diff --git a/install/sql/tables-db2.sql b/install/sql/tables-db2.sql
index ec3aa3aa4..a78fb5062 100644
--- a/install/sql/tables-db2.sql
+++ b/install/sql/tables-db2.sql
@@ -215,36 +215,6 @@ CREATE TABLE webcal_access_function (
cal_permissions VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY ( cal_login )
-CREATE TABLE webcal_tz_zones (
- zone_name VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- zone_gmtoff INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
- zone_rules VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- zone_format VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- zone_cc CHAR(2) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- zone_coord VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- zone_country VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (zone_name)
-CREATE TABLE webcal_tz_rules (
- rule_name VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- rule_from INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
- rule_type VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- rule_on VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- rule_at_suffix CHAR(1) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- rule_save INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
- rule_letter VARCHAR(5) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- PRIMARY KEY (rule_name)
-CREATE TABLE webcal_tz_list (
- tz_list_id INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
- tz_list_name VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- tz_list_text VARCHAR(75) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE webcal_user_template (
cal_login VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
cal_type CHAR(1) NOT NULL,
diff --git a/install/sql/tables-ibase.sql b/install/sql/tables-ibase.sql
index e6ff33ebf..056513006 100644
--- a/install/sql/tables-ibase.sql
+++ b/install/sql/tables-ibase.sql
- (
- (
- (
diff --git a/install/sql/tables-mssql.sql b/install/sql/tables-mssql.sql
index c1fcd8f6a..69bedc77e 100644
--- a/install/sql/tables-mssql.sql
+++ b/install/sql/tables-mssql.sql
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ CREATE TABLE webcal_user (
cal_email VARCHAR(75) NULL,
PRIMARY KEY ( cal_login )
-INSERT INTO webcal_user ( cal_login, cal_passwd, cal_lastname, cal_firstname, cal_is_admin )
+INSERT INTO webcal_user (
+ cal_login, cal_passwd, cal_lastname, cal_firstname, cal_is_admin )
VALUES ( 'admin', '21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3', 'Administrator', 'Default', 'Y' );
CREATE TABLE webcal_entry (
cal_id INT NOT NULL,
diff --git a/install/sql/tables-mysql.sql b/install/sql/tables-mysql.sql
index cf8d2b99c..656a2d289 100644
--- a/install/sql/tables-mysql.sql
+++ b/install/sql/tables-mysql.sql
@@ -613,71 +613,6 @@ CREATE TABLE webcal_access_function (
PRIMARY KEY ( cal_login )
- * Detailed information for over 830 timezones around the world.
- * Some of these are very obscure, and never used. They are created with data
- * from ftp://elsie.nci.nih.gov/pub/
- */
-CREATE TABLE webcal_tz_zones (
- /*Name of timezone*/
- zone_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
- /*Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) Offset in minutes*/
- zone_gmtoff INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
- /*Name of timezone DST rule that applies to this timezone name*/
- zone_rules VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
- /*The template for short timezone name (i.e. E%sT will become EST or EDT)*/
- zone_format VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
- /*UNIX timestamp for effective start date of this timezone (inclusive)*/
- /*UNIX timestamp for effective stop date for this timezone (inclusive)*/
- /*Two letter country code that this timezone applies*/
- zone_cc CHAR(2) NOT NULL,
- /*Latitude and Longitude of this timezone, we may use this for sunrise and sunset somethime.*/
- zone_coord VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
- /*Full name of country that this timezone applies*/
- zone_country VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL
-/* This table contains the rules used to apply
- * Daylight Savings Time (DST) to any timezone for any given year
- */
-CREATE TABLE webcal_tz_rules (
- /*Name of this timezone rule*/
- rule_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
- /*First effective year of this rule (inclusive)*/
- rule_from INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
- /*Last effective year of this rule (inclusive)*/
- /*Not currently used*/
- rule_type VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
- /*Month that this rule goes into effect*/
- /*Date that this rule goes into effect (can be numeric or notation like Sun>=14)*/
- rule_on VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
- /*Time of day that this rule take effect*/
- /*s, u, g, z specifies whether rule_at is local time, UTC, GMT, Zulu. This is not currently used.*/
- rule_at_suffix CHAR(1) NOT NULL,
- /*Number of minutes to add to zone_gmtoff to get DST time adjustment*/
- rule_save INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
- /*Letter(s) to replace '%s' in zone_format*/
- rule_letter VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL
-/* This is shortened list of timezones borrowed from
- * a typical windows box. It is nowhere near the complete list
- * but is much easier to work with that the complete list
- */
-CREATE TABLE webcal_tz_list (
- /*Numeric order of list for display purposes*/
- tz_list_id INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
- /*Name that matches a valid webcal_tz_zones.zone_name*/
- tz_list_name varchar(50) NOT NULL,
- /*Display text used in select control*/
- tz_list_text varchar(75) NOT NULL
* This table stores the custom header/stylesheet/trailer.
* If configured properly, each user (or nonuser cal) can have
diff --git a/install/sql/tables-oracle.sql b/install/sql/tables-oracle.sql
index a492e9d88..9e2a8b365 100644
--- a/install/sql/tables-oracle.sql
+++ b/install/sql/tables-oracle.sql
@@ -216,29 +216,6 @@ CREATE TABLE webcal_access_function (
cal_permissions VARCHAR2(64) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY ( cal_login )
-CREATE TABLE webcal_tz_zones (
- zone_name VARCHAR2(50) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- zone_gmtoff INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
- zone_rules VARCHAR2(50) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- zone_format VARCHAR2(20) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- zone_from bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
- zone_until bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
- zone_cc CHAR(2) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- zone_coord VARCHAR2(20) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- zone_country VARCHAR2(50) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL
-CREATE TABLE webcal_tz_rules (
- rule_name VARCHAR2(50) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- rule_from INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
- rule_type VARCHAR2(20) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- rule_on VARCHAR2(20) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- rule_at_suffix CHAR(1) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- rule_save INT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
- rule_letter VARCHAR2(5) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE webcal_user_template (
cal_login VARCHAR2(25) NOT NULL,
cal_type CHAR(1) NOT NULL,
diff --git a/install/sql/tables-postgres.sql b/install/sql/tables-postgres.sql
index 339f01a1c..ddd61d609 100644
--- a/install/sql/tables-postgres.sql
+++ b/install/sql/tables-postgres.sql
@@ -217,34 +217,6 @@ CREATE TABLE webcal_access_function (
cal_permissions VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY ( cal_login )
-CREATE TABLE webcal_tz_zones (
- zone_name VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- zone_gmtoff INT DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- zone_rules VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- zone_format VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- zone_from BIGINT DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- zone_until BIGINT DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- zone_cc CHAR(2) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- zone_coord VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- zone_country VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL
-CREATE TABLE webcal_tz_rules (
- rule_name VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- rule_from INT DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- rule_to INT DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- rule_type VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- rule_in INT DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- rule_on VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- rule_at INT DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- rule_at_suffix CHAR(1) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- rule_save INT DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- rule_letter VARCHAR(5) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL
-CREATE TABLE webcal_tz_list (
- tz_list_id INT DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
- tz_list_name VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
- tz_list_text VARCHAR(75) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE webcal_user_template (
cal_login VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
cal_type CHAR(1) NOT NULL,
diff --git a/install/sql/tables-sqlite.php b/install/sql/tables-sqlite.php
index 5a633d846..725b78720 100644
--- a/install/sql/tables-sqlite.php
+++ b/install/sql/tables-sqlite.php
@@ -31,9 +31,6 @@ function populate_sqlite_db ( $database, $db ) {
sqlite_query($db, "CREATE TABLE webcal_report_template ( cal_report_id INT NOT NULL, cal_template_type CHAR(1) NOT NULL, cal_template_text TEXT, PRIMARY KEY ( cal_report_id, cal_template_type ))");
sqlite_query($db, "CREATE TABLE webcal_access_user ( cal_login VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, cal_other_user VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, cal_can_view INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', cal_can_edit INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', cal_can_approve INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', cal_can_invite CHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y', cal_can_email CHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y', cal_see_times_only CHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N', PRIMARY KEY ( cal_login, cal_other_user ))");
sqlite_query($db, "CREATE TABLE webcal_access_function ( cal_login VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, cal_permissions VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( cal_login ))");
- sqlite_query($db, "CREATE TABLE webcal_tz_zones ( zone_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL default '', zone_gmtoff INT NOT NULL default '0', zone_rules VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL default '', zone_format VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL default '', zone_from BIGINT NOT NULL default '0', zone_until BIGINT NOT NULL default '0', zone_cc CHAR(2) NOT NULL default '', zone_coord VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL default '', zone_country VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL default '')");
- sqlite_query($db, "CREATE TABLE webcal_tz_rules ( rule_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL default '', rule_from INT NOT NULL default '0', rule_to INT NOT NULL default '0', rule_type VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL default '', rule_in INT NOT NULL default '0', rule_on VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL default '', rule_at INT NOT NULL default '0', rule_at_suffix CHAR(1) NOT NULL default '', rule_save INT NOT NULL default '0', rule_letter VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL default '')");
- sqlite_query($db, "CREATE TABLE webcal_tz_list ( tz_list_id INT NOT NULL default '0', tz_list_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL default '', tz_list_text VARCHAR(75) NOT NULL default '')");
sqlite_query($db, "CREATE TABLE webcal_user_template ( cal_login VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL default '', cal_type CHAR(1) NOT NULL default '', cal_template_text text, PRIMARY KEY (cal_login,cal_type))");
sqlite_query($db, "CREATE TABLE webcal_entry_categories (cal_id INT NOT NULL default '0', cat_id INT NOT NULL default '0', cat_order INT NOT NULL default '0', cat_owner VARCHAR(25) default NULL)");
sqlite_query($db, "CREATE TABLE webcal_blob ( cal_blob_id INT NOT NULL, cal_id INT NULL, cal_login VARCHAR(25) NULL, cal_name VARCHAR(30) NULL, cal_description VARCHAR(128) NULL, cal_size INT NULL, cal_mime_type VARCHAR(50) NULL, cal_type CHAR(1) NOT NULL, cal_mod_date INT NOT NULL, cal_mod_time INT NOT NULL, cal_blob BLOB, PRIMARY KEY ( cal_blob_id ))");
diff --git a/install/sql/upgrade-db2.sql b/install/sql/upgrade-db2.sql
index 35eab1a19..1f3b41bef 100644
--- a/install/sql/upgrade-db2.sql
+++ b/install/sql/upgrade-db2.sql
@@ -201,36 +201,6 @@ CREATE TABLE webcal_access_function (
PRIMARY KEY ( cal_login )
-CREATE TABLE webcal_tz_zones (
- zone_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
- zone_gmtoff INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
- zone_rules VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
- zone_format VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
- zone_cc CHAR(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
- zone_coord VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
- zone_country VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''
-CREATE TABLE webcal_tz_rules (
- rule_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
- rule_from INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
- rule_type VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
- rule_on VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
- rule_at_suffix CHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
- rule_save INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
- rule_letter VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''
-CREATE TABLE webcal_tz_list (
- tz_list_id INT NOT NULL default 0,
- tz_list_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL default '',
- tz_list_text VARCHAR(75) NOT NULL default ''
ALTER TABLE webcal_nonuser_cals ADD cal_is_public CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL;
CREATE TABLE webcal_user_template (
diff --git a/install/sql/upgrade-ibase.sql b/install/sql/upgrade-ibase.sql
index 616981c2b..efdd7f8eb 100644
--- a/install/sql/upgrade-ibase.sql
+++ b/install/sql/upgrade-ibase.sql
diff --git a/install/sql/upgrade-mssql.sql b/install/sql/upgrade-mssql.sql
index 41ee85bf7..f499bba4f 100644
--- a/install/sql/upgrade-mssql.sql
+++ b/install/sql/upgrade-mssql.sql
@@ -201,36 +201,6 @@ CREATE TABLE webcal_access_function (
PRIMARY KEY ( cal_login )
-CREATE TABLE webcal_tz_zones (
- zone_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL default '',
- zone_gmtoff INT NOT NULL default '0',
- zone_rules VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL default '',
- zone_format VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL default '',
- zone_from BIGINT NOT NULL default '0',
- zone_until BIGINT NOT NULL default '0',
- zone_cc CHAR(2) NOT NULL default '',
- zone_coord VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL default '',
- zone_country VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL default ''
-CREATE TABLE webcal_tz_rules (
- rule_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL default '',
- rule_from INT NOT NULL default '0',
- rule_to INT NOT NULL default '0',
- rule_type VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL default '',
- rule_in INT NOT NULL default '0',
- rule_on VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL default '',
- rule_at INT NOT NULL default '0',
- rule_at_suffix CHAR(1) NOT NULL default '',
- rule_save INT NOT NULL default '0',
- rule_letter VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL default ''
-CREATE TABLE webcal_tz_list (
- tz_list_id INT NOT NULL default '0',
- tz_list_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL default '',
- tz_list_text VARCHAR(75) NOT NULL default ''
ALTER TABLE webcal_nonuser_cals ADD cal_is_public CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL;
CREATE TABLE webcal_user_template (
diff --git a/install/sql/upgrade-mysql.sql b/install/sql/upgrade-mysql.sql
index 008b6cc9f..fd8c9112d 100644
--- a/install/sql/upgrade-mysql.sql
+++ b/install/sql/upgrade-mysql.sql
@@ -186,35 +186,6 @@ CREATE TABLE webcal_access_user (
cal_can_view CHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N',
PRIMARY KEY (cal_login,cal_other_user)
-CREATE TABLE webcal_tz_list (
- tz_list_id INT NOT NULL,
- tz_list_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
- tz_list_text VARCHAR(75) NOT NULL
-CREATE TABLE webcal_tz_rules (
- rule_at INT NOT NULL,
- rule_at_suffix CHAR(1) NOT NULL,
- rule_from INT NOT NULL,
- rule_in INT NOT NULL,
- rule_letter VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL,
- rule_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
- rule_on VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
- rule_save INT NOT NULL,
- rule_to INT NOT NULL,
- rule_type VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL
-CREATE TABLE webcal_tz_zones (
- zone_cc CHAR(2) NOT NULL,
- zone_coord VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
- zone_country VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
- zone_format VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
- zone_from BIGINT NOT NULL,
- zone_gmtoff INT NOT NULL,
- zone_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
- zone_rules VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
- zone_until BIGINT NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE webcal_nonuser_cals ADD cal_is_public CHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N';
CREATE TABLE webcal_user_template (
diff --git a/install/sql/upgrade-oracle.sql b/install/sql/upgrade-oracle.sql
index e52a47a11..3d3d9b50f 100644
--- a/install/sql/upgrade-oracle.sql
+++ b/install/sql/upgrade-oracle.sql
@@ -201,36 +201,6 @@ CREATE TABLE webcal_access_function (
PRIMARY KEY ( cal_login )
-CREATE TABLE webcal_tz_zones (
- zone_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL default '',
- zone_gmtoff INT NOT NULL default '0',
- zone_rules VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL default '',
- zone_format VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL default '',
- zone_from BIGINT NOT NULL default '0',
- zone_until BIGINT NOT NULL default '0',
- zone_cc CHAR(2) NOT NULL default '',
- zone_coord VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL default '',
- zone_country VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL default ''
-CREATE TABLE webcal_tz_rules (
- rule_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL default '',
- rule_from INT NOT NULL default '0',
- rule_to INT NOT NULL default '0',
- rule_type VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL default '',
- rule_in INT NOT NULL default '0',
- rule_on VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL default '',
- rule_at INT NOT NULL default '0',
- rule_at_suffix CHAR(1) NOT NULL default '',
- rule_save INT NOT NULL default '0',
- rule_letter VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL default ''
-CREATE TABLE webcal_tz_list (
- tz_list_id INT NOT NULL default '0',
- tz_list_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL default '',
- tz_list_text VARCHAR(75) NOT NULL default ''
ALTER TABLE webcal_nonuser_cals ADD cal_is_public CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL;
CREATE TABLE webcal_user_template (
diff --git a/install/sql/upgrade-postgres.sql b/install/sql/upgrade-postgres.sql
index 48aec22c9..4cb3ef549 100644
--- a/install/sql/upgrade-postgres.sql
+++ b/install/sql/upgrade-postgres.sql
@@ -202,36 +202,6 @@ CREATE TABLE webcal_access_function (
PRIMARY KEY ( cal_login )
-CREATE TABLE webcal_tz_zones (
- zone_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL default '',
- zone_gmtoff INT NOT NULL default '0',
- zone_rules VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL default '',
- zone_format VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL default '',
- zone_from BIGINT NOT NULL default '0',
- zone_until BIGINT NOT NULL default '0',
- zone_cc CHAR(2) NOT NULL default '',
- zone_coord VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL default '',
- zone_country VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL default ''
-CREATE TABLE webcal_tz_rules (
- rule_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL default '',
- rule_from INT NOT NULL default '0',
- rule_to INT NOT NULL default '0',
- rule_type VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL default '',
- rule_in INT NOT NULL default '0',
- rule_on VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL default '',
- rule_at INT NOT NULL default '0',
- rule_at_suffix CHAR(1) NOT NULL default '',
- rule_save INT NOT NULL default '0',
- rule_letter VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL default ''
-CREATE TABLE webcal_tz_list (
- tz_list_id INT NOT NULL default '0',
- tz_list_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL default '',
- tz_list_text VARCHAR(75) NOT NULL default ''
ALTER TABLE webcal_nonuser_cals ADD cal_is_public CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL;
CREATE TABLE webcal_user_template (
diff --git a/install/sql/upgrade_matrix.php b/install/sql/upgrade_matrix.php
index 90ef6aec5..39a8a1015 100644
--- a/install/sql/upgrade_matrix.php
+++ b/install/sql/upgrade_matrix.php
@@ -17,8 +17,7 @@
array ( "SELECT * FROM webcal_report", "v0.9.42", "upgrade_v0.9.43"),
array ( "SELECT * FROM webcal_import", "v0.9.43 - v1.0RC2", "upgrade_v1.0RC3"),
array ( "SELECT cal_is_global FROM webcal_view", "v1.0RC3 - v1.0.0", "upgrade_v1.1.0"),
-array ( "SELECT * FROM webcal_access_user", "v1.1.0", "upgrade_v1.1.0-CVS"),
-array ( "SELECT * FROM webcal_tz_list", "v1.1.0-CVS", "upgrade_v1.1.0a-CVS"),
+array ( "SELECT * FROM webcal_access_user", "v1.1.0", "upgrade_v1.1.0a-CVS"),
array ( "SELECT * FROM webcal_user_template ", "v1.1.0a-CVS", "upgrade_v1.1.0b-CVS"),
array ( "SELECT * FROM webcal_entry_categories ", "v1.1.0b-CVS", "upgrade_v1.1.0c-CVS"),
array ( "SELECT * FROM webcal_blob ", "v1.1.0c-CVS", "upgrade_v1.1.0d-CVS"),
diff --git a/install/timezone/africa b/install/timezone/africa
deleted file mode 100644
index 4baf6dde8..000000000
--- a/install/timezone/africa
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,622 +0,0 @@
-# @(#)africa 7.40
-# This data is by no means authoritative; if you think you know better,
-# go ahead and edit the file (and please send any changes to
-# tz@elsie.nci.nih.gov for general use in the future).
-# From Paul Eggert (1999-03-22):
-# A good source for time zone historical data outside the U.S. is
-# Thomas G. Shanks, The International Atlas (5th edition),
-# San Diego: ACS Publications, Inc. (1999).
-# Gwillim Law writes that a good source
-# for recent time zone data is the International Air Transport
-# Association's Standard Schedules Information Manual (IATA SSIM),
-# published semiannually. Law sent in several helpful summaries
-# of the IATA's data after 1990.
-# Except where otherwise noted, Shanks is the source for entries through 1990,
-# and IATA SSIM is the source for entries after 1990.
-# Another source occasionally used is Edward W. Whitman, World Time Differences,
-# Whitman Publishing Co, 2 Niagara Av, Ealing, London (undated), which
-# I found in the UCLA library.
-# A reliable and entertaining source about time zones is
-# Derek Howse, Greenwich time and longitude, Philip Wilson Publishers (1997).
-# Previous editions of this database used WAT, CAT, SAT, and EAT
-# for +0:00 through +3:00, respectively,
-# but Mark R V Murray reports that
-# `SAST' is the official abbreviation for +2:00 in the country of South Africa,
-# `CAT' is commonly used for +2:00 in countries north of South Africa, and
-# `WAT' is probably the best name for +1:00, as the common phrase for
-# the area that includes Nigeria is ``West Africa''.
-# He has heard of ``Western Sahara Time'' for +0:00 but can find no reference.
-# To make things confusing, `WAT' seems to have been used for -1:00 long ago;
-# I'd guess that this was because people needed _some_ name for -1:00,
-# and at the time, far west Africa was the only major land area in -1:00.
-# This usage is now obsolete, as the last use of -1:00 on the African
-# mainland seems to have been 1976 in Western Sahara.
-# To summarize, the following abbreviations seem to have some currency:
-# -1:00 WAT West Africa Time (no longer used)
-# 0:00 GMT Greenwich Mean Time
-# 2:00 CAT Central Africa Time
-# 2:00 SAST South Africa Standard Time
-# and Murray suggests the following abbreviation:
-# 1:00 WAT West Africa Time
-# I realize that this leads to `WAT' being used for both -1:00 and 1:00
-# for times before 1976, but this is the best I can think of
-# until we get more information.
-# I invented the following abbreviations; corrections are welcome!
-# 2:00 WAST West Africa Summer Time
-# 2:30 BEAT British East Africa Time (no longer used)
-# 2:44:45 BEAUT British East Africa Unified Time (no longer used)
-# 3:00 CAST Central Africa Summer Time (no longer used)
-# 3:00 SAST South Africa Summer Time (no longer used)
-# 3:00 EAT East Africa Time
-# 4:00 EAST East Africa Summer Time (no longer used)
-# Algeria
-Rule Algeria 1916 only - Jun 14 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Algeria 1916 1919 - Oct Sun<=7 23:00s 0 -
-Rule Algeria 1917 only - Mar 24 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Algeria 1918 only - Mar 9 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Algeria 1919 only - Mar 1 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Algeria 1920 only - Feb 14 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Algeria 1920 only - Oct 23 23:00s 0 -
-Rule Algeria 1921 only - Mar 14 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Algeria 1921 only - Jun 21 23:00s 0 -
-Rule Algeria 1939 only - Sep 11 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Algeria 1939 only - Nov 19 1:00 0 -
-Rule Algeria 1944 1945 - Apr Mon<=7 2:00 1:00 S
-Rule Algeria 1944 only - Oct 8 2:00 0 -
-Rule Algeria 1945 only - Sep 16 1:00 0 -
-Rule Algeria 1971 only - Apr 25 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Algeria 1971 only - Sep 26 23:00s 0 -
-Rule Algeria 1977 only - May 6 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Algeria 1977 only - Oct 21 0:00 0 -
-Rule Algeria 1978 only - Mar 24 1:00 1:00 S
-Rule Algeria 1978 only - Sep 22 3:00 0 -
-Rule Algeria 1980 only - Apr 25 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Algeria 1980 only - Oct 31 2:00 0 -
-# Shanks gives 0:09 for Paris Mean Time; go with Howse's more precise 0:09:21.
-Zone Africa/Algiers 0:12:12 - LMT 1891 Mar 15 0:01
- 0:09:21 - PMT 1911 Mar 11 # Paris Mean Time
- 0:00 Algeria WE%sT 1940 Feb 25 2:00
- 1:00 Algeria CE%sT 1946 Oct 7
- 0:00 - WET 1956 Jan 29
- 1:00 - CET 1963 Apr 14
- 0:00 Algeria WE%sT 1977 Oct 21
- 1:00 Algeria CE%sT 1979 Oct 26
- 0:00 Algeria WE%sT 1981 May
- 1:00 - CET
-# Angola
-Zone Africa/Luanda 0:52:56 - LMT 1892
- 0:52:04 - AOT 1911 May 26 # Angola Time
- 1:00 - WAT
-# Benin
-# Whitman says they switched to 1:00 in 1946, not 1934; go with Shanks.
-Zone Africa/Porto-Novo 0:10:28 - LMT 1912
- 0:00 - GMT 1934 Feb 26
- 1:00 - WAT
-# Botswana
-Zone Africa/Gaborone 1:43:40 - LMT 1885
- 2:00 - CAT 1943 Sep 19 2:00
- 2:00 1:00 CAST 1944 Mar 19 2:00
- 2:00 - CAT
-# Burkina Faso
-Zone Africa/Ouagadougou -0:06:04 - LMT 1912
- 0:00 - GMT
-# Burundi
-Zone Africa/Bujumbura 1:57:28 - LMT 1890
- 2:00 - CAT
-# Cameroon
-# Whitman says they switched to 1:00 in 1920; go with Shanks.
-Zone Africa/Douala 0:38:48 - LMT 1912
- 1:00 - WAT
-# Cape Verde
-Zone Atlantic/Cape_Verde -1:34:04 - LMT 1907 # Praia
- -2:00 - CVT 1942 Sep
- -2:00 1:00 CVST 1945 Oct 15
- -2:00 - CVT 1975 Nov 25 2:00
- -1:00 - CVT
-# Central African Republic
-Zone Africa/Bangui 1:14:20 - LMT 1912
- 1:00 - WAT
-# Chad
-Zone Africa/Ndjamena 1:00:12 - LMT 1912
- 1:00 - WAT 1979 Oct 14
- 1:00 1:00 WAST 1980 Mar 8
- 1:00 - WAT
-# Comoros
-Zone Indian/Comoro 2:53:04 - LMT 1911 Jul # Moroni, Gran Comoro
- 3:00 - EAT
-# Democratic Republic of Congo
-Zone Africa/Kinshasa 1:01:12 - LMT 1897 Nov 9
- 1:00 - WAT
-Zone Africa/Lubumbashi 1:49:52 - LMT 1897 Nov 9
- 2:00 - CAT
-# Republic of the Congo
-Zone Africa/Brazzaville 1:01:08 - LMT 1912
- 1:00 - WAT
-# Cote D'Ivoire
-Zone Africa/Abidjan -0:16:08 - LMT 1912
- 0:00 - GMT
-# Djibouti
-Zone Africa/Djibouti 2:52:36 - LMT 1911 Jul
- 3:00 - EAT
-# Egypt
-Rule Egypt 1940 only - Jul 15 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Egypt 1940 only - Oct 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Egypt 1941 only - Apr 15 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Egypt 1941 only - Sep 16 0:00 0 -
-Rule Egypt 1942 1944 - Apr 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Egypt 1942 only - Oct 27 0:00 0 -
-Rule Egypt 1943 1945 - Nov 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Egypt 1945 only - Apr 16 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Egypt 1957 only - May 10 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Egypt 1957 1958 - Oct 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Egypt 1958 only - May 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Egypt 1959 1981 - May 1 1:00 1:00 S
-Rule Egypt 1959 1965 - Sep 30 3:00 0 -
-Rule Egypt 1966 1994 - Oct 1 3:00 0 -
-Rule Egypt 1982 only - Jul 25 1:00 1:00 S
-Rule Egypt 1983 only - Jul 12 1:00 1:00 S
-Rule Egypt 1984 1988 - May 1 1:00 1:00 S
-Rule Egypt 1989 only - May 6 1:00 1:00 S
-Rule Egypt 1990 1994 - May 1 1:00 1:00 S
-# IATA (after 1990) says transitions are at 0:00.
-# Go with IATA starting in 1995, except correct 1995 entry from 09-30 to 09-29.
-Rule Egypt 1995 max - Apr lastFri 0:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Egypt 1995 max - Sep lastThu 23:00s 0 -
-Zone Africa/Cairo 2:05:00 - LMT 1900 Oct
- 2:00 Egypt EE%sT
-# Equatorial Guinea
-Zone Africa/Malabo 0:35:08 - LMT 1912
- 0:00 - GMT 1963 Dec 15
- 1:00 - WAT
-# Eritrea
-Zone Africa/Asmera 2:35:32 - LMT 1870
- 2:35:32 - AMT 1890 # Asmera Mean Time
- 2:35:20 - ADMT 1936 May 5 # Adis Dera MT
- 3:00 - EAT
-# Ethiopia
-# From Paul Eggert (1997-10-05):
-# Shanks writes that Ethiopia had six narrowly-spaced time zones between
-# 1870 and 1890, and that they merged to 38E50 (2:35:20) in 1890.
-# We'll guess that 38E50 is for Adis Dera.
-Zone Africa/Addis_Ababa 2:34:48 - LMT 1870
- 2:35:20 - ADMT 1936 May 5 # Adis Dera MT
- 3:00 - EAT
-# Gabon
-Zone Africa/Libreville 0:37:48 - LMT 1912
- 1:00 - WAT
-# Gambia
-Zone Africa/Banjul -1:06:36 - LMT 1912
- -1:06:36 - BMT 1935 # Banjul Mean Time
- -1:00 - WAT 1964
- 0:00 - GMT
-# Ghana
-# Whitman says DST was observed from 1931 to ``the present''; go with Shanks.
-Rule Ghana 1936 1942 - Sep 1 0:00 0:20 GHST
-Rule Ghana 1936 1942 - Dec 31 0:00 0 GMT
-Zone Africa/Accra -0:00:52 - LMT 1918
- 0:00 Ghana %s
-# Guinea
-Zone Africa/Conakry -0:54:52 - LMT 1912
- 0:00 - GMT 1934 Feb 26
- -1:00 - WAT 1960
- 0:00 - GMT
-# Guinea-Bissau
-Zone Africa/Bissau -1:02:20 - LMT 1911 May 26
- -1:00 - WAT 1975
- 0:00 - GMT
-# Kenya
-Zone Africa/Nairobi 2:27:16 - LMT 1928 Jul
- 3:00 - EAT 1930
- 2:30 - BEAT 1940
- 2:44:45 - BEAUT 1960
- 3:00 - EAT
-# Lesotho
-Zone Africa/Maseru 1:50:00 - LMT 1903 Mar
- 2:00 - SAST 1943 Sep 19 2:00
- 2:00 1:00 SAST 1944 Mar 19 2:00
- 2:00 - SAST
-# Liberia
-# From Paul Eggert (2001-07-17):
-# In 1972 Liberia was the last country to switch
-# from a UTC offset that was not a multiple of 15 or 20 minutes.
-# Howse reports that it was in honor of their president's birthday.
-# Shanks reports the date as May 1, whereas Howse reports Jan; go with Shanks.
-# For Liberia before 1972, Shanks reports -0:44, whereas Howse and Whitman
-# each report -0:44:30; go with the more precise figure.
-Zone Africa/Monrovia -0:43:08 - LMT 1882
- -0:43:08 - MMT 1919 Mar # Monrovia Mean Time
- -0:44:30 - LRT 1972 May # Liberia Time
- 0:00 - GMT
-# Libya
-Rule Libya 1951 only - Oct 14 2:00 1:00 S
-Rule Libya 1952 only - Jan 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Libya 1953 only - Oct 9 2:00 1:00 S
-Rule Libya 1954 only - Jan 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Libya 1955 only - Sep 30 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Libya 1956 only - Jan 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Libya 1982 1984 - Apr 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Libya 1982 1985 - Oct 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Libya 1985 only - Apr 6 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Libya 1986 only - Apr 4 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Libya 1986 only - Oct 3 0:00 0 -
-Rule Libya 1987 1989 - Apr 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Libya 1987 1989 - Oct 1 0:00 0 -
-Zone Africa/Tripoli 0:52:44 - LMT 1920
- 1:00 Libya CE%sT 1959
- 2:00 - EET 1982
- 1:00 Libya CE%sT 1990 May 4
-# The following entries are all from Shanks;
-# the IATA SSIM data contain some obvious errors.
- 2:00 - EET 1996 Sep 30
- 1:00 - CET 1997 Apr 4
- 1:00 1:00 CEST 1997 Oct 4
- 2:00 - EET
-# Madagascar
-Zone Indian/Antananarivo 3:10:04 - LMT 1911 Jul
- 3:00 - EAT 1954 Feb 27 23:00s
- 3:00 1:00 EAST 1954 May 29 23:00s
- 3:00 - EAT
-# Malawi
-Zone Africa/Blantyre 2:20:00 - LMT 1903 Mar
- 2:00 - CAT
-# Mali
-Zone Africa/Bamako -0:32:00 - LMT 1912
- 0:00 - GMT 1934 Feb 26
- -1:00 - WAT 1960 Jun 20
- 0:00 - GMT
-# Mauritania
-Zone Africa/Nouakchott -1:03:48 - LMT 1912
- 0:00 - GMT 1934 Feb 26
- -1:00 - WAT 1960 Nov 28
- 0:00 - GMT
-# Mauritius
-Zone Indian/Mauritius 3:50:00 - LMT 1907 # Port Louis
- 4:00 - MUT # Mauritius Time
-# Agalega Is, Rodriguez
-# no information; probably like Indian/Mauritius
-# Mayotte
-Zone Indian/Mayotte 3:00:56 - LMT 1911 Jul # Mamoutzou
- 3:00 - EAT
-# Morocco
-# See the `europe' file for Spanish Morocco (Africa/Ceuta).
-Rule Morocco 1939 only - Sep 12 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Morocco 1939 only - Nov 19 0:00 0 -
-Rule Morocco 1940 only - Feb 25 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Morocco 1945 only - Nov 18 0:00 0 -
-Rule Morocco 1950 only - Jun 11 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Morocco 1950 only - Oct 29 0:00 0 -
-Rule Morocco 1967 only - Jun 3 12:00 1:00 S
-Rule Morocco 1967 only - Oct 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Morocco 1974 only - Jun 24 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Morocco 1974 only - Sep 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Morocco 1976 1977 - May 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Morocco 1976 only - Aug 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Morocco 1977 only - Sep 28 0:00 0 -
-Rule Morocco 1978 only - Jun 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Morocco 1978 only - Aug 4 0:00 0 -
-Zone Africa/Casablanca -0:30:20 - LMT 1913 Oct 26
- 0:00 Morocco WE%sT 1984 Mar 16
- 1:00 - CET 1986
- 0:00 - WET
-# Western Sahara
-Zone Africa/El_Aaiun -0:52:48 - LMT 1934 Jan
- -1:00 - WAT 1976 Apr 14
- 0:00 - WET
-# Mozambique
-Zone Africa/Maputo 2:10:20 - LMT 1903 Mar
- 2:00 - CAT
-# Namibia
-# The 1994-04-03 transition is from Shanks.
-# Shanks reports no DST after 1998-04; go with IATA.
-Rule Namibia 1994 max - Sep Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 S
-Rule Namibia 1995 max - Apr Sun>=1 2:00 0 -
-Zone Africa/Windhoek 1:08:24 - LMT 1892 Feb 8
- 1:30 - SWAT 1903 Mar # SW Africa Time
- 2:00 - SAST 1942 Sep 20 2:00
- 2:00 1:00 SAST 1943 Mar 21 2:00
- 2:00 - SAST 1990 Mar 21 # independence
- 2:00 - CAT 1994 Apr 3
- 1:00 Namibia WA%sT
-# Niger
-Zone Africa/Niamey 0:08:28 - LMT 1912
- -1:00 - WAT 1934 Feb 26
- 0:00 - GMT 1960
- 1:00 - WAT
-# Nigeria
-Zone Africa/Lagos 0:13:36 - LMT 1919 Sep
- 1:00 - WAT
-# Reunion
-Zone Indian/Reunion 3:41:52 - LMT 1911 Jun # Saint-Denis
- 4:00 - RET # Reunion Time
-# Scattered Islands (Iles Eparses) administered from Reunion are as follows.
-# The following information about them is taken from
-# Iles Eparses (www.outre-mer.gouv.fr/domtom/ile.htm, 1997-07-22, in French;
-# no longer available as of 1999-08-17).
-# We have no info about their time zone histories.
-# Bassas da India - uninhabited
-# Europa Island - inhabited from 1905 to 1910 by two families
-# Glorioso Is - inhabited until at least 1958
-# Juan de Nova - uninhabited
-# Tromelin - inhabited until at least 1958
-# Rwanda
-Zone Africa/Kigali 2:00:16 - LMT 1935 Jun
- 2:00 - CAT
-# St Helena
-Zone Atlantic/St_Helena -0:22:48 - LMT 1890 # Jamestown
- -0:22:48 - JMT 1951 # Jamestown Mean Time
- 0:00 - GMT
-# The other parts of the St Helena territory are similar:
-# Tristan da Cunha: on GMT, say Whitman and the CIA
-# Ascension: on GMT, says usno1995 and the CIA
-# Gough (scientific station since 1955; sealers wintered previously):
-# on GMT, says the CIA
-# Inaccessible, Nightingale: no information, but probably GMT
-# Sao Tome and Principe
-Zone Africa/Sao_Tome 0:26:56 - LMT 1884
- -0:36:32 - LMT 1912 # Lisbon Mean Time
- 0:00 - GMT
-# Senegal
-Zone Africa/Dakar -1:09:44 - LMT 1912
- -1:00 - WAT 1941 Jun
- 0:00 - GMT
-# Seychelles
-Zone Indian/Mahe 3:41:48 - LMT 1906 Jun # Victoria
- 4:00 - SCT # Seychelles Time
-# From Paul Eggert (2001-05-30):
-# Aldabra, Farquhar, and Desroches, originally dependencies of the
-# Seychelles, were transferred to the British Indian Ocean Territory
-# in 1965 and returned to Seychelles control in 1976. We don't know
-# whether this affected their time zone, so omit this for now.
-# Possibly the islands were uninhabited.
-# Sierra Leone
-# Whitman gives Mar 31 - Aug 31 for 1931 on; go with Shanks.
-Rule SL 1935 1942 - Jun 1 0:00 0:40 SLST
-Rule SL 1935 1942 - Oct 1 0:00 0 WAT
-Rule SL 1957 1962 - Jun 1 0:00 1:00 SLST
-Rule SL 1957 1962 - Sep 1 0:00 0 GMT
-Zone Africa/Freetown -0:53:00 - LMT 1882
- -0:53:00 - FMT 1913 Jun # Freetown Mean Time
- -1:00 SL %s 1957
- 0:00 SL %s
-# Somalia
-Zone Africa/Mogadishu 3:01:28 - LMT 1893 Nov
- 3:00 - EAT 1931
- 2:30 - BEAT 1957
- 3:00 - EAT
-# South Africa
-Rule SA 1942 1943 - Sep Sun>=15 2:00 1:00 -
-Rule SA 1943 1944 - Mar Sun>=15 2:00 0 -
-Zone Africa/Johannesburg 1:52:00 - LMT 1892 Feb 8
- 1:30 - SAST 1903 Mar
- 2:00 SA SAST
-# Marion and Prince Edward Is
-# scientific station since 1947
-# no information
-# Sudan
-# From
-# Sudan News Agency (2000-01-13)
-# , also reported by Michael De Beukelaer-Dossche via Steffen Thorsen:
-# Clocks will be moved ahead for 60 minutes all over the Sudan as of noon
-# Saturday.... This was announced Thursday by Caretaker State Minister for
-# Manpower Abdul-Rahman Nur-Eddin.
-Rule Sudan 1970 only - May 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Sudan 1970 1985 - Oct 15 0:00 0 -
-Rule Sudan 1971 only - Apr 30 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Sudan 1972 1985 - Apr lastSun 0:00 1:00 S
-Zone Africa/Khartoum 2:10:08 - LMT 1931
- 2:00 Sudan CA%sT 2000 Jan 15 12:00
- 3:00 - EAT
-# Swaziland
-Zone Africa/Mbabane 2:04:24 - LMT 1903 Mar
- 2:00 - SAST
-# Tanzania
-Zone Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 2:37:08 - LMT 1931
- 3:00 - EAT 1948
- 2:44:45 - BEAUT 1961
- 3:00 - EAT
-# Togo
-Zone Africa/Lome 0:04:52 - LMT 1893
- 0:00 - GMT
-# Tunisia
-# From Gwillim Law (2005-04-30):
-# My correspondent, Risto Nykanen, has alerted me to another adoption of DST,
-# this time in Tunisia. According to Yahoo France News
-# , in a story attributed to AP
-# and dated 2005-04-26, "Tunisia has decided to advance its official time by
-# one hour, starting on Sunday, May 1. Henceforth, Tunisian time will be
-# UTC+2 instead of UTC+1. The change will take place at 23:00 UTC next
-# Saturday." (My translation)
-# From Oscar van Vlijmen (2005-05-02):
-# LaPresse, the first national daily newspaper ...
-# ... DST for 2005: on: Sun May 1 0h standard time, off: Fri Sept. 30,
-# 1h standard time.
-Rule Tunisia 1939 only - Apr 15 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Tunisia 1939 only - Nov 18 23:00s 0 -
-Rule Tunisia 1940 only - Feb 25 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Tunisia 1941 only - Oct 6 0:00 0 -
-Rule Tunisia 1942 only - Mar 9 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Tunisia 1942 only - Nov 2 3:00 0 -
-Rule Tunisia 1943 only - Mar 29 2:00 1:00 S
-Rule Tunisia 1943 only - Apr 17 2:00 0 -
-Rule Tunisia 1943 only - Apr 25 2:00 1:00 S
-Rule Tunisia 1943 only - Oct 4 2:00 0 -
-Rule Tunisia 1944 1945 - Apr Mon>=1 2:00 1:00 S
-Rule Tunisia 1944 only - Oct 8 0:00 0 -
-Rule Tunisia 1945 only - Sep 16 0:00 0 -
-Rule Tunisia 1977 only - Apr 30 0:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Tunisia 1977 only - Sep 24 0:00s 0 -
-Rule Tunisia 1978 only - May 1 0:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Tunisia 1978 only - Oct 1 0:00s 0 -
-Rule Tunisia 1988 only - Jun 1 0:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Tunisia 1988 1990 - Sep lastSun 0:00s 0 -
-Rule Tunisia 1989 only - Mar 26 0:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Tunisia 1990 only - May 1 0:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Tunisia 2005 only - May 1 0:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Tunisia 2005 only - Sep 30 1:00s 0 -
-# Shanks gives 0:09 for Paris Mean Time; go with Howse's more precise 0:09:21.
-# Shanks says the 1911 switch occurred on Mar 9; go with Howse's Mar 11.
-Zone Africa/Tunis 0:40:44 - LMT 1881 May 12
- 0:09:21 - PMT 1911 Mar 11 # Paris Mean Time
- 1:00 Tunisia CE%sT
-# Uganda
-Zone Africa/Kampala 2:09:40 - LMT 1928 Jul
- 3:00 - EAT 1930
- 2:30 - BEAT 1948
- 2:44:45 - BEAUT 1957
- 3:00 - EAT
-# Zambia
-Zone Africa/Lusaka 1:53:08 - LMT 1903 Mar
- 2:00 - CAT
-# Zimbabwe
-Zone Africa/Harare 2:04:12 - LMT 1903 Mar
- 2:00 - CAT
diff --git a/install/timezone/asia b/install/timezone/asia
deleted file mode 100644
index 7193eb3d5..000000000
--- a/install/timezone/asia
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1642 +0,0 @@
-# @(#)asia 7.90
-# This data is by no means authoritative; if you think you know better,
-# go ahead and edit the file (and please send any changes to
-# tz@elsie.nci.nih.gov for general use in the future).
-# From Paul Eggert (1999-03-22):
-# A good source for time zone historical data outside the U.S. is
-# Thomas G. Shanks, The International Atlas (5th edition),
-# San Diego: ACS Publications, Inc. (1999).
-# Gwillim Law writes that a good source
-# for recent time zone data is the International Air Transport
-# Association's Standard Schedules Information Manual (IATA SSIM),
-# published semiannually. Law sent in several helpful summaries
-# of the IATA's data after 1990.
-# Except where otherwise noted, Shanks is the source for entries through 1990,
-# and IATA SSIM is the source for entries after 1990.
-# Another source occasionally used is Edward W. Whitman, World Time Differences,
-# Whitman Publishing Co, 2 Niagara Av, Ealing, London (undated), which
-# I found in the UCLA library.
-# A reliable and entertaining source about time zones is
-# Derek Howse, Greenwich time and longitude, Philip Wilson Publishers (1997).
-# I invented the abbreviations marked `*' in the following table;
-# the rest are from earlier versions of this file, or from other sources.
-# Corrections are welcome!
-# std dst
-# LMT Local Mean Time
-# 2:00 EET EEST Eastern European Time
-# 2:00 IST IDT Israel
-# 3:00 AST ADT Arabia*
-# 3:30 IRST IRDT Iran
-# 4:00 GST Gulf*
-# 5:30 IST India
-# 7:00 ICT Indochina*
-# 7:00 WIT west Indonesia
-# 8:00 CIT central Indonesia
-# 8:00 CST China
-# 9:00 CJT Central Japanese Time (1896/1937)*
-# 9:00 EIT east Indonesia
-# 9:00 JST JDT Japan
-# 9:00 KST KDT Korea
-# 9:30 CST (Australian) Central Standard Time
-# See the `europe' file for Russia and Turkey in Asia.
-# From Guy Harris:
-# Incorporates data for Singapore from Robert Elz' asia 1.1, as well as
-# additional information from Tom Yap, Sun Microsystems Intercontinental
-# Technical Support (including a page from the Official Airline Guide -
-# Worldwide Edition). The names for time zones are guesses.
-# These rules are stolen from the `europe' file.
-Rule EUAsia 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
-Rule EUAsia 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
-Rule E-EurAsia 1981 max - Mar lastSun 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule E-EurAsia 1979 1995 - Sep lastSun 0:00 0 -
-Rule E-EurAsia 1996 max - Oct lastSun 0:00 0 -
-Rule RussiaAsia 1981 1984 - Apr 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule RussiaAsia 1981 1983 - Oct 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule RussiaAsia 1984 1991 - Sep lastSun 2:00s 0 -
-Rule RussiaAsia 1985 1991 - Mar lastSun 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule RussiaAsia 1992 only - Mar lastSat 23:00 1:00 S
-Rule RussiaAsia 1992 only - Sep lastSat 23:00 0 -
-Rule RussiaAsia 1993 max - Mar lastSun 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule RussiaAsia 1993 1995 - Sep lastSun 2:00s 0 -
-Rule RussiaAsia 1996 max - Oct lastSun 2:00s 0 -
-# Afghanistan
-Zone Asia/Kabul 4:36:48 - LMT 1890
- 4:00 - AFT 1945
- 4:30 - AFT
-# Armenia
-# From Paul Eggert (1999-10-29):
-# Shanks has Yerevan switching to 3:00 (with Russian DST) in spring 1991,
-# then to 4:00 with no DST in fall 1995, then readopting Russian DST in 1997.
-# Go with Shanks, even when he disagrees with others. Edgar Der-Danieliantz
-# reported (1996-05-04) that Yerevan probably wouldn't use DST
-# in 1996, though it did use DST in 1995. IATA SSIM (1991/1998) reports that
-# Armenia switched from 3:00 to 4:00 in 1998 and observed DST after 1991,
-# but started switching at 3:00s in 1998.
-Zone Asia/Yerevan 2:58:00 - LMT 1924 May 2
- 3:00 - YERT 1957 Mar # Yerevan Time
- 4:00 RussiaAsia YER%sT 1991 Mar 31 2:00s
- 3:00 1:00 YERST 1991 Sep 23 # independence
- 3:00 RussiaAsia AM%sT 1995 Sep 24 2:00s
- 4:00 - AMT 1997
- 4:00 RussiaAsia AM%sT
-# Azerbaijan
-# From Rustam Aliyev of the Azerbaijan Internet Forum (2005-10-23):
-# According to the resolution of Cabinet of Ministers, 1997
-# Resolution available at: http://aif.az/docs/daylight_res.pdf
-Rule Azer 1997 max - Mar lastSun 4:00 1:00 S
-Rule Azer 1997 max - Oct lastSun 5:00 0 -
-Zone Asia/Baku 3:19:24 - LMT 1924 May 2
- 3:00 - BAKT 1957 Mar # Baku Time
- 4:00 RussiaAsia BAK%sT 1991 Mar 31 2:00s
- 3:00 1:00 BAKST 1991 Aug 30 # independence
- 3:00 RussiaAsia AZ%sT 1992 Sep lastSat 23:00
- 4:00 - AZT 1996 # Azerbaijan time
- 4:00 EUAsia AZ%sT 1997
- 4:00 Azer AZ%sT
-# Bahrain
-Zone Asia/Bahrain 3:22:20 - LMT 1920 # Al Manamah
- 4:00 - GST 1972 Jun
- 3:00 - AST
-# Bangladesh
-Zone Asia/Dhaka 6:01:40 - LMT 1890
- 5:53:20 - HMT 1941 Oct # Howrah Mean Time?
- 6:30 - BURT 1942 May 15 # Burma Time
- 5:30 - IST 1942 Sep
- 6:30 - BURT 1951 Sep 30
- 6:00 - DACT 1971 Mar 26 # Dacca Time
- 6:00 - BDT # Bangladesh Time
-# Bhutan
-Zone Asia/Thimphu 5:58:36 - LMT 1947 Aug 15 # or Thimbu
- 5:30 - IST 1987 Oct
- 6:00 - BTT # Bhutan Time
-# British Indian Ocean Territory
-# Whitman and the 1995 CIA time zone map say 5:00, but the
-# 1997 and later maps say 6:00. Assume the switch occurred in 1996.
-# We have no information as to when standard time was introduced;
-# assume it occurred in 1907, the same year as Mauritius (which
-# then contained the Chagos Archipelago).
-Zone Indian/Chagos 4:49:40 - LMT 1907
- 5:00 - IOT 1996 # BIOT Time
- 6:00 - IOT
-# Brunei
-Zone Asia/Brunei 7:39:40 - LMT 1926 Mar # Bandar Seri Begawan
- 7:30 - BNT 1933
- 8:00 - BNT
-# Burma / Myanmar
-Zone Asia/Rangoon 6:24:40 - LMT 1880 # or Yangon
- 6:24:36 - RMT 1920 # Rangoon Mean Time?
- 6:30 - BURT 1942 May # Burma Time
- 9:00 - JST 1945 May 3
- 6:30 - MMT # Myanmar Time
-# Cambodia
-Zone Asia/Phnom_Penh 6:59:40 - LMT 1906 Jun 9
- 7:06:20 - SMT 1911 Mar 11 0:01 # Saigon MT?
- 7:00 - ICT 1912 May
- 8:00 - ICT 1931 May
- 7:00 - ICT
-# China
-# From Guy Harris:
-# People's Republic of China. Yes, they really have only one time zone.
-# From Bob Devine (1988-01-28):
-# No they don't. See TIME mag, 1986-02-17 p.52. Even though
-# China is across 4 physical time zones, before Feb 1, 1986 only the
-# Peking (Bejing) time zone was recognized. Since that date, China
-# has two of 'em -- Peking's and Urumqi (named after the capital of
-# the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region). I don't know about DST for it.
-# . . .I just deleted the DST table and this editor makes it too
-# painful to suck in another copy.. So, here is what I have for
-# DST start/end dates for Peking's time zone (info from AP):
-# 1986 May 4 - Sept 14
-# 1987 mid-April - ??
-# From U. S. Naval Observatory (1989-01-19):
-# From Paul Eggert (1995-12-19):
-# Shanks writes that China has had a single time zone since 1980 May 1,
-# observing summer DST from 1986 through 1991; this contradicts Devine's
-# note about Time magazine, though apparently _something_ happened in 1986.
-# Go with Shanks for now. I made up names for the other pre-1980 time zones.
-# From Shanks:
-Rule Shang 1940 only - Jun 3 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Shang 1940 1941 - Oct 1 0:00 0 S
-Rule Shang 1941 only - Mar 16 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule PRC 1986 only - May 4 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule PRC 1986 1991 - Sep Sun>=11 0:00 0 S
-Rule PRC 1987 1991 - Apr Sun>=10 0:00 1:00 D
-# From Anthony Fok (2001-12-20):
-# BTW, I did some research on-line and found some info regarding these five
-# historic timezones from some Taiwan websites. And yes, there are official
-# Chinese names for these locales (before 1949):
-# Changbai Time ("Long-white Time", Long-white = Heilongjiang area)
-Zone Asia/Harbin 8:26:44 - LMT 1928 # or Haerbin
- 8:30 - CHAT 1932 Mar # Changbai Time
- 8:00 - CST 1940
- 9:00 - CHAT 1966 May
- 8:30 - CHAT 1980 May
- 8:00 PRC C%sT
-# Zhongyuan Time ("Central plain Time")
-Zone Asia/Shanghai 8:05:52 - LMT 1928
- 8:00 Shang C%sT 1949
- 8:00 PRC C%sT
-# Long-shu Time (probably due to Long and Shu being two names of that area)
-Zone Asia/Chongqing 7:06:20 - LMT 1928 # or Chungking
- 7:00 - LONT 1980 May # Long-shu Time
- 8:00 PRC C%sT
-# Xin-zang Time ("Xinjiang-Tibet Time")
-Zone Asia/Urumqi 5:50:20 - LMT 1928 # or Urumchi
- 6:00 - URUT 1980 May # Urumqi Time
- 8:00 PRC C%sT
-# Kunlun Time
-Zone Asia/Kashgar 5:03:56 - LMT 1928 # or Kashi or Kaxgar
- 5:30 - KAST 1940 # Kashgar Time
- 5:00 - KAST 1980 May
- 8:00 PRC C%sT
-# Hong Kong (Xianggang)
-Rule HK 1946 only - Apr 20 3:30 1:00 S
-Rule HK 1946 only - Dec 1 3:30 0 -
-Rule HK 1947 only - Apr 13 3:30 1:00 S
-Rule HK 1947 only - Dec 30 3:30 0 -
-Rule HK 1948 only - May 2 3:30 1:00 S
-Rule HK 1948 1952 - Oct lastSun 3:30 0 -
-Rule HK 1949 1953 - Apr Sun>=1 3:30 1:00 S
-Rule HK 1953 only - Nov 1 3:30 0 -
-Rule HK 1954 1964 - Mar Sun>=18 3:30 1:00 S
-Rule HK 1954 only - Oct 31 3:30 0 -
-Rule HK 1955 1964 - Nov Sun>=1 3:30 0 -
-Rule HK 1965 1977 - Apr Sun>=16 3:30 1:00 S
-Rule HK 1965 1977 - Oct Sun>=16 3:30 0 -
-Rule HK 1979 1980 - May Sun>=8 3:30 1:00 S
-Rule HK 1979 1980 - Oct Sun>=16 3:30 0 -
-Zone Asia/Hong_Kong 7:36:36 - LMT 1904 Oct 30
- 8:00 HK HK%sT
-# Taiwan
-# Shanks writes that Taiwan observed DST during 1945, when it
-# was still controlled by Japan. This is hard to believe, but we don't
-# have any other information.
-Rule Taiwan 1945 1951 - May 1 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Taiwan 1945 1951 - Oct 1 0:00 0 S
-Rule Taiwan 1952 only - Mar 1 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Taiwan 1952 1954 - Nov 1 0:00 0 S
-Rule Taiwan 1953 1959 - Apr 1 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Taiwan 1955 1961 - Oct 1 0:00 0 S
-Rule Taiwan 1960 1961 - Jun 1 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Taiwan 1974 1975 - Apr 1 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Taiwan 1974 1975 - Oct 1 0:00 0 S
-Rule Taiwan 1980 only - Jun 30 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Taiwan 1980 only - Sep 30 0:00 0 S
-Zone Asia/Taipei 8:06:00 - LMT 1896 # or Taibei or T'ai-pei
- 8:00 Taiwan C%sT
-# Macau (Macao, Aomen)
-Rule Macau 1961 1962 - Mar Sun>=16 3:30 1:00 S
-Rule Macau 1961 1964 - Nov Sun>=1 3:30 0 -
-Rule Macau 1963 only - Mar Sun>=16 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Macau 1964 only - Mar Sun>=16 3:30 1:00 S
-Rule Macau 1965 only - Mar Sun>=16 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Macau 1965 only - Oct 31 0:00 0 -
-Rule Macau 1966 1971 - Apr Sun>=16 3:30 1:00 S
-Rule Macau 1966 1971 - Oct Sun>=16 3:30 0 -
-Rule Macau 1972 1974 - Apr Sun>=15 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Macau 1972 1973 - Oct Sun>=15 0:00 0 -
-Rule Macau 1974 1977 - Oct Sun>=15 3:30 0 -
-Rule Macau 1975 1977 - Apr Sun>=15 3:30 1:00 S
-Rule Macau 1978 1980 - Apr Sun>=15 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Macau 1978 1980 - Oct Sun>=15 0:00 0 -
-Zone Asia/Macau 7:34:20 - LMT 1912
- 8:00 Macau MO%sT 1999 Dec 20 # return to China
- 8:00 PRC C%sT
-# Cyprus
-Rule Cyprus 1975 only - Apr 13 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Cyprus 1975 only - Oct 12 0:00 0 -
-Rule Cyprus 1976 only - May 15 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Cyprus 1976 only - Oct 11 0:00 0 -
-Rule Cyprus 1977 1980 - Apr Sun>=1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Cyprus 1977 only - Sep 25 0:00 0 -
-Rule Cyprus 1978 only - Oct 2 0:00 0 -
-Rule Cyprus 1979 1997 - Sep lastSun 0:00 0 -
-Rule Cyprus 1981 1998 - Mar lastSun 0:00 1:00 S
-Zone Asia/Nicosia 2:13:28 - LMT 1921 Nov 14
- 2:00 Cyprus EE%sT 1998 Sep
- 2:00 EUAsia EE%sT
-# IATA SSIM (1998-09) has Cyprus using EU rules for the first time.
-# Classically, Cyprus belongs to Asia; e.g. see Herodotus, Histories, I.72.
-# However, for various reasons many users expect to find it under Europe.
-Link Asia/Nicosia Europe/Nicosia
-# Georgia
-# From Paul Eggert (1994-11-19):
-# Today's _Economist_ (p 60) reports that Georgia moved its clocks forward
-# an hour recently, due to a law proposed by Zurab Murvanidze,
-# an MP who went on a hunger strike for 11 days to force discussion about it!
-# We have no details, but we'll guess they didn't move the clocks back in fall.
-# From Mathew Englander, quoting AP (1996-10-23 13:05-04):
-# Instead of putting back clocks at the end of October, Georgia
-# will stay on daylight savings time this winter to save energy,
-# President Eduard Shevardnadze decreed Wednesday.
-# From the BBC via Joseph S. Myers (2004-06-27):
-# Georgia moved closer to Western Europe on Sunday... The former Soviet
-# republic has changed its time zone back to that of Moscow. As a result it
-# is now just four hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time, rather than five hours
-# ahead. The switch was decreed by the pro-Western president of Georgia,
-# Mikhail Saakashvili, who said the change was partly prompted by the process
-# of integration into Europe.
-# From Teimuraz Abashidze (2005-11-07):
-# Government of Georgia ... decided to NOT CHANGE daylight savings time on
-# [Oct.] 30, as it was done before during last more than 10 years.
-# Currently, we are in fact GMT +4:00, as before 30 October it was GMT
-# +3:00.... The problem is, there is NO FORMAL LAW or governmental document
-# about it. As far as I can find, I was told, that there is no document,
-# because we just DIDN'T ISSUE document about switching to winter time....
-# I don't know what can be done, especially knowing that some years ago our
-# DST rules where changed THREE TIMES during one month.
-Zone Asia/Tbilisi 2:59:16 - LMT 1880
- 2:59:16 - TBMT 1924 May 2 # Tbilisi Mean Time
- 3:00 - TBIT 1957 Mar # Tbilisi Time
- 4:00 RussiaAsia TBI%sT 1991 Mar 31 2:00s
- 3:00 1:00 TBIST 1991 Apr 9 # independence
- 3:00 RussiaAsia GE%sT 1992 # Georgia Time
- 3:00 E-EurAsia GE%sT 1994 Sep lastSun
- 4:00 E-EurAsia GE%sT 1996 Oct lastSun
- 4:00 1:00 GEST 1997 Mar lastSun
- 4:00 E-EurAsia GE%sT 2004 Jun 27
- 3:00 RussiaAsia GE%sT 2005 Mar lastSun 2:00
- 4:00 - GET
-# East Timor
-# From Joao Carrascalao, brother of the former governor of East Timor, in
-# East Timor may be late for its millennium
-# (1999-12-26/31):
-# Portugal tried to change the time forward in 1974 because the sun
-# rises too early but the suggestion raised a lot of problems with the
-# Timorese and I still don't think it would work today because it
-# conflicts with their way of life.
-# From Paul Eggert (2000-12-04):
-# We don't have any record of the above attempt.
-# Most likely our records are incomplete, but we have no better data.
-# From Manoel de Almeida e Silva, Deputy Spokesman for the UN Secretary-General
-# (2000-08-16):
-# The Cabinet of the East Timor Transition Administration decided
-# today to advance East Timor's time by one hour. The time change,
-# which will be permanent, with no seasonal adjustment, will happen at
-# midnight on Saturday, September 16.
-Zone Asia/Dili 8:22:20 - LMT 1912
- 8:00 - TLT 1942 Feb 21 23:00 # E Timor Time
- 9:00 - JST 1945 Aug
- 9:00 - TLT 1976 May 3
- 8:00 - CIT 2000 Sep 17 00:00
- 9:00 - TLT
-# India
-Zone Asia/Calcutta 5:53:28 - LMT 1880 # Kolkata
- 5:53:20 - HMT 1941 Oct # Howrah Mean Time?
- 6:30 - BURT 1942 May 15 # Burma Time
- 5:30 - IST 1942 Sep
- 5:30 1:00 IST 1945 Oct 15
- 5:30 - IST
-# The following are like Asia/Calcutta:
-# Andaman Is
-# Lakshadweep (Laccadive, Minicoy and Amindivi Is)
-# Nicobar Is
-# Indonesia
-# From Gwillim Law (2001-05-28), overriding Shanks:
-# says that Indonesia's time zones changed on 1988-01-01. Looking at some
-# time zone maps, I think that must refer to Western Borneo (Kalimantan Barat
-# and Kalimantan Tengah) switching from UTC+8 to UTC+7.
-Zone Asia/Jakarta 7:07:12 - LMT 1867 Aug 10
-# Shanks says the next transition was at 1924 Jan 1 0:13,
-# but this must be a typo.
- 7:07:12 - JMT 1923 Dec 31 23:47:12 # Jakarta
- 7:20 - JAVT 1932 Nov # Java Time
- 7:30 - WIT 1942 Mar 23
- 9:00 - JST 1945 Aug
- 7:30 - WIT 1948 May
- 8:00 - WIT 1950 May
- 7:30 - WIT 1964
- 7:00 - WIT
-Zone Asia/Pontianak 7:17:20 - LMT 1908 May
- 7:17:20 - PMT 1932 Nov # Pontianak MT
- 7:30 - WIT 1942 Jan 29
- 9:00 - JST 1945 Aug
- 7:30 - WIT 1948 May
- 8:00 - WIT 1950 May
- 7:30 - WIT 1964
- 8:00 - CIT 1988 Jan 1
- 7:00 - WIT
-Zone Asia/Makassar 7:57:36 - LMT 1920
- 7:57:36 - MMT 1932 Nov # Macassar MT
- 8:00 - CIT 1942 Feb 9
- 9:00 - JST 1945 Aug
- 8:00 - CIT
-Zone Asia/Jayapura 9:22:48 - LMT 1932 Nov
- 9:00 - EIT 1944
- 9:30 - CST 1964
- 9:00 - EIT
-# Iran
-# From Roozbeh Pournader (2003-03-15):
-# This is an English translation of what I just found (originally in Persian).
-# The Gregorian dates in brackets are mine:
-# Official Newspaper No. 13548-1370/6/25 [1991-09-16]
-# No. 16760/T233 H 1370/6/10 [1991-09-01]
-# The Rule About Change of the Official Time of the Country
-# The Board of Ministers, in the meeting dated 1370/5/23 [1991-08-14],
-# based on the suggestion number 2221/D dated 1370/4/22 [1991-07-13]
-# of the Country's Organization for Official and Employment Affairs,
-# and referring to the law for equating the working hours of workers
-# and officers in the whole country dated 1359/4/23 [1980-07-14], and
-# for synchronizing the official times of the country, agreed that:
-# The official time of the country will should move forward one hour
-# at the 24[:00] hours of the first day of Farvardin and should return
-# to its previous state at the 24[:00] hours of the 30th day of
-# Shahrivar.
-# First Deputy to the President - Hassan Habibi
-# From personal experience, that agrees with what has been followed
-# for at least the last 5 years. Before that, for a few years, the
-# date used was the first Thursday night of Farvardin and the last
-# Thursday night of Shahrivar, but I can't give exact dates....
-# I have also changed the abbreviations to what is considered correct
-# here in Iran, IRST for regular time and IRDT for daylight saving time.
-# From Roozbeh Pournader (2005-04-05):
-# The text of the Iranian law, in effect since 1925, clearly mentions
-# that the true solar year is the measure, and there is no arithmetic
-# leap year calculation involved. There has never been any serious
-# plan to change that law....
-# From Paul Eggert (2005-04-05):
-# Go with Shanks before September 1991, and with Pournader thereafter.
-# I used Ed Reingold's cal-persia in GNU Emacs 21.2 to check Persian dates,
-# stopping after 2037 when 32-bit time_t's overflow.
-# That cal-persia used Birashk's approximation, which disagrees with the solar
-# calendar predictions for the year 2025, so I corrected those dates by hand.
-# From Oscar van Vlijmen (2005-03-30), writing about future
-# discrepancies between cal-persia and the Iranian calendar:
-# For 2091 solar-longitude-after yields 2091-03-20 08:40:07.7 UT for
-# the vernal equinox and that gets so close to 12:00 some local
-# Iranian time that the definition of the correct location needs to be
-# known exactly, amongst other factors. 2157 is even closer:
-# 2157-03-20 08:37:15.5 UT. But the Gregorian year 2025 should give
-# no interpretation problem whatsoever. By the way, another instant
-# in the near future where there will be a discrepancy between
-# arithmetical and astronomical Iranian calendars will be in 2058:
-# vernal equinox on 2058-03-20 09:03:05.9 UT. The Java version of
-# Reingold's/Dershowitz' calculator gives correctly the Gregorian date
-# 2058-03-21 for 1 Farvardin 1437 (astronomical).
-Rule Iran 1978 1980 - Mar 21 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Iran 1978 only - Oct 21 0:00 0 S
-Rule Iran 1979 only - Sep 19 0:00 0 S
-Rule Iran 1980 only - Sep 23 0:00 0 S
-Rule Iran 1991 only - May 3 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Iran 1992 1995 - Mar 22 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Iran 1991 1995 - Sep 22 0:00 0 S
-Rule Iran 1996 only - Mar 21 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Iran 1996 only - Sep 21 0:00 0 S
-Rule Iran 1997 1999 - Mar 22 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Iran 1997 1999 - Sep 22 0:00 0 S
-Rule Iran 2000 only - Mar 21 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Iran 2000 only - Sep 21 0:00 0 S
-Rule Iran 2001 2003 - Mar 22 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Iran 2001 2003 - Sep 22 0:00 0 S
-Rule Iran 2004 only - Mar 21 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Iran 2004 only - Sep 21 0:00 0 S
-Rule Iran 2005 2007 - Mar 22 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Iran 2005 2007 - Sep 22 0:00 0 S
-Rule Iran 2008 only - Mar 21 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Iran 2008 only - Sep 21 0:00 0 S
-Rule Iran 2009 2011 - Mar 22 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Iran 2009 2011 - Sep 22 0:00 0 S
-Rule Iran 2012 only - Mar 21 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Iran 2012 only - Sep 21 0:00 0 S
-Rule Iran 2013 2015 - Mar 22 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Iran 2013 2015 - Sep 22 0:00 0 S
-Rule Iran 2016 only - Mar 21 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Iran 2016 only - Sep 21 0:00 0 S
-Rule Iran 2017 2019 - Mar 22 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Iran 2017 2019 - Sep 22 0:00 0 S
-Rule Iran 2020 only - Mar 21 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Iran 2020 only - Sep 21 0:00 0 S
-Rule Iran 2021 2023 - Mar 22 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Iran 2021 2023 - Sep 22 0:00 0 S
-Rule Iran 2024 only - Mar 21 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Iran 2024 only - Sep 21 0:00 0 S
-Rule Iran 2025 2027 - Mar 22 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Iran 2025 2027 - Sep 22 0:00 0 S
-Rule Iran 2028 2029 - Mar 21 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Iran 2028 2029 - Sep 21 0:00 0 S
-Rule Iran 2030 2031 - Mar 22 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Iran 2030 2031 - Sep 22 0:00 0 S
-Rule Iran 2032 2033 - Mar 21 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Iran 2032 2033 - Sep 21 0:00 0 S
-Rule Iran 2034 2035 - Mar 22 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Iran 2034 2035 - Sep 22 0:00 0 S
-Rule Iran 2036 2037 - Mar 21 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Iran 2036 2037 - Sep 21 0:00 0 S
-Zone Asia/Tehran 3:25:44 - LMT 1916
- 3:25:44 - TMT 1946 # Tehran Mean Time
- 3:30 - IRST 1977 Nov
- 4:00 Iran IR%sT 1979
- 3:30 Iran IR%sT
-# Iraq
-# From Jonathan Lennox (2000-06-12):
-# An article in this week's Economist ("Inside the Saddam-free zone", p. 50 in
-# the U.S. edition) on the Iraqi Kurds contains a paragraph:
-# "The three northern provinces ... switched their clocks this spring and
-# are an hour ahead of Baghdad."
-# But Rives McDow (2000-06-18) quotes a contact in Iraqi-Kurdistan as follows:
-# In the past, some Kurdish nationalists, as a protest to the Iraqi
-# Government, did not adhere to daylight saving time. They referred
-# to daylight saving as Saddam time. But, as of today, the time zone
-# in Iraqi-Kurdistan is on standard time with Baghdad, Iraq.
-# So we'll ignore the Economist's claim.
-Rule Iraq 1982 only - May 1 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Iraq 1982 1984 - Oct 1 0:00 0 S
-Rule Iraq 1983 only - Mar 31 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Iraq 1984 1985 - Apr 1 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Iraq 1985 1990 - Sep lastSun 1:00s 0 S
-Rule Iraq 1986 1990 - Mar lastSun 1:00s 1:00 D
-# IATA SSIM (1991/1996) says Apr 1 12:01am UTC; guess the `:01' is a typo.
-# Shanks says Iraq did not observe DST 1992/1997 or 1999 on; ignore this.
-Rule Iraq 1991 max - Apr 1 3:00s 1:00 D
-Rule Iraq 1991 max - Oct 1 3:00s 0 S
-Zone Asia/Baghdad 2:57:40 - LMT 1890
- 2:57:36 - BMT 1918 # Baghdad Mean Time?
- 3:00 - AST 1982 May
- 3:00 Iraq A%sT
-# Israel
-# From Ephraim Silverberg (2001-01-11):
-# I coined "IST/IDT" circa 1988. Until then there were three
-# different abbreviations in use:
-# JST Jerusalem Standard Time [Danny Braniss, Hebrew University]
-# IZT Israel Zonal (sic) Time [Prof. Haim Papo, Technion]
-# EEST Eastern Europe Standard Time [used by almost everyone else]
-# Since timezones should be called by country and not capital cities,
-# I ruled out JST. As Israel is in Asia Minor and not Eastern Europe,
-# EEST was equally unacceptable. Since "zonal" was not compatible with
-# any other timezone abbreviation, I felt that 'IST' was the way to go
-# and, indeed, it has received almost universal acceptance in timezone
-# settings in Israeli computers.
-# In any case, I am happy to share timezone abbreviations with India,
-# high on my favorite-country list (and not only because my wife's
-# family is from India).
-# From Shanks:
-Rule Zion 1940 only - Jun 1 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 1942 1944 - Nov 1 0:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 1943 only - Apr 1 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 1944 only - Apr 1 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 1945 only - Apr 16 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 1945 only - Nov 1 2:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 1946 only - Apr 16 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 1946 only - Nov 1 0:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 1948 only - May 23 0:00 2:00 DD
-Rule Zion 1948 only - Sep 1 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 1948 1949 - Nov 1 2:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 1949 only - May 1 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 1950 only - Apr 16 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 1950 only - Sep 15 3:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 1951 only - Apr 1 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 1951 only - Nov 11 3:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 1952 only - Apr 20 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 1952 only - Oct 19 3:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 1953 only - Apr 12 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 1953 only - Sep 13 3:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 1954 only - Jun 13 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 1954 only - Sep 12 0:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 1955 only - Jun 11 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 1955 only - Sep 11 0:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 1956 only - Jun 3 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 1956 only - Sep 30 3:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 1957 only - Apr 29 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 1957 only - Sep 22 0:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 1974 only - Jul 7 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 1974 only - Oct 13 0:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 1975 only - Apr 20 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 1975 only - Aug 31 0:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 1985 only - Apr 14 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 1985 only - Sep 15 0:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 1986 only - May 18 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 1986 only - Sep 7 0:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 1987 only - Apr 15 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 1987 only - Sep 13 0:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 1988 only - Apr 9 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 1988 only - Sep 3 0:00 0 S
-# From Ephraim Silverberg
-# (1997-03-04, 1998-03-16, 1998-12-28, 2000-01-17, 2000-07-25, 2004-12-22,
-# and 2005-02-17):
-# According to the Office of the Secretary General of the Ministry of
-# Interior, there is NO set rule for Daylight-Savings/Standard time changes.
-# One thing is entrenched in law, however: that there must be at least 150
-# days of daylight savings time annually. From 1993-1998, the change to
-# daylight savings time was on a Friday morning from midnight IST to
-# 1 a.m IDT; up until 1998, the change back to standard time was on a
-# Saturday night from midnight daylight savings time to 11 p.m. standard
-# time. 1996 is an exception to this rule where the change back to standard
-# time took place on Sunday night instead of Saturday night to avoid
-# conflicts with the Jewish New Year. In 1999, the change to
-# daylight savings time was still on a Friday morning but from
-# 2 a.m. IST to 3 a.m. IDT; furthermore, the change back to standard time
-# was also on a Friday morning from 2 a.m. IDT to 1 a.m. IST for
-# 1999 only. In the year 2000, the change to daylight savings time was
-# similar to 1999, but although the change back will be on a Friday, it
-# will take place from 1 a.m. IDT to midnight IST. Starting in 2001, all
-# changes to/from will take place at 1 a.m. old time, but now there is no
-# rule as to what day of the week it will take place in as the start date
-# (except in 2003) is the night after the Passover Seder (i.e. the eve
-# of the 16th of Nisan in the lunar Hebrew calendar) and the end date
-# (except in 2002) is three nights before Yom Kippur [Day of Atonement]
-# (the eve of the 7th of Tishrei in the lunar Hebrew calendar).
