diff --git a/antora-playbook-zebra.yml b/antora-playbook-zebra.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1f39dc4985
--- /dev/null
+++ b/antora-playbook-zebra.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# This playbook is copied and modified from the following source:
+# https://github.com/couchbase/docs-site/blob/master/antora-playbook.yml
+# This playbook needs to be run from a cloned version of https://github.com/couchbase/docs-site
+  extensions:
+    - '@antora/site-generator-ms'
+  title: Couchbase Capella Staging Docs
+  url: https://docs.stage.nonprod-project-avengers.com
+  # This is the page ID for Couchbase Capella component start page. It replaces
+  # the regular Couchbase Docs homepage and takes the user right to the
+  # Couchbase Capella component.
+  start_page: cloud:ROOT:index.adoc
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+    google_analytics: GTM-MVPNN2
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+      [
+        { "title": "Server", "startPage": "home::server.adoc", "components": ["server"] },
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+        { "title": "Capella", "startPage": "cloud::index.adoc", "components": ["cloud"] },
+        { "title": "Cloud-Native", "startPage": "cloud-native-database::index.adoc", "components": ["cloud-native-database"] },
+        { "title": "Autonomous Operator", "components": ["operator"] },
+        { "title": "CMOS", "components": ["cmos"] },
+        { "title": "Service Broker", "components": ["service-broker"] },
+        { "title": "SDKs", "startPage": "home::sdk.adoc", "components": ["*-sdk", "cxx-txns", "elasticsearch-connector", "kafka-connector", "spark-connector", "tableau-connector"] },
+        { "title": "Tutorials", "startPage": "tutorials::index.adoc", "components": ["tutorials"] }
+      ]
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+  - url: .
+    branches: HEAD
+    start_path: home
+  - url:      ../docs-devex/docs-devex/
+    worktrees: true
+    branches: [release/7.2, capella-zebra, elixir]
+  - url: ../docs-server
+    branches: HEAD
+  - url: ../couchbase-cloud
+    branches: [HEAD]
+    start_paths: [ docs/public/capella, docs/public/elixir ]
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+    azure-app-services: ''
+    sqlpp: SQL++
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+    enterprise: https://www.couchbase.com/products/editions[ENTERPRISE EDITION]
+    community: https://www.couchbase.com/products/editions[COMMUNITY EDITION]
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+    local-build: HAKIM
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+    url: ../docs-ui/build/ui-bundle.zip
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