Releases: covalenthq/refiner
Releases · covalenthq/refiner
- 1f0a56e: Bump ex_keccak from 0.7.5 to 0.7.6 (dependabot[bot]) #247
- c2e89cd: Bump ex_secp256k1 from 0.7.3 to 0.7.4 (dependabot[bot]) #249
- 6663d9d: Bump avrora from 0.28.0 to 0.29.0 (dependabot[bot]) #250
- 2598dec: push refiner patch version (Pranay Valson) #248
- a4cbad3: Bump elixir from 1.17-otp-27-alpine to 1.18.0-otp-27-alpine (#246) (dependabot[bot]) #246
- 8aafc60: Bump gettext from 0.24.0 to 0.25.0 (dependabot[bot]) #227
- fc1bc05: update ipfs-pinner docker compose run (Pranay Valson) #227
- e552ae6: move pinner ci version back to stable (Pranay Valson) #228
- 947f09e: Bump gettext from 0.25.0 to 0.26.1 (dependabot[bot]) #229
- d5bf6ef: Bump telemetry from 1.2.1 to 1.3.0 (dependabot[bot]) #230
- da34fd6: Update dependabot.yml (Rodrigo Garcia) #233
- cea9d4d: update tagged release workflow (Pranay Valson) #233
- c470d0c: Upload feature patch using Tesla (ksa166) #233
- 23c38ea: Formatting followed (ksa166) #233
- adb8cdf: Credo changes (ksa166) #233
- af806a4: Bump plug_cowboy from 2.7.1 to 2.7.2 (dependabot[bot]) #232
- a138ebf: Bump finch from 0.18.0 to 0.19.0 (dependabot[bot]) #231
- d406505: bump refiner minor version (Pranay Valson) #228
- 1754c7f: Bump hackney from 1.18.1 to 1.20.1 (dependabot[bot]) #234
- d710ba0: Bump credo from 1.7.7 to 1.7.8 (dependabot[bot]) #235
- bd2e1fb: Bump rustler from 0.34.0 to 0.35.0 (dependabot[bot]) #237
- cd6d412: Bump tesla from 1.12.1 to 1.13.0 (dependabot[bot]) #239
- f7eba6a: Bump dialyxir from 1.4.3 to 1.4.4 (dependabot[bot]) #236
- 96b384a: Bump credo from 1.7.8 to 1.7.9 (dependabot[bot]) #240
- afa3c46: Bump tesla from 1.13.0 to 1.13.2 (dependabot[bot]) #241
- 2e27fa1: Bump gettext from 0.26.1 to 0.26.2 (dependabot[bot]) #243
- dd34c90: Bump credo from 1.7.9 to 1.7.11 (dependabot[bot]) #245
- 4abba4b: test refiner with latest deps upgrades (Pranay Valson) #228
What's Changed
- Bump gettext from 0.24.0 to 0.25.0 by @dependabot in #227
- Bump telemetry from 1.2.1 to 1.3.0 by @dependabot in #230
- Bump gettext from 0.25.0 to 0.26.1 by @dependabot in #229
- Tesla multipart by @Karthiksrinatha in #233
- Bump finch from 0.18.0 to 0.19.0 by @dependabot in #231
- Bump plug_cowboy from 2.7.1 to 2.7.2 by @dependabot in #232
- Bump hackney from 1.18.1 to 1.20.1 by @dependabot in #234
- Bump credo from 1.7.7 to 1.7.8 by @dependabot in #235
- Bump dialyxir from 1.4.3 to 1.4.4 by @dependabot in #236
- Bump rustler from 0.34.0 to 0.35.0 by @dependabot in #237
- Bump tesla from 1.12.1 to 1.13.0 by @dependabot in #239
- Bump credo from 1.7.8 to 1.7.9 by @dependabot in #240
- Bump credo from 1.7.9 to 1.7.11 by @dependabot in #245
- Bump tesla from 1.13.0 to 1.13.2 by @dependabot in #241
- Bump gettext from 0.26.1 to 0.26.2 by @dependabot in #243
- Refiner-DTM-RC:v0.5.5 by @noslav in #228
New Contributors
- @Karthiksrinatha made their first contribution in #233
Full Changelog: v0.5.4...v0.5.5
- 14bdb60: Bump elixir from 1.14-otp-25-alpine to 1.17.0-otp-27-alpine (dependabot[bot]) #221
- b2d47f2: bump elixir version to 1.17.0 (Pranay Valson) #221
- 1d4a20e: bump ci elixir-otp version to 1.17.0-otp-27 (Pranay Valson) #221
- 352762e: elixir 1.17.1 updates (Rodrigo Garcia) #221
- 05f9b79: update github actions (Rodrigo Garcia) #221
- 95d3ff8: bump credo to support elixir 1.17 (Rodrigo Garcia) #221
- da652fc: Configure Credo to treat the readability issues related to predicate function naming as warnings instead of error. (Rodrigo Garcia) #221
- 0134bb1: Bump broadway from 1.0.7 to 1.1.0 (dependabot[bot]) #224