-Rule Zion 1989 only - Apr 30 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 1989 only - Sep 3 0:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 1990 only - Mar 25 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 1990 only - Aug 26 0:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 1991 only - Mar 24 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 1991 only - Sep 1 0:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 1992 only - Mar 29 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 1992 only - Sep 6 0:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 1993 only - Apr 2 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 1993 only - Sep 5 0:00 0 S
-# The dates for 1994-1995 were obtained from Office of the Spokeswoman for the
-# Ministry of Interior, Jerusalem, Israel. The spokeswoman can be reached by
-# calling the office directly at 972-2-6701447 or 972-2-6701448.
-Rule Zion 1994 only - Apr 1 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 1994 only - Aug 28 0:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 1995 only - Mar 31 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 1995 only - Sep 3 0:00 0 S
-# The dates for 1996 were determined by the Minister of Interior of the
-# time, Haim Ramon. The official announcement regarding 1996-1998
-# (with the dates for 1997-1998 no longer being relevant) can be viewed at:
-# ftp://ftp.cs.huji.ac.il/pub/tz/announcements/1996-1998.ramon.ps.gz
-# The dates for 1997-1998 were altered by his successor, Rabbi Eli Suissa.
-# The official announcements for the years 1997-1999 can be viewed at:
-# ftp://ftp.cs.huji.ac.il/pub/tz/announcements/YYYY.ps.gz
-# where YYYY is the relevant year.
-Rule Zion 1996 only - Mar 15 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 1996 only - Sep 16 0:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 1997 only - Mar 21 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 1997 only - Sep 14 0:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 1998 only - Mar 20 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 1998 only - Sep 6 0:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 1999 only - Apr 2 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 1999 only - Sep 3 2:00 0 S
-# The Knesset Interior Committee has changed the dates for 2000 for
-# the third time in just over a year and have set new dates for the
-# years 2001-2004 as well.
-# The official announcement for the start date of 2000 can be viewed at:
-# ftp://ftp.cs.huji.ac.il/pub/tz/announcements/2000-start.ps.gz
-# The official announcement for the end date of 2000 and the dates
-# for the years 2001-2004 can be viewed at:
-# ftp://ftp.cs.huji.ac.il/pub/tz/announcements/2000-2004.ps.gz
-Rule Zion 2000 only - Apr 14 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 2000 only - Oct 6 1:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 2001 only - Apr 9 1:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 2001 only - Sep 24 1:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 2002 only - Mar 29 1:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 2002 only - Oct 7 1:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 2003 only - Mar 28 1:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 2003 only - Oct 3 1:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 2004 only - Apr 7 1:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 2004 only - Sep 22 1:00 0 S
-# The proposed law agreed upon by the Knesset Interior Committee on
-# 2005-02-14 is that, for 2005 and beyond, DST starts at 02:00 the
-# last Friday before April 2nd (i.e. the last Friday in March or April
-# 1st itself if it falls on a Friday) and ends at 02:00 on the Saturday
-# night _before_ the fast of Yom Kippur.
-# Those who can read Hebrew can view the announcement at:
-# ftp://ftp.cs.huji.ac.il/pub/tz/announcements/2005+beyond.ps
-# From Paul Eggert (2005-02-22):
-# I used Ephraim Silverberg's dst-israel.el program
-# (2005-02-20)
-# along with Ed Reingold's cal-hebrew in GNU Emacs 21.4,
-# to generate the transitions in this list.
-# (I replaced "lastFri" with "Fri>=26" by hand.)
-# The spring transitions below all correspond to the following Rule:
-# Rule Zion 2005 max - Mar Fri>=26 2:00 1:00 D
-# but older zic implementations (e.g., Solaris 8) do not support
-# "Fri>=26" to mean April 1 in years like 2005, so for now we list the
-# springtime transitions explicitly.
-Rule Zion 2005 only - Apr 1 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 2005 only - Oct 9 2:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 2006 2010 - Mar Fri>=26 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 2006 only - Oct 1 2:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 2007 only - Sep 16 2:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 2008 only - Oct 5 2:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 2009 only - Sep 27 2:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 2010 only - Sep 12 2:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 2011 only - Apr 1 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 2011 only - Oct 2 2:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 2012 2015 - Mar Fri>=26 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 2012 only - Sep 23 2:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 2013 only - Sep 8 2:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 2014 only - Sep 28 2:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 2015 only - Sep 20 2:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 2016 only - Apr 1 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 2016 only - Oct 9 2:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 2017 2021 - Mar Fri>=26 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 2017 only - Sep 24 2:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 2018 only - Sep 16 2:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 2019 only - Oct 6 2:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 2020 only - Sep 27 2:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 2021 only - Sep 12 2:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 2022 only - Apr 1 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 2022 only - Oct 2 2:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 2023 2032 - Mar Fri>=26 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 2023 only - Sep 24 2:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 2024 only - Oct 6 2:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 2025 only - Sep 28 2:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 2026 only - Sep 20 2:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 2027 only - Oct 10 2:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 2028 only - Sep 24 2:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 2029 only - Sep 16 2:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 2030 only - Oct 6 2:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 2031 only - Sep 21 2:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 2032 only - Sep 12 2:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 2033 only - Apr 1 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 2033 only - Oct 2 2:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 2034 2037 - Mar Fri>=26 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Zion 2034 only - Sep 17 2:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 2035 only - Oct 7 2:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 2036 only - Sep 28 2:00 0 S
-Rule Zion 2037 only - Sep 13 2:00 0 S
-Zone Asia/Jerusalem 2:20:56 - LMT 1880
- 2:20:40 - JMT 1918 # Jerusalem Mean Time?
- 2:00 Zion I%sT
-# Japan
-# `9:00' and `JST' is from Guy Harris.
-# From Paul Eggert (1995-03-06):
-# Today's _Asahi Evening News_ (page 4) reports that Japan had
-# daylight saving between 1948 and 1951, but ``the system was discontinued
-# because the public believed it would lead to longer working hours.''
-# From Mayumi Negishi in the 2005-08-10 Japan Times
-# :
-# Occupation authorities imposed daylight-saving time on Japan on
-# [1948-05-01].... But lack of prior debate and the execution of
-# daylight-saving time just three days after the bill was passed generated
-# deep hatred of the concept.... The Diet unceremoniously passed a bill to
-# dump the unpopular system in October 1951, less than a month after the San
-# Francisco Peace Treaty was signed. (A government poll in 1951 showed 53%
-# of the Japanese wanted to scrap daylight-saving time, as opposed to 30% who
-# wanted to keep it.)
-# Shanks writes that daylight saving in Japan during those years was as follows:
-Rule Japan 1948 only - May Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Japan 1948 1951 - Sep Sat>=8 2:00 0 S
-Rule Japan 1949 only - Apr Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Japan 1950 1951 - May Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 D
-# but the only locations using it (for birth certificates, presumably, since
-# Shanks's audience is astrologers) were US military bases. For now, assume
-# that for most purposes daylight-saving time was observed; otherwise, what
-# would have been the point of the 1951 poll?
-# From Hideyuki Suzuki (1998-11-09):
-# 'Tokyo' usually stands for the former location of Tokyo Astronomical
-# Observatory: E 139 44' 40".90 (9h 18m 58s.727), N 35 39' 16".0.
-# This data is from 'Rika Nenpyou (Chronological Scientific Tables) 1996'
-# edited by National Astronomical Observatory of Japan....
-# JST (Japan Standard Time) has been used since 1888-01-01 00:00 (JST).
-# The law is enacted on 1886-07-07.
-# From Hideyuki Suzuki (1998-11-16):
-# The ordinance No. 51 (1886) established "standard time" in Japan,
-# which stands for the time on E 135 degree.
-# In the ordinance No. 167 (1895), "standard time" was renamed to "central
-# standard time". And the same ordinance also established "western standard
-# time", which stands for the time on E 120 degree.... But "western standard
-# time" was abolished in the ordinance No. 529 (1937). In the ordinance No.
-# 167, there is no mention regarding for what place western standard time is
-# standard....
-# I wrote "ordinance" above, but I don't know how to translate.
-# In Japanese it's "chokurei", which means ordinance from emperor.
-# Shanks claims JST in use since 1896, and that a few places (e.g. Ishigaki)
-# use +0800; go with Suzuki. Guess that all ordinances took effect on Jan 1.
-Zone Asia/Tokyo 9:18:59 - LMT 1887 Dec 31 15:00u
- 9:00 - JST 1896
- 9:00 - CJT 1938
- 9:00 Japan J%sT
-# Since 1938, all Japanese possessions have been like Asia/Tokyo.
-# Jordan
-# From
-# Jordan Week (1999-07-01) via Steffen Thorsen (1999-09-09):
-# Clocks in Jordan were forwarded one hour on Wednesday at midnight,
-# in accordance with the government's decision to implement summer time
-# all year round.
-# From
-# Jordan Week (1999-09-30) via Steffen Thorsen (1999-11-09):
-# Winter time starts today Thursday, 30 September. Clocks will be turned back
-# by one hour. This is the latest government decision and it's final!
-# The decision was taken because of the increase in working hours in
-# government's departments from six to seven hours.
-# From Paul Eggert (2005-11-22):
-# Starting 2003 transitions are from Steffen Thorsen's web site timeanddate.com.
-Rule Jordan 1973 only - Jun 6 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Jordan 1973 1975 - Oct 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Jordan 1974 1977 - May 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Jordan 1976 only - Nov 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Jordan 1977 only - Oct 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Jordan 1978 only - Apr 30 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Jordan 1978 only - Sep 30 0:00 0 -
-Rule Jordan 1985 only - Apr 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Jordan 1985 only - Oct 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Jordan 1986 1988 - Apr Fri>=1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Jordan 1986 1990 - Oct Fri>=1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Jordan 1989 only - May 8 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Jordan 1990 only - Apr 27 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Jordan 1991 only - Apr 17 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Jordan 1991 only - Sep 27 0:00 0 -
-Rule Jordan 1992 only - Apr 10 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Jordan 1992 1993 - Oct Fri>=1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Jordan 1993 1998 - Apr Fri>=1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Jordan 1994 only - Sep Fri>=15 0:00 0 -
-Rule Jordan 1995 1998 - Sep Fri>=15 0:00s 0 -
-Rule Jordan 1999 only - Jul 1 0:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Jordan 1999 2002 - Sep lastThu 0:00s 0 -
-Rule Jordan 2000 max - Mar lastThu 0:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Jordan 2003 only - Oct 24 0:00s 0 -
-Rule Jordan 2004 only - Oct 15 0:00s 0 -
-Rule Jordan 2005 max - Sep lastFri 0:00s 0 -
-Zone Asia/Amman 2:23:44 - LMT 1931
- 2:00 Jordan EE%sT
-# Kazakhstan
-# From Paul Eggert (1996-11-22):
-# Andrew Evtichov (1996-04-13) writes that Kazakhstan
-# stayed in sync with Moscow after 1990, and that Aqtobe (formerly Aktyubinsk)
-# and Aqtau (formerly Shevchenko) are the largest cities in their zones.
-# Guess that Aqtau and Aqtobe diverged in 1995, since that's the first time
-# IATA SSIM mentions a third time zone in Kazakhstan.
-# From Paul Eggert (2001-10-18):
-# German Iofis, ELSI, Almaty (2001-10-09) reports that Kazakhstan uses
-# RussiaAsia rules, instead of switching at 00:00 as the IATA has it.
-# Go with Shanks, who has them always using RussiaAsia rules.
-# Also go with the following claims of Shanks:
-# - Kazakhstan did not observe DST in 1991.
-# - Qyzylorda switched from +5:00 to +6:00 on 1992-01-19 02:00.
-# - Oral switched from +5:00 to +4:00 in spring 1989.
-# From Kazakhstan Embassy's News Bulletin #11 (2005-03-21):
-# The Government of Kazakhstan passed a resolution March 15 abolishing
-# daylight saving time citing lack of economic benefits and health
-# complications coupled with a decrease in productivity.
-# From Branislav Kojic (in Astana) via Gwillim Law (2005-06-28):
-# ... what happened was that the former Kazakhstan Eastern time zone
-# was "blended" with the Central zone. Therefore, Kazakhstan now has
-# two time zones, and difference between them is one hour. The zone
-# closer to UTC is the former Western zone (probably still called the
-# same), encompassing four provinces in the west: Aqtobe, Atyrau,
-# Mangghystau, and West Kazakhstan. The other zone encompasses
-# everything else.... I guess that would make Kazakhstan time zones
-# de jure UTC+5 and UTC+6 respectively.
-# Almaty (formerly Alma-Ata), representing most locations in Kazakhstan
-Zone Asia/Almaty 5:07:48 - LMT 1924 May 2 # or Alma-Ata
- 5:00 - ALMT 1930 Jun 21 # Alma-Ata Time
- 6:00 RussiaAsia ALM%sT 1991
- 6:00 - ALMT 1992
- 6:00 RussiaAsia ALM%sT 2005 Mar 15
- 6:00 - ALMT
-# Qyzylorda (aka Kyzylorda, Kizilorda, Kzyl-Orda, etc.)
-Zone Asia/Qyzylorda 4:21:52 - LMT 1924 May 2
- 4:00 - KIZT 1930 Jun 21 # Kizilorda Time
- 5:00 - KIZT 1981 Apr 1
- 5:00 1:00 KIZST 1981 Oct 1
- 6:00 - KIZT 1982 Apr 1
- 5:00 RussiaAsia KIZ%sT 1991
- 5:00 - KIZT 1991 Dec 16 # independence
- 5:00 - QYZT 1992 Jan 19 2:00
- 6:00 RussiaAsia QYZ%sT 2005 Mar 15
- 6:00 - QYZT
-# Aqtobe (aka Aktobe, formerly Akt'ubinsk)
-Zone Asia/Aqtobe 3:48:40 - LMT 1924 May 2
- 4:00 - AKTT 1930 Jun 21 # Aktyubinsk Time
- 5:00 - AKTT 1981 Apr 1
- 5:00 1:00 AKTST 1981 Oct 1
- 6:00 - AKTT 1982 Apr 1
- 5:00 RussiaAsia AKT%sT 1991
- 5:00 - AKTT 1991 Dec 16 # independence
- 5:00 RussiaAsia AQT%sT 2005 Mar 15 # Aqtobe Time
- 5:00 - AQTT
-# Mangghystau
-# Aqtau was not founded until 1963, but it represents an inhabited region,
-# so include time stamps before 1963.
-Zone Asia/Aqtau 3:21:04 - LMT 1924 May 2
- 4:00 - FORT 1930 Jun 21 # Fort Shevchenko T
- 5:00 - FORT 1963
- 5:00 - SHET 1981 Oct 1 # Shevchenko Time
- 6:00 - SHET 1982 Apr 1
- 5:00 RussiaAsia SHE%sT 1991
- 5:00 - SHET 1991 Dec 16 # independence
- 5:00 RussiaAsia AQT%sT 1995 Mar lastSun 2:00 # Aqtau Time
- 4:00 RussiaAsia AQT%sT 2005 Mar 15
- 5:00 - AQTT
-# West Kazakhstan
-Zone Asia/Oral 3:25:24 - LMT 1924 May 2 # or Ural'sk
- 4:00 - URAT 1930 Jun 21 # Ural'sk time
- 5:00 - URAT 1981 Apr 1
- 5:00 1:00 URAST 1981 Oct 1
- 6:00 - URAT 1982 Apr 1
- 5:00 RussiaAsia URA%sT 1989 Mar 26 2:00
- 4:00 RussiaAsia URA%sT 1991
- 4:00 - URAT 1991 Dec 16 # independence
- 4:00 RussiaAsia ORA%sT 2005 Mar 15 # Oral Time
- 5:00 - ORAT
-# Kyrgyzstan (Kirgizstan)
-# Transitions through 1991 are from Shanks.
-# From Paul Eggert (2005-08-15):
-# According to an article dated today in the Kyrgyzstan Development Gateway
-# Kyrgyzstan is canceling the daylight saving time system. I take the article
-# to mean that they will leave their clocks at 6 hours ahead of UTC.
-# From Malik Abdugaliev (2005-09-21):
-# Our government cancels daylight saving time 6th of August 2005.
-# From 2005-08-12 our GMT-offset is +6, w/o any daylight saving.
-Rule Kyrgyz 1992 1996 - Apr Sun>=7 0:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Kyrgyz 1992 1996 - Sep lastSun 0:00 0 -
-Rule Kyrgyz 1997 2005 - Mar lastSun 2:30 1:00 S
-Rule Kyrgyz 1997 2004 - Oct lastSun 2:30 0 -
-Zone Asia/Bishkek 4:58:24 - LMT 1924 May 2
- 5:00 - FRUT 1930 Jun 21 # Frunze Time
- 6:00 RussiaAsia FRU%sT 1991 Mar 31 2:00s
- 5:00 1:00 FRUST 1991 Aug 31 2:00 # independence
- 5:00 Kyrgyz KG%sT 2005 Aug 12 # Kyrgyzstan Time
- 6:00 - KGT
-# Korea (North and South)
-# From Guy Harris:
-# According to someone at the Korean Times in San Francisco,
-# Daylight Savings Time was not observed until 1987. He did not know
-# at what time of day DST starts or ends.
-# From Shanks:
-Rule ROK 1960 only - May 15 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule ROK 1960 only - Sep 13 0:00 0 S
-Rule ROK 1987 1988 - May Sun<=14 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule ROK 1987 1988 - Oct Sun<=14 0:00 0 S
-Zone Asia/Seoul 8:27:52 - LMT 1890
- 8:30 - KST 1904 Dec
- 9:00 - KST 1928
- 8:30 - KST 1932
- 9:00 - KST 1954 Mar 21
- 8:00 ROK K%sT 1961 Aug 10
- 8:30 - KST 1968 Oct
- 9:00 ROK K%sT
-Zone Asia/Pyongyang 8:23:00 - LMT 1890
- 8:30 - KST 1904 Dec
- 9:00 - KST 1928
- 8:30 - KST 1932
- 9:00 - KST 1954 Mar 21
- 8:00 - KST 1961 Aug 10
- 9:00 - KST
-# Kuwait
-Zone Asia/Kuwait 3:11:56 - LMT 1950
- 3:00 - AST
-# Laos
-Zone Asia/Vientiane 6:50:24 - LMT 1906 Jun 9 # or Viangchan
- 7:06:20 - SMT 1911 Mar 11 0:01 # Saigon MT?
- 7:00 - ICT 1912 May
- 8:00 - ICT 1931 May
- 7:00 - ICT
-# Lebanon
-Rule Lebanon 1920 only - Mar 28 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Lebanon 1920 only - Oct 25 0:00 0 -
-Rule Lebanon 1921 only - Apr 3 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Lebanon 1921 only - Oct 3 0:00 0 -
-Rule Lebanon 1922 only - Mar 26 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Lebanon 1922 only - Oct 8 0:00 0 -
-Rule Lebanon 1923 only - Apr 22 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Lebanon 1923 only - Sep 16 0:00 0 -
-Rule Lebanon 1957 1961 - May 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Lebanon 1957 1961 - Oct 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Lebanon 1972 only - Jun 22 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Lebanon 1972 1977 - Oct 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Lebanon 1973 1977 - May 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Lebanon 1978 only - Apr 30 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Lebanon 1978 only - Sep 30 0:00 0 -
-Rule Lebanon 1984 1987 - May 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Lebanon 1984 1991 - Oct 16 0:00 0 -
-Rule Lebanon 1988 only - Jun 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Lebanon 1989 only - May 10 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Lebanon 1990 1992 - May 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Lebanon 1992 only - Oct 4 0:00 0 -
-Rule Lebanon 1993 max - Mar lastSun 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Lebanon 1993 1998 - Sep lastSun 0:00 0 -
-Rule Lebanon 1999 max - Oct lastSun 0:00 0 -
-Zone Asia/Beirut 2:22:00 - LMT 1880
- 2:00 Lebanon EE%sT
-# Malaysia
-Rule NBorneo 1935 1941 - Sep 14 0:00 0:20 TS # one-Third Summer
-Rule NBorneo 1935 1941 - Dec 14 0:00 0 -
-# peninsular Malaysia
-# The data here are taken from Mok Ly Yng (2003-10-30)
-# .
-Zone Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 6:46:46 - LMT 1901 Jan 1
- 6:55:25 - SMT 1905 Jun 1 # Singapore M.T.
- 7:00 - MALT 1933 Jan 1 # Malaya Time
- 7:00 0:20 MALST 1936 Jan 1
- 7:20 - MALT 1941 Sep 1
- 7:30 - MALT 1942 Feb 16
- 9:00 - JST 1945 Sep 12
- 7:30 - MALT 1982 Jan 1
- 8:00 - MYT # Malaysia Time
-# Sabah & Sarawak
-# From Paul Eggert (2003-11-01):
-# The data here are mostly from Shanks, but the 1942, 1945 and 1982
-# transition dates are from Mok Ly Yng.
-Zone Asia/Kuching 7:21:20 - LMT 1926 Mar
- 7:30 - BORT 1933 # Borneo Time
- 8:00 NBorneo BOR%sT 1942 Feb 16
- 9:00 - JST 1945 Sep 12
- 8:00 - BORT 1982 Jan 1
- 8:00 - MYT
-# Maldives
-Zone Indian/Maldives 4:54:00 - LMT 1880 # Male
- 4:54:00 - MMT 1960 # Male Mean Time
- 5:00 - MVT # Maldives Time
-# Mongolia
-# Shanks says that Mongolia has three time zones, but usno1995 and the CIA map
-# Standard Time Zones of the World (1997-01)
-# both say that it has just one.
-# From Oscar van Vlijmen (1999-12-11):
-# General Information Mongolia
-# (1999-09)
-# "Time: Mongolia has two time zones. Three westernmost provinces of
-# Bayan-Ulgii, Uvs, and Hovd are one hour earlier than the capital city, and
-# the rest of the country follows the Ulaanbaatar time, which is UTC/GMT plus
-# eight hours."
-# From Rives McDow (1999-12-13):
-# Mongolia discontinued the use of daylight savings time in 1999; 1998
-# being the last year it was implemented. The dates of implementation I am
-# unsure of, but most probably it was similar to Russia, except for the time
-# of implementation may have been different....
-# Some maps in the past have indicated that there was an additional time
-# zone in the eastern part of Mongolia, including the provinces of Dornod,
-# Suhbaatar, and possibly Khentij.
-# From Paul Eggert (1999-12-15):
-# Naming and spelling is tricky in Mongolia.
-# We'll use Hovd (also spelled Chovd and Khovd) to represent the west zone;
-# the capital of the Hovd province is sometimes called Hovd, sometimes Dund-Us,
-# and sometimes Jirgalanta (with variant spellings), but the name Hovd
-# is good enough for our purposes.
-# From Rives McDow (2001-05-13):
-# In addition to Mongolia starting daylight savings as reported earlier
-# (adopted DST on 2001-04-27 02:00 local time, ending 2001-09-28),
-# there are three time zones.
-# Provinces [at 7:00]: Bayan-ulgii, Uvs, Khovd, Zavkhan, Govi-Altai
-# Provinces [at 8:00]: Khovsgol, Bulgan, Arkhangai, Khentii, Tov,
-# Bayankhongor, Ovorkhangai, Dundgovi, Dornogovi, Omnogovi
-# Provinces [at 9:00]: Dornod, Sukhbaatar
-# [The province of Selenge is omitted from the above lists.]
-# From Ganbold Ts., Ulaanbaatar (2004-04-17):
-# Daylight saving occurs at 02:00 local time last Saturday of March.
-# It will change back to normal at 02:00 local time last Saturday of
-# September.... As I remember this rule was changed in 2001.
-# From Paul Eggert (2004-04-17):
-# For now, assume Rives McDow's informant got confused about Friday vs
-# Saturday, and that his 2001 dates should have 1 added to them.
-# From Paul Eggert (2005-07-26):
-# We have wildly conflicting information about Mongolia's time zones.
-# Bill Bonnet (2005-05-19) reports that the US Embassy in Ulaanbaatar says
-# there is only one time zone and that DST is observed, citing Microsoft
-# Windows XP as the source. Risto Nykanen (2005-05-16) reports that
-# travelmongolia.org says there are two time zones (UTC+7, UTC+8) with no DST.
-# Oscar van Vlijmen (2005-05-20) reports that the Mongolian Embassy in
-# Washington, DC says there are two time zones, with DST observed.
-# He also found
-# which also says that there is DST, and which has a comment by "Toddius"
-# (2005-03-31 06:05 +0700) saying "Mongolia actually has 3.5 time zones.
-# The West (OLGII) is +7 GMT, most of the country is ULAT is +8 GMT
-# and some Eastern provinces are +9 GMT but Sukhbaatar Aimag is SUHK +8.5 GMT.
-# The SUKH timezone is new this year, it is one of the few things the
-# parliament passed during the tumultuous winter session."
-# For now, let's ignore this information, until we have more confirmation.
-Rule Mongol 1983 1984 - Apr 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Mongol 1983 only - Oct 1 0:00 0 -
-# IATA SSIM says 1990s switches occurred at 00:00, but Shanks (1995) lists
-# them at 02:00s, and McDow says the 2001 switches also occurred at 02:00.
-# Also, IATA SSIM (1996-09) says 1996-10-25. Go with Shanks through 1998.
-Rule Mongol 1985 1998 - Mar lastSun 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Mongol 1984 1998 - Sep lastSun 2:00s 0 -
-# IATA SSIM (1999-09) says Mongolia no longer observes DST.
-Rule Mongol 2001 only - Apr lastSat 2:00 1:00 S
-Rule Mongol 2001 max - Sep lastSat 2:00 0 -
-Rule Mongol 2002 max - Mar lastSat 2:00 1:00 S
-# Hovd, a.k.a. Chovd, Dund-Us, Dzhargalant, Khovd, Jirgalanta
-Zone Asia/Hovd 6:06:36 - LMT 1905 Aug
- 6:00 - HOVT 1978 # Hovd Time
- 7:00 Mongol HOV%sT
-# Ulaanbaatar, a.k.a. Ulan Bataar, Ulan Bator, Urga
-Zone Asia/Ulaanbaatar 7:07:32 - LMT 1905 Aug
- 7:00 - ULAT 1978 # Ulaanbaatar Time
- 8:00 Mongol ULA%sT
-# Choibalsan, a.k.a. Bajan Tuemen, Bajan Tumen, Chojbalsan,
-# Choybalsan, Sanbejse, Tchoibalsan
-Zone Asia/Choibalsan 7:38:00 - LMT 1905 Aug
- 7:00 - ULAT 1978
- 8:00 - ULAT 1983 Apr
- 9:00 Mongol CHO%sT # Choibalsan Time
-# Nepal
-Zone Asia/Katmandu 5:41:16 - LMT 1920
- 5:30 - IST 1986
- 5:45 - NPT # Nepal Time
-# Oman
-Zone Asia/Muscat 3:54:20 - LMT 1920
- 4:00 - GST
-# Pakistan
-# From Rives McDow (2002-03-13):
-# I have been advised that Pakistan has decided to adopt dst on a
-# TRIAL basis for one year, starting 00:01 local time on April 7, 2002
-# and ending at 00:01 local time October 6, 2002. This is what I was
-# told, but I believe that the actual time of change may be 00:00; the
-# 00:01 was to make it clear which day it was on.
-# From Paul Eggert (2002-03-15):
-# Jesper Norgaard found this URL:
-# http://www.pak.gov.pk/public/news/app/app06_dec.htm
-# (dated 2001-12-06) which says that the Cabinet adopted a scheme "to
-# advance the clocks by one hour on the night between the first
-# Saturday and Sunday of April and revert to the original position on
-# 15th October each year". This agrees with McDow's 04-07 at 00:00,
-# but disagrees about the October transition, and makes it sound like
-# it's not on a trial basis. Also, the "between the first Saturday
-# and Sunday of April" phrase, if taken literally, means that the
-# transition takes place at 00:00 on the first Sunday on or after 04-02.
-# From Paul Eggert (2003-02-09):
-# DAWN reported on 2002-10-05
-# that 2002 DST ended that day at midnight. Go with McDow for now.
-# From Steffen Thorsen (2003-03-14):
-# According to http://www.dawn.com/2003/03/07/top15.htm
-# there will be no DST in Pakistan this year:
-# ISLAMABAD, March 6: Information and Media Development Minister Sheikh
-# Rashid Ahmed on Thursday said the cabinet had reversed a previous
-# decision to advance clocks by one hour in summer and put them back by
-# one hour in winter with the aim of saving light hours and energy.
-# The minister told a news conference that the experiment had rather
-# shown 8 per cent higher consumption of electricity.
-Rule Pakistan 2002 only - Apr Sun>=2 0:01 1:00 S
-Rule Pakistan 2002 only - Oct Sun>=2 0:01 0 -
-Zone Asia/Karachi 4:28:12 - LMT 1907
- 5:30 - IST 1942 Sep
- 5:30 1:00 IST 1945 Oct 15
- 5:30 - IST 1951 Sep 30
- 5:00 - KART 1971 Mar 26 # Karachi Time
- 5:00 Pakistan PK%sT # Pakistan Time
-# Palestine
-# From Amos Shapir (1998-02-15):
-# From 1917 until 1948-05-15, all of Palestine, including the parts now
-# known as the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, was under British rule.
-# Therefore the rules given for Israel for that period, apply there too...
-# The Gaza Strip was under Egyptian rule between 1948-05-15 until 1967-06-05
-# (except a short occupation by Israel from 1956-11 till 1957-03, but no
-# time zone was affected then). It was never formally annexed to Egypt,
-# though.
-# The rest of Palestine was under Jordanian rule at that time, formally
-# annexed in 1950 as the West Bank (and the word "Trans" was dropped from
-# the country's previous name of "the Hashemite Kingdom of the
-# Trans-Jordan"). So the rules for Jordan for that time apply. Major
-# towns in that area are Nablus (Shchem), El-Halil (Hebron), Ramallah, and
-# East Jerusalem.
-# Both areas were occupied by Israel in June 1967, but not annexed (except
-# for East Jerusalem). They were on Israel time since then; there might
-# have been a Military Governor's order about time zones, but I'm not aware
-# of any (such orders may have been issued semi-annually whenever summer
-# time was in effect, but maybe the legal aspect of time was just neglected).
-# The Palestinian Authority was established in 1993, and got hold of most
-# towns in the West Bank and Gaza by 1995. I know that in order to
-# demonstrate...independence, they have been switching to
-# summer time and back on a different schedule than Israel's, but I don't
-# know when this was started, or what algorithm is used (most likely the
-# Jordanian one).
-# To summarize, the table should probably look something like that:
-# Area \ when | 1918-1947 | 1948-1967 | 1967-1995 | 1996-
-# ------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------
-# Israel | Zion | Zion | Zion | Zion
-# West bank | Zion | Jordan | Zion | Jordan
-# Gaza | Zion | Egypt | Zion | Jordan
-# I guess more info may be available from the PA's web page (if/when they
-# have one).
-# From Paul Eggert (1998-02-25):
-# Shanks writes that Gaza did not observe DST until 1957, but we'll go
-# with Shapir and assume that it observed DST from 1940 through 1947,
-# and that it used Jordanian rules starting in 1996.
-# We don't yet need a separate entry for the West Bank, since
-# the only differences between it and Gaza that we know about
-# occurred before our cutoff date of 1970.
-# However, as we get more information, we may need to add entries
-# for parts of the West Bank as they transitioned from Israel's rules
-# to Palestine's rules. If you have more info about this, please
-# send it to tz@elsie.nci.nih.gov for incorporation into future editions.
-# From IINS News Service - Israel - 1998-03-23 10:38:07 Israel time,
-# forwarded by Ephraim Silverberg:
-# Despite the fact that Israel changed over to daylight savings time
-# last week, the PLO Authority (PA) has decided not to turn its clocks
-# one-hour forward at this time. As a sign of independence from Israeli rule,
-# the PA has decided to implement DST in April.
-# From Paul Eggert (1999-09-20):
-# Daoud Kuttab writes in
-# Holiday havoc
-# (Jerusalem Post, 1999-04-22) that
-# the Palestinian National Authority changed to DST on 1999-04-15.
-# I vaguely recall that they switch back in October (sorry, forgot the source).
-# For now, let's assume that the spring switch was at 24:00,
-# and that they switch at 0:00 on the 3rd Fridays of April and October.
-# From Paul Eggert (2005-11-22):
-# Starting 2004 transitions are from Steffen Thorsen's web site timeanddate.com.
-# The rules for Egypt are stolen from the `africa' file.
-Rule EgyptAsia 1957 only - May 10 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule EgyptAsia 1957 1958 - Oct 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule EgyptAsia 1958 only - May 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule EgyptAsia 1959 1967 - May 1 1:00 1:00 S
-Rule EgyptAsia 1959 1965 - Sep 30 3:00 0 -
-Rule EgyptAsia 1966 only - Oct 1 3:00 0 -
-Rule Palestine 1999 max - Apr Fri>=15 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Palestine 1999 2003 - Oct Fri>=15 0:00 0 -
-Rule Palestine 2004 only - Oct 1 1:00 0 -
-Rule Palestine 2005 max - Oct 4 1:00 0 -
-Zone Asia/Gaza 2:17:52 - LMT 1900 Oct
- 2:00 Zion EET 1948 May 15
- 2:00 EgyptAsia EE%sT 1967 Jun 5
- 2:00 Zion I%sT 1996
- 2:00 Jordan EE%sT 1999
- 2:00 Palestine EE%sT
-# Paracel Is
-# no information
-# Philippines
-# On 1844-08-16, Narciso Claveria, governor-general of the
-# Philippines, issued a proclamation announcing that 1844-12-30 was to
-# be immediately followed by 1845-01-01. Robert H. van Gent has a
-# transcript of the decree in .
-# The rest of this data is from Shanks.
-Rule Phil 1936 only - Nov 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Phil 1937 only - Feb 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Phil 1954 only - Apr 12 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Phil 1954 only - Jul 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Phil 1978 only - Mar 22 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Phil 1978 only - Sep 21 0:00 0 -
-Zone Asia/Manila -15:56:00 - LMT 1844 Dec 31
- 8:04:00 - LMT 1899 May 11
- 8:00 Phil PH%sT 1942 May
- 9:00 - JST 1944 Nov
- 8:00 Phil PH%sT
-# Qatar
-Zone Asia/Qatar 3:26:08 - LMT 1920 # Al Dawhah / Doha
- 4:00 - GST 1972 Jun
- 3:00 - AST
-# Saudi Arabia
-Zone Asia/Riyadh 3:06:52 - LMT 1950
- 3:00 - AST
-# Singapore
-# The data here are taken from Mok Ly Yng (2003-10-30)
-# .
-Zone Asia/Singapore 6:55:25 - LMT 1901 Jan 1
- 6:55:25 - SMT 1905 Jun 1 # Singapore M.T.
- 7:00 - MALT 1933 Jan 1 # Malaya Time
- 7:00 0:20 MALST 1936 Jan 1
- 7:20 - MALT 1941 Sep 1
- 7:30 - MALT 1942 Feb 16
- 9:00 - JST 1945 Sep 12
- 7:30 - MALT 1965 Aug 9 # independence
- 7:30 - SGT 1982 Jan 1 # Singapore Time
- 8:00 - SGT
-# Spratly Is
-# no information
-# Sri Lanka
-# From Paul Eggert (1996-09-03):
-# "Sri Lanka advances clock by an hour to avoid blackout"
-# (www.virtual-pc.com/lankaweb/news/items/240596-2.html, 1996-05-24,
-# no longer available as of 1999-08-17)
-# reported ``the country's standard time will be put forward by one hour at
-# midnight Friday (1830 GMT) `in the light of the present power crisis'.''
-# From Dharmasiri Senanayake, Sri Lanka Media Minister (1996-10-24), as quoted
-# by Shamindra in
-# Daily News - Hot News Section (1996-10-26)
-# :
-# With effect from 12.30 a.m. on 26th October 1996
-# Sri Lanka will be six (06) hours ahead of GMT.
-Zone Asia/Colombo 5:19:24 - LMT 1880
- 5:19:32 - MMT 1906 # Moratuwa Mean Time
- 5:30 - IST 1942 Jan 5
- 5:30 0:30 IHST 1942 Sep
- 5:30 1:00 IST 1945 Oct 16 2:00
- 5:30 - IST 1996 May 25 0:00
- 6:30 - LKT 1996 Oct 26 0:30
- 6:00 - LKT
-# Syria
-Rule Syria 1920 1923 - Apr Sun>=15 2:00 1:00 S
-Rule Syria 1920 1923 - Oct Sun>=1 2:00 0 -
-Rule Syria 1962 only - Apr 29 2:00 1:00 S
-Rule Syria 1962 only - Oct 1 2:00 0 -
-Rule Syria 1963 1965 - May 1 2:00 1:00 S
-Rule Syria 1963 only - Sep 30 2:00 0 -
-Rule Syria 1964 only - Oct 1 2:00 0 -
-Rule Syria 1965 only - Sep 30 2:00 0 -
-Rule Syria 1966 only - Apr 24 2:00 1:00 S
-Rule Syria 1966 1976 - Oct 1 2:00 0 -
-Rule Syria 1967 1978 - May 1 2:00 1:00 S
-Rule Syria 1977 1978 - Sep 1 2:00 0 -
-Rule Syria 1983 1984 - Apr 9 2:00 1:00 S
-Rule Syria 1983 1984 - Oct 1 2:00 0 -
-Rule Syria 1986 only - Feb 16 2:00 1:00 S
-Rule Syria 1986 only - Oct 9 2:00 0 -
-Rule Syria 1987 only - Mar 1 2:00 1:00 S
-Rule Syria 1987 1988 - Oct 31 2:00 0 -
-Rule Syria 1988 only - Mar 15 2:00 1:00 S
-Rule Syria 1989 only - Mar 31 2:00 1:00 S
-Rule Syria 1989 only - Oct 1 2:00 0 -
-Rule Syria 1990 only - Apr 1 2:00 1:00 S
-Rule Syria 1990 only - Sep 30 2:00 0 -
-Rule Syria 1991 only - Apr 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Syria 1991 1992 - Oct 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Syria 1992 only - Apr 8 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Syria 1993 only - Mar 26 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Syria 1993 only - Sep 25 0:00 0 -
-# IATA SSIM (1998-02) says 1998-04-02;
-# (1998-09) says 1999-03-29 and 1999-09-29; (1999-02) says 1999-04-02,
-# 2000-04-02, and 2001-04-02; (1999-09) says 2000-03-31 and 2001-03-31;
-# ignore all these claims and go with Shanks.
-Rule Syria 1994 1996 - Apr 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Syria 1994 max - Oct 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Syria 1997 1998 - Mar lastMon 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Syria 1999 max - Apr 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Zone Asia/Damascus 2:25:12 - LMT 1920 # Dimashq
- 2:00 Syria EE%sT
-# Tajikistan
-# From Shanks.
-Zone Asia/Dushanbe 4:35:12 - LMT 1924 May 2
- 5:00 - DUST 1930 Jun 21 # Dushanbe Time
- 6:00 RussiaAsia DUS%sT 1991 Mar 31 2:00s
- 5:00 1:00 DUSST 1991 Sep 9 2:00s
- 5:00 - TJT # Tajikistan Time
-# Thailand
-Zone Asia/Bangkok 6:42:04 - LMT 1880
- 6:42:04 - BMT 1920 Apr # Bangkok Mean Time
- 7:00 - ICT
-# Turkmenistan
-# From Shanks.
-Zone Asia/Ashgabat 3:53:32 - LMT 1924 May 2 # or Ashkhabad
- 4:00 - ASHT 1930 Jun 21 # Ashkhabad Time
- 5:00 RussiaAsia ASH%sT 1991 Mar 31 2:00
- 4:00 RussiaAsia ASH%sT 1991 Oct 27 # independence
- 4:00 RussiaAsia TM%sT 1992 Jan 19 2:00
- 5:00 - TMT
-# United Arab Emirates
-Zone Asia/Dubai 3:41:12 - LMT 1920
- 4:00 - GST
-# Uzbekistan
-Zone Asia/Samarkand 4:27:12 - LMT 1924 May 2
- 4:00 - SAMT 1930 Jun 21 # Samarkand Time
- 5:00 - SAMT 1981 Apr 1
- 5:00 1:00 SAMST 1981 Oct 1
- 6:00 RussiaAsia TAS%sT 1991 Mar 31 2:00 # Tashkent Time
- 5:00 RussiaAsia TAS%sT 1991 Sep 1 # independence
- 5:00 RussiaAsia UZ%sT 1992
- 5:00 RussiaAsia UZ%sT 1993
- 5:00 - UZT
-Zone Asia/Tashkent 4:37:12 - LMT 1924 May 2
- 5:00 - TAST 1930 Jun 21 # Tashkent Time
- 6:00 RussiaAsia TAS%sT 1991 Mar 31 2:00s
- 5:00 RussiaAsia TAS%sT 1991 Sep 1 # independence
- 5:00 RussiaAsia UZ%sT 1992
- 5:00 RussiaAsia UZ%sT 1993
- 5:00 - UZT
-# Vietnam
-# From Paul Eggert (1993-11-18):
-# Saigon's official name is Thanh-Pho Ho Chi Minh, but it's too long.
-# We'll stick with the traditional name for now.
-# From Shanks:
-Zone Asia/Saigon 7:06:40 - LMT 1906 Jun 9
- 7:06:20 - SMT 1911 Mar 11 0:01 # Saigon MT?
- 7:00 - ICT 1912 May
- 8:00 - ICT 1931 May
- 7:00 - ICT
-# Yemen
-Zone Asia/Aden 3:00:48 - LMT 1950
- 3:00 - AST
diff --git a/install/timezone/australasia b/install/timezone/australasia
deleted file mode 100644
index 55252ce7c..000000000
--- a/install/timezone/australasia
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1401 +0,0 @@
-# @(#)australasia 7.78
-# This file also includes Pacific islands.
-# Notes are at the end of this file
-# Australia
-# Please see the notes below for the controversy about "EST" versus "AEST" etc.
-Rule Aus 1917 only - Jan 1 0:01 1:00 -
-Rule Aus 1917 only - Mar 25 2:00 0 -
-Rule Aus 1942 only - Jan 1 2:00 1:00 -
-Rule Aus 1942 only - Mar 29 2:00 0 -
-Rule Aus 1942 only - Sep 27 2:00 1:00 -
-Rule Aus 1943 1944 - Mar lastSun 2:00 0 -
-Rule Aus 1943 only - Oct 3 2:00 1:00 -
-# Go with Whitman and the Australian National Standards Commission, which
-# says W Australia didn't use DST in 1943/1944. Ignore Whitman's claim that
-# 1944/1945 was just like 1943/1944.
-# Northern Territory
-Zone Australia/Darwin 8:43:20 - LMT 1895 Feb
- 9:00 - CST 1899 May
- 9:30 Aus CST
-# Western Australia
-Zone Australia/Perth 7:43:24 - LMT 1895 Dec
- 8:00 Aus WST 1943 Jul
- 8:00 - WST 1974 Oct lastSun 2:00s
- 8:00 1:00 WST 1975 Mar Sun>=1 2:00s
- 8:00 - WST 1983 Oct lastSun 2:00s
- 8:00 1:00 WST 1984 Mar Sun>=1 2:00s
- 8:00 - WST 1991 Nov 17 2:00s
- 8:00 1:00 WST 1992 Mar Sun>=1 2:00s
- 8:00 - WST
-# Queensland
-# From Alex Livingston (1996-11-01):
-# I have heard or read more than once that some resort islands off the coast
-# of Queensland chose to keep observing daylight-saving time even after
-# Queensland ceased to.
-# From Paul Eggert (1996-11-22):
-# IATA SSIM (1993-02/1994-09) say that the Holiday Islands (Hayman, Lindeman,
-# Hamilton) observed DST for two years after the rest of Queensland stopped.
-# Hamilton is the largest, but there is also a Hamilton in Victoria,
-# so use Lindeman.
-Rule AQ 1971 only - Oct lastSun 2:00s 1:00 -
-Rule AQ 1972 only - Feb lastSun 2:00s 0 -
-Rule AQ 1989 1991 - Oct lastSun 2:00s 1:00 -
-Rule AQ 1990 1992 - Mar Sun>=1 2:00s 0 -
-Rule Holiday 1992 1993 - Oct lastSun 2:00s 1:00 -
-Rule Holiday 1993 1994 - Mar Sun>=1 2:00s 0 -
-Zone Australia/Brisbane 10:12:08 - LMT 1895
- 10:00 Aus EST 1971
- 10:00 AQ EST
-Zone Australia/Lindeman 9:55:56 - LMT 1895
- 10:00 Aus EST 1971
- 10:00 AQ EST 1992 Jul
- 10:00 Holiday EST
-# South Australia
-Rule AS 1971 1985 - Oct lastSun 2:00s 1:00 -
-Rule AS 1986 only - Oct 19 2:00s 1:00 -
-Rule AS 1987 max - Oct lastSun 2:00s 1:00 -
-Rule AS 1972 only - Feb 27 2:00s 0 -
-Rule AS 1973 1985 - Mar Sun>=1 2:00s 0 -
-Rule AS 1986 1989 - Mar Sun>=15 2:00s 0 -
-Rule AS 1990 only - Mar Sun>=18 2:00s 0 -
-Rule AS 1991 only - Mar Sun>=1 2:00s 0 -
-Rule AS 1992 only - Mar Sun>=18 2:00s 0 -
-Rule AS 1993 only - Mar Sun>=1 2:00s 0 -
-Rule AS 1994 only - Mar Sun>=18 2:00s 0 -
-Rule AS 1995 2005 - Mar lastSun 2:00s 0 -
-Rule AS 2006 only - Apr Sun>=1 2:00s 0 -
-Rule AS 2007 max - Mar lastSun 2:00s 0 -
-Zone Australia/Adelaide 9:14:20 - LMT 1895 Feb
- 9:00 - CST 1899 May
- 9:30 Aus CST 1971
- 9:30 AS CST
-# Tasmania
-# From Paul Eggert (2005-08-16):
-# says King Island didn't observe DST from WWII until late 1971.
-Rule AT 1967 only - Oct Sun>=1 2:00s 1:00 -
-Rule AT 1968 only - Mar lastSun 2:00s 0 -
-Rule AT 1968 1985 - Oct lastSun 2:00s 1:00 -
-Rule AT 1969 1971 - Mar Sun>=8 2:00s 0 -
-Rule AT 1972 only - Feb lastSun 2:00s 0 -
-Rule AT 1973 1981 - Mar Sun>=1 2:00s 0 -
-Rule AT 1982 1983 - Mar lastSun 2:00s 0 -
-Rule AT 1984 1986 - Mar Sun>=1 2:00s 0 -
-Rule AT 1986 only - Oct Sun>=15 2:00s 1:00 -
-Rule AT 1987 1990 - Mar Sun>=15 2:00s 0 -
-Rule AT 1987 only - Oct Sun>=22 2:00s 1:00 -
-Rule AT 1988 1990 - Oct lastSun 2:00s 1:00 -
-Rule AT 1991 1999 - Oct Sun>=1 2:00s 1:00 -
-Rule AT 1991 2005 - Mar lastSun 2:00s 0 -
-Rule AT 2000 only - Aug lastSun 2:00s 1:00 -
-Rule AT 2001 max - Oct Sun>=1 2:00s 1:00 -
-Rule AT 2006 only - Apr Sun>=1 2:00s 0 -
-Rule AT 2007 max - Mar lastSun 2:00s 0 -
-Zone Australia/Hobart 9:49:16 - LMT 1895 Sep
- 10:00 - EST 1916 Oct 1 2:00
- 10:00 1:00 EST 1917 Feb
- 10:00 Aus EST 1967
- 10:00 AT EST
-Zone Australia/Currie 9:35:28 - LMT 1895 Sep
- 10:00 - EST 1916 Oct 1 2:00
- 10:00 1:00 EST 1917 Feb
- 10:00 Aus EST 1971 Jul
- 10:00 AT EST
-# Victoria
-Rule AV 1971 1985 - Oct lastSun 2:00s 1:00 -
-Rule AV 1972 only - Feb lastSun 2:00s 0 -
-Rule AV 1973 1985 - Mar Sun>=1 2:00s 0 -
-Rule AV 1986 1990 - Mar Sun>=15 2:00s 0 -
-Rule AV 1986 1987 - Oct Sun>=15 2:00s 1:00 -
-Rule AV 1988 1999 - Oct lastSun 2:00s 1:00 -
-Rule AV 1991 1994 - Mar Sun>=1 2:00s 0 -
-Rule AV 1995 2005 - Mar lastSun 2:00s 0 -
-Rule AV 2000 only - Aug lastSun 2:00s 1:00 -
-Rule AV 2001 max - Oct lastSun 2:00s 1:00 -
-Rule AV 2006 only - Apr Sun>=1 2:00s 0 -
-Rule AV 2007 max - Mar lastSun 2:00s 0 -
-Zone Australia/Melbourne 9:39:52 - LMT 1895 Feb
- 10:00 Aus EST 1971
- 10:00 AV EST
-# New South Wales
-Rule AN 1971 1985 - Oct lastSun 2:00s 1:00 -
-Rule AN 1972 only - Feb 27 2:00s 0 -
-Rule AN 1973 1981 - Mar Sun>=1 2:00s 0 -
-Rule AN 1982 only - Apr Sun>=1 2:00s 0 -
-Rule AN 1983 1985 - Mar Sun>=1 2:00s 0 -
-Rule AN 1986 1989 - Mar Sun>=15 2:00s 0 -
-Rule AN 1986 only - Oct 19 2:00s 1:00 -
-Rule AN 1987 1999 - Oct lastSun 2:00s 1:00 -
-Rule AN 1990 1995 - Mar Sun>=1 2:00s 0 -
-Rule AN 1996 2005 - Mar lastSun 2:00s 0 -
-Rule AN 2000 only - Aug lastSun 2:00s 1:00 -
-Rule AN 2001 max - Oct lastSun 2:00s 1:00 -
-Rule AN 2006 only - Apr Sun>=1 2:00s 0 -
-Rule AN 2007 max - Mar lastSun 2:00s 0 -
-Zone Australia/Sydney 10:04:52 - LMT 1895 Feb
- 10:00 Aus EST 1971
- 10:00 AN EST
-Zone Australia/Broken_Hill 9:25:48 - LMT 1895 Feb
- 10:00 - EST 1896 Aug 23
- 9:00 - CST 1899 May
- 9:30 Aus CST 1971
- 9:30 AN CST 2000
- 9:30 AS CST
-# Lord Howe Island
-Rule LH 1981 1984 - Oct lastSun 2:00 1:00 -
-Rule LH 1982 1985 - Mar Sun>=1 2:00 0 -
-Rule LH 1985 only - Oct lastSun 2:00 0:30 -
-Rule LH 1986 1989 - Mar Sun>=15 2:00 0 -
-Rule LH 1986 only - Oct 19 2:00 0:30 -
-Rule LH 1987 1999 - Oct lastSun 2:00 0:30 -
-Rule LH 1990 1995 - Mar Sun>=1 2:00 0 -
-Rule LH 1996 2005 - Mar lastSun 2:00 0 -
-Rule LH 2000 only - Aug lastSun 2:00 0:30 -
-Rule LH 2001 max - Oct lastSun 2:00 0:30 -
-Rule LH 2006 only - Apr Sun>=1 2:00 0 -
-Rule LH 2007 max - Mar lastSun 2:00 0 -
-Zone Australia/Lord_Howe 10:36:20 - LMT 1895 Feb
- 10:00 - EST 1981 Mar
- 10:30 LH LHST
-# Australian miscellany
-# Ashmore Is, Cartier
-# no indigenous inhabitants; only seasonal caretakers
-# like Australia/Perth, says Turner
-# Coral Sea Is
-# no indigenous inhabitants; only meteorologists
-# no information
-# Macquarie
-# permanent occupation (scientific station) since 1948;
-# sealing and penguin oil station operated 1888/1917
-# like Australia/Hobart, says Turner
-# Christmas
-Zone Indian/Christmas 7:02:52 - LMT 1895 Feb
- 7:00 - CXT # Christmas Island Time
-# Cook Is
-# From Shanks:
-Rule Cook 1978 only - Nov 12 0:00 0:30 HS
-Rule Cook 1979 1991 - Mar Sun>=1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Cook 1979 1990 - Oct lastSun 0:00 0:30 HS
-Zone Pacific/Rarotonga -10:39:04 - LMT 1901 # Avarua
- -10:30 - CKT 1978 Nov 12 # Cook Is Time
- -10:00 Cook CK%sT
-# Cocos
-# These islands were ruled by the Ross family from about 1830 to 1978.
-# We don't know when standard time was introduced; for now, we guess 1900.
-Zone Indian/Cocos 6:27:40 - LMT 1900
- 6:30 - CCT # Cocos Islands Time
-# Fiji
-Rule Fiji 1998 1999 - Nov Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 S
-Rule Fiji 1999 2000 - Feb lastSun 3:00 0 -
-Zone Pacific/Fiji 11:53:40 - LMT 1915 Oct 26 # Suva
- 12:00 Fiji FJ%sT # Fiji Time
-# French Polynesia
-Zone Pacific/Gambier -8:59:48 - LMT 1912 Oct # Rikitea
- -9:00 - GAMT # Gambier Time
-Zone Pacific/Marquesas -9:18:00 - LMT 1912 Oct
- -9:30 - MART # Marquesas Time
-Zone Pacific/Tahiti -9:58:16 - LMT 1912 Oct # Papeete
- -10:00 - TAHT # Tahiti Time
-# Clipperton (near North America) is administered from French Polynesia;
-# it is uninhabited.
-# Guam
-Zone Pacific/Guam -14:21:00 - LMT 1844 Dec 31
- 9:39:00 - LMT 1901 # Agana
- 10:00 - GST 2000 Dec 23 # Guam
- 10:00 - ChST # Chamorro Standard Time
-# Kiribati
-Zone Pacific/Tarawa 11:32:04 - LMT 1901 # Bairiki
- 12:00 - GILT # Gilbert Is Time
-Zone Pacific/Enderbury -11:24:20 - LMT 1901
- -12:00 - PHOT 1979 Oct # Phoenix Is Time
- -11:00 - PHOT 1995
- 13:00 - PHOT
-Zone Pacific/Kiritimati -10:29:20 - LMT 1901
- -10:40 - LINT 1979 Oct # Line Is Time
- -10:00 - LINT 1995
- 14:00 - LINT
-# N Mariana Is
-Zone Pacific/Saipan -14:17:00 - LMT 1844 Dec 31
- 9:43:00 - LMT 1901
- 9:00 - MPT 1969 Oct # N Mariana Is Time
- 10:00 - MPT 2000 Dec 23
- 10:00 - ChST # Chamorro Standard Time
-# Marshall Is
-Zone Pacific/Majuro 11:24:48 - LMT 1901
- 11:00 - MHT 1969 Oct # Marshall Islands Time
- 12:00 - MHT
-Zone Pacific/Kwajalein 11:09:20 - LMT 1901
- 11:00 - MHT 1969 Oct
- -12:00 - KWAT 1993 Aug 20 # Kwajalein Time
- 12:00 - MHT
-# Micronesia
-Zone Pacific/Truk 10:07:08 - LMT 1901
- 10:00 - TRUT # Truk Time
-Zone Pacific/Ponape 10:32:52 - LMT 1901 # Kolonia
- 11:00 - PONT # Ponape Time
-Zone Pacific/Kosrae 10:51:56 - LMT 1901
- 11:00 - KOST 1969 Oct # Kosrae Time
- 12:00 - KOST 1999
- 11:00 - KOST
-# Nauru
-Zone Pacific/Nauru 11:07:40 - LMT 1921 Jan 15 # Uaobe
- 11:30 - NRT 1942 Mar 15 # Nauru Time
- 9:00 - JST 1944 Aug 15
- 11:30 - NRT 1979 May
- 12:00 - NRT
-# New Caledonia
-Rule NC 1977 1978 - Dec Sun>=1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule NC 1978 1979 - Feb 27 0:00 0 -
-Rule NC 1996 only - Dec 1 2:00s 1:00 S
-# Shanks says the following was at 2:00; go with IATA.
-Rule NC 1997 only - Mar 2 2:00s 0 -
-Zone Pacific/Noumea 11:05:48 - LMT 1912 Jan 13
- 11:00 NC NC%sT
-# New Zealand
-Rule NZ 1927 only - Nov 6 2:00 1:00 S
-Rule NZ 1928 only - Mar 4 2:00 0 M
-Rule NZ 1928 1933 - Oct Sun>=8 2:00 0:30 S
-Rule NZ 1929 1933 - Mar Sun>=15 2:00 0 M
-Rule NZ 1934 1940 - Apr lastSun 2:00 0 M
-Rule NZ 1934 1940 - Sep lastSun 2:00 0:30 S
-Rule NZ 1946 only - Jan 1 0:00 0 S
-# Since 1957 Chatham has been 45 minutes ahead of NZ, but there's no
-# convenient notation for this so we must duplicate the Rule lines.
-Rule NZ 1974 only - Nov Sun>=1 2:00s 1:00 D
-Rule Chatham 1974 only - Nov Sun>=1 2:45s 1:00 D
-Rule NZ 1975 only - Feb lastSun 2:00s 0 S
-Rule Chatham 1975 only - Feb lastSun 2:45s 0 S
-Rule NZ 1975 1988 - Oct lastSun 2:00s 1:00 D
-Rule Chatham 1975 1988 - Oct lastSun 2:45s 1:00 D
-Rule NZ 1976 1989 - Mar Sun>=1 2:00s 0 S
-Rule Chatham 1976 1989 - Mar Sun>=1 2:45s 0 S
-Rule NZ 1989 only - Oct Sun>=8 2:00s 1:00 D
-Rule Chatham 1989 only - Oct Sun>=8 2:45s 1:00 D
-Rule NZ 1990 max - Oct Sun>=1 2:00s 1:00 D
-Rule Chatham 1990 max - Oct Sun>=1 2:45s 1:00 D
-Rule NZ 1990 max - Mar Sun>=15 2:00s 0 S
-Rule Chatham 1990 max - Mar Sun>=15 2:45s 0 S
-Zone Pacific/Auckland 11:39:04 - LMT 1868 Nov 2
- 11:30 NZ NZ%sT 1946 Jan 1
- 12:00 NZ NZ%sT
-Zone Pacific/Chatham 12:13:48 - LMT 1957 Jan 1
- 12:45 Chatham CHA%sT
-# Auckland Is
-# uninhabited; Maori and Moriori, colonial settlers, pastoralists, sealers,
-# and scientific personnel have wintered
-# Campbell I
-# minor whaling stations operated 1909/1914
-# scientific station operated 1941/1995;
-# previously whalers, sealers, pastoralists, and scientific personnel wintered
-# was probably like Pacific/Auckland
-# Niue
-Zone Pacific/Niue -11:19:40 - LMT 1901 # Alofi
- -11:20 - NUT 1951 # Niue Time
- -11:30 - NUT 1978 Oct 1
- -11:00 - NUT
-# Norfolk
-Zone Pacific/Norfolk 11:11:52 - LMT 1901 # Kingston
- 11:12 - NMT 1951 # Norfolk Mean Time
- 11:30 - NFT # Norfolk Time
-# Palau (Belau)
-Zone Pacific/Palau 8:57:56 - LMT 1901 # Koror
- 9:00 - PWT # Palau Time
-# Papua New Guinea
-Zone Pacific/Port_Moresby 9:48:40 - LMT 1880
- 9:48:32 - PMMT 1895 # Port Moresby Mean Time
- 10:00 - PGT # Papua New Guinea Time
-# Pitcairn
-Zone Pacific/Pitcairn -8:40:20 - LMT 1901 # Adamstown
- -8:30 - PNT 1998 Apr 27 00:00
- -8:00 - PST # Pitcairn Standard Time
-# American Samoa
-Zone Pacific/Pago_Pago 12:37:12 - LMT 1879 Jul 5
- -11:22:48 - LMT 1911
- -11:30 - SAMT 1950 # Samoa Time
- -11:00 - NST 1967 Apr # N=Nome
- -11:00 - BST 1983 Nov 30 # B=Bering
- -11:00 - SST # S=Samoa
-# Samoa
-Zone Pacific/Apia 12:33:04 - LMT 1879 Jul 5
- -11:26:56 - LMT 1911
- -11:30 - SAMT 1950 # Samoa Time
- -11:00 - WST # Samoa Time
-# Solomon Is
-# excludes Bougainville, for which see Papua New Guinea
-Zone Pacific/Guadalcanal 10:39:48 - LMT 1912 Oct # Honiara
- 11:00 - SBT # Solomon Is Time
-# Tokelau Is
-Zone Pacific/Fakaofo -11:24:56 - LMT 1901
- -10:00 - TKT # Tokelau Time
-# Tonga
-Rule Tonga 1999 only - Oct 7 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Tonga 2000 only - Mar 19 2:00s 0 -
-Rule Tonga 2000 2001 - Nov Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 S
-Rule Tonga 2001 2002 - Jan lastSun 2:00 0 -
-Zone Pacific/Tongatapu 12:19:20 - LMT 1901
- 12:20 - TOT 1941 # Tonga Time
- 13:00 - TOT 1999
- 13:00 Tonga TO%sT
-# Tuvalu
-Zone Pacific/Funafuti 11:56:52 - LMT 1901
- 12:00 - TVT # Tuvalu Time
-# US minor outlying islands
-# Howland, Baker
-# uninhabited since World War II
-# no information; was probably like Pacific/Pago_Pago
-# Jarvis
-# uninhabited since 1958
-# no information; was probably like Pacific/Kiritimati
-# Johnston
-Zone Pacific/Johnston -10:00 - HST
-# Kingman
-# uninhabited
-# Midway
-# From Mark Brader (2005-01-23):
-# [Fallacies and Fantasies of Air Transport History, by R.E.G. Davies,
-# published 1994 by Paladwr Press, McLean, VA, USA; ISBN 0-9626483-5-3]
-# reproduced a Pan American Airways timeables from 1936, for their weekly
-# "Orient Express" flights between San Francisco and Manila, and connecting
-# flights to Chicago and the US East Coast. As it uses some time zone
-# designations that I've never seen before:....
-# Fri. 6:30A Lv. HONOLOLU (Pearl Harbor), H.I. H.L.T. Ar. 5:30P Sun.
-# " 3:00P Ar. MIDWAY ISLAND . . . . . . . . . M.L.T. Lv. 6:00A "
-Zone Pacific/Midway -11:49:28 - LMT 1901
- -11:00 - NST 1956 Jun 3
- -11:00 1:00 NDT 1956 Sep 2
- -11:00 - NST 1967 Apr # N=Nome
- -11:00 - BST 1983 Nov 30 # B=Bering
- -11:00 - SST # S=Samoa
-# Palmyra
-# uninhabited since World War II; was probably like Pacific/Kiritimati
-# Wake
-Zone Pacific/Wake 11:06:28 - LMT 1901
- 12:00 - WAKT # Wake Time
-# Vanuatu
-Rule Vanuatu 1983 only - Sep 25 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Vanuatu 1984 1991 - Mar Sun>=23 0:00 0 -
-Rule Vanuatu 1984 only - Oct 23 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Vanuatu 1985 1991 - Sep Sun>=23 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Vanuatu 1992 1993 - Jan Sun>=23 0:00 0 -
-Rule Vanuatu 1992 only - Oct Sun>=23 0:00 1:00 S
-Zone Pacific/Efate 11:13:16 - LMT 1912 Jan 13 # Vila
- 11:00 Vanuatu VU%sT # Vanuatu Time
-# Wallis and Futuna
-Zone Pacific/Wallis 12:15:20 - LMT 1901
- 12:00 - WFT # Wallis & Futuna Time
-# This data is by no means authoritative; if you think you know better,
-# go ahead and edit the file (and please send any changes to
-# tz@elsie.nci.nih.gov for general use in the future).
-# From Paul Eggert (1999-10-29):
-# A good source for time zone historical data outside the U.S. is
-# Thomas G. Shanks, The International Atlas (5th edition),
-# San Diego: ACS Publications, Inc. (1999).
-# Gwillim Law writes that a good source
-# for recent time zone data is the International Air Transport
-# Association's Standard Schedules Information Manual (IATA SSIM),
-# published semiannually. Law sent in several helpful summaries
-# of the IATA's data after 1990.
-# Except where otherwise noted, Shanks is the source for entries through 1990,
-# and IATA SSIM is the source for entries after 1990.
-# Another source occasionally used is Edward W. Whitman, World Time Differences,
-# Whitman Publishing Co, 2 Niagara Av, Ealing, London (undated), which
-# I found in the UCLA library.
-# A reliable and entertaining source about time zones is
-# Derek Howse, Greenwich time and longitude, Philip Wilson Publishers (1997).
-# I invented the abbreviations marked `*' in the following table;
-# the rest are from earlier versions of this file, or from other sources.
-# Corrections are welcome!
-# std dst
-# LMT Local Mean Time
-# 8:00 WST WST Western Australia
-# 9:00 JST Japan
-# 9:30 CST CST Central Australia
-# 10:00 EST EST Eastern Australia
-# 10:00 ChST Chamorro
-# 10:30 LHST LHST Lord Howe*
-# 11:30 NZMT NZST New Zealand through 1945
-# 12:00 NZST NZDT New Zealand 1946-present
-# 12:45 CHAST CHADT Chatham*
-# -11:00 SST Samoa
-# -10:00 HST Hawaii
-# - 8:00 PST Pitcairn*
-# See the `northamerica' file for Hawaii.
-# See the `southamerica' file for Easter I and the Galapagos Is.
-# Australia
-# From Paul Eggert (2005-12-08):
-# Implementation Dates of Daylight Saving Time within Australia
-# summarizes daylight saving issues in Australia.
-# From Arthur David Olson (2005-12-12):
-# Lawlink NSW:Daylight Saving in New South Wales
-# covers New South Wales in particular.
-# From John Mackin (1991-03-06):
-# We in Australia have _never_ referred to DST as `daylight' time.
-# It is called `summer' time. Now by a happy coincidence, `summer'
-# and `standard' happen to start with the same letter; hence, the
-# abbreviation does _not_ change...
-# The legislation does not actually define abbreviations, at least
-# in this State, but the abbreviation is just commonly taken to be the
-# initials of the phrase, and the legislation here uniformly uses
-# the phrase `summer time' and does not use the phrase `daylight
-# time'.
-# Announcers on the Commonwealth radio network, the ABC (for Australian
-# Broadcasting Commission), use the phrases `Eastern Standard Time'
-# or `Eastern Summer Time'. (Note, though, that as I say in the
-# current australasia file, there is really no such thing.) Announcers
-# on its overseas service, Radio Australia, use the same phrases
-# prefixed by the word `Australian' when referring to local times;
-# time announcements on that service, naturally enough, are made in UTC.
-# From Arthur David Olson (1992-03-08):
-# Given the above, what's chosen for year-round use is:
-# CST for any place operating at a GMTOFF of 9:30
-# WST for any place operating at a GMTOFF of 8:00
-# EST for any place operating at a GMTOFF of 10:00
-# From Paul Eggert (2001-04-05), summarizing a long discussion about "EST"
-# versus "AEST" etc.:
-# I see the following points of dispute:
-# * How important are unique time zone abbreviations?
-# Here I tend to agree with the point (most recently made by Chris
-# Newman) that unique abbreviations should not be essential for proper
-# operation of software. We have other instances of ambiguity
-# (e.g. "IST" denoting both "Israel Standard Time" and "Indian
-# Standard Time"), and they are not likely to go away any time soon.
-# In the old days, some software mistakenly relied on unique
-# abbreviations, but this is becoming less true with time, and I don't
-# think it's that important to cater to such software these days.
-# On the other hand, there is another motivation for unambiguous
-# abbreviations: it cuts down on human confusion. This is
-# particularly true for Australia, where "EST" can mean one thing for
-# time T and a different thing for time T plus 1 second.
-# * Does the relevant legislation indicate which abbreviations should be used?
-# Here I tend to think that things are a mess, just as they are in
-# many other countries. We Americans are currently disagreeing about
-# which abbreviation to use for the newly legislated Chamorro Standard
-# Time, for example.
-# Personally, I would prefer to use common practice; I would like to
-# refer to legislation only for examples of common practice, or as a
-# tiebreaker.
-# * Do Australians more often use "Eastern Daylight Time" or "Eastern
-# Summer Time"? Do they typically prefix the time zone names with
-# the word "Australian"?
-# My own impression is that both "Daylight Time" and "Summer Time" are
-# common and are widely understood, but that "Summer Time" is more
-# popular; and that the leading "A" is also common but is omitted more
-# often than not. I just used AltaVista advanced search and got the
-# following count of page hits:
-# 1,103 "Eastern Summer Time" AND domain:au
-# 971 "Australian Eastern Summer Time" AND domain:au
-# 613 "Eastern Daylight Time" AND domain:au
-# 127 "Australian Eastern Daylight Time" AND domain:au
-# Here "Summer" seems quite a bit more popular than "Daylight",
-# particularly when we know the time zone is Australian and not US,
-# say. The "Australian" prefix seems to be popular for Eastern Summer
-# Time, but unpopular for Eastern Daylight Time.
-# For abbreviations, tools like AltaVista are less useful because of
-# ambiguity. Many hits are not really time zones, unfortunately, and
-# many hits denote US time zones and not Australian ones. But here
-# are the hit counts anyway:
-# 161,304 "EST" and domain:au
-# 25,156 "EDT" and domain:au
-# 18,263 "AEST" and domain:au
-# 10,416 "AEDT" and domain:au
-# 14,538 "CST" and domain:au
-# 5,728 "CDT" and domain:au
-# 176 "ACST" and domain:au
-# 29 "ACDT" and domain:au
-# 7,539 "WST" and domain:au
-# 68 "AWST" and domain:au
-# This data suggest that Australians tend to omit the "A" prefix in
-# practice. The situation for "ST" versus "DT" is less clear, given
-# the ambiguities involved.
-# * How do Australians feel about the abbreviations in the tz database?
-# If you just count Australians on this list, I count 2 in favor and 3
-# against. One of the "against" votes (David Keegel) counseled delay,
-# saying that both AEST/AEDT and EST/EST are widely used and
-# understood in Australia.
-# From Paul Eggert (1995-12-19):
-# Shanks reports 2:00 for all autumn changes in Australia and New Zealand.
-# Mark Prior writes that his newspaper
-# reports that NSW's fall 1995 change will occur at 2:00,
-# but Robert Elz says it's been 3:00 in Victoria since 1970
-# and perhaps the newspaper's `2:00' is referring to standard time.
-# For now we'll continue to assume 2:00s for changes since 1960.
-# From Eric Ulevik (1998-01-05):
-# Here are some URLs to Australian time legislation. These URLs are stable,
-# and should probably be included in the data file. There are probably more
-# relevant entries in this database.
-# NSW (including LHI and Broken Hill):
-# Standard Time Act 1987 (updated 1995-04-04)
-# ACT
-# Standard Time and Summer Time Act 1972
-# SA
-# Standard Time Act, 1898
-# From David Grosz (2005-06-13):
-# It was announced last week that Daylight Saving would be extended by
-# one week next year to allow for the 2006 Commonwealth Games.
-# Daylight Saving is now to end for next year only on the first Sunday
-# in April instead of the last Sunday in March.
-# From Gwillim Law (2005-06-14):
-# I did some Googling and found that all of those states (and territory) plan
-# to extend DST together in 2006.
-# ACT: http://www.cmd.act.gov.au/mediareleases/fileread.cfm?file=86.txt
-# New South Wales: http://www.thecouriermail.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5936,15538869%255E1702,00.html
-# South Australia: http://www.news.com.au/story/0,10117,15555031-1246,00.html
-# Tasmania: http://www.media.tas.gov.au/release.php?id=14772
-# Victoria: I wasn't able to find anything separate, but the other articles
-# allude to it.
-# But not Queensland
-# http://www.news.com.au/story/0,10117,15564030-1248,00.html.
-# Northern Territory
-# From George Shepherd via Simon Woodhead via Robert Elz (1991-03-06):
-# # The NORTHERN TERRITORY.. [ Courtesy N.T. Dept of the Chief Minister ]
-# # [ Nov 1990 ]
-# # N.T. have never utilised any DST due to sub-tropical/tropical location.
-# ...
-# Zone Australia/North 9:30 - CST
-# From Bradley White (1991-03-04):
-# A recent excerpt from an Australian newspaper...
-# the Northern Territory do[es] not have daylight saving.
-# Western Australia
-# From George Shepherd via Simon Woodhead via Robert Elz (1991-03-06):
-# # The state of WESTERN AUSTRALIA.. [ Courtesy W.A. dept Premier+Cabinet ]
-# # [ Nov 1990 ]
-# # W.A. suffers from a great deal of public and political opposition to
-# # DST in principle. A bill is brought before parliament in most years, but
-# # usually defeated either in the upper house, or in party caucus
-# # before reaching parliament.
-# ...
-# Zone Australia/West 8:00 AW %sST
-# ...
-# Rule AW 1974 only - Oct lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-# Rule AW 1975 only - Mar Sun>=1 3:00 0 W
-# Rule AW 1983 only - Oct lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-# Rule AW 1984 only - Mar Sun>=1 3:00 0 W
-# From Bradley White (1991-03-04):
-# A recent excerpt from an Australian newspaper...
-# Western Australia...do[es] not have daylight saving.
-# From John D. Newman via Bradley White (1991-11-02):
-# Western Australia is still on "winter time". Some DH in Sydney
-# rang me at home a few days ago at 6.00am. (He had just arrived at
-# work at 9.00am.)
