Kubernetes clusters can have hundreds of nodes in production, but you can run a single-node cluster on your laptop and it works in the same way.
We'll also use Git for source control, so you'll need a client on your machine to talk to GitHub.
Git is a free, open source tool for source control:
If you're on macOS or Windows 10/11 Docker Desktop is the easiest way to get Kubernetes:
The download and install takes a few minutes. When it's done, run the Docker app and you'll see the Docker whale logo in your taskbar (Windows) or menu bar (macOS).
On Windows the install may need a restart before you get here.
Right-click that whale and click Settings:
In the settings Windows select Kubernetes from the left menu and click Enable Kubernetes:
Docker downloads all the Kubernetes components and sets them up. That can take a few minutes too. When the Docker logo and the Kubernetes logo in the UI are both green, everything is running.
Running Kubernetes inside a container
On Linux k3d is a lightweight Kubernetes distribution with a good feature set. It runs a whole Kubernetes cluster inside a Docker container :)
You can use k3d on macOS and Windows too - but Docker Desktop is easier.
You need to install Docker, then k3d and then create a cluster:
curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com | sh
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rancher/k3d/main/install.sh | bash
k3d cluster create k8s -p "30000-30040:30000-30040@server:0"
This syntax uses the latest k3d command (v5); previous releases used a different syntax so you'll need to upgrade to v5.
An alternative Dockerized Kubernetes setup
If you're already using Kind, use this setup which is tweaked for the labs:
kind create cluster --name k8s --config setup/kind.yaml
If you're not already using Kind use k3d instead
Whichever setup you use, you should be able to run this command and get some output about your cluster:
kubectl get nodes
I'm using Docker Desktop and mine says:
docker-desktop Ready master 5d4h v1.19.7
Your details may be different - that's fine. If you get errors then we need to look into it, because you'll need your own cluster for every part of the course.