- f55ba07: Bump rustler from 0.33.0 to 0.34.0 (dependabot[bot]) #225
- f5dff61: Bump jason from 1.4.1 to 1.4.4 (dependabot[bot]) #226
- b9ce9c9: Merge branch 'develop' into dependabot/hex/develop/rustler-0.34.0 (Pranay Valson) #225
- 9aa20b7: update tagged release workflow (Pranay Valson)
What's Changed
- Bump elixir from 1.14-otp-25-alpine to 1.17.1-otp-27-alpine by @dependabot in #221
- Bump jason from 1.4.1 to 1.4.4 by @dependabot in #226
- Bump broadway from 1.0.7 to 1.1.0 by @dependabot in #224
- Bump rustler from 0.33.0 to 0.34.0 by @dependabot in #225
- Refiner-DTM-RC:v0.5.4 by @noslav in #222
Full Changelog: v0.5.3...v0.5.4
- 0df321b: amend block specimen decoder tests for codec 0.37 (Pranay Valson) #211
- d51aade: amend util tests for codec 0.37 (Pranay Valson) #211
- dd841b5: process newer specimens in refiner pipeline (Pranay Valson) #211
- f80205e: upload codec-0.37 specimens using ipfs in ci (Pranay Valson) #211
- 387436b: add codec-0.37 binary and decoded test-data files (Pranay Valson) #211
- c839852: fix codec version typo (Pranay Valson) #211
- faddbca: amend pipeline and avro tests for new test data files (Pranay Valson) #211
- 47129dc: fix expected block result hashes for pipeline (Pranay Valson) #211
- 6903cb2: remove obsolete codec-0.35 test files (Pranay Valson) #211
- 621e5f4: redact all mentions to test codec-0.36 files (Pranay Valson) #211
- 003d62c: remove obsolete codec-0.36 test files (Pranay Valson) #211
- 6049381: update util tests for codec-0.37 files (Pranay Valson) #211
- 1c3f305: Bump rustler from 0.31.0 to 0.33.0 (dependabot[bot]) #209
- 7d301a2: Bump plug_cowboy from 2.7.0 to 2.7.1 (dependabot[bot]) #202
- 584334a: Bump avrora from 0.27.0 to 0.28.0 (dependabot[bot]) #207
- ba0a480: update dependabot config (Pranay Valson) #211
- d827da6: Bump ex_keccak from 0.7.3 to 0.7.5 (dependabot[bot]) #201
- 8b3247b: bump refiner minor version (Pranay Valson) #211
- 361205a: Merge branch 'develop' of into develop (Pranay Valson) #211
- 3d9f95f: Merge branch 'main' into develop (Pranay Valson) #211
- e66339b: update dependabot config for docker image (Pranay Valson) #211
What's Changed
- Bump rustler from 0.31.0 to 0.33.0 by @dependabot in #209
- Bump avrora from 0.27.0 to 0.28.0 by @dependabot in #207
- Bump plug_cowboy from 2.7.0 to 2.7.1 by @dependabot in #202
- Bump ex_keccak from 0.7.3 to 0.7.5 by @dependabot in #201
- Update CI/CD tests for BSP/BRP encoded plus json files in codec-0.37 by @noslav in #211
Full Changelog: v0.5.1...v0.5.2
v0.5.1 (Ethereum Staking Migration with Full Blob Support)
- bbaea97: update prod proofchain bsp/brp addresses (Pranay Valson)
What's Changed
- fixes to pick the write env values by @sudeepdino008 in #193
- Additional fixes needed for refiner to work on testnet by @rogarcia in #197
- Bump logger_file_backend from 0.0.13 to 0.0.14 by @dependabot in #204
- Enable extraction and proofing of complete blobs (EIP-4844) sidecar data by @noslav in #199
- Refiner-DTM-RC:v0.5.0 (Ethereum Migration v1.5) by @noslav in #205
Full Changelog: v0.4.3...v0.5.1
Full Changelog: v0.5.0...v0.5.1
v0.5.0 (Ethereum Staking Migration with Full Blob Support)
- a77dc52: replace rudder with refiner (sudeep) #193
- 5a3f072: use compile_env instead of get_env to track changes in env variables (sudeep) #193
- c1cf836: adding the new env vars to the base .envrc otherwise the rudder service wil fail if those don't exist on env when it starts. It's fair since those new env vars should be optional; we don't need users to have those defined since there are default definitions on prod.exs and dev.exs. (Rodrigo Garcia) #193
