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Woohooo congratulations for starting at UCLA research! This is a wiki to help you get everything you need

OnBoarding @ UCLA

Applying for a Hoffman2 Cluster account

Hoffman2 Cluster account creation/management is processed though an in-house web application "Grid Identity Manager". GIM needs you to have a UCLA Logon ID for authentication.

For a UCLA Logon ID: see Getting a UCLA Logon ID.

After you have a UCLA Logon go to

Click "New User Registration". The UCLA Federated Authentication Service will ask you for your UCLA Logon ID and password.

Fill in the information from the form.

{% hint style="info" %} For choose a faculty sponsor. Choose the PI that you are working for from the pull-down list of sponser. I.e. For Professor Eran Halperin - you would select Eran Halperin from the drop down list. {% endhint %}

Now that you have a Hoffman2 Cluster, let us get everything installed.

Hoffman2 Basics/Terminal Setup.

  • tmux: tmux allows multiple terminal sessions to be accessed simultaneously in a single window. ****

    • tmux is already loaded in hoffman. So in your bashrc append the line
    module load tmux
  • CUDA: CUDA is a parallel computing platform and application programming interface model created by Nvidia.

module load cuda/10.0 # for cuda 10.0
  • To see all available programs already installed on hoffman2, type in your bash: module av

{% hint style="info" %} Note that your home directory has approximately 20GB worth of storage. Thus it is recommended to work in your groups directory or in the scratch directory (more to follow). {% endhint %}

  • conda: conda is a package that allows you to install most python packages.

    • You can use module load conda however this will install it in your home directory. To install it somewhere else, you can run this script:
    • To get it on hoffman from the command line run:
    • wget; 
    • For the path, install it in the project directory (i.e. /u/project/{project_you_belong_to}/{your_username}/anaconda3

At the end your bashrc should look similar to this

{% code title=".bashrc" %}

bash # Source global definitions
if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
    . /etc/bashrc

# added 20110721- BMP
# User specific aliases and functions
umask 0022
PS1="(`uptime`)\n\u@\h:\w$ "

module load tmux
module load ffmpeg/1.1.1
module load curl/7.49.1
module load cuda/10.0

# >>> conda initialize >>>
# !! Contents within this block are managed by 'conda init' !!
__conda_setup="$('/u/project/halperin/gnahum12/anaconda3/bin/conda' 'shell.bash' 'hook' 2> /dev/null)"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    eval "$__conda_setup"
    if [ -f "/u/project/halperin/gnahum12/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/" ]; then
        . "/u/project/halperin/gnahum12/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/"
        export PATH="/u/project/halperin/gnahum12/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"
unset __conda_setup
# <<< conda initialize <<<

{% endcode %}

Useful Terminal Shortcuts:

{% code title=".bash_profile" %}

# some more ls aliases
alias ll='ls -alF'
alias la='ls -A' # list all
alias l='ls -CF' # list
alias clr='clear' # clear terminal
alias glog='git log --graph --simplify-by-decoration --all' # get the graph from git.
alias py="python" # run python
alias scratch="cd $SCRATCH"

{% endcode %}

Useful Git Shortcuts and using Git:

In your .gitconfig file.

{% code title=".gitconfig" %}

	up = checkout
	st = status
  unstage = reset HEAD --
  amend = commit --amend
  name = <your name> 
  email = <[email protected]> 

{% endcode %}

Git is a version control software. Some basics are:

{% code title="All local to the system. " %}

git add filename.extension
git status # or `git st` if you have the above config file. 
git commit -m "message here of work you did" 

{% endcode %}

Hoffman can only connect using ssh (i.e. not http dumps)
Therefore in order to connect you need to have an ssh-keygen ready.

To do this you need to create/go to the .ssh directory

# if .ssh is already created: 
cd ~/.ssh; 
# if .ssh doesn't exist: 
mkdir ~/.ssh; cd ~/.ssh; 

Then run

ssh-keygen # this will create a public and private key. 