-# W.A. is switching to Summer Time on Nov 17th just to confuse
-# everybody again.
-# From Arthur David Olson (1992-03-08):
-# The 1992 ending date used in the rules is a best guess;
-# it matches what was used in the past.
-# The Australian Bureau of Meteorology FAQ
-# (1999-09-27) writes that Giles Meteorological Station uses
-# South Australian time even though it's located in Western Australia.
-# Queensland
-# From George Shepherd via Simon Woodhead via Robert Elz (1991-03-06):
-# # The state of QUEENSLAND.. [ Courtesy Qld. Dept Premier Econ&Trade Devel ]
-# # [ Dec 1990 ]
-# ...
-# Zone Australia/Queensland 10:00 AQ %sST
-# ...
-# Rule AQ 1971 only - Oct lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-# Rule AQ 1972 only - Feb lastSun 3:00 0 E
-# Rule AQ 1989 max - Oct lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-# Rule AQ 1990 max - Mar Sun>=1 3:00 0 E
-# From Bradley White (1989-12-24):
-# "Australia/Queensland" now observes daylight time (i.e. from
-# October 1989).
-# From Bradley White (1991-03-04):
-# A recent excerpt from an Australian newspaper...
-# ...Queensland...[has] agreed to end daylight saving
-# at 3am tomorrow (March 3)...
-# From John Mackin (1991-03-06):
-# I can certainly confirm for my part that Daylight Saving in NSW did in fact
-# end on Sunday, 3 March. I don't know at what hour, though. (It surprised
-# me.)
-# From Bradley White (1992-03-08):
-# ...there was recently a referendum in Queensland which resulted
-# in the experimental daylight saving system being abandoned. So, ...
-# ...
-# Rule QLD 1989 1991 - Oct lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-# Rule QLD 1990 1992 - Mar Sun>=1 3:00 0 S
-# ...
-# From Arthur David Olson (1992-03-08):
-# The chosen rules the union of the 1971/1972 change and the 1989-1992 changes.
-# From Rives McDow (2002-04-09):
-# The most interesting region I have found consists of three towns on the
-# southern coast of Australia, population 10 at last report, along with
-# 50,000 sheep, about 100 kilometers long and 40 kilometers into the
-# continent. The primary town is Madura, with the other towns being
-# Mundrabilla and Eucla. According to the sheriff of Madura, the
-# residents got tired of having to change the time so often, as they are
-# located in a strip overlapping the border of South Australia and Western
-# Australia. South Australia observes daylight saving time; Western
-# Australia does not. The two states are one and a half hours apart. The
-# residents decided to forget about this nonsense of changing the clock so
-# much and set the local time 20 hours and 45 minutes from the
-# international date line, or right in the middle of the time of South
-# Australia and Western Australia. As it only affects about 10 people and
-# tourists staying at the Madura Motel, it has never really made as big an
-# impact as Broken Hill. However, as tourist visiting there or anyone
-# calling the local sheriff will attest, they do keep time in this way.
-# From Paul Eggert (2002-04-09):
-# This is confirmed by the section entitled
-# "What's the deal with time zones???" in
-# ,
-# which says a few other things:
-# * Border Village, SA also is 45 minutes ahead of Perth.
-# * The locals call this time zone "central W.A. Time" (presumably "CWAT").
-# * The locals also call Western Australia time "Perth time".
-# It's not clear from context whether everyone in Western Australia
-# knows of this naming convention, or whether it's just the people in
-# this subregion.
-# South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria
-# From Arthur David Olson (1992-03-08):
-# The rules from version 7.1 follow.
-# There are lots of differences between these rules and
-# the Shepherd et al. rules. Since the Shepherd et al. rules
-# and Bradley White's newspaper article are in agreement on
-# current DST ending dates, no worries.
-# Rule Oz 1971 1985 - Oct lastSun 2:00 1:00 -
-# Rule Oz 1986 max - Oct Sun<=24 2:00 1:00 -
-# Rule Oz 1972 only - Feb 27 3:00 0 -
-# Rule Oz 1973 1986 - Mar Sun>=1 3:00 0 -
-# Rule Oz 1987 max - Mar Sun<=21 3:00 0 -
-# Zone Australia/Tasmania 10:00 Oz EST
-# Zone Australia/South 9:30 Oz CST
-# Zone Australia/Victoria 10:00 Oz EST 1985 Oct lastSun 2:00
-# 10:00 1:00 EST 1986 Mar Sun<=21 3:00
-# 10:00 Oz EST
-# From Robert Elz (1991-03-06):
-# I believe that the current start date for DST is "lastSun" in Oct...
-# that changed Oct 89. That is, we're back to the
-# original rule, and that rule currently applies in all the states
-# that have dst, incl Qld. (Certainly it was true in Vic).
-# The file I'm including says that happened in 1988, I think
-# that's incorrect, but I'm not 100% certain.
-# South Australia
-# From Bradley White (1991-03-04):
-# A recent excerpt from an Australian newspaper...
-# ...South Australia...[has] agreed to end daylight saving
-# at 3am tomorrow (March 3)...
-# From George Shepherd via Simon Woodhead via Robert Elz (1991-03-06):
-# # The state of SOUTH AUSTRALIA....[ Courtesy of S.A. Dept of Labour ]
-# # [ Nov 1990 ]
-# ...
-# Zone Australia/South 9:30 AS %sST
-# ...
-# Rule AS 1971 max - Oct lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-# Rule AS 1972 1985 - Mar Sun>=1 3:00 0 C
-# Rule AS 1986 1990 - Mar Sun<=21 3:00 0 C
-# Rule AS 1991 max - Mar Sun>=1 3:00 0 C
-# From Bradley White (1992-03-11):
-# Recent correspondence with a friend in Adelaide
-# contained the following exchange: "Due to the Adelaide Festival,
-# South Australia delays setting back our clocks for a few weeks."
-# From Robert Elz (1992-03-13):
-# I heard that apparently (or at least, it appears that)
-# South Aus will have an extra 3 weeks daylight saving every even
-# numbered year (from 1990). That's when the Adelaide Festival
-# is on...
-# From Robert Elz (1992-03-16, 00:57:07 +1000):
-# DST didn't end in Adelaide today (yesterday)....
-# But whether it's "4th Sunday" or "2nd last Sunday" I have no idea whatever...
-# (it's just as likely to be "the Sunday we pick for this year"...).
-# From Bradley White (1994-04-11):
-# If Sun, 15 March, 1992 was at +1030 as kre asserts, but yet Sun, 20 March,
-# 1994 was at +0930 as John Connolly's customer seems to assert, then I can
-# only conclude that the actual rule is more complicated....
-# From John Warburton (1994-10-07):
-# The new Daylight Savings dates for South Australia ...
-# was gazetted in the Government Hansard on Sep 26 1994....
-# start on last Sunday in October and end in last sunday in March.
-# Tasmania
-# The rules for 1967 through 1991 were reported by George Shepherd
-# via Simon Woodhead via Robert Elz (1991-03-06):
-# # The state of TASMANIA.. [Courtesy Tasmanian Dept of Premier + Cabinet ]
-# # [ Nov 1990 ]
-# From Bill Hart via Guy Harris (1991-10-10):
-# Oh yes, the new daylight savings rules are uniquely tasmanian, we have
-# 6 weeks a year now when we are out of sync with the rest of Australia
-# (but nothing new about that).
-# From Alex Livingston (1999-10-04):
-# I heard on the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) radio news on the
-# (long) weekend that Tasmania, which usually goes its own way in this regard,
-# has decided to join with most of NSW, the ACT, and most of Victoria
-# (Australia) and start daylight saving on the last Sunday in August in 2000
-# instead of the first Sunday in October.
-# Sim Alam (2000-07-03) reported a legal citation for the 2000/2001 rules:
-# http://www.thelaw.tas.gov.au/fragview/42++1968+GS3A@EN+2000070300
-# Victoria
-# The rules for 1971 through 1991 were reported by George Shepherd
-# via Simon Woodhead via Robert Elz (1991-03-06):
-# # The state of VICTORIA.. [ Courtesy of Vic. Dept of Premier + Cabinet ]
-# # [ Nov 1990 ]
-# From Scott Harrington (2001-08-29):
-# On KQED's "City Arts and Lectures" program last night I heard an
-# interesting story about daylight savings time. Dr. John Heilbron was
-# discussing his book "The Sun in the Church: Cathedrals as Solar
-# Observatories"[1], and in particular the Shrine of Remembrance[2] located
-# in Melbourne, Australia.
-# Apparently the shrine's main purpose is a beam of sunlight which
-# illuminates a special spot on the floor at the 11th hour of the 11th day
-# of the 11th month (Remembrance Day) every year in memory of Australia's
-# fallen WWI soldiers. And if you go there on Nov. 11, at 11am local time,
-# you will indeed see the sunbeam illuminate the special spot at the
-# expected time.
-# However, that is only because of some special mirror contraption that had
-# to be employed, since due to daylight savings time, the true solar time of
-# the remembrance moment occurs one hour later (or earlier?). Perhaps
-# someone with more information on this jury-rig can tell us more.
-# [1] http://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog/HEISUN.html
-# [2] http://www.shrine.org.au
-# New South Wales
-# From Arthur David Olson:
-# New South Wales and subjurisdictions have their own ideas of a fun time.
-# Based on law library research by John Mackin,
-# who notes:
-# In Australia, time is not legislated federally, but rather by the
-# individual states. Thus, while such terms as ``Eastern Standard Time''
-# [I mean, of course, Australian EST, not any other kind] are in common
-# use, _they have NO REAL MEANING_, as they are not defined in the
-# legislation. This is very important to understand.
-# I have researched New South Wales time only...
-# From Eric Ulevik (1999-05-26):
-# DST will start in NSW on the last Sunday of August, rather than the usual
-# October in 2000. [See: Matthew Moore,
-# Two months more daylight saving
-# Sydney Morning Herald (1999-05-26).]
-# From Paul Eggert (1999-09-27):
-# See the following official NSW source:
-# Daylight Saving in New South Wales.
-# Narrabri Shire (NSW) council has announced it will ignore the extension of
-# daylight saving next year. See:
-# Narrabri Council to ignore daylight saving
-# (1999-07-22). For now, we'll wait to see if this really happens.
-# Victoria will following NSW. See:
-# Vic to extend daylight saving
-# (1999-07-28).
-# However, South Australia rejected the DST request. See:
-# South Australia rejects Olympics daylight savings request
-# (1999-07-19).
-# Queensland also will not observe DST for the Olympics. See:
-# Qld says no to daylight savings for Olympics
-# (1999-06-01), which quotes Queensland Premier Peter Beattie as saying
-# ``Look you've got to remember in my family when this came up last time
-# I voted for it, my wife voted against it and she said to me it's all very
-# well for you, you don't have to worry about getting the children out of
-# bed, getting them to school, getting them to sleep at night.
-# I've been through all this argument domestically...my wife rules.''
-# Broken Hill will stick with South Australian time in 2000. See:
-# Broken Hill to be behind the times
-# (1999-07-21).
-# IATA SSIM (1998-09) says that the spring 2000 change for Australian
-# Capital Territory, New South Wales except Lord Howe Island and Broken
-# Hill, and Victoria will be August 27, presumably due to the Sydney Olympics.
-# From Eric Ulevik, referring to Sydney's Sun Herald (2000-08-13), page 29:
-# The Queensland Premier Peter Beattie is encouraging northern NSW
-# towns to use Queensland time.
-# Yancowinna
-# From John Mackin (1989-01-04):
-# `Broken Hill' means the County of Yancowinna.
-# From George Shepherd via Simon Woodhead via Robert Elz (1991-03-06):
-# # YANCOWINNA.. [ Confirmation courtesy of Broken Hill Postmaster ]
-# # [ Dec 1990 ]
-# ...
-# # Yancowinna uses Central Standard Time, despite [its] location on the
-# # New South Wales side of the S.A. border. Most business and social dealings
-# # are with CST zones, therefore CST is legislated by local government
-# # although the switch to Summer Time occurs in line with N.S.W. There have
-# # been years when this did not apply, but the historical data is not
-# # presently available.
-# Zone Australia/Yancowinna 9:30 AY %sST
-# ...
-# Rule AY 1971 1985 - Oct lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-# Rule AY 1972 only - Feb lastSun 3:00 0 C
-# [followed by other Rules]
-# Lord Howe Island
-# From George Shepherd via Simon Woodhead via Robert Elz (1991-03-06):
-# LHI... [ Courtesy of Pauline Van Winsen ]
-# [ Dec 1990 ]
-# Lord Howe Island is located off the New South Wales coast, and is half an
-# hour ahead of NSW time.
-# From James Lonergan, Secretary, Lord Howe Island Board (2000-01-27):
-# Lord Howe Island summer time in 2000/2001 will commence on the same
-# date as the rest of NSW (i.e. 2000-08-27). For your information the
-# Lord Howe Island Board (controlling authority for the Island) is
-# seeking the community's views on various options for summer time
-# arrangements on the Island, e.g. advance clocks by 1 full hour
-# instead of only 30 minutes. Dependant on the wishes of residents
-# the Board may approach the NSW government to change the existing
-# arrangements. The starting date for summer time on the Island will
-# however always coincide with the rest of NSW.
-# From James Lonergan, Secretary, Lord Howe Island Board (2000-10-25):
-# Lord Howe Island advances clocks by 30 minutes during DST in NSW and retards
-# clocks by 30 minutes when DST finishes. Since DST was most recently
-# introduced in NSW, the "changeover" time on the Island has been 02:00 as
-# shown on clocks on LHI. I guess this means that for 30 minutes at the start
-# of DST, LHI is actually 1 hour ahead of the rest of NSW.
-# From Paul Eggert (2001-02-09):
-# For Lord Howe dates we use Shanks through 1989, and Lonergan thereafter.
-# For times we use Lonergan.
-# New Zealand
-# From Mark Davies (1990-10-03):
-# the 1989/90 year was a trial of an extended "daylight saving" period.
-# This trial was deemed successful and the extended period adopted for
-# subsequent years (with the addition of a further week at the start).
-# source -- phone call to Ministry of Internal Affairs Head Office.
-# From George Shepherd via Simon Woodhead via Robert Elz (1991-03-06):
-# # The Country of New Zealand (Australia's east island -) Gee they hate that!
-# # or is Australia the west island of N.Z.
-# # [ courtesy of Geoff Tribble.. Auckland N.Z. ]
-# # [ Nov 1990 ]
-# ...
-# Rule NZ 1974 1988 - Oct lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-# Rule NZ 1989 max - Oct Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 D
-# Rule NZ 1975 1989 - Mar Sun>=1 3:00 0 S
-# Rule NZ 1990 max - Mar lastSun 3:00 0 S
-# ...
-# Zone NZ 12:00 NZ NZ%sT # New Zealand
-# Zone NZ-CHAT 12:45 - NZ-CHAT # Chatham Island
-# From Arthur David Olson (1992-03-08):
-# The chosen rules use the Davies October 8 values for the start of DST in 1989
-# rather than the October 1 value.
-# From Paul Eggert (1995-12-19);
-# Shanks reports 2:00 for all autumn changes in Australia and New Zealand.
-# Robert Uzgalis writes that the New Zealand Daylight
-# Savings Time Order in Council dated 1990-06-18 specifies 2:00 standard
-# time on both the first Sunday in October and the third Sunday in March.
-# As with Australia, we'll assume the tradition is 2:00s, not 2:00.
-# From Paul Eggert (2003-05-26):
-# The Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) maintains a brief history,
-# as does Carol Squires; see tz-link.htm for the full references.
-# Use these sources in preference to Shanks.
-# For Chatham, IATA SSIM (1991/1999) gives the NZ rules but with
-# transitions at 2:45 local standard time; this confirms that Chatham
-# is always exactly 45 minutes ahead of Auckland.
-# Fiji
-# Howse writes (p 153) that in 1879 the British governor of Fiji
-# enacted an ordinance standardizing the islands on Antipodean Time
-# instead of the American system (which was one day behind).
-# From Rives McDow (1998-10-08):
-# Fiji will introduce DST effective 0200 local time, 1998-11-01
-# until 0300 local time 1999-02-28. Each year the DST period will
-# be from the first Sunday in November until the last Sunday in February.
-# From Paul Eggert (2000-01-08):
-# IATA SSIM (1999-09) says DST ends 0100 local time. Go with McDow.
-# From the BBC World Service (1998-10-31 11:32 UTC):
-# The Fijiian government says the main reasons for the time change is to
-# improve productivity and reduce road accidents. But correspondents say it
-# also hopes the move will boost Fiji's ability to compete with other pacific
-# islands in the effort to attract tourists to witness the dawning of the new
-# millenium.
-# http://www.fiji.gov.fj/press/2000_09/2000_09_13-05.shtml (2000-09-13)
-# reports that Fiji has discontinued DST.
-# Johnston
-# Johnston data is from usno1995.
-# Kiribati
-# From Paul Eggert (1996-01-22):
-# Today's _Wall Street Journal_ (page 1) reports that Kiribati
-# ``declared it the same day throught the country as of Jan. 1, 1995''
-# as part of the competition to be first into the 21st century.
-# Kwajalein
-# In comp.risks 14.87 (26 August 1993), Peter Neumann writes:
-# I wonder what happened in Kwajalein, where there was NO Friday,
-# 1993-08-20. Thursday night at midnight Kwajalein switched sides with
-# respect to the International Date Line, to rejoin its fellow islands,
-# going from 11:59 p.m. Thursday to 12:00 m. Saturday in a blink.
-# N Mariana Is, Guam
-# Howse writes (p 153) ``The Spaniards, on the other hand, reached the
-# Philippines and the Ladrones from America,'' and implies that the Ladrones
-# (now called the Marianas) kept American date for quite some time.
-# For now, we assume the Ladrones switched at the same time as the Philippines;
-# see Asia/Manila.
-# US Public Law 106-564 (2000-12-23) made UTC+10 the official standard time,
-# under the name "Chamorro Standard Time". There is no official abbreviation,
-# but Congressman Robert A. Underwood, author of the bill that became law,
-# wrote in a press release (2000-12-27) that he will seek the use of "ChST".
-# Micronesia
-# Alan Eugene Davis writes (1996-03-16),
-# ``I am certain, having lived there for the past decade, that "Truk"
-# (now properly known as Chuuk) ... is in the time zone GMT+10.''
-# Shanks writes that Truk switched from UTC+10 to UTC+11 on 1978-10-01;
-# ignore this for now.
-# From Paul Eggert (1999-10-29):
-# The Federated States of Micronesia Visitors Board writes in
-# The Federated States of Micronesia - Visitor Information
-# (1999-01-26)
-# that Truk and Yap are UTC+10, and Ponape and Kosrae are UTC+11.
-# We don't know when Kosrae switched from UTC+12; assume January 1 for now.
-# Midway
-# From Charles T O'Connor, KMTH DJ (1956),
-# quoted in the KTMH section of the Radio Heritage Collection
-# (2002-12-31):
-# For the past two months we've been on what is known as Daylight
-# Saving Time. This time has put us on air at 5am in the morning,
-# your time down there in New Zealand. Starting September 2, 1956
-# we'll again go back to Standard Time. This'll mean that we'll go to
-# air at 6am your time.
-# From Paul Eggert (2003-03-23):
-# We don't know the date of that quote, but we'll guess they
-# started DST on June 3. Possibly DST was observed other years
-# in Midway, but we have no record of it.
-# Pitcairn
-# From Rives McDow (1999-11-08):
-# A Proclamation was signed by the Governor of Pitcairn on the 27th March 1998
-# with regard to Pitcairn Standard Time. The Proclamation is as follows.
-# The local time for general purposes in the Islands shall be
-# Co-ordinated Universal time minus 8 hours and shall be known
-# as Pitcairn Standard Time.
-# ... I have also seen Pitcairn listed as UTC minus 9 hours in several
-# references, and can only assume that this was an error in interpretation
-# somehow in light of this proclamation.
-# From Rives McDow (1999-11-09):
-# The Proclamation regarding Pitcairn time came into effect on 27 April 1998
-# ... at midnight.
-# From Howie Phelps (1999-11-10), who talked to a Pitcairner via shortwave:
-# Betty Christian told me yesterday that their local time is the same as
-# Pacific Standard Time. They used to be 1/2 hour different from us here in
-# Sacramento but it was changed a couple of years ago.
-# Samoa
-# Howse writes (p 153, citing p 10 of the 1883-11-18 New York Herald)
-# that in 1879 the King of Samoa decided to change
-# ``the date in his kingdom from the Antipodean to the American system,
-# ordaining -- by a masterpiece of diplomatic flattery -- that
-# the Fourth of July should be celebrated twice in that year.''
-# Tonga
-# From Paul Eggert (1996-01-22):
-# Today's _Wall Street Journal_ (p 1) reports that ``Tonga has been plotting
-# to sneak ahead of [New Zealanders] by introducing daylight-saving time.''
-# Since Kiribati has moved the Date Line it's not clear what Tonga will do.
-# Don Mundell writes in the 1997-02-20 Tonga Chronicle
-# How Tonga became `The Land where Time Begins'
-# :
-# Until 1941 Tonga maintained a standard time 50 minutes ahead of NZST
-# 12 hours and 20 minutes ahead of GMT. When New Zealand adjusted its
-# standard time in 1940s, Tonga had the choice of subtracting from its
-# local time to come on the same standard time as New Zealand or of
-# advancing its time to maintain the differential of 13 degrees
-# (approximately 50 minutes ahead of New Zealand time).
-# Because His Majesty King Taufa'ahau Tupou IV, then Crown Prince
-# Tungi, preferred to ensure Tonga's title as the land where time
-# begins, the Legislative Assembly approved the latter change.
-# But some of the older, more conservative members from the outer
-# islands objected. "If at midnight on Dec. 31, we move ahead 40
-# minutes, as your Royal Highness wishes, what becomes of the 40
-# minutes we have lost?"
-# The Crown Prince, presented an unanswerable argument: "Remember that
-# on the World Day of Prayer, you would be the first people on Earth
-# to say your prayers in the morning."
-# From Paul Eggert (1999-08-12):
-# Shanks says the transition was on 1968-10-01; go with Mundell.
-# From Eric Ulevik (1999-05-03):
-# Tonga's director of tourism, who is also secretary of the National Millenium
-# Committee, has a plan to get Tonga back in front.
-# He has proposed a one-off move to tropical daylight saving for Tonga from
-# October to March, which has won approval in principle from the Tongan
-# Government.
-# From Steffen Thorsen (1999-09-09):
-# * Tonga will introduce DST in November
-# I was given this link by John Letts:
-# http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/asia-pacific/newsid_424000/424764.stm
-# I have not been able to find exact dates for the transition in November
-# yet. By reading this article it seems like Fiji will be 14 hours ahead
-# of UTC as well, but as far as I know Fiji will only be 13 hours ahead
-# (12 + 1 hour DST).
-# From Arthur David Olson (1999-09-20):
-# According to (2005-08-31):
-# Before 1920, all ships kept local apparent time on the high seas by setting
-# their clocks at night or at the morning sight so that, given the ship's
-# speed and direction, it would be 12 o'clock when the Sun crossed the ship's
-# meridian (12 o'clock = local apparent noon). During 1917, at the
-# Anglo-French Conference on Time-keeping at Sea, it was recommended that all
-# ships, both military and civilian, should adopt hourly standard time zones
-# on the high seas. Whenever a ship was within the territorial waters of any
-# nation it would use that nation's standard time. The captain was permitted
-# to change his ship's clocks at a time of his choice following his ship's
-# entry into another zone time--he often chose midnight. These zones were
-# adopted by all major fleets between 1920 and 1925 but not by many
-# independent merchant ships until World War II.
-# From Paul Eggert, using references suggested by Oscar van Vlijmen
-# (2005-03-20):
-# The American Practical Navigator (2002)
-# talks only about the 180-degree meridian with respect to ships in
-# international waters; it ignores the international date line.
diff --git a/install/timezone/europe b/install/timezone/europe
deleted file mode 100644
index 443721129..000000000
--- a/install/timezone/europe
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2447 +0,0 @@
-# @(#)europe 7.96
-# This data is by no means authoritative; if you think you know better,
-# go ahead and edit the file (and please send any changes to
-# tz@elsie.nci.nih.gov for general use in the future).
-# From Paul Eggert (1999-10-29):
-# A good source for time zone historical data outside the U.S. is
-# Thomas G. Shanks, The International Atlas (5th edition),
-# San Diego: ACS Publications, Inc. (1999).
-# Gwillim Law writes that a good source
-# for recent time zone data is the International Air Transport
-# Association's Standard Schedules Information Manual (IATA SSIM),
-# published semiannually. Law sent in several helpful summaries
-# of the IATA's data after 1990.
-# Except where otherwise noted, Shanks is the source for entries through 1991,
-# and IATA SSIM is the source for entries afterwards.
-# Other sources occasionally used include:
-# Edward W. Whitman, World Time Differences,
-# Whitman Publishing Co, 2 Niagara Av, Ealing, London (undated),
-# which I found in the UCLA library.
-# William Willett, The Waste of Daylight, 19th edition
-# (1914-03)
-# Brazil's Departamento Servico da Hora (DSH),
-# History of Summer Time
-# (1998-09-21, in Portuguese)
-# I invented the abbreviations marked `*' in the following table;
-# the rest are from earlier versions of this file, or from other sources.
-# Corrections are welcome!
-# std dst 2dst
-# LMT Local Mean Time
-# -4:00 AST ADT Atlantic
-# -3:00 WGT WGST Western Greenland*
-# -1:00 EGT EGST Eastern Greenland*
-# 0:00 GMT BST BDST Greenwich, British Summer
-# 0:00 GMT IST Greenwich, Irish Summer
-# 0:00 WET WEST WEMT Western Europe
-# 0:19:32.13 AMT NST Amsterdam, Netherlands Summer (1835-1937)*
-# 0:20 NET NEST Netherlands (1937-1940)*
-# 1:00 CET CEST CEMT Central Europe
-# 1:00:14 SET Swedish (1879-1899)*
-# 2:00 EET EEST Eastern Europe
-# 3:00 MSK MSD Moscow
-# A reliable and entertaining source about time zones, especially in Britain,
-# Derek Howse, Greenwich time and longitude, Philip Wilson Publishers (1997).
-# From Peter Ilieve (1994-12-04),
-# The original six [EU members]: Belgium, France, (West) Germany, Italy,
-# Luxembourg, the Netherlands.
-# Plus, from 1 Jan 73: Denmark, Ireland, United Kingdom.
-# Plus, from 1 Jan 81: Greece.
-# Plus, from 1 Jan 86: Spain, Portugal.
-# Plus, from 1 Jan 95: Austria, Finland, Sweden. (Norway negotiated terms for
-# entry but in a referendum on 28 Nov 94 the people voted No by 52.2% to 47.8%
-# on a turnout of 88.6%. This was almost the same result as Norway's previous
-# referendum in 1972, they are the only country to have said No twice.
-# Referendums in the other three countries voted Yes.)
-# ...
-# Estonia ... uses EU dates but not at 01:00 GMT, they use midnight GMT.
-# I don't think they know yet what they will do from 1996 onwards.
-# ...
-# There shouldn't be any [current members who are not using EU rules].
-# A Directive has the force of law, member states are obliged to enact
-# national law to implement it. The only contentious issue was the
-# different end date for the UK and Ireland, and this was always allowed
-# in the Directive.
-# Britain (United Kingdom) and Ireland (Eire)
-# From Peter Ilieve (1994-07-06):
-# On 17 Jan 1994 the Independent, a UK quality newspaper, had a piece about
-# historical vistas along the Thames in west London. There was a photo
-# and a sketch map showing some of the sightlines involved. One paragraph
-# of the text said:
-# `An old stone obelisk marking a forgotten terrestrial meridian stands
-# beside the river at Kew. In the 18th century, before time and longitude
-# was standardised by the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, scholars observed
-# this stone and the movement of stars from Kew Observatory nearby. They
-# made their calculations and set the time for the Horse Guards and Parliament,
-# but now the stone is obscured by scrubwood and can only be seen by walking
-# along the towpath within a few yards of it.'
-# I have a one inch to one mile map of London and my estimate of the stone's
-# position is 51 deg. 28' 30" N, 0 deg. 18' 45" W. The longitude should
-# be within about +-2". The Ordnance Survey grid reference is TQ172761.
-# [This yields GMTOFF = -0:01:15 for London LMT in the 18th century.]
-# From Paul Eggert (1993-11-18):
-# Howse writes that Britain was the first country to use standard time.
-# The railways cared most about the inconsistencies of local mean time,
-# and it was they who forced a uniform time on the country.
-# The original idea was credited to Dr. William Hyde Wollaston (1766-1828)
-# and was popularized by Abraham Follett Osler (1808-1903).
-# The first railway to adopt London time was the Great Western Railway
-# in November 1840; other railways followed suit, and by 1847 most
-# (though not all) railways used London time. On 1847-09-22 the
-# Railway Clearing House, an industry standards body, recommended that GMT be
-# adopted at all stations as soon as the General Post Office permitted it.
-# The transition occurred on 12-01 for the L&NW, the Caledonian,
-# and presumably other railways; the January 1848 Bradshaw's lists many
-# railways as using GMT. By 1855 the vast majority of public
-# clocks in Britain were set to GMT (though some, like the great clock
-# on Tom Tower at Christ Church, Oxford, were fitted with two minute hands,
-# one for local time and one for GMT). The last major holdout was the legal
-# system, which stubbornly stuck to local time for many years, leading
-# to oddities like polls opening at 08:13 and closing at 16:13.
-# The legal system finally switched to GMT when the Statutes (Definition
-# of Time) Act took effect; it received the Royal Assent on 1880-08-02.
-# In the tables below, we condense this complicated story into a single
-# transition date for London, namely 1847-12-01. We don't know as much
-# about Dublin, so we use 1880-08-02, the legal transition time.
-# From Paul Eggert (2003-09-27):
-# Summer Time was first seriously proposed by William Willett (1857-1915),
-# a London builder and member of the Royal Astronomical Society
-# who circulated a pamphlet ``The Waste of Daylight'' (1907)
-# that proposed advancing clocks 20 minutes on each of four Sundays in April,
-# and retarding them by the same amount on four Sundays in September.
-# A bill was drafted in 1909 and introduced in Parliament several times,
-# but it met with ridicule and opposition, especially from farming interests.
-# Later editions of the pamphlet proposed one-hour summer time, and
-# it was eventually adopted as a wartime measure in 1916.
-# See: Summer Time Arrives Early, The Times (2000-05-18).
-# A monument to Willett was unveiled on 1927-05-21, in an open space in
-# a 45-acre wood near Chislehurst, Kent that was purchased by popular
-# subscription and open to the public. On the south face of the monolith,
-# designed by G. W. Miller, is the the William Willett Memorial Sundial,
-# which is permanently set to Summer Time.
-# From Winston Churchill (1934-04-28):
-# It is one of the paradoxes of history that we should owe the boon of
-# summer time, which gives every year to the people of this country
-# between 160 and 170 hours more daylight leisure, to a war which
-# plunged Europe into darkness for four years, and shook the
-# foundations of civilization throughout the world.
-# --
-# "A Silent Toast to William Willett", Pictorial Weekly
-# From Paul Eggert (1996-09-03):
-# The OED Supplement says that the English originally said ``Daylight Saving''
-# when they were debating the adoption of DST in 1908; but by 1916 this
-# term appears only in quotes taken from DST's opponents, whereas the
-# proponents (who eventually won the argument) are quoted as using ``Summer''.
-# From Arthur David Olson (1989-01-19):
-# A source at the British Information Office in New York avers that it's
-# known as "British" Summer Time in all parts of the United Kingdom.
-# Date: 4 Jan 89 08:57:25 GMT (Wed)
-# From: Jonathan Leffler
-# [British Summer Time] is fixed annually by Act of Parliament.
-# If you can predict what Parliament will do, you should be in
-# politics making a fortune, not computing.
-# From Chris Carrier (1996-06-14):
-# I remember reading in various wartime issues of the London Times the
-# acronym BDST for British Double Summer Time. Look for the published
-# time of sunrise and sunset in The Times, when BDST was in effect, and
-# if you find a zone reference it will say, "All times B.D.S.T."
-# From Joseph S. Myers (1999-09-02):
-# ... some military cables (WO 219/4100 - this is a copy from the
-# main SHAEF archives held in the US National Archives, SHAEF/5252/8/516)
-# agree that the usage is BDST (this appears in a message dated 17 Feb 1945).
-# From Joseph S. Myers (2000-10-03):
-# On 18th April 1941, Sir Stephen Tallents of the BBC wrote to Sir
-# Alexander Maxwell of the Home Office asking whether there was any
-# official designation; the reply of the 21st was that there wasn't
-# but he couldn't think of anything better than the "Double British
-# Summer Time" that the BBC had been using informally.
-# http://student.cusu.cam.ac.uk/~jsm28/british-time/bbc-19410418.png
-# http://student.cusu.cam.ac.uk/~jsm28/british-time/ho-19410421.png
-# From Sir Alexander Maxwell in the above-mentioned letter (1941-04-21):
-# [N]o official designation has as far as I know been adopted for the time
-# which is to be introduced in May....
-# I cannot think of anything better than "Double British Summer Time"
-# which could not be said to run counter to any official description.
-# From Paul Eggert (2000-10-02):
-# Howse writes (p 157) `DBST' too, but `BDST' seems to have been common
-# and follows the more usual convention of putting the location name first,
-# so we use `BDST'.
-# Peter Ilieve (1998-04-19) described at length
-# the history of summer time legislation in the United Kingdom.
-# Since 1998 Joseph S. Myers has been updating
-# and extending this list, which can be found in
-# History of legal time in Britain
-# From Joseph S. Myers (1998-01-06):
-# The legal time in the UK outside of summer time is definitely GMT, not UTC;
-# see Lord Tanlaw's speech
-# (Lords Hansard 11 June 1997 columns 964 to 976)
-# .
-# From Paul Eggert (2001-07-18):
-# For lack of other data, we'll follow Shanks for Eire in 1940-1948.
-# Given Ilieve and Myers's data, the following claims by Shanks are incorrect:
-# * Wales did not switch from GMT to daylight saving time until
-# 1921 Apr 3, when they began to conform with the rest of Great Britain.
-# Actually, Wales was identical after 1880.
-# * Eire had two transitions on 1916 Oct 1.
-# It actually just had one transition.
-# * Northern Ireland used single daylight saving time throughout WW II.
-# Actually, it conformed to Britain.
-# * GB-Eire changed standard time to 1 hour ahead of GMT on 1968-02-18.
-# Actually, that date saw the usual switch to summer time.
-# Standard time was not changed until 1968-10-27 (the clocks didn't change).
-# Here is another incorrect claim by Shanks:
-# * Jersey, Guernsey, and the Isle of Man did not switch from GMT
-# to daylight saving time until 1921 Apr 3, when they began to
-# conform with Great Britain.
-# S.R.&O. 1916, No. 382 and HO 45/10811/312364 (quoted above) say otherwise.
-# The following claim by Shanks is possible though doubtful;
-# we'll ignore it for now.
-# * Dublin's 1971-10-31 switch was at 02:00, even though London's was 03:00.
-# Whitman says Dublin Mean Time was -0:25:21, which is more precise than Shanks.
-# Perhaps this was Dunsink Observatory Time, as Dunsink Observatory
-# (8 km NW of Dublin's center) seemingly was to Dublin as Greenwich was
-# to London. For example:
-# "Timeball on the ballast office is down. Dunsink time."
-# -- James Joyce, Ulysses
-# From Joseph S. Myers (2005-01-26):
-# Irish laws are available online at www.irishstatutebook.ie. These include
-# various relating to legal time, for example:
-# ZZA13Y1923.html ZZA12Y1924.html ZZA8Y1925.html ZZSIV20PG1267.html
-# ZZSI71Y1947.html ZZSI128Y1948.html ZZSI23Y1949.html ZZSI41Y1950.html
-# ZZSI27Y1951.html ZZSI73Y1952.html
-# ZZSI11Y1961.html ZZSI232Y1961.html ZZSI182Y1962.html
-# ZZSI167Y1963.html ZZSI257Y1964.html ZZSI198Y1967.html
-# ZZA23Y1968.html ZZA17Y1971.html
-# ZZSI67Y1981.html ZZSI212Y1982.html ZZSI45Y1986.html
-# ZZSI264Y1988.html ZZSI52Y1990.html ZZSI371Y1992.html
-# ZZSI395Y1994.html ZZSI484Y1997.html ZZSI506Y2001.html
-# [These are all relative to the root, e.g., the first is
-# .]
-# (These are those I found, but there could be more. In any case these
-# should allow various updates to the comments in the europe file to cover
-# the laws applicable in Ireland.)
-# (Note that the time in the Republic of Ireland since 1968 has been defined
-# in terms of standard time being GMT+1 with a period of winter time when it
-# is GMT, rather than standard time being GMT with a period of summer time
-# being GMT+1.)
-# From Paul Eggert (1999-03-28):
-# Clive Feather (, 1997-03-31)
-# reports that Folkestone (Cheriton) Shuttle Terminal uses Concession Time
-# (CT), equivalent to French civil time.
-# Julian Hill (, 1998-09-30) reports that
-# trains between Dollands Moor (the freight facility next door)
-# and Frethun run in CT.
-# My admittedly uninformed guess is that the terminal has two authorities,
-# the French concession operators and the British civil authorities,
-# and that the time depends on who you're talking to.
-# If, say, the British police were called to the station for some reason,
-# I would expect the official police report to use GMT/BST and not CET/CEST.
-# This is a borderline case, but for now let's stick to GMT/BST.
-# From an anonymous contributor (1996-06-02):
-# The law governing time in Ireland is under Statutory Instrument SI 395/94,
-# which gives force to European Union 7th Council Directive # 94/21/EC.
-# Under this directive, the Minister for Justice in Ireland makes appropriate
-# regulations. I spoke this morning with the Secretary of the Department of
-# Justice (tel +353 1 678 9711) who confirmed to me that the correct name is
-# "Irish Summer Time", abbreviated to "IST".
-# Summer Time Act, 1916
-Rule GB-Eire 1916 only - May 21 2:00s 1:00 BST
-Rule GB-Eire 1916 only - Oct 1 2:00s 0 GMT
-# S.R.&O. 1917, No. 358
-Rule GB-Eire 1917 only - Apr 8 2:00s 1:00 BST
-Rule GB-Eire 1917 only - Sep 17 2:00s 0 GMT
-# S.R.&O. 1918, No. 274
-Rule GB-Eire 1918 only - Mar 24 2:00s 1:00 BST
-Rule GB-Eire 1918 only - Sep 30 2:00s 0 GMT
-# S.R.&O. 1919, No. 297
-Rule GB-Eire 1919 only - Mar 30 2:00s 1:00 BST
-Rule GB-Eire 1919 only - Sep 29 2:00s 0 GMT
-# S.R.&O. 1920, No. 458
-Rule GB-Eire 1920 only - Mar 28 2:00s 1:00 BST
-# S.R.&O. 1920, No. 1844
-Rule GB-Eire 1920 only - Oct 25 2:00s 0 GMT
-# S.R.&O. 1921, No. 363
-Rule GB-Eire 1921 only - Apr 3 2:00s 1:00 BST
-Rule GB-Eire 1921 only - Oct 3 2:00s 0 GMT
-# S.R.&O. 1922, No. 264
-Rule GB-Eire 1922 only - Mar 26 2:00s 1:00 BST
-Rule GB-Eire 1922 only - Oct 8 2:00s 0 GMT
-# The Summer Time Act, 1922
-Rule GB-Eire 1923 only - Apr Sun>=16 2:00s 1:00 BST
-Rule GB-Eire 1923 1924 - Sep Sun>=16 2:00s 0 GMT
-Rule GB-Eire 1924 only - Apr Sun>=9 2:00s 1:00 BST
-Rule GB-Eire 1925 1926 - Apr Sun>=16 2:00s 1:00 BST
-# The Summer Time Act, 1925
-Rule GB-Eire 1925 1938 - Oct Sun>=2 2:00s 0 GMT
-Rule GB-Eire 1927 only - Apr Sun>=9 2:00s 1:00 BST
-Rule GB-Eire 1928 1929 - Apr Sun>=16 2:00s 1:00 BST
-Rule GB-Eire 1930 only - Apr Sun>=9 2:00s 1:00 BST
-Rule GB-Eire 1931 1932 - Apr Sun>=16 2:00s 1:00 BST
-Rule GB-Eire 1933 only - Apr Sun>=9 2:00s 1:00 BST
-Rule GB-Eire 1934 only - Apr Sun>=16 2:00s 1:00 BST
-Rule GB-Eire 1935 only - Apr Sun>=9 2:00s 1:00 BST
-Rule GB-Eire 1936 1937 - Apr Sun>=16 2:00s 1:00 BST
-Rule GB-Eire 1938 only - Apr Sun>=9 2:00s 1:00 BST
-Rule GB-Eire 1939 only - Apr Sun>=16 2:00s 1:00 BST
-# S.R.&O. 1939, No. 1379
-Rule GB-Eire 1939 only - Nov Sun>=16 2:00s 0 GMT
-# S.R.&O. 1940, No. 172 and No. 1883
-Rule GB-Eire 1940 only - Feb Sun>=23 2:00s 1:00 BST
-# S.R.&O. 1941, No. 476
-Rule GB-Eire 1941 only - May Sun>=2 1:00s 2:00 BDST
-Rule GB-Eire 1941 1943 - Aug Sun>=9 1:00s 1:00 BST
-# S.R.&O. 1942, No. 506
-Rule GB-Eire 1942 1944 - Apr Sun>=2 1:00s 2:00 BDST
-# S.R.&O. 1944, No. 932
-Rule GB-Eire 1944 only - Sep Sun>=16 1:00s 1:00 BST
-# S.R.&O. 1945, No. 312
-Rule GB-Eire 1945 only - Apr Mon>=2 1:00s 2:00 BDST
-Rule GB-Eire 1945 only - Jul Sun>=9 1:00s 1:00 BST
-# S.R.&O. 1945, No. 1208
-Rule GB-Eire 1945 1946 - Oct Sun>=2 2:00s 0 GMT
-Rule GB-Eire 1946 only - Apr Sun>=9 2:00s 1:00 BST
-# The Summer Time Act, 1947
-Rule GB-Eire 1947 only - Mar 16 2:00s 1:00 BST
-Rule GB-Eire 1947 only - Apr 13 1:00s 2:00 BDST
-Rule GB-Eire 1947 only - Aug 10 1:00s 1:00 BST
-Rule GB-Eire 1947 only - Nov 2 2:00s 0 GMT
-# Summer Time Order, 1948 (S.I. 1948/495)
-Rule GB-Eire 1948 only - Mar 14 2:00s 1:00 BST
-Rule GB-Eire 1948 only - Oct 31 2:00s 0 GMT
-# Summer Time Order, 1949 (S.I. 1949/373)
-Rule GB-Eire 1949 only - Apr 3 2:00s 1:00 BST
-Rule GB-Eire 1949 only - Oct 30 2:00s 0 GMT
-# Summer Time Order, 1950 (S.I. 1950/518)
-# Summer Time Order, 1951 (S.I. 1951/430)
-# Summer Time Order, 1952 (S.I. 1952/451)
-Rule GB-Eire 1950 1952 - Apr Sun>=14 2:00s 1:00 BST
-Rule GB-Eire 1950 1952 - Oct Sun>=21 2:00s 0 GMT
-# revert to the rules of the Summer Time Act, 1925
-Rule GB-Eire 1953 only - Apr Sun>=16 2:00s 1:00 BST
-Rule GB-Eire 1953 1960 - Oct Sun>=2 2:00s 0 GMT
-Rule GB-Eire 1954 only - Apr Sun>=9 2:00s 1:00 BST
-Rule GB-Eire 1955 1956 - Apr Sun>=16 2:00s 1:00 BST
-Rule GB-Eire 1957 only - Apr Sun>=9 2:00s 1:00 BST
-Rule GB-Eire 1958 1959 - Apr Sun>=16 2:00s 1:00 BST
-Rule GB-Eire 1960 only - Apr Sun>=9 2:00s 1:00 BST
-# Summer Time Order, 1961 (S.I. 1961/71)
-# Summer Time (1962) Order, 1961 (S.I. 1961/2465)
-# Summer Time Order, 1963 (S.I. 1963/81)
-Rule GB-Eire 1961 1963 - Mar lastSun 2:00s 1:00 BST
-Rule GB-Eire 1961 1968 - Oct Sun>=23 2:00s 0 GMT
-# Summer Time (1964) Order, 1963 (S.I. 1963/2101)
-# Summer Time Order, 1964 (S.I. 1964/1201)
-# Summer Time Order, 1967 (S.I. 1967/1148)
-Rule GB-Eire 1964 1967 - Mar Sun>=19 2:00s 1:00 BST
-# Summer Time Order, 1968 (S.I. 1968/117)
-Rule GB-Eire 1968 only - Feb 18 2:00s 1:00 BST
-# The British Standard Time Act, 1968
-# (no summer time)
-# The Summer Time Act, 1972
-Rule GB-Eire 1972 1980 - Mar Sun>=16 2:00s 1:00 BST
-Rule GB-Eire 1972 1980 - Oct Sun>=23 2:00s 0 GMT
-# Summer Time Order, 1980 (S.I. 1980/1089)
-# Summer Time Order, 1982 (S.I. 1982/1673)
-# Summer Time Order, 1986 (S.I. 1986/223)
-# Summer Time Order, 1988 (S.I. 1988/931)
-Rule GB-Eire 1981 1995 - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 BST
-Rule GB-Eire 1981 1989 - Oct Sun>=23 1:00u 0 GMT
-# Summer Time Order, 1989 (S.I. 1989/985)
-# Summer Time Order, 1992 (S.I. 1992/1729)
-# Summer Time Order 1994 (S.I. 1994/2798)
-Rule GB-Eire 1990 1995 - Oct Sun>=22 1:00u 0 GMT
-# Summer Time Order 1997 (S.I. 1997/2982)
-# See EU for rules starting in 1996.
-Zone Europe/London -0:01:15 - LMT 1847 Dec 1
- 0:00 GB-Eire %s 1968 Oct 27
- 1:00 - BST 1971 Oct 31 2:00u
- 0:00 GB-Eire %s 1996
- 0:00 EU GMT/BST
-Zone Europe/Dublin -0:25:00 - LMT 1880 Aug 2
- -0:25:21 - DMT 1916 May 21 2:00
- -0:25:21 1:00 IST 1916 Oct 1 2:00s
- 0:00 GB-Eire %s 1921 Dec 6 # independence
- 0:00 GB-Eire GMT/IST 1940 Feb 25 2:00
- 0:00 1:00 IST 1946 Oct 6 2:00
- 0:00 - GMT 1947 Mar 16 2:00
- 0:00 1:00 IST 1947 Nov 2 2:00
- 0:00 - GMT 1948 Apr 18 2:00
- 0:00 GB-Eire GMT/IST 1968 Oct 27
- 1:00 - IST 1971 Oct 31 2:00u
- 0:00 GB-Eire GMT/IST 1996
- 0:00 EU GMT/IST
-# Continental Europe
-# EU rules are for the European Union, previously known as the EC, EEC,
-# Common Market, etc.
-Rule EU 1977 1980 - Apr Sun>=1 1:00u 1:00 S
-Rule EU 1977 only - Sep lastSun 1:00u 0 -
-Rule EU 1978 only - Oct 1 1:00u 0 -
-Rule EU 1979 1995 - Sep lastSun 1:00u 0 -
-Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
-Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
-# The most recent directive covers the years starting in 2002. See:
-# W-Eur differs from EU only in that W-Eur uses standard time.
-Rule W-Eur 1977 1980 - Apr Sun>=1 1:00s 1:00 S
-Rule W-Eur 1977 only - Sep lastSun 1:00s 0 -
-Rule W-Eur 1978 only - Oct 1 1:00s 0 -
-Rule W-Eur 1979 1995 - Sep lastSun 1:00s 0 -
-Rule W-Eur 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00s 1:00 S
-Rule W-Eur 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00s 0 -
-# Older C-Eur rules are for convenience in the tables.
-# From 1977 on, C-Eur differs from EU only in that C-Eur uses standard time.
-Rule C-Eur 1916 only - Apr 30 23:00 1:00 S
-Rule C-Eur 1916 only - Oct 1 1:00 0 -
-Rule C-Eur 1917 1918 - Apr Mon>=15 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule C-Eur 1917 1918 - Sep Mon>=15 2:00s 0 -
-Rule C-Eur 1940 only - Apr 1 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule C-Eur 1942 only - Nov 2 2:00s 0 -
-Rule C-Eur 1943 only - Mar 29 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule C-Eur 1943 only - Oct 4 2:00s 0 -
-Rule C-Eur 1944 only - Apr 3 2:00s 1:00 S
-# Whitman gives 1944 Oct 7; go with Shanks.
-Rule C-Eur 1944 only - Oct 2 2:00s 0 -
-Rule C-Eur 1977 1980 - Apr Sun>=1 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule C-Eur 1977 only - Sep lastSun 2:00s 0 -
-Rule C-Eur 1978 only - Oct 1 2:00s 0 -
-Rule C-Eur 1979 1995 - Sep lastSun 2:00s 0 -
-Rule C-Eur 1981 max - Mar lastSun 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule C-Eur 1996 max - Oct lastSun 2:00s 0 -
-# E-Eur differs from EU only in that E-Eur switches at midnight local time.
-Rule E-Eur 1977 1980 - Apr Sun>=1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule E-Eur 1977 only - Sep lastSun 0:00 0 -
-Rule E-Eur 1978 only - Oct 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule E-Eur 1979 1995 - Sep lastSun 0:00 0 -
-Rule E-Eur 1981 max - Mar lastSun 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule E-Eur 1996 max - Oct lastSun 0:00 0 -
-Rule Russia 1917 only - Jul 1 23:00 1:00 MST # Moscow Summer Time
-Rule Russia 1917 only - Dec 28 0:00 0 MMT # Moscow Mean Time
-Rule Russia 1918 only - May 31 22:00 2:00 MDST # Moscow Double Summer Time
-Rule Russia 1918 only - Sep 16 1:00 1:00 MST
-Rule Russia 1919 only - May 31 23:00 2:00 MDST
-Rule Russia 1919 only - Jul 1 2:00 1:00 S
-Rule Russia 1919 only - Aug 16 0:00 0 -
-Rule Russia 1921 only - Feb 14 23:00 1:00 S
-Rule Russia 1921 only - Mar 20 23:00 2:00 M # Midsummer
-Rule Russia 1921 only - Sep 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Russia 1921 only - Oct 1 0:00 0 -
-# Act No.925 of the Council of Ministers of the USSR (1980-10-24):
-Rule Russia 1981 1984 - Apr 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Russia 1981 1983 - Oct 1 0:00 0 -
-# Act No.967 of the Council of Ministers of the USSR (1984-09-13), repeated in
-# Act No.227 of the Council of Ministers of the USSR (1989-03-14):
-Rule Russia 1984 1991 - Sep lastSun 2:00s 0 -
-Rule Russia 1985 1991 - Mar lastSun 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Russia 1992 only - Mar lastSat 23:00 1:00 S
-Rule Russia 1992 only - Sep lastSat 23:00 0 -
-Rule Russia 1993 max - Mar lastSun 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Russia 1993 1995 - Sep lastSun 2:00s 0 -
-Rule Russia 1996 max - Oct lastSun 2:00s 0 -
-# These are for backward compatibility with older versions.
-Zone WET 0:00 EU WE%sT
-Zone CET 1:00 C-Eur CE%sT
-Zone MET 1:00 C-Eur ME%sT
-Zone EET 2:00 EU EE%sT
-# Previous editions of this database used abbreviations like MET DST
-# for Central European Summer Time, but this didn't agree with common usage.
-# From Markus Kuhn (1996-07-12):
-# The official German names ... are
-# Mitteleuropaeische Zeit (MEZ) = UTC+01:00
-# Mitteleuropaeische Sommerzeit (MESZ) = UTC+02:00
-# as defined in the German Time Act (Gesetz ueber die Zeitbestimmung (ZeitG),
-# 1978-07-25, Bundesgesetzblatt, Jahrgang 1978, Teil I, S. 1110-1111)....
-# I wrote ... to the German Federal Physical-Technical Institution
-# Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)
-# Laboratorium 4.41 "Zeiteinheit"
-# Postfach 3345
-# D-38023 Braunschweig
-# phone: +49 531 592-0
-# ... I received today an answer letter from Dr. Peter Hetzel, head of the PTB
-# department for time and frequency transmission. He explained that the
-# PTB translates MEZ and MESZ into English as
-# Central European Time (CET) = UTC+01:00
-# Central European Summer Time (CEST) = UTC+02:00
-# Albania
-Rule Albania 1940 only - Jun 16 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Albania 1942 only - Nov 2 3:00 0 -
-Rule Albania 1943 only - Mar 29 2:00 1:00 S
-Rule Albania 1943 only - Apr 10 3:00 0 -
-Rule Albania 1974 only - May 4 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Albania 1974 only - Oct 2 0:00 0 -
-Rule Albania 1975 only - May 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Albania 1975 only - Oct 2 0:00 0 -
-Rule Albania 1976 only - May 2 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Albania 1976 only - Oct 3 0:00 0 -
-Rule Albania 1977 only - May 8 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Albania 1977 only - Oct 2 0:00 0 -
-Rule Albania 1978 only - May 6 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Albania 1978 only - Oct 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Albania 1979 only - May 5 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Albania 1979 only - Sep 30 0:00 0 -
-Rule Albania 1980 only - May 3 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Albania 1980 only - Oct 4 0:00 0 -
-Rule Albania 1981 only - Apr 26 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Albania 1981 only - Sep 27 0:00 0 -
-Rule Albania 1982 only - May 2 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Albania 1982 only - Oct 3 0:00 0 -
-Rule Albania 1983 only - Apr 18 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Albania 1983 only - Oct 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Albania 1984 only - Apr 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Zone Europe/Tirane 1:19:20 - LMT 1914
- 1:00 - CET 1940 Jun 16
- 1:00 Albania CE%sT 1984 Jul
- 1:00 EU CE%sT
-# Andorra
-Zone Europe/Andorra 0:06:04 - LMT 1901
- 0:00 - WET 1946 Sep 30
- 1:00 - CET 1985 Mar 31 2:00
- 1:00 EU CE%sT
-# Austria
-# From Paul Eggert (2003-02-28): Shanks gives 1918-06-16 and
-# 1945-11-18, but the Austrian Federal Office of Metrology and
-# Surveying (BEV) gives 1918-09-16 and for Vienna gives the "alleged"
-# date of 1945-04-12 with no time. For the 1980-04-06 transition
-# Shanks gives 02:00, the BEV 00:00. Go with the BEV, and guess 02:00
-# for 1945-04-12.
-Rule Austria 1920 only - Apr 5 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Austria 1920 only - Sep 13 2:00s 0 -
-Rule Austria 1946 only - Apr 14 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Austria 1946 1948 - Oct Sun>=1 2:00s 0 -
-Rule Austria 1947 only - Apr 6 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Austria 1948 only - Apr 18 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Austria 1980 only - Apr 6 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Austria 1980 only - Sep 28 0:00 0 -
-Zone Europe/Vienna 1:05:20 - LMT 1893 Apr
- 1:00 C-Eur CE%sT 1920
- 1:00 Austria CE%sT 1940 Apr 1 2:00s
- 1:00 C-Eur CE%sT 1945 Apr 2 2:00s
- 1:00 1:00 CEST 1945 Apr 12 2:00s
- 1:00 - CET 1946
- 1:00 Austria CE%sT 1981
- 1:00 EU CE%sT
-# Belarus
-Zone Europe/Minsk 1:50:16 - LMT 1880
- 1:50 - MMT 1924 May 2 # Minsk Mean Time
- 2:00 - EET 1930 Jun 21
- 3:00 - MSK 1941 Jun 28
- 1:00 C-Eur CE%sT 1944 Jul 3
- 3:00 Russia MSK/MSD 1990
- 3:00 - MSK 1991 Mar 31 2:00s
- 2:00 1:00 EEST 1991 Sep 29 2:00s
- 2:00 - EET 1992 Mar 29 0:00s
- 2:00 1:00 EEST 1992 Sep 27 0:00s
- 2:00 Russia EE%sT
-# Belgium
-# From Paul Eggert (1997-07-02):
-# Entries from 1918 through 1991 are taken from:
-# Annuaire de L'Observatoire Royal de Belgique,
-# Avenue Circulaire, 3, B-1180 BRUXELLES, CLVIIe annee, 1991
-# (Imprimerie HAYEZ, s.p.r.l., Rue Fin, 4, 1080 BRUXELLES, MCMXC),
-# pp 8-9.
-# LMT before 1892 was 0:17:30, according to the official journal of Belgium:
-# Moniteur Belge, Samedi 30 Avril 1892, N.121.
-# Thanks to Pascal Delmoitie for these references.
-# The 1918 rules are listed for completeness; they apply to unoccupied Belgium.
-# Assume Brussels switched to WET in 1918 when the armistice took effect.
-Rule Belgium 1918 only - Mar 9 0:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Belgium 1918 1919 - Oct Sat>=1 23:00s 0 -
-Rule Belgium 1919 only - Mar 1 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Belgium 1920 only - Feb 14 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Belgium 1920 only - Oct 23 23:00s 0 -
-Rule Belgium 1921 only - Mar 14 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Belgium 1921 only - Oct 25 23:00s 0 -
-Rule Belgium 1922 only - Mar 25 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Belgium 1922 1927 - Oct Sat>=1 23:00s 0 -
-Rule Belgium 1923 only - Apr 21 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Belgium 1924 only - Mar 29 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Belgium 1925 only - Apr 4 23:00s 1:00 S
-# DSH writes that a royal decree of 1926-02-22 specified the Sun following 3rd
-# Sat in Apr (except if it's Easter, in which case it's one Sunday earlier),
-# to Sun following 1st Sat in Oct, and that a royal decree of 1928-09-15
-# changed the transition times to 02:00 GMT.
-Rule Belgium 1926 only - Apr 17 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Belgium 1927 only - Apr 9 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Belgium 1928 only - Apr 14 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Belgium 1928 1938 - Oct Sun>=2 2:00s 0 -
-Rule Belgium 1929 only - Apr 21 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Belgium 1930 only - Apr 13 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Belgium 1931 only - Apr 19 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Belgium 1932 only - Apr 3 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Belgium 1933 only - Mar 26 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Belgium 1934 only - Apr 8 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Belgium 1935 only - Mar 31 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Belgium 1936 only - Apr 19 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Belgium 1937 only - Apr 4 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Belgium 1938 only - Mar 27 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Belgium 1939 only - Apr 16 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Belgium 1939 only - Nov 19 2:00s 0 -
-Rule Belgium 1940 only - Feb 25 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Belgium 1944 only - Sep 17 2:00s 0 -
-Rule Belgium 1945 only - Apr 2 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Belgium 1945 only - Sep 16 2:00s 0 -
-Rule Belgium 1946 only - May 19 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Belgium 1946 only - Oct 7 2:00s 0 -
-Zone Europe/Brussels 0:17:30 - LMT 1880
- 0:17:30 - BMT 1892 May 1 12:00 # Brussels MT
- 0:00 - WET 1914 Nov 8
- 1:00 - CET 1916 May 1 0:00
- 1:00 C-Eur CE%sT 1918 Nov 11 11:00u
- 0:00 Belgium WE%sT 1940 May 20 2:00s
- 1:00 C-Eur CE%sT 1944 Sep 3
- 1:00 Belgium CE%sT 1977
- 1:00 EU CE%sT
-# Bosnia and Herzegovina
-# see Serbia and Montenegro
-# Bulgaria
-# From Plamen Simenov via Steffen Thorsen (1999-09-09):
-# A document of Government of Bulgaria (No.94/1997) says:
-# EET --> EETDST is in 03:00 Local time in last Sunday of March ...
-# EETDST --> EET is in 04:00 Local time in last Sunday of October
-Rule Bulg 1979 only - Mar 31 23:00 1:00 S
-Rule Bulg 1979 only - Oct 1 1:00 0 -
-Rule Bulg 1980 1982 - Apr Sat<=7 23:00 1:00 S
-Rule Bulg 1980 only - Sep 29 1:00 0 -
-Rule Bulg 1981 only - Sep 27 2:00 0 -
-Zone Europe/Sofia 1:33:16 - LMT 1880
- 1:56:56 - IMT 1894 Nov 30 # Istanbul MT?
- 2:00 - EET 1942 Nov 2 3:00
- 1:00 C-Eur CE%sT 1945 Apr 2 3:00
- 2:00 - EET 1979 Mar 31 23:00
- 2:00 Bulg EE%sT 1982 Sep 26 2:00
- 2:00 C-Eur EE%sT 1991
- 2:00 E-Eur EE%sT 1997
- 2:00 EU EE%sT
-# Croatia
-# see Serbia and Montenegro
-# Cyprus
-# Please see the `asia' file for Asia/Nicosia.
-# Czech Republic
-Rule Czech 1945 only - Apr 8 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Czech 1945 only - Nov 18 2:00s 0 -
-Rule Czech 1946 only - May 6 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Czech 1946 1949 - Oct Sun>=1 2:00s 0 -
-Rule Czech 1947 only - Apr 20 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Czech 1948 only - Apr 18 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Czech 1949 only - Apr 9 2:00s 1:00 S
-Zone Europe/Prague 0:57:44 - LMT 1850
- 0:57:44 - PMT 1891 Oct # Prague Mean Time
- 1:00 C-Eur CE%sT 1944 Sep 17 2:00s
- 1:00 Czech CE%sT 1979
- 1:00 EU CE%sT
-# Denmark, Faeroe Islands, and Greenland
-# From Jesper Norgaard Welen (2005-04-26):
-# http://www.hum.aau.dk/~poe/tid/tine/DanskTid.htm says that the law
-# [introducing standard time] was in effect from 1894-01-01....
-# The page http://www.retsinfo.dk/_GETDOCI_/ACCN/A18930008330-REGL
-# confirms this, and states that the law was put forth 1893-03-29.
-# The EU treaty with effect from 1973:
-# http://www.retsinfo.dk/_GETDOCI_/ACCN/A19722110030-REGL
-# This provoked a new law from 1974 to make possible summer time changes
-# in subsequenet decrees with the law
-# http://www.retsinfo.dk/_GETDOCI_/ACCN/A19740022330-REGL
-# It seems however that no decree was set forward until 1980. I have
-# not found any decree, but in another related law, the effecting DST
-# changes are stated explicitly to be from 1980-04-06 at 02:00 to
-# 1980-09-28 at 02:00. If this is true, this differs slightly from
-# the EU rule in that DST runs to 02:00, not 03:00. We don't know
-# when Denmark began using the EU rule correctly, but we have only
-# confirmation of the 1980-time, so I presume it was correct in 1981:
-# The law is about the management of the extra hour, concerning
-# working hours reported and effect on obligatory-rest rules (which
-# was suspended on that night):
-# http://www.retsinfo.dk/_GETDOCI_/ACCN/C19801120554-REGL
-# From Jesper Norgaard Welen (2005-06-11):
-# The Herning Folkeblad (1980-09-26) reported that the night between
-# Saturday and Sunday the clock is set back from three to two.
-# From Paul Eggert (2005-06-11):
-# Hence the "02:00" of the 1980 law refers to standard time, not
-# wall-clock time, and so the EU rules were in effect in 1980.
-Rule Denmark 1916 only - May 14 23:00 1:00 S
-Rule Denmark 1916 only - Sep 30 23:00 0 -
-Rule Denmark 1940 only - May 15 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Denmark 1945 only - Apr 2 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Denmark 1945 only - Aug 15 2:00s 0 -
-Rule Denmark 1946 only - May 1 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Denmark 1946 only - Sep 1 2:00s 0 -
-Rule Denmark 1947 only - May 4 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Denmark 1947 only - Aug 10 2:00s 0 -
-Rule Denmark 1948 only - May 9 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Denmark 1948 only - Aug 8 2:00s 0 -
-Zone Europe/Copenhagen 0:50:20 - LMT 1890
- 0:50:20 - CMT 1894 Jan 1 # Copenhagen MT
- 1:00 Denmark CE%sT 1942 Nov 2 2:00s
- 1:00 C-Eur CE%sT 1945 Apr 2 2:00
- 1:00 Denmark CE%sT 1980
- 1:00 EU CE%sT
-Zone Atlantic/Faeroe -0:27:04 - LMT 1908 Jan 11 # Torshavn
- 0:00 - WET 1981
- 0:00 EU WE%sT
-# From Paul Eggert (2004-10-31):
-# During World War II, Germany maintained secret manned weather stations in
-# East Greenland and Franz Josef Land, but we don't know their time zones.
-# My source for this is Wilhelm Dege's book mentioned under Svalbard.
-# From Paul Eggert (1996-11-22):
-# Greenland joined the EU as part of Denmark, obtained home rule on 1979-05-01,
-# and left the EU on 1985-02-01. It therefore should have been using EU
-# rules at least through 1984. Shanks says Scoresbysund and Godthab
-# used C-Eur rules after 1980, but IATA SSIM (1991/1996) says they use EU
-# rules since at least 1991. Assume EU rules since 1980.
-# From Gwillin Law (2001-06-06), citing
-# (2001-03-15),
-# and with translations corrected by Steffen Thorsen:
-# Greenland has four local times, and the relation to UTC
-# is according to the following time line:
-# The military zone near Thule UTC-4
-# Standard Greenland time UTC-3
-# Scoresbysund UTC-1
-# Danmarkshavn UTC
-# In the military area near Thule and in Danmarkshavn DST will not be
-# introduced.
-# From Rives McDow (2001-11-01):
-# I correspond regularly with the Dansk Polarcenter, and wrote them at
-# the time to clarify the situation in Thule. Unfortunately, I have
-# not heard back from them regarding my recent letter. [But I have
-# info from earlier correspondence.]
-# According to the center, a very small local time zone around Thule
-# Air Base keeps the time according to UTC-4, implementing daylight
-# savings using North America rules, changing the time at 02:00 local time....
-# The east coast of Greenland north of the community of Scoresbysund
-# uses UTC in the same way as in Iceland, year round, with no dst.
-# There are just a few stations on this coast, including the
-# Danmarkshavn ICAO weather station mentioned in your September 29th
-# email. The other stations are two sledge patrol stations in
-# Mestersvig and Daneborg, the air force base at Station Nord, and the
-# DPC research station at Zackenberg.
-# Scoresbysund and two small villages nearby keep time UTC-1 and use
-# the same daylight savings time period as in West Greenland (Godthab).
-# The rest of Greenland, including Godthab (this area, although it
-# includes central Greenland, is known as west Greenland), keeps time
-# UTC-3, with daylight savings methods according to European rules.
-# It is common procedure to use UTC 0 in the wilderness of East and
-# North Greenland, because it is mainly Icelandic aircraft operators
-# maintaining traffic in these areas. However, the official status of
-# this area is that it sticks with Godthab time. This area might be
-# considered a dual time zone in some respects because of this.
-# From Rives McDow (2001-11-19):
-# I heard back from someone stationed at Thule; the time change took place
-# there at 2:00 AM.
-# From Paul Eggert (2001-11-19):
-# The 1997 CIA map shows Danmarkshavn on GMT; the 1995 map as like Godthab.
-# For lack of better info, assume they were like Godthab before 1996.
-# startkart.no says Thule does not observe DST, but this is clearly an error,
-# so go with Shanks for all Thule transitions.
-Rule Thule 1991 1992 - Mar lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Thule 1991 1992 - Sep lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Thule 1993 max - Apr Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Thule 1993 max - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Zone America/Danmarkshavn -1:14:40 - LMT 1916 Jul 28
- -3:00 - WGT 1980 Apr 6 2:00
- -3:00 EU WG%sT 1996
- 0:00 - GMT
-Zone America/Scoresbysund -1:29:00 - LMT 1916 Jul 28 # Ittoqqortoormiit
- -2:00 - CGT 1980 Apr 6 2:00
- -2:00 C-Eur CG%sT 1981 Mar 29
- -1:00 EU EG%sT
-Zone America/Godthab -3:26:56 - LMT 1916 Jul 28 # Nuuk
- -3:00 - WGT 1980 Apr 6 2:00
- -3:00 EU WG%sT
-Zone America/Thule -4:35:08 - LMT 1916 Jul 28 # Pituffik air base
- -4:00 Thule A%sT
-# Estonia
-# From Peter Ilieve (1994-10-15):
-# A relative in Tallinn confirms the accuracy of the data for 1989 onwards
-# [through 1994] and gives the legal authority for it,
-# a regulation of the Government of Estonia, No. 111 of 1989....
-# From Peter Ilieve (1996-10-28):
-# [IATA SSIM (1992/1996) claims that the Baltic republics switch at 01:00s,
-# but a relative confirms that Estonia still switches at 02:00s, writing:]
-# ``I do not [know] exactly but there are some little different
-# (confusing) rules for International Air and Railway Transport Schedules
-# conversion in Sunday connected with end of summer time in Estonia....
-# A discussion is running about the summer time efficiency and effect on
-# human physiology. It seems that Estonia maybe will not change to
-# summer time next spring.''
-# From Peter Ilieve (1998-11-04), heavily edited:
-# The 1998-09-22 Estonian time law
-# refers to the Eighth Directive and cites the association agreement between
-# the EU and Estonia, ratified by the Estonian law (RT II 1995, 22--27, 120).
-# I also asked [my relative] whether they use any standard abbreviation
-# for their standard and summer times. He says no, they use "suveaeg"
-# (summer time) and "talveaeg" (winter time).
-# From The Baltic Times (1999-09-09)
-# via Steffen Thorsen:
-# This year will mark the last time Estonia shifts to summer time,
-# a council of the ruling coalition announced Sept. 6....
-# But what this could mean for Estonia's chances of joining the European
-# Union are still unclear. In 1994, the EU declared summer time compulsory
-# for all member states until 2001. Brussels has yet to decide what to do
-# after that.
-# From Mart Oruaas (2000-01-29):
-# Regulation no. 301 (1999-10-12) obsoletes previous regulation
-# no. 206 (1998-09-22) and thus sticks Estonia to +02:00 GMT for all
-# the year round. The regulation is effective 1999-11-01.
-# From Toomas Soome (2002-02-21):
-# The Estonian government has changed once again timezone politics.
-# Now we are using again EU rules.
-# From Urmet Jaanes (2002-03-28):
-# The legislative reference is Government decree No. 84 on 2002-02-21.
-Zone Europe/Tallinn 1:39:00 - LMT 1880
- 1:39:00 - TMT 1918 Feb # Tallinn Mean Time
- 1:00 C-Eur CE%sT 1919 Jul
- 1:39:00 - TMT 1921 May
- 2:00 - EET 1940 Aug 6
- 3:00 - MSK 1941 Sep 15
- 1:00 C-Eur CE%sT 1944 Sep 22
- 3:00 Russia MSK/MSD 1989 Mar 26 2:00s
- 2:00 1:00 EEST 1989 Sep 24 2:00s
- 2:00 C-Eur EE%sT 1998 Sep 22
- 2:00 EU EE%sT 1999 Nov 1
- 2:00 - EET 2002 Feb 21
- 2:00 EU EE%sT
-# Finland
-# From Hannu Strang (25 Sep 1994 06:03:37 UTC):
-# Well, here in Helsinki we're just changing from summer time to regular one,
-# and it's supposed to change at 4am...
-# From Paul Eggert (25 Sep 1994):
-# Shanks says Finland has switched at 02:00 standard time since 1981.
-# Go with Strang instead.
-Rule Finland 1942 only - Apr 3 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Finland 1942 only - Oct 3 0:00 0 -
-Zone Europe/Helsinki 1:39:52 - LMT 1878 May 31
- 1:39:52 - HMT 1921 May # Helsinki Mean Time
- 2:00 Finland EE%sT 1981 Mar 29 2:00
- 2:00 EU EE%sT
-# Aaland Is
-Link Europe/Helsinki Europe/Mariehamn
-# France
-# From Ciro Discepolo (2000-12-20):
-# Henri Le Corre, Regimes Horaires pour le monde entier, Editions
-# Traditionnelles - Paris 2 books, 1993
-# Gabriel, Traite de l'heure dans le monde, Guy Tredaniel editeur,
-# Paris, 1991
-# Francoise Gauquelin, Problemes de l'heure resolus en astrologie,
-# Guy tredaniel, Paris 1987
-# Shanks seems to use `24:00' ambiguously; we resolve it with Whitman.
-Rule France 1916 only - Jun 14 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule France 1916 1919 - Oct Sun>=1 23:00s 0 -
-Rule France 1917 only - Mar 24 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule France 1918 only - Mar 9 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule France 1919 only - Mar 1 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule France 1920 only - Feb 14 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule France 1920 only - Oct 23 23:00s 0 -
-Rule France 1921 only - Mar 14 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule France 1921 only - Oct 25 23:00s 0 -
-Rule France 1922 only - Mar 25 23:00s 1:00 S
-# DSH writes that a law of 1923-05-24 specified 3rd Sat in Apr at 23:00 to 1st
-# Sat in Oct at 24:00; and that in 1930, because of Easter, the transitions
-# were Apr 12 and Oct 5. Go with Shanks.
-Rule France 1922 1938 - Oct Sat>=1 23:00s 0 -
-Rule France 1923 only - May 26 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule France 1924 only - Mar 29 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule France 1925 only - Apr 4 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule France 1926 only - Apr 17 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule France 1927 only - Apr 9 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule France 1928 only - Apr 14 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule France 1929 only - Apr 20 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule France 1930 only - Apr 12 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule France 1931 only - Apr 18 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule France 1932 only - Apr 2 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule France 1933 only - Mar 25 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule France 1934 only - Apr 7 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule France 1935 only - Mar 30 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule France 1936 only - Apr 18 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule France 1937 only - Apr 3 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule France 1938 only - Mar 26 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule France 1939 only - Apr 15 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule France 1939 only - Nov 18 23:00s 0 -
-Rule France 1940 only - Feb 25 2:00 1:00 S
-# The French rules for 1941-1944 were not used in Paris, but Shanks writes
-# that they were used in Monaco and in many French locations.
