An app for effective distance teaching, collaborating and discussing ideas.
The Live Whiteboard website is a perfect solution for people to connect with each other and write/discuss/scribble their ideas. The main goal is to develop a virtual scribble pad along with means to connect to others at the same time, with the help of chat and recordings. It will help distance learning students to get the blackboard teaching experience, people collaborating on remote projects to discuss and develop their ideas graphically and even just to scribble your own thoughts for fun purposes!
The first prototype for the website is ready!
Including a readme, code of conduct, contributing guide, changelog file to the repository.
Documenting the existing project . ...The project right now contains just bare code. It needs to be documented so that others can easily understand the codebase and join in for contributing.
Adding tests . ...Adding the unit tests and continuous integration tests to the existing project
Deploying the first prototype on Digital Ocean/Heroku
Adding features for customisation of the canvas board.
- colours
- thickness,
- strokes,
- different eraser sizes
- special feature like highlighting, etc
Adding support for personal accounts
- Signup
- Login
- Personal Dashboard
Adding features for saving own scribbles.
- Edit
- Delete
- Rename
- Thumbnails of the drawings in the list
- Searching
- Sorting
Rewriting the website in Typescript and using emberjs for frontend(maybe).
Adding support for multiple drawing boards
Adding support for automatic saving of the drawings
Add support for text chat along with drawing
Add support for recording the canvas screen and saving those recordings
Add support for creating permanent rooms
Extra features on suggestions from others/as we think of them
Prepring for the Mozilla Global Sprint 2018
Checkout the (to be updated soon) and the
- Writing code: Ready to write some Javascript with us? These issues are waiting for you!
- Discuss: Join in on the discussion. Constructive feedback and suggestions on new features are always welcome :) You can create an issue in the repository or ping us on [email protected] or [email protected].