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2020 Mailing List Reviews

cor3ntin edited this page Nov 2, 2020 · 69 revisions

History, status, and review outcomes can be found by visiting the GitHub Issue for the paper:


Subject Bucket Review Manager Started On Remarks Status
P1885: Naming Text Encodings to Demystify Them B3 Inbal Levi 2020-10-26 Issue
P2199: Concepts to differentiate types B3 Inbal Levi 2020-10-12 Issue
P2196: A lifetime-extending forwarder B3 Corentin Jabot 2020-11-2 Issue


Subject Bucket Review Manager Starts On Remarks Status
P2218: More flexible optional::value_or B2 Inbal Levi 2020-11-09 Issue
P2047: An allocator-aware optional type B2 Issue


Subject Bucket Remarks Status
P2192: std::valstat - function return type B3 Issue
P1950: An indirect value-type for C++ B3 Issue
P1160: Add Test Polymorphic Memory Resource To The Standard Library B3 Issue
P0447: std::colony B3 Issue
P0350: Integrating SIMD with Parallel Algorithms B3 Concurrency and Parallelism Issue
P1068: Vector API for Random Number Generation B3 Concurrency and Parallelism Issue
P2155: Policy property for describing adjacency B3 Concurrency and Parallelism Issue
P0261: C++ Distributed Counters B3 Concurrency TS v2 Issue
P1385: A proposal to add linear algebra support to the C++ standard library B3 Issue
P2159: An Unbounded Decimal Floating-Point Type B3 Numerics TS v1 Issue
P2010: Remove iostream operators from P1889 B3 Numerics TS v1 Issue
P2004: Numbers and their Scopes B3 Numerics TS v1 Issue
P1889: C++ Numerics Work in Progress B3 Numerics TS v1 Issue
P2066: Suggested draft TS for C++ Extensions for Transactional Memory Light B3 Transactional Memory TS v2 Issue
P2146: Modern std::byte stream IO for C++ B3 Issue
LWG2432: initializer_list assignability B2 Talk to JF for details LWG2432


Subject Bucket Review Manager Started On Remarks Status
P2187: std::swap_if, std::predictable B3 Corentin Jabot 2020-10-19 Issue
P1944: Add Constexpr Modifiers to Functions in <cstring> and <cwchar> B2 Corentin Jabot 2020-10-05 constexprification Issue
P1990: Add operator[] to std::initializer_list B2 Inbal Levi 2020-09-28 Issue
P2212: Relax Requirements for time_point::clock B2 Corentin Jabot 2020-09-21 Issue
P2165: Compatibility between tuple and tuple-like objects B2 Inbal Levi 2020-09-14 Issue
P2166: A Proposal to Prohibit std::basic_string and std::basic_string_view construction from nullptr B2 Corentin Jabot 2020-09-07 Issue
P2164: views::enumerate B3 Inbal Levi 2020-08-31 Issue
P0870: A proposal for a type trait to detect narrowing conversions B3 Corentin Jabot 2020-08-24 Numerics TS v1 Issue
P0205: Allow Seeding Random Number Engines With std::random_device B2 Corentin Jabot 2020-07-27 Issue
P1709: Graph Data Structures B3 Corentin Jabot 2020-07-13 Issue
P0952: A new specification for std::generate_canonical B2 Corentin Jabot 2020-06-29 Issue
P2146: Modern std::byte stream IO for C++ B3 Corentin Jabot 2020-06-22 Issue
P1924: Making std::stack constexpr B2 Corentin Jabot 2020-06-15 constexprification Issue
P1925: Making std::queue constexpr B2 Corentin Jabot 2020-06-15 constexprification Issue
P1926: Making std::queue constexpr B2 Corentin Jabot 2020-06-15 constexprification Issue