-# Le Corre writes that the upper limit of the free zone was Arneguy, Orthez,
-# Mont-de-Marsan, Bazas, Langon, Lamotte-Montravel, Marouil, La
-# Rochefoucault, Champagne-Mouton, La Roche-Posay, La Haye-Decartes,
-# Loches, Montrichard, Vierzon, Bourges, Moulins, Digoin,
-# Paray-le-Monial, Montceau-les-Mines, Chalons-sur-Saone, Arbois,
-# Dole, Morez, St-Claude, and Collognes (Haute-Savioe).
-Rule France 1941 only - May 5 0:00 2:00 M # Midsummer
-# Shanks says this transition occurred at Oct 6 1:00,
-# but go with Denis Excoffier (1997-12-12),
-# who quotes the Ephemerides Astronomiques for 1998 from Bureau des Longitudes
-# as saying 5/10/41 22hUT.
-Rule France 1941 only - Oct 6 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule France 1942 only - Mar 9 0:00 2:00 M
-Rule France 1942 only - Nov 2 3:00 1:00 S
-Rule France 1943 only - Mar 29 2:00 2:00 M
-Rule France 1943 only - Oct 4 3:00 1:00 S
-Rule France 1944 only - Apr 3 2:00 2:00 M
-Rule France 1944 only - Oct 8 1:00 1:00 S
-Rule France 1945 only - Apr 2 2:00 2:00 M
-Rule France 1945 only - Sep 16 3:00 0 -
-# Shanks gives Mar 28 2:00 and Sep 26 3:00;
-# go with Excoffier's 28/3/76 0hUT and 25/9/76 23hUT.
-Rule France 1976 only - Mar 28 1:00 1:00 S
-Rule France 1976 only - Sep 26 1:00 0 -
-# Shanks gives 0:09 for Paris Mean Time, and Whitman gives 0:09:05,
-# but Howse quotes the actual French legislation as saying 0:09:21.
-# Go with Howse. Howse writes that the time in France was officially based
-# on PMT-0:09:21 until 1978-08-09, when the time base finally switched to UTC.
-Zone Europe/Paris 0:09:21 - LMT 1891 Mar 15 0:01
- 0:09:21 - PMT 1911 Mar 11 0:01 # Paris MT
-# Shanks gives 1940 Jun 14 0:00; go with Excoffier and Le Corre.
- 0:00 France WE%sT 1940 Jun 14 23:00
-# Le Corre says Paris stuck with occupied-France time after the liberation;
-# go with Shanks.
- 1:00 C-Eur CE%sT 1944 Aug 25
- 0:00 France WE%sT 1945 Sep 16 3:00
- 1:00 France CE%sT 1977
- 1:00 EU CE%sT
-# Germany
-# From Markus Kuhn (1998-09-29):
-# The German time zone web site by the Physikalisch-Technische
-# Bundesanstalt contains DST information back to 1916.
-# [See tz-link.htm for the URL.]
-# From Joerg Schilling (2002-10-23):
-# In 1945, Berlin was switched to Moscow Summer time (GMT+4) by
-# General [Nikolai] Bersarin.
-# From Paul Eggert (2003-03-08):
-# says that Bersarin issued an order to use Moscow time on May 20.
-# However, Moscow did not observe daylight saving in 1945, so
-# this was equivalent to CEMT (GMT+3), not GMT+4.
-Rule Germany 1945 only - Apr 2 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Germany 1945 only - May 24 2:00 2:00 M # Midsummer
-Rule Germany 1945 only - Sep 24 3:00 1:00 S
-Rule Germany 1945 only - Nov 18 2:00s 0 -
-Rule Germany 1946 only - Apr 14 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Germany 1946 only - Oct 7 2:00s 0 -
-Rule Germany 1947 1949 - Oct Sun>=1 2:00s 0 -
-Rule Germany 1947 only - Apr 6 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Germany 1947 only - May 11 2:00s 2:00 M
-Rule Germany 1947 only - Jun 29 3:00 1:00 S
-Rule Germany 1948 only - Apr 18 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Germany 1949 only - Apr 10 2:00s 1:00 S
-Zone Europe/Berlin 0:53:28 - LMT 1893 Apr
- 1:00 C-Eur CE%sT 1945 Apr 2 2:00
- 1:00 Germany CE%sT 1980
- 1:00 EU CE%sT
-# Georgia
-# Please see the "asia" file for Asia/Tbilisi.
-# Herodotus (Histories, IV.45) says Georgia north of the Phasis (now Rioni)
-# is in Europe. Our reference location Tbilisi is in the Asian part.
-# Gibraltar
-Zone Europe/Gibraltar -0:21:24 - LMT 1880 Aug 2
- 0:00 GB-Eire %s 1957 Apr 14 2:00
- 1:00 - CET 1982
- 1:00 EU CE%sT
-# Greece
-# Whitman gives 1932 Jul 5 - Nov 1; go with Shanks.
-Rule Greece 1932 only - Jul 7 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Greece 1932 only - Sep 1 0:00 0 -
-# Whitman gives 1941 Apr 25 - ?; go with Shanks.
-Rule Greece 1941 only - Apr 7 0:00 1:00 S
-# Whitman gives 1942 Feb 2 - ?; go with Shanks.
-Rule Greece 1942 only - Nov 2 3:00 0 -
-Rule Greece 1943 only - Mar 30 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Greece 1943 only - Oct 4 0:00 0 -
-# Whitman gives 1944 Oct 3 - Oct 31; go with Shanks.
-Rule Greece 1952 only - Jul 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Greece 1952 only - Nov 2 0:00 0 -
-Rule Greece 1975 only - Apr 12 0:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Greece 1975 only - Nov 26 0:00s 0 -
-Rule Greece 1976 only - Apr 11 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Greece 1976 only - Oct 10 2:00s 0 -
-Rule Greece 1977 1978 - Apr Sun>=1 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Greece 1977 only - Sep 26 2:00s 0 -
-Rule Greece 1978 only - Sep 24 4:00 0 -
-Rule Greece 1979 only - Apr 1 9:00 1:00 S
-Rule Greece 1979 only - Sep 29 2:00 0 -
-Rule Greece 1980 only - Apr 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Greece 1980 only - Sep 28 0:00 0 -
-Zone Europe/Athens 1:34:52 - LMT 1895 Sep 14
- 1:34:52 - AMT 1916 Jul 28 0:01 # Athens MT
- 2:00 Greece EE%sT 1941 Apr 30
- 1:00 Greece CE%sT 1944 Apr 4
- 2:00 Greece EE%sT 1981
- # Shanks says they switched to C-Eur in 1981;
- # go with EU instead, since Greece joined it on Jan 1.
- 2:00 EU EE%sT
-# Hungary
-Rule Hungary 1918 only - Apr 1 3:00 1:00 S
-Rule Hungary 1918 only - Sep 29 3:00 0 -
-Rule Hungary 1919 only - Apr 15 3:00 1:00 S
-Rule Hungary 1919 only - Sep 15 3:00 0 -
-Rule Hungary 1920 only - Apr 5 3:00 1:00 S
-Rule Hungary 1920 only - Sep 30 3:00 0 -
-Rule Hungary 1945 only - May 1 23:00 1:00 S
-Rule Hungary 1945 only - Nov 3 0:00 0 -
-Rule Hungary 1946 only - Mar 31 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Hungary 1946 1949 - Oct Sun>=1 2:00s 0 -
-Rule Hungary 1947 1949 - Apr Sun>=4 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Hungary 1950 only - Apr 17 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Hungary 1950 only - Oct 23 2:00s 0 -
-Rule Hungary 1954 1955 - May 23 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Hungary 1954 1955 - Oct 3 0:00 0 -
-Rule Hungary 1956 only - Jun Sun>=1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Hungary 1956 only - Sep lastSun 0:00 0 -
-Rule Hungary 1957 only - Jun Sun>=1 1:00 1:00 S
-Rule Hungary 1957 only - Sep lastSun 3:00 0 -
-Rule Hungary 1980 only - Apr 6 1:00 1:00 S
-Zone Europe/Budapest 1:16:20 - LMT 1890 Oct
- 1:00 C-Eur CE%sT 1918
- 1:00 Hungary CE%sT 1941 Apr 6 2:00
- 1:00 C-Eur CE%sT 1945 May 1 23:00
- 1:00 Hungary CE%sT 1980 Sep 28 2:00s
- 1:00 EU CE%sT
-# Iceland
-# From Adam David (1993-11-06):
-# The name of the timezone in Iceland for system / mail / news purposes is GMT.
-# (1993-12-05):
-# This material is paraphrased from the 1988 edition of the University of
-# Iceland Almanak.
-# From January 1st, 1908 the whole of Iceland was standardised at 1 hour
-# behind GMT. Previously, local mean solar time was used in different parts
-# of Iceland, the almanak had been based on Reykjavik mean solar time which
-# was 1 hour and 28 minutes behind GMT.
-# "first day of winter" referred to [below] means the first day of the 26 weeks
-# of winter, according to the old icelandic calendar that dates back to the
-# time the norsemen first settled Iceland. The first day of winter is always
-# Saturday, but is not dependent on the Julian or Gregorian calendars.
-# (1993-12-10):
-# I have a reference from the Oxford Icelandic-English dictionary for the
-# beginning of winter, which ties it to the ecclesiastical calendar (and thus
-# to the julian/gregorian calendar) over the period in question.
-# the winter begins on the Saturday next before St. Luke's day
-# (old style), or on St. Luke's day, if a Saturday.
-# St. Luke's day ought to be traceable from ecclesiastical sources. "old style"
-# might be a reference to the Julian calendar as opposed to Gregorian, or it
-# might mean something else (???).
-# From Paul Eggert (1999-10-29):
-# The Iceland Almanak, Shanks and Whitman disagree on many points.
-# We go with the Almanak, except for one claim from Shanks, namely that
-# Reykavik was 21W57 from 1837 to 1908, local mean time before that.
-Rule Iceland 1917 1918 - Feb 19 23:00 1:00 S
-Rule Iceland 1917 only - Oct 21 1:00 0 -
-Rule Iceland 1918 only - Nov 16 1:00 0 -
-Rule Iceland 1939 only - Apr 29 23:00 1:00 S
-Rule Iceland 1939 only - Nov 29 2:00 0 -
-Rule Iceland 1940 only - Feb 25 2:00 1:00 S
-Rule Iceland 1940 only - Nov 3 2:00 0 -
-Rule Iceland 1941 only - Mar 2 1:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Iceland 1941 only - Nov 2 1:00s 0 -
-Rule Iceland 1942 only - Mar 8 1:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Iceland 1942 only - Oct 25 1:00s 0 -
-# 1943-1946 - first Sunday in March until first Sunday in winter
-Rule Iceland 1943 1946 - Mar Sun>=1 1:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Iceland 1943 1948 - Oct Sun>=22 1:00s 0 -
-# 1947-1967 - first Sunday in April until first Sunday in winter
-Rule Iceland 1947 1967 - Apr Sun>=1 1:00s 1:00 S
-# 1949 Oct transition delayed by 1 week
-Rule Iceland 1949 only - Oct 30 1:00s 0 -
-Rule Iceland 1950 1966 - Oct Sun>=22 1:00s 0 -
-Rule Iceland 1967 only - Oct 29 1:00s 0 -
-Zone Atlantic/Reykjavik -1:27:24 - LMT 1837
- -1:27:48 - RMT 1908 # Reykjavik Mean Time?
- -1:00 Iceland IS%sT 1968 Apr 7 1:00s
- 0:00 - GMT
-# Italy
-# From Paul Eggert (2001-03-06):
-# Sicily and Sardinia each had their own time zones from 1866 to 1893,
-# called Palermo Time (+00:53:28) and Cagliari Time (+00:36:32).
-# During World War II, German-controlled Italy used German time.
-# But these events all occurred before the 1970 cutoff,
-# so record only the time in Rome.
-# From Paul Eggert (1996-05-06):
-# For Italian DST we have three sources: Shanks, Whitman, and F. Pollastri
-# Day-light Saving Time in Italy (1996-03-14)
-# (`FP' below), taken from an Italian National Electrotechnical Institute
-# publication. When the three sources disagree, guess who's right, as follows:
-# year FP Shanks (S) Whitman (W) Go with:
-# 1916 06-03 06-03 24:00 06-03 00:00 FP & W
-# 09-30 09-30 24:00 09-30 01:00 FP; guess 24:00s
-# 1917 04-01 03-31 24:00 03-31 00:00 FP & S
-# 09-30 09-29 24:00 09-30 01:00 FP & W
-# 1918 03-09 03-09 24:00 03-09 00:00 FP & S
-# 10-06 10-05 24:00 10-06 01:00 FP & W
-# 1919 03-01 03-01 24:00 03-01 00:00 FP & S
-# 10-04 10-04 24:00 10-04 01:00 FP; guess 24:00s
-# 1920 03-20 03-20 24:00 03-20 00:00 FP & S
-# 09-18 09-18 24:00 10-01 01:00 FP; guess 24:00s
-# 1944 04-02 04-03 02:00 S (see C-Eur)
-# 09-16 10-02 03:00 FP; guess 24:00s
-# 1945 09-14 09-16 24:00 FP; guess 24:00s
-# 1970 05-21 05-31 00:00 S
-# 09-20 09-27 00:00 S
-Rule Italy 1916 only - Jun 3 0:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Italy 1916 only - Oct 1 0:00s 0 -
-Rule Italy 1917 only - Apr 1 0:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Italy 1917 only - Sep 30 0:00s 0 -
-Rule Italy 1918 only - Mar 10 0:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Italy 1918 1919 - Oct Sun>=1 0:00s 0 -
-Rule Italy 1919 only - Mar 2 0:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Italy 1920 only - Mar 21 0:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Italy 1920 only - Sep 19 0:00s 0 -
-Rule Italy 1940 only - Jun 15 0:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Italy 1944 only - Sep 17 0:00s 0 -
-Rule Italy 1945 only - Apr 2 2:00 1:00 S
-Rule Italy 1945 only - Sep 15 0:00s 0 -
-Rule Italy 1946 only - Mar 17 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Italy 1946 only - Oct 6 2:00s 0 -
-Rule Italy 1947 only - Mar 16 0:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Italy 1947 only - Oct 5 0:00s 0 -
-Rule Italy 1948 only - Feb 29 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Italy 1948 only - Oct 3 2:00s 0 -
-Rule Italy 1966 1968 - May Sun>=22 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Italy 1966 1969 - Sep Sun>=22 0:00 0 -
-Rule Italy 1969 only - Jun 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Italy 1970 only - May 31 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Italy 1970 only - Sep lastSun 0:00 0 -
-Rule Italy 1971 1972 - May Sun>=22 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Italy 1971 only - Sep lastSun 1:00 0 -
-Rule Italy 1972 only - Oct 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Italy 1973 only - Jun 3 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Italy 1973 1974 - Sep lastSun 0:00 0 -
-Rule Italy 1974 only - May 26 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Italy 1975 only - Jun 1 0:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Italy 1975 1977 - Sep lastSun 0:00s 0 -
-Rule Italy 1976 only - May 30 0:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Italy 1977 1979 - May Sun>=22 0:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Italy 1978 only - Oct 1 0:00s 0 -
-Rule Italy 1979 only - Sep 30 0:00s 0 -
-Zone Europe/Rome 0:49:56 - LMT 1866 Sep 22
- 0:49:56 - RMT 1893 Nov # Rome Mean Time
- 1:00 Italy CE%sT 1942 Nov 2 2:00s
- 1:00 C-Eur CE%sT 1944 Jul
- 1:00 Italy CE%sT 1980
- 1:00 EU CE%sT
-Link Europe/Rome Europe/Vatican
-Link Europe/Rome Europe/San_Marino
-# Latvia
-# From Liene Kanepe (1998-09-17):
-# I asked about this matter Scientific Secretary of the Institute of Astronomy
-# of The University of Latvia Dr. paed Mr. Ilgonis Vilks. I also searched the
-# correct data in juridical acts and I found some juridical documents about
-# changes in the counting of time in Latvia from 1981....
-# Act No.35 of the Council of Ministers of Latvian SSR of 1981-01-22 ...
-# according to the Act No.925 of the Council of Ministers of USSR of 1980-10-24
-# ...: all year round the time of 2nd time zone + 1 hour, in addition turning
-# the hands of the clock 1 hour forward on 1 April at 00:00 (GMT 31 March 21:00)
-# and 1 hour backward on the 1 October at 00:00 (GMT 30 September 20:00).
-# Act No.592 of the Council of Ministers of Latvian SSR of 1984-09-24 ...
-# according to the Act No.967 of the Council of Ministers of USSR of 1984-09-13
-# ...: all year round the time of 2nd time zone + 1 hour, in addition turning
-# the hands of the clock 1 hour forward on the last Sunday of March at 02:00
-# (GMT 23:00 on the previous day) and 1 hour backward on the last Sunday of
-# September at 03:00 (GMT 23:00 on the previous day).
-# Act No.81 of the Council of Ministers of Latvian SSR of 1989-03-22 ...
-# according to the Act No.227 of the Council of Ministers of USSR of 1989-03-14
-# ...: since the last Sunday of March 1989 in Lithuanian SSR, Latvian SSR,
-# Estonian SSR and Kaliningrad region of Russian Federation all year round the
-# time of 2nd time zone (Moscow time minus one hour). On the territory of Latvia
-# transition to summer time is performed on the last Sunday of March at 02:00
-# (GMT 00:00), turning the hands of the clock 1 hour forward. The end of
-# daylight saving time is performed on the last Sunday of September at 03:00
-# (GMT 00:00), turning the hands of the clock 1 hour backward. Exception is
-# 1989-03-26, when we must not turn the hands of the clock....
-# The Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia of
-# 1997-01-21 on transition to Summer time ... established the same order of
-# daylight savings time settings as in the States of the European Union.
-# From Andrei Ivanov (2000-03-06):
-# This year Latvia will not switch to Daylight Savings Time (as specified in
-# The Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Rep. of Latvia of
-# 29-Feb-2000 (#79), in Latvian for subscribers only).
-# From RFE/RL Newsline (2001-01-03), noted after a heads-up by Rives McDow:
-# The Latvian government on 2 January decided that the country will
-# institute daylight-saving time this spring, LETA reported.
-# Last February the three Baltic states decided not to turn back their
-# clocks one hour in the spring....
-# Minister of Economy Aigars Kalvitis noted that Latvia had too few
-# daylight hours and thus decided to comply with a draft European
-# Commission directive that provides for instituting daylight-saving
-# time in EU countries between 2002 and 2006. The Latvian government
-# urged Lithuania and Estonia to adopt a similar time policy, but it
-# appears that they will not do so....
-Rule Latvia 1989 1996 - Mar lastSun 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Latvia 1989 1996 - Sep lastSun 2:00s 0 -
-Zone Europe/Riga 1:36:24 - LMT 1880
- 1:36:24 - RMT 1918 Apr 15 2:00 #Riga Mean Time
- 1:36:24 1:00 LST 1918 Sep 16 3:00 #Latvian Summer
- 1:36:24 - RMT 1919 Apr 1 2:00
- 1:36:24 1:00 LST 1919 May 22 3:00
- 1:36:24 - RMT 1926 May 11
- 2:00 - EET 1940 Aug 5
- 3:00 - MSK 1941 Jul
- 1:00 C-Eur CE%sT 1944 Oct 13
- 3:00 Russia MSK/MSD 1989 Mar lastSun 2:00s
- 2:00 1:00 EEST 1989 Sep lastSun 2:00s
- 2:00 Latvia EE%sT 1997 Jan 21
- 2:00 EU EE%sT 2000 Feb 29
- 2:00 - EET 2001 Jan 2
- 2:00 EU EE%sT
-# Liechtenstein
-Zone Europe/Vaduz 0:38:04 - LMT 1894 Jun
- 1:00 - CET 1981
- 1:00 EU CE%sT
-# Lithuania
-# From Paul Eggert (1996-11-22):
-# IATA SSIM (1992/1996) says Lithuania uses W-Eur rules, but since it is
-# known to be wrong about Estonia and Latvia, assume it's wrong here too.
-# From Marius Gedminas (1998-08-07):
-# I would like to inform that in this year Lithuanian time zone
-# (Europe/Vilnius) was changed.
-# From ELTA No. 972 (2582) (1999-09-29),
-# via Steffen Thorsen:
-# Lithuania has shifted back to the second time zone (GMT plus two hours)
-# to be valid here starting from October 31,
-# as decided by the national government on Wednesday....
-# The Lithuanian government also announced plans to consider a
-# motion to give up shifting to summer time in spring, as it was
-# already done by Estonia.
-# From the
-# Fact File, Lithuanian State Department of Tourism
-# (2000-03-27): Local time is GMT+2 hours ..., no daylight saving.
-# From a user via Klaus Marten (2003-02-07):
-# As a candidate for membership of the European Union, Lithuania will
-# observe Summer Time in 2003, changing its clocks at the times laid
-# down in EU Directive 2000/84 of 19.I.01 (i.e. at the same times as its
-# neighbour Latvia). The text of the Lithuanian government Order of
-# 7.XI.02 to this effect can be found at
-# http://www.lrvk.lt/nut/11/n1749.htm
-Zone Europe/Vilnius 1:41:16 - LMT 1880
- 1:24:00 - WMT 1917 # Warsaw Mean Time
- 1:35:36 - KMT 1919 Oct 10 # Kaunas Mean Time
- 1:00 - CET 1920 Jul 12
- 2:00 - EET 1920 Oct 9
- 1:00 - CET 1940 Aug 3
- 3:00 - MSK 1941 Jun 24
- 1:00 C-Eur CE%sT 1944 Aug
- 3:00 Russia MSK/MSD 1991 Mar 31 2:00s
- 2:00 1:00 EEST 1991 Sep 29 2:00s
- 2:00 C-Eur EE%sT 1998
- 2:00 - EET 1998 Mar 29 1:00u
- 1:00 EU CE%sT 1999 Oct 31 1:00u
- 2:00 - EET 2003 Jan 1
- 2:00 EU EE%sT
-# Luxembourg
-# Whitman disagrees with most of these dates in minor ways; go with Shanks.
-Rule Lux 1916 only - May 14 23:00 1:00 S
-Rule Lux 1916 only - Oct 1 1:00 0 -
-Rule Lux 1917 only - Apr 28 23:00 1:00 S
-Rule Lux 1917 only - Sep 17 1:00 0 -
-Rule Lux 1918 only - Apr Mon>=15 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Lux 1918 only - Sep Mon>=15 2:00s 0 -
-Rule Lux 1919 only - Mar 1 23:00 1:00 S
-Rule Lux 1919 only - Oct 5 3:00 0 -
-Rule Lux 1920 only - Feb 14 23:00 1:00 S
-Rule Lux 1920 only - Oct 24 2:00 0 -
-Rule Lux 1921 only - Mar 14 23:00 1:00 S
-Rule Lux 1921 only - Oct 26 2:00 0 -
-Rule Lux 1922 only - Mar 25 23:00 1:00 S
-Rule Lux 1922 only - Oct Sun>=2 1:00 0 -
-Rule Lux 1923 only - Apr 21 23:00 1:00 S
-Rule Lux 1923 only - Oct Sun>=2 2:00 0 -
-Rule Lux 1924 only - Mar 29 23:00 1:00 S
-Rule Lux 1924 1928 - Oct Sun>=2 1:00 0 -
-Rule Lux 1925 only - Apr 5 23:00 1:00 S
-Rule Lux 1926 only - Apr 17 23:00 1:00 S
-Rule Lux 1927 only - Apr 9 23:00 1:00 S
-Rule Lux 1928 only - Apr 14 23:00 1:00 S
-Rule Lux 1929 only - Apr 20 23:00 1:00 S
-Zone Europe/Luxembourg 0:24:36 - LMT 1904 Jun
- 1:00 Lux CE%sT 1918 Nov 25
- 0:00 Lux WE%sT 1929 Oct 6 2:00s
- 0:00 Belgium WE%sT 1940 May 14 3:00
- 1:00 C-Eur WE%sT 1944 Sep 18 3:00
- 1:00 Belgium CE%sT 1977
- 1:00 EU CE%sT
-# Macedonia
-# see Serbia and Montenegro
-# Malta
-Rule Malta 1973 only - Mar 31 0:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Malta 1973 only - Sep 29 0:00s 0 -
-Rule Malta 1974 only - Apr 21 0:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Malta 1974 only - Sep 16 0:00s 0 -
-Rule Malta 1975 1979 - Apr Sun>=15 2:00 1:00 S
-Rule Malta 1975 1980 - Sep Sun>=15 2:00 0 -
-Rule Malta 1980 only - Mar 31 2:00 1:00 S
-Zone Europe/Malta 0:58:04 - LMT 1893 Nov 2 # Valletta
- 1:00 Italy CE%sT 1942 Nov 2 2:00s
- 1:00 C-Eur CE%sT 1945 Apr 2 2:00s
- 1:00 Italy CE%sT 1973 Mar 31
- 1:00 Malta CE%sT 1981
- 1:00 EU CE%sT
-# Moldova
-# From Paul Eggert (2001-02-11):
-# A previous version of this database followed Shanks, who writes that
-# Tiraspol switched to Moscow time on 1992-01-19 at 02:00.
-# However, this is most likely an error, as Moldova declared independence
-# on 1991-08-27 (the 1992-01-19 date is that of a Russian decree).
-# In early 1992 there was large-scale interethnic violence in the area
-# and it's possible that some Russophones continued to observe Moscow time.
-# But [two people] separately reported via
-# Jesper Norgaard that as of 2001-01-24 Tiraspol was like Chisinau.
-# The Tiraspol entry has therefore been removed for now.
-Zone Europe/Chisinau 1:55:20 - LMT 1880
- 1:55 - CMT 1918 Feb 15 # Chisinau MT
- 1:44:24 - BMT 1931 Jul 24 # Bucharest MT
- 2:00 Romania EE%sT 1940 Aug 15
- 2:00 1:00 EEST 1941 Jul 17
- 1:00 C-Eur CE%sT 1944 Aug 24
- 3:00 Russia MSK/MSD 1990
- 3:00 - MSK 1990 May 6
- 2:00 - EET 1991
- 2:00 Russia EE%sT 1992
- 2:00 E-Eur EE%sT 1997
-# See Romania commentary for the guessed 1997 transition to EU rules.
- 2:00 EU EE%sT
-# Monaco
-# Shanks gives 0:09 for Paris Mean Time; go with Howse's more precise 0:09:21.
-Zone Europe/Monaco 0:29:32 - LMT 1891 Mar 15
- 0:09:21 - PMT 1911 Mar 11 # Paris Mean Time
- 0:00 France WE%sT 1945 Sep 16 3:00
- 1:00 France CE%sT 1977
- 1:00 EU CE%sT
-# Netherlands
-# Howse writes that the Netherlands' railways used GMT between 1892 and 1940,
-# but for other purposes the Netherlands used Amsterdam mean time.
-# However, Robert H. van Gent writes (2001-04-01):
-# Howse's statement is only correct up to 1909. From 1909-05-01 (00:00:00
-# Amsterdam mean time) onwards, the whole of the Netherlands (including
-# the Dutch railways) was required by law to observe Amsterdam mean time
-# (19 minutes 32.13 seconds ahead of GMT). This had already been the
-# common practice (except for the railways) for many decades but it was
-# not until 1909 when the Dutch government finally defined this by law.
-# On 1937-07-01 this was changed to 20 minutes (exactly) ahead of GMT and
-# was generally known as Dutch Time ("Nederlandse Tijd").
-# (2001-04-08):
-# 1892-05-01 was the date when the Dutch railways were by law required to
-# observe GMT while the remainder of the Netherlands adhered to the common
-# practice of following Amsterdam mean time.
-# (2001-04-09):
-# In 1835 the authorities of the province of North Holland requested the
-# municipal authorities of the towns and cities in the province to observe
-# Amsterdam mean time but I do not know in how many cases this request was
-# actually followed.
-# From 1852 onwards the Dutch telegraph offices were by law required to
-# observe Amsterdam mean time. As the time signals from the observatory of
-# Leiden were also distributed by the telegraph system, I assume that most
-# places linked up with the telegraph (and railway) system automatically
-# adopted Amsterdam mean time.
-# Although the early Dutch railway companies initially observed a variety
-# of times, most of them had adopted Amsterdam mean time by 1858 but it
-# was not until 1866 when they were all required by law to observe
-# Amsterdam mean time.
-# The data before 1945 are taken from
-# .
-Rule Neth 1916 only - May 1 0:00 1:00 NST # Netherlands Summer Time
-Rule Neth 1916 only - Oct 1 0:00 0 AMT # Amsterdam Mean Time
-Rule Neth 1917 only - Apr 16 2:00s 1:00 NST
-Rule Neth 1917 only - Sep 17 2:00s 0 AMT
-Rule Neth 1918 1921 - Apr Mon>=1 2:00s 1:00 NST
-Rule Neth 1918 1921 - Sep lastMon 2:00s 0 AMT
-Rule Neth 1922 only - Mar lastSun 2:00s 1:00 NST
-Rule Neth 1922 1936 - Oct Sun>=2 2:00s 0 AMT
-Rule Neth 1923 only - Jun Fri>=1 2:00s 1:00 NST
-Rule Neth 1924 only - Mar lastSun 2:00s 1:00 NST
-Rule Neth 1925 only - Jun Fri>=1 2:00s 1:00 NST
-# From 1926 through 1939 DST began 05-15, except that it was delayed by a week
-# in years when 05-15 fell in the Pentecost weekend.
-Rule Neth 1926 1931 - May 15 2:00s 1:00 NST
-Rule Neth 1932 only - May 22 2:00s 1:00 NST
-Rule Neth 1933 1936 - May 15 2:00s 1:00 NST
-Rule Neth 1937 only - May 22 2:00s 1:00 NST
-Rule Neth 1937 only - Jul 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Neth 1937 1939 - Oct Sun>=2 2:00s 0 -
-Rule Neth 1938 1939 - May 15 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Neth 1945 only - Apr 2 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Neth 1945 only - Sep 16 2:00s 0 -
-# Amsterdam Mean Time was +00:19:32.13 exactly, but the .13 is omitted
-# below because the current format requires GMTOFF to be an integer.
-Zone Europe/Amsterdam 0:19:32 - LMT 1835
- 0:19:32 Neth %s 1937 Jul 1
- 0:20 Neth NE%sT 1940 May 16 0:00 # Dutch Time
- 1:00 C-Eur CE%sT 1945 Apr 2 2:00
- 1:00 Neth CE%sT 1977
- 1:00 EU CE%sT
-# Norway
-# http://met.no/met/met_lex/q_u/sommertid.html (2004-01) agrees with Shanks.
-Rule Norway 1916 only - May 22 1:00 1:00 S
-Rule Norway 1916 only - Sep 30 0:00 0 -
-Rule Norway 1945 only - Apr 2 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Norway 1945 only - Oct 1 2:00s 0 -
-Rule Norway 1959 1964 - Mar Sun>=15 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Norway 1959 1965 - Sep Sun>=15 2:00s 0 -
-Rule Norway 1965 only - Apr 25 2:00s 1:00 S
-Zone Europe/Oslo 0:43:00 - LMT 1895 Jan 1
- 1:00 Norway CE%sT 1940 Aug 10 23:00
- 1:00 C-Eur CE%sT 1945 Apr 2 2:00
- 1:00 Norway CE%sT 1980
- 1:00 EU CE%sT
-# Svalbard & Jan Mayen
-# From Steffen Thorsen (2001-05-01):
-# Although I could not find it explicitly, it seems that Jan Mayen and
-# Svalbard have been using the same time as Norway at least since the
-# time they were declared as parts of Norway. Svalbard was declared
-# as a part of Norway by law of 1925-07-17 no 11, section 4 and Jan
-# Mayen by law of 1930-02-27 no 2, section 2. (From
-# http://www.lovdata.no/all/nl-19250717-011.html and
-# http://www.lovdata.no/all/nl-19300227-002.html). The law/regulation
-# for normal/standard time in Norway is from 1894-06-29 no 1 (came
-# into operation on 1895-01-01) and Svalbard/Jan Mayen seem to be a
-# part of this law since 1925/1930. (From
-# http://www.lovdata.no/all/nl-18940629-001.html ) I have not been
-# able to find if Jan Mayen used a different time zone (e.g. -0100)
-# before 1930. Jan Mayen has only been "inhabitated" since 1921 by
-# Norwegian meteorologists and maybe used the same time as Norway ever
-# since 1921. Svalbard (Arctic/Longyearbyen) has been inhabited since
-# before 1895, and therefore probably changed the local time somewhere
-# between 1895 and 1925 (inclusive).
-# From Paul Eggert (2001-05-01):
-# Actually, Jan Mayen was never occupied by Germany during World War II,
-# so it must have diverged from Oslo time during the war, as Oslo was
-# keeping Berlin time.
-# says that the meteorologists
-# burned down their station in 1940 and left the island, but returned in
-# 1941 with a small Norwegian garrison and continued operations despite
-# frequent air ttacks from Germans. In 1943 the Americans established a
-# radiolocating station on the island, called "Atlantic City". Possibly
-# the UTC offset changed during the war, but I think it unlikely that
-# Jan Mayen used German daylight-saving rules.
-# Svalbard is more complicated, as it was raided in August 1941 by an
-# Allied party that evacuated the civilian population to England (says
-# ). The Svalbard FAQ
-# says that the Germans were
-# expelled on 1942-05-14. However, small parties of Germans did return,
-# and according to Wilhelm Dege's book "War North of 80" (1954)
-# the German armed forces at the Svalbard weather station code-named
-# Haudegen did not surrender to the Allies until September 1945.
-# All these events predate our cutoff date of 1970. Unless we can
-# come up with more definitive info about the timekeeping during the
-# war years it's probably best just do do the following for now:
-Link Europe/Oslo Arctic/Longyearbyen
-Link Europe/Oslo Atlantic/Jan_Mayen
-# Poland
-Rule Poland 1918 1919 - Sep 16 2:00s 0 -
-Rule Poland 1919 only - Apr 15 2:00s 1:00 S
-# Whitman gives 1944 Nov 30; go with Shanks.
-Rule Poland 1944 only - Oct 4 2:00 0 -
-# For 1944-1948 Whitman gives the previous day; go with Shanks.
-Rule Poland 1945 only - Apr 29 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Poland 1945 only - Nov 1 0:00 0 -
-# For 1946 on the source is Kazimierz Borkowski,
-# Torun Center for Astronomy, Dept. of Radio Astronomy, Nicolaus Copernicus U.,
-# Thanks to Przemyslaw Augustyniak (2005-05-28) for this reference.
-# He also gives these further references:
-# Mon Pol nr 13, poz 162 (1995)
-# Druk nr 2180 (2003)
-Rule Poland 1946 only - Apr 14 0:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Poland 1946 only - Oct 7 2:00s 0 -
-Rule Poland 1947 only - May 4 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Poland 1947 1949 - Oct Sun>=1 2:00s 0 -
-Rule Poland 1948 only - Apr 18 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Poland 1949 only - Apr 10 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Poland 1957 only - Jun 2 1:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Poland 1957 1958 - Sep lastSun 1:00s 0 -
-Rule Poland 1958 only - Mar 30 1:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Poland 1959 only - May 31 1:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Poland 1959 1961 - Oct Sun>=1 1:00s 0 -
-Rule Poland 1960 only - Apr 3 1:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Poland 1961 1964 - May lastSun 1:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Poland 1962 1964 - Sep lastSun 1:00s 0 -
-Zone Europe/Warsaw 1:24:00 - LMT 1880
- 1:24:00 - WMT 1915 Aug 5 # Warsaw Mean Time
- 1:00 C-Eur CE%sT 1918 Sep 16 3:00
- 2:00 Poland EE%sT 1922 Jun
- 1:00 Poland CE%sT 1940 Jun 23 2:00
- 1:00 C-Eur CE%sT 1944 Oct
- 1:00 Poland CE%sT 1977
- 1:00 W-Eur CE%sT 1988
- 1:00 EU CE%sT
-# Portugal
-# From Rui Pedro Salgueiro (1992-11-12):
-# Portugal has recently (September, 27) changed timezone
-# (from WET to MET or CET) to harmonize with EEC.
-# Martin Bruckmann (1996-02-29) reports via Peter Ilieve
-# that Portugal is reverting to 0:00 by not moving its clocks this spring.
-# The new Prime Minister was fed up with getting up in the dark in the winter.
-# From Paul Eggert (1996-11-12):
-# IATA SSIM (1991-09) reports several 1991-09 and 1992-09 transitions
-# at 02:00u, not 01:00u. Assume that these are typos.
-# IATA SSIM (1991/1992) reports that the Azores were at -1:00.
-# IATA SSIM (1993-02) says +0:00; later issues (through 1996-09) say -1:00.
-# Guess that the Azores changed to EU rules in 1992 (since that's when Portugal
-# harmonized with the EU), and that they stayed +0:00 that winter.
-# DSH writes that despite Decree 1,469 (1915), the change to the clocks was not
-# done every year, depending on what Spain did, because of railroad schedules.
-# Go with Shanks.
-Rule Port 1916 only - Jun 17 23:00 1:00 S
-# Whitman gives 1916 Oct 31; go with Shanks.
-Rule Port 1916 only - Nov 1 1:00 0 -
-Rule Port 1917 only - Feb 28 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Port 1917 1921 - Oct 14 23:00s 0 -
-Rule Port 1918 only - Mar 1 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Port 1919 only - Feb 28 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Port 1920 only - Feb 29 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Port 1921 only - Feb 28 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Port 1924 only - Apr 16 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Port 1924 only - Oct 14 23:00s 0 -
-Rule Port 1926 only - Apr 17 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Port 1926 1929 - Oct Sat>=1 23:00s 0 -
-Rule Port 1927 only - Apr 9 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Port 1928 only - Apr 14 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Port 1929 only - Apr 20 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Port 1931 only - Apr 18 23:00s 1:00 S
-# Whitman gives 1931 Oct 8; go with Shanks.
-Rule Port 1931 1932 - Oct Sat>=1 23:00s 0 -
-Rule Port 1932 only - Apr 2 23:00s 1:00 S
-# Shanks gives 1934 Apr 4; go with Whitman.
-Rule Port 1934 only - Apr 7 23:00s 1:00 S
-# Whitman gives 1934 Oct 5; go with Shanks.
-Rule Port 1934 1938 - Oct Sat>=1 23:00s 0 -
-# Shanks gives 1935 Apr 30; go with Whitman.
-Rule Port 1935 only - Mar 30 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Port 1936 only - Apr 18 23:00s 1:00 S
-# Whitman gives 1937 Apr 2; go with Shanks.
-Rule Port 1937 only - Apr 3 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Port 1938 only - Mar 26 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Port 1939 only - Apr 15 23:00s 1:00 S
-# Whitman gives 1939 Oct 7; go with Shanks.
-Rule Port 1939 only - Nov 18 23:00s 0 -
-Rule Port 1940 only - Feb 24 23:00s 1:00 S
-# Shanks gives 1940 Oct 7; go with Whitman.
-Rule Port 1940 1941 - Oct 5 23:00s 0 -
-Rule Port 1941 only - Apr 5 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Port 1942 1945 - Mar Sat>=8 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Port 1942 only - Apr 25 22:00s 2:00 M # Midsummer
-Rule Port 1942 only - Aug 15 22:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Port 1942 1945 - Oct Sat>=24 23:00s 0 -
-Rule Port 1943 only - Apr 17 22:00s 2:00 M
-Rule Port 1943 1945 - Aug Sat>=25 22:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Port 1944 1945 - Apr Sat>=21 22:00s 2:00 M
-Rule Port 1946 only - Apr Sat>=1 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Port 1946 only - Oct Sat>=1 23:00s 0 -
-Rule Port 1947 1949 - Apr Sun>=1 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Port 1947 1949 - Oct Sun>=1 2:00s 0 -
-# Shanks says DST was observed in 1950; go with Whitman.
-# Whitman gives Oct lastSun for 1952 on; go with Shanks.
-Rule Port 1951 1965 - Apr Sun>=1 2:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Port 1951 1965 - Oct Sun>=1 2:00s 0 -
-Rule Port 1977 only - Mar 27 0:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Port 1977 only - Sep 25 0:00s 0 -
-Rule Port 1978 1979 - Apr Sun>=1 0:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Port 1978 only - Oct 1 0:00s 0 -
-Rule Port 1979 1982 - Sep lastSun 1:00s 0 -
-Rule Port 1980 only - Mar lastSun 0:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Port 1981 1982 - Mar lastSun 1:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Port 1983 only - Mar lastSun 2:00s 1:00 S
-# Shanks says that the transition from LMT to WET occurred 1911-05-24;
-# Willett says 1912-01-01. Go with Willett.
-Zone Europe/Lisbon -0:36:32 - LMT 1884
- -0:36:32 - LMT 1912 Jan 1 # Lisbon Mean Time
- 0:00 Port WE%sT 1966 Apr 3 2:00
- 1:00 - CET 1976 Sep 26 1:00
- 0:00 Port WE%sT 1983 Sep 25 1:00s
- 0:00 W-Eur WE%sT 1992 Sep 27 1:00s
- 1:00 EU CE%sT 1996 Mar 31 1:00u
- 0:00 EU WE%sT
-Zone Atlantic/Azores -1:42:40 - LMT 1884 # Ponta Delgada
- -1:54:32 - HMT 1911 May 24 # Horta Mean Time
- -2:00 Port AZO%sT 1966 Apr 3 2:00 # Azores Time
- -1:00 Port AZO%sT 1983 Sep 25 1:00s
- -1:00 W-Eur AZO%sT 1992 Sep 27 1:00s
- 0:00 EU WE%sT 1993 Mar 28 1:00u
- -1:00 EU AZO%sT
-Zone Atlantic/Madeira -1:07:36 - LMT 1884 # Funchal
- -1:07:36 - FMT 1911 May 24 # Funchal Mean Time
- -1:00 Port MAD%sT 1966 Apr 3 2:00 # Madeira Time
- 0:00 Port WE%sT 1983 Sep 25 1:00s
- 0:00 EU WE%sT
-# Romania
-# From Paul Eggert (1999-10-07):
-# Nine O'clock (1998-10-23) reports that the switch occurred at
-# 04:00 local time in fall 1998. For lack of better info,
-# assume that Romania and Moldova switched to EU rules in 1997,
-# the same year as Bulgaria.
-Rule Romania 1932 only - May 21 0:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Romania 1932 1939 - Oct Sun>=1 0:00s 0 -
-Rule Romania 1933 1939 - Apr Sun>=2 0:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Romania 1979 only - May 27 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Romania 1979 only - Sep lastSun 0:00 0 -
-Rule Romania 1980 only - Apr 5 23:00 1:00 S
-Rule Romania 1980 only - Sep lastSun 1:00 0 -
-Rule Romania 1991 1993 - Mar lastSun 0:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Romania 1991 1993 - Sep lastSun 0:00s 0 -
-Zone Europe/Bucharest 1:44:24 - LMT 1891 Oct
- 1:44:24 - BMT 1931 Jul 24 # Bucharest MT
- 2:00 Romania EE%sT 1981 Mar 29 2:00s
- 2:00 C-Eur EE%sT 1991
- 2:00 Romania EE%sT 1994
- 2:00 E-Eur EE%sT 1997
- 2:00 EU EE%sT
-# Russia
-# From Paul Eggert (1999-11-12):
-# Except for Moscow after 1919-07-01, I invented the time zone abbreviations.
-# Moscow time zone abbreviations after 1919-07-01, and Moscow rules after 1991,
-# are from Andrey A. Chernov. The rest is from Shanks, except we follow
-# Chernov's report that 1992 DST transitions were Sat 23:00, not Sun 02:00s.
-# From Stanislaw A. Kuzikowski (1994-06-29):
-# But now it is some months since Novosibirsk is 3 hours ahead of Moscow!
-# I do not know why they have decided to make this change;
-# as far as I remember it was done exactly during winter->summer switching
-# so we (Novosibirsk) simply did not switch.
-# From Andrey A. Chernov (1996-10-04):
-# `MSK' and `MSD' were born and used initially on Moscow computers with
-# UNIX-like OSes by several developer groups (e.g. Demos group, Kiae group)....
-# The next step was the UUCP network, the Relcom predecessor
-# (used mainly for mail), and MSK/MSD was actively used there.
-# From Chris Carrier (1996-10-30):
-# According to a friend of mine who rode the Trans-Siberian Railroad from
-# Moscow to Irkutsk in 1995, public air and rail transport in Russia ...
-# still follows Moscow time, no matter where in Russia it is located.
-# For Grozny, Chechnya, we have the following story from
-# John Daniszewski, "Scavengers in the Rubble", Los Angeles Times (2001-02-07):
-# News--often false--is spread by word of mouth. A rumor that it was
-# time to move the clocks back put this whole city out of sync with
-# the rest of Russia for two weeks--even soldiers stationed here began
-# enforcing curfew at the wrong time.
-# From Gwillim Law (2001-06-05):
-# There's considerable evidence that Sakhalin Island used to be in
-# UTC+11, and has changed to UTC+10, in this decade. I start with the
-# SSIM, which listed Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk in zone RU10 along with Magadan
-# until February 1997, and then in RU9 with Khabarovsk and Vladivostok
-# since September 1997.... Although the Kuril Islands are
-# administratively part of Sakhalin oblast', they appear to have
-# remained on UTC+11 along with Magadan.
-# Kaliningradskaya oblast'.
-Zone Europe/Kaliningrad 1:22:00 - LMT 1893 Apr
- 1:00 C-Eur CE%sT 1945
- 2:00 Poland CE%sT 1946
- 3:00 Russia MSK/MSD 1991 Mar 31 2:00s
- 2:00 Russia EE%sT
-# From Oscar van Vlijmen (2001-08-25): [This region consists of]
-# Respublika Adygeya, Arkhangel'skaya oblast', Astrakhanskaya oblast',
-# Belgorodskaya oblast', Bryanskaya oblast', Vladimirskaya oblast',
-# Volgogradskaya oblast', Vologodskaya oblast', Voronezhskaya oblast',
-# Respublika Dagestan, Ivanovskaya oblast', Respublika Ingushetiya,
-# Kabarbino-Balkarskaya Respublika, Respublika Kalmykiya,
-# Kalyzhskaya oblast', Respublika Karachaevo-Cherkessiya,
-# Respublika Kareliya, Kirovskaya oblast', Respublika Komi,
-# Kostromskaya oblast', Krasnodarskij kraj, Kurskaya oblast',
-# Leningradskaya oblast', Lipetskaya oblast', Respublika Marij El,
-# Respublika Mordoviya, Moskva, Moskovskaya oblast',
-# Murmanskaya oblast', Nenetskij avtonomnyj okrug,
-# Nizhegorodskaya oblast', Novgorodskaya oblast', Orlovskaya oblast',
-# Penzenskaya oblast', Pskovskaya oblast', Rostovskaya oblast',
-# Ryazanskaya oblast', Sankt-Peterburg, Saratovskaya oblast',
-# Respublika Severnaya Osetiya, Smolenskaya oblast',
-# Stavropol'skij kraj, Tambovskaya oblast', Respublika Tatarstan,
-# Tverskaya oblast', Tyl'skaya oblast', Ul'yanovskaya oblast',
-# Chechenskaya Respublika, Chuvashskaya oblast',
-# Yaroslavskaya oblast'
-Zone Europe/Moscow 2:30:20 - LMT 1880
- 2:30 - MMT 1916 Jul 3 # Moscow Mean Time
- 2:30:48 Russia %s 1919 Jul 1 2:00
- 3:00 Russia MSK/MSD 1922 Oct
- 2:00 - EET 1930 Jun 21
- 3:00 Russia MSK/MSD 1991 Mar 31 2:00s
- 2:00 Russia EE%sT 1992 Jan 19 2:00s
- 3:00 Russia MSK/MSD
-# From Oscar van Vlijmen (2001-08-25): [This region consists of]
-# Samarskaya oblast', Udmyrtskaya respublika
-Zone Europe/Samara 3:20:36 - LMT 1919 Jul 1 2:00
- 3:00 - KUYT 1930 Jun 21 # Kuybyshev
- 4:00 Russia KUY%sT 1989 Mar 26 2:00s
- 3:00 Russia KUY%sT 1991 Mar 31 2:00s
- 2:00 Russia KUY%sT 1991 Sep 29 2:00s
- 3:00 - KUYT 1991 Oct 20 3:00
- 4:00 Russia SAM%sT # Samara Time
-# From Oscar van Vlijmen (2001-08-25): [This region consists of]
-# Respublika Bashkortostan, Komi-Permyatskij avtonomnyj okrug,
-# Kurganskaya oblast', Orenburgskaya oblast', Permskaya oblast',
-# Sverdlovskaya oblast', Tyumenskaya oblast',
-# Khanty-Manskijskij avtonomnyj okrug, Chelyabinskaya oblast',
-# Yamalo-Nenetskij avtonomnyj okrug.
-Zone Asia/Yekaterinburg 4:02:24 - LMT 1919 Jul 15 4:00
- 4:00 - SVET 1930 Jun 21 # Sverdlovsk Time
- 5:00 Russia SVE%sT 1991 Mar 31 2:00s
- 4:00 Russia SVE%sT 1992 Jan 19 2:00s
- 5:00 Russia YEK%sT # Yekaterinburg Time
-# From Oscar van Vlijmen (2001-08-25): [This region consists of]
-# Respublika Altaj, Altajskij kraj, Omskaya oblast'.
-Zone Asia/Omsk 4:53:36 - LMT 1919 Nov 14
- 5:00 - OMST 1930 Jun 21 # Omsk TIme
- 6:00 Russia OMS%sT 1991 Mar 31 2:00s
- 5:00 Russia OMS%sT 1992 Jan 19 2:00s
- 6:00 Russia OMS%sT
-# Novosibirskaya oblast'.
-Zone Asia/Novosibirsk 5:31:40 - LMT 1919 Dec 14 6:00
- 6:00 - NOVT 1930 Jun 21 # Novosibirsk Time
- 7:00 Russia NOV%sT 1991 Mar 31 2:00s
- 6:00 Russia NOV%sT 1992 Jan 19 2:00s
- 7:00 Russia NOV%sT 1993 May 23 # says Shanks
- 6:00 Russia NOV%sT
-# From Oscar van Vlijmen (2001-08-25): [This region consists of]
-# Kemerovskaya oblast', Krasnoyarskij kraj,
-# Tajmyrskij (Dolgano-Nenetskij) avtonomnyj okrug, Tomskaya oblast',
-# Respublika Tuva, Respublika Khakasiya, Evenkijskij avtonomnyj okrug.
-Zone Asia/Krasnoyarsk 6:11:20 - LMT 1920 Jan 6
- 6:00 - KRAT 1930 Jun 21 # Krasnoyarsk Time
- 7:00 Russia KRA%sT 1991 Mar 31 2:00s
- 6:00 Russia KRA%sT 1992 Jan 19 2:00s
- 7:00 Russia KRA%sT
-# From Oscar van Vlijmen (2001-08-25): [This region consists of]
-# Respublika Buryatiya, Irkutskaya oblast',
-# Ust'-Ordynskij Buryatskij avtonomnyj okrug.
-Zone Asia/Irkutsk 6:57:20 - LMT 1880
- 6:57:20 - IMT 1920 Jan 25 # Irkutsk Mean Time
- 7:00 - IRKT 1930 Jun 21 # Irkutsk Time
- 8:00 Russia IRK%sT 1991 Mar 31 2:00s
- 7:00 Russia IRK%sT 1992 Jan 19 2:00s
- 8:00 Russia IRK%sT
-# From Oscar van Vlijmen (2003-10-18): [This region consists of]
-# Aginskij Buryatskij avtonomnyj okrug, Amurskaya oblast',
-# [parts of] Respublika Sakha (Yakutiya), Chitinskaya oblast'.
-# The Sakha districts are: Aldanskij, Amginskij, Anabarskij,
-# Bulunskij, Verkhnekolymskij, Verkhnevilyujskij, Vilyujskij, Gornyj,
-# Zhiganskij, Kobyajskij, Lenskij, Megino-Kangalasskij, Mirninskij,
-# Namskij, Nyurbinskij, Olenekskij, Olekminskij, Srednekolymskij,
-# Suntarskij, Tattinskij, Ust'-Aldanskij, Khangalasskij,
-# Churapchinskij, Eveno-Bytantajskij.
-Zone Asia/Yakutsk 8:38:40 - LMT 1919 Dec 15
- 8:00 - YAKT 1930 Jun 21 # Yakutsk Time
- 9:00 Russia YAK%sT 1991 Mar 31 2:00s
- 8:00 Russia YAK%sT 1992 Jan 19 2:00s
- 9:00 Russia YAK%sT
-# From Oscar van Vlijmen (2003-10-18): [This region consists of]
-# Evrejskaya avtonomnaya oblast', Khabarovskij kraj, Primorskij kraj,
-# [parts of] Respublika Sakha (Yakutiya).
-# The Sakha districts are: Verkhoyanskij, Tomponskij, Ust'-Majskij,
-# Ust'-Yanskij.
-Zone Asia/Vladivostok 8:47:44 - LMT 1922 Nov 15
- 9:00 - VLAT 1930 Jun 21 # Vladivostok Time
- 10:00 Russia VLA%sT 1991 Mar 31 2:00s
- 9:00 Russia VLA%sST 1992 Jan 19 2:00s
- 10:00 Russia VLA%sT
-# Sakhalinskaya oblast'.
-# The Zone name should be Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, but that's too long.
-Zone Asia/Sakhalin 9:30:48 - LMT 1905 Aug 23
- 9:00 - CJT 1938
- 9:00 - JST 1945 Aug 25
- 11:00 Russia SAK%sT 1991 Mar 31 2:00s # Sakhalin T.
- 10:00 Russia SAK%sT 1992 Jan 19 2:00s
- 11:00 Russia SAK%sT 1997 Mar lastSun 2:00s
- 10:00 Russia SAK%sT
-# From Oscar van Vlijmen (2003-10-18): [This region consists of]
-# Magadanskaya oblast', Respublika Sakha (Yakutiya).
-# Probably also: Kuril Islands.
-# The Sakha districts are: Abyjskij, Allaikhovskij, Momskij,
-# Nizhnekolymskij, Ojmyakonskij.
-Zone Asia/Magadan 10:03:12 - LMT 1924 May 2
- 10:00 - MAGT 1930 Jun 21 # Magadan Time
- 11:00 Russia MAG%sT 1991 Mar 31 2:00s
- 10:00 Russia MAG%sT 1992 Jan 19 2:00s
- 11:00 Russia MAG%sT
-# From Oscar van Vlijmen (2001-08-25): [This region consists of]
-# Kamchatskaya oblast', Koryakskij avtonomnyj okrug.
-# The Zone name should be Asia/Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski, but that's too long.
-Zone Asia/Kamchatka 10:34:36 - LMT 1922 Nov 10
- 11:00 - PETT 1930 Jun 21 # P-K Time
- 12:00 Russia PET%sT 1991 Mar 31 2:00s
- 11:00 Russia PET%sT 1992 Jan 19 2:00s
- 12:00 Russia PET%sT
-# Chukotskij avtonomnyj okrug
-Zone Asia/Anadyr 11:49:56 - LMT 1924 May 2
- 12:00 - ANAT 1930 Jun 21 # Anadyr Time
- 13:00 Russia ANA%sT 1982 Apr 1 0:00s
- 12:00 Russia ANA%sT 1991 Mar 31 2:00s
- 11:00 Russia ANA%sT 1992 Jan 19 2:00s
- 12:00 Russia ANA%sT
-# Serbia and Montenegro
-Zone Europe/Belgrade 1:22:00 - LMT 1884
- 1:00 - CET 1941 Apr 18 23:00
- 1:00 C-Eur CE%sT 1945 May 8 2:00s
- 1:00 1:00 CEST 1945 Sep 16 2:00s
-# Metod Kozelj reports that the legal date of
-# transition to EU rules was 1982-11-27, for all of Yugoslavia at the time.
-# Shanks doesn't give as much detail, so go with Kozelj.
- 1:00 - CET 1982 Nov 27
- 1:00 EU CE%sT
-Link Europe/Belgrade Europe/Ljubljana # Slovenia
-Link Europe/Belgrade Europe/Sarajevo # Bosnia and Herzegovina
-Link Europe/Belgrade Europe/Skopje # Macedonia
-Link Europe/Belgrade Europe/Zagreb # Croatia
-# Slovakia
-Link Europe/Prague Europe/Bratislava
-# Slovenia
-# see Serbia and Montenegro
-# Spain
-# For 1917-1919 Whitman gives Apr Sat>=1 - Oct Sat>=1; go with Shanks.
-Rule Spain 1917 only - May 5 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Spain 1917 1919 - Oct 6 23:00s 0 -
-Rule Spain 1918 only - Apr 15 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Spain 1919 only - Apr 5 23:00s 1:00 S
-# Whitman gives 1921 Feb 28 - Oct 14; go with Shanks.
-Rule Spain 1924 only - Apr 16 23:00s 1:00 S
-# Whitman gives 1924 Oct 14; go with Shanks.
-Rule Spain 1924 only - Oct 4 23:00s 0 -
-Rule Spain 1926 only - Apr 17 23:00s 1:00 S
-# Whitman says no DST in 1929; go with Shanks.
-Rule Spain 1926 1929 - Oct Sat>=1 23:00s 0 -
-Rule Spain 1927 only - Apr 9 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Spain 1928 only - Apr 14 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Spain 1929 only - Apr 20 23:00s 1:00 S
-# Whitman gives 1937 Jun 16, 1938 Apr 16, 1940 Apr 13; go with Shanks.
-Rule Spain 1937 only - May 22 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Spain 1937 1939 - Oct Sat>=1 23:00s 0 -
-Rule Spain 1938 only - Mar 22 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Spain 1939 only - Apr 15 23:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Spain 1940 only - Mar 16 23:00s 1:00 S
-# Whitman says no DST 1942-1945; go with Shanks.
-Rule Spain 1942 only - May 2 22:00s 2:00 M # Midsummer
-Rule Spain 1942 only - Sep 1 22:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Spain 1943 1946 - Apr Sat>=13 22:00s 2:00 M
-Rule Spain 1943 only - Oct 3 22:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Spain 1944 only - Oct 10 22:00s 1:00 S
-Rule Spain 1945 only - Sep 30 1:00 1:00 S
-Rule Spain 1946 only - Sep 30 0:00 0 -
-Rule Spain 1949 only - Apr 30 23:00 1:00 S
-Rule Spain 1949 only - Sep 30 1:00 0 -
-Rule Spain 1974 1975 - Apr Sat>=13 23:00 1:00 S
-Rule Spain 1974 1975 - Oct Sun>=1 1:00 0 -
-Rule Spain 1976 only - Mar 27 23:00 1:00 S
-Rule Spain 1976 1977 - Sep lastSun 1:00 0 -
-Rule Spain 1977 1978 - Apr 2 23:00 1:00 S
-Rule Spain 1978 only - Oct 1 1:00 0 -
-# The following rules are copied from Morocco from 1967 through 1978.
-Rule SpainAfrica 1967 only - Jun 3 12:00 1:00 S
-Rule SpainAfrica 1967 only - Oct 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule SpainAfrica 1974 only - Jun 24 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule SpainAfrica 1974 only - Sep 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule SpainAfrica 1976 1977 - May 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule SpainAfrica 1976 only - Aug 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule SpainAfrica 1977 only - Sep 28 0:00 0 -
-Rule SpainAfrica 1978 only - Jun 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule SpainAfrica 1978 only - Aug 4 0:00 0 -
-Zone Europe/Madrid -0:14:44 - LMT 1901
- 0:00 Spain WE%sT 1946 Sep 30
- 1:00 Spain CE%sT 1979
- 1:00 EU CE%sT
-Zone Africa/Ceuta -0:21:16 - LMT 1901
- 0:00 - WET 1918 May 6 23:00
- 0:00 1:00 WEST 1918 Oct 7 23:00
- 0:00 - WET 1924
- 0:00 Spain WE%sT 1929
- 0:00 SpainAfrica WE%sT 1984 Mar 16
- 1:00 - CET 1986
- 1:00 EU CE%sT
-Zone Atlantic/Canary -1:01:36 - LMT 1922 Mar # Las Palmas de Gran C.
- -1:00 - CANT 1946 Sep 30 1:00 # Canaries Time
- 0:00 - WET 1980 Apr 6 0:00s
- 0:00 1:00 WEST 1980 Sep 28 0:00s
- 0:00 EU WE%sT
-# IATA SSIM (1996-09) says the Canaries switch at 2:00u, not 1:00u.
-# Ignore this for now, as the Canaries are part of the EU.
-# Sweden
-# From Ivan Nilsson (2001-04-13), superseding Shanks:
-# The law "Svensk forfattningssamling 1878, no 14" about standard time in 1879:
-# From the beginning of 1879 (that is 01-01 00:00) the time for all
-# places in the country is "the mean solar time for the meridian at
-# three degrees, or twelve minutes of time, to the west of the
-# meridian of the Observatory of Stockholm". The law is dated 1878-05-31.
-# The observatory at that time had the meridian 18 degrees 03' 30"
-# eastern longitude = 01:12:14 in time. Less 12 minutes gives the
-# national standard time as 01:00:14 ahead of GMT....
-# About the beginning of CET in Sweden. The lawtext ("Svensk
-# forfattningssamling 1899, no 44") states, that "from the beginning
-# of 1900... ... the same as the mean solar time for the meridian at
-# the distance of one hour of time from the meridian of the English
-# observatory at Greenwich, or at 12 minutes 14 seconds to the west
-# from the meridian of the Observatory of Stockholm". The law is dated
-# 1899-06-16. In short: At 1900-01-01 00:00:00 the new standard time
-# in Sweden is 01:00:00 ahead of GMT.
-# 1916: The lawtext ("Svensk forfattningssamling 1916, no 124") states
-# that "1916-05-15 is considered to begin one hour earlier". It is
-# pretty obvious that at 05-14 23:00 the clocks are set to 05-15 00:00....
-# Further the law says, that "1916-09-30 is considered to end one hour later".
-# The laws regulating [DST] are available on the site of the Swedish
-# Parliament beginning with 1985 - the laws regulating 1980/1984 are
-# not available on the site (to my knowledge they are only available
-# in Swedish): (type
-# "sommartid" without the quotes in the field "Fritext" and then click
-# the Sok-button).
-# (2001-05-13):
-# I have now found a newspaper stating that at 1916-10-01 01:00
-# summertime the church-clocks etc were set back one hour to show
-# 1916-10-01 00:00 standard time. The article also reports that some
-# people thought the switch to standard time would take place already
-# at 1916-10-01 00:00 summer time, but they had to wait for another
-# hour before the event took place.
-# Source: The newspaper "Dagens Nyheter", 1916-10-01, page 7 upper left.
-Zone Europe/Stockholm 1:12:12 - LMT 1879 Jan 1
- 1:00:14 - SET 1900 Jan 1 # Swedish Time
- 1:00 - CET 1916 May 14 23:00
- 1:00 1:00 CEST 1916 Oct 1 01:00
- 1:00 - CET 1980
- 1:00 EU CE%sT
-# Switzerland
-# From Howse:
-# By the end of the 18th century clocks and watches became commonplace
-# and their performance improved enormously. Communities began to keep
-# mean time in preference to apparent time -- Geneva from 1780 ....
-# From Whitman (who writes ``Midnight?''):
-Rule Swiss 1940 only - Nov 2 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Swiss 1940 only - Dec 31 0:00 0 -
-# From Shanks:
-Rule Swiss 1941 1942 - May Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 S
-Rule Swiss 1941 1942 - Oct Sun>=1 0:00 0 -
-Zone Europe/Zurich 0:34:08 - LMT 1848 Sep 12
- 0:29:44 - BMT 1894 Jun # Bern Mean Time
- 1:00 Swiss CE%sT 1981
- 1:00 EU CE%sT
-# Turkey
-Rule Turkey 1916 only - May 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Turkey 1916 only - Oct 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Turkey 1920 only - Mar 28 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Turkey 1920 only - Oct 25 0:00 0 -
-Rule Turkey 1921 only - Apr 3 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Turkey 1921 only - Oct 3 0:00 0 -
-Rule Turkey 1922 only - Mar 26 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Turkey 1922 only - Oct 8 0:00 0 -
-# Whitman gives 1923 Apr 28 - Sep 16 and no DST in 1924-1925; go with Shanks.
-Rule Turkey 1924 only - May 13 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Turkey 1924 1925 - Oct 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Turkey 1925 only - May 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Turkey 1940 only - Jun 30 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Turkey 1940 only - Oct 5 0:00 0 -
-Rule Turkey 1940 only - Dec 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Turkey 1941 only - Sep 21 0:00 0 -
-Rule Turkey 1942 only - Apr 1 0:00 1:00 S
-# Whitman omits the next two transition and gives 1945 Oct 1; go with Shanks.
-Rule Turkey 1942 only - Nov 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Turkey 1945 only - Apr 2 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Turkey 1945 only - Oct 8 0:00 0 -
-Rule Turkey 1946 only - Jun 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Turkey 1946 only - Oct 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Turkey 1947 1948 - Apr Sun>=16 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Turkey 1947 1950 - Oct Sun>=2 0:00 0 -
-Rule Turkey 1949 only - Apr 10 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Turkey 1950 only - Apr 19 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Turkey 1951 only - Apr 22 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Turkey 1951 only - Oct 8 0:00 0 -
-Rule Turkey 1962 only - Jul 15 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Turkey 1962 only - Oct 8 0:00 0 -
-Rule Turkey 1964 only - May 15 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Turkey 1964 only - Oct 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Turkey 1970 1972 - May Sun>=2 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Turkey 1970 1972 - Oct Sun>=2 0:00 0 -
-Rule Turkey 1973 only - Jun 3 1:00 1:00 S
-Rule Turkey 1973 only - Nov 4 3:00 0 -
-Rule Turkey 1974 only - Mar 31 2:00 1:00 S
-Rule Turkey 1974 only - Nov 3 5:00 0 -
-Rule Turkey 1975 only - Mar 30 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Turkey 1975 1976 - Oct lastSun 0:00 0 -
-Rule Turkey 1976 only - Jun 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Turkey 1977 1978 - Apr Sun>=1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Turkey 1977 only - Oct 16 0:00 0 -
-Rule Turkey 1979 1980 - Apr Sun>=1 3:00 1:00 S
-Rule Turkey 1979 1982 - Oct Mon>=11 0:00 0 -
-Rule Turkey 1981 1982 - Mar lastSun 3:00 1:00 S
-Rule Turkey 1983 only - Jul 31 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Turkey 1983 only - Oct 2 0:00 0 -
-Rule Turkey 1985 only - Apr 20 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Turkey 1985 only - Sep 28 0:00 0 -
-Zone Europe/Istanbul 1:55:52 - LMT 1880
- 1:56:56 - IMT 1910 Oct # Istanbul Mean Time?
- 2:00 Turkey EE%sT 1978 Oct 15
- 3:00 Turkey TR%sT 1985 Apr 20 # Turkey Time
- 2:00 Turkey EE%sT 1986
- 2:00 C-Eur EE%sT 1991
- 2:00 EU EE%sT
-Link Europe/Istanbul Asia/Istanbul # Istanbul is in both continents.
-# Ukraine
-# From Igor Karpov, who works for the Ukranian Ministry of Justice,
-# via Garrett Wollman (2003-01-27):
-# BTW, I've found the official document on this matter. It's goverment
-# regulations number 509, May 13, 1996. In my poor translation it says:
-# "Time in Ukraine is set to second timezone (Kiev time). Each last Sunday
-# of March at 3am the time is changing to 4am and each last Sunday of
-# October the time at 4am is changing to 3am"
-# Most of Ukraine since 1970 has been like Kiev.
-Zone Europe/Kiev 2:02:04 - LMT 1880
- 2:02:04 - KMT 1924 May 2 # Kiev Mean Time
- 2:00 - EET 1930 Jun 21
- 3:00 - MSK 1941 Sep 20
- 1:00 C-Eur CE%sT 1943 Nov 6
- 3:00 Russia MSK/MSD 1990
- 3:00 - MSK 1990 Jul 1 2:00
- 2:00 - EET 1992
- 2:00 E-Eur EE%sT 1995
- 2:00 EU EE%sT
-# Ruthenia used CET 1990/1991.
-Zone Europe/Uzhgorod 1:29:12 - LMT 1890 Oct
- 1:00 - CET 1940
- 1:00 C-Eur CE%sT 1944 Oct
- 1:00 1:00 CEST 1944 Oct 26
- 1:00 - CET 1945 Jun 29
- 3:00 Russia MSK/MSD 1990
- 3:00 - MSK 1990 Jul 1 2:00
- 1:00 - CET 1991 Mar 31 3:00
- 2:00 - EET 1992
- 2:00 E-Eur EE%sT 1995
- 2:00 EU EE%sT
-# Zaporozh'ye and eastern Lugansk oblasts observed DST 1990/1991.
-# Zaporozh'ye has an apostrophe, but Posix file names can't have apostrophes.
-Zone Europe/Zaporozhye 2:20:40 - LMT 1880
- 2:20 - CUT 1924 May 2 # Central Ukraine T
- 2:00 - EET 1930 Jun 21
- 3:00 - MSK 1941 Aug 25
- 1:00 C-Eur CE%sT 1943 Oct 25
- 3:00 Russia MSK/MSD 1991 Mar 31 2:00
- 2:00 E-Eur EE%sT 1995
- 2:00 EU EE%sT
-# Central Crimea used Moscow time 1994/1997.
-Zone Europe/Simferopol 2:16:24 - LMT 1880
- 2:16 - SMT 1924 May 2 # Simferopol Mean T
- 2:00 - EET 1930 Jun 21
- 3:00 - MSK 1941 Nov
- 1:00 C-Eur CE%sT 1944 Apr 13
- 3:00 Russia MSK/MSD 1990
- 3:00 - MSK 1990 Jul 1 2:00
- 2:00 - EET 1992
-# From Paul Eggert (1999-11-12):
-# The _Economist_ (1994-05-28, p 45) reports that central Crimea switched
-# from Kiev to Moscow time sometime after the January 1994 elections.
-# Shanks says ``date of change uncertain'', but implies that it happened
-# sometime between the 1994 DST switches. For now, guess it changed in May.
- 2:00 E-Eur EE%sT 1994 May
-# From IATA SSIM (1994/1997), which also says that Kerch is still like Kiev.
- 3:00 E-Eur MSK/MSD 1996 Mar 31 3:00s
- 3:00 1:00 MSD 1996 Oct 27 3:00s
-# IATA SSIM (1997-09) says Crimea switched to EET/EEST.
-# Assume it happened in March by not changing the clocks.
- 3:00 Russia MSK/MSD 1997
- 3:00 - MSK 1997 Mar lastSun 1:00u
- 2:00 EU EE%sT
-# One source shows that Bulgaria, Cyprus, Finland, and Greece observe DST from
-# the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in September in 1986.
-# The source shows Romania changing a day later than everybody else.
-# According to Bernard Sieloff's source, Poland is in the MET time zone but
-# uses the WE DST rules. The Western USSR uses EET+1 and ME DST rules.
-# Bernard Sieloff's source claims Romania switches on the same day, but at
-# 00:00 standard time (i.e., 01:00 DST). It also claims that Turkey
-# switches on the same day, but switches on at 01:00 standard time
-# and off at 00:00 standard time (i.e., 01:00 DST)
-# ...
-# Date: Wed, 28 Jan 87 16:56:27 -0100
-# From: Tom Hofmann
-# ...
-# ...the European time rules are...standardized since 1981, when
-# most European coun[tr]ies started DST. Before that year, only
-# a few countries (UK, France, Italy) had DST, each according
-# to own national rules. In 1981, however, DST started on
-# 'Apr firstSun', and not on 'Mar lastSun' as in the following
-# years...
-# But also since 1981 there are some more national exceptions
-# than listed in 'europe': Switzerland, for example, joined DST
-# one year later, Denmark ended DST on 'Oct 1' instead of 'Sep
-# lastSun' in 1981---I don't know how they handle now.
-# Finally, DST ist always from 'Apr 1' to 'Oct 1' in the
-# Soviet Union (as far as I know).
-# Tom Hofmann, Scientific Computer Center, CIBA-GEIGY AG,
-# 4002 Basle, Switzerland
-# ...
-# ...
-# Date: Wed, 4 Feb 87 22:35:22 +0100
-# From: Dik T. Winter
-# ...
-# The information from Tom Hofmann is (as far as I know) not entirely correct.
-# After a request from chongo at amdahl I tried to retrieve all information
-# about DST in Europe. I was able to find all from about 1969.
-# ...standardization on DST in Europe started in about 1977 with switches on
-# first Sunday in April and last Sunday in September...
-# In 1981 UK joined Europe insofar that
-# the starting day for both shifted to last Sunday in March. And from 1982
-# the whole of Europe used DST, with switch dates April 1 and October 1 in
-# the Sov[i]et Union. In 1985 the SU reverted to standard Europe[a]n switch
-# dates...
-# It should also be remembered that time-zones are not constants; e.g.
-# Portugal switched in 1976 from MET (or CET) to WET with DST...
-# Note also that though there were rules for switch dates not
-# all countries abided to these dates, and many individual deviations
-# occurred, though not since 1982 I believe. Another note: it is always
-# assumed that DST is 1 hour ahead of normal time, this need not be the
-# case; at least in the Netherlands there have been times when DST was 2 hours
-# in advance of normal time.
-# ...
-# dik t. winter, cwi, amsterdam, nederland
-# ...
-# From Bob Devine (1988-01-28):
-# ...
-# Greece: Last Sunday in April to last Sunday in September (iffy on dates).
-# Since 1978. Change at midnight.
-# ...
-# Monaco: has same DST as France.
-# ...
diff --git a/install/timezone/gmt.txt b/install/timezone/gmt.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 68c90c36f..000000000
--- a/install/timezone/gmt.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-1 Pacific/Kwajalein (GMT-12:00) International Date Line West
-2 Pacific/Midway (GMT-11:00) Midway Island, Samoa
-3 Pacific/Honolulu (GMT-10:00) Hawaii
-4 America/Juneau (GMT-09:00) Alaska
-5 America/Los_Angeles (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) ; Tijuana
-6 America/Chihuahua (GMT-07:00) Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan
-7 America/Denver (GMT-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
-8 America/Phoenix (GMT-07:00) Arizona
-9 America/Regina (GMT-06:00) Saskatchewan
-10 America/Mexico_City (GMT-06:00) Central America
-11 America/Chicago (GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
-12 America/Mexico_City (GMT-06:00) Guadalajara, Mexico City, Monterrey
-13 America/New_York (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
-14 America/Bogota (GMT-05:00) Bogota, Lima, Quito
-15 America/Indianapolis (GMT-05:00) Indiana (East)
-16 America/Halifax (GMT-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)
-17 America/Santiago (GMT-04:00) Santiago
-18 America/Caracas (GMT-04:00) Caracas, La Paz
-19 America/St_Johns (GMT-03:30) Newfoundland
-20 America/Araguaina (GMT-03:00) Brasilia
-21 America/Godthab (GMT-03:00) Greenland
-22 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires (GMT-03:00) Buenos Aires, Georgetown
-23 America/Noronha (GMT-02:00) Mid-Atlantic
-24 Atlantic/Azores (GMT-01:00) Azores
-25 Europe/London (GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London
-26 Africa/Monrovia (GMT) Casablanca, Monrovia
-27 Europe/Belgrade (GMT+01:00) Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague
-28 Europe/Warsaw (GMT+01:00) Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb
-29 Europe/Brussels (GMT+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris
-30 Africa/Ceuta (GMT+01:00) West Central Africa
-31 Europe/Amsterdam (GMT+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
-32 Europe/Bucharest (GMT+02:00) Bucharest
-33 Africa/Cairo (GMT+02:00) Cairo
-34 Europe/Helsinki (GMT+02:00) Helsinki, Kyiv, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius
-35 Europe/Athens (GMT+02:00) Athens, Beirut, Istanbul, Minsk
-36 Asia/Jerusalem (GMT+02:00) Jerusalem
-37 Africa/Harare (GMT+02:00) Harare, Pretoria
-38 Asia/Kuwait (GMT+03:00) Kuwait, Riyadh
-39 Asia/Baghdad (GMT+03:00) Baghdad
-40 Africa/Nairobi (GMT+03:00) Nairobi
-41 Europe/Moscow (GMT+03:00) Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd
-42 Asia/Tehran (GMT+03:30) Tehran
-43 Asia/Muscat (GMT+04:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat
-44 Asia/Baku (GMT+04:00) Baku, Tbilisi, Yerevan
-45 Asia/Kabul (GMT+04:30) Kabul
-46 Asia/Yekaterinburg (GMT+05:00) Ekaterinburg
-47 Asia/Karachi (GMT+05:00) Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent
-48 Asia/Calcutta (GMT+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi
-49 Asia/Katmandu (GMT+05:45) Kathmandu
-50 Asia/Dhaka (GMT+06:00) Astana, Dhaka
-51 Asia/Almaty (GMT+06:00) Almaty, Novosibirsk
-52 Asia/Colombo (GMT+06:00) Sri Jayawardenepura
-53 Asia/Rangoon (GMT+06:30) Rangoon
-54 Asia/Krasnoyarsk (GMT+07:00) Krasnoyarsk
-55 Asia/Bangkok (GMT+07:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta
-56 Asia/Hong_Kong (GMT+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi
-57 Asia/Irkutsk (GMT+08:00) Irkutsk, Ulaan Bataar
-58 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur (GMT+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore
-59 Asia/Taipei (GMT+08:00) Taipei
-60 Australia/Perth (GMT+08:00) Perth
-61 Asia/Seoul (GMT+09:00) Seoul
-62 Asia/Tokyo (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo
-63 Asia/Yakutsk (GMT+09:00) Yakutsk
-64 Australia/Darwin (GMT+09:30) Darwin
-65 Australia/Adelaide (GMT+09:30) Adelaide
-66 Australia/Brisbane (GMT+10:00) Brisbane
-67 Australia/Hobart (GMT+10:00) Hobart
-68 Asia/Vladivostok (GMT+10:00) Vladivostok
-69 Pacific/Guam (GMT+10:00) Guam, Port Moresby
-70 Asia/Magadan (GMT+11:00) Magadan, Solomon Is., New Caledonia
-71 Pacific/Fiji (GMT+12:00) Fiji, Kamchatka, Marshall Is.
-72 Pacific/Auckland (GMT+12:00) Auckland, Wellington
-73 Pacific/Tongatapu (GMT+13:00) Nuku'alofa
diff --git a/install/timezone/iso3166.tab b/install/timezone/iso3166.tab
deleted file mode 100644
index 908a55160..000000000
--- a/install/timezone/iso3166.tab
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
-# ISO 3166 alpha-2 country codes
-# @(#)iso3166.tab 1.17
-# From Paul Eggert (2004-06-14):
-# This file contains a table with the following columns:
-# 1. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code, current as of
-# ISO 3166-1 Newsletter No. V-10 (2004-04-26). See:
-# ISO 3166 Maintenance agency (ISO 3166/MA)
-# .
-# 2. The usual English name for the country,
-# chosen so that alphabetic sorting of subsets produces helpful lists.
-# This is not the same as the English name in the ISO 3166 tables.
-# Columns are separated by a single tab.
-# The table is sorted by country code.
-# Lines beginning with `#' are comments.
-#code country name
-AD Andorra
-AE United Arab Emirates
-AF Afghanistan
-AG Antigua & Barbuda
-AI Anguilla
-AL Albania
-AM Armenia
-AN Netherlands Antilles
-AO Angola
-AQ Antarctica
-AR Argentina
-AS Samoa (American)
-AT Austria
-AU Australia
-AW Aruba
-AX Aaland Islands
-AZ Azerbaijan
-BA Bosnia & Herzegovina
-BB Barbados
-BD Bangladesh
-BE Belgium
-BF Burkina Faso
-BG Bulgaria
-BH Bahrain
-BI Burundi
-BJ Benin
-BM Bermuda
-BN Brunei
-BO Bolivia
-BR Brazil
-BS Bahamas
-BT Bhutan
-BV Bouvet Island
-BW Botswana
-BY Belarus
-BZ Belize
-CA Canada
-CC Cocos (Keeling) Islands
-CD Congo (Dem. Rep.)
-CF Central African Rep.
-CG Congo (Rep.)
-CH Switzerland
-CI Cote d'Ivoire
-CK Cook Islands
-CL Chile
-CM Cameroon
-CN China
-CO Colombia
-CR Costa Rica
-CS Serbia and Montenegro
-CU Cuba
-CV Cape Verde
-CX Christmas Island
-CY Cyprus
-CZ Czech Republic
-DE Germany
-DJ Djibouti
-DK Denmark
-DM Dominica
-DO Dominican Republic
-DZ Algeria
-EC Ecuador
-EE Estonia
-EG Egypt
-EH Western Sahara
-ER Eritrea
-ES Spain
-ET Ethiopia
-FI Finland
-FJ Fiji
-FK Falkland Islands
-FM Micronesia
-FO Faeroe Islands
-FR France
-GA Gabon
-GB Britain (UK)
-GD Grenada
-GE Georgia
-GF French Guiana
-GH Ghana
-GI Gibraltar
-GL Greenland
-GM Gambia
-GN Guinea
-GP Guadeloupe
-GQ Equatorial Guinea
-GR Greece
-GS South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands
-GT Guatemala
-GU Guam
-GW Guinea-Bissau
-GY Guyana
-HK Hong Kong
-HM Heard Island & McDonald Islands
-HN Honduras
-HR Croatia
-HT Haiti
-HU Hungary
-ID Indonesia
-IE Ireland
-IL Israel
-IN India
-IO British Indian Ocean Territory
-IQ Iraq
-IR Iran
-IS Iceland
-IT Italy
-JM Jamaica
-JO Jordan
-JP Japan
-KE Kenya
-KG Kyrgyzstan
-KH Cambodia
-KI Kiribati
-KM Comoros
-KN St Kitts & Nevis
-KP Korea (North)
-KR Korea (South)
-KW Kuwait
-KY Cayman Islands
-KZ Kazakhstan
-LA Laos
-LB Lebanon
-LC St Lucia
-LI Liechtenstein
-LK Sri Lanka
-LR Liberia
-LS Lesotho
-LT Lithuania
-LU Luxembourg
-LV Latvia
-LY Libya
-MA Morocco
-MC Monaco
-MD Moldova
-MG Madagascar
-MH Marshall Islands
-MK Macedonia
-ML Mali
-MM Myanmar (Burma)
-MN Mongolia
-MO Macau
-MP Northern Mariana Islands
-MQ Martinique
-MR Mauritania
-MS Montserrat
-MT Malta
-MU Mauritius
-MV Maldives
-MW Malawi
-MX Mexico
-MY Malaysia
-MZ Mozambique
-NA Namibia
-NC New Caledonia
-NE Niger
-NF Norfolk Island
-NG Nigeria
-NI Nicaragua
-NL Netherlands
-NO Norway
-NP Nepal
-NR Nauru
-NU Niue
-NZ New Zealand
-OM Oman
-PA Panama
-PE Peru
-PF French Polynesia
-PG Papua New Guinea
-PH Philippines
-PK Pakistan
-PL Poland
-PM St Pierre & Miquelon
-PN Pitcairn
-PR Puerto Rico
-PS Palestine
-PT Portugal
-PW Palau
-PY Paraguay
-QA Qatar
-RE Reunion
-RO Romania
-RU Russia
-RW Rwanda
-SA Saudi Arabia
-SB Solomon Islands
-SC Seychelles
-SD Sudan
-SE Sweden
-SG Singapore
-SH St Helena
-SI Slovenia
-SJ Svalbard & Jan Mayen
-SK Slovakia
-SL Sierra Leone
-SM San Marino
-SN Senegal
-SO Somalia
-SR Suriname
-ST Sao Tome & Principe
-SV El Salvador
-SY Syria
-SZ Swaziland
-TC Turks & Caicos Is
-TD Chad
-TF French Southern & Antarctic Lands
-TG Togo
-TH Thailand
-TJ Tajikistan
-TK Tokelau
-TL East Timor
-TM Turkmenistan
-TN Tunisia
-TO Tonga
-TR Turkey
-TT Trinidad & Tobago
-TV Tuvalu
-TW Taiwan
-TZ Tanzania
-UA Ukraine
-UG Uganda
-UM US minor outlying islands
-US United States
-UY Uruguay
-UZ Uzbekistan
-VA Vatican City
-VC St Vincent
-VE Venezuela
-VG Virgin Islands (UK)
-VI Virgin Islands (US)
-VN Vietnam
-VU Vanuatu
-WF Wallis & Futuna
-WS Samoa (western)
-YE Yemen
-YT Mayotte
-ZA South Africa
-ZM Zambia
-ZW Zimbabwe
diff --git a/install/timezone/northamerica b/install/timezone/northamerica
deleted file mode 100644
index 274c54a54..000000000
--- a/install/timezone/northamerica
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2165 +0,0 @@
-# @(#)northamerica 7.87
-# also includes Central America and the Caribbean
-# This data is by no means authoritative; if you think you know better,
-# go ahead and edit the file (and please send any changes to
-# tz@elsie.nci.nih.gov for general use in the future).
-# From Paul Eggert (1999-03-22):
-# A reliable and entertaining source about time zones is
-# Derek Howse, Greenwich time and longitude, Philip Wilson Publishers (1997).
-# United States
-# From Paul Eggert (1999-03-31):
-# Howse writes (pp 121-125) that time zones were invented by
-# Professor Charles Ferdinand Dowd (1825-1904),
-# Principal of Temple Grove Ladies' Seminary (Saratoga Springs, NY).
-# His pamphlet ``A System of National Time for Railroads'' (1870)
-# was the result of his proposals at the Convention of Railroad Trunk Lines
-# in New York City (1869-10). His 1870 proposal was based on Washington, DC,
-# but in 1872-05 he moved the proposed origin to Greenwich.
-# His proposal was adopted by the railroads on 1883-11-18 at 12:00,
-# and the most of the country soon followed suit.
-# From Paul Eggert (2005-04-16):
-# That 1883 transition occurred at 12:00 new time, not at 12:00 old time.
-# See p 46 of David Prerau, Seize the daylight, Thunder's Mouth Press (2005).
-# From Paul Eggert (1995-12-19):
-# A good source for time zone historical data in the US is
-# Thomas G. Shanks, The American Atlas (5th edition),
-# San Diego: ACS Publications, Inc. (1991).
-# Make sure you have the errata sheet; the book is somewhat useless without it.
-# It is the source for most of the pre-1991 US and Puerto Rico entries below.
-# From Paul Eggert (2001-03-06):
-# Daylight Saving Time was first suggested as a joke by Benjamin Franklin
-# in his whimsical essay ``An Economical Project for Diminishing the Cost
-# of Light'' published in the Journal de Paris (1784-04-26).
-# Not everyone is happy with the results:
-# I don't really care how time is reckoned so long as there is some
-# agreement about it, but I object to being told that I am saving
-# daylight when my reason tells me that I am doing nothing of the kind.
-# I even object to the implication that I am wasting something
-# valuable if I stay in bed after the sun has risen. As an admirer
-# of moonlight I resent the bossy insistence of those who want to
-# reduce my time for enjoying it. At the back of the Daylight Saving
-# scheme I detect the bony, blue-fingered hand of Puritanism, eager
-# to push people into bed earlier, and get them up earlier, to make
-# them healthy, wealthy and wise in spite of themselves.
-# -- Robertson Davies, The diary of Samuel Marchbanks,
-# Clarke, Irwin (1947), XIX, Sunday
-# For more about the first ten years of DST in the United States, see
-# Robert Garland's
-# Ten years of daylight saving from the Pittsburgh standpoint
-# (Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, 1927).
-# Shanks says that DST was called "War Time" in the US in 1918 and 1919.
-# However, DST was imposed by the Standard Time Act of 1918, which
-# was the first nationwide legal time standard, and apparently
-# time was just called "Standard Time" or "Daylight Saving Time".
-# From Arthur David Olson:
-# US Daylight Saving Time ended on the last Sunday of *October* in 1974.
-# See, for example, the front page of the Saturday, 1974-10-26
-# and Sunday, 1974-10-27 editions of the Washington Post.
-# From Arthur David Olson:
-# Before the Uniform Time Act of 1966 took effect in 1967, observance of
-# Daylight Saving Time in the US was by local option, except during wartime.
-# From Arthur David Olson (2000-09-25):
-# Last night I heard part of a rebroadcast of a 1945 Arch Oboler radio drama.
-# In the introduction, Oboler spoke of "Eastern Peace Time."
-# An AltaVista search turned up
-# :
-# "When the time is announced over the radio now, it is 'Eastern Peace
-# Time' instead of the old familiar 'Eastern War Time.' Peace is wonderful."
-# (August 1945) by way of confirmation.
-# From Joseph Gallant citing
-# George H. Douglas, _The Early Days of Radio Broadcasting_ (1987):
-# At 7 P.M. (Eastern War Time) [on 1945-08-14], the networks were set
-# to switch to London for Attlee's address, but the American people
-# never got to hear his speech live. According to one press account,
-# CBS' Bob Trout was first to announce the word of Japan's surrender,
-# but a few seconds later, NBC, ABC and Mutual also flashed the word
-# of surrender, all of whom interrupting the bells of Big Ben in
-# London which were to precede Mr. Attlee's speech.
-# From Paul Eggert (2003-02-09): It was Robert St John, not Bob Trout. From
-# Myrna Oliver's obituary of St John on page B16 of today's Los Angeles Times:
-# ... a war-weary U.S. clung to radios, awaiting word of Japan's surrender.
-# Any announcement from Asia would reach St. John's New York newsroom on a
-# wire service teletype machine, which had prescribed signals for major news.
-# Associated Press, for example, would ring five bells before spewing out
-# typed copy of an important story, and 10 bells for news "of transcendental
-# importance."
-# On Aug. 14, stalling while talking steadily into the NBC networks' open
-# microphone, St. John heard five bells and waited only to hear a sixth bell,
-# before announcing confidently: "Ladies and gentlemen, World War II is over.
-# The Japanese have agreed to our surrender terms."
-# He had scored a 20-second scoop on other broadcasters.
-# From Arthur David Olson (2005-08-22):
-# Paul has been careful to use the "US" rules only in those locations
-# that are part of the United States; this reflects the real scope of
-# U.S. government action. So even though the "US" rules have changed
-# in the latest release, other countries won't be affected.
-Rule US 1918 1919 - Mar lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule US 1918 1919 - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule US 1942 only - Feb 9 2:00 1:00 W # War
-Rule US 1945 only - Aug 14 23:00u 1:00 P # Peace
-Rule US 1945 only - Sep 30 2:00 0 S
-Rule US 1967 2006 - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule US 1967 1973 - Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule US 1974 only - Jan 6 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule US 1975 only - Feb 23 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule US 1976 1986 - Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule US 1987 2006 - Apr Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule US 2007 max - Mar Sun>=8 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule US 2007 max - Nov Sun>=1 2:00 0 S
-# From Arthur David Olson, 2005-12-19
-# We generate the files specified below to guard against old files with
-# obsolete information being left in the time zone binary directory.
-# We limit the list to names that have appeared in previous versions of
-# this time zone package.
-# We do these as separate Zones rather than as Links to avoid problems if
-# a particular place changes whether it observes DST.
-# We put these specifications here in the northamerica file both to
-# increase the chances that they'll actually get compiled and to
-# avoid the need to duplicate the US rules in another file.
-Zone EST -5:00 - EST
-Zone MST -7:00 - MST
-Zone HST -10:00 - HST
-Zone EST5EDT -5:00 US E%sT
-Zone CST6CDT -6:00 US C%sT
-Zone MST7MDT -7:00 US M%sT
-Zone PST8PDT -8:00 US P%sT
-# From Bob Devine (1988-01-28):
-# ...Alaska (and Hawaii) had the timezone names changed in 1967.
-# old new
-# Pacific Standard Time(PST) -same-
-# Yukon Standard Time(YST) -same-
-# Central Alaska S.T. (CAT) Alaska-Hawaii St[an]dard Time (AHST)
-# Nome Standard Time (NT) Bering Standard Time (BST)
-# ...Alaska's timezone lines were redrawn in 1983 to give only 2 tz.
-# The YST zone now covers nearly all of the state, AHST just part
-# of the Aleutian islands. No DST.
-# From Paul Eggert (1995-12-19):
-# The tables below use `NST', not `NT', for Nome Standard Time.
-# I invented `CAWT' for Central Alaska War Time.
-# From U. S. Naval Observatory (1989-01-19):
-# USA - " - 9 H BEHIND UTC APR 3 - OCT 30
-# From Arthur David Olson (1989-01-21):
-# The above dates are for 1988.
-# Note the "AKST" and "AKDT" abbreviations, the claim that there's
-# no DST in Samoa, and the claim that there is DST in Alaska and the
-# Aleutians.
-# From Arthur David Olson (1988-02-13):
-# Legal standard time zone names, from United States Code (1982 Edition and
-# Supplement III), Title 15, Chapter 6, Section 260 and forward. First, names
-# up to 1967-04-01 (when most provisions of the Uniform Time Act of 1966
-# took effect), as explained in sections 263 and 261:
-# (none)
-# United States standard eastern time
-# United States standard mountain time
-# United States standard central time
-# United States standard Pacific time
-# (none)
-# United States standard Alaska time
-# (none)
-# Next, names from 1967-04-01 until 1983-11-30 (the date for
-# public law 98-181):
-# Atlantic standard time
-# eastern standard time
-# central standard time
-# mountain standard time
-# Pacific standard time
-# Yukon standard time
-# Alaska-Hawaii standard time
-# Bering standard time
-# And after 1983-11-30:
-# Atlantic standard time
-# eastern standard time
-# central standard time
-# mountain standard time
-# Pacific standard time
-# Alaska standard time
-# Hawaii-Aleutian standard time
-# Samoa standard time
-# The law doesn't give abbreviations.
-# From Paul Eggert (2000-01-08), following a heads-up from Rives McDow:
-# Public law 106-564 (2000-12-23) introduced the abbreviation
-# "Chamorro Standard Time" for time in Guam and the Northern Marianas.
-# See the file "australasia".
-# From Arthur David Olson, 2005-08-09
-# The following was signed into law on 2005-08-08.
-# H.R. 6, Energy Policy Act of 2005, SEC. 110. DAYLIGHT SAVINGS.
-# (a) Amendment- Section 3(a) of the Uniform Time Act of 1966 (15
-# U.S.C. 260a(a)) is amended--
-# (1) by striking `first Sunday of April' and inserting `second
-# Sunday of March'; and
-# (2) by striking `last Sunday of October' and inserting `first
-# Sunday of November'.
-# (b) Effective Date- Subsection (a) shall take effect 1 year after the
-# date of enactment of this Act or March 1, 2007, whichever is later.
-# (c) Report to Congress- Not later than 9 months after the effective
-# date stated in subsection (b), the Secretary shall report to Congress
-# on the impact of this section on energy consumption in the United
-# States.
-# (d) Right to Revert- Congress retains the right to revert the
-# Daylight Saving Time back to the 2005 time schedules once the
-# Department study is complete.
-# US eastern time, represented by New York
-# Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, most of Florida,
-# Georgia, southeast Indiana (Dearborn and Ohio counties), eastern Kentucky
-# (except America/Kentucky/Louisville below), Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts,
-# New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio,
-# Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, eastern Tennessee,
-# Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia
-# From Dave Cantor (2004-11-02):
-# Early this summer I had the occasion to visit the Mount Washington
-# Observatory weather station atop (of course!) Mount Washington [, NH]....
-# One of the staff members said that the station was on Eastern Standard Time
-# and didn't change their clocks for Daylight Saving ... so that their
-# reports will always have times which are 5 hours behind UTC.
-# From Paul Eggert (2005-08-26):
-# According to today's Huntsville Times
-# a few towns on Alabama's "eastern border with Georgia, such as Phenix City
-# in Russell County, Lanett in Chambers County and some towns in Lee County,
-# set their watches and clocks on Eastern time." It quotes H.H. "Bubba"
-# Roberts, city administrator in Phenix City. as saying "We are in the Central
-# time zone, but we do go by the Eastern time zone because so many people work
-# in Columbus."
-Rule NYC 1920 only - Mar lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule NYC 1920 only - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule NYC 1921 1966 - Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule NYC 1921 1954 - Sep lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule NYC 1955 1966 - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Zone America/New_York -4:56:02 LMT 1883 Nov 18 12:03:58
- -5:00 US E%sT 1920
- -5:00 NYC E%sT 1942
- -5:00 US E%sT 1946
- -5:00 NYC E%sT 1967
- -5:00 US E%sT
-# US central time, represented by Chicago
-# Alabama, Arkansas, Florida panhandle (Bay, Calhoun, Escambia,
-# Gulf, Holmes, Jackson, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, Walton, and
-# Washington counties), Illinois, western Indiana
-# (Gibson, Jasper, Lake, LaPorte, Newton, Porter, Posey, Spencer,
-# Vanderburgh, and Warrick counties), Iowa, most of Kansas, western
-# Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, eastern
-# Nebraska, eastern North Dakota, Oklahoma, eastern South Dakota,
-# western Tennessee, most of Texas, Wisconsin
-Rule Chicago 1920 only - Jun 13 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Chicago 1920 1921 - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Chicago 1921 only - Mar lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Chicago 1922 1966 - Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Chicago 1922 1954 - Sep lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Chicago 1955 1966 - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Zone America/Chicago -5:50:36 - LMT 1883 Nov 18 12:09:24
- -6:00 US C%sT 1920
- -6:00 Chicago C%sT 1936 Mar 1 2:00
- -5:00 - EST 1936 Nov 15 2:00
- -6:00 Chicago C%sT 1942
- -6:00 US C%sT 1946
- -6:00 Chicago C%sT 1967
- -6:00 US C%sT
-# Oliver County, ND switched from mountain to central time on 1992-10-25.
-Zone America/North_Dakota/Center -6:45:12 - LMT 1883 Nov 18 12:14:48
- -7:00 US M%sT 1992 Oct 25 02:00
- -6:00 US C%sT
-# US mountain time, represented by Denver
-# Colorado, far western Kansas, Montana, western
-# Nebraska, Nevada border (Jackpot, Owyhee, and Mountain City),
-# New Mexico, southwestern North Dakota, far eastern Oregon,
-# western South Dakota, far western Texas (El Paso County, Hudspeth County,
-# and Pine Springs and Nickel Creek in Culberson County), Utah, Wyoming
-Rule Denver 1920 1921 - Mar lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Denver 1920 only - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Denver 1921 only - May 22 2:00 0 S
-Rule Denver 1965 1966 - Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Denver 1965 1966 - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Zone America/Denver -6:59:56 - LMT 1883 Nov 18 12:00:04
- -7:00 US M%sT 1920
- -7:00 Denver M%sT 1942
- -7:00 US M%sT 1946
- -7:00 Denver M%sT 1967
- -7:00 US M%sT
-# US Pacific time, represented by Los Angeles
-# California, northern Idaho (Benewah, Bonner, Boundary, Clearwater,
-# Idaho, Kootenai, Latah, Lewis, Nez Perce, and Shoshone counties),
-# most of Nevada, most of Oregon, and Washington
-Rule CA 1948 only - Mar 14 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule CA 1949 only - Jan 1 2:00 0 S
-Rule CA 1950 1966 - Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule CA 1950 1961 - Sep lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule CA 1962 1966 - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Zone America/Los_Angeles -7:52:58 - LMT 1883 Nov 18 12:07:02
- -8:00 US P%sT 1946
- -8:00 CA P%sT 1967
- -8:00 US P%sT
-# Alaska
-# AK%sT is the modern abbreviation for -9:00 per USNO.
-# From Paul Eggert (2001-05-30):
-# Howse writes that Alaska switched from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar,
-# and from east-of-GMT to west-of-GMT days, when the US bought it from Russia.
-# This was on 1867-10-18, a Friday; the previous day was 1867-10-06 Julian,
-# also a Friday. Include only the time zone part of this transition,
-# ignoring the switch from Julian to Gregorian, since we can't represent
-# the Julian calendar.
-# As far as we know, none of the exact locations mentioned below were
-# permanently inhabited in 1867 by anyone using either calendar.
-# (Yakutat was colonized by the Russians in 1799, but the settlement
-# was destroyed in 1805 by a Yakutat-kon war party.) However, there
-# were nearby inhabitants in some cases and for our purposes perhaps
-# it's best to simply use the official transition.
-Zone America/Juneau 15:02:19 - LMT 1867 Oct 18
- -8:57:41 - LMT 1900 Aug 20 12:00
- -8:00 - PST 1942
- -8:00 US P%sT 1946
- -8:00 - PST 1969
- -8:00 US P%sT 1983 Oct 30 2:00
- -9:00 US Y%sT 1983 Nov 30
- -9:00 US AK%sT
-Zone America/Yakutat 14:41:05 - LMT 1867 Oct 18
- -9:18:55 - LMT 1900 Aug 20 12:00
- -9:00 - YST 1942
- -9:00 US Y%sT 1946
- -9:00 - YST 1969
- -9:00 US Y%sT 1983 Nov 30
- -9:00 US AK%sT
-Zone America/Anchorage 14:00:24 - LMT 1867 Oct 18
- -9:59:36 - LMT 1900 Aug 20 12:00
- -10:00 - CAT 1942
- -10:00 US CAT/CAWT 1946
- -10:00 - CAT 1967 Apr
- -10:00 - AHST 1969
- -10:00 US AH%sT 1983 Oct 30 2:00
- -9:00 US Y%sT 1983 Nov 30
- -9:00 US AK%sT
-Zone America/Nome 12:58:21 - LMT 1867 Oct 18
- -11:01:38 - LMT 1900 Aug 20 12:00
- -11:00 - NST 1942
- -11:00 US N%sT 1946
- -11:00 - NST 1967 Apr
- -11:00 - BST 1969
- -11:00 US B%sT 1983 Oct 30 2:00
- -9:00 US Y%sT 1983 Nov 30
- -9:00 US AK%sT
-Zone America/Adak 12:13:21 - LMT 1867 Oct 18
- -11:46:38 - LMT 1900 Aug 20 12:00
- -11:00 - NST 1942
- -11:00 US N%sT 1946
- -11:00 - NST 1967 Apr
- -11:00 - BST 1969
- -11:00 US B%sT 1983 Oct 30 2:00
- -10:00 US AH%sT 1983 Nov 30
- -10:00 US HA%sT
-# The following switches don't quite make our 1970 cutoff.
-# Shanks writes that part of southwest Alaska (e.g. Aniak)
-# switched from -11:00 to -10:00 on 1968-09-22 at 02:00,
-# and another part (e.g. Akiak) made the same switch five weeks later.
-# From David Flater (2004-11-09):
-# In e-mail, 2004-11-02, Ray Hudson, historian/liaison to the Unalaska
-# Historic Preservation Commission, provided this information, which
-# suggests that Unalaska deviated from statutory time from early 1967
-# possibly until 1983:
-# Minutes of the Unalaska City Council Meeting, January 10, 1967:
-# "Except for St. Paul and Akutan, Unalaska is the only important
-# location not on Alaska Standard Time. The following resolution was
-# made by William Robinson and seconded by Henry Swanson: Be it
-# resolved that the City of Unalaska hereby goes to Alaska Standard
-# Time as of midnight Friday, January 13, 1967 (1 A.M. Saturday,
-# January 14, Alaska Standard Time.) This resolution was passed with
-# three votes for and one against."
-# Hawaii
-# From Arthur David Olson:
-# And then there's Hawaii.
-# DST was observed for one day in 1933;
-# standard time was changed by half an hour in 1947;
-# it's always standard as of 1986.
-# From Paul Eggert:
-# Shanks says the 1933 experiment lasted for three weeks. Go with Shanks.
-Zone Pacific/Honolulu -10:31:26 - LMT 1900 Jan 1 12:00
- -10:30 - HST 1933 Apr 30 2:00
- -10:30 1:00 HDT 1933 May 21 2:00
- -10:30 US H%sT 1947 Jun 8 2:00
- -10:00 - HST
-# Now we turn to US areas that have diverged from the consensus since 1970.
-# Arizona mostly uses MST.
-# From Paul Eggert (2002-10-20):
-# The information in the rest of this paragraph is derived from the
-# Daylight Saving Time web page (2002-01-23) maintained by the
-# Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records.
-# Between 1944-01-01 and 1944-04-01 the State of Arizona used standard
-# time, but by federal law railroads, airlines, bus lines, military
-# personnel, and some engaged in interstate commerce continued to
-# observe war (i.e., daylight saving) time. The 1944-03-17 Phoenix
-# Gazette says that was the date the law changed, and that 04-01 was
-# the date the state's clocks would change. In 1945 the State of
-# Arizona used standard time all year, again with exceptions only as
-# mandated by federal law. Arizona observed DST in 1967, but Arizona
-# Laws 1968, ch. 183 (effective 1968-03-21) repealed DST.
-# Shanks says the 1944 experiment came to an end on 1944-03-17.
-# Go with the Arizona State Library instead.
-Zone America/Phoenix -7:28:18 - LMT 1883 Nov 18 11:31:42
- -7:00 US M%sT 1944 Jan 1 00:01
- -7:00 - MST 1944 Apr 1 00:01
- -7:00 US M%sT 1944 Oct 1 00:01
- -7:00 - MST 1967
- -7:00 US M%sT 1968 Mar 21
- -7:00 - MST
-# From Arthur David Olson (1988-02-13):
-# A writer from the Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc.,
-# notes in private correspondence dated 1987-12-28 that "Presently, only the
-# Navajo Nation participates in the Daylight Saving Time policy, due to its
-# large size and location in three states." (The "only" means that other
-# tribal nations don't use DST.)
-Link America/Denver America/Shiprock
-# Southern Idaho (Ada, Adams, Bannock, Bear Lake, Bingham, Blaine,
-# Boise, Bonneville, Butte, Camas, Canyon, Caribou, Cassia, Clark,
-# Custer, Elmore, Franklin, Fremont, Gem, Gooding, Jefferson, Jerome,
-# Lemhi, Lincoln, Madison, Minidoka, Oneida, Owyhee, Payette, Power,
-# Teton, Twin Falls, Valley, Washington counties) and eastern Oregon
-# switched four weeks late in 1974.
-Zone America/Boise -7:44:49 - LMT 1883 Nov 18 12:15:11
- -8:00 US P%sT 1923 May 13 2:00
- -7:00 US M%sT 1974
- -7:00 - MST 1974 Feb 3 2:00
- -7:00 US M%sT
-# Indiana
-# For a map of Indiana's time zone regions, see:
-# What time is it in Indiana?
-# (2005-05-03)
-# From Paul Eggert (2005-08-22):
-# Since 1970, most of Indiana has been like America/Indiana/Indianapolis,
-# with the following exceptions:
-# - Gibson, Jasper, Lake, LaPorte, Newton, Porter, Posey, Spencer,
-# Vandenburgh, and Warrick counties have been like America/Chicago.
-# - Dearborn and Ohio counties have been like America/New_York.
-# - Clark, Floyd, and Harrison counties have been like
-# America/Kentucky/Louisville.
-# - Crawford, Starke, and Switzerland counties have their own time zone
-# histories as noted below.
-# Shanks partitions Indiana into 345 regions, each with its own time history,
-# and writes ``Even newspaper reports present contradictory information.''
-# Fortunately, most of the complexity occurred before our cutoff date of 1970.
-# Other than Indianapolis, the Indiana place names are so nondescript
-# that they would be ambiguous if we left them at the `America' level.
-# So we reluctantly put them all in a subdirectory `America/Indiana'.
-# From Paul Eggert (2005-08-16):
-# http://www.mccsc.edu/time.html says that Indiana will use DST starting 2006,
-# and that many counties may switch either to Central or to Eastern time.
-# The county-by-county decisions have not been made yet, so for now assume
-# that no counties will switch: this assumption is most likely wrong,
-# but it's the best we can do for now.
-Rule Indianapolis 1941 only - Jun 22 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Indianapolis 1941 1954 - Sep lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Indianapolis 1946 1954 - Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Zone America/Indiana/Indianapolis -5:44:38 - LMT 1883 Nov 18 12:15:22
- -6:00 US C%sT 1920
- -6:00 Indianapolis C%sT 1942
- -6:00 US C%sT 1946
- -6:00 Indianapolis C%sT 1955 Apr 24 2:00
- -5:00 - EST 1957 Sep 29 2:00
- -6:00 - CST 1958 Apr 27 2:00
- -5:00 - EST 1969
- -5:00 US E%sT 1971
- -5:00 - EST 2006
- -5:00 US E%sT
-# Part of Crawford County, Indiana, last observed DST in 1975,
-# and left its clocks alone in 1974.
-Rule Marengo 1951 only - Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Marengo 1951 only - Sep lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Marengo 1954 1960 - Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Marengo 1954 1960 - Sep lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Zone America/Indiana/Marengo -5:45:23 - LMT 1883 Nov 18 12:14:37
- -6:00 US C%sT 1951
- -6:00 Marengo C%sT 1961 Apr 30 2:00
- -5:00 - EST 1969
- -5:00 US E%sT 1974 Jan 6 2:00
- -6:00 1:00 CDT 1974 Oct 27 2:00
- -5:00 US E%sT 1976
- -5:00 - EST 2006
- -5:00 US E%sT
-# Starke County, Indiana
-# From Arthur David Olson (1991-10-28):
-# An article on page A3 of the Sunday, 1991-10-27 Washington Post
-# notes that Starke County switched from Central time to Eastern time as of
-# 1991-10-27.
-Rule Starke 1947 1961 - Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Starke 1947 1954 - Sep lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Starke 1955 1956 - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Starke 1957 1958 - Sep lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Starke 1959 1961 - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Zone America/Indiana/Knox -5:46:30 - LMT 1883 Nov 18 12:13:30
- -6:00 US C%sT 1947
- -6:00 Starke C%sT 1962 Apr 29 2:00
- -5:00 - EST 1963 Oct 27 2:00
- -6:00 US C%sT 1991 Oct 27 2:00
- -5:00 - EST 2006
- -5:00 US E%sT
-# Switzerland County, Indiana, last observed DST in 1972.
-Zone America/Indiana/Vevay -5:40:16 - LMT 1883 Nov 18 12:19:44
- -6:00 US C%sT 1954 Apr 25 2:00
- -5:00 - EST 1969
- -5:00 US E%sT 1973
- -5:00 - EST 2006
- -5:00 US E%sT
-# Part of Kentucky left its clocks alone in 1974.
-# This also includes Clark, Floyd, and Harrison counties in Indiana.
-Rule Louisville 1921 only - May 1 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Louisville 1921 only - Sep 1 2:00 0 S
-Rule Louisville 1941 1961 - Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Louisville 1941 only - Sep lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Louisville 1946 only - Jun 2 2:00 0 S
-Rule Louisville 1950 1955 - Sep lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Louisville 1956 1960 - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Zone America/Kentucky/Louisville -5:43:02 - LMT 1883 Nov 18 12:16:58
- -6:00 US C%sT 1921
- -6:00 Louisville C%sT 1942
- -6:00 US C%sT 1946
- -6:00 Louisville C%sT 1961 Jul 23 2:00
- -5:00 - EST 1968
- -5:00 US E%sT 1974 Jan 6 2:00
- -6:00 1:00 CDT 1974 Oct 27 2:00
- -5:00 US E%sT
-# Wayne, Clinton, and Russell Counties, Kentucky
-# From
-# Lake Cumberland LIFE
-# (1999-01-29) via WKYM-101.7:
-# Clinton County has joined Wayne County in asking the DoT to change from
-# the Central to the Eastern time zone.... The Wayne County government made
-# the same request in December. And while Russell County officials have not
-# taken action, the majority of respondents to a poll conducted there in
-# August indicated they would like to change to "fast time" also.
-# The three Lake Cumberland counties are the farthest east of any U.S.
-# location in the Central time zone.
-# From Rich Wales (2000-08-29):
-# After prolonged debate, and despite continuing deep differences of opinion,
-# Wayne County (central Kentucky) is switching from Central (-0600) to Eastern
-# (-0500) time. They won't "fall back" this year. See Sara Shipley,
-# The difference an hour makes, Nando Times (2000-08-29 15:33 -0400).
-# From Paul Eggert (2001-07-16):
-# The final rule was published in the
-# Federal Register 65, 160 (2000-08-17), page 50154-50158.
-Zone America/Kentucky/Monticello -5:39:24 - LMT 1883 Nov 18 12:20:36
- -6:00 US C%sT 1946
- -6:00 - CST 1968
- -6:00 US C%sT 2000 Oct 29 2:00
- -5:00 US E%sT
-# From Rives McDow (2000-08-30):
-# Here ... are all the changes in the US since 1985.
-# Kearny County, KS (put all of county on central;
-# previously split between MST and CST) ... 1990-10
-# Starke County, IN (from CST to EST) ... 1991-10
-# Oliver County, ND (from MST to CST) ... 1992-10
-# West Wendover, NV (from PST TO MST) ... 1999-10
-# Wayne County, KY (from CST to EST) ... 2000-10
-# From Paul Eggert (2001-07-17):
-# We don't know where the line used to be within Kearny County, KS,
-# so omit that change for now.
-# See America/Indiana/Knox for the Starke County, IN change.
-# See America/North_Dakota/Center for the Oliver County, ND change.
-# West Wendover, NV officially switched from Pacific to mountain time on
-# 1999-10-31. See the
-# Federal Register 64, 203 (1999-10-21), page 56705-56707.
-# However, the Federal Register says that West Wendover already operated
-# on mountain time, and the rule merely made this official;
-# hence a separate tz entry is not needed.
-# Michigan
-# From Bob Devine (1988-01-28):
-# Michigan didn't observe DST from 1968 to 1973.
-# From Paul Eggert (1999-03-31):
-# Shanks writes that Michigan started using standard time on 1885-09-18,
-# but Howse writes (pp 124-125, referring to Popular Astronomy, 1901-01)
-# that Detroit kept
-# local time until 1900 when the City Council decreed that clocks should
-# be put back twenty-eight minutes to Central Standard Time. Half the
-# city obeyed, half refused. After considerable debate, the decision
-# was rescinded and the city reverted to Sun time. A derisive offer to
-# erect a sundial in front of the city hall was referred to the
-# Committee on Sewers. Then, in 1905, Central time was adopted
-# by city vote.
-# This story is too entertaining to be false, so go with Howse over Shanks.
-# From Paul Eggert (2001-03-06):
-# Garland (1927) writes ``Cleveland and Detroit advanced their clocks
-# one hour in 1914.'' This change is not in Shanks. We have no more
-# info, so omit this for now.
-# Most of Michigan observed DST from 1973 on, but was a bit late in 1975.
-Rule Detroit 1948 only - Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Detroit 1948 only - Sep lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Detroit 1967 only - Jun 14 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Detroit 1967 only - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Zone America/Detroit -5:32:11 - LMT 1905
- -6:00 - CST 1915 May 15 2:00
- -5:00 - EST 1942
- -5:00 US E%sT 1946
- -5:00 Detroit E%sT 1973
- -5:00 US E%sT 1975
- -5:00 - EST 1975 Apr 27 2:00
- -5:00 US E%sT
-# The Michigan border with Wisconsin switched from EST to CST/CDT in 1973.
-Rule Menominee 1946 only - Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Menominee 1946 only - Sep lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Menominee 1966 only - Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Menominee 1966 only - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Zone America/Menominee -5:50:27 - LMT 1885 Sep 18 12:00
- -6:00 US C%sT 1946
- -6:00 Menominee C%sT 1969 Apr 27 2:00
- -5:00 - EST 1973 Apr 29 2:00
- -6:00 US C%sT
-# Navassa
-# administered by the US Fish and Wildlife Service
-# claimed by US under the provisions of the 1856 Guano Islands Act
-# also claimed by Haiti
-# occupied 1857/1900 by the Navassa Phosphate Co
-# US lighthouse 1917/1996-09
-# currently uninhabited
-# see Mark Fineman, ``An Isle Rich in Guano and Discord'',
-# _Los Angeles Times_ (1998-11-10), A1, A10; it cites
-# Jimmy Skaggs, _The Great Guano Rush_ (1994).
-# From Paul Eggert (1999-10-29):
-# A good source for time zone historical data outside the US is
-# Thomas G. Shanks, The International Atlas (5th edition),
-# San Diego: ACS Publications, Inc. (1999).
-# Gwillim Law writes that a good source
-# for recent time zone data is the International Air Transport
-# Association's Standard Schedules Information Manual (IATA SSIM),
-# published semiannually. Law sent in several helpful summaries
-# of the IATA's data after 1990.
-# Except where otherwise noted, Shanks is the source for entries through 1990,
-# and IATA SSIM is the source for entries after 1990.
-# Other sources occasionally used include:
-# Edward W. Whitman, World Time Differences,
-# Whitman Publishing Co, 2 Niagara Av, Ealing, London (undated),
-# which I found in the UCLA library.
-# William Willett, The Waste of Daylight, 19th edition
-# (1914-03)
-# See the `europe' file for Greenland.
-# Canada
-# From Alain LaBont (1994-11-14):
-# I post here the time zone abbreviations standardized in Canada
-# for both English and French in the CAN/CSA-Z234.4-89 standard....
-# UTC Standard time Daylight savings time
-# offset French English French English
-# -2:30 - - HAT NDT
-# -3 - - HAA ADT
-# -3:30 HNT NST - -
-# -9 HNY YST - -
-# HN: Heure Normale ST: Standard Time
-# HA: Heure Avance DT: Daylight saving Time
-# A: de l'Atlantique Atlantic
-# C: du Centre Central
-# E: de l'Est Eastern
-# M: Mountain
-# N: Newfoundland
-# P: du Pacifique Pacific
-# R: des Rocheuses
-# T: de Terre-Neuve
-# Y: du Yukon Yukon
-# From Paul Eggert (1994-11-22):
-# Alas, this sort of thing must be handled by localization software.
-# Unless otherwise specified, the data for Canada are all from Shanks.
-# From Paul Eggert (2005-12-21):
-# H. David Matthews and Mary Vincent's map
-# "It's about TIME", _Canadian Geographic_ (September-October 1998)
-# contains detailed boundaries for regions observing nonstandard
-# time and daylight saving time arrangements in Canada circa 1998.
-# INMS, the Institute for National Measurement Standards in Ottawa, has
-# information about standard and daylight saving time zones in Canada.
-# (updated periodically).
-# Its unofficial information is often taken from Matthews and Vincent.
-# CBC News reported that Ontario and Manitoba have announced plans to
-# follow the US change, and that Nova Scotia is considering it; see
-# (2005-10-21).
-# CBC news also reported that Prince Edward Island is the first
-# province in Atlantic Canada to follow the US change, and that Quebec
-# had agreed; see
-# (2005-12-07).
-# To reflect all this, the Canada and Winn rules have been adjusted to
-# agree with the 2007 US change. This means we assume most of Canada
-# will fall into line. However, Alberta, British Columbia,
-# Newfoundland, Northwest Territories, and Yukon already have separate
-# rules in our database, so for now we'll leave them alone, which
-# means that we currently assume these regions will not change their
-# rules and will disagree with the US starting in 2007. This
-# assumption is probably incorrect, with the possible exception of
-# Newfoundland. We plan to adjust the Edm, Vanc, StJohns, and NT_YK
-# rules as the corresponding provinces make their announcements.
-Rule Canada 1918 only - Apr 14 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Canada 1918 only - Oct 31 2:00 0 S
-Rule Canada 1942 only - Feb 9 2:00 1:00 W # War
-Rule Canada 1945 only - Aug 14 23:00u 1:00 P # Peace
-Rule Canada 1945 only - Sep 30 2:00 0 S
-Rule Canada 1974 1986 - Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Canada 1974 2006 - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Canada 1987 2006 - Apr Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Canada 2007 max - Mar Sun>=8 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Canada 2007 max - Nov Sun>=1 2:00 0 S
-# Newfoundland (and far southeast Labrador)
-# From Paul Eggert (2000-10-02):
-# Matthews and Vincent (1998) write that Labrador should use NST/NDT,
-# but the only part of Labrador that follows the rules is the
-# southeast corner, including Port Hope Simpson and Mary's Harbour,
-# but excluding, say, Black Tickle.
-Rule StJohns 1917 only - Apr 8 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule StJohns 1917 only - Sep 17 2:00 0 S
-# Whitman gives 1919 Apr 5 and 1920 Apr 5; go with Shanks.
-Rule StJohns 1919 only - May 5 23:00 1:00 D
-Rule StJohns 1919 only - Aug 12 23:00 0 S
-# For 1931-1935 Whitman gives Apr same date; go with Shanks.
-Rule StJohns 1920 1935 - May Sun>=1 23:00 1:00 D
-Rule StJohns 1920 1935 - Oct lastSun 23:00 0 S
-# For 1936-1941 Whitman gives May Sun>=8 and Oct Sun>=1; go with Shanks.
-Rule StJohns 1936 1941 - May Mon>=9 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule StJohns 1936 1941 - Oct Mon>=2 0:00 0 S
-# Whitman gives the following transitions:
-# 1942 03-01/12-31, 1943 05-30/09-05, 1944 07-10/09-02, 1945 01-01/10-07
-# but go with Shanks and assume they used Canadian rules.
-# For 1946-9 Whitman gives May 5,4,9,1 - Oct 1,5,3,2, and for 1950 he gives
-# Apr 30 - Sep 24; go with Shanks.
-Rule StJohns 1946 1950 - May Sun>=8 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule StJohns 1946 1950 - Oct Sun>=2 2:00 0 S
-Rule StJohns 1951 1986 - Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule StJohns 1951 1959 - Sep lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule StJohns 1960 1986 - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
-# From Paul Eggert (2000-10-02):
-# INMS (2000-09-12) says that, since 1988 at least, Newfoundland switches
-# at 00:01 local time. For now, assume it started in 1987.
-Rule StJohns 1987 only - Apr Sun>=1 0:01 1:00 D
-Rule StJohns 1987 max - Oct lastSun 0:01 0 S
-Rule StJohns 1988 only - Apr Sun>=1 0:01 2:00 DD
-Rule StJohns 1989 max - Apr Sun>=1 0:01 1:00 D
-# St John's has an apostrophe, but Posix file names can't have apostrophes.
-Zone America/St_Johns -3:30:52 - LMT 1884
- -3:30:52 StJohns N%sT 1918
- -3:30:52 Canada N%sT 1919
- -3:30:52 StJohns N%sT 1935 Mar 30
- -3:30 StJohns N%sT 1942 May 11
- -3:30 Canada N%sT 1946
- -3:30 StJohns N%sT
-# most of east Labrador
-# The name `Happy Valley-Goose Bay' is too long; use `Goose Bay'.
-Zone America/Goose_Bay -4:01:40 - LMT 1884 # Happy Valley-Goose Bay
- -3:30:52 - NST 1918
- -3:30:52 Canada N%sT 1919
- -3:30:52 - NST 1935 Mar 30
- -3:30 - NST 1936
- -3:30 StJohns N%sT 1942 May 11
- -3:30 Canada N%sT 1946
- -3:30 StJohns N%sT 1966 Mar 15 2:00
- -4:00 StJohns A%sT
-# west Labrador, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward I
-# From Paul Eggert (1996-06-12):
-# Shanks writes that since 1970 most of this region has been like Halifax.
-# Many locales did not observe peacetime DST until 1972;
-# Glace Bay, NS is the largest that we know of.
-# Shanks also writes that Liverpool, NS was the only town in Canada to observe
-# DST in 1971 but not 1970; for now we'll assume this is a typo.
-# From Paul Eggert (2000-10-02):
-# INMS (2000-09-12) says that, since 1988 at least, New Brunswick switches
-# at 00:01 local time. FIXME: verify and create a new Zone for this.
-Rule Halifax 1916 only - Apr 1 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Halifax 1916 only - Oct 1 0:00 0 S
-Rule Halifax 1920 only - May 9 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Halifax 1920 only - Aug 29 0:00 0 S
-Rule Halifax 1921 only - May 6 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Halifax 1921 1922 - Sep 5 0:00 0 S
-Rule Halifax 1922 only - Apr 30 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Halifax 1923 1925 - May Sun>=1 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Halifax 1923 only - Sep 4 0:00 0 S
-Rule Halifax 1924 only - Sep 15 0:00 0 S
-Rule Halifax 1925 only - Sep 28 0:00 0 S
-Rule Halifax 1926 only - May 16 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Halifax 1926 only - Sep 13 0:00 0 S
-Rule Halifax 1927 only - May 1 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Halifax 1927 only - Sep 26 0:00 0 S
-Rule Halifax 1928 1931 - May Sun>=8 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Halifax 1928 only - Sep 9 0:00 0 S
-Rule Halifax 1929 only - Sep 3 0:00 0 S
-Rule Halifax 1930 only - Sep 15 0:00 0 S
-Rule Halifax 1931 1932 - Sep Mon>=24 0:00 0 S
-Rule Halifax 1932 only - May 1 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Halifax 1933 only - Apr 30 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Halifax 1933 only - Oct 2 0:00 0 S
-Rule Halifax 1934 only - May 20 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Halifax 1934 only - Sep 16 0:00 0 S
-Rule Halifax 1935 only - Jun 2 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Halifax 1935 only - Sep 30 0:00 0 S
-Rule Halifax 1936 only - Jun 1 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Halifax 1936 only - Sep 14 0:00 0 S
-Rule Halifax 1937 1938 - May Sun>=1 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Halifax 1937 1941 - Sep Mon>=24 0:00 0 S
-Rule Halifax 1939 only - May 28 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Halifax 1940 1941 - May Sun>=1 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Halifax 1946 1949 - Sep lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Halifax 1946 1949 - Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Halifax 1951 1954 - Sep lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Halifax 1951 1954 - Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Halifax 1956 1959 - Sep lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Halifax 1956 1959 - Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Halifax 1962 1973 - Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Halifax 1962 1973 - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Zone America/Halifax -4:14:24 - LMT 1902 Jun 15
- -4:00 Halifax A%sT 1918
- -4:00 Canada A%sT 1919
- -4:00 Halifax A%sT 1942 Feb 9 2:00s
- -4:00 Canada A%sT 1946
- -4:00 Halifax A%sT 1974
- -4:00 Canada A%sT
-Zone America/Glace_Bay -3:59:48 - LMT 1902 Jun 15
- -4:00 Canada A%sT 1953
- -4:00 Halifax A%sT 1954
- -4:00 - AST 1972
- -4:00 Halifax A%sT 1974
- -4:00 Canada A%sT
-# Ontario, Quebec
-# From Paul Eggert (1996-06-12):
-# Shanks writes that since 1970 most of Ontario has been like Toronto,
-# and most of Quebec has been like Montreal.
-# Thunder Bay skipped DST in 1973.
-# Many smaller locales did not observe peacetime DST until 1974;
-# Nipigon (EST) and Rainy River (CST) are the largest that we know of.
-# Far west Ontario is like Winnipeg; far east Quebec is like Halifax.
-# From Mark Brader (2003-07-26):
-# [According to the Toronto Star] Orillia, Ontario, adopted DST
-# effective Saturday, 1912-06-22, 22:00; the article mentions that
-# Port Arthur (now part of Thunder Bay, Ontario) as well as Moose Jaw
-# have already done so. In Orillia DST was to run until Saturday,
-# 1912-08-31 (no time mentioned), but it was met with considerable
-# hostility from certain segments of the public, and was revoked after
-# only two weeks -- I copied it as Saturday, 1912-07-07, 22:00, but
-# presumably that should be -07-06. (1912-06-19, -07-12; also letters
-# earlier in June).
-# Kenora, Ontario, was to abandon DST on 1914-06-01 (-05-21).
-# From Paul Eggert (1997-10-17):
-# Mark Brader writes that an article in the 1997-10-14 Toronto Star
-# says that Atikokan, Ontario currently does not observe DST,
-# but will vote on 11-10 whether to use EST/EDT.
-# He also writes that the
-# Ontario Time Act (1990, Chapter T.9)
-# says that Ontario east of 90W uses EST/EDT, and west of 90W uses CST/CDT.
-# Officially Atikokan is therefore on CST/CDT, and most likely this report
-# concerns a non-official time observed as a matter of local practice.
-# For what it's worth, Shanks says that Atikokan has agreed with
-# Rainy River ever since standard time was introduced.
-# From Paul Eggert (2000-10-02):
-# Matthews and Vincent (1998) write that Atikokan, Pickle Lake, and
-# New Osnaburgh observe CST all year, that Big Trout Lake observes
-# CST/CDT, and that Upsala and Shebandowan observe EST/EDT, all in
-# violation of the official Ontario rules.
-# They also write that Quebec east of the -63 meridian is supposed to
-# observe AST, but residents as far east as Natashquan use EST/EDT,
-# and residents east of Natashquan use AST.
-# We probably need Zones for far east Quebec and for Atikokan,
-# but we don't know when their practices started.
-Rule Mont 1917 only - Mar 25 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Mont 1917 only - Apr 24 0:00 0 S
-Rule Mont 1919 only - Mar 31 2:30 1:00 D
-Rule Mont 1919 only - Oct 25 2:30 0 S
-Rule Mont 1920 only - May 2 2:30 1:00 D
-Rule Mont 1920 1922 - Oct Sun>=1 2:30 0 S
-Rule Mont 1921 only - May 1 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Mont 1922 only - Apr 30 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Mont 1924 only - May 17 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Mont 1924 1926 - Sep lastSun 2:30 0 S
-Rule Mont 1925 1926 - May Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 D
-# The 1927-to-1937 rules can be expressed more simply as
-# Rule Mont 1927 1937 - Apr lastSat 24:00 1:00 D
-# Rule Mont 1927 1937 - Sep lastSat 24:00 0 S
-# The rules below avoid use of 24:00
-# (which pre-1998 versions of zic cannot handle).
-Rule Mont 1927 only - May 1 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Mont 1927 1932 - Sep lastSun 0:00 0 S
-Rule Mont 1928 1931 - Apr lastSun 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Mont 1932 only - May 1 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Mont 1933 1940 - Apr lastSun 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Mont 1933 only - Oct 1 0:00 0 S
-Rule Mont 1934 1939 - Sep lastSun 0:00 0 S
-Rule Mont 1946 1973 - Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Mont 1945 1948 - Sep lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Mont 1949 1950 - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Mont 1951 1956 - Sep lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Mont 1957 1973 - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Toronto 1919 only - Mar 30 23:30 1:00 D
-Rule Toronto 1919 only - Oct 26 0:00 0 S
-Rule Toronto 1920 only - May 2 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Toronto 1920 only - Sep 26 0:00 0 S
-Rule Toronto 1921 only - May 15 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Toronto 1921 only - Sep 15 2:00 0 S
-Rule Toronto 1922 1923 - May Sun>=8 2:00 1:00 D
-# Shanks says 1923-09-19; assume it's a typo and that "-16" was meant.
-Rule Toronto 1922 1926 - Sep Sun>=15 2:00 0 S
-Rule Toronto 1924 1927 - May Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 D
-# The 1927-to-1939 rules can be expressed more simply as
-# Rule Toronto 1927 1937 - Sep Sun>=25 2:00 0 S
-# Rule Toronto 1928 1937 - Apr Sun>=25 2:00 1:00 D
-# Rule Toronto 1938 1940 - Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-# Rule Toronto 1938 1939 - Sep lastSun 2:00 0 S
-# The rules below avoid use of Sun>=25
-# (which pre-2004 versions of zic cannot handle).
-Rule Toronto 1927 1932 - Sep lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Toronto 1928 1931 - Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Toronto 1932 only - May 1 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Toronto 1933 1940 - Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Toronto 1933 only - Oct 1 2:00 0 S
-Rule Toronto 1934 1939 - Sep lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Toronto 1945 1946 - Sep lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Toronto 1946 only - Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Toronto 1947 1949 - Apr lastSun 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Toronto 1947 1948 - Sep lastSun 0:00 0 S
-Rule Toronto 1949 only - Nov lastSun 0:00 0 S
-Rule Toronto 1950 1973 - Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Toronto 1950 only - Nov lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Toronto 1951 1956 - Sep lastSun 2:00 0 S
-# Shanks says Toronto ended DST a week early in 1971, namely on 1971-10-24,
-# but Mark Brader wrote (2003-05-31) that he checked the 1971-10-30 issue
-# of the Toronto Star, and it said that DST ended 1971-10-31 as usual.
-Rule Toronto 1957 1973 - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
-# From Paul Eggert (2003-07-27):
-# Willett (1914-03) writes (p. 17) "In the Cities of Fort William, and
-# Port Arthur, Ontario, the principle of the Bill has been in
-# operation for the past three years, and in the City of Moose Jaw,
-# Saskatchewan, for one year."
-# From David Bryan via Tory Tronrud, Director/Curator,
-# Thunder Bay Museum (2003-11-12):
-# There is some suggestion, however, that, by-law or not, daylight
-# savings time was being practiced in Fort William and Port Arthur
-# before 1909.... [I]n 1910, the line between the Eastern and Central
-# Time Zones was permanently moved about two hundred miles west to
-# include the Thunder Bay area.... When Canada adopted daylight
-# savings time in 1916, Fort William and Port Arthur, having done so
-# already, did not change their clocks.... During the Second World
-# War,... [t]he cities agreed to implement DST during the summer
-# months for the remainder of the war years.
-Zone America/Montreal -4:54:16 - LMT 1884
- -5:00 Mont E%sT 1918
- -5:00 Canada E%sT 1919
- -5:00 Mont E%sT 1942 Feb 9 2:00s
- -5:00 Canada E%sT 1946
- -5:00 Mont E%sT 1974
- -5:00 Canada E%sT
-Zone America/Toronto -5:17:32 - LMT 1895
- -5:00 Canada E%sT 1919
- -5:00 Toronto E%sT 1942 Feb 9 2:00s
- -5:00 Canada E%sT 1946
- -5:00 Toronto E%sT 1974
- -5:00 Canada E%sT
-Zone America/Thunder_Bay -5:57:00 - LMT 1895
- -6:00 - CST 1910
- -5:00 - EST 1942
- -5:00 Canada E%sT 1970
- -5:00 Mont E%sT 1973
- -5:00 - EST 1974
- -5:00 Canada E%sT
-Zone America/Nipigon -5:53:04 - LMT 1895
- -5:00 Canada E%sT 1940 Sep 29
- -5:00 1:00 EDT 1942 Feb 9 2:00s
- -5:00 Canada E%sT
-Zone America/Rainy_River -6:17:56 - LMT 1895
- -6:00 Canada C%sT 1940 Sep 29
- -6:00 1:00 CDT 1942 Feb 9 2:00s
- -6:00 Canada C%sT
-# Manitoba
-Rule Winn 1916 only - Apr 23 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Winn 1916 only - Sep 17 0:00 0 S
-Rule Winn 1918 only - Apr 14 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Winn 1918 only - Oct 31 2:00 0 S
-Rule Winn 1937 only - May 16 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Winn 1937 only - Sep 26 2:00 0 S
-Rule Winn 1942 only - Feb 9 2:00 1:00 W # War
-Rule Winn 1945 only - Aug 14 23:00u 1:00 P # Peace
-Rule Winn 1945 only - Sep lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Winn 1946 only - May 12 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Winn 1946 only - Oct 13 2:00 0 S
-Rule Winn 1947 1949 - Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Winn 1947 1949 - Sep lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Winn 1950 only - May 1 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Winn 1950 only - Sep 30 2:00 0 S
-Rule Winn 1951 1960 - Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Winn 1951 1958 - Sep lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Winn 1959 only - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Winn 1960 only - Sep lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Winn 1963 only - Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Winn 1963 only - Sep 22 2:00 0 S
-Rule Winn 1966 1986 - Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Winn 1966 1986 - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Winn 1987 2006 - Apr Sun>=1 2:00s 1:00 D
-# From Paul Eggert (2000-10-02):
-# INMS (2000-09-12) says that, since 1988 at least, Manitoba switches from
-# DST at 03:00 local time. For now, assume it started in 1987.
-Rule Winn 1987 2006 - Oct lastSun 2:00s 0 S
-Rule Winn 2007 max - Mar Sun>=8 2:00s 1:00 D
-Rule Winn 2007 max - Nov Sun>=1 2:00s 0 S
-Zone America/Winnipeg -6:28:36 - LMT 1887 Jul 16
- -6:00 Winn C%sT
-# Saskatchewan
-# From Mark Brader (2003-07-26):
-# The first actual adoption of DST in Canada was at the municipal
-# level. As the [Toronto] Star put it (1912-06-07), "While people
-# elsewhere have long been talking of legislation to save daylight,
-# the city of Moose Jaw [Saskatchewan] has acted on its own hook."
-# DST in Moose Jaw began on Saturday, 1912-06-01 (no time mentioned:
-# presumably late evening, as below), and would run until "the end of
-# the summer". The discrepancy between municipal time and railroad
-# time was noted.
-# From Paul Eggert (2003-07-27):
-# Willett (1914-03) notes that DST "has been in operation ... in the
-# City of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, for one year."
-# From Paul Eggert (2000-10-02):
-# Shanks writes that since 1970 most of this region has been like Regina.
-# Some western towns (e.g. Swift Current) switched from MST/MDT to CST in 1972.
-# Other western towns (e.g. Lloydminster) are like Edmonton.
-# Matthews and Vincent (1998) write that Denare Beach and Creighton
-# are like Winnipeg, in violation of Saskatchewan law.
-# From W. Jones (1992-11-06):
-# The. . .below is based on information I got from our law library, the
-# provincial archives, and the provincial Community Services department.
-# A precise history would require digging through newspaper archives, and
-# since you didn't say what you wanted, I didn't bother.
-# Saskatchewan is split by a time zone meridian (105W) and over the years
-# the boundary became pretty ragged as communities near it reevaluated
-# their affiliations in one direction or the other. In 1965 a provincial
-# referendum favoured legislating common time practices.
-# On 15 April 1966 the Time Act (c. T-14, Revised Statutes of
-# Saskatchewan 1978) was proclaimed, and established that the eastern
-# part of Saskatchewan would use CST year round, that districts in
-# northwest Saskatchewan would by default follow CST but could opt to
-# follow Mountain Time rules (thus 1 hour difference in the winter and
-# zero in the summer), and that districts in southwest Saskatchewan would
-# by default follow MT but could opt to follow CST.
-# It took a few years for the dust to settle (I know one story of a town
-# on one time zone having its school in another, such that a mom had to
-# serve her family lunch in two shifts), but presently it seems that only
-# a few towns on the border with Alberta (e.g. Lloydminster) follow MT
-# rules any more; all other districts appear to have used CST year round
-# since sometime in the 1960s.
-Rule Regina 1918 only - Apr 14 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Regina 1918 only - Oct 31 2:00 0 S
-Rule Regina 1930 1934 - May Sun>=1 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Regina 1930 1934 - Oct Sun>=1 0:00 0 S
-Rule Regina 1937 1941 - Apr Sun>=8 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Regina 1937 only - Oct Sun>=8 0:00 0 S
-Rule Regina 1938 only - Oct Sun>=1 0:00 0 S
-Rule Regina 1939 1941 - Oct Sun>=8 0:00 0 S
-Rule Regina 1942 only - Feb 9 2:00 1:00 W # War
-Rule Regina 1945 only - Aug 14 23:00u 1:00 P # Peace
-Rule Regina 1945 only - Sep lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Regina 1946 only - Apr Sun>=8 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Regina 1946 only - Oct Sun>=8 2:00 0 S
-Rule Regina 1947 1957 - Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Regina 1947 1957 - Sep lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Regina 1959 only - Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Regina 1959 only - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Swift 1957 only - Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Swift 1957 only - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Swift 1959 1961 - Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Swift 1959 only - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Swift 1960 1961 - Sep lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Zone America/Regina -6:58:36 - LMT 1905 Sep
- -7:00 Regina M%sT 1960 Apr lastSun 2:00
- -6:00 - CST
-Zone America/Swift_Current -7:11:20 - LMT 1905 Sep
- -7:00 Canada M%sT 1946 Apr lastSun 2:00
- -7:00 Regina M%sT 1950
- -7:00 Swift M%sT 1972 Apr lastSun 2:00
- -6:00 - CST
-# Alberta
-Rule Edm 1918 1919 - Apr Sun>=8 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Edm 1918 only - Oct 31 2:00 0 S
-Rule Edm 1919 only - May 27 2:00 0 S
-Rule Edm 1920 1923 - Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Edm 1920 only - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Edm 1921 1923 - Sep lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Edm 1942 only - Feb 9 2:00 1:00 W # War
-Rule Edm 1945 only - Aug 14 23:00u 1:00 P # Peace
-Rule Edm 1945 only - Sep lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Edm 1947 only - Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Edm 1947 only - Sep lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Edm 1967 only - Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Edm 1967 only - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Edm 1969 only - Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Edm 1969 only - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Edm 1972 1986 - Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Edm 1972 max - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Edm 1987 max - Apr Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 D
-Zone America/Edmonton -7:33:52 - LMT 1906 Sep
- -7:00 Edm M%sT
-# British Columbia
-# From Paul Eggert (2000-10-02):
-# Shanks writes that since 1970 most of this region has been like Vancouver.
-# Dawson Creek uses MST. Much of east BC is like Edmonton.
-# Matthews and Vincent (1998) write that Creston is like Dawson Creek.
-Rule Vanc 1918 only - Apr 14 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Vanc 1918 only - Oct 31 2:00 0 S
-Rule Vanc 1942 only - Feb 9 2:00 1:00 W # War
-Rule Vanc 1945 only - Aug 14 23:00u 1:00 P # Peace
-Rule Vanc 1945 only - Sep 30 2:00 0 S
-Rule Vanc 1946 1986 - Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Vanc 1946 only - Oct 13 2:00 0 S
-Rule Vanc 1947 1961 - Sep lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Vanc 1962 max - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Vanc 1987 max - Apr Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 D
-Zone America/Vancouver -8:12:28 - LMT 1884
- -8:00 Vanc P%sT
-Zone America/Dawson_Creek -8:00:56 - LMT 1884
- -8:00 Canada P%sT 1947
- -8:00 Vanc P%sT 1972 Aug 30 2:00
- -7:00 - MST
-# Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Yukon
-# From Paul Eggert (1999-10-29):
-# Dawson switched to PST in 1973. Inuvik switched to MST in 1979.
-# Mathew Englander (1996-10-07) gives the following refs:
-# * 1967. Paragraph 28(34)(g) of the Interpretation Act, S.C. 1967-68,
-# c. 7 defines Yukon standard time as UTC-9. This is still valid;
-# see Interpretation Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. I-21, s. 35(1).
-# * C.O. 1973/214 switched Yukon to PST on 1973-10-28 00:00.
-# * O.I.C. 1980/02 established DST.
-# * O.I.C. 1987/056 changed DST to Apr firstSun 2:00 to Oct lastSun 2:00.
-# Shanks says Yukon's 1973-10-28 switch was at 2:00; go with Englander.
-# From Rives McDow (1999-09-04):
-# Nunavut ... moved ... to incorporate the whole territory into one time zone.
-# Nunavut moves to single time zone Oct. 31
-# From Antoine Leca (1999-09-06):
-# We then need to create a new timezone for the Kitikmeot region of Nunavut
-# to differentiate it from the Yellowknife region.
-# From Paul Eggert (1999-09-20):
-# Basic Facts: The New Territory
-# (1999) reports that Pangnirtung operates on eastern time,
-# and that Coral Harbour does not observe DST. We don't know when
-# Pangnirtung switched to eastern time; we'll guess 1995.
-# From Rives McDow (1999-11-08):
-# On October 31, when the rest of Nunavut went to Central time,
-# Pangnirtung wobbled. Here is the result of their wobble:
-# The following businesses and organizations in Pangnirtung use Central Time:
-# First Air, Power Corp, Nunavut Construction, Health Center, RCMP,
-# Eastern Arctic National Parks, A & D Specialist
-# The following businesses and organizations in Pangnirtung use Eastern Time:
-# Hamlet office, All other businesses, Both schools, Airport operator
-# This has made for an interesting situation there, which warranted the news.
-# No one there that I spoke with seems concerned, or has plans to
-# change the local methods of keeping time, as it evidently does not
-# really interfere with any activities or make things difficult locally.
-# They plan to celebrate New Year's turn-over twice, one hour apart,
-# so it appears that the situation will last at least that long.
-# The Nunavut Intergovernmental Affairs hopes that they will "come to
-# their senses", but the locals evidently don't see any problem with
-# the current state of affairs.
-# From Michaela Rodrigue, writing in the
-# Nunatsiaq News (1999-11-19):
-# Clyde River, Pangnirtung and Sanikiluaq now operate with two time zones,
-# central - or Nunavut time - for government offices, and eastern time
-# for municipal offices and schools.... Igloolik [was similar but then]
-# made the switch to central time on Saturday, Nov. 6.
-# From Paul Eggert (2000-10-02):
-# Matthews and Vincent (1998) say the following, but we lack histories
-# for these potential new Zones.
-# The Canadian Forces station at Alert uses Eastern Time while the
-# handful of residents at the Eureka weather station [in the Central
-# zone] skip daylight savings. Baffin Island, which is crossed by the
-# Central, Eastern and Atlantic Time zones only uses Eastern Time.
-# Gjoa Haven, Taloyoak and Pelly Bay all use Mountain instead of
-# Central Time and Southampton Island [in the Central zone] is not
-# required to use daylight savings.
-# From
-# Nunavut now has two time zones
-# (2000-11-10):
-# The Nunavut government would allow its employees in Kugluktuk and
-# Cambridge Bay to operate on central time year-round, putting them
-# one hour behind the rest of Nunavut for six months during the winter.
-# At the end of October the two communities had rebelled against
-# Nunavut's unified time zone, refusing to shift to eastern time with
-# the rest of the territory for the winter. Cambridge Bay remained on
-# central time, while Kugluktuk, even farther west, reverted to
-# mountain time, which they had used before the advent of Nunavut's
-# unified time zone in 1999.
-# From Rives McDow (2001-01-20), quoting the Nunavut government:
-# The preceding decision came into effect at midnight, Saturday Nov 4, 2000.
-# From Paul Eggert (2000-12-04):
-# Let's just keep track of the official times for now.
-# From Rives McDow (2001-03-07):
-# The premier of Nunavut has issued a ministerial statement advising
-# that effective 2001-04-01, the territory of Nunavut will revert
-# back to three time zones (mountain, central, and eastern). Of the
-# cities in Nunavut, Coral Harbor is the only one that I know of that
-# has said it will not observe dst, staying on EST year round. I'm
-# checking for more info, and will get back to you if I come up with
-# more.
-# [Also see (2001-03-09).]
-# From Gwillim Law (2005-05-21):
-# According to maps at
-# http://inms-ienm.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/images/time_services/TZ01SWE.jpg
-# http://inms-ienm.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/images/time_services/TZ01SSE.jpg
-# (both dated 2003), and
-# http://www.canadiangeographic.ca/Magazine/SO98/geomap.asp
-# (from a 1998 Canadian Geographic article), the de facto and de jure time
-# for Southampton Island (at the north end of Hudson Bay) is UTC-5 all year
-# round. Using Google, it's easy to find other websites that confirm this.
-# I wasn't able to find how far back this time regimen goes, but since it
-# predates the creation of Nunavut, it probably goes back many years....
-# The Inuktitut name of Coral Harbour is Sallit, but it's rarely used.
-# From Paul Eggert (2005-07-26):
-# For lack of better information, assume that Southampton Island observed
-# daylight saving only during wartime.
