The Grid, which refers to the electric grid, composed of substations, transmission lines, transformers and more, delivers electricity from the power plants to our homes and businesses. It's transformation to a Smart Grid requires real time sensing of energy production and consumption, anticipating usage needs, and smoothing load fluctuation by way of curtailing demand and/or bringing cleaner Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) online. Project Kinney addresses defining models for devices that produce and consume energy, environmental factors that influence consumption such as weather, time of day, and seasons such as holidays. It incorporates mechanisms for real time monitoring and control. What makes the Smart Grid challenging, yet interesting, is comprehending legacy systems that speak different protocols, myraid devices, securing remote dispersed systems, protecting user data, coping with Distributed Energy Resources that may be unpredictable, and incentivizing changes in human behavior, all to deliver reliable, efficient, and progressively cleaner power to meet our needs. Together, through open standards and implementations, we can achieve a Smart Grid, reduce global warming and help preserve our beautiful planet.