Follow this guide to link it to Github/Bitbucket/Other.

This will now allow you to push to a remote branch:

git remote -v # this will give you the name + url. Get the name of the ssh
git push {name} {branch} 

For more git advice/practice please see: Learn Git Branching or Visualizing Git

Transferring Content to Hoffman2 Cluster

Using scp

  • scp, standing for secure copy paste, allows you to transfer files between an ssh server and your local computer. It’s a useful command if you set up ssh keys so that you don’t have to enter your password every time you want to transfer files.
  • To send a file from local to cluster :

scp filename.extension [email protected]:∼/directorytosavein/

  • To send multiple files from local to cluster

scp filename1.extension filename2.extension [email protected]:∼/directorytosavein/

  • To send directory with all files from local to cluster:

scp -r /local/path/to/directory2send [email protected]:~/path/to/where/you/want

  • To send a file from cluster to local

scp [email protected]:∼/directoryitsin/filename.extension ./path/to/where/you/want/

  • To send multiple files from cluster to local

scp [email protected]:∼/directoryitsin/{filename1.extension,filename2.extension} ./path/to/where/you/want/

  • To send directory with all files from cluster to local

scp -r [email protected]:∼/directorytosend ./path/to/where/you/want

Getting MedNet account:

Follow these steps:

  • Complete the following forms:


{% file src=".gitbook/assets/form-access-request-non-employee.pdf" caption="Access Request Form " %}

  1. Access Request Form (above)
    1. Fill in fields #1 - #8
    2. For field #2, put in “Research Collaborator”
    3. Check the box for “New Application”
    4. For field #6, put in “Computational Medicine” for Sponsoring Department and “Eran Halperin” for Manager/Supervisor
    5. For field #7, put in one year from application date
    6. For field #8, check the box for “AD Domain” and “VPN”
    7. Sign at the “Applicant Signature” section and date. Please make sure not to sign in field #9 but the section above (you’re not the authorizer). Hand signatures only, no e-signatures accepted.
  2. HIPAA completion certification
    2. Click on the first link on the page: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy & Security Workforce Training
    3. Upon completion, please make sure to save/print the resulting certificate of completion as a PDF

{% file src=".gitbook/assets/confidentiality-nonworkforce-members.pdf" caption="Confidentiality Agreement for non-workforce" %}

  1. Confidentiality Agreement for non-workforce (above)
    1. Fill in all fields
      1. Sign and date. Hand signed only, no e-signatures accepted.
  2. Return the three completed pieces of paperwork to the authorizer listed above and let them know you need this person to have a Mednet account. Feel free to cc' Clifford ([email protected])

Accessing AWS:

{% hint style="info" %} Note that you only have access to AWS if you have a Mednet account as well.

In order to get a Mednet account please see above. {% endhint %}

Email: Clifford ([email protected]) or Mark Lucas([email protected]) requesting access to AWS GPU/CPU/Control.

Note that once you have access, please reserve a port here:

For easy access, place this in your .bashrc wherever you will be sshing into aws.

{% code title=".bashrc " %}

alias ehr='ssh -Y [email protected] -J -L CHANGE:'
alias awsb='ssh -Y [email protected] -J -L CHANGE:'
alias awscont='ssh -Y [email protected] -J'
alias awsgpu='ssh -Y [email protected] -J -L CHANGE:'

{% endcode %}

In the awscont bashrc place:

{% code title=".bashrc in awscont" %}

alias status='aws ec2 describe-instance-status --region us-west-2 --include-all-instances --instance-id i-04d0da8958d7425db --output text'
alias gpu_start='aws ec2 start-instances --region us-west-2 --instance-ids i-04d0da8958d7425db --output text'
alias gpu_stop='aws ec2 stop-instances --region us-west-2 --instance-ids i-04d0da8958d7425db --output text'

{% endcode %}