-Rule NT_YK 1918 only - Apr 14 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule NT_YK 1918 only - Oct 27 2:00 0 S
-Rule NT_YK 1919 only - May 25 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule NT_YK 1919 only - Nov 1 0:00 0 S
-Rule NT_YK 1942 only - Feb 9 2:00 1:00 W # War
-Rule NT_YK 1945 only - Aug 14 23:00u 1:00 P # Peace
-Rule NT_YK 1945 only - Sep 30 2:00 0 S
-Rule NT_YK 1965 only - Apr lastSun 0:00 2:00 DD
-Rule NT_YK 1965 only - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule NT_YK 1980 1986 - Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule NT_YK 1980 max - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule NT_YK 1987 max - Apr Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 D
-Zone America/Pangnirtung -4:22:56 - LMT 1884
- -4:00 NT_YK A%sT 1995 Apr Sun>=1 2:00
- -5:00 Canada E%sT 1999 Oct 31 2:00
- -6:00 Canada C%sT 2000 Oct 29 2:00
- -5:00 Canada E%sT
-Zone America/Iqaluit -4:33:52 - LMT 1884 # Frobisher Bay before 1987
- -5:00 NT_YK E%sT 1999 Oct 31 2:00
- -6:00 Canada C%sT 2000 Oct 29 2:00
- -5:00 Canada E%sT
-Zone America/Coral_Harbour -5:32:40 - LMT 1884
- -5:00 NT_YK E%sT 1946
- -5:00 - EST
-Zone America/Rankin_Inlet -6:08:40 - LMT 1884
- -6:00 NT_YK C%sT 2000 Oct 29 2:00
- -5:00 - EST 2001 Apr 1 3:00
- -6:00 Canada C%sT
-Zone America/Cambridge_Bay -7:00:20 - LMT 1884
- -7:00 NT_YK M%sT 1999 Oct 31 2:00
- -6:00 Canada C%sT 2000 Oct 29 2:00
- -5:00 - EST 2000 Nov 5 0:00
- -6:00 - CST 2001 Apr 1 3:00
- -7:00 Canada M%sT
-Zone America/Yellowknife -7:37:24 - LMT 1884
- -7:00 NT_YK M%sT
-Zone America/Inuvik -8:54:00 - LMT 1884
- -8:00 NT_YK P%sT 1979 Apr lastSun 2:00
- -7:00 NT_YK M%sT
-Zone America/Whitehorse -9:00:12 - LMT 1900 Aug 20
- -9:00 NT_YK Y%sT 1966 Jul 1 2:00
- -8:00 NT_YK P%sT
-Zone America/Dawson -9:17:40 - LMT 1900 Aug 20
- -9:00 NT_YK Y%sT 1973 Oct 28 0:00
- -8:00 NT_YK P%sT
-# Mexico
-# From Paul Eggert (2001-03-05):
-# The Investigation and Analysis Service of the
-# Mexican Library of Congress (MLoC) has published a
-# history of Mexican local time (in Spanish)
-# .
-# Here are the discrepancies between Shanks and the MLoC.
-# (In all cases we go with the MLoC.)
-# Shanks reports that Baja was at -8:00 in 1922/1923.
-# Shanks says the 1930 transition in Baja was 1930-11-16.
-# Shanks reports no DST during summer 1931.
-# Shanks reports a transition at 1932-03-30 23:00, not 1932-04-01.
-# Shanks does not report transitions for Baja in 1945 or 1948.
-# Shanks reports southern Mexico transitions on 1981-12-01, not 12-23.
-# Shanks says Quintana Roo switched to -6:00 on 1982-12-02, and to -5:00
-# on 1997-10-26 at 02:00.
-# From Gwillim Law (2001-02-20):
-# There are some other discrepancies between the Decrees page and the
-# tz database. I think they can best be explained by supposing that
-# the researchers who prepared the Decrees page failed to find some of
-# the relevant documents.
-# From Paul Eggert (2000-07-26):
-# Shanks gives 1942-04-01 instead of 1942-04-24, and omits the 1981
-# and 1988 DST experiments. Go with spin.com.mx.
-# From Alan Perry (1996-02-15):
-# A guy from our Mexico subsidiary finally found the Presidential Decree
-# outlining the timezone changes in Mexico.
-# ------------- Begin Forwarded Message -------------
-# I finally got my hands on the Official Presidential Decree that sets up the
-# rules for the DST changes. The rules are:
-# 1. The country is divided in 3 timezones:
-# - Baja California Norte (the Mexico/BajaNorte TZ)
-# - Baja California Sur, Nayarit, Sinaloa and Sonora (the Mexico/BajaSur TZ)
-# - The rest of the country (the Mexico/General TZ)
-# 2. From the first Sunday in April at 2:00 AM to the last Sunday in October
-# at 2:00 AM, the times in each zone are as follows:
-# BajaNorte: GMT+7
-# BajaSur: GMT+6
-# General: GMT+5
-# 3. The rest of the year, the times are as follows:
-# BajaNorte: GMT+8
-# BajaSur: GMT+7
-# General: GMT+6
-# The Decree was published in Mexico's Official Newspaper on January 4th.
-# -------------- End Forwarded Message --------------
-# From Paul Eggert (1996-06-12):
-# For an English translation of the decree, see
-# ``Diario Oficial: Time Zone Changeover'' (1996-01-04).
-# From Rives McDow (1998-10-08):
-# The State of Quintana Roo has reverted back to central STD and DST times
-# (i.e. UTC -0600 and -0500 as of 1998-08-02).
-# From Rives McDow (2000-01-10):
-# Effective April 4, 1999 at 2:00 AM local time, Sonora changed to the time
-# zone 5 hours from the International Date Line, and will not observe daylight
-# savings time so as to stay on the same time zone as the southern part of
-# Arizona year round.
-# From Jesper Norgaard, translating
-# (2001-01-17):
-# In Oaxaca, the 55.000 teachers from the Section 22 of the National
-# Syndicate of Education Workers, refuse to apply daylight saving each
-# year, so that the more than 10,000 schools work at normal hour the
-# whole year.
-# From Gwillim Law (2001-01-19):
-# ... says
-# (translated):...
-# January 17, 2000 - The Energy Secretary, Ernesto Martens, announced
-# that Summer Time will be reduced from seven to five months, starting
-# this year....
-# [translated], says "summer time will ... take effect on the first Sunday
-# in May, and end on the last Sunday of September.
-# From Arthur David Olson (2001-01-25):
-# The 2001-01-24 traditional Washington Post contained the page one
-# story "Timely Issue Divides Mexicans."...
-# http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A37383-2001Jan23.html
-# ... Mexico City Mayor Lopez Obrador "...is threatening to keep
-# Mexico City and its 20 million residents on a different time than
-# the rest of the country..." In particular, Lopez Obrador would abolish
-# observation of Daylight Saving Time.
-# Official statute published by the Energy Department
-# (2001-02-01) shows Baja and Chihauhua as still using US DST rules,
-# and Sonora with no DST. This was reported by Jesper Norgaard (2001-02-03).
-# From Paul Eggert (2001-03-03):
-# James F. Smith writes in today's LA Times
-# * Sonora will continue to observe standard time.
-# * Last week Mexico City's mayor Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador decreed that
-# the Federal District will not adopt DST.
-# * 4 of 16 district leaders announced they'll ignore the decree.
-# * The decree does not affect federal-controlled facilities including
-# the airport, banks, hospitals, and schools.
-# For now we'll assume that the Federal District will bow to federal rules.
-# From Jesper Norgaard (2001-04-01):
-# I found some references to the Mexican application of daylight
-# saving, which modifies what I had already sent you, stating earlier
-# that a number of northern Mexican states would go on daylight
-# saving. The modification reverts this to only cover Baja California
-# (Norte), while all other states (except Sonora, who has no daylight
-# saving all year) will follow the original decree of president
-# Vicente Fox, starting daylight saving May 6, 2001 and ending
-# September 30, 2001.
-# References: "Diario de Monterrey"
-# Palabra (2001-03-31)
-# From Reuters (2001-09-04):
-# Mexico's Supreme Court on Tuesday declared that daylight savings was
-# unconstitutional in Mexico City, creating the possibility the
-# capital will be in a different time zone from the rest of the nation
-# next year.... The Supreme Court's ruling takes effect at 2:00
-# a.m. (0800 GMT) on Sept. 30, when Mexico is scheduled to revert to
-# standard time. "This is so residents of the Federal District are not
-# subject to unexpected time changes," a statement from the court said.
-# From Jesper Norgaard Welen (2002-03-12):
-# ... consulting my local grocery store(!) and my coworkers, they all insisted
-# that a new decision had been made to reinstate US style DST in Mexico....
-# http://www.conae.gob.mx/ahorro/horaver2001_m1_2002.html (2002-02-20)
-# confirms this. Sonora as usual is the only state where DST is not applied.
-Rule Mexico 1939 only - Feb 5 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Mexico 1939 only - Jun 25 0:00 0 S
-Rule Mexico 1940 only - Dec 9 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Mexico 1941 only - Apr 1 0:00 0 S
-Rule Mexico 1943 only - Dec 16 0:00 1:00 W # War
-Rule Mexico 1944 only - May 1 0:00 0 S
-Rule Mexico 1950 only - Feb 12 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Mexico 1950 only - Jul 30 0:00 0 S
-Rule Mexico 1996 2000 - Apr Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Mexico 1996 2000 - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Mexico 2001 only - May Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Mexico 2001 only - Sep lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Mexico 2002 max - Apr Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Mexico 2002 max - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
-# Quintana Roo
-Zone America/Cancun -5:47:04 - LMT 1922 Jan 1 0:12:56
- -6:00 - CST 1981 Dec 23
- -5:00 Mexico E%sT 1998 Aug 2 2:00
- -6:00 Mexico C%sT
-# Campeche, Yucatan
-Zone America/Merida -5:58:28 - LMT 1922 Jan 1 0:01:32
- -6:00 - CST 1981 Dec 23
- -5:00 - EST 1982 Dec 2
- -6:00 Mexico C%sT
-# Coahuila, Durango, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas
-Zone America/Monterrey -6:41:16 - LMT 1921 Dec 31 23:18:44
- -6:00 - CST 1988
- -6:00 US C%sT 1989
- -6:00 Mexico C%sT
-# Central Mexico
-Zone America/Mexico_City -6:36:36 - LMT 1922 Jan 1 0:23:24
- -7:00 - MST 1927 Jun 10 23:00
- -6:00 - CST 1930 Nov 15
- -7:00 - MST 1931 May 1 23:00
- -6:00 - CST 1931 Oct
- -7:00 - MST 1932 Apr 1
- -6:00 Mexico C%sT 2001 Sep 30 02:00
- -6:00 - CST 2002 Feb 20
- -6:00 Mexico C%sT
-# Chihuahua
-Zone America/Chihuahua -7:04:20 - LMT 1921 Dec 31 23:55:40
- -7:00 - MST 1927 Jun 10 23:00
- -6:00 - CST 1930 Nov 15
- -7:00 - MST 1931 May 1 23:00
- -6:00 - CST 1931 Oct
- -7:00 - MST 1932 Apr 1
- -6:00 - CST 1996
- -6:00 Mexico C%sT 1998
- -6:00 - CST 1998 Apr Sun>=1 3:00
- -7:00 Mexico M%sT
-# Sonora
-Zone America/Hermosillo -7:23:52 - LMT 1921 Dec 31 23:36:08
- -7:00 - MST 1927 Jun 10 23:00
- -6:00 - CST 1930 Nov 15
- -7:00 - MST 1931 May 1 23:00
- -6:00 - CST 1931 Oct
- -7:00 - MST 1932 Apr 1
- -6:00 - CST 1942 Apr 24
- -7:00 - MST 1949 Jan 14
- -8:00 - PST 1970
- -7:00 Mexico M%sT 1999
- -7:00 - MST
-# Baja California Sur, Nayarit, Sinaloa
-Zone America/Mazatlan -7:05:40 - LMT 1921 Dec 31 23:54:20
- -7:00 - MST 1927 Jun 10 23:00
- -6:00 - CST 1930 Nov 15
- -7:00 - MST 1931 May 1 23:00
- -6:00 - CST 1931 Oct
- -7:00 - MST 1932 Apr 1
- -6:00 - CST 1942 Apr 24
- -7:00 - MST 1949 Jan 14
- -8:00 - PST 1970
- -7:00 Mexico M%sT
-# Baja California
-Zone America/Tijuana -7:48:04 - LMT 1922 Jan 1 0:11:56
- -7:00 - MST 1924
- -8:00 - PST 1927 Jun 10 23:00
- -7:00 - MST 1930 Nov 15
- -8:00 - PST 1931 Apr 1
- -8:00 1:00 PDT 1931 Sep 30
- -8:00 - PST 1942 Apr 24
- -8:00 1:00 PWT 1945 Nov 12
- -8:00 - PST 1948 Apr 5
- -8:00 1:00 PDT 1949 Jan 14
- -8:00 - PST 1954
- -8:00 CA P%sT 1961
- -8:00 - PST 1976
- -8:00 US P%sT 1996
- -8:00 Mexico P%sT 2001
- -8:00 US P%sT 2002 Feb 20
- -8:00 Mexico P%sT
-# From Paul Eggert (2001-03-05):
-# Formerly there was an America/Ensenada zone, which differed from
-# America/Tijuana only in that it did not observe DST from 1976
-# through 1995. This was as per Shanks. However, Guy Harris reports
-# that the 1987 OAG says "Only Ensenada, Mexicale, San Felipe and
-# Tijuana observe DST," which contradicts Shanks but does imply that
-# DST-observance was a town-by-town matter back then. This concerns
-# data after 1970 so most likely there should be at least one Zone
-# other than America/Tijuana for Baja, but it's not clear yet what its
-# name or contents should be.
-# Revillagigedo Is
-# no information
-# Anguilla
-Zone America/Anguilla -4:12:16 - LMT 1912 Mar 2
- -4:00 - AST
-# Antigua and Barbuda
-Zone America/Antigua -4:07:12 - LMT 1912 Mar 2
- -5:00 - EST 1951
- -4:00 - AST
-# Bahamas
-Rule Bahamas 1964 max - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
-Rule Bahamas 1964 1986 - Apr lastSun 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Bahamas 1987 max - Apr Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 D
-Zone America/Nassau -5:09:24 - LMT 1912 Mar 2
- -5:00 Bahamas E%sT
-# Barbados
-Rule Barb 1977 only - Jun 12 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Barb 1977 1978 - Oct Sun>=1 2:00 0 S
-Rule Barb 1978 1980 - Apr Sun>=15 2:00 1:00 D
-Rule Barb 1979 only - Sep 30 2:00 0 S
-Rule Barb 1980 only - Sep 25 2:00 0 S
-Zone America/Barbados -3:58:28 - LMT 1924 # Bridgetown
- -3:58:28 - BMT 1932 # Bridgetown Mean Time
- -4:00 Barb A%sT
-# Belize
-# Whitman entirely disagrees with Shanks; go with Shanks.
-Rule Belize 1918 1942 - Oct Sun>=2 0:00 0:30 HD
-Rule Belize 1919 1943 - Feb Sun>=9 0:00 0 S
-Rule Belize 1973 only - Dec 5 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Belize 1974 only - Feb 9 0:00 0 S
-Rule Belize 1982 only - Dec 18 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Belize 1983 only - Feb 12 0:00 0 S
-Zone America/Belize -5:52:48 - LMT 1912 Apr
- -6:00 Belize C%sT
-# Bermuda
-Zone Atlantic/Bermuda -4:19:04 - LMT 1930 Jan 1 2:00 # Hamilton
- -4:00 - AST 1974 Apr 28 2:00
- -4:00 Bahamas A%sT
-# Cayman Is
-Zone America/Cayman -5:25:32 - LMT 1890 # Georgetown
- -5:07:12 - KMT 1912 Feb # Kingston Mean Time
- -5:00 - EST
-# Costa Rica
-Rule CR 1979 1980 - Feb lastSun 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule CR 1979 1980 - Jun Sun>=1 0:00 0 S
-Rule CR 1991 1992 - Jan Sat>=15 0:00 1:00 D
-# IATA SSIM (1991-09) says the following was at 1:00; go with Shanks.
-Rule CR 1991 only - Jul 1 0:00 0 S
-Rule CR 1992 only - Mar 15 0:00 0 S
-# There are too many San Joses elsewhere, so we'll use `Costa Rica'.
-Zone America/Costa_Rica -5:36:20 - LMT 1890 # San Jose
- -5:36:20 - SJMT 1921 Jan 15 # San Jose Mean Time
- -6:00 CR C%sT
-# Coco
-# no information; probably like America/Costa_Rica
-# Cuba
-# From Arthur David Olson (1999-03-29):
-# The 1999-03-28 exhibition baseball game held in Havana, Cuba, between
-# the Cuban National Team and the Baltimore Orioles was carried live on
-# the Orioles Radio Network, including affiliate WTOP in Washington, DC.
-# During the game, play-by-play announcer Jim Hunter noted that
-# "We'll be losing two hours of sleep...Cuba switched to Daylight Saving
-# Time today." (The "two hour" remark referred to losing one hour of
-# sleep on 1999-03-28--when the announcers were in Cuba as it switched
-# to DST--and one more hour on 1999-04-04--when the announcers will have
-# returned to Baltimore, which switches on that date.)
-# From Evert van der Veer via Steffen Thorsen (2004-10-28):
-# Cuba is not going back to standard time this year.
-# From Paul Eggert (2004-10-28):
-# http://www.granma.cu/ingles/2004/septiembre/juev30/41medid-i.html
-# says that it's due to a problem at the Antonio Guiteras
-# thermoelectric plant, and says "This October there will be no return
-# to normal hours (after daylight saving time)".
-# For now, let's assume that it's a one-year temporary measure.
-# From Carlos A. Carnero Delgado (2005-11-12):
-# This year (just like in 2004-2005) there's no change in time zone
-# adjustment in Cuba. We will stay in daylight saving time:
-# http://www.granma.cu/espanol/2005/noviembre/mier9/horario.html
-Rule Cuba 1928 only - Jun 10 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Cuba 1928 only - Oct 10 0:00 0 S
-Rule Cuba 1940 1942 - Jun Sun>=1 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Cuba 1940 1942 - Sep Sun>=1 0:00 0 S
-Rule Cuba 1945 1946 - Jun Sun>=1 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Cuba 1945 1946 - Sep Sun>=1 0:00 0 S
-Rule Cuba 1965 only - Jun 1 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Cuba 1965 only - Sep 30 0:00 0 S
-Rule Cuba 1966 only - May 29 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Cuba 1966 only - Oct 2 0:00 0 S
-Rule Cuba 1967 only - Apr 8 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Cuba 1967 1968 - Sep Sun>=8 0:00 0 S
-Rule Cuba 1968 only - Apr 14 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Cuba 1969 1977 - Apr lastSun 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Cuba 1969 1971 - Oct lastSun 0:00 0 S
-Rule Cuba 1972 1974 - Oct 8 0:00 0 S
-Rule Cuba 1975 1977 - Oct lastSun 0:00 0 S
-Rule Cuba 1978 only - May 7 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Cuba 1978 1990 - Oct Sun>=8 0:00 0 S
-Rule Cuba 1979 1980 - Mar Sun>=15 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Cuba 1981 1985 - May Sun>=5 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Cuba 1986 1989 - Mar Sun>=14 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Cuba 1990 1997 - Apr Sun>=1 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Cuba 1991 1995 - Oct Sun>=8 0:00s 0 S
-Rule Cuba 1996 only - Oct 6 0:00s 0 S
-Rule Cuba 1997 only - Oct 12 0:00s 0 S
-Rule Cuba 1998 1999 - Mar lastSun 0:00s 1:00 D
-Rule Cuba 1998 2003 - Oct lastSun 0:00s 0 S
-Rule Cuba 2000 max - Apr Sun>=1 0:00s 1:00 D
-Rule Cuba 2006 max - Oct lastSun 0:00s 0 S
-Zone America/Havana -5:29:28 - LMT 1890
- -5:29:36 - HMT 1925 Jul 19 12:00 # Havana MT
- -5:00 Cuba C%sT
-# Dominica
-Zone America/Dominica -4:05:36 - LMT 1911 Jul 1 0:01 # Roseau
- -4:00 - AST
-# Dominican Republic
-# From Steffen Thorsen (2000-10-30):
-# Enrique Morales reported to me that the Dominican Republic has changed the
-# time zone to Eastern Standard Time as of Sunday 29 at 2 am....
-# http://www.listin.com.do/antes/261000/republica/princi.html
-# From Paul Eggert (2000-12-04):
-# That URL (2000-10-26, in Spanish) says they planned to use US-style DST.
-# From Rives McDow (2000-12-01):
-# Dominican Republic changed its mind and presidential decree on Tuesday,
-# November 28, 2000, with a new decree. On Sunday, December 3 at 1:00 AM the
-# Dominican Republic will be reverting to 8 hours from the International Date
-# Line, and will not be using DST in the foreseeable future. The reason they
-# decided to use DST was to be in synch with Puerto Rico, who was also going
-# to implement DST. When Puerto Rico didn't implement DST, the president
-# decided to revert.
-Rule DR 1966 only - Oct 30 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule DR 1967 only - Feb 28 0:00 0 S
-Rule DR 1969 1973 - Oct lastSun 0:00 0:30 HD
-Rule DR 1970 only - Feb 21 0:00 0 S
-Rule DR 1971 only - Jan 20 0:00 0 S
-Rule DR 1972 1974 - Jan 21 0:00 0 S
-Zone America/Santo_Domingo -4:39:36 - LMT 1890
- -4:40 - SDMT 1933 Apr 1 12:00 # S. Dom. MT
- -5:00 DR E%sT 1974 Oct 27
- -4:00 - AST 2000 Oct 29 02:00
- -5:00 US E%sT 2000 Dec 3 01:00
- -4:00 - AST
-# El Salvador
-Rule Salv 1987 1988 - May Sun>=1 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Salv 1987 1988 - Sep lastSun 0:00 0 S
-# There are too many San Salvadors elsewhere, so use America/El_Salvador
-# instead of America/San_Salvador.
-Zone America/El_Salvador -5:56:48 - LMT 1921 # San Salvador
- -6:00 Salv C%sT
-# Grenada
-Zone America/Grenada -4:07:00 - LMT 1911 Jul # St George's
- -4:00 - AST
-# Guadeloupe
-Zone America/Guadeloupe -4:06:08 - LMT 1911 Jun 8 # Pointe a Pitre
- -4:00 - AST
-# Guatemala
-Rule Guat 1973 only - Nov 25 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Guat 1974 only - Feb 24 0:00 0 S
-Rule Guat 1983 only - May 21 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Guat 1983 only - Sep 22 0:00 0 S
-Rule Guat 1991 only - Mar 23 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Guat 1991 only - Sep 7 0:00 0 S
-Zone America/Guatemala -6:02:04 - LMT 1918 Oct 5
- -6:00 Guat C%sT
-# Haiti
-# From Gwillim Law (2005-04-15):
-# Risto O. Nykanen wrote me that Haiti is now on DST.
-# I searched for confirmation, and I found a
-# press release
-# on the Web page of the Haitian Consulate in Chicago (2005-03-31),
-# . Translated from French, it says:
-# "The Prime Minister's Communication Office notifies the public in general
-# and the press in particular that, following a decision of the Interior
-# Ministry and the Territorial Collectivities [I suppose that means the
-# provinces], Haiti will move to Eastern Daylight Time in the night from next
-# Saturday the 2nd to Sunday the 3rd.
-# "Consequently, the Prime Minister's Communication Office wishes to inform
-# the population that the country's clocks will be set forward one hour
-# starting at midnight. This provision will hold until the last Saturday in
-# October 2005.
-# "Port-au-Prince, March 31, 2005"
-Rule Haiti 1983 only - May 8 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Haiti 1984 1987 - Apr lastSun 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Haiti 1983 1987 - Oct lastSun 0:00 0 S
-# Shanks says AT is 2:00, but IATA SSIM (1991/1997) says 1:00s. Go with IATA.
-Rule Haiti 1988 1997 - Apr Sun>=1 1:00s 1:00 D
-Rule Haiti 1988 1997 - Oct lastSun 1:00s 0 S
-Rule Haiti 2005 only - Apr Sun>=1 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Haiti 2005 only - Oct lastSun 0:00 0 S
-Zone America/Port-au-Prince -4:49:20 - LMT 1890
- -4:49 - PPMT 1917 Jan 24 12:00 # P-a-P MT
- -5:00 Haiti E%sT
-# Honduras
-# Shanks says 1921 Jan 1; go with Whitman's more precise Apr 1.
-Zone America/Tegucigalpa -5:48:52 - LMT 1921 Apr
- -6:00 Salv C%sT
-# Great Swan I ceded by US to Honduras in 1972
-# Jamaica
-# From Bob Devine (1988-01-28):
-# Follows US rules.
-# From U. S. Naval Observatory (1989-01-19):
-# From Shanks:
-Zone America/Jamaica -5:07:12 - LMT 1890 # Kingston
- -5:07:12 - KMT 1912 Feb # Kingston Mean Time
- -5:00 - EST 1974 Apr 28 2:00
- -5:00 US E%sT 1984
- -5:00 - EST
-# Martinique
-Zone America/Martinique -4:04:20 - LMT 1890 # Fort-de-France
- -4:04:20 - FFMT 1911 May # Fort-de-France MT
- -4:00 - AST 1980 Apr 6
- -4:00 1:00 ADT 1980 Sep 28
- -4:00 - AST
-# Montserrat
-# From Paul Eggert (1997-08-31):
-# Recent volcanic eruptions have forced evacuation of Plymouth, the capital.
-# Luckily, Olveston, the current de facto capital, has the same longitude.
-Zone America/Montserrat -4:08:52 - LMT 1911 Jul 1 0:01 # Olveston
- -4:00 - AST
-# Nicaragua
-# From Steffen Thorsen (1998-12-29):
-# Nicaragua seems to be back at -6:00 but I have not been able to find when
-# they changed from -5:00.
-# From Steffen Thorsen (2005-04-12):
-# I've got reports from 8 different people that Nicaragua just started
-# DST on Sunday 2005-04-10, in order to save energy because of
-# expensive petroleum. The exact end date for DST is not yet
-# announced, only "September" but some sites also say "mid-September".
-# Some background information is available on the President's official site:
-# http://www.presidencia.gob.ni/Presidencia/Files_index/Secretaria/Notas%20de%20Prensa/Presidente/2005/ABRIL/Gobierno-de-nicaragua-adelanta-hora-oficial-06abril.htm
-# The Decree, no 23-2005 is available here:
-# http://www.presidencia.gob.ni/buscador_gaceta/BD/DECRETOS/2005/Decreto%2023-2005%20Se%20adelanta%20en%20una%20hora%20en%20todo%20el%20territorio%20nacional%20apartir%20de%20las%2024horas%20del%2009%20de%20Abril.pdf
-# From Paul Eggert (2005-05-01):
-# The decree doesn't say anything about daylight saving, but for now let's
-# assume that it is daylight saving and that they'll switch back on the
-# 3rd Sunday in September.
-# From Gwillim Law (2005-04-21):
-# The Associated Press story on the time change, which can be found at
-# http://www.lapalmainteractivo.com/guias/content/gen/ap/America_Latina/AMC_GEN_NICARAGUA_HORA.html
-# and elsewhere, says (fifth paragraph, translated from Spanish): "The last
-# time that a change of clocks was applied to save energy was in the year 2000
-# during the Arnoldo Aleman administration."...
-# The northamerica file says that Nicaragua has been on UTC-6 continuously
-# since December 1998. I wasn't able to find any details of Nicaraguan time
-# changes in 2000. Perhaps a note could be added to the northamerica file, to
-# the effect that we have indirect evidence that DST was observed in 2000.
-# From Jesper Norgaard Welen (2005-11-02):
-# Nicaragua left DST the 2005-10-02 at 00:00 (local time).
-# http://www.presidencia.gob.ni/presidencia/files_index/secretaria/comunicados/2005/septiembre/26septiembre-cambio-hora.htm
-# (2005-09-26)
-Rule Nic 1979 1980 - Mar Sun>=16 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Nic 1979 1980 - Jun Mon>=23 0:00 0 S
-Rule Nic 1992 only - Jan 1 4:00 1:00 D
-Rule Nic 1992 only - Sep 24 0:00 0 S
-Rule Nic 2005 only - Apr 10 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule Nic 2005 only - Oct 2 0:00 0 S
-Zone America/Managua -5:45:08 - LMT 1890
- -5:45:12 - MMT 1934 Jun 23 # Managua Mean Time?
- -6:00 - CST 1973 May
- -5:00 - EST 1975 Feb 16
- -6:00 Nic C%sT 1993 Jan 1 4:00
- -5:00 - EST 1998 Dec
- -6:00 Nic C%sT
-# Panama
-Zone America/Panama -5:18:08 - LMT 1890
- -5:19:36 - CMT 1908 Apr 22 # Colon Mean Time
- -5:00 - EST
-# Puerto Rico
-# There are too many San Juans elsewhere, so we'll use `Puerto_Rico'.
-Zone America/Puerto_Rico -4:24:25 - LMT 1899 Mar 28 12:00 # San Juan
- -4:00 - AST 1942 May 3
- -4:00 1:00 AWT 1945 Sep 30 2:00
- -4:00 - AST
-# St Kitts-Nevis
-Zone America/St_Kitts -4:10:52 - LMT 1912 Mar 2 # Basseterre
- -4:00 - AST
-# St Lucia
-Zone America/St_Lucia -4:04:00 - LMT 1890 # Castries
- -4:04:00 - CMT 1912 # Castries Mean Time
- -4:00 - AST
-# St Pierre and Miquelon
-# There are too many St Pierres elsewhere, so we'll use `Miquelon'.
-Zone America/Miquelon -3:44:40 - LMT 1911 May 15 # St Pierre
- -4:00 - AST 1980 May
- -3:00 - PMST 1987 # Pierre & Miquelon Time
- -3:00 Canada PM%sT
-# St Vincent and the Grenadines
-Zone America/St_Vincent -4:04:56 - LMT 1890 # Kingstown
- -4:04:56 - KMT 1912 # Kingstown Mean Time
- -4:00 - AST
-# Turks and Caicos
-# From Paul Eggert (1998-08-06):
-# Shanks says they use US DST rules, but IATA SSIM (1991/1998)
-# says they switch at midnight. Go with IATA SSIM.
-Rule TC 1979 1986 - Apr lastSun 0:00 1:00 D
-Rule TC 1979 max - Oct lastSun 0:00 0 S
-Rule TC 1987 max - Apr Sun>=1 0:00 1:00 D
-Zone America/Grand_Turk -4:44:32 - LMT 1890
- -5:07:12 - KMT 1912 Feb # Kingston Mean Time
- -5:00 TC E%sT
-# British Virgin Is
-Zone America/Tortola -4:18:28 - LMT 1911 Jul # Road Town
- -4:00 - AST
-# Virgin Is
-Zone America/St_Thomas -4:19:44 - LMT 1911 Jul # Charlotte Amalie
- -4:00 - AST
diff --git a/install/timezone/southamerica b/install/timezone/southamerica
deleted file mode 100644
index 3355f1d0d..000000000
--- a/install/timezone/southamerica
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1071 +0,0 @@
-# @(#)southamerica 7.66
-# This data is by no means authoritative; if you think you know better,
-# go ahead and edit the file (and please send any changes to
-# tz@elsie.nci.nih.gov for general use in the future).
-# From Paul Eggert (1999-07-07):
-# A good source for time zone historical data outside the U.S. is
-# Thomas G. Shanks, The International Atlas (5th edition),
-# San Diego: ACS Publications, Inc. (1999).
-# Gwillim Law writes that a good source
-# for recent time zone data is the International Air Transport
-# Association's Standard Schedules Information Manual (IATA SSIM),
-# published semiannually. Law sent in several helpful summaries
-# of the IATA's data after 1990.
-# Except where otherwise noted, Shanks is the source for entries through 1990,
-# and IATA SSIM is the source for entries after 1990.
-# Earlier editions of these tables used the North American style (e.g. ARST and
-# ARDT for Argentine Standard and Daylight Time), but the following quote
-# suggests that it's better to use European style (e.g. ART and ARST).
-# I suggest the use of _Summer time_ instead of the more cumbersome
-# _daylight-saving time_. _Summer time_ seems to be in general use
-# in Europe and South America.
-# -- E O Cutler, _New York Times_ (1937-02-14), quoted in
-# H L Mencken, _The American Language: Supplement I_ (1960), p 466
-# Earlier editions of these tables also used the North American style
-# for time zones in Brazil, but this was incorrect, as Brazilians say
-# "summer time". Reinaldo Goulart, a Sao Paulo businessman active in
-# the railroad sector, writes (1999-07-06):
-# The subject of time zones is currently a matter of discussion/debate in
-# Brazil. Let's say that "the Brasilia time" is considered the
-# "official time" because Brasilia is the capital city.
-# The other three time zones are called "Brasilia time "minus one" or
-# "plus one" or "plus two". As far as I know there is no such
-# name/designation as "Eastern Time" or "Central Time".
-# So I invented the following (English-language) abbreviations for now.
-# Corrections are welcome!
-# std dst
-# -2:00 FNT FNST Fernando de Noronha
-# -3:00 BRT BRST Brasilia
-# -4:00 AMT AMST Amazon
-# -5:00 ACT ACST Acre
-# Argentina
-# From Bob Devine (1988-01-28):
-# Argentina: first Sunday in October to first Sunday in April since 1976.
-# Double Summer time from 1969 to 1974. Switches at midnight.
-# From U. S. Naval Observatory (1988-01-199):
-# From Hernan G. Otero (1995-06-26):
-# I am sending modifications to the Argentine time zone table...
-# AR was chosen because they are the ISO letters that represent Argentina.
-Rule Arg 1930 only - Dec 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Arg 1931 only - Apr 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Arg 1931 only - Oct 15 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Arg 1932 1940 - Mar 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Arg 1932 1939 - Nov 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Arg 1940 only - Jul 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Arg 1941 only - Jun 15 0:00 0 -
-Rule Arg 1941 only - Oct 15 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Arg 1943 only - Aug 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Arg 1943 only - Oct 15 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Arg 1946 only - Mar 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Arg 1946 only - Oct 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Arg 1963 only - Oct 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Arg 1963 only - Dec 15 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Arg 1964 1966 - Mar 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Arg 1964 1966 - Oct 15 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Arg 1967 only - Apr 2 0:00 0 -
-Rule Arg 1967 1968 - Oct Sun>=1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Arg 1968 1969 - Apr Sun>=1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Arg 1974 only - Jan 23 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Arg 1974 only - May 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Arg 1988 only - Dec 1 0:00 1:00 S
-# From Hernan G. Otero (1995-06-26):
-# These corrections were contributed by InterSoft Argentina S.A.,
-# obtaining the data from the:
-# Talleres de Hidrografia Naval Argentina
-# (Argentine Naval Hydrography Institute)
-# Shanks stops after 1992-03-01; go with Otero.
-Rule Arg 1989 1993 - Mar Sun>=1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Arg 1989 1992 - Oct Sun>=15 0:00 1:00 S
-# From Hernan G. Otero (1995-06-26):
-# From this moment on, the law that mandated the daylight saving
-# time corrections was derogated and no more modifications
-# to the time zones (for daylight saving) are now made.
-# From Rives McDow (2000-01-10):
-# On October 3, 1999, 0:00 local, Argentina implemented daylight savings time,
-# which did not result in the switch of a time zone, as they stayed 9 hours
-# from the International Date Line.
-Rule Arg 1999 only - Oct Sun>=1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Arg 2000 only - Mar Sun>=1 0:00 0 -
-# From Peter Gradelski via Steffen Thorsen (2000-03-01):
-# We just checked with our Sao Paulo office and they say the government of
-# Argentina decided not to become one of the countries that go on or off DST.
-# So Buenos Aires should be -3 hours from GMT at all times.
-# From Fabian L. Arce Jofre (2000-04-04):
-# The law that claimed DST for Argentina was derogated by President Fernando
-# de la Rua on March 2, 2000, because it would make people spend more energy
-# in the winter time, rather than less. The change took effect on March 3.
-# From Mariano Absatz (2001-06-06):
-# one of the major newspapers here in Argentina said that the 1999
-# Timezone Law (which never was effectively applied) will (would?) be
-# in effect.... The article is at
-# http://ar.clarin.com/diario/2001-06-06/e-01701.htm
-# ... The Law itself is "Ley No 25155", sanctioned on 1999-08-25, enacted
-# 1999-09-17, and published 1999-09-21. The official publication is at:
-# http://www.boletin.jus.gov.ar/BON/Primera/1999/09-Septiembre/21/PDF/BO21-09-99LEG.PDF
-# Regretfully, you have to subscribe (and pay) for the on-line version....
-# (2001-06-12):
-# the timezone for Argentina will not change next Sunday.
-# Apparently it will do so on Sunday 24th....
-# http://ar.clarin.com/diario/2001-06-12/s-03501.htm
-# (2001-06-25):
-# Last Friday (yes, the last working day before the date of the change), the
-# Senate annulled the 1999 law that introduced the changes later postponed.
-# http://www.clarin.com.ar/diario/2001-06-22/s-03601.htm
-# It remains the vote of the Deputies..., but it will be the same....
-# This kind of things had always been done this way in Argentina.
-# We are still -03:00 all year round in all of the country.
-# From Mariano Absatz (2004-05-21):
-# Today it was officially published that the Province of Mendoza is changing
-# its timezone this winter... starting tomorrow night....
-# http://www.gobernac.mendoza.gov.ar/boletin/pdf/20040521-27158-normas.pdf
-# From Paul Eggert (2004-05-24):
-# It's Law No. 7,210. This change is due to a public power emergency, so for
-# now we'll assume it's for this year only.
-# From Paul Eggert (2002-01-22):
-# Hora de verano para la Republica Argentina (2000-10-01)
-# says that standard time in Argentina from 1894-10-31
-# to 1920-05-01 was -4:16:48.25. Go with this more-precise value
-# over Shanks.
-# From Mariano Absatz (2004-06-05):
-# These media articles from a major newspaper mostly cover the current state:
-# http://www.lanacion.com.ar/04/05/27/de_604825.asp
-# http://www.lanacion.com.ar/04/05/28/de_605203.asp
-# The following eight (8) provinces pulled clocks back to UTC-04:00 at
-# midnight Monday May 31st. (that is, the night between 05/31 and 06/01).
-# Apparently, all nine provinces would go back to UTC-03:00 at the same
-# time in October 17th.
-# Catamarca, Chubut, La Rioja, San Juan, San Luis, Santa Cruz,
-# Tierra del Fuego, Tucuman.
-# From Mariano Absatz (2004-06-14):
-# ... this weekend, the Province of Tucuman decided it'd go back to UTC-03:00
-# yesterday midnight (that is, at 24:00 Saturday 12th), since the people's
-# annoyance with the change is much higher than the power savings obtained....
-# From Gwillim Law (2004-06-14):
-# http://www.lanacion.com.ar/04/06/10/de_609078.asp ...
-# "The time change in Tierra del Fuego was a conflicted decision from
-# the start. The government had decreed that the measure would take
-# effect on June 1, but a normative error forced the new time to begin
-# three days earlier, from a Saturday to a Sunday....
-# Our understanding was that the change was originally scheduled to take place
-# on June 1 at 00:00 in Chubut, Santa Cruz, Tierra del Fuego (and some other
-# provinces). Sunday was May 30, only two days earlier. So the article
-# contains a contradiction. I would give more credence to the Saturday/Sunday
-# date than the "three days earlier" phrase, and conclude that Tierra del
-# Fuego set its clocks back at 2004-05-30 00:00.
-# From Steffen Thorsen (2004-10-05):
-# The previous law 7210 which changed the province of Mendoza's time zone
-# back in May have been modified slightly in a new law 7277, which set the
-# new end date to 2004-09-26 (original date was 2004-10-17).
-# http://www.gobernac.mendoza.gov.ar/boletin/pdf/20040924-27244-normas.pdf
-# From Mariano Absatz (2004-10-05):
-# San Juan changed from UTC-03:00 to UTC-04:00 at midnight between
-# Sunday, May 30th and Monday, May 31st. It changed back to UTC-03:00
-# at midnight between Saturday, July 24th and Sunday, July 25th....
-# http://www.sanjuan.gov.ar/prensa/archivo/000329.html
-# http://www.sanjuan.gov.ar/prensa/archivo/000426.html
-# http://www.sanjuan.gov.ar/prensa/archivo/000441.html
-# Unless otherwise specified, data are from Shanks through 1992, from
-# the IATA otherwise. As noted below, Shanks says that
-# America/Cordoba split into 6 subregions during 1991/1992, but we
-# haven't verified this yet so for now we'll keep it a single region.
-# Buenos Aires (BA), Capital Federal (CF),
-Zone America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires -3:53:48 - LMT 1894 Oct 31
- -4:16:48 - CMT 1920 May # Cordoba Mean Time
- -4:00 - ART 1930 Dec
- -4:00 Arg AR%sT 1969 Oct 5
- -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1999 Oct 3
- -4:00 Arg AR%sT 2000 Mar 3
- -3:00 - ART
-# Santa Fe (SF), Entre Rios (ER), Corrientes (CN), Misiones (MN), Chaco (CC),
-# Formosa (FM), Salta (SA), Santiago del Estero (SE), Cordoba (CB),
-# San Luis (SL), La Pampa (LP), Neuquen (NQ), Rio Negro (RN)
-# Shanks also makes the following claims, which we haven't verified:
-# - Formosa switched to -3:00 on 1991-01-07.
-# - Misiones switched to -3:00 on 1990-12-29.
-# - Chaco switched to -3:00 on 1991-01-04.
-# - San Luis switched to -4:00 on 1990-03-14, then to -3:00 on 1990-10-15,
-# then to -4:00 on 1991-03-01, then to -3:00 on 1991-06-01.
-# - Santiago del Estero switched to -4:00 on 1991-04-01,
-# then to -3:00 on 1991-04-26.
-Zone America/Argentina/Cordoba -4:16:48 - LMT 1894 Oct 31
- -4:16:48 - CMT 1920 May
- -4:00 - ART 1930 Dec
- -4:00 Arg AR%sT 1969 Oct 5
- -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1991 Mar 3
- -4:00 - WART 1991 Oct 20
- -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1999 Oct 3
- -4:00 Arg AR%sT 2000 Mar 3
- -3:00 - ART
-# Tucuman (TM)
-Zone America/Argentina/Tucuman -4:20:52 - LMT 1894 Oct 31
- -4:16:48 - CMT 1920 May
- -4:00 - ART 1930 Dec
- -4:00 Arg AR%sT 1969 Oct 5
- -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1991 Mar 3
- -4:00 - WART 1991 Oct 20
- -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1999 Oct 3
- -4:00 Arg AR%sT 2000 Mar 3
- -3:00 - ART 2004 Jun 1
- -4:00 - WART 2004 Jun 13
- -3:00 - ART
-# La Rioja (LR)
-Zone America/Argentina/La_Rioja -4:27:24 - LMT 1894 Oct 31
- -4:16:48 - CMT 1920 May
- -4:00 - ART 1930 Dec
- -4:00 Arg AR%sT 1969 Oct 5
- -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1991 Mar 1
- -4:00 - WART 1991 May 7
- -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1999 Oct 3
- -4:00 Arg AR%sT 2000 Mar 3
- -3:00 - ART 2004 Jun 1
- -4:00 - WART 2004 Jun 20
- -3:00 - ART
-# San Juan (SJ)
-Zone America/Argentina/San_Juan -4:34:04 - LMT 1894 Oct 31
- -4:16:48 - CMT 1920 May
- -4:00 - ART 1930 Dec
- -4:00 Arg AR%sT 1969 Oct 5
- -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1991 Mar 1
- -4:00 - WART 1991 May 7
- -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1999 Oct 3
- -4:00 Arg AR%sT 2000 Mar 3
- -3:00 - ART 2004 May 31
- -4:00 - WART 2004 Jul 25
- -3:00 - ART
-# Jujuy (JY)
-Zone America/Argentina/Jujuy -4:21:12 - LMT 1894 Oct 31
- -4:16:48 - CMT 1920 May
- -4:00 - ART 1930 Dec
- -4:00 Arg AR%sT 1969 Oct 5
- -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1990 Mar 4
- -4:00 - WART 1990 Oct 28
- -4:00 1:00 WARST 1991 Mar 17
- -4:00 - WART 1991 Oct 6
- -3:00 1:00 ARST 1992
- -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1999 Oct 3
- -4:00 Arg AR%sT 2000 Mar 3
- -3:00 - ART
-# Catamarca (CT), Chubut (CH)
-Zone America/Argentina/Catamarca -4:23:08 - LMT 1894 Oct 31
- -4:16:48 - CMT 1920 May
- -4:00 - ART 1930 Dec
- -4:00 Arg AR%sT 1969 Oct 5
- -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1991 Mar 3
- -4:00 - WART 1991 Oct 20
- -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1999 Oct 3
- -4:00 Arg AR%sT 2000 Mar 3
- -3:00 - ART 2004 Jun 1
- -4:00 - WART 2004 Jun 20
- -3:00 - ART
-# Mendoza (MZ)
-Zone America/Argentina/Mendoza -4:35:16 - LMT 1894 Oct 31
- -4:16:48 - CMT 1920 May
- -4:00 - ART 1930 Dec
- -4:00 Arg AR%sT 1969 Oct 5
- -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1990 Mar 4
- -4:00 - WART 1990 Oct 15
- -4:00 1:00 WARST 1991 Mar 1
- -4:00 - WART 1991 Oct 15
- -4:00 1:00 WARST 1992 Mar 1
- -4:00 - WART 1992 Oct 18
- -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1999 Oct 3
- -4:00 Arg AR%sT 2000 Mar 3
- -3:00 - ART 2004 May 23
- -4:00 - WART 2004 Sep 26
- -3:00 - ART
-# Santa Cruz (SC)
-Zone America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos -4:36:52 - LMT 1894 Oct 31
- -4:16:48 - CMT 1920 May # Cordoba Mean Time
- -4:00 - ART 1930 Dec
- -4:00 Arg AR%sT 1969 Oct 5
- -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1999 Oct 3
- -4:00 Arg AR%sT 2000 Mar 3
- -3:00 - ART 2004 Jun 1
- -4:00 - WART 2004 Jun 20
- -3:00 - ART
-# Tierra del Fuego, Antartida e Islas del Atlantico Sur (TF)
-Zone America/Argentina/Ushuaia -4:33:12 - LMT 1894 Oct 31
- -4:16:48 - CMT 1920 May # Cordoba Mean Time
- -4:00 - ART 1930 Dec
- -4:00 Arg AR%sT 1969 Oct 5
- -3:00 Arg AR%sT 1999 Oct 3
- -4:00 Arg AR%sT 2000 Mar 3
- -3:00 - ART 2004 May 30
- -4:00 - WART 2004 Jun 20
- -3:00 - ART
-# Aruba
-Zone America/Aruba -4:40:24 - LMT 1912 Feb 12 # Oranjestad
- -4:30 - ANT 1965 # Netherlands Antilles Time
- -4:00 - AST
-# Bolivia
-Zone America/La_Paz -4:32:36 - LMT 1890
- -4:32:36 - CMT 1931 Oct 15 # Calamarca MT
- -4:32:36 1:00 BOST 1932 Mar 21 # Bolivia ST
- -4:00 - BOT # Bolivia Time
-# Brazil
-# From Paul Eggert (1993-11-18):
-# The mayor of Rio recently attempted to change the time zone rules
-# just in his city, in order to leave more summer time for the tourist trade.
-# The rule change lasted only part of the day;
-# the federal government refused to follow the city's rules, and business
-# was in a chaos, so the mayor backed down that afternoon.
-# From IATA SSIM (1996-02):
-# _Only_ the following states in BR1 observe DST: Rio Grande do Sul (RS),
-# Santa Catarina (SC), Parana (PR), Sao Paulo (SP), Rio de Janeiro (RJ),
-# Espirito Santo (ES), Minas Gerais (MG), Bahia (BA), Goias (GO),
-# Distrito Federal (DF), Tocantins (TO), Sergipe [SE] and Alagoas [AL].
-# [The last three states are new to this issue of the IATA SSIM.]
-# From Gwillim Law (1996-10-07):
-# Geography, history (Tocantins was part of Goias until 1989), and other
-# sources of time zone information lead me to believe that AL, SE, and TO were
-# always in BR1, and so the only change was whether or not they observed DST....
-# The earliest issue of the SSIM I have is 2/91. Each issue from then until
-# 9/95 says that DST is observed only in the ten states I quoted from 9/95,
-# along with Mato Grosso (MT) and Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), which are in BR2
-# (UTC-4).... The other two time zones given for Brazil are BR3, which is
-# UTC-5, no DST, and applies only in the state of Acre (AC); and BR4, which is
-# UTC-2, and applies to Fernando de Noronha (formerly FN, but I believe it's
-# become part of the state of Pernambuco). The boundary between BR1 and BR2
-# has never been clearly stated. They've simply been called East and West.
-# However, some conclusions can be drawn from another IATA manual: the Airline
-# Coding Directory, which lists close to 400 airports in Brazil. For each
-# airport it gives a time zone which is coded to the SSIM. From that
-# information, I'm led to conclude that the states of Amapa (AP), Ceara (CE),
-# Maranhao (MA), Paraiba (PR), Pernambuco (PE), Piaui (PI), and Rio Grande do
-# Norte (RN), and the eastern part of Para (PA) are all in BR1 without DST.
-# From Marcos Tadeu (1998-09-27):
-# Brazilian official page
-# From Jesper Norgaard (2000-11-03):
-# [For an official list of which regions in Brazil use which time zones, see:]
-# http://pcdsh01.on.br/Fusbr.htm
-# http://pcdsh01.on.br/Fusbrhv.htm
-# From Celso Doria via David Madeo (2002-10-09):
-# The reason for the delay this year has to do with elections in Brazil.
-# Unlike in the United States, elections in Brazil are 100% computerized and
-# the results are known almost immediately. Yesterday, it was the first
-# round of the elections when 115 million Brazilians voted for President,
-# Governor, Senators, Federal Deputies, and State Deputies. Nobody is
-# counting (or re-counting) votes anymore and we know there will be a second
-# round for the Presidency and also for some Governors. The 2nd round will
-# take place on October 27th.
-# The reason why the DST will only begin November 3rd is that the thousands
-# of electoral machines used cannot have their time changed, and since the
-# Constitution says the elections must begin at 8:00 AM and end at 5:00 PM,
-# the Government decided to postpone DST, instead of changing the Constitution
-# (maybe, for the next elections, it will be possible to change the clock)...
-# From Rodrigo Severo (2004-10-04):
-# It's just the biannual change made necessary by the much hyped, supposedly
-# modern Brazilian eletronic voting machines which, apparently, can't deal
-# with a time change between the first and the second rounds of the elections.
-# From Paul Eggert (2002-10-10):
-# The official decrees referenced below are mostly taken from
-# Decretos sobre o Horario de Verao no Brasil
-# (2001-09-20, in Portuguese).
-# The official site for all decrees, including those not related to time, is
-# Presidencia da Republica, Subchefia para Assuntos Juridicos, Decretos
-# (in Portuguese).
-# Decree 20,466 (1931-10-01)
-# Decree 21,896 (1932-01-10)
-Rule Brazil 1931 only - Oct 3 11:00 1:00 S
-Rule Brazil 1932 1933 - Apr 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Brazil 1932 only - Oct 3 0:00 1:00 S
-# Decree 23,195 (1933-10-10)
-# revoked DST.
-# Decree 27,496 (1949-11-24)
-# Decree 27,998 (1950-04-13)
-Rule Brazil 1949 1952 - Dec 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Brazil 1950 only - Apr 16 1:00 0 -
-Rule Brazil 1951 1952 - Apr 1 0:00 0 -
-# Decree 32,308 (1953-02-24)
-Rule Brazil 1953 only - Mar 1 0:00 0 -
-# Decree 34,724 (1953-11-30)
-# revoked DST.
-# Decree 52,700 (1963-10-18)
-# established DST from 1963-10-23 00:00 to 1964-02-29 00:00
-# in SP, RJ, GB, MG, ES, due to the prolongation of the drought.
-# Decree 53,071 (1963-12-03)
-# extended the above decree to all of the national territory on 12-09.
-Rule Brazil 1963 only - Dec 9 0:00 1:00 S
-# Decree 53,604 (1964-02-25)
-# extended summer time by one day to 1964-03-01 00:00 (start of school).
-Rule Brazil 1964 only - Mar 1 0:00 0 -
-# Decree 55,639 (1965-01-27)
-Rule Brazil 1965 only - Jan 31 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Brazil 1965 only - Mar 31 0:00 0 -
-# Decree 57,303 (1965-11-22)
-Rule Brazil 1965 only - Dec 1 0:00 1:00 S
-# Decree 57,843 (1966-02-18)
-Rule Brazil 1966 1968 - Mar 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Brazil 1966 1967 - Nov 1 0:00 1:00 S
-# Decree 63,429 (1968-10-15)
-# revoked DST.
-# Decree 91,698 (1985-09-27)
-Rule Brazil 1985 only - Nov 2 0:00 1:00 S
-# Decree 92,310 (1986-01-21)
-# Decree 92,463 (1986-03-13)
-Rule Brazil 1986 only - Mar 15 0:00 0 -
-# Decree 93,316 (1986-10-01)
-Rule Brazil 1986 only - Oct 25 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Brazil 1987 only - Feb 14 0:00 0 -
-# Decree 94,922 (1987-09-22)
-Rule Brazil 1987 only - Oct 25 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Brazil 1988 only - Feb 7 0:00 0 -
-# Decree 96,676 (1988-09-12)
-# except for the states of AC, AM, PA, RR, RO, and AP (then a territory)
-Rule Brazil 1988 only - Oct 16 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Brazil 1989 only - Jan 29 0:00 0 -
-# Decree 98,077 (1989-08-21)
-# with the same exceptions
-Rule Brazil 1989 only - Oct 15 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Brazil 1990 only - Feb 11 0:00 0 -
-# Decree 99,530 (1990-09-17)
-# adopted by RS, SC, PR, SP, RJ, ES, MG, GO, MS, DF.
-# Decree 99,629 (1990-10-19) adds BA, MT.
-Rule Brazil 1990 only - Oct 21 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Brazil 1991 only - Feb 17 0:00 0 -
-# Unnumbered decree (1991-09-25)
-# adopted by RS, SC, PR, SP, RJ, ES, MG, BA, GO, MT, MS, DF.
-Rule Brazil 1991 only - Oct 20 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Brazil 1992 only - Feb 9 0:00 0 -
-# Unnumbered decree (1992-10-16)
-# adopted by same states.
-Rule Brazil 1992 only - Oct 25 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Brazil 1993 only - Jan 31 0:00 0 -
-# Decree 942 (1993-09-28)
-# adopted by same states, plus AM.
-# Decree 1,252 (1994-09-22;
-# web page corrected 2004-01-07) adopted by same states, minus AM.
-# Decree 1,636 (1995-09-14)
-# adopted by same states, plus MT and TO.
-# Decree 1,674 (1995-10-13)
-# adds AL, SE.
-Rule Brazil 1993 1995 - Oct Sun>=11 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Brazil 1994 1995 - Feb Sun>=15 0:00 0 -
-Rule Brazil 1996 only - Feb 11 0:00 0 -
-# Decree 2,000 (1996-09-04)
-# adopted by same states, minus AL, SE.
-Rule Brazil 1996 only - Oct 6 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Brazil 1997 only - Feb 16 0:00 0 -
-# From Daniel C. Sobral (1998-02-12):
-# In 1997, the DS began on October 6. The stated reason was that
-# because international television networks ignored Brazil's policy on DS,
-# they bought the wrong times on satellite for coverage of Pope's visit.
-# This year, the ending date of DS was postponed to March 1
-# to help dealing with the shortages of electric power.
-# Decree 2,317 (1997-09-04), adopted by same states.
-Rule Brazil 1997 only - Oct 6 0:00 1:00 S
-# Decree 2,495
-# (1998-02-10)
-Rule Brazil 1998 only - Mar 1 0:00 0 -
-# Decree 2,780 (1998-09-11)
-# adopted by the same states as before.
-Rule Brazil 1998 only - Oct 11 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Brazil 1999 only - Feb 21 0:00 0 -
-# Decree 3,150
-# (1999-08-23) adopted by same states.
-# Decree 3,188 (1999-09-30)
-# adds SE, AL, PB, PE, RN, CE, PI, MA and RR.
-Rule Brazil 1999 only - Oct 3 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Brazil 2000 only - Feb 27 0:00 0 -
-# Decree 3,592 (2000-09-06)
-# adopted by the same states as before.
-# Decree 3,630 (2000-10-13)
-# repeals DST in PE and RR, effective 2000-10-15 00:00.
-# Decree 3,632 (2000-10-17)
-# repeals DST in SE, AL, PB, RN, CE, PI and MA, effective 2000-10-22 00:00.
-# Decree 3,916
-# (2001-09-13) reestablishes DST in AL, CE, MA, PB, PE, PI, RN, SE.
-Rule Brazil 2000 2001 - Oct Sun>=8 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Brazil 2001 max - Feb Sun>=15 0:00 0 -
-# Decree 4,399 (2002-10-01) repeals DST in AL, CE, MA, PB, PE, PI, RN, SE.
-Rule Brazil 2002 only - Nov 3 0:00 1:00 S
-# Decree 4,844 (2003-09-24; corrected 2003-09-26) repeals DST in BA, MT, TO.
-Rule Brazil 2003 only - Oct 19 0:00 1:00 S
-# Decree 5,223 (2004-10-01) reestablishes DST in MT.
-Rule Brazil 2004 only - Nov 2 0:00 1:00 S
-# Decree 5,539 (2005-09-19),
-# adopted by the same states as before.
-Rule Brazil 2005 max - Oct Sun>=15 0:00 1:00 S
-# The latest ruleset listed above says that the following states observe DST:
-# DF, ES, GO, MG, MS, MT, PR, RJ, RS, SC, SP.
-# For dates after mid-2006, the above rules with TO="max" are guesses
-# and are quite possibly wrong, but are more likely than no DST at all.
-# Fernando de Noronha (administratively part of PE)
-Zone America/Noronha -2:09:40 - LMT 1914
- -2:00 Brazil FN%sT 1990 Sep 17
- -2:00 - FNT 1999 Sep 30
- -2:00 Brazil FN%sT 2000 Oct 15
- -2:00 - FNT 2001 Sep 13
- -2:00 Brazil FN%sT 2002 Oct 1
- -2:00 - FNT
-# Other Atlantic islands have no permanent settlement.
-# These include Trindade and Martin Vaz (administratively part of ES),
-# Atol das Rocas (RN), and Penedos de Sao Pedro e Sao Paulo (PE).
-# Fernando de Noronha was a separate territory from 1942-09-02 to 1989-01-01;
-# it also included the Penedos.
-# Amapa (AP), east Para (PA)
-# East Para includes Belem, Maraba, Serra Norte, and Sao Felix do Xingu.
-# The division between east and west Para is the river Xingu.
-# In the north a very small part from the river Javary (now Jari I guess,
-# the border with Amapa) to the Amazon, then to the Xingu.
-Zone America/Belem -3:13:56 - LMT 1914
- -3:00 Brazil BR%sT 1988 Sep 12
- -3:00 - BRT
-# Maranhao (MA), Piaui (PI), Ceara (CE), Rio Grande do Norte (RN),
-# Paraiba (PB)
-Zone America/Fortaleza -2:34:00 - LMT 1914
- -3:00 Brazil BR%sT 1990 Sep 17
- -3:00 - BRT 1999 Sep 30
- -3:00 Brazil BR%sT 2000 Oct 22
- -3:00 - BRT 2001 Sep 13
- -3:00 Brazil BR%sT 2002 Oct 1
- -3:00 - BRT
-# Pernambuco (PE) (except Atlantic islands)
-Zone America/Recife -2:19:36 - LMT 1914
- -3:00 Brazil BR%sT 1990 Sep 17
- -3:00 - BRT 1999 Sep 30
- -3:00 Brazil BR%sT 2000 Oct 15
- -3:00 - BRT 2001 Sep 13
- -3:00 Brazil BR%sT 2002 Oct 1
- -3:00 - BRT
-# Tocantins (TO)
-Zone America/Araguaina -3:12:48 - LMT 1914
- -3:00 Brazil BR%sT 1990 Sep 17
- -3:00 - BRT 1995 Sep 14
- -3:00 Brazil BR%sT 2003 Sep 24
- -3:00 - BRT
-# Alagoas (AL), Sergipe (SE)
-Zone America/Maceio -2:22:52 - LMT 1914
- -3:00 Brazil BR%sT 1990 Sep 17
- -3:00 - BRT 1995 Oct 13
- -3:00 Brazil BR%sT 1996 Sep 4
- -3:00 - BRT 1999 Sep 30
- -3:00 Brazil BR%sT 2000 Oct 22
- -3:00 - BRT 2001 Sep 13
- -3:00 Brazil BR%sT 2002 Oct 1
- -3:00 - BRT
-# Bahia (BA)
-# There are too many Salvadors elsewhere, so use America/Bahia instead
-# of America/Salvador.
-Zone America/Bahia -2:34:04 - LMT 1914
- -3:00 Brazil BR%sT 2003 Sep 24
- -3:00 - BRT
-# Goias (GO), Distrito Federal (DF), Minas Gerais (MG),
-# Espirito Santo (ES), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Sao Paulo (SP), Parana (PR),
-# Santa Catarina (SC), Rio Grande do Sul (RS)
-Zone America/Sao_Paulo -3:06:28 - LMT 1914
- -3:00 Brazil BR%sT 1963 Oct 23 00:00
- -3:00 1:00 BRST 1964
- -3:00 Brazil BR%sT
-# Mato Grosso do Sul (MS)
-Zone America/Campo_Grande -3:38:28 - LMT 1914
- -4:00 Brazil AM%sT
-# Mato Grosso (MT)
-Zone America/Cuiaba -3:44:20 - LMT 1914
- -4:00 Brazil AM%sT 2003 Sep 24
- -4:00 - AMT 2004 Oct 1
- -4:00 Brazil AM%sT
-# west Para (PA), Rondonia (RO)
-# West Para includes Altamira, Oribidos, Prainha, Oriximina, and Santarem.
-Zone America/Porto_Velho -4:15:36 - LMT 1914
- -4:00 Brazil AM%sT 1988 Sep 12
- -4:00 - AMT
-# Roraima (RR)
-Zone America/Boa_Vista -4:02:40 - LMT 1914
- -4:00 Brazil AM%sT 1988 Sep 12
- -4:00 - AMT 1999 Sep 30
- -4:00 Brazil AM%sT 2000 Oct 15
- -4:00 - AMT
-# east Amazonas (AM): Boca do Acre, Jutai, Manaus, Floriano Peixoto
-# The great circle line from Tabatinga to Porto Acre divides
-# east from west Amazonas.
-Zone America/Manaus -4:00:04 - LMT 1914
- -4:00 Brazil AM%sT 1988 Sep 12
- -4:00 - AMT 1993 Sep 28
- -4:00 Brazil AM%sT 1994 Sep 22
- -4:00 - AMT
-# west Amazonas (AM): Atalaia do Norte, Boca do Maoco, Benjamin Constant,
-# Eirunepe, Envira, Ipixuna
-Zone America/Eirunepe -4:39:28 - LMT 1914
- -5:00 Brazil AC%sT 1988 Sep 12
- -5:00 - ACT 1993 Sep 28
- -5:00 Brazil AC%sT 1994 Sep 22
- -5:00 - ACT
-# Acre (AC)
-Zone America/Rio_Branco -4:31:12 - LMT 1914
- -5:00 Brazil AC%sT 1988 Sep 12
- -5:00 - ACT
-# Chile
-# From Eduardo Krell (1995-10-19):
-# The law says to switch to DST at midnight [24:00] on the second SATURDAY
-# of October.... The law is the same for March and October.
-# (1998-09-29):
-# Because of the drought this year, the government decided to go into
-# DST earlier (saturday 9/26 at 24:00). This is a one-time change only ...
-# (unless there's another dry season next year, I guess).
-# From Julio I. Pacheco Troncoso (1999-03-18):
-# Because of the same drought, the government decided to end DST later,
-# on April 3, (one-time change).
-# From Gwillim Law (2001-05-04):
-# I came across another article in "La Tercera" about Chilean DST.
-# It clearly confirms my earlier suggestion, that DST begins at 22:00
-# on Easter Island.... But it also seems to be saying that the
-# observance of DST in Chile began in 1966, rather than 1969 as
-# ... [Shanks] has it....
-# My translation:
-# "The Chilean Army has announced that summer time will begin tomorrow,
-# Saturday, October 14 in continental Chile, insular Chile, and
-# Antarctica, as provided by Supreme Decree 25 of January 11, 1966.
-# By the preceding, official time in continental Chile and Chilean
-# Antarctic, and official time in Western Insular Chile, which applies
-# to Easter Island and Sala y Gomez Island, will be set forward at
-# midnight and at 22:00, respectively, by 20 minutes."
-# From Paul Eggert (2001-05-04):
-# Go with this article in preference to Shanks's 1969 date for modern DST.
-# Assume this rule has been used since DST was introduced in the islands.
-# From Paul Eggert (2002-10-24):
-# gives many details that
-# disagree with the following table, but we haven't had time to compare them.
-Rule Chile 1918 only - Sep 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Chile 1919 only - Jul 2 0:00 0 -
-Rule Chile 1927 1931 - Sep 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Chile 1928 1932 - Apr 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Chile 1966 1997 - Oct Sun>=9 4:00u 1:00 S
-Rule Chile 1967 1998 - Mar Sun>=9 3:00u 0 -
-Rule Chile 1998 only - Sep 27 4:00u 1:00 S
-Rule Chile 1999 only - Apr 4 3:00u 0 -
-Rule Chile 1999 max - Oct Sun>=9 4:00u 1:00 S
-Rule Chile 2000 max - Mar Sun>=9 3:00u 0 -
-# IATA SSIM anomalies: (1990-09) says 1990-09-16; (1992-02) says 1992-03-14;
-# (1996-09) says 1998-03-08. Ignore these.
-Zone America/Santiago -4:42:40 - LMT 1890
- -4:42:40 - SMT 1910 # Santiago Mean Time
- -5:00 Chile CL%sT 1932 Sep # Chile Time
- -4:00 Chile CL%sT
-Zone Pacific/Easter -7:17:28 - LMT 1890 # Mataveri
- -7:17:28 - MMT 1932 Sep # Mataveri Mean Time
- -7:00 Chile EAS%sT 1982 Mar 14 # Easter I Time
- -6:00 Chile EAS%sT
-# Sala y Gomez Island is like Pacific/Easter.
-# Other Chilean locations, including Juan Fernandez Is, San Ambrosio,
-# San Felix, and Antarctic bases, are like America/Santiago.
-# Colombia
-# Shanks specifies 24:00 for 1992 transition times; go with IATA,
-# as it seems implausible to change clocks at midnight New Year's Eve.
-Rule CO 1992 only - May 2 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule CO 1992 only - Dec 31 0:00 0 -
-Zone America/Bogota -4:56:20 - LMT 1884 Mar 13
- -4:56:20 - BMT 1914 Nov 23 # Bogota Mean Time
- -5:00 CO CO%sT # Colombia Time
-# Malpelo, Providencia, San Andres
-# no information; probably like America/Bogota
-# Curacao
-# Shanks says that Bottom and Oranjestad have been at -4:00 since
-# standard time was introduced on 1912-03-02; and that Kralendijk and Rincon
-# used Kralendijk Mean Time (-4:33:08) from 1912-02-02 to 1965-01-01.
-# This all predates our 1970 cutoff, though.
-Zone America/Curacao -4:35:44 - LMT 1912 Feb 12 # Willemstad
- -4:30 - ANT 1965 # Netherlands Antilles Time
- -4:00 - AST
-# Ecuador
-Zone America/Guayaquil -5:19:20 - LMT 1890
- -5:14:00 - QMT 1931 # Quito Mean Time
- -5:00 - ECT # Ecuador Time
-Zone Pacific/Galapagos -5:58:24 - LMT 1931 # Puerto Baquerizo Moreno
- -5:00 - ECT 1986
- -6:00 - GALT # Galapagos Time
-# Falklands
-# From Paul Eggert (2001-03-05):
-# Between 1990 and 2000 inclusive, Shanks and the IATA agree except
-# the IATA gives 1996-09-08. Go with Shanks.
-# From Falkland Islands Government Office, London (2001-01-22)
-# via Jesper Norgaard:
-# ... the clocks revert back to Local Mean Time at 2 am on Sunday 15
-# April 2001 and advance one hour to summer time at 2 am on Sunday 2
-# September. It is anticipated that the clocks will revert back at 2
-# am on Sunday 21 April 2002 and advance to summer time at 2 am on
-# Sunday 1 September.
-# From Rives McDow (2001-02-13):
-# I have communicated several times with people there, and the last
-# time I had communications that was helpful was in 1998. Here is
-# what was said then:
-# "The general rule was that Stanley used daylight saving and the Camp
-# did not. However for various reasons many people in the Camp have
-# started to use daylight saving (known locally as 'Stanley Time')
-# There is no rule as to who uses daylight saving - it is a matter of
-# personal choice and so it is impossible to draw a map showing who
-# uses it and who does not. Any list would be out of date as soon as
-# it was produced. This year daylight saving ended on April 18/19th
-# and started again on September 12/13th. I do not know what the rule
-# is, but can find out if you like. We do not change at the same time
-# as UK or Chile."
-# I did have in my notes that the rule was "Second Saturday in Sep at
-# 0:00 until third Saturday in Apr at 0:00". I think that this does
-# not agree in some cases with Shanks; is this true?
-# Also, there is no mention in the list that some areas in the
-# Falklands do not use DST. I have found in my communications there
-# that these areas are on the western half of East Falkland and all of
-# West Falkland. Stanley is the only place that consistently observes
-# DST. Again, as in other places in the world, the farmers don't like
-# it. West Falkland is almost entirely sheep farmers.
-# I know one lady there that keeps a list of which farm keeps DST and
-# which doesn't each year. She runs a shop in Stanley, and says that
-# the list changes each year. She uses it to communicate to her
-# customers, catching them when they are home for lunch or dinner.
-# From Paul Eggert (2001-03-05):
-# For now, we'll just record the time in Stanley, since we have no
-# better info.
-Rule Falk 1937 1938 - Sep lastSun 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Falk 1938 1942 - Mar Sun>=19 0:00 0 -
-Rule Falk 1939 only - Oct 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Falk 1940 1942 - Sep lastSun 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Falk 1943 only - Jan 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Falk 1983 only - Sep lastSun 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Falk 1984 1985 - Apr lastSun 0:00 0 -
-Rule Falk 1984 only - Sep 16 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Falk 1985 2000 - Sep Sun>=9 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Falk 1986 2000 - Apr Sun>=16 0:00 0 -
-Rule Falk 2001 max - Apr Sun>=15 2:00 0 -
-Rule Falk 2001 max - Sep Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 S
-Zone Atlantic/Stanley -3:51:24 - LMT 1890
- -3:51:24 - SMT 1912 Mar 12 # Stanley Mean Time
- -4:00 Falk FK%sT 1983 May # Falkland Is Time
- -3:00 Falk FK%sT 1985 Sep 15
- -4:00 Falk FK%sT
-# French Guiana
-Zone America/Cayenne -3:29:20 - LMT 1911 Jul
- -4:00 - GFT 1967 Oct # French Guiana Time
- -3:00 - GFT
-# Guyana
-Zone America/Guyana -3:52:40 - LMT 1915 Mar # Georgetown
- -3:45 - GBGT 1966 May 26 # Br Guiana Time
- -3:45 - GYT 1975 Jul 31 # Guyana Time
- -3:00 - GYT 1991
-# IATA SSIM (1996-06) says -4:00. Assume a 1991 switch.
- -4:00 - GYT
-# Paraguay
-# From Paul Eggert (1999-10-29):
-# Shanks (1999) says that spring transitions are from 01:00 -> 02:00,
-# and autumn transitions are from 00:00 -> 23:00. Go with earlier
-# editions of Shanks, and with the IATA, who say transitions occur at 00:00.
-Rule Para 1975 1988 - Oct 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Para 1975 1978 - Mar 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Para 1979 1991 - Apr 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Para 1989 only - Oct 22 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Para 1990 only - Oct 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Para 1991 only - Oct 6 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Para 1992 only - Mar 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Para 1992 only - Oct 5 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Para 1993 only - Mar 31 0:00 0 -
-Rule Para 1993 1995 - Oct 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Para 1994 1995 - Feb lastSun 0:00 0 -
-Rule Para 1996 only - Mar 1 0:00 0 -
-# IATA SSIM (2000-02) says 1999-10-10; ignore this for now.
-# From Steffen Thorsen (2000-10-02):
-# I have three independent reports that Paraguay changed to DST this Sunday
-# (10-01).
-# Translated by Gwillim Law (2001-02-27) from
-# Noticias, a daily paper in Asuncion, Paraguay (2000-10-01)
-# :
-# Starting at 0:00 today, the clock will be set forward 60 minutes, in
-# fulfillment of Decree No. 7,273 of the Executive Power.... The time change
-# system has been operating for several years. Formerly there was a separate
-# decree each year; the new law has the same effect, but permanently. Every
-# year, the time will change on the first Sunday of October; likewise, the
-# clock will be set back on the first Sunday of March.
-# From Jesper Norgaard (2001-03-06) [an official URL saying similar things]:
-# http://gateway.abc.com.py:8000/pub/pag04.mbr/artic?FHA=2001-03-03-
-Rule Para 1996 2001 - Oct Sun>=1 0:00 1:00 S
-# IATA SSIM (1997-09) says Mar 1; go with Shanks.
-Rule Para 1997 only - Feb lastSun 0:00 0 -
-# Shanks says 1999-02-28; IATA SSIM (1999-02) says 1999-02-27, but
-# (1999-09) reports no date; go with above sources and Gerd Knops (2001-02-27).
-Rule Para 1998 2001 - Mar Sun>=1 0:00 0 -
-# From Rives McDow (2002-02-28):
-# A decree was issued in Paraguay (no. 16350) on 2002-02-26 that changed the
-# dst method to be from the first Sunday in September to the first Sunday in
-# April.
-Rule Para 2002 2004 - Apr Sun>=1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Para 2002 2003 - Sep Sun>=1 0:00 1:00 S
-# From Jesper Norgaard Welen (2005-01-02):
-# There are several sources that claim that Paraguay made
-# a timezone rule change in autumn 2004.
