- A chat that is anonymous and deletes + have helpful resources
- Make sure it fixes a problem
- ID (primary key)
- link (url)
- title
- moderators
- moderation level
- password
- ID (primary key)
- UserName
- Password
- role (user, admin, mod)
- verifiedUser
- userScore (based on up votes)
- flagged
- ID (primary key)
- title
- description
- link
- userScore (based on up votes)
- ID (primary key)
- question
- answer
- words to filter through
- ID (primary key)
- wordlist
- category: racist, offensive, sexist
- socket io
- passport/oauth (we still need google for authentication) || (https://www.npmjs.com/package/simple-oauth2, https://oauth.net/2/)
- geolocation (future?)
- chalk(?)
- emoji(?)
- regexp(to filter offensive words)
- Get all of the npm packages and require them in server.js
- Create databases
- Break up server files by npm package
- Make a markup of the frontend
- Make sure all of the packages/dbs work with the frontend
- Make sure we can set up multiple chats at one time
- Figure out how to push passport data into database
- NEW LIBRARY - browser notifications
- Make sure chat deletes (orm)
- No cookies
- Dont HAVE to login
- Search bar to search for chats
- private chats
- Look at google recaptcha (https://www.google.com/recaptcha/intro/)
- Logo
- Jumbotron with logo and tag line
- Navbar with login on each page
- Link + Description sections
- Up/Down Votes
- (Chapiter) - top of the pillar
- (Plinth) - base of a pillar
- passport
- username
- password
- link database for helpful resources
- if "admin" > show EVERYTHING, if "user" > show links, chat titles.
- If this is a serious medical issue, please call 911
- No one here is a professional psychiatrist.......
- Do we need a separate database for the chat or can we rely on socket io?
- Does socket io have a delete function?
- Real-Time Help
- Local chat rooms
- If the person was helpful
- Causes (Meetup for aids, cancer, etc)
- Gives you default icon options
- Add password reset and send user email
- Prevent bots by making sure you cant say the same thing twice
- Video of it working
- Send link out to class channel and have people test it?
- chat (working seperately)
- passport
- handlebars rendering (talking to server)
- Put data into databases
- Create dummy users
- Add disclaimers and about us/contact page
- Make it look pretty
- Add socket io chat to page
- socket io last resort (redirect to chat page)
- call orm in connection js inside if statements!
- COURTNEY: Getting orm from backend to front (on page) & heroku(?)
- MARC: Finish making all the pages and make them look nice
- MEL: Help marc with front end
- Have resources load with the chat page
- Contact Page