title | author | organization |
Labour Market Outcomes and Well-Being in the COVID-19 Pandemic — A View from the Netherlands |
Hans-Martin von Gaudecker |
Universität Bonn & IZA |
- Labour market:
- Small effects on extensive margin
- Hours of work took deep dive, back up quickly
- Early support programmes worked well, no rise in inequality
- Gender division of tasks:
- Women reduce hours more initially
- Presence of children does not affect either parent's hours
- Pre-Pandemic allocation of care tasks is reinforced
- Mental well-being:
- Strong reduction in mental health score in March
- Back up to ≈normal levels by May
- Very different for parents depending on who buffers shock
- Gaudecker, H.-M. von, Holler, R., Janys, L., Siflinger, B. M., & Zimpelmann, C. (2020). Labour Supply during Lockdown and a "New Normal": The Case of the Netherlands. IZA DP 13623.
- Holler, R., Janys, L., Zimpelmann, C., Gaudecker, H.-M. von & Siflinger, B. M. (2021). The early impact of the CoViD-19 Pandemic on the Gender Division of Market and Household Work. Mimeo.
- Siflinger, B., Paffenholz, M., Seitz, S., Mendel, M., Gaudecker, H.-M. von (2021). The CoViD-19 Pandemic and Mental Health: Distentangling Crucial Channels. Mimeo.
- LISS: Online Panel in the Netherlands, running since 2007
- Similar efforts: ALP, UAS, CentERpanel
- Based on probability sample
- Roughly 5,000 households / 7,500 individuals
- Each month, respondents get ≈30 minutes of questionnaires
- ≈85% of respondents can be linked to administrative microdata (not today)
- CoViD-19 questionnaires
- March 20-31, April 6-28, May, June, September, December
- See https://liss-covid-19-questionnaires-documentation.readthedocs.io/
- Hours of work, some childcare, mental health, covariates
- Time use & consumption questionnaires
- November 2019: Baseline
- April / November 2020: Adapted to lockdown situation
- Closest short-term measure for labour market activity in presence of
- firing restrictions
- employment subsidies
- Interpretation as labour demand / direct restrictions seems fine
- e.g., see below that no add'l effect for parents
- Measurement before CoViD-19 likely a bit too high
- NOW: Labour subsidies scheme
- Loss in firm revenue ≥ 20% ⟶ Reimbursement of 30% of wage bill
- Cannot fire workers
- No other strings attached
- TOZO: Income support measure for self-employed
- TOGS: One-time payment for entrepeneurs in directly affected sectors
- Hours of work on gender × month, controls
- Large heterogeneity
- Non-essential FT women reduce 3 more hours during lockdown than non-essential men
- Essential FT women reduce 1.5 hours less than non-essential men
- Rich controls on RHS, exact set does not matter:
- month × gender × (1, part time, essential worker, age)
- month × (age, percentage of work doable from home, self-employment, profession, sector)
- Add gender × month × school children at home
- No change (precise zero or hours slightly better preserved among parents)
- Coefficients very similar when restricting sample to 2-parent families
- 5-item mental health inventory (MHI-5) — anxiety/depression
- Questions referring to past 4 weeks, e.g. "I felt calm and peaceful"
- 6 point scales, add up to indicator with scale
- 100 "perfect" mental health
- 0 worst possible outcome
- Pre-clinical screening: Scores below 60 warrant further investigation
- Focus on working age population
- Shock to labour markets reasonably well buffered so far. Likely combination of
- Firing restrictions
- Generous STW scheme, support for small self-employed
- Existing infrastructure for welfare payments
- Work hours of women (relatively) well preserved
- Consequence of highly subsidised daycare with comparably short hours?
- Short school closures (≅2-3 months) very likely key
- Gender division of tasks during CoViD-19: Very heterogeneous
- Neither back to the 1950s, nor the great equalizer
- Pre-existing patterns re-inforced
- Mental health
- Huge short-term drop initially in lockdown, quickly back
- Drop largest in families where men took on initial burden
- Large roles for infection risk, labour market risk, loneliness