-# From Steffen Thorsen (2005-01-05):
-# Decree 1,867 (2004-03-05)
-Rule Para 2004 max - Oct Sun>=15 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Para 2005 max - Mar Sun>=8 0:00 0 -
-Zone America/Asuncion -3:50:40 - LMT 1890
- -3:50:40 - AMT 1931 Oct 10 # Asuncion Mean Time
- -4:00 - PYT 1972 Oct # Paraguay Time
- -3:00 - PYT 1974 Apr
- -4:00 Para PY%sT
-# Peru
-# From Evelyn C. Leeper via Mark Brader (2003-10-26):
-# When we were in Peru in 1985-1986, they apparently switched over
-# sometime between December 29 and January 3 while we were on the Amazon.
-# From Paul Eggert (2003-11-02):
-# Shanks doesn't have this transition. Assume 1986 was like 1987.
-Rule Peru 1938 only - Jan 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Peru 1938 only - Apr 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Peru 1938 1939 - Sep lastSun 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Peru 1939 1940 - Mar Sun>=24 0:00 0 -
-Rule Peru 1986 1987 - Jan 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Peru 1986 1987 - Apr 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Peru 1990 only - Jan 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Peru 1990 only - Apr 1 0:00 0 -
-# IATA is ambiguous for 1993/1995; go with Shanks.
-Rule Peru 1994 only - Jan 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Peru 1994 only - Apr 1 0:00 0 -
-Zone America/Lima -5:08:12 - LMT 1890
- -5:08:36 - LMT 1908 Jul 28 # Lima Mean Time?
- -5:00 Peru PE%sT # Peru Time
-# South Georgia
-Zone Atlantic/South_Georgia -2:26:08 - LMT 1890 # Grytviken
- -2:00 - GST # South Georgia Time
-# South Sandwich Is
-# uninhabited; scientific personnel have wintered
-# Suriname
-Zone America/Paramaribo -3:40:40 - LMT 1911
- -3:40:52 - PMT 1935 # Paramaribo Mean Time
- -3:40:36 - PMT 1945 Oct # The capital moved?
- -3:30 - NEGT 1975 Nov 20 # Dutch Guiana Time
- -3:30 - SRT 1984 Oct # Suriname Time
- -3:00 - SRT
-# Trinidad and Tobago
-Zone America/Port_of_Spain -4:06:04 - LMT 1912 Mar 2
- -4:00 - AST
-# Uruguay
-# From Paul Eggert (1993-11-18):
-# Uruguay wins the prize for the strangest peacetime manipulation of the rules.
-# From Shanks:
-# Whitman gives 1923 Oct 1; go with Shanks.
-Rule Uruguay 1923 only - Oct 2 0:00 0:30 HS
-Rule Uruguay 1924 1926 - Apr 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Uruguay 1924 1925 - Oct 1 0:00 0:30 HS
-Rule Uruguay 1933 1935 - Oct lastSun 0:00 0:30 HS
-# Shanks gives 1935 Apr 1 0:00 and 1936 Mar 30 0:00; go with Whitman.
-Rule Uruguay 1934 1936 - Mar Sat>=25 23:30s 0 -
-Rule Uruguay 1936 only - Nov 1 0:00 0:30 HS
-Rule Uruguay 1937 1941 - Mar lastSun 0:00 0 -
-# Whitman gives 1937 Oct 3; go with Shanks.
-Rule Uruguay 1937 1940 - Oct lastSun 0:00 0:30 HS
-# Whitman gives 1941 Oct 24 - 1942 Mar 27, 1942 Dec 14 - 1943 Apr 13,
-# and 1943 Apr 13 ``to present time''; go with Shanks.
-Rule Uruguay 1941 only - Aug 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Uruguay 1942 only - Jan 1 0:00 0:30 HS
-Rule Uruguay 1942 only - Dec 14 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Uruguay 1943 only - Mar 14 0:00 0 -
-Rule Uruguay 1959 only - May 24 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Uruguay 1959 only - Nov 15 0:00 0 -
-Rule Uruguay 1960 only - Jan 17 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Uruguay 1960 only - Mar 6 0:00 0 -
-Rule Uruguay 1965 1967 - Apr Sun>=1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Uruguay 1965 only - Sep 26 0:00 0 -
-Rule Uruguay 1966 1967 - Oct 31 0:00 0 -
-Rule Uruguay 1968 1970 - May 27 0:00 0:30 HS
-Rule Uruguay 1968 1970 - Dec 2 0:00 0 -
-Rule Uruguay 1972 only - Apr 24 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Uruguay 1972 only - Aug 15 0:00 0 -
-Rule Uruguay 1974 only - Mar 10 0:00 0:30 HS
-Rule Uruguay 1974 only - Dec 22 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Uruguay 1976 only - Oct 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Uruguay 1977 only - Dec 4 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Uruguay 1978 only - Apr 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Uruguay 1979 only - Oct 1 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Uruguay 1980 only - May 1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Uruguay 1987 only - Dec 14 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Uruguay 1988 only - Mar 14 0:00 0 -
-Rule Uruguay 1988 only - Dec 11 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Uruguay 1989 only - Mar 12 0:00 0 -
-Rule Uruguay 1989 only - Oct 29 0:00 1:00 S
-# Shanks says no DST was observed in 1990/1 and 1991/2,
-# and that 1992/3's DST was from 10-25 to 03-01. Go with IATA.
-Rule Uruguay 1990 1992 - Mar Sun>=1 0:00 0 -
-Rule Uruguay 1990 1991 - Oct Sun>=21 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Uruguay 1992 only - Oct 18 0:00 1:00 S
-Rule Uruguay 1993 only - Feb 28 0:00 0 -
-# From Eduardo Cota (2004-09-20):
-# The uruguayan government has decreed a change in the local time....
-# http://www.presidencia.gub.uy/decretos/2004091502.htm
-Rule Uruguay 2004 only - Sep 19 0:00 1:00 S
-# From Steffen Thorsen (2005-03-11):
-# Uruguay's DST was scheduled to end on Sunday, 2005-03-13, but in order to
-# save energy ... it was postponed two weeks....
-# http://www.presidencia.gub.uy/_Web/noticias/2005/03/2005031005.htm
-Rule Uruguay 2005 only - Mar 27 2:00 0 -
-# From Eduardo Cota (2005-09-27):
-# http://www.presidencia.gub.uy/_Web/decretos/2005/09/CM%20119_09%2009%202005_00001.PDF
-# This means that from 2005-10-09 at 02:00 local time, until 2006-03-12 at
-# 02:00 local time, official time in Uruguay will be at GMT -2.
-Rule Uruguay 2005 only - Oct 9 2:00 1:00 S
-Rule Uruguay 2006 only - Mar 12 2:00 0 -
-Zone America/Montevideo -3:44:44 - LMT 1898 Jun 28
- -3:44:44 - MMT 1920 May 1 # Montevideo MT
- -3:30 Uruguay UY%sT 1942 Dec 14 # Uruguay Time
- -3:00 Uruguay UY%sT
-# Venezuela
-Zone America/Caracas -4:27:44 - LMT 1890
- -4:27:40 - CMT 1912 Feb 12 # Caracas Mean Time?
- -4:30 - VET 1965 # Venezuela Time
- -4:00 - VET
diff --git a/install/timezone/tz_version.txt b/install/timezone/tz_version.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e5ae03a18..000000000
--- a/install/timezone/tz_version.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-# This file simply contains the current Timezone version based on
-# the effective year. For example tzdata2005i.tar.gz
-# The most recent timezone data can be downloaded from
-# ftp://elsie.nci.nih.gov/pub/
-# extract the data files to this directory and run the /install/index.php
-# script to update your timezone definitions.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/install/tz_import.php b/install/tz_import.php
deleted file mode 100644
index ae1e075d5..000000000
--- a/install/tz_import.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,397 +0,0 @@
- 1,
- "Feb" => 2,
- "Mar" => 3,
- "Apr" => 4,
- "May" => 5,
- "Jun" => 6,
- "Jul" => 7,
- "Aug" => 8,
- "Sep" => 9,
- "Oct" => 10,
- "Nov" => 11,
- "Dec" => 12
-$days_of_week = array (
- "Sun" => 0,
- "Mon" => 1,
- "Tue" => 2,
- "Wed" => 3,
- "Thu" => 4,
- "Fri" => 5,
- "Sat" => 6
-$min_date = mktime ( 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 1970 );
-$max_date = mktime ( 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2038 );
-//We will convert from Server based storage to GMT time
-function convert_server_to_GMT () {
- //Default value
- $error = "Conversion Successful";
- // Do webcal_entry update
- $res = dbi_execute ( "SELECT cal_date, cal_time, cal_id, cal_duration FROM webcal_entry" );
- if ( $res ) {
- while ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) {
- $cal_date = $row[0];
- $cal_time = sprintf ( "%06d", $row[1] );
- $cal_id = $row[2];
- $cal_duration = $row[3];
- // Skip Untimed or All Day events
- if ( ( $cal_time == -1 ) || ( $cal_time == 0 && $cal_duration == 1440 ) ){
- continue;
- } else {
- $sy = substr ( $cal_date, 0, 4 );
- $sm = substr ( $cal_date, 4, 2 );
- $sd = substr ( $cal_date, 6, 2 );
- $sh = substr ( $cal_time, 0, 2 );
- $si = substr ( $cal_time, 2, 2 );
- $ss = substr ( $cal_time, 4, 2 );
- $new_datetime = mktime ( $sh, $si, $ss, $sm, $sd, $sy );
- $new_cal_date = gmdate ( "Ymd", $new_datetime );
- $new_cal_time = gmdate ( "His", $new_datetime );
- // Now update row with new data
- if ( ! dbi_execute ( "UPDATE webcal_entry SET cal_date = ?, " .
- " cal_time = ? ".
- "WHERE cal_id = ?" , array ( $new_cal_date , $new_cal_time , $cal_id ) ) ){
- $error = "Error updating table 'webcal_entry' " . dbi_error ();
- return $error;
- }
- }
- }
- dbi_free_result ( $res );
- }
- // Do webcal_entry_logs update
- $res = dbi_execute ( "SELECT cal_date, cal_time, cal_log_id FROM webcal_entry_log" );
- if ( $res ) {
- while ( $row = dbi_fetch_row ( $res ) ) {
- $cal_date = $row[0];
- $cal_time = sprintf ( "%06d", $row[1] );
- $cal_log_id = $row[2];
- $sy = substr ( $cal_date, 0, 4 );
- $sm = substr ( $cal_date, 4, 2 );
- $sd = substr ( $cal_date, 6, 2 );
- $sh = substr ( $cal_time, 0, 2 );
- $si = substr ( $cal_time, 2, 2 );
- $ss = substr ( $cal_time, 4, 2 );
- $new_datetime = mktime ( $sh, $si, $ss, $sm, $sd, $sy );
- $new_cal_date = gmdate ( "Ymd", $new_datetime );
- $new_cal_time = gmdate ( "His", $new_datetime );
- // Now update row with new data
- if ( ! dbi_execute ( "UPDATE webcal_entry_log SET cal_date = ?, " .
- " cal_time = ? ".
- "WHERE cal_log_id = ?" , array ( $new_cal_date , $new_cal_time , $cal_log_id ) ) ){
- $error = "Error updating table 'webcal_entry_log' " . dbi_error ();
- return $error;
- }
- }
- dbi_free_result ( $res );
- }
- // Update Conversion Flag in webcal_config
- //Delete any existing entry
- $sql = "DELETE FROM webcal_config WHERE cal_setting = 'WEBCAL_TZ_CONVERSION'";
- if ( ! dbi_execute ( $sql ) ) {
- $error = "Database error: " . dbi_error ();
- return $error;
- }
- $sql = "INSERT INTO webcal_config ( cal_setting, cal_value ) " .
- if ( ! dbi_execute ( $sql ) ) {
- $error = "Database error: " . dbi_error ();
- return $error;
- }
- return $error;
-function get_lastDay ( $year, $month = 'Jan', $which, $time = '' ) {
- global $days_of_week, $months;
- if ( $time <> '' ) {
- $hours = substr ( $time, 0, strpos( $time, ":"));
- $minutes = substr ( $time, strpos( $time, ":") +1, 2);
- } else {
- $hours = $minutes = 0;
- }
- $lastday = date ( "w", mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $months[$month] +1 , 0, $year ) );
- $offset = -( ( $lastday +7 - $days_of_week[ substr( $which, 4, 3) ] ) % 7);
- $newdate = mktime ( $hours, $minutes, 0, $months[$month] + 1, $offset, $year);
- return $newdate;
-function get_ltgtDay ( $year, $month = 'Jan', $which, $time = '' ) {
- global $days_of_week, $months;
- if ( $time <> '' ) {
- $hours = substr ( $time, 0, strpos( $time, ":"));
- $minutes = substr ( $time, strpos( $time, ":") +1, 2);
- } else {
- $hours = $minutes = 0;
- }
- $which_day = substr( $which, 5, strlen( $which) -5);
- $givenday = date ( "w", mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $months[$month] , $which_day, $year ) );
- if ( substr ( $which, 3,2) == "<=" ) {
- $offset = -( ( $givenday + 7 - $days_of_week[ substr($which,0,3)]) % 7);
- } else {
- $offset = ( ( $days_of_week[ substr($which,0,3)] + 7 - $givenday ) % 7);
- }
- $newdate = mktime ( $hours, $minutes, 0, $months[$month] , $which_day + $offset, $year );
- return $newdate;
-function get_seconds ( $time_part ) {
-global $min_date, $max_date;
- $ret = 0;
- if ( $time_part == "Link" ) {
- $ret = "Link";
- } else if ( $time_part == "0:00" ) {
- $ret = 0;
- } else {
- $neg_gmtoff = "";
- if( substr( $time_part , 0, 1) == "-" ) {
- $time_part = substr($time_part ,1);
- $neg_gmtoff = "-";
- }
- $ret = (date("G", strtotime($time_part)) * 3600) +
- (date( "i",strtotime( $time_part)) * 60) +
- (date( "s", strtotime($time_part)));
- $ret = $neg_gmtoff . $ret;
- }
- return $ret;
-function do_tz_import ( $file_path= "timezone/") {
- global $months, $min_date, $max_date;
- $error = "Import Successful";
- // You could delete any of these that you are sure your users will not need.
- // You can always rerun this script update your selection.
- $tz_file_array = array(
- "africa",
- "asia",
- "australasia",
- "europe",
- "northamerica",
- "southamerica"
- );
- //Delete any existing data
- $sql = "DELETE FROM webcal_tz_rules";
- if ( ! dbi_execute ( $sql, false, false ) ) {
- $error = "Database error: " . dbi_error ();
- return $error;
- }
- $sql = "DELETE FROM webcal_tz_zones";
- if ( ! dbi_execute ( $sql, false, false ) ) {
- $error = "Database error: " . dbi_error ();
- return $error;
- }
- $sql = "DELETE FROM webcal_tz_list";
- if ( ! dbi_execute ( $sql, false, false ) ) {
- $error = "Database error: " . dbi_error ();
- return $error;
- }
- $valid_tags = array( "Link", "Rule", "Zone" );
- for ($i = 0 ; $i < count ( $tz_file_array ); $i++ ) {
- if (!$fd=@fopen( $file_path . $tz_file_array[$i],"r", false)) {
- $error = "Can't read temporary file: $tz_file_array[$i]\n";
- return $error;
- } else {
- $line = 0;
- while (($data = fgets($fd, 1000)) !== FALSE) {
- //echo strlen( $data ) . " " . $data . " ";
- if ( ( substr (trim($data),0,1) == "#" ) || strlen( $data ) <=2 ) {
- continue;
- } else if ( substr (trim($data),0,4) == "Link" ){
- //Ignore Links for now
- continue;
- } else {
- $data = trim ( $data, strrchr( $data, "#" ) ) ;
- $data = preg_split("/[\s,]+/", trim ($data ) ) ;
- if ( $data[0] == "Zone" ) {
- $data0 = "Zone";
- $data1 = $data[1];
- }
- if ( ! array_search ( $data[0], $valid_tags )) {
- $zone_from = ( empty ( $zone_until ) ||
- ($zone_until == $max_date ||
- $zone_until == "" )? $min_date : $zone_until +1);
- array_unshift($data, $data0, $data1);
- } else {
- $zone_from = $min_date;
- }
- //set rule_to to rule_from if 'only'
- $data[3] = ( $data[3] == "only"? $data[2] : $data[3]);
- //set rule_to to 2038 id max or maximum
- $data[3] = ( substr( $data[3],0,3) == "max"? '2038' : $data[3]);
- $data4 = ( isset ( $data[4] ) ? $data[4]: '' );
- $data6 = ( isset ( $data[6] ) ? $data[6]: '' );
- if ( $data[0] == "Rule" && (
- ! ( $data[2] < 1970 && $data[3] < 1970 ) ) ) {
- $rule_at_suffix = '';
- if ( ! empty( $data[7] ) && preg_match ( "/(\D)$/i", $data[7], $match ) ){
- $data[7] = substr( $data[7], 0, strlen($data[7]) -1);
- $rule_at_suffix = $match[0];
- }
- $rule_at = get_seconds ( $data[7] );
- $rule_save = get_seconds ( $data[8] );
- $data9 = ( $data[9] == "-" ? "" : $data[9] );
- $sql = "INSERT INTO webcal_tz_rules ( rule_name, rule_from, rule_to, rule_type, " .
- "rule_in, rule_on, rule_at, rule_at_suffix, rule_save, rule_letter ) " .
- "VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )";
- if ( ! dbi_execute ( $sql , array ( $data[1] , $data[2] , $data[3] , $data4 ,
- $months[$data[5]] , $data6 , $rule_at , $rule_at_suffix , $rule_save , $data9 ) ) ) {
- $error = "Database error: " . dbi_error ();
- }
- }
- if ( $data[0] == "Zone"
- && ( ! isset( $data[5]) || substr($data[5],0,4) >= 1970 )) {
- if ( isset ( $data[7] ) && substr( $data[7], 0, 4) == "last" ) {
- $zone_until = get_lastDay ( $data[5], ( ! empty ($data[6])? $data[6]:""),
- $data[7], ( ! empty ($data[8])? $data[8]:"") );
- } else if ( isset ( $data[7] ) && substr( $data[7], 4, 1) == "=" ) {
- $zone_until = get_ltgtDay ( $data[5], ( ! empty ($data[6])? $data[6]:""),
- $data[7], ( ! empty ($data[8])? $data[8]:"") );
- } else if (! isset( $data[5] ) ){
- $zone_until = $max_date;
- } else {
- $zone_until = strtotime( ( ! empty ($data[7])? $data[7]:"1") .
- " ". ( ! empty ($data[6])? $data[6]:"Jan") .
- " " . ( ! empty ($data[5])? $data[5]:"2038").
- " " . ( ! empty ($data[8])? $data[8]:"") );
- }
- $zone_gmtoff = get_seconds( $data[2]);
- if ( ! isset ( $data[3] ) || $data[3] == "-" || $data[3] == "1:00" ) {
- $data[3] = '';
- }
- $sql = "INSERT INTO webcal_tz_zones ( zone_name, zone_gmtoff, zone_rules, " .
- "zone_format, zone_from, zone_until, zone_cc, zone_coord, zone_country ) " .
- "VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )";
- if ( ! dbi_execute ( $sql , array ( $data[1] , $zone_gmtoff, $data[3] ,
- $data4 , $zone_from , $zone_until, '', '', '' ) ) ) {
- $error = "Database error: " . dbi_error ();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- fclose($fd);
- }
- } // Next tz_file
- //Import Country Code and Coordinate Data
- $tz_file = "zone.tab";
- if (!$fd=@fopen( $file_path . $tz_file,"r", false )) {
- $error = "Can't read temporary file: $tz_file\n";
- return $error;
- } else {
- $line = 0;
- while (($data = fgets($fd, 1000)) !== FALSE) {
- if ( ( substr (trim($data),0,1) == "#" ) || strlen( $data ) <=2 ) {
- continue;
- } else {
- $data = trim ( $data, strrchr( $data, "#" ) ) ;
- $data = preg_split("/[\s,]+/", trim ($data ) ) ;
- $sql = "UPDATE webcal_tz_zones " .
- " SET zone_cc = ?, zone_coord = ? " .
- " WHERE zone_name = ?";
- if ( ! dbi_execute ( $sql , array ( $data[0] , $data[1] , trim( $data[2] ) ) ) ) {
- $error = "Database error: " . dbi_error ();
- }
- }
- }
- fclose($fd);
- }
- //Import Country Name
- $tz_file = "iso3166.tab";
- if (!$fd=@fopen( $file_path . $tz_file,"r", false )) {
- $error = "Can't read temporary file: $tz_file\n";
- return $error;
- } else {
- $line = 0;
- while (($data = fgets($fd, 1000)) !== FALSE) {
- if ( ( substr (trim($data),0,1) == "#" ) || strlen( $data ) <=2 ) {
- continue;
- } else {
- $data = trim ( $data, strrchr( $data, "#" ) ) ;
- $data = preg_split("/[\t]+/", trim ($data ) ) ;
- $sql = "UPDATE webcal_tz_zones " .
- " SET zone_country = ? " .
- " WHERE zone_cc = ?";
- if ( ! dbi_execute ( $sql , array ( trim ( htmlspecialchars ( $data[1] , ENT_QUOTES ) ) ,
- $data[0] ) ) ) {
- $error = "Database error: " . dbi_error ();
- }
- }
- }
- fclose($fd);
- }
- //Import Country Name
- $tz_file = "gmt.txt";
- if (!$fd=@fopen( $file_path . $tz_file,"r", false )) {
- $error = "Can't read temporary file: $tz_file\n";
- return $error;
- } else {
- $line = 0;
- while (($data = fgets($fd, 1000)) !== FALSE) {
- if ( ( substr (trim($data),0,1) == "#" ) || strlen( $data ) <=2 ) {
- continue;
- } else {
- $data = trim ( $data, strrchr( $data, "#" ) ) ;
- $data = preg_split("/[\t]+/", trim ($data ) ) ;
- $sql = "INSERT INTO webcal_tz_list ( tz_list_id, tz_list_name, tz_list_text ) " .
- " VALUES ( ?, ?, ? )";
- if ( ! dbi_execute ( $sql , array ( $data[0], $data[1],
- $data[2] . " " . htmlspecialchars ( $data[3] , ENT_QUOTES ) ) ) ) {
- $error = "Database error: " . dbi_error ();
- }
- }
- }
- fclose($fd);
- }
- //Update version info
- $tz_file = "tz_version.txt";
- if (!$fd=@fopen( $file_path . $tz_file,"r", false )) {
- $error = "Can't read temporary file: $tz_file\n";
- return $error;
- } else {
- //Delete any existing entry
- $sql = "DELETE FROM webcal_config WHERE cal_setting = 'WEBCAL_TZ_VERSION'";
- if ( ! dbi_execute ( $sql ) ) {
- $error = "Database error: " . dbi_error ();
- return $error;
- }
- while (($data = fgets($fd, 1000)) !== FALSE) {
- if ( ( substr (trim($data),0,1) == "#" ) || strlen( $data ) <=2 ) {
- continue;
- } else {
- $data = trim ( $data ) ;
- $sql = "INSERT INTO webcal_config ( cal_setting, cal_value ) " .
- if ( ! dbi_execute ( $sql , array ( $data ) ) ) {
- $error = "Database error: " . dbi_error ();
- return $error;
- }
- }
- }
- fclose($fd);
- }
-return $error;
-} // end function do_tz_import
diff --git a/install/version.gif b/install/version.gif
deleted file mode 100644
index d82b3c203..000000000
Binary files a/install/version.gif and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/list_unapproved.php b/list_unapproved.php
index 3855be429..091d5984c 100644
--- a/list_unapproved.php
+++ b/list_unapproved.php
@@ -98,20 +98,11 @@ function list_unapproved ( $user ) {
"\" class=\"entry\" id=\"$linkid\" href=\"$view_link.php?id=$id&user=$cal_user\">";
$timestr = "";
if ( $time > 0 ) {
- $user_TIMEZONE = get_pref_setting ( $cal_user, "TIMEZONE" );
- $timestr = display_time ( $date . $time, 0, '', $user_TIMEZONE );
+ $eventstart = date_to_epoch ( $date . $time );
+ $eventstop = $eventstart + $duration;
+ $timestr = display_time ('', 0, $eventstart);
if ( $duration > 0 ) {
- // calc end time
- $h = (int) ( $time / 10000 );
- $m = ( $time / 100 ) % 100;
- $m += $duration;
- $d = $duration;
- while ( $m >= 60 ) {
- $h++;
- $m -= 60;
- }
- $end_time = sprintf ( "%02d%02d00", $h, $m );
- $timestr .= " - " . display_time ( $date . $end_time, 0 ,'', $user_TIMEZONE );
+ $timestr .= " - " . display_time ( '', 0 , $eventstop );
echo htmlspecialchars ( $name );
diff --git a/minical.php b/minical.php
index 589fddd62..d7c0d7651 100644
--- a/minical.php
+++ b/minical.php
@@ -115,8 +115,8 @@
$prevmonth = date ( "m", $prev );
$boldDays = true;
-$startdate = sprintf ( "%04d%02d01", $thisyear, $thismonth );
-$enddate = sprintf ( "%04d%02d31", $thisyear, $thismonth );
+$startdate = mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $thismonth, 1, $thisyear );
+$enddate = mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $thismonth + 1, 0, $thisyear );
$HeadX = '';
diff --git a/month.php b/month.php
index cd4db172d..1675dd233 100644
--- a/month.php
+++ b/month.php
@@ -10,25 +10,21 @@
load_user_categories ();
$next = mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $thismonth + 1, 1, $thisyear );
-$nextYmd = date ("Ymd", $next );
$nextyear = date ( "Y", $next );
$nextmonth = date ( "m", $next );
-//$nextdate = date ( "Ymd" );
$prev = mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $thismonth - 1, 1, $thisyear );
-$prevYmd = date ( "Ymd", $prev );
$prevyear = date ( "Y", $prev );
$prevmonth = date ( "m", $prev );
-//$prevdate = date ( "Ymd" );
if ( ! empty ( $BOLD_DAYS_IN_YEAR ) && $BOLD_DAYS_IN_YEAR == 'Y' ) {
$boldDays = true;
- $startdate = sprintf ( "%04d%02d01", $prevyear, $prevmonth );
- $enddate = sprintf ( "%04d%02d31", $nextyear, $nextmonth );
+ $startdate = mktime ( 0,0,0, $prevmonth, 1, $prevyear );
+ $enddate = mktime ( 0,0,0, $nextmonth +1 ,0, $nextyear );
} else {
$boldDays = false;
- $startdate = sprintf ( "%04d%02d01", $thisyear, $thismonth );
- $enddate = sprintf ( "%04d%02d31", $thisyear, $thismonth );
+ $startdate = mktime ( 0,0,0, $thismonth, 1, $thisyear );
+ $enddate = mktime ( 0,0,0, $thismonth +1, 0, $thisyear );
$HeadX = '';
@@ -52,7 +48,7 @@
if ( empty ( $DISPLAY_TASKS_IN_GRID ) || $DISPLAY_TASKS_IN_GRID == "Y" ) {
/* Pre-load tasks for quicker access */
$tasks = read_tasks ( ( ! empty ( $user ) && strlen ( $user ) && $is_assistant )
- ? $user : $login, $startdate, $enddate, $cat_id );
+ ? $user : $login, $enddate, $cat_id );
if ( ! empty ( $cat_id ) )
diff --git a/pref.php b/pref.php
index 8b46075a1..bd1784796 100644
--- a/pref.php
+++ b/pref.php
@@ -142,6 +142,9 @@ function save_pref( $prefs, $src) {
$GLOBALS['FONTS'] = $prefarray['FONTS'];
$GLOBALS['MYEVENTS'] = $prefarray['MYEVENTS'];
+//determine if we can set timezones, if not don't display any options
+$can_set_timezone = set_env ( "TZ", $TIMEZONE );
$BodyX = ( ! empty ( $currenttab ) ? "onload=\"showTab( '". $currenttab . "' )\"" : '' );
$INC = array('js/pref.php','js/visible.php');
print_header($INC, '' , $BodyX);
@@ -254,16 +257,18 @@ function save_pref( $prefs, $src) {
To: $recip\nSubject: $subject\nFrom:".
- translate ( "Administrator" ). "\n\n$body\n\n
+ translate ( "Administrator", true ). "\n\n$body\n\n\n";
} else {
$mail = new WebCalMailer;
user_load_variables ( $user, "temp" );
if ( strlen ( $GLOBALS["EMAIL_FALLBACK_FROM"] ) ) {
- $mail->FromName = translate ( "Administrator" );
+ $mail->FromName = translate ( "Administrator", true);
} else {
- $mail->From = translate ( "Administrator" );
+ $mail->From = translate ( "Administrator", true );
$mail->IsHTML( $useHtml );
$recipName = ( $isExt ? $user : $GLOBALS ['tempfullname'] );
@@ -506,11 +513,11 @@ function send_reminder ( $id, $event_date ) {
$mail->Subject = $subject;
if ( $isExt ) //send ics attachment to External Users
$mail->IcsAttach ( $id ) ;
- $mail->Body = $body;
+ $mail->Body = ( $useHtml == true ? nl2br ( $body ) : $body );
- $cal_text = ( $isExt ? translate("External User") : '' );
+ $cal_text = ( $isExt ? translate( "External User", true ) : '' );
activity_log ( $id, "system", $user, LOG_REMINDER, $cal_text );
@@ -525,7 +532,7 @@ function log_reminder ( $id, $times_sent ) {
if ( ! $only_testing ) {
dbi_execute ( "UPDATE webcal_reminders " .
"SET cal_last_sent = ?, cal_times_sent = ? " .
- "WHERE cal_id = ?", array ( time() - date("Z"), $times_sent, $id ) );
+ "WHERE cal_id = ?", array ( gmmktime(), $times_sent, $id ) );
@@ -533,15 +540,11 @@ function log_reminder ( $id, $times_sent ) {
// Process an event for a single day. Check to see if it has
// a reminder, when it needs to be sent and when the last time it
// was sent.
-function process_event ( $id, $name, $start, $end ) {
- global $debug, $only_testing;
+function process_event ( $id, $name, $start, $end, $new_date='' ) {
+ global $debug, $only_testing, $is_task;
$reminder = array();
- if ( $debug )
- printf ( "Event %d: \"%s\" at %s on %s \n",
- $id, $name, date("H:i:s", $start ) , date("Ymd", $start ));
//get reminders array
$reminder = getReminders ( $id );
@@ -549,93 +552,90 @@ function process_event ( $id, $name, $start, $end ) {
if ( $debug )
echo " Reminder set for event. \n";
$times_sent = $reminder['times_sent'];
+ $repeats = $reminder['repeats'];
+ $lastsent = $reminder['last_sent'];
+ $related = $reminder['related'];
+ //if we are working with a repeat or overdue task, and we have sent all the
+ //reminders for the basic event, then reset the counter to 0
+ if ( ! empty ( $new_date ) ) {
+ if ( $times_sent == $repeats + 1 ) {
+ if ( $is_task == false ) {
+ $times_sent = 0;
+ } else if ( $related == 'E' && $new_date != gmdate("Ymd", $end ) ) { //tasks only
+ $times_sent = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ $new_offset = date_to_epoch ( $new_date ) - ( $start - ( $start % ONE_DAY) );
+ $start += $new_offset;
+ $end += $new_offset;
+ }
+ if ( $debug )
+ printf ( "Event %d: \"%s\" on %s at %s GMT \n",
+ $id, $name, gmdate("Ymd", $start ), gmdate("H:i:s", $start ) );
+ //it is pointless to send reminders after this time!
+ $pointless = $end;
if ( ! empty ( $reminder['date'] ) ) { //we're using a date
- $remind_time = $reminder['date'];
+ $remind_time = $reminder['timestamp'];
} else { // we're using offsets
$offset = $reminder['offset'] * 60; //convert to seconds
- if ( $reminder['related'] == 'N' ) { //relative to start
+ if ( $related == 'S' ) { //relative to start
+ $offset_msg = ( $reminder['before'] == 'Y'?
+ " Mins Before Start: " : " Mins After Start: " ) . $reminder['offset'];
$remind_time = ( $reminder['before'] == 'Y'? $start - $offset : $start + $offset );
} else { //relative to end/due
- $remind_time = ( $reminder['before'] == 'Y'? $end - $offset : $end + $offset );
+ $offset_msg = ( $reminder['before'] == 'Y'?
+ " Mins Before End: " : " Mins After End: " ) . $reminder['offset'];
+ $remind_time = ( $reminder['before'] == 'Y'? $end - $offset : $end + $offset );
+ $pointless = ( $reminder['before'] == 'Y'? $end : $end + $offset );
//factor in repeats if set
- if ( $reminder['repeats'] > 0 && $reminder['times_sent'] <= $reminder['repeats'] ) {
+ if ( $repeats > 0 && $times_sent <= $repeats ) {
$remind_time += ( $reminder['duration'] * 60 * $times_sent );
- if ( ! empty ( $offset ) ) $offset += ( $reminder['duration'] * 60 );
- $times_sent += 1;
- if ( $debug )
- if ( ! empty ( $offset ) ) echo " Mins Before: $offset \n";
if ( $debug ) {
- echo " Event time is: " . date ( "m/d/Y H:i", $start ) . " GMT \n";
- echo " Remind time is: " . date ( "m/d/Y H:i", $remind_time ) . " GMT \n";
- echo "Server Timezone: " . $GLOBALS['SERVER_TIMEZONE'] .
- " \nServer Difference from GMT (minutes) : " .
- date ("Z"). " \n";
+ if ( ! empty ( $offset_msg ) ) {
+ echo $offset_msg . " \n";
+ }
+ if ( $related == 'S' ) { //relative to start
+ echo " Event start time is: " . gmdate ( "m/d/Y H:i", $start ) . " GMT \n";
+ } else {
+ echo " Event end time is: " . gmdate ( "m/d/Y H:i", $end ) . " GMT \n";
+ }
+ echo " Remind time is: " . gmdate ( "m/d/Y H:i", $remind_time ) . " GMT \n";
+ echo "Server Timezone: " . $GLOBALS['SERVER_TIMEZONE'] .
+ " \nServer Difference from GMT (hours) : " .
+ date ("Z", $start ) / ONE_HOUR . " \n";
echo "Effective delivery time is: " .
- date ( "m/d/Y H:i", $remind_time + date ("Z") ) . " " .
- date ("T"). "
+ date ( "m/d/Y H:i T", $remind_time ) . " \n";
- if ( time() >= $remind_time + date ("Z")) {
- if ( $debug )
- echo " Last sent on: " .
- ($reminder['last_sent'] == 0 ? "NEVER" : date ( "m/d/Y H:i",
- $reminder['last_sent'] ) ). " \n";
- if ( $reminder['last_sent'] < $remind_time ) {
- // Send a reminder
- if ( $debug )
- echo " SENDING REMINDER! \n";
- send_reminder ( $id, date("Ymd", $start ) );
- // now update the db...
- log_reminder ( $id, $times_sent );
- }
- }
+ if ( $debug )
+ echo " Last sent on: " .
+ ( $lastsent == 0 ? "NEVER" : date ( "m/d/Y H:i T",
+ $lastsent ) ). "
+ //no sense sending reminders if the event is over!
+ //unless the entry is a task
+ if ( $times_sent < ( $repeats + 1 ) &&
+ gmmktime() >= $remind_time &&
+ $lastsent <= $remind_time &&
+ ( gmmktime() <= $pointless || $is_task == true ) ) {
+ // Send a reminder
+ if ( $debug )
+ echo " SENDING REMINDER! \n";
+ send_reminder ( $id, $start );
+ // now update the db...
+ if ( $debug )
+ log_reminder ( $id, $times_sent + 1 );
+ }
-$startdate = time(); // today
-for ( $d = 0; $d < $DAYS_IN_ADVANCE; $d++ ) {
- $date = date ( "Ymd", time() + ( $d * 24 * 3600 ) );
- //echo "Date: $date\n";
- // Get non-repeating events for this date.
- // An event Fwill be included one time for each participant.
- $ev = get_entries ( "", $date );
- // Keep track of duplicates
- $completed_ids = array ( );
- for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $ev ); $i++ ) {
- $id = $ev[$i]->getID();
- if ( ! empty ( $completed_ids[$id] ) )
- continue;
- $completed_ids[$id] = 1;
- if ( $ev[$i]->getCalType() == "T" || $ev[$i]->getCalType() == "N") {
- process_event ( $id, $ev[$i]->getName(), $ev[$i]->getDateTimeTS(),
- $ev[$i]->getDueDateTimeTS() );
- } else {
- process_event ( $id, $ev[$i]->getName(), $ev[$i]->getDateTimeTS(),
- $ev[$i]->getEndDateTimeTS() );
- }
- }
- $rep = get_repeating_entries ( "", $date );
- for ( $i = 0; $i < count ( $rep ); $i++ ) {
- $id = $rep[$i]->getID();
- if ( ! empty ( $completed_ids[$id] ) )
- continue;
- $completed_ids[$id] = 1;
- if ( $rep[$i]->getCalType() == "T" || $rep[$i]->getCalType() == "N" ) {
- process_event ( $id, $rep[$i]->getName(), $rep[$i]->getDateTimeTS(),
- $rep[$i]->getDueDateTimeTS() );
- } else {
- process_event ( $id, $rep[$i]->getName(), $rep[$i]->getDateTimeTS(),
- $rep[$i]->getEndDateTimeTS() );
- }
- }
-if ( $debug )
- echo "Done. \n";
+} //end function process_event
diff --git a/translations/Dutch.txt b/translations/Dutch.txt
index f42825e2d..e2b8a70df 100644
--- a/translations/Dutch.txt
+++ b/translations/Dutch.txt
@@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ Export this entry to: Exporteer afspraak naar
An appointment has been rejected by: Er is een afspraak geweigerd door
The description is: De omschrijving van de afspraak luidt
-Title: Titel
+Title: WebCalendar
diff --git a/translations/English-US.txt b/translations/English-US.txt
index 4c4e7fa0c..b33a6b36e 100644
--- a/translations/English-US.txt
+++ b/translations/English-US.txt
@@ -1,1570 +1,1560 @@
-# Use this as a starting point to translate this application into
-# another language. The format is "English text: translated text"
-# There cannot be a ":" in the English text.
-# Translated by:
-# your name and email here...
-# Last update: 02 July 2002
-# Check out the tools directory which contains two perl scripts:
-# check_translation.pl will tell you if you have successfully translated
-# all required text
-# update_translation.pl will take an old translation file and move the
-# translations around so they age grouped by the page they appear in.
-# It will also identify any missing translations and tag them
-# with a comment. If it is a non-english translation, the english
-# translation will be included in the comment to simplify completing
-# the translation.
-# Note: You will notice the entry for "May_" below. There's a reason for
-# this. Translate "May_" to the full month name and "May" to the three-letter
-# month abbreviation (like "Oct" for "October").
-# Translation last updated on 03-10-2006
-# Specify a charset (will be sent within meta tag for each page)
-charset: iso-8859-1
-# Page: access.php
-You are not authorized: You are not authorized
-Database error: Database error
-User Access Control: User Access Control
-Admin: Admin
-Cancel: Cancel
-Save: Save
-Grant This User Access to My Calendar: Grant This User Access to My Calendar
-Allow Access to Other Users' Calendar: Allow Access to Other Users' Calendar
-Go: Go
-Calendar: Calendar
-Type: Type
-View Event: View Event
-View: View
-Edit: Edit
-Approve/Reject: Approve/Reject
-Events: Events
-Tasks: Tasks
-Journals: Journals
-Can Invite: Can Invite
-Can Email: Can Email
-Can See Time Only: Can See Time Only
-Assistant: Assistant
-Select All: Select All
-Clear All: Clear All
-Public: Public
-Confidential: Confidential
-Private: Private
-# Page: activity_log.php
-Activity Log: Activity Log
-User: User
-Date: Date
-Time: Time
-Event: Event
-Action: Action
-Event created: Event created
-Event approved: Event approved
-Event rejected: Event rejected
-Event updated: Event updated
-Event deleted: Event deleted
-Task created: Task created
-Task approved: Task approved
-Task rejected: Task rejected
-Task updated: Task updated
-Task deleted: Task deleted
-Journal created: Journal created
-Journal approved: Journal approved
-Journal rejected: Journal rejected
-Journal updated: Journal updated
-Journal deleted: Journal deleted
-Notification sent: Notification sent
-Reminder sent: Reminder sent
-Attachment: Attachment
-Comment: Comment
-Previous: Previous
-Next: Next
-# Page: add_entry.php
-Invalid entry id: Invalid entry id
-This is a private event and may not be added to your calendar.: This is a private event and may not be added to your calendar.
-This is a confidential event and may not be added to your calendar.: This is a confidential event and may not be added to your calendar.
-Error adding event: Error adding event
-# Page: admin.php
-Error: Error
-System Settings: System Settings
-Help: Help
-Settings: Settings
-Public Access: Public Access
-Groups: Groups
-NonUser Calendars: NonUser Calendars
-Other: Other
-Email: Email
-colors-help: All colors should be specified in "#RRGGBB" hexadecimal format where "RR" is the hex value for red, "GG" is the hex value for green, and "BB" is the hex value for blue.
-Colors: Colors
-app-name-help: Specifies the name of the application that will appear in the browser title bar for all pages and on the login page. The value you specify here will be looked up in the translations file allowing you to provide different titles for different languages.
-Application Name: Application Name
-Translated Name: Translated Name
-Title: WebCalendar
-server-url-help: Specifies the base URL for the application. This will be included when sending out email reminders and notifications.
-Server URL: Server URL
-home-url-help: Specifies the home URL for the applicaiton. This can be an absolute or relative
-Home URL: Home URL
-language-help: Specifies which language to use.
-Language: Language
-Your browser default language is: Your browser default language is
-Allow user to use themes: Allow user to use themes
-Yes: Yes
-No: No
-themes-help: Allows mass update of configuration settings. Lower case labels are user pref only.
-Themes: Themes
-None: None
-Preview: Preview
-Allow top menu: Allow top menu
-menu-themes-help: Sets the colors and style of the top menu
-Menu theme: Menu theme
-fonts-help: Specifies a list of system fonts to use (such as "Arial, Helvetica")
-Fonts: Fonts
-custom-script-help: Allows entry of custom Javascript or stylesheet text that will be inserted into the HTML "head" section of every page.
-Custom script/stylesheet: Custom script/stylesheet
-custom-header-help: Allows a custom HTML snippet to be included in the top of every page.
-Custom header: Custom header
-custom-trailer-help: Allows a custom HTML snippet to be included at the end of every page.
-Custom trailer: Custom trailer
-enable-external-header-help: Allows the custom trailer to be loaded from an external file
-Allow external file for header/script/trailer: Allow external file for header/script/trailer
-Allow user to override header/trailer: Allow user to override header/trailer
-preferred-view-help: Specifies the default view (Day, Week, Month, or Year).
-Preferred view: Preferred view
-Day: Day
-Week: Week
-Month: Month
-Year: Year
-display-sm_month-help: If enabled, displays small months in month views
-Display small months: Display small months
-display-weekends-help: Include weekends when viewing a week.
-Display weekends: Display weekends
-display-alldays-help: Display previous and next months days in month views, filling all cells.
-Display all days in month view: Display all days in month view
-yearly-shows-events-help: On the yearly view, display days that contain events in a bold font.
-Display days with events in bold in month and year views: Display days with events in bold in month and year views
-display-desc-print-day-help: Include event descriptions in printer-friendly version of day view.
-Display description in printer day view: Display description in printer day view
-display-alltimezones-help: If enabled, all known times are loaded in timezone dropdown
-Display complete timezone list: Display complete timezone list
-Requires page reload: Requires page reload
-tz-help: Specifies how many hours to adjust the time from server time to local time.
-Server Timezone Selection: Server Timezone Selection
-Your current GMT offset is: Your current GMT offset is
-hours: hours
-Load Timezone Data: Load Timezone Data
-display-general-use-gmt-help: If enabled, common dates/times are displayed as GMT
-Display Common Use Date/Times as GMT: Display Common Use Date/Times as GMT
-date-format-help: Specifies the preferred date format.
-Date format: Date format
-time-format-help: Specifies which time format to use: 12 hour: Display times as 3am, 8:30pm, etc. 24 hour: Display times as 300, 2030, etc.
-Time format: Time format
-12 hour: 12 hour
-24 hour: 24 hour
-time-interval-help: Specifies how long the time blocks in the week view and day view will be.
-Time interval: Time interval
-hour: hour
-minutes: minutes
-auto-refresh-help: When enabled, the day view, week view, month view, and list unapproved pages will all automatically refresh themselves periodically.
-Auto-refresh calendars: Auto-refresh calendars
-auto-refresh-time-help: If Auto-refresh is enabled, this specifies the time between each refresh.
-Auto-refresh time: Auto-refresh time
-require-approvals-help: When enabled, a user must approve an event before it is displayed on their calendar (unless Display unapproved is enabled). Note setting this to "No" will not turn off approvals for the Public Access calendar (if the Public Access calendar is enabled).
-Require event approvals: Require event approvals
-display-unapproved-help: Specifies whether unapproved events are displayed in your calendar. If set to "Yes", then unapproved events will be displayed in your calendar (in a different text color). If set to "No", then unapproved events must be approved before they are displayed in your calendar.
-Display unapproved: Display unapproved
-display-week-number-help: Specifies whether the week number (1-52) should be displayed in the month view and the week view.
-Display week number: Display week number
-display-week-starts-on: Specifies whether the week starts on Sunday or Monday. If Monday is specified, then week numbers will be ISO week numbers.
-Week starts on: Week starts on
-Sunday: Sunday
-Monday: Monday
-work-hours-help: Specifies the time range to display for the day view.
-Work hours: Work hours
-From: From
-to: to
-disable-popups-help: Disable popups from calendar views
-Disable Pop-Ups: Disable Pop-Ups
-disable-location-field-help: Selecting "Yes" will remove the "Location" field from event information pages
-Disable Location field: Disable Location field
-disable-priority-field-help: Selecting "Yes" will remove the "Priority" field from event information pages, providing a simpler interface for novices.
-Disable Priority field: Disable Priority field
-disable-access-field-help: Selecting "Yes" will remove the "Access" field from event information pages, providing a simpler interface for novices.
-Disable Access field: Disable Access field
-disable-participants-field-help: Selecting "Yes" will remove the "Participants" field from event information pages, preventing users from adding other users to their events. If you enable this option, you may want to also disable the "Allow viewing other user's calendars" field also.
-Disable Participants field: Disable Participants field
-disable-repeating-field-help: Selecting "Yes" will remove the "Repeating" field when adding events. This will provide a simpler interface for novices.
-Disable Repeating field: Disable Repeating field
-popup-includes-siteextras-help: If enabled, allow custom event fields setup in the site_extras.php file will be displayed in event popups.
-Display Site Extras in popup: Display Site Extras in popup
-popup-includes-participants-help: If enabled, participants are displayed in event popups.
-Display Participants in popup: Display Participants in popup
-allow-html-description-help: If enabled, users can enter HTML in the event description field. If not enabled, the HTML tags will be escaped so as to appear as plain text. Warning: Enabling this feature will allow users to reference images on other websites.
-Allow HTML in Description: Allow HTML in Description
-allow-view-other-help: Specifies whether one user may view another user's calendar.
-Allow viewing other user's calendars: Allow viewing other user's calendars
-allow-view-add-help: A '+' icon will be included in views, allowing users to quickly add events to other users' calendars.
-Include add event link in views: Include add event link in views
-remember-last-login-help: When enabled, the user's login will be filled in for them on the login page (but not the password), and the user's preferences will be loaded (including their preferred colors and language selection).
-Remember last login: Remember last login
-conflict-check-help: Check for event conflicts (two events scheduled for the same time for the same person). If you set this to "Yes", you will still be able to schedule two events at the same time after confirming a warning. If you set this to "No", no checking for conflicts will be done. You probably want to set this to "Yes", so conflict checking occurs.
-Check for event conflicts: Check for event conflicts
-conflict-months-help: If conflict checking is in place ("Check for event conflicts" is set to "No"), this specifies how many months into the future we should check for conflicts. If you find adding events is taking a long time to process, reduce this number.
-Conflict checking months: Conflict checking months
-conflict-check-override-help: Allows users to override event conflicts and schedule two or more events for the same time.
-Allow users to override conflicts: Allow users to override conflicts
-limit-appts-help: Allows the system administrator to set a system-wide limit on the number of appointments a single user can have on any single day.
-Limit number of timed events per day: Limit number of timed events per day
-limit-appts-number-help: Specifies the maximum number of timed events a user can have in a single day.
-Maximum timed events per day: Maximum timed events per day
-timed-evt-len-help: Specifies input method for determining the length of a timed event.
-Specify timed event length by: Specify timed event length by
-Duration: Duration
-End Time: End Time
-summary_length-help: Maximum length of Brief Description in calendar views
-Brief Description Length: Brief Description Length
-lunar-help: If enabled, will display small icons representing the lunar phases each month
-Display Lunar Phases in month view: Display Lunar Phases in month view
-Plugins: Plugins
-plugins-enabled-help: Enable plugin applications.
-Enable Plugins: Enable Plugins
-plugins-sort-key-help: Specifies a sort key for the plugin. This allows the plugins to appear in a specific order.
-Plugin: Plugin
-allow-public-access-help: When enabled, the calendar can be used as a read-only public calendar that does not require users to login.
-Allow public access: Allow public access
-public-access-default-visible: Events from the public calendar will automatically appear on all users' calendars
-Public access visible by default: Public access visible by default
-public-access-default-selected: When adding a new event, the public user will be selected by default as a participant.
-Public access is default participant: Public access is default participant
-public-access-view-others-help: When access the system with public access, specifies whether the user can view the calendar of another calendar user.
-Public access can view other users: Public access can view other users
-public-access-can-add-help: When enabled, users that access the system through Public Access will be able to add new events, but they will not show up in the calendar until an administrator approves the new event.
-Public access can add events: Public access can add events
-public-access-add-requires-approval-help: Specifies whether events added via the public access account require approval before being displayed.
-Public access new events require approval: Public access new events require approval
-public-access-sees-participants-help: If enabled, users accessing the calendar from the public account will be able to see event participants if they view details of an event.
-Public access can view participants: Public access can view participants
-public-access-override-help: Allows event names and descriptions to be hidden on the public calendar
-Override event name/description for public access: Override event name/description for public access
-public-access-override-text-help: The text to display if the above option is enabled. If 'Not Available', it will be translated.
-Text to display to public access: Text to display to public access
-uac-enabled-help: Enables user-level access control
-User Access Control enabled: User Access Control enabled
-groups-enabled-help: Enables group support, allowing users to select users by groups.
-Groups enabled: Groups enabled
-user-sees-his-group-help: If enabled, users will not see calendar users that are not in at least one of their groups.
-User sees only his groups: User sees only his groups
-nonuser-enabled-help: If enabled, admins will have the option to add nonuser calendars
-Nonuser enabled: Nonuser Calendars Enabled
-nonuser-list-help: Where to display the nonuser calendars in the participant list
-Nonuser list: Display in participants list at
-Top: Top
-Bottom: Bottom
-reports-enabled-help: If enabled, users will see a "Reports" section at the bottom of each page and will be allowed to create custom reports. Additionally, admin users can create global reports that will appear at the bottom of all users' pages.
-Reports enabled: Reports enabled
-subscriptions-enabled-help: Specifies if remote users can subscribe to a WebCalendar user's calendar, allowing them to see the WebCalendar user's events in their iCal-enabled application (such as Apple's iCal or Mozilla Calendar).
-Allow remote subscriptions: Allow remote subscriptions
-rss-enabled-help: Specifies if a user's calendar can be obtained from a RSS feed.
-Enable RSS feed: Enable RSS feed
-categories-enabled-help: Enables support for event categories.
-Categories enabled: Categories enabled
-icon_upload-enabled-help: If enabled, users can upload category icons
-Category Icon Upload enabled: Category Icon Upload enabled
-display-tasks-help: Display small task window on month and day calendar
-Display small task list: Display small task list
-display-tasks-in-grid-help: Display tasks in calendars along with events
-Display tasks in Calendars: Display tasks in Calendars
-export-ics-timezones-help: Export VTIMEZONE data with ics files
-Export VTIMEZONE in ics files: Export VTIMEZONE in ics files
-allow-external-users-help: Specifies whether a non-calendar user can be added to an event. This allows non-calendar users to be listed as event participants.
-Allow external users: Allow external users
-external-can-receive-notification-help: When external users are enabled and email usage is enabled, external users can receive email notifications when the event is added, updated or delete (if the external user's email address is provided).
-External users can receive email notifications: External users can receive email notifications
-external-can-receive-reminder-help: When external users are enabled and email usage is enabled, external users can receive email reminders (if the external user's email address is provided).
-External users can receive email reminders: External users can receive email reminders
-allow-self-registration-help: Permit new users to register themselves
-Allow self-registration: Allow self-registration
-use-blacklist-help: Limit access to WebCalendar functions based on IP address
-Restrict self-registration to blacklist: Restrict self-registration to blacklist
-allow-self-registration-full-help: Allow new users to complete the self-registration process on-line
-Use self-registration email notifications: Generate passwords and send to new users. This should help eliminate spammers.
-allow-attachment-help: Allow users to add file attachments to events.
-Allow file attachments to events: Allow file attachments to events
-Admin and owner can always add attachments if enabled: Admin and owner can always add attachments if enabled
-Participant: Participant
-Anyone: Anyone
-allow-comments-help: Allow users to add comments to events.
-Allow comments to events: Allow comments to events
-Admin and owner can always add comments if enabled: Admin and owner can always add comments if enabled
-email-enabled-help: Turn on or off all sending of email for notification and reminders. Set to "no", if your server is not properly setup to send mail.
-Email enabled: Email enabled
-email-default-sender: Specifies the email address to specify as the sender when sending out reminders.
-Default sender address: Default sender address
-email-mailer: Choose email type (SMTP, PHP mail, sendmail)
-Email Mailer: Email Mailer
-email-smtp-host: Hostname(s) of SMTP server(s) seperated by commas
-SMTP Host name(s): SMTP Host name(s)
-email-smtp-port: SMTP Port Number (normally 25)
-SMTP Port Number: SMTP Port Number
-email-smtp-auth: Use SMTP Authentication
-SMTP Authentication: SMTP Authentication
-email-smtp-username: SMTP Username if using Authentication
-SMTP Username: SMTP Username
-email-smtp-password: SMTP Password if using Authentication
-SMTP Password: SMTP Password
-Default user settings: Default user settings
-email-event-reminders-help: Specifies whether or not to send event reminders.
-Event reminders: Event reminders
-email-event-added: Specifies whether or not to send email notifications when an event is added to your calendar.
-Events added to my calendar: Events added to my calendar
-email-event-updated: Specifies whether or not to send email notifications when an event is updated on your calendar.
-Events updated on my calendar: Events updated on my calendar
-email-event-deleted: Specifies whether or not to send email notifications when an event is removed from your calendar.
-Events removed from my calendar: Events removed from my calendar
-email-event-rejected: Specifies whether or not to send email notifications when a participant rejects an event that is on your calendar.
-Event rejected by participant: Event rejected by participant
-Allow user to customize colors: Allow user to customize colors
-gradient-colors: If enabled gradient colors are used. This can greatly impact performane.
-Enable gradient images for background colors: Enable gradient images for background colors
-Not available: Not available
-Document background: Document background
-Select: Select
-Document title: Document title
-Document text: Document text
-My event text: My event text
-Table grid color: Table grid color
-Table header background: Table header background
-Table header text: Table header text
-Table cell background: Table cell background
-Table cell background for current day: Table cell background for current day
-Table cell background for days with events: Table cell background for days with events
-Table cell background for weekends: Table cell background for weekends
-Table cell background for other month: Table cell background for other month
-Event popup background: Event popup background
-Event popup text: Event popup text
-The following error occurred: The following error occurred
-# Page: adminhome.php
-Control Panel: Control Panel
-Preferences: Preferences
-Assistants: Assistants
-Users: Users
-Account: Account
-Categories: Categories
-Views: Views
-Layers: Layers
-Reports: Reports
-Delete Events: Delete Events
-Public Preferences: Public Preferences
-Unapproved Public Events: Unapproved Public Events
-Administrative Tools: Administrative Tools
-# Page: approve_entry.php
-Additional Comments (optional): Additional Comments (optional)
-Approve and Send: Approve and Send
-Approve and Exit: Approve and Exit
-(Your comments will be included in an email to the event creator): (Your comments will be included in an email to the event creator)
-Error approving event: Error approving event
-Hello: Hello
-An appointment has been approved and comments added by: An appointment has been approved and comments added by
-The subject was: The subject was
-The description is: The description is
-Comments: Comments
-# Page: assistant_edit.php
-Admin mode: Admin mode
-Your assistants: Your assistants
-# Page: category.php
-Add: Add
-Category Name: Category Name
-Category Icon: Category Icon
-Remove Icon: Remove Icon
-Global: Global
-Add Icon to Category: Add Icon to Category
-Upload: Upload
-gif 3kb max: gif 3kb max
-Search for existing icons: Search for existing icons
-Delete: Delete
-Are you sure you want to delete this entry?: Are you sure you want to delete this entry?
-Add New Category: Add New Category
-# Page: category_handler.php
-File size exceeds maximum: File size exceeds maximum
-File is not a gif image: File is not a gif image
-# Page: catsel.php
-Remove: Remove
-Global Category: Global Category
-Ok: Ok
-# Page: day.php
-Generate printer-friendly version: Generate printer-friendly version
-Printer Friendly: Printer Friendly
-# Page: del_entry.php
-An appointment has been canceled for you by: An appointment has been canceled for you by
-# Page: docadd.php
-Add Comment: Add Comment
-Add Attachment: Add Attachment
-Subject: Subject
-Upload file: Upload file
-Description: Description
-# Page: docdel.php
-Removed: Removed
-# Page: edit_entry.php
-You are not authorized to edit this task: You are not authorized to edit this task
-hours ahead of you: hours ahead of you
-hours behind you: hours behind you
-is in a different timezone than you are. Currently: is in a different timezone than you are. Currently
-Time entered here is based on your Timezone: Time entered here is based on your Timezone
-Edit Entry: Edit Entry
-Add Entry: Add Entry
-Details: Details
-Participants: Participants
-Repeat: Repeat
-Reminders: Reminders
-brief-description-help: This should provide a short description (about 20 characters) of the event. This will represent the event when viewing the calendar.
-Brief Description: Brief Description
-full-description-help: This should complete details of the event. This information can be seen when a user views the event.
-Full Description: Full Description
-access-help: Specifies the access level of the event. Public: Everyone can see the full details of the event. Confidential: Others can see that you have an entry for that date and time, but not the details of what it is.
-Access: Access
-priority-help: Specifies the priority of the event. High priority events will be displayed in bold.
-Priority: Priority
-Low: Low
-Medium: Medium
-High: High
-category-help: Specifies the category of the event.
-Category: Category
-Use the Edit button to make changes.: Use the Edit button to make changes.
-percent-help: Task completion percentage for this user
-Percent Complete: Percent Complete
-All Percentages: All Percentages
-location-help: Event location
-Location: Location
-date-help: Specifies the date of the event.
-Start Date: Start Date
-Untimed event: Untimed event
-Timed event: Timed event
-All day event: All day event
-Timezone Offset: Timezone Offset
-time-help: Specifies the time of the event. Select either "Timed event" (for an event that is scheduled for a specific time on that day), "Untimed event" (for an event this does not have a time (like a holiday), or "All day event" (for an event that takes all day (like being out of the office).
-am: am
-pm: pm
-duration-help: Specifies the duration (in hours;minutes) of the event. This field can be left blank.
-end-time-help: Specifies the time the event is expected to end.
-Start Time: Start Time
-Due Date: Due Date
-Due Time: Due Time
-participants-help: Lists the participants of this entry.
-Availability: Availability
-external-participants-help: Specifies a list of participants for the event that are not calendar users. The users should be listed one per line and can include an email address. If an email address is specified, the user is eligible to receive notifications and reminders.
-External Participants: External Participants
-repeat-type-help: Select how often the event should repeat.Monthly (by day) allows an event to repeat on the 1st Monday of the month, 3rd Thursday of the month, etc. Monthly (by date) allows an event to repeat on the same day of the month.
-Daily: Daily
-Weekly: Weekly
-Monthly: Monthly
-by day: by day
-by date: by date
-by position: by position
-Yearly: Yearly
-Manual: Manual
-Expert Mode: Expert Mode
-repeat-end-date-help: Specifies the date the event should repeat until.
-Ending: Ending
-Forever: Forever
-Use end date: Use end date
-Number of times: Number of times
-repeat-frequency-help: Specifies how often the event should repeat.
-Frequency: Frequency
-Weekdays Only: Weekdays Only
-Week Start: Week Start
-repeat-bydayextended-help: Allows date selection based on day of week.
-ByDay: ByDay
-All: All
-repeat-month-help: Specifies which months the event should repeat in.
-ByMonth: ByMonth
-repeat-bysetpos-help: Allows date selection based on position within an another ByXXX set of dates.
-BySetPos: BySetPos
-repeat-bymonthdayextended-help: Allows date selection based on date.
-ByMonthDay: ByMonthDay
-repeat-byweekno-help: Allows user to specify a list of weeks to repeat event (1,2...53,-53,-52...-1).
-ByWeekNo: ByWeekNo
-repeat-byyearday-help: Allows user to specify a list of year days to repeat event (1,2...366,-366,-365...-1).
-ByYearDay: ByYearDay
-repeat-exceptions-help: Additional days that this event should or should not occur on.
-Exclusions: Exclusions
-Inclusions: Inclusions
-Add Exception: Add Exception
-Add Inclusion: Add Inclusion
-Delete Selected: Delete Selected
-Send Reminder: Send Reminder
-When: When
-Use Date/Time: Use Date/Time
-Use Offset: Use Offset
-days: days
-Before: Before
-After: After
-Start: Start
-End/Due: End/Due
-Times: Times
-Every: Every
-Delete entry: Delete entry
-You are not authorized to edit this entry: You are not authorized to edit this entry
-# Page: edit_entry_handler.php
-The following conflicts with the suggested time: The following conflicts with the suggested time
-A new appointment has been made for you by: A new appointment has been made for you by
-An appointment has been updated by: An appointment has been updated by
-The subject is: The subject is
-Please look on: Please look on
-to accept or reject this appointment: to accept or reject this appointment
-to view this appointment: to view this appointment
-Scheduling Conflict: Scheduling Conflict
-Your suggested time of: Your suggested time of
-conflicts with the following existing calendar entries: conflicts with the following existing calendar entries
-# Page: edit_layer.php
-Edit Layer: Edit Layer
-Add Layer: Add Layer
-Source: Source
-Color: Color
-Duplicates: Duplicates
-Show layer events that are the same as your own: Show layer events that are the same as your own
-Delete layer: Delete layer
-Are you sure you want to delete this layer?: Are you sure you want to delete this layer?
-# Page: edit_layer_handler.php
-You cannot create a layer for yourself: You cannot create a layer for yourself
-You can only create one layer for each user: You can only create one layer for each user
-# Page: edit_nonusers.php
-NONUSER_PREFIX not set: NONUSER_PREFIX has not been set in config.php.
-word characters only: can only contain word characters (a-zA-Z_0-9)
-Edit User: Edit User
-Add User: Add User
-Calendar ID: Calendar ID
-First Name: First Name
-Last Name: Last Name
-Is public calendar: Is public calendar
-# Page: edit_nonusers_handler.php
-Changes successfully saved: Changes successfully saved
-# Page: edit_report.php
-Tomorrow: Tomorrow
-Today: Today
-Yesterday: Yesterday
-Day before yesterday: Day before yesterday
-Next week: Next week
-This week: This week
-Last week: Last week
-Week before last: Week before last
-Next week and week after: Next week and week after
-This week and next week: This week and next week
-Last week and this week: Last week and this week
-Last two weeks: Last two weeks
-Next month: Next month
-This month: This month
-Last month: Last month
-Month before last: Month before last
-Next year: Next year
-This year: This year
-Last year: Last year
-Year before last: Year before last
-Next 14 days: Next 14 days
-Next 30 days: Next 30 days
-Next 60 days: Next 60 days
-Next 90 days: Next 90 days
-Next 180 days: Next 180 days
-Next 365 days: Next 365 days
-Invalid report id: Invalid report id
-Unnamed Report: Unnamed Report
-Add Report: Add Report
-Edit Report: Edit Report
-Report name: Report name
-Current User: Current User
-Include link in trailer: Include link in trailer
-Include standard header/trailer: Include standard header/trailer
-Date range: Date range
-Include previous/next links: Include previous/next links
-Include empty dates: Include empty dates
-Template variables: Template variables
-Page template: Page template
-Day template: Day template
-Event template: Event template
-Are you sure you want to delete this report?: Are you sure you want to delete this report?
-# Page: edit_report_handler.php
-Variable N not found: Variable N not found
-# Page: edit_template.php
-Edit Custom Script/Stylesheet: Edit Custom Script/Stylesheet
-Edit Custom Header: Edit Custom Header
-Edit Custom Trailer: Edit Custom Trailer
-# Page: edit_user.php
-Username: Username
-E-mail address: E-mail address
-Password: Password
-again: again
-Disabled for demo: Disabled for demo
-Are you sure you want to delete this user?: Are you sure you want to delete this user?
-Change Password: Change Password
-New Password: New Password
-Set Password: Set Password
-# Page: edit_user_handler.php
-Deleting users not supported: Deleting users not supported
-The passwords were not identical: The passwords were not identical
-You have not entered a password: You have not entered a password
-Username can not be blank: Username can not be blank
-# Page: export.php
-Export: Export
-Export format: Export format
-Palm Pilot: Palm Pilot
-Include all layers: Include all layers
-Export all dates: Export all dates
-Start date: Start date
-End date: End date
-Modified since: Modified since
-# Page: export_handler.php
-export format not defined or incorrect: export format not defined or incorrect
-# Page: groups.php
-Add New Group: Add New Group
-# Page: group_edit.php
-Unnamed Group: Unnamed Group
-Add Group: Add Group
-Edit Group: Edit Group
-Group name: Group name
-Updated: Updated
-Created by: Created by
-# Page: group_edit_handler.php
-You must specify a group name: You must specify a group name
-# Page: help_admin.php
-Display weekends in week view: Display weekends in week view
-Display days with events in bold in year view: Display days with events in bold in year view
-Nonuser: Nonuser Calendars
-user-customize-color: Specifies whether users are allowed to modify their own color scheme.
-enable-gradient-help: Use gradient colors for cell backgrounds.
-Manually entering color values: Manually entering color values
-# Page: help_bug.php
-Report Bug: Report Bug
-# Page: help_edit_entry.php
-Adding/Editing Calendar Entries: Adding/Editing Calendar Entries
-Repeat Type: Repeat Type
-Repeat End Date: Repeat End Date
-Repeat Day: Repeat Day
-repeat-day-help: Specifies which days of the week the event should repeat on.
-# Page: help_import.php
-Import: Import
-Palm Desktop: Palm Desktop
-This form will allow you to import entries from the Palm Desktop Datebook.: This form will allow you to import entries from the Palm Desktop Datebook.
-It should be located in your Palm directory in datebook/datebook.dat in a subdirectory named by your username.: It should be located in your Palm directory in datebook/datebook.dat in a subdirectory named by your username.
-The following entries will not be imported: The following entries will not be imported
-Entries older than the current date: Entries older than the current date
-Entries created in the Palm Desktop that have not been HotSync'd: Entries created in the Palm Desktop that have not been HotSync'd
-Anything imported from Palm will be overwritten during the next import (unless the event date has passed).: Anything imported from Palm will be overwritten during the next import (unless the event date has passed).
-Therefore, updates should be made in the Palm Desktop.: Therefore, updates should be made in the Palm Desktop.
-vCal: vCal
-This form will import vCalendar (.vcs) 1.0 events: This form will import vCalendar (.vcs) 1.0 events
-The following formats have been tested: The following formats have been tested
-Palm Desktop 4: Palm Desktop 4
-Lotus Organizer 6: Lotus Organizer 6
-Microsoft Outlook 2002: Microsoft Outlook 2002
-iCalendar: iCalendar
-This form will import iCalendar (.ics) events: This form will import iCalendar (.ics) events
-Enabling Overwrite Prior Import will cause events imported previously that used the same UID as an event from the new import file to be marked as deleted. This should allow an updated iCalendar file to be imported without creating duplicates.: Enabling Overwrite Prior Import will cause events imported previously that used the same UID as an event from the new import file to be marked as deleted. This should allow an updated iCalendar file to be imported without creating duplicates.
-# Page: help_index.php
-Help Index: Help Index
-# Page: help_layers.php
-Layers are useful for displaying other users' events in your own calendar. You can specify the user and the color the events will be displayed in.: Layers are useful for displaying other users' events in your own calendar. You can specify the user and the color the events will be displayed in.
-Add/Edit/Delete: Add/Edit/Delete
-Clicking the Edit Layers link in the admin section at the bottom of the page will allow you to add/edit/delete layers.: Clicking the Edit Layers link in the admin section at the bottom of the page will allow you to add/edit/delete layers.
-Specifies the user that you would like to see displayed in your calendar.: Specifies the user that you would like to see displayed in your calendar.
-The text color of the new layer that will be displayed in your calendar.: The text color of the new layer that will be displayed in your calendar.
-If checked, events that are duplicates of your events will be shown.: If checked, events that are duplicates of your events will be shown.
-Disabling: Disabling
-Press the Disable Layers link in the admin section at the bottom of the page to turn off layers.: Press the Disable Layers link in the admin section at the bottom of the page to turn off layers.
-Enabling: Enabling
-Press the Enable Layers link in the admin section at the bottom of the page to turn on layers.: Press the Enable Layers link in the admin section at the bottom of the page to turn on layers.
-# Page: help_pref.php
-Default Category: Default Category
-default-category-help: Specifies the category a new event should default to.
-When I am the boss: When I am the boss
-Email me event notification: Email me event notification
-email-boss-notifications-help: Specifies if bosses receive emails as event notifications.
-I want to approve events: I want to approve events
-boss-approve-event-help: Specifies whether the boss will be required to approve events added by assistants.
-Subscribe/Publish: Subscribe/Publish
-allow-remote-subscriptions-help: Specifies if remote users can subscribe to your calendar, allowing them to see your events in a iCal-enabled application (such as Apple's iCal or Mozilla Calendar).
-remote-subscriptions-url-help: Displays the URL remote users should use to subscribe to your calendar.
-Allow remote publishing: Allow remote publishing
-allow-remote-publishing-help: Specifies if a remote iCal client can publish events back to WebCalendar
-remote-publishing-url-help: Displays the URL to use in the iCal client application for both subscribing and publishing back to WebCalendar.
-rss-feed-url-help: The URL to access the RSS feed
-Enable FreeBusy publishing: Enable FreeBusy publishing
-freebusy-enabled-help: Specifies if a user's available time can be obtained using the iCal FreeBusy standard.
-freebusy-url-help: The URL for accessing the user's FreeBusy list
-# Page: help_uac.php
-User Access Control allows for finer control of user access and permissions than possible before. Users can also grant default and per individual permission if authorized by the administrator.: User Access Control allows for finer control of user access and permissions than possible before. Users can also grant default and per individual permission if authorized by the administrator.:
-If disabled, this user will not see you in the participants list.: If disabled, this user will not see you in the participants list.
-If disabled, this user will not be able to send you emails.: If disabled, this user will not be able to send you emails.
-If enabled, this user will not be able to view the details of any of your entries.: If enabled, this user will not be able to view the details of any of your entries.
-# Page: icalclient.php
-Publishing Disabled (Admin): Publishing Disabled (Admin)
-Publishing Disabled (User): Publishing Disabled (User)
-# Page: icons.php
-Click to Select: Click to Select
-Current Icons on Server: Current Icons on Server
-# Page: import.php
-Disabled: Disabled
-Import format: Import format
-Exclude private records: Exclude private records
-Overwrite Prior Import: Overwrite Prior Import
-Repeated items are imported separately. Prior imports are not overwritten.: Repeated items are imported separately. Prior imports are not overwritten.
-# Page: import_handler.php
-Import Results: Import Results
-Events successfully imported: Events successfully imported
-Events from prior import marked as deleted: Events from prior import marked as deleted
-Conflicting events: Conflicting events
-Errors: Errors
-There was an error parsing the import file or no events were returned: There was an error parsing the import file or no events were returned
-The import file contained no data: The import file contained no data
-# Page: layers.php
-Layers are currently: Layers are currently
-Enabled: Enabled
-Disable Layers: Disable Layers
-Enable Layers: Enable Layers
-Click here: Click here
-to modify the layers settings for the: to modify the layers settings for the
-calendar: calendar
-Add layer: Add layer
-Layer: Layer
-Edit layer: Edit layer
-# Page: list_unapproved.php
-View this entry: View this entry
-Approve/Confirm: Approve/Confirm
-Approve this entry?: Approve this entry?
-Reject: Reject
-Reject this entry?: Reject this entry?
-No unapproved entries for: No unapproved entries for
-Unapproved Entries: Unapproved Entries
-Not authorized: Not authorized
-# Page: load_tz_data.php
-Load: Load
-Loading Timezone Data into Database: Loading Timezone Data into Database
-This could take several minutes to complete: This could take several minutes to complete
-Close: Close
-# Page: login-app.php
-You must enter a login and password: You must enter a login and password
-Save login via cookies so I don't have to login next time: Save login via cookies so I don't have to login next time
-Login: Login
-Access public calendar: Access public calendar
-cookies-note: Note: This application requires cookies to be enabled.
-# Page: login.php
-Invalid login: Invalid login
-You have been logged out: You have been logged out
-Not yet registered? Register here!: Not yet registered? Register here!
