovered projects
-a,--args [arguments] Pass arguments to application (use w/run)
-t [id] Specify template for new project
-o [path] Specify output directory for new projects
-v,--verbosity <kind> Set verbosity level (DEBUG, TRACE, OK, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL)
--trace Set verbosity to TRACE
--debug Set verbosity to DEBUG (highest verbosity)
new [path] Initialize new bake project
run [path|project id] Build & run project
build [path] Build a project (default command)
rebuild [path] Clean and build a project
clean [path] Clean a project
cleanup Cleanup bake environment by removing dead or invalid projects
publish <patch|minor|major> Publish new project version
install [path] Install project to bake environment
uninstall [project id] Remove project from bake environment
clone <git url> Clone and build git repository and dependencies
update [project id] Update an installed package or application
foreach <cmd> Run command for each discovered project
env Echo bake environment
upgrade Upgrade to new bake version
export <NAME>=|+=<VALUE> Add variable to bake environment
info <package id> Display info on a project in the bake environment
list [filter] List packages in bake environment
bake Build all projects discovered in current directory
bake my_app Build all projects discovered in my_app directory
bake new Create new application project in current directory
bake new my_app Create new application project in directory my_app
bake new my_lib --package Create new package project in directory my_lib
bake new my_tmpl --template Create new template project in directory my_tmpl
bake new game -t sdl2.basic Create new project from the sdl2.basic template
bake run my_app -a hello Run my_app project, pass 'hello' as argument
bake publish major Increase major project version, create git tag
bake info Show information about package
bake list foo.* List all packages that start with foo.
Bake has a plugin architecture, where a plugin describes how code should be built for a particular language. Bake plugins are essentially parameterized makefiles, with the only difference that they are written in C, and that they use the bake build engine. Plugins allow you to define how projects should be built once, and then reuse it for every project. Plugins can be created for any language.
The bake build engine has a design that is similar to other build engines in that it uses rules that depend on other rules. Rules have rule-actions, which get executed when a rule is outdated. Whether a rule is outdated or not is determined by comparing timestamps of the rule dependencies with the timestamps of the rule output.
Rules are written in their respective language plugins in C. A simple set of rules that builds a binary from a set of source files would look like this:
driver->pattern("SOURCES", "//*.c|*.cpp|*.cxx");
driver->rule("objects", "$SOURCES", driver->target_map(src_to_obj), compile_src);
driver->rule("ARTEFACT", "$objects", driver->target_pattern(NULL), link_binary);
Patterns create a label for a pattern (using the ut_expr
syntax). Rules are patterns that have dependencies and actions. The syntax for a rule is:
driver->rule(<id>, <dependencies>, <function to map target to output>, <action>);
Each plugin must have a bakemain
entrypoint. This function is called when the
plugin is loaded, and must specify the rules and patterns.
- Sander Mertens - Initial work
Bake is licensed under the GPL3.0 license. The bake runtime (all code under the util
directory) is licensed under the MIT license.