- 94cda45: add default chain id value in .envrc to avoid compilation issue (sudeep) #193
- bdb9a6c: Reverting envrc and compose file to remove the definition optional env vars. They should be mainly for development/testing purpose only and not necessary for default operation. (Rodrigo Garcia) #193
- cc782cb: remove custom address and chainID vars from compose files to avoid confusion. These are mainly for development/test purposes and don't need to be set on regular use (defaults should be used). (Rodrigo Garcia) #197
- 7a4a30c: complete blob capture and encoded data (Pranay Valson) #199
- c7f4735: update codec 0.37 with BlobTxSideCars and type 3 tx fields (Pranay Valson) #199
- 18bdb89: Bump logger_file_backend from 0.0.13 to 0.0.14 (dependabot[bot]) #204
- 78a275e: bump refiner minor version (Pranay Valson) #205
- 37b007b: update test data with 0.37 specimen/result json files (Pranay Valson) #205
- c93ae09: Merge branch 'main' into develop (Pranay Valson) #205
Full Changelog: v0.5.0...v0.5.0
v0.4.3 (Eth Migration)
- 79ea8d0: update refiner main to use evm-server stable releases (Pranay Valson)
- 40ca833: update parsed log topic event hash for bsp quorum (Pranay Valson) #203
- 5c6985e: update log event data fn selector signature (Pranay Valson) #203
- c77dff2: test ci with new staking docker image (Pranay Valson) #203
- 4274273: engage refiner ci using cqt-staking:stable (Pranay Valson) #203
- 42125e1: eth migration pre-release (Pranay Valson)
Full Changelog: v0.4.3...v0.4.3
v0.4.2 (Dencun upgrade hotfix)
- 74572f0: update proof event topic hashes for bsps pre cqt-net v1.5 (Pranay Valson) #196
- b357a17: revert proofchain abi to pre cqt-net v1.5 (Pranay Valson) #196
- 4219392: revert specimen hash extraction (Pranay Valson) #196
- fbcc462: revert rudder fn call mentions (Pranay Valson)
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v0.4.1...v0.4.2
v0.4.1 (Dencun upgrade)
- 02f73bf: Bump briefly from 0.5.0 to 0.5.1 (dependabot[bot]) #184
- 5171001: Bump plug_cowboy from 2.6.1 to 2.6.2 (dependabot[bot]) #185
- 8e3f6d6: Bump plug_cowboy from 2.6.2 to 2.7.0 (dependabot[bot]) #186
- 1a3749d: Bump finch from 0.17.0 to 0.18.0 (dependabot[bot]) #188
- 9cef441: Bump rustler from 0.30.0 to 0.31.0 (dependabot[bot]) #189
- 4956787: Bump certifi from 2.12.0 to 2.13.0 (dependabot[bot]) #190
- 598c4a3: allow setting config params using env variables (sudeep) #195
- 3bbc672: add config params using env variables to dev.exs and to docker-compose files (Rodrigo Garcia) #195
- 3f12e9d: update block-ethereum AVRO codec for with 0.36 (Pranay Valson) #194
- b83f7c2: update ci/cd with 0.36 encoded files (Pranay Valson) #194
- c986473: update mix packages (Pranay Valson) #194
- 5090a32: update tests with 0.36 encoded bsp/brp files (Pranay Valson) #194
- caebc5b: update test data with 0.36 bsp/brp/binary files (Pranay Valson) #194
- d3bfa4a: mix format (Pranay Valson) #194
- 816d291: ci/cd pipeline tests with evm-server:latest (Pranay Valson) #194
- 8137798: adapt pipeline tests for dencun upgrade (Pranay Valson) #194
- 2c19bd9: enable use of evm-server:latest across compose yamls (Pranay Valson) #194
What's Changed
- Bump briefly from 0.5.0 to 0.5.1 by @dependabot in #184
- Bump plug_cowboy from 2.6.1 to 2.6.2 by @dependabot in #185
- Bump certifi from 2.12.0 to 2.13.0 by @dependabot in #190
- Bump rustler from 0.30.0 to 0.31.0 by @dependabot in #189
- Bump finch from 0.17.0 to 0.18.0 by @dependabot in #188
- Bump plug_cowboy from 2.6.2 to 2.7.0 by @dependabot in #186
- Rudder-DTM-RC:v0.4.1 (Dencun upgrade) by @noslav in #195
Full Changelog: v0.3.1...v0.4.1