-# Page: minical.php
-No such nonuser calendar: No such nonuser calendar
-This Calendar is not Public: This Calendar is not Public
-# Page: nonusers.php
-Add New NonUser Calendar: Add New NonUser Calendar
-# Page: pref.php
-to modify the preferences for the Public Access calendar: to modify the preferences for the Public Access calendar
-to modify the preferences for the: to modify the preferences for the
-Save Preferences: Save Preferences
-Custom Scripts: Custom Scripts
-Timezone Selection: Timezone Selection
-Email format preference: Email format preference
-Plain Text: Plain Text
-display_byproxy-help: Display the real creator on view_entry page
-Display if created by Assistant: Display if created by Assistant
-# Page: purge.php
-Purging events for: Purging events for
-Finished: Finished
-Check box to delete ALL events for a user: Check box to delete ALL events for a user
-Delete all events before: Delete all events before
-Preview delete: Preview delete
-Are you sure you want to delete events for: Are you sure you want to delete events for
-Records deleted from: Records deleted from
-# Page: register.php
-Username already exists: Username already exists
-Email address can not be blank: Email address can not be blank
-Email address already exists: Email address already exists
-Illegal characters in login: Illegal characters in login
-A new WebCalendar account has been set up for you: A new WebCalendar account has been set up for you
-Your username is: Your username is
-Your password is: Your password is
-Please visit: Please visit
-to log in and start using your account: to log in and start using your account
-You may change your password after logging in the first time: You may change your password after logging in the first time
-If you received this email in error: If you received this email in error and did not sign up for a WebCalendar account, you may disregard this notice, or reply with a short note
-Administrator: Administrator
-Welcome: Welcome
-Your passwords do not match: Your passwords do not match
-Registration: Registration
-Welcome to WebCalendar: Welcome to WebCalendar
-Your email should arrive shortly: Your email should arrive shortly
-Return to Login screen: Return to Login screen
-Your account information will be emailed to you: Your account information will be emailed to you
-Submit: Submit
-# Page: reject_entry.php
-Continue: Continue
-(Your comments will be included in an email to the other participants): (Your comments will be included in an email to the other participants)
-An appointment has been rejected by: An appointment has been rejected by
-# Page: report.php
-cont.: cont.
-This event is confidential: This event is confidential
-Waiting for approval: Waiting for approval
-Deleted: Deleted
-Rejected: Rejected
-Approved: Approved
-Unknown: Unknown
-to manage reports for the Public Access calendar: to manage reports for the Public Access calendar
-Add new report: Add new report
-Manage Reports: Manage Reports
-# Page: search.php
-Search: Search
-Keywords: Keywords
-Advanced Search: Advanced Search
-# Page: search_handler.php
-You must enter one or more search keywords: You must enter one or more search keywords
-Search Results: Search Results
-match found: match found
-matches found: matches found
-No matches found: No matches found
-# Page: select_user.php
-View Another User's Calendar: View Another User's Calendar
-# Page: set_entry_cat.php
-You have not added any categories: You have not added any categories
-Set Category: Set Category
-Global Categories can not be changed: Global Categories can not be changed
-# Page: upcoming.php
-__month__ __dd__: __month__ __dd__
-more: more
-# Page: users.php
-Add New User: Add New User
-denotes administrative user: denotes administrative user
-# Page: usersel.php
-Reset: Reset
-# Page: views.php
-Add New View: Add New View
-# Page: views_edit.php
-Unnamed View: Unnamed View
-Add View: Add View
-Edit View: Edit View
-View Name: View Name
-View Type: View Type
-Day by Time: Day by Time
-Week (Users horizontal): Week (Users horizontal)
-Week by Time: Week by Time
-Week (Users vertical): Week (Users vertical)
-Week (Timebar): Week (Timebar)
-Month (Timebar): Month (Timebar)
-Month (side by side): Month (side by side)
-Month (on same calendar): Month (on same calendar)
-preview: preview
-Selected: Selected
-# Page: views_edit_handler.php
-You must specify a view name: You must specify a view name
-# Page: view_d.php
-No users for this view: No users for this view
-# Page: view_entry.php
-Status: Status
-Accepted: Accepted
-Needs-Action: Needs-Action
-Declined: Declined
-by: by
-Percentage Complete: Percentage Complete
-External User: External User
-Update Task Percentage: Update Task Percentage
-Update: Update
-Attachments: Attachments
-comments: comments
-Show: Show
-Hide: Hide
-Approve/Confirm entry: Approve/Confirm entry
-Reject entry: Reject entry
-Set category: Set category
-Edit repeating entry for all dates: Edit repeating entry for all dates
-Edit entry for this date: Edit entry for this date
-Delete repeating event for all dates: Delete repeating event for all dates
-This will delete this entry for all users.: This will delete this entry for all users.
-Delete entry only for this date: Delete entry only for this date
-Edit entry: Edit entry
-from calendar of: from calendar of
-Copy entry: Copy entry
-This will delete the entry from your calendar.: This will delete the entry from your calendar.
-Add to My Calendar: Add to My Calendar
-Do you want to add this entry to your calendar?: Do you want to add this entry to your calendar?
-This will add the entry to your calendar.: This will add the entry to your calendar.
-Email all participants: Email all participants
-Show activity log: Show activity log
-Hide activity log: Hide activity log
-Export this entry to: Export this entry to
-# Page: view_entry_class.php
-day: day
-minute: minute
-before due time: before due time
-before event: before event
-# Page: view_r.php
-Double-click on empty cell to add new entry: Double-click on empty cell to add new entry
-# Page: week_details.php
-Assistant mode: Assistant mode
-New Entry: New Entry
-# Page: includes/access.php
-Edit Event: Edit Event
-Day View: Day View
-Week View: Week View
-Month View: Month View
-Year View: Year View
-Manage Views: Manage Views
-Category Management: Category Management
-User Management: User Management
-Another User's Calendar: Another User's Calendar
-Common Trailer: Common Trailer
-# Page: includes/config.php
-Fatal Error: Fatal Error
-Troubleshooting Help: Troubleshooting Help
-# Page: includes/date_formats.php
-December: December
-Dec: Dec
-# Page: includes/functions.php
-__month__ __dd__, __yyyy__: __month__ __dd__, __yyyy__
-__month__ __yyyy__: __month__ __yyyy__
-This event is private: This event is private
-Conf.: Conf.
-Sun: Sun
-Mon: Mon
-Tue: Tue
-Wed: Wed
-Thu: Thu
-Fri: Fri
-Sat: Sat
-Task_Title: Title
-Due: Due
-Task Name: Task Name
-Task Due Date: Task Due Date
-__mm__/__dd__/__yyyy__: __mm__/__dd__/__yyyy__
-Completed: Completed
-View this task: View this task
-View this event: View this event
-exceeds limit of XXX events per day: exceeds limit of XXX events per day
-You have XXX unapproved entries: You have XXX unapproved entries
-January: January
-February: February
-March: March
-April: April
-May_: May
-June: June
-July: July
-August: August
-September: September
-October: October
-November: November
-Jan: Jan
-Feb: Feb
-Mar: Mar
-Apr: Apr
-May: May
-Jun: Jun
-Jul: Jul
-Aug: Aug
-Sep: Sep
-Oct: Oct
-Nov: Nov
-Tuesday: Tuesday
-Wednesday: Wednesday
-Thursday: Thursday
-Friday: Friday
-Saturday: Saturday
-All Attendees: All Attendees
-Busy: Busy
-Tentative: Tentative
-before: before
-after: after
-start: start
-end: end
-# Page: includes/help_trailer.php
-Go to: Go to
-# Page: includes/trailer.php
-Home: Home
-My Calendar: My Calendar
-Back to My Calendar: Back to My Calendar
-Add New Entry: Add New Entry
-Add New Task: Add New Task
-Logout: Logout
-Manage calendar of: Manage calendar of
-# Page: includes/translate.php
-Browser Language Not Found: Browser Language Not Found
-not supported: not supported
-English: English
-English-US: English-US
-Basque: Basque
-Bulgarian: Bulgarian
-Catalan: Catalan
-Chinese (Traditional/Big5): Chinese (Traditional/Big5)
-Chinese (Simplified/GB2312): Chinese (Simplified/GB2312)
-Czech: Czech
-Danish: Danish
-Dutch: Dutch
-Estonian: Estonian
-Finnish: Finnish
-French: French
-Galician: Galician
-German: German
-Holo (Taiwanese): Holo (Taiwanese)
-Hungarian: Hungarian
-Icelandic: Icelandic
-Italian: Italian
-Japanese: Japanese
-Korean: Korean
-Norwegian: Norwegian
-Polish: Polish
-Portuguese: Portuguese
-Portuguese/Brazil: Portuguese/Brazil
-Romanian: Romanian
-Russian: Russian
-Spanish: Spanish
-Swedish: Swedish
-Turkish: Turkish
-Welsh: Welsh
-task: task
-event: event
-journal: journal
-# Page: includes/user-imap.php
-Invalid user login: Invalid user login
-# Page: includes/user-nis.php
-incorrect password: incorrect password
-no such user: no such user
-# Page: includes/xcal.php
-Unnamed Event: Unnamed Event
-Event Imported: Event Imported
-Unknown Timezone: Unknown Timezone
-defaulting to GMT: defaulting to GMT
-Please see FAQ: Please see FAQ
-# Page: includes/js/admin.php
-Server URL is required: Server URL is required
-Server URL must end with '/': Server URL must end with '/'
-Invalid work hours: Invalid work hours
-Invalid color for document background: Invalid color for document background
-Invalid color for document title: Invalid color for document title
-Invalid color for table cell background: Invalid color for table cell background
-Invalid color for table grid: Invalid color for table grid
-Invalid color for table header background: Invalid color for table header background
-Invalid color for table text background: Invalid color for table text background
-Invalid color for event popup background: Invalid color for event popup background
-Invalid color for event popup text: Invalid color for event popup text
-Invalid color for table cell background for today: Invalid color for table cell background for today
-Color format should be '#RRGGBB': Color format should be '#RRGGBB'
-# Page: includes/js/availability.php
-Change the date and time of this entry?: Change the date and time of this entry?
-# Page: includes/js/edit_entry.php
-You have not entered a Brief Description: You have not entered a Brief Description
-The time you have entered begins before your preferred work hours. Is this correct?: The time you have entered begins before your preferred work hours. Is this correct?
-Invalid Event Date: Invalid Event Date
-Please add a participant: Please add a participant
-Invalid Date: Invalid Date
-You have not entered a valid time of day: You have not entered a valid time of day
-# Page: includes/js/edit_layer.php
-Invalid color: Invalid color
-# Page: includes/js/export_import.php
-File type does not match Import Format: File type does not match Import Format
-# Page: includes/classes/Doc.class
-bytes: bytes
-kb: kb
-Mb: Mb
-# Page: includes/classes/WebCalMailer.class
-Notification: Notification
-provide_address: You must provide at least one recipient email address
-mailer_not_supported: mailer is not supported
-execute: Could not execute~
-instantiate: Could not instantiate mail function
-authenticate: SMTP Error~ Could not authenticate
-from_failed: The following From address failed~
-recipients_failed: SMTP Error~ The following recipients failed~
-data_not_accepted: SMTP Error~ Data not accepted
-connect_host: SMTP Error~ Could not connect to SMTP host~
-file_access: Could not access file~
-file_open: File Error Could not open file~
-encoding: Unknown encoding~
-# Page: includes/menu/index.php
-This Week: This Week
-This Month: This Month
-This Year: This Year
-Add New Event: Add New Event
-Delete Entries: Delete Entries
-Another User\'s Calendar: Another User\'s Calendar
-My Views: My Views
-Manage Calendar of: Manage Calendar of
-My Reports: My Reports
-My Profile: My Profile
-Public Calendar: Public Calendar
-Unapproved Events: Unapproved Events
-User Manager: User Manager
-# Page: tools/send_reminders.php
-This is a reminder for the event detailed below.: This is a reminder for the event detailed below.
-Reminder: Reminder
-# Page: install/index.php
-Successful Login: Successful Login
-Invalid Login: Invalid Login
-needed for Gradient Image Backgrounds: needed for Gradient Image Backgrounds
-Passwords do not match: Passwords do not match
-Unable to write password to settings.php file: Unable to write password to settings.php file
-Password has been set: Password has been set
-Connection Successful: Connection Successful
-Please go to next page to continue installation: Please go to next page to continue installation
-Failure Reason: Failure Reason
-Correct your entries or click the Create New button to continue installation: Correct your entries or click the Create New button to continue installation
-You must manually create database: You must manually create database
-Correct your entries and try again: Correct your entries and try again
-Timezone Conversion Successful: Timezone Conversion Successful
-Error Converting Timezone: Error Converting Timezone
-Error Unable to write to file: Error Unable to write to file
-Please change the file permissions of this file: Please change the file permissions of this file
-Please change the file permissions of your includes directory to allow writing by other users: Please change the file permissions of your includes directory to allow writing by other users
-Your settings have been saved: Your settings have been saved
-Error you must specify a\\nSingle-User Login: Error you must specify a\\nSingle-User Login
-Server URL must end with: Server URL must end with
-Database Name: Database Name
-Full Path (no backslashes): Full Path (no backslashes)
-The password contains illegal characters.: The password contains illegal characters.
-WebCalendar Installation Wizard: WebCalendar Installation Wizard
-Step: Step
-This installation wizard will guide you through setting up a basic WebCalendar installation. For help and troubleshooting see: This installation wizard will guide you through setting up a basic WebCalendar installation. For help and troubleshooting see
-WebCalendar Version Check: WebCalendar Version Check
-This is version: This is version
-The most recent version available is: The most recent version available is
-PHP Version Check: PHP Version Check
-Check to see if PHP 4.1.0 or greater is installed: Check to see if PHP 4.1.0 or greater is installed
-PHP version: PHP version
-Detailed PHP Info: Detailed PHP Info
-Session Check: Session Check
-To test the proper operation of sessions, reload this page: To test the proper operation of sessions, reload this page
-You should see the session counter increment each time: You should see the session counter increment each time
-Settings.php Status: Settings.php Status
-The file permissions of settings.php are set...: The file permissions of settings.php are set so that the installer does not have permission to modify it. Please change the file permissions of the following file to continue.
-The file permissions of the includes directory are set...: The file permissions of the includes directory are set so that the installer does not have permission to create a new file. Please change the permissions of the following directory to continue.
-Your settings.php file appears to be valid: Your settings.php file appears to be valid
-Configuration Wizard Password: Configuration Wizard Password
-Create Settings File Password: Create Settings File Password
-Password (again): Password (again)
-In this section you will set up and test a connection to your database server: In this section you will set up and test a connection to your database server
-The account information supplied should have FULL permissions to create databases, tables and users: The account information supplied should have FULL permissions to create databases, tables and users
-If this is not possible, or your database access is limited, you will have to manually configure your database: If this is not possible, or your database access is limited, you will have to manually configure your database
-Database Status: Database Status
-Supported databases for your PHP installation: Supported databases for your PHP installation
-Your current database settings are able to access the database: Your current database settings are able to access the database
-Please Test Settings: Please Test Settings
-Your current database settings are not able to access the database or have not yet been tested: Your current database settings are not able to access the database or have not yet been tested
-Database Settings: Database Settings
-Database Type: Database Type
-Server: Server
-Connection Persistence: Connection Persistence
-Create New: Create New
-Back: Back
-All your database tables appear to be up to date. You may proceed to the: All your database tables appear to be up to date. You may proceed to the
-next page and complete your WebCalendar setup: next page and complete your WebCalendar setup
-This appears to be a new installation. If this is not correct, please: This appears to be a new installation. If this is not correct, please
-go back to the previous page and correct your settings: go back to the previous page and correct your settings
-The database requires some data input: The database requires some data input
-Click Update Database to complete the upgrade: Click Update Database to complete the upgrade
-This appears to be an upgrade from version: This appears to be an upgrade from version
-In this section we will perform the required database changes to bring your database up to the required level: In this section we will perform the required database changes to bring your database up to the required level
-If you are using a fully supported database, this step will be performed automatically for you: If you are using a fully supported database, this step will be performed automatically for you
-If not, the required SQL can be displayed and you should be able: If not, the required SQL can be displayed and you should be able
-to cut & paste it into your database server query window: to cut & paste it into your database server query window
-No database actions are required: No database actions are required
-The following database actions are required: The following database actions are required
-ODBC Underlying Database: ODBC Underlying Database
-This may take several minutes to complete: This may take several minutes to complete
-Install Database: Install Database
-Update Database: Update Database
-Display Required SQL: Display Required SQL
-After manually processing this sql, you will need to return to the previous page and retest your database so that the script can detect the changes: After manually processing this sql, you will need to return to the previous page and retest your database so that the script can detect the changes
-This is the final step in setting up your WebCalendar Installation: This is the final step in setting up your WebCalendar Installation
-Timezone Conversion: Timezone Conversion
-It appears that you have: It appears that you have
-converted your existing WebCalendar event data to GMT: converted your existing WebCalendar event data to GMT
-If you have, you may ignore this notice and not proceed with the conversion: If you have, you may ignore this notice and not proceed with the conversion
-If this is a new installation, you may also ignore this notice.: If this is a new installation, you may also ignore this notice.
-Convert Data to GMT: Convert Data to GMT
-Conversion Successful: Conversion Successful
-Conversion Not Needed: Conversion Not Needed
-Application Settings: Application Settings
-HTTP-based authentication was not detected: HTTP-based authentication was not detected
-You will need to reconfigure your web server if you wish to: You will need to reconfigure your web server if you wish to
-select 'Web Server' from the 'User Authentication' choices below: select 'Web Server' from the 'User Authentication' choices below
-HTTP-based authentication was detected: HTTP-based authentication was detected
-User authentication is being handled by your web server: User authentication is being handled by your web server
-You should select 'Web Server' from the list of 'User Authentication' choices below: You should select 'Web Server' from the list of 'User Authentication' choices below
-Create Default Admin Account: Create Default Admin Account
-User Authentication: User Authentication
-Web-based via WebCalendar (default): Web-based via WebCalendar (default)
-Web Server: Web Server
-None (Single-User): None (Single-User)
-Read-Only: Read-Only
-Environment: Environment
-Production: Production
-Development: Development
-Save Settings: Save Settings
-Launch WebCalendar: Launch WebCalendar
+# Use this as a starting point to translate this application into
+# another language. The format is "English text: translated text"
+# There cannot be a ":" in the English text.
+# Translated by:
+# your name and email here...
+# Last update: 02 July 2002
+# Check out the tools directory which contains two perl scripts:
+# check_translation.pl will tell you if you have successfully translated
+# all required text
+# update_translation.pl will take an old translation file and move the
+# translations around so they age grouped by the page they appear in.
+# It will also identify any missing translations and tag them
+# with a comment. If it is a non-english translation, the english
+# translation will be included in the comment to simplify completing
+# the translation.
+# Note: You will notice the entry for "May_" below. There's a reason for
+# this. Translate "May_" to the full month name and "May" to the three-letter
+# month abbreviation (like "Oct" for "October").
+# Translation last updated on 04-06-2006
+# Specify a charset (will be sent within meta tag for each page)
+charset: iso-8859-1
+# Page: access.php
+You are not authorized: You are not authorized
+Database error: Database error
+User Access Control: User Access Control
+Admin: Admin
+Cancel: Cancel
+Save: Save
+Grant This User Access to My Calendar: Grant This User Access to My Calendar
+Allow Access to Other Users' Calendar: Allow Access to Other Users' Calendar
+Go: Go
+Calendar: Calendar
+Type: Type
+View Event: View Event
+View: View
+Edit: Edit
+Approve/Reject: Approve/Reject
+Events: Events
+Tasks: Tasks
+Journals: Journals
+Can Invite: Can Invite
+Can Email: Can Email
+Can See Time Only: Can See Time Only
+Assistant: Assistant
+Select All: Select All
+Clear All: Clear All
+Public: Public
+Confidential: Confidential
+Private: Private
+# Page: activity_log.php
+Activity Log: Activity Log
+User: User
+Date: Date
+Time: Time
+Event: Event
+Action: Action
+Event created: Event created
+Event approved: Event approved
+Event rejected: Event rejected
+Event updated: Event updated
+Event deleted: Event deleted
+Task created: Task created
+Task approved: Task approved
+Task rejected: Task rejected
+Task updated: Task updated
+Task deleted: Task deleted
+Journal created: Journal created
+Journal approved: Journal approved
+Journal rejected: Journal rejected
+Journal updated: Journal updated
+Journal deleted: Journal deleted
+Notification sent: Notification sent
+Reminder sent: Reminder sent
+Attachment: Attachment
+Comment: Comment
+Previous: Previous
+Next: Next
+# Page: add_entry.php
+Invalid entry id: Invalid entry id
+This is a private event and may not be added to your calendar.: This is a private event and may not be added to your calendar.
+This is a confidential event and may not be added to your calendar.: This is a confidential event and may not be added to your calendar.
+Error adding event: Error adding event
+# Page: admin.php
+Error: Error
+System Settings: System Settings
+Help: Help
+Settings: Settings
+Public Access: Public Access
+Groups: Groups
+NonUser Calendars: NonUser Calendars
+Other: Other
+Email: Email
+colors-help: All colors should be specified in "#RRGGBB" hexadecimal format where "RR" is the hex value for red, "GG" is the hex value for green, and "BB" is the hex value for blue.
+Colors: Colors
+app-name-help: Specifies the name of the application that will appear in the browser title bar for all pages and on the login page. The value you specify here will be looked up in the translations file allowing you to provide different titles for different languages.
+Application Name: Application Name
+Translated Name: Translated Name
+Title: WebCalendar
+server-url-help: Specifies the base URL for the application. This will be included when sending out email reminders and notifications.
+Server URL: Server URL
+home-url-help: Specifies the home URL for the applicaiton. This can be an absolute or relative
+Home URL: Home URL
+language-help: Specifies which language to use.
+Language: Language
+Your browser default language is: Your browser default language is
+tz-help: Specifies how many hours to adjust the time from server time to local time.
+Server Timezone Selection: Server Timezone Selection
+Your current GMT offset is: Your current GMT offset is
+hours: hours
+Allow user to use themes: Allow user to use themes
+Yes: Yes
+No: No
+themes-help: Allows mass update of configuration settings. Lower case labels are user pref only.
+Themes: Themes
+None: None
+Preview: Preview
+Allow top menu: Allow top menu
+menu-themes-help: Sets the colors and style of the top menu
+Menu theme: Menu theme
+fonts-help: Specifies a list of system fonts to use (such as "Arial, Helvetica")
+Fonts: Fonts
+custom-script-help: Allows entry of custom Javascript or stylesheet text that will be inserted into the HTML "head" section of every page.
+Custom script/stylesheet: Custom script/stylesheet
+custom-header-help: Allows a custom HTML snippet to be included in the top of every page.
+Custom header: Custom header
+custom-trailer-help: Allows a custom HTML snippet to be included at the end of every page.
+Custom trailer: Custom trailer
+enable-external-header-help: Allows the custom trailer to be loaded from an external file
+Allow external file for header/script/trailer: Allow external file for header/script/trailer
+Allow user to override header/trailer: Allow user to override header/trailer
+preferred-view-help: Specifies the default view (Day, Week, Month, or Year).
+Preferred view: Preferred view
+Day: Day
+Week: Week
+Month: Month
+Year: Year
+display-sm_month-help: If enabled, displays small months in month views
+Display small months: Display small months
+display-weekends-help: Include weekends when viewing a week.
+Display weekends: Display weekends
+display-alldays-help: Display previous and next months days in month views, filling all cells.
+Display all days in month view: Display all days in month view
+yearly-shows-events-help: On the yearly view, display days that contain events in a bold font.
+Display days with events in bold in month and year views: Display days with events in bold in month and year views
+display-desc-print-day-help: Include event descriptions in printer-friendly version of day view.
+Display description in printer day view: Display description in printer day view
+display-general-use-gmt-help: If enabled, common dates/times are displayed as GMT
+Display Common Use Date/Times as GMT: Display Common Use Date/Times as GMT
+date-format-help: Specifies the preferred date format.
+Date format: Date format
+time-format-help: Specifies which time format to use: 12 hour: Display times as 3am, 8:30pm, etc. 24 hour: Display times as 300, 2030, etc.
+Time format: Time format
+12 hour: 12 hour
+24 hour: 24 hour
+time-interval-help: Specifies how long the time blocks in the week view and day view will be.
+Time interval: Time interval
+hour: hour
+minutes: minutes
+auto-refresh-help: When enabled, the day view, week view, month view, and list unapproved pages will all automatically refresh themselves periodically.
+Auto-refresh calendars: Auto-refresh calendars
+auto-refresh-time-help: If Auto-refresh is enabled, this specifies the time between each refresh.
+Auto-refresh time: Auto-refresh time
+require-approvals-help: When enabled, a user must approve an event before it is displayed on their calendar (unless Display unapproved is enabled). Note setting this to "No" will not turn off approvals for the Public Access calendar (if the Public Access calendar is enabled).
+Require event approvals: Require event approvals
+display-unapproved-help: Specifies whether unapproved events are displayed in your calendar. If set to "Yes", then unapproved events will be displayed in your calendar (in a different text color). If set to "No", then unapproved events must be approved before they are displayed in your calendar.
+Display unapproved: Display unapproved
+display-week-number-help: Specifies whether the week number (1-52) should be displayed in the month view and the week view.
+Display week number: Display week number
+display-week-starts-on: Specifies whether the week starts on Sunday or Monday. If Monday is specified, then week numbers will be ISO week numbers.
+Week starts on: Week starts on
+Sunday: Sunday
+Monday: Monday
+work-hours-help: Specifies the time range to display for the day view.
+Work hours: Work hours
+From: From
+to: to
+disable-popups-help: Disable popups from calendar views
+Disable Pop-Ups: Disable Pop-Ups
+disable-location-field-help: Selecting "Yes" will remove the "Location" field from event information pages
+Disable Location field: Disable Location field
+disable-priority-field-help: Selecting "Yes" will remove the "Priority" field from event information pages, providing a simpler interface for novices.
+Disable Priority field: Disable Priority field
+disable-access-field-help: Selecting "Yes" will remove the "Access" field from event information pages, providing a simpler interface for novices.
+Disable Access field: Disable Access field
+disable-participants-field-help: Selecting "Yes" will remove the "Participants" field from event information pages, preventing users from adding other users to their events. If you enable this option, you may want to also disable the "Allow viewing other user's calendars" field also.
+Disable Participants field: Disable Participants field
+disable-repeating-field-help: Selecting "Yes" will remove the "Repeating" field when adding events. This will provide a simpler interface for novices.
+Disable Repeating field: Disable Repeating field
+popup-includes-siteextras-help: If enabled, allow custom event fields setup in the site_extras.php file will be displayed in event popups.
+Display Site Extras in popup: Display Site Extras in popup
+popup-includes-participants-help: If enabled, participants are displayed in event popups.
+Display Participants in popup: Display Participants in popup
+allow-html-description-help: If enabled, users can enter HTML in the event description field. If not enabled, the HTML tags will be escaped so as to appear as plain text. Warning: Enabling this feature will allow users to reference images on other websites.
+Allow HTML in Description: Allow HTML in Description
+allow-view-other-help: Specifies whether one user may view another user's calendar.
+Allow viewing other user's calendars: Allow viewing other user's calendars
+allow-view-add-help: A '+' icon will be included in views, allowing users to quickly add events to other users' calendars.
+Include add event link in views: Include add event link in views
+remember-last-login-help: When enabled, the user's login will be filled in for them on the login page (but not the password), and the user's preferences will be loaded (including their preferred colors and language selection).
+Remember last login: Remember last login
+conflict-check-help: Check for event conflicts (two events scheduled for the same time for the same person). If you set this to "Yes", you will still be able to schedule two events at the same time after confirming a warning. If you set this to "No", no checking for conflicts will be done. You probably want to set this to "Yes", so conflict checking occurs.
+Check for event conflicts: Check for event conflicts
+conflict-months-help: If conflict checking is in place ("Check for event conflicts" is set to "No"), this specifies how many months into the future we should check for conflicts. If you find adding events is taking a long time to process, reduce this number.
+Conflict checking months: Conflict checking months
+conflict-check-override-help: Allows users to override event conflicts and schedule two or more events for the same time.
+Allow users to override conflicts: Allow users to override conflicts
+limit-appts-help: Allows the system administrator to set a system-wide limit on the number of appointments a single user can have on any single day.
+Limit number of timed events per day: Limit number of timed events per day
+limit-appts-number-help: Specifies the maximum number of timed events a user can have in a single day.
+Maximum timed events per day: Maximum timed events per day
+timed-evt-len-help: Specifies input method for determining the length of a timed event.
+Specify timed event length by: Specify timed event length by
+Duration: Duration
+End Time: End Time
+summary_length-help: Maximum length of Brief Description in calendar views
+Brief Description Length: Brief Description Length
+lunar-help: If enabled, will display small icons representing the lunar phases each month
+Display Lunar Phases in month view: Display Lunar Phases in month view
+Plugins: Plugins
+plugins-enabled-help: Enable plugin applications.
+Enable Plugins: Enable Plugins
+plugins-sort-key-help: Specifies a sort key for the plugin. This allows the plugins to appear in a specific order.
+Plugin: Plugin
+allow-public-access-help: When enabled, the calendar can be used as a read-only public calendar that does not require users to login.
+Allow public access: Allow public access
+public-access-default-visible: Events from the public calendar will automatically appear on all users' calendars
+Public access visible by default: Public access visible by default
+public-access-default-selected: When adding a new event, the public user will be selected by default as a participant.
+Public access is default participant: Public access is default participant
+public-access-view-others-help: When access the system with public access, specifies whether the user can view the calendar of another calendar user.
+Public access can view other users: Public access can view other users
+public-access-can-add-help: When enabled, users that access the system through Public Access will be able to add new events, but they will not show up in the calendar until an administrator approves the new event.
+Public access can add events: Public access can add events
+public-access-add-requires-approval-help: Specifies whether events added via the public access account require approval before being displayed.
+Public access new events require approval: Public access new events require approval
+public-access-sees-participants-help: If enabled, users accessing the calendar from the public account will be able to see event participants if they view details of an event.
+Public access can view participants: Public access can view participants
+public-access-override-help: Allows event names and descriptions to be hidden on the public calendar
+Override event name/description for public access: Override event name/description for public access
+public-access-override-text-help: The text to display if the above option is enabled. If 'Not Available', it will be translated.
+Text to display to public access: Text to display to public access
+uac-enabled-help: Enables user-level access control
+User Access Control enabled: User Access Control enabled
+groups-enabled-help: Enables group support, allowing users to select users by groups.
+Groups enabled: Groups enabled
+user-sees-his-group-help: If enabled, users will not see calendar users that are not in at least one of their groups.
+User sees only his groups: User sees only his groups
+nonuser-enabled-help: If enabled, admins will have the option to add nonuser calendars
+Nonuser enabled: Nonuser Calendars Enabled
+nonuser-list-help: Where to display the nonuser calendars in the participant list
+Nonuser list: Display in participants list at
+Top: Top
+Bottom: Bottom
+reports-enabled-help: If enabled, users will see a "Reports" section at the bottom of each page and will be allowed to create custom reports. Additionally, admin users can create global reports that will appear at the bottom of all users' pages.
+Reports enabled: Reports enabled
+subscriptions-enabled-help: Specifies if remote users can subscribe to a WebCalendar user's calendar, allowing them to see the WebCalendar user's events in their iCal-enabled application (such as Apple's iCal or Mozilla Calendar).
+Allow remote subscriptions: Allow remote subscriptions
+rss-enabled-help: Specifies if a user's calendar can be obtained from a RSS feed.
+Enable RSS feed: Enable RSS feed
+categories-enabled-help: Enables support for event categories.
+Categories enabled: Categories enabled
+icon_upload-enabled-help: If enabled, users can upload category icons
+Category Icon Upload enabled: Category Icon Upload enabled
+display-tasks-help: Display small task window on month and day calendar
+Display small task list: Display small task list
+display-tasks-in-grid-help: Display tasks in calendars along with events
+Display tasks in Calendars: Display tasks in Calendars
+allow-external-users-help: Specifies whether a non-calendar user can be added to an event. This allows non-calendar users to be listed as event participants.
+Allow external users: Allow external users
+external-can-receive-notification-help: When external users are enabled and email usage is enabled, external users can receive email notifications when the event is added, updated or delete (if the external user's email address is provided).
+External users can receive email notifications: External users can receive email notifications
+external-can-receive-reminder-help: When external users are enabled and email usage is enabled, external users can receive email reminders (if the external user's email address is provided).
+External users can receive email reminders: External users can receive email reminders
+allow-self-registration-help: Permit new users to register themselves
+Allow self-registration: Allow self-registration
+use-blacklist-help: Limit access to WebCalendar functions based on IP address
+Restrict self-registration to blacklist: Restrict self-registration to blacklist
+allow-self-registration-full-help: Allow new users to complete the self-registration process on-line
+Use self-registration email notifications: Generate passwords and send to new users. This should help eliminate spammers.
+allow-attachment-help: Allow users to add file attachments to events.
+Allow file attachments to events: Allow file attachments to events
+Admin and owner can always add attachments if enabled: Admin and owner can always add attachments if enabled
+Participant: Participant
+Anyone: Anyone
+allow-comments-help: Allow users to add comments to events.
+Allow comments to events: Allow comments to events
+Admin and owner can always add comments if enabled: Admin and owner can always add comments if enabled
+email-enabled-help: Turn on or off all sending of email for notification and reminders. Set to "no", if your server is not properly setup to send mail.
+Email enabled: Email enabled
+email-default-sender: Specifies the email address to specify as the sender when sending out reminders.
+Default sender address: Default sender address
+email-mailer: Choose email type (SMTP, PHP mail, sendmail)
+Email Mailer: Email Mailer
+email-smtp-host: Hostname(s) of SMTP server(s) seperated by commas
+SMTP Host name(s): SMTP Host name(s)
+email-smtp-port: SMTP Port Number (normally 25)
+SMTP Port Number: SMTP Port Number
+email-smtp-auth: Use SMTP Authentication
+SMTP Authentication: SMTP Authentication
+email-smtp-username: SMTP Username if using Authentication
+SMTP Username: SMTP Username
+email-smtp-password: SMTP Password if using Authentication
+SMTP Password: SMTP Password
+Default user settings: Default user settings
+email-event-reminders-help: Specifies whether or not to send event reminders.
+Event reminders: Event reminders
+email-event-added: Specifies whether or not to send email notifications when an event is added to your calendar.
+Events added to my calendar: Events added to my calendar
+email-event-updated: Specifies whether or not to send email notifications when an event is updated on your calendar.
+Events updated on my calendar: Events updated on my calendar
+email-event-deleted: Specifies whether or not to send email notifications when an event is removed from your calendar.
+Events removed from my calendar: Events removed from my calendar
+email-event-rejected: Specifies whether or not to send email notifications when a participant rejects an event that is on your calendar.
+Event rejected by participant: Event rejected by participant
+Allow user to customize colors: Allow user to customize colors
+gradient-colors: If enabled gradient colors are used. This can greatly impact performane.
+Enable gradient images for background colors: Enable gradient images for background colors
+Not available: Not available
+Document background: Document background
+Select: Select
+Document title: Document title
+Document text: Document text
+My event text: My event text
+Table grid color: Table grid color
+Table header background: Table header background
+Table header text: Table header text
+Table cell background: Table cell background
+Table cell background for current day: Table cell background for current day
+Table cell background for days with events: Table cell background for days with events
+Table cell background for weekends: Table cell background for weekends
+Table cell background for other month: Table cell background for other month
+Event popup background: Event popup background
+Event popup text: Event popup text
+The following error occurred: The following error occurred
+# Page: adminhome.php
+Control Panel: Control Panel
+Preferences: Preferences
+Assistants: Assistants
+Users: Users
+Account: Account
+Categories: Categories
+Views: Views
+Layers: Layers
+Reports: Reports
+Delete Events: Delete Events
+Public Preferences: Public Preferences
+Unapproved Public Events: Unapproved Public Events
+Administrative Tools: Administrative Tools
+# Page: approve_entry.php
+Additional Comments (optional): Additional Comments (optional)
+Approve and Send: Approve and Send
+Approve and Exit: Approve and Exit
+(Your comments will be included in an email to the event creator): (Your comments will be included in an email to the event creator)
+Error approving event: Error approving event
+Hello: Hello
+An appointment has been approved and comments added by: An appointment has been approved and comments added by
+The subject was: The subject was
+The description is: The description is
+Comments: Comments
+# Page: assistant_edit.php
+Admin mode: Admin mode
+Your assistants: Your assistants
+# Page: category.php
+Add: Add
+Category Name: Category Name
+Category Icon: Category Icon
+Remove Icon: Remove Icon
+Global: Global
+Add Icon to Category: Add Icon to Category
+Upload: Upload
+gif 3kb max: gif 3kb max
+Search for existing icons: Search for existing icons
+Delete: Delete
+Are you sure you want to delete this entry?: Are you sure you want to delete this entry?
+Add New Category: Add New Category
+# Page: category_handler.php
+File size exceeds maximum: File size exceeds maximum
+File is not a gif image: File is not a gif image
+# Page: catsel.php
+Remove: Remove
+Global Category: Global Category
+Ok: Ok
+# Page: day.php
+Generate printer-friendly version: Generate printer-friendly version
+Printer Friendly: Printer Friendly
+# Page: del_entry.php
+An appointment has been canceled for you by: An appointment has been canceled for you by
+# Page: docadd.php
+Add Comment: Add Comment
+Add Attachment: Add Attachment
+Subject: Subject
+Upload file: Upload file
+Description: Description
+# Page: docdel.php
+Removed: Removed
+# Page: edit_entry.php
+You are not authorized to edit this task: You are not authorized to edit this task
+hours ahead of you: hours ahead of you
+hours behind you: hours behind you
+is in a different timezone than you are. Currently: is in a different timezone than you are. Currently
+Time entered here is based on your Timezone: Time entered here is based on your Timezone
+Edit Entry: Edit Entry
+Add Entry: Add Entry
+Details: Details
+Participants: Participants
+Repeat: Repeat
+Reminders: Reminders
+brief-description-help: This should provide a short description (about 20 characters) of the event. This will represent the event when viewing the calendar.
+Brief Description: Brief Description
+full-description-help: This should complete details of the event. This information can be seen when a user views the event.
+Full Description: Full Description
+access-help: Specifies the access level of the event. Public: Everyone can see the full details of the event. Confidential: Others can see that you have an entry for that date and time, but not the details of what it is.
+Access: Access
+priority-help: Specifies the priority of the event. High priority events will be displayed in bold.
+Priority: Priority
+Low: Low
+Medium: Medium
+High: High
+category-help: Specifies the category of the event.
+Category: Category
+Use the Edit button to make changes.: Use the Edit button to make changes.
+percent-help: Task completion percentage for this user
+Percent Complete: Percent Complete
+All Percentages: All Percentages
+location-help: Event location
+Location: Location
+date-help: Specifies the date of the event.
+Start Date: Start Date
+Untimed event: Untimed event
+Timed event: Timed event
+All day event: All day event
+Timezone Offset: Timezone Offset
+time-help: Specifies the time of the event. Select either "Timed event" (for an event that is scheduled for a specific time on that day), "Untimed event" (for an event this does not have a time (like a holiday), or "All day event" (for an event that takes all day (like being out of the office).
+am: am
+pm: pm
+duration-help: Specifies the duration (in hours;minutes) of the event. This field can be left blank.
+end-time-help: Specifies the time the event is expected to end.
+Start Time: Start Time
+Due Date: Due Date
+Due Time: Due Time
+participants-help: Lists the participants of this entry.
+Availability: Availability
+external-participants-help: Specifies a list of participants for the event that are not calendar users. The users should be listed one per line and can include an email address. If an email address is specified, the user is eligible to receive notifications and reminders.
+External Participants: External Participants
+repeat-type-help: Select how often the event should repeat.Monthly (by day) allows an event to repeat on the 1st Monday of the month, 3rd Thursday of the month, etc. Monthly (by date) allows an event to repeat on the same day of the month.
+Daily: Daily
+Weekly: Weekly
+Monthly: Monthly
+by day: by day
+by date: by date
+by position: by position
+Yearly: Yearly
+Manual: Manual
+Expert Mode: Expert Mode
+repeat-end-date-help: Specifies the date the event should repeat until.
+Ending: Ending
+Forever: Forever
+Use end date: Use end date
+Number of times: Number of times
+repeat-frequency-help: Specifies how often the event should repeat.
+Frequency: Frequency
+Weekdays Only: Weekdays Only
+Week Start: Week Start
+repeat-bydayextended-help: Allows date selection based on day of week.
+ByDay: ByDay
+All: All
+repeat-month-help: Specifies which months the event should repeat in.
+ByMonth: ByMonth
+repeat-bysetpos-help: Allows date selection based on position within an another ByXXX set of dates.
+BySetPos: BySetPos
+repeat-bymonthdayextended-help: Allows date selection based on date.
+ByMonthDay: ByMonthDay
+repeat-byweekno-help: Allows user to specify a list of weeks to repeat event (1,2...53,-53,-52...-1).
+ByWeekNo: ByWeekNo
+repeat-byyearday-help: Allows user to specify a list of year days to repeat event (1,2...366,-366,-365...-1).
+ByYearDay: ByYearDay
+repeat-exceptions-help: Additional days that this event should or should not occur on.
+Exclusions: Exclusions
+Inclusions: Inclusions
+Add Exception: Add Exception
+Add Inclusion: Add Inclusion
+Delete Selected: Delete Selected
+Send Reminder: Send Reminder
+When: When
+Use Date/Time: Use Date/Time
+Use Offset: Use Offset
+days: days
+Before: Before
+After: After
+Start: Start
+End/Due: End/Due
+Times: Times
+Every: Every
+Delete entry: Delete entry
+You are not authorized to edit this entry: You are not authorized to edit this entry
+# Page: edit_entry_handler.php
+The following conflicts with the suggested time: The following conflicts with the suggested time
+A new appointment has been made for you by: A new appointment has been made for you by
+An appointment has been updated by: An appointment has been updated by
+The subject is: The subject is
+Please look on: Please look on
+to accept or reject this appointment: to accept or reject this appointment
+to view this appointment: to view this appointment
+Scheduling Conflict: Scheduling Conflict
+Your suggested time of: Your suggested time of
+conflicts with the following existing calendar entries: conflicts with the following existing calendar entries
+# Page: edit_layer.php
+Edit Layer: Edit Layer
+Add Layer: Add Layer
+Source: Source
+Color: Color
+Duplicates: Duplicates
+Show layer events that are the same as your own: Show layer events that are the same as your own
+Delete layer: Delete layer
+Are you sure you want to delete this layer?: Are you sure you want to delete this layer?
+# Page: edit_layer_handler.php
+You cannot create a layer for yourself: You cannot create a layer for yourself
+You can only create one layer for each user: You can only create one layer for each user
+# Page: edit_nonusers.php
+NONUSER_PREFIX not set: NONUSER_PREFIX has not been set in config.php.
+word characters only: can only contain word characters (a-zA-Z_0-9)
+Edit User: Edit User
+Add User: Add User
+Calendar ID: Calendar ID
+First Name: First Name
+Last Name: Last Name
+Is public calendar: Is public calendar
+# Page: edit_nonusers_handler.php
+Changes successfully saved: Changes successfully saved
+# Page: edit_report.php
+Tomorrow: Tomorrow
+Today: Today
+Yesterday: Yesterday
+Day before yesterday: Day before yesterday
+Next week: Next week
+This week: This week
+Last week: Last week
+Week before last: Week before last
+Next week and week after: Next week and week after
+This week and next week: This week and next week
+Last week and this week: Last week and this week
+Last two weeks: Last two weeks
+Next month: Next month
+This month: This month
+Last month: Last month
+Month before last: Month before last
+Next year: Next year
+This year: This year
+Last year: Last year
+Year before last: Year before last
+Next 14 days: Next 14 days
+Next 30 days: Next 30 days
+Next 60 days: Next 60 days
+Next 90 days: Next 90 days
+Next 180 days: Next 180 days
+Next 365 days: Next 365 days
+Invalid report id: Invalid report id
+Unnamed Report: Unnamed Report
+Add Report: Add Report
+Edit Report: Edit Report
+Report name: Report name
+Current User: Current User
+Include link in trailer: Include link in trailer
+Include standard header/trailer: Include standard header/trailer
+Date range: Date range
+Include previous/next links: Include previous/next links
+Include empty dates: Include empty dates
+Template variables: Template variables
+Page template: Page template
+Day template: Day template
+Event template: Event template
+Are you sure you want to delete this report?: Are you sure you want to delete this report?
+# Page: edit_report_handler.php
+Variable N not found: Variable N not found
+# Page: edit_template.php
+Edit Custom Script/Stylesheet: Edit Custom Script/Stylesheet
+Edit Custom Header: Edit Custom Header
+Edit Custom Trailer: Edit Custom Trailer
+# Page: edit_user.php
+Username: Username
+E-mail address: E-mail address
+Password: Password
+again: again
+Disabled for demo: Disabled for demo
+Are you sure you want to delete this user?: Are you sure you want to delete this user?
+Change Password: Change Password
+New Password: New Password
+Set Password: Set Password
+# Page: edit_user_handler.php
+Deleting users not supported: Deleting users not supported
+The passwords were not identical: The passwords were not identical
+You have not entered a password: You have not entered a password
+Username can not be blank: Username can not be blank
+# Page: export.php
+Export: Export
+Export format: Export format
+Palm Pilot: Palm Pilot
+Include all layers: Include all layers
+Export all dates: Export all dates
+Start date: Start date
+End date: End date
+Modified since: Modified since
+# Page: export_handler.php
+export format not defined or incorrect: export format not defined or incorrect
+# Page: groups.php
+Add New Group: Add New Group
+# Page: group_edit.php
+Unnamed Group: Unnamed Group
+Add Group: Add Group
+Edit Group: Edit Group
+Group name: Group name
+Updated: Updated
+Created by: Created by
+# Page: group_edit_handler.php
+You must specify a group name: You must specify a group name
+# Page: help_admin.php
+Display weekends in week view: Display weekends in week view
+Display days with events in bold in year view: Display days with events in bold in year view
+Nonuser: Nonuser Calendars
+user-customize-color: Specifies whether users are allowed to modify their own color scheme.
+enable-gradient-help: Use gradient colors for cell backgrounds.
+Manually entering color values: Manually entering color values
+# Page: help_bug.php
+Report Bug: Report Bug
+# Page: help_edit_entry.php
+Adding/Editing Calendar Entries: Adding/Editing Calendar Entries
+Repeat Type: Repeat Type
+Repeat End Date: Repeat End Date
+Repeat Day: Repeat Day
+repeat-day-help: Specifies which days of the week the event should repeat on.
+# Page: help_import.php
+Import: Import
+Palm Desktop: Palm Desktop
+This form will allow you to import entries from the Palm Desktop Datebook.: This form will allow you to import entries from the Palm Desktop Datebook.
+It should be located in your Palm directory in datebook/datebook.dat in a subdirectory named by your username.: It should be located in your Palm directory in datebook/datebook.dat in a subdirectory named by your username.
+The following entries will not be imported: The following entries will not be imported
+Entries older than the current date: Entries older than the current date
+Entries created in the Palm Desktop that have not been HotSync'd: Entries created in the Palm Desktop that have not been HotSync'd
+Anything imported from Palm will be overwritten during the next import (unless the event date has passed).: Anything imported from Palm will be overwritten during the next import (unless the event date has passed).
+Therefore, updates should be made in the Palm Desktop.: Therefore, updates should be made in the Palm Desktop.
+vCal: vCal
+This form will import vCalendar (.vcs) 1.0 events: This form will import vCalendar (.vcs) 1.0 events
+The following formats have been tested: The following formats have been tested
+Palm Desktop 4: Palm Desktop 4
+Lotus Organizer 6: Lotus Organizer 6
+Microsoft Outlook 2002: Microsoft Outlook 2002
+iCalendar: iCalendar
+This form will import iCalendar (.ics) events: This form will import iCalendar (.ics) events
+Enabling Overwrite Prior Import will cause events imported previously that used the same UID as an event from the new import file to be marked as deleted. This should allow an updated iCalendar file to be imported without creating duplicates.: Enabling Overwrite Prior Import will cause events imported previously that used the same UID as an event from the new import file to be marked as deleted. This should allow an updated iCalendar file to be imported without creating duplicates.
+# Page: help_index.php
+Help Index: Help Index
+# Page: help_layers.php
+Layers are useful for displaying other users' events in your own calendar. You can specify the user and the color the events will be displayed in.: Layers are useful for displaying other users' events in your own calendar. You can specify the user and the color the events will be displayed in.
+Add/Edit/Delete: Add/Edit/Delete
+Clicking the Edit Layers link in the admin section at the bottom of the page will allow you to add/edit/delete layers.: Clicking the Edit Layers link in the admin section at the bottom of the page will allow you to add/edit/delete layers.
+Specifies the user that you would like to see displayed in your calendar.: Specifies the user that you would like to see displayed in your calendar.
+The text color of the new layer that will be displayed in your calendar.: The text color of the new layer that will be displayed in your calendar.
+If checked, events that are duplicates of your events will be shown.: If checked, events that are duplicates of your events will be shown.
+Disabling: Disabling
+Press the Disable Layers link in the admin section at the bottom of the page to turn off layers.: Press the Disable Layers link in the admin section at the bottom of the page to turn off layers.
+Enabling: Enabling
+Press the Enable Layers link in the admin section at the bottom of the page to turn on layers.: Press the Enable Layers link in the admin section at the bottom of the page to turn on layers.
+# Page: help_pref.php
+Default Category: Default Category
+default-category-help: Specifies the category a new event should default to.
+When I am the boss: When I am the boss
+Email me event notification: Email me event notification
+email-boss-notifications-help: Specifies if bosses receive emails as event notifications.
+I want to approve events: I want to approve events
+boss-approve-event-help: Specifies whether the boss will be required to approve events added by assistants.
+Subscribe/Publish: Subscribe/Publish
+allow-remote-subscriptions-help: Specifies if remote users can subscribe to your calendar, allowing them to see your events in a iCal-enabled application (such as Apple's iCal or Mozilla Calendar).
+remote-subscriptions-url-help: Displays the URL remote users should use to subscribe to your calendar.
+Allow remote publishing: Allow remote publishing
+allow-remote-publishing-help: Specifies if a remote iCal client can publish events back to WebCalendar
+remote-publishing-url-help: Displays the URL to use in the iCal client application for both subscribing and publishing back to WebCalendar.
+rss-feed-url-help: The URL to access the RSS feed
+Enable FreeBusy publishing: Enable FreeBusy publishing
+freebusy-enabled-help: Specifies if a user's available time can be obtained using the iCal FreeBusy standard.
+freebusy-url-help: The URL for accessing the user's FreeBusy list
+# Page: help_uac.php
+User Access Control allows for finer control of user access and permissions than possible before. Users can also grant default and per individual permission if authorized by the administrator.: User Access Control allows for finer control of user access and permissions than possible before. Users can also grant default and per individual permission if authorized by the administrator.:
+If disabled, this user will not see you in the participants list.: If disabled, this user will not see you in the participants list.
+If disabled, this user will not be able to send you emails.: If disabled, this user will not be able to send you emails.
+If enabled, this user will not be able to view the details of any of your entries.: If enabled, this user will not be able to view the details of any of your entries.
+# Page: icalclient.php
+Publishing Disabled (Admin): Publishing Disabled (Admin)
+Publishing Disabled (User): Publishing Disabled (User)
+# Page: icons.php
+Click to Select: Click to Select
+Current Icons on Server: Current Icons on Server
+# Page: import.php
+Disabled: Disabled
+Import format: Import format
+Exclude private records: Exclude private records
+Overwrite Prior Import: Overwrite Prior Import
+Repeated items are imported separately. Prior imports are not overwritten.: Repeated items are imported separately. Prior imports are not overwritten.
+# Page: import_handler.php
+Import Results: Import Results
+Events successfully imported: Events successfully imported
+Events from prior import marked as deleted: Events from prior import marked as deleted
+Conflicting events: Conflicting events
+Errors: Errors
+There was an error parsing the import file or no events were returned: There was an error parsing the import file or no events were returned
+The import file contained no data: The import file contained no data
+# Page: layers.php
+Layers are currently: Layers are currently
+Enabled: Enabled
+Disable Layers: Disable Layers
+Enable Layers: Enable Layers
+Click here: Click here
+to modify the layers settings for the: to modify the layers settings for the
+calendar: calendar
+Add layer: Add layer
+Layer: Layer
+Edit layer: Edit layer
+# Page: list_unapproved.php
+View this entry: View this entry
+Approve/Confirm: Approve/Confirm
+Approve this entry?: Approve this entry?
+Reject: Reject
+Reject this entry?: Reject this entry?
+No unapproved entries for: No unapproved entries for
+Unapproved Entries: Unapproved Entries
+Not authorized: Not authorized
+# Page: load_tz_data.php
+Load: Load
+Loading Timezone Data into Database: Loading Timezone Data into Database
+This could take several minutes to complete: This could take several minutes to complete
+Close: Close
+# Page: login-app.php
+You must enter a login and password: You must enter a login and password
+Save login via cookies so I don't have to login next time: Save login via cookies so I don't have to login next time
+Login: Login
+Access public calendar: Access public calendar
+cookies-note: Note: This application requires cookies to be enabled.
+# Page: login.php
+Invalid login: Invalid login
+You have been logged out: You have been logged out
+Not yet registered? Register here!: Not yet registered? Register here!
+# Page: minical.php
+No such nonuser calendar: No such nonuser calendar
+This Calendar is not Public: This Calendar is not Public
+# Page: nonusers.php
+Add New NonUser Calendar: Add New NonUser Calendar
+# Page: pref.php
+to modify the preferences for the Public Access calendar: to modify the preferences for the Public Access calendar
+to modify the preferences for the: to modify the preferences for the
+Save Preferences: Save Preferences
+Custom Scripts: Custom Scripts
+Timezone Selection: Timezone Selection
+Email format preference: Email format preference
+Plain Text: Plain Text
+display_byproxy-help: Display the real creator on view_entry page
+Display if created by Assistant: Display if created by Assistant
+# Page: purge.php
+Purging events for: Purging events for
+Finished: Finished
+Check box to delete ALL events for a user: Check box to delete ALL events for a user
+Delete all events before: Delete all events before
+Preview delete: Preview delete
+Are you sure you want to delete events for: Are you sure you want to delete events for
+Records deleted from: Records deleted from
+# Page: register.php
+Username already exists: Username already exists
+Email address can not be blank: Email address can not be blank
+Email address already exists: Email address already exists
+Illegal characters in login: Illegal characters in login
+A new WebCalendar account has been set up for you: A new WebCalendar account has been set up for you
+Your username is: Your username is
+Your password is: Your password is
+Please visit: Please visit
+to log in and start using your account: to log in and start using your account
+You may change your password after logging in the first time: You may change your password after logging in the first time
+If you received this email in error: If you received this email in error and did not sign up for a WebCalendar account, you may disregard this notice, or reply with a short note
+Administrator: Administrator
+Welcome: Welcome
+Your passwords do not match: Your passwords do not match
+Registration: Registration
+Welcome to WebCalendar: Welcome to WebCalendar
+Your email should arrive shortly: Your email should arrive shortly
+Return to Login screen: Return to Login screen
+Your account information will be emailed to you: Your account information will be emailed to you
+Submit: Submit
+# Page: reject_entry.php
+Continue: Continue
+(Your comments will be included in an email to the other participants): (Your comments will be included in an email to the other participants)
+An appointment has been rejected by: An appointment has been rejected by
+# Page: report.php
+cont.: cont.
+This event is confidential: This event is confidential
+Waiting for approval: Waiting for approval
+Deleted: Deleted
+Rejected: Rejected
+Approved: Approved
+Unknown: Unknown
+to manage reports for the Public Access calendar: to manage reports for the Public Access calendar
+Add new report: Add new report
+Manage Reports: Manage Reports
+# Page: search.php
+Search: Search
+Keywords: Keywords
+Advanced Search: Advanced Search
+# Page: search_handler.php
+You must enter one or more search keywords: You must enter one or more search keywords
+Search Results: Search Results
+match found: match found
+matches found: matches found
+No matches found: No matches found
+# Page: select_user.php
+View Another User's Calendar: View Another User's Calendar
+# Page: set_entry_cat.php
+You have not added any categories: You have not added any categories
+Set Category: Set Category
+Global Categories can not be changed: Global Categories can not be changed
+# Page: upcoming.php
+__month__ __dd__: __month__ __dd__
+more: more
+# Page: users.php
+Add New User: Add New User
+denotes administrative user: denotes administrative user
+# Page: usersel.php
+Reset: Reset
+# Page: views.php
+Add New View: Add New View
+# Page: views_edit.php
+Unnamed View: Unnamed View
+Add View: Add View
+Edit View: Edit View
+View Name: View Name
+View Type: View Type
+Day by Time: Day by Time
+Week (Users horizontal): Week (Users horizontal)
+Week by Time: Week by Time
+Week (Users vertical): Week (Users vertical)
+Week (Timebar): Week (Timebar)
+Month (Timebar): Month (Timebar)
+Month (side by side): Month (side by side)
+Month (on same calendar): Month (on same calendar)
+preview: preview
+Selected: Selected
+# Page: views_edit_handler.php
+You must specify a view name: You must specify a view name
+# Page: view_d.php
+No users for this view: No users for this view
+# Page: view_entry.php
+Status: Status
+Accepted: Accepted
+Needs-Action: Needs-Action
+Declined: Declined
+by: by
+Percentage Complete: Percentage Complete
+External User: External User
+Update Task Percentage: Update Task Percentage
+Update: Update
+Attachments: Attachments
+comments: comments
+Show: Show
+Hide: Hide
+Approve/Confirm entry: Approve/Confirm entry
+Reject entry: Reject entry
+Set category: Set category
+Edit repeating entry for all dates: Edit repeating entry for all dates
+Edit entry for this date: Edit entry for this date
+Delete repeating event for all dates: Delete repeating event for all dates
+This will delete this entry for all users.: This will delete this entry for all users.
+Delete entry only for this date: Delete entry only for this date
+Edit entry: Edit entry
+from calendar of: from calendar of
+Copy entry: Copy entry
+This will delete the entry from your calendar.: This will delete the entry from your calendar.
+Add to My Calendar: Add to My Calendar
+Do you want to add this entry to your calendar?: Do you want to add this entry to your calendar?
+This will add the entry to your calendar.: This will add the entry to your calendar.
+Email all participants: Email all participants
+Show activity log: Show activity log
+Hide activity log: Hide activity log
+Export this entry to: Export this entry to
+# Page: view_r.php
+Double-click on empty cell to add new entry: Double-click on empty cell to add new entry
+# Page: week_details.php
+Assistant mode: Assistant mode
+New Entry: New Entry
+# Page: includes/access.php
+Edit Event: Edit Event
+Day View: Day View
+Week View: Week View
+Month View: Month View
+Year View: Year View
+Manage Views: Manage Views
+Category Management: Category Management
+User Management: User Management
+Another User's Calendar: Another User's Calendar
+Common Trailer: Common Trailer
+# Page: includes/config.php
+Fatal Error: Fatal Error
+Troubleshooting Help: Troubleshooting Help
+# Page: includes/date_formats.php
+December: December
+Dec: Dec
+# Page: includes/functions.php
+__month__ __dd__, __yyyy__: __month__ __dd__, __yyyy__
+__month__ __yyyy__: __month__ __yyyy__
+This event is private: This event is private
+Conf.: Conf.
+Sun: Sun
+Mon: Mon
+Tue: Tue
+Wed: Wed
+Thu: Thu
+Fri: Fri
+Sat: Sat
+Task_Title: Title
+Due: Due
+Task Name: Task Name
+Task Due Date: Task Due Date
+__mm__/__dd__/__yyyy__: __mm__/__dd__/__yyyy__
+Completed: Completed
+View this task: View this task
+View this event: View this event
+exceeds limit of XXX events per day: exceeds limit of XXX events per day
+You have XXX unapproved entries: You have XXX unapproved entries
+January: January
+February: February
+March: March
+April: April
+May_: May
+June: June
+July: July
+August: August
+September: September
+October: October
+November: November
+Jan: Jan
+Feb: Feb
+Mar: Mar
+Apr: Apr
+May: May
+Jun: Jun
+Jul: Jul
+Aug: Aug
+Sep: Sep
+Oct: Oct
+Nov: Nov
+Tuesday: Tuesday
+Wednesday: Wednesday
+Thursday: Thursday
+Friday: Friday
+Saturday: Saturday
+All Attendees: All Attendees
+Busy: Busy
+Tentative: Tentative
+day: day
+minute: minute
+before: before
+after: after
+start: start
+end: end
+# Page: includes/help_trailer.php
+Go to: Go to
+# Page: includes/trailer.php
+Home: Home
+My Calendar: My Calendar
+Back to My Calendar: Back to My Calendar
+Add New Entry: Add New Entry
+Add New Task: Add New Task
+Logout: Logout
+Manage calendar of: Manage calendar of
+# Page: includes/translate.php
+Browser Language Not Found: Browser Language Not Found
+not supported: not supported
+English: English
+English-US: English-US
+Basque: Basque
+Bulgarian: Bulgarian
+Catalan: Catalan
+Chinese (Traditional/Big5): Chinese (Traditional/Big5)
+Chinese (Simplified/GB2312): Chinese (Simplified/GB2312)
+Czech: Czech
+Danish: Danish
+Dutch: Dutch
+Estonian: Estonian
+Finnish: Finnish
+French: French
+Galician: Galician
+German: German
+Greek: Greek
+Holo (Taiwanese): Holo (Taiwanese)
+Hungarian: Hungarian
+Icelandic: Icelandic
+Italian: Italian
+Japanese: Japanese
+Korean: Korean
+Norwegian: Norwegian
+Polish: Polish
+Portuguese: Portuguese
+Portuguese/Brazil: Portuguese/Brazil
+Romanian: Romanian
+Russian: Russian
+Spanish: Spanish
+Swedish: Swedish
+Turkish: Turkish
+Welsh: Welsh
+task: task
+event: event
+journal: journal
+# Page: includes/user-imap.php
+Invalid user login: Invalid user login
+# Page: includes/user-nis.php
+incorrect password: incorrect password
+no such user: no such user
+# Page: includes/xcal.php
+Unnamed Event: Unnamed Event
+Event Imported: Event Imported
+# Page: includes/js/admin.php
+Server URL is required: Server URL is required
+Server URL must end with '/': Server URL must end with '/'
+Invalid work hours: Invalid work hours
+Invalid color for document background: Invalid color for document background
+Invalid color for document title: Invalid color for document title
+Invalid color for table cell background: Invalid color for table cell background
+Invalid color for table grid: Invalid color for table grid
+Invalid color for table header background: Invalid color for table header background
+Invalid color for table text background: Invalid color for table text background
+Invalid color for event popup background: Invalid color for event popup background
+Invalid color for event popup text: Invalid color for event popup text
+Invalid color for table cell background for today: Invalid color for table cell background for today
+Color format should be '#RRGGBB': Color format should be '#RRGGBB'
+# Page: includes/js/availability.php
+Change the date and time of this entry?: Change the date and time of this entry?
+# Page: includes/js/edit_entry.php
+You have not entered a Brief Description: You have not entered a Brief Description
+The time you have entered begins before your preferred work hours. Is this correct?: The time you have entered begins before your preferred work hours. Is this correct?
+Invalid Event Date: Invalid Event Date
+Please add a participant: Please add a participant
+Invalid Date: Invalid Date
+You have not entered a valid time of day: You have not entered a valid time of day
+# Page: includes/js/edit_layer.php
+Invalid color: Invalid color
+# Page: includes/js/export_import.php
+File type does not match Import Format: File type does not match Import Format
+# Page: includes/classes/Doc.class
+bytes: bytes
+kb: kb
+Mb: Mb
+# Page: includes/classes/WebCalMailer.class
+Notification: Notification
+provide_address: You must provide at least one recipient email address
+mailer_not_supported: mailer is not supported
+execute: Could not execute~
+instantiate: Could not instantiate mail function
+authenticate: SMTP Error~ Could not authenticate
+from_failed: The following From address failed~
+recipients_failed: SMTP Error~ The following recipients failed~
+data_not_accepted: SMTP Error~ Data not accepted
+connect_host: SMTP Error~ Could not connect to SMTP host~
+file_access: Could not access file~
+file_open: File Error Could not open file~
+encoding: Unknown encoding~
+# Page: includes/menu/index.php
+This Week: This Week
+This Month: This Month
+This Year: This Year
+Add New Event: Add New Event
+Delete Entries: Delete Entries
+Another User\'s Calendar: Another User\'s Calendar
+My Views: My Views
+Manage Calendar of: Manage Calendar of
+My Reports: My Reports
+My Profile: My Profile
+Public Calendar: Public Calendar
+Unapproved Events: Unapproved Events
+User Manager: User Manager
+# Page: tools/send_reminders.php
+This is a reminder for the task detailed below.: This is a reminder for the task detailed below.
+This is a reminder for the event detailed below.: This is a reminder for the event detailed below.
+Pecentage Complete: Pecentage Complete
+Reminder: Reminder
+# Page: install/index.php
+Successful Login: Successful Login
+Invalid Login: Invalid Login
+required only if Safe Mode is On: required only if Safe Mode is On
+needed for Gradient Image Backgrounds: needed for Gradient Image Backgrounds
+Passwords do not match: Passwords do not match
+Unable to write password to settings.php file: Unable to write password to settings.php file
+Password has been set: Password has been set
+Connection Successful: Connection Successful
+Please go to next page to continue installation: Please go to next page to continue installation
+Failure Reason: Failure Reason
+Correct your entries or click the Create New button to continue installation: Correct your entries or click the Create New button to continue installation
+You must manually create database: You must manually create database
+Correct your entries and try again: Correct your entries and try again
+Database Cache Directory: Database Cache Directory
+does not exist: does not exist
+is not writable: is not writable
+Timezone Conversion Successful: Timezone Conversion Successful
+Error Converting Timezone: Error Converting Timezone
+Error Unable to write to file: Error Unable to write to file
+Please change the file permissions of this file: Please change the file permissions of this file
+Please change the file permissions of your includes directory to allow writing by other users: Please change the file permissions of your includes directory to allow writing by other users
+Your settings have been saved: Your settings have been saved
+Error you must specify a\\nSingle-User Login: Error you must specify a\\nSingle-User Login
+Server URL must end with: Server URL must end with
+Database Name: Database Name
+Full Path (no backslashes): Full Path (no backslashes)
+The password contains illegal characters.: The password contains illegal characters.
+WebCalendar Installation Wizard: WebCalendar Installation Wizard
+Step: Step
+This installation wizard will guide you through setting up a basic WebCalendar installation. For help and troubleshooting see: This installation wizard will guide you through setting up a basic WebCalendar installation. For help and troubleshooting see
+WebCalendar Version Check: WebCalendar Version Check
+This is version: This is version
+The most recent version available is: The most recent version available is
+PHP Version Check: PHP Version Check
+Check to see if PHP 4.1.0 or greater is installed: Check to see if PHP 4.1.0 or greater is installed
+PHP version: PHP version
+Detailed PHP Info: Detailed PHP Info
+Session Check: Session Check
+To test the proper operation of sessions, reload this page: To test the proper operation of sessions, reload this page
+You should see the session counter increment each time: You should see the session counter increment each time
+Settings.php Status: Settings.php Status
+The file permissions of settings.php are set...: The file permissions of settings.php are set so that the installer does not have permission to modify it. Please change the file permissions of the following file to continue.
+The file permissions of the includes directory are set...: The file permissions of the includes directory are set so that the installer does not have permission to create a new file. Please change the permissions of the following directory to continue.
+Your settings.php file appears to be valid: Your settings.php file appears to be valid
+Configuration Wizard Password: Configuration Wizard Password
+Create Settings File Password: Create Settings File Password
+Password (again): Password (again)
+In this section you will set up and test a connection to your database server: In this section you will set up and test a connection to your database server
+The account information supplied should have FULL permissions to create databases, tables and users: The account information supplied should have FULL permissions to create databases, tables and users
+If this is not possible, or your database access is limited, you will have to manually configure your database: If this is not possible, or your database access is limited, you will have to manually configure your database
+Database Status: Database Status
+Supported databases for your PHP installation: Supported databases for your PHP installation
+Your current database settings are able to access the database: Your current database settings are able to access the database
+Please Test Settings: Please Test Settings
+Your current database settings are not able to access the database or have not yet been tested: Your current database settings are not able to access the database or have not yet been tested
+Database Settings: Database Settings
+Database Type: Database Type
+Server: Server
+Connection Persistence: Connection Persistence
+Create New: Create New
+Back: Back
+All your database tables appear to be up to date. You may proceed to the: All your database tables appear to be up to date. You may proceed to the
+next page and complete your WebCalendar setup: next page and complete your WebCalendar setup
+This appears to be a new installation. If this is not correct, please: This appears to be a new installation. If this is not correct, please
+go back to the previous page and correct your settings: go back to the previous page and correct your settings
+The database requires some data input: The database requires some data input
+Click Update Database to complete the upgrade: Click Update Database to complete the upgrade
+This appears to be an upgrade from version: This appears to be an upgrade from version
+In this section we will perform the required database changes to bring your database up to the required level: In this section we will perform the required database changes to bring your database up to the required level
+If you are using a fully supported database, this step will be performed automatically for you: If you are using a fully supported database, this step will be performed automatically for you
+If not, the required SQL can be displayed and you should be able: If not, the required SQL can be displayed and you should be able
+to cut & paste it into your database server query window: to cut & paste it into your database server query window
+No database actions are required: No database actions are required
+The following database actions are required: The following database actions are required
+ODBC Underlying Database: ODBC Underlying Database
+This may take several minutes to complete: This may take several minutes to complete
+Install Database: Install Database
+Update Database: Update Database
+Display Required SQL: Display Required SQL
+After manually processing this sql, you will need to return to the previous page and retest your database so that the script can detect the changes: After manually processing this sql, you will need to return to the previous page and retest your database so that the script can detect the changes
+This is the final step in setting up your WebCalendar Installation: This is the final step in setting up your WebCalendar Installation
+Timezone Conversion: Timezone Conversion
+It appears that you have: It appears that you have
+converted your existing WebCalendar event data to GMT: converted your existing WebCalendar event data to GMT
+If you have, you may ignore this notice and not proceed with the conversion: If you have, you may ignore this notice and not proceed with the conversion
+If this is a new installation, you may also ignore this notice.: If this is a new installation, you may also ignore this notice.
+Convert Data to GMT: Convert Data to GMT
+Conversion Successful: Conversion Successful
+Application Settings: Application Settings
+HTTP-based authentication was not detected: HTTP-based authentication was not detected
+You will need to reconfigure your web server if you wish to: You will need to reconfigure your web server if you wish to
+select 'Web Server' from the 'User Authentication' choices below: select 'Web Server' from the 'User Authentication' choices below
+HTTP-based authentication was detected: HTTP-based authentication was detected
+User authentication is being handled by your web server: User authentication is being handled by your web server
+You should select 'Web Server' from the list of 'User Authentication' choices below: You should select 'Web Server' from the list of 'User Authentication' choices below
+Create Default Admin Account: Create Default Admin Account
+User Authentication: User Authentication
+Web-based via WebCalendar (default): Web-based via WebCalendar (default)
+Web Server: Web Server
+None (Single-User): None (Single-User)
+Read-Only: Read-Only
+Environment: Environment
+Production: Production
+Development: Development
+Save Settings: Save Settings
+Launch WebCalendar: Launch WebCalendar
diff --git a/upcoming.php b/upcoming.php
index 62431f328..9ff0fca18 100644
--- a/upcoming.php
+++ b/upcoming.php
@@ -154,11 +154,9 @@ function print_upcoming_event ( $e, $date ) {
$e->getDescription(), $timestr, site_extras_for_popup ( $e->getId() ),
$e->getLocation(), $e->getName(), $e->getId() );
- $cal_type = ( $e->getCalType() == 'T' || $e->getCalType() == 'N' ) ?
- 'task' : 'entry';
print "getName() ) . "\" href=\"" .
- $SERVER_URL . 'view_' . $cal_type . '.php?id=' .
+ $SERVER_URL . 'view_entry.php?id=' .
$e->getID() . "&date=$date\"";
if ( ! empty ( $link_target ) ) {
print " target=\"$link_target\"";
@@ -342,7 +340,7 @@ function print_upcoming_event ( $e, $date ) {
$thismonth = substr ( $date, 4, 2 );
$thisday = substr ( $date, 6, 2 );
-$startTime = mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $thismonth, $thisday, $thisyear );
+$startDate = mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $thismonth, $thisday, $thisyear );
$x = getIntValue ( "days", true );
if ( ! empty ( $x ) ) {
@@ -352,9 +350,8 @@ function print_upcoming_event ( $e, $date ) {
if ( $numDays > 365 ) {
$numDays = 365;
-$endTime = mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $thismonth, $thisday + $numDays,
+$endDate = mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $thismonth, $thisday + $numDays,
$thisyear );
-$endDate = date ( "Ymd", $endTime );
// If 'showEvents=0' is in URL, then just include tasks in list
$show_events = getGetValue ( "showEvents", "[01]", true );
@@ -365,17 +362,17 @@ function print_upcoming_event ( $e, $date ) {
} else {
/* Pre-Load the repeated events for quckier access */
- $repeated_events = read_repeated_events ( $username, $cat_id, $date );
+ $repeated_events = read_repeated_events ( $username, $cat_id, $startDate );
/* Pre-load the non-repeating events for quicker access */
- $events = read_events ( $username, $date, $endDate, $cat_id );
+ $events = read_events ( $username, $startDate, $endDate, $cat_id );
// Pre-load tasks for quicker access */
if ( ( empty ( $DISPLAY_TASKS_IN_GRID ) || $DISPLAY_TASKS_IN_GRID == 'Y' )
&& $showTasks ) {
/* Pre-load tasks for quicker access */
- $tasks = read_tasks ( $username, $date, $endDate, $cat_id );
+ $tasks = read_tasks ( $username, $endDate, $cat_id );
@@ -503,21 +500,21 @@ function print_upcoming_event ( $e, $date ) {
-print "\n";
$eventinfo = '';
$numEvents = 0;
-for ( $i = $startTime; date ( "Ymd", $i ) <= date ( "Ymd", $endTime ) &&
- $numEvents < $maxEvents; $i += ( 24 * 3600 ) ) {
+for ( $i = $startDate; date ( "Ymd", $i ) <= date ( "Ymd", $endDate ) &&
+ $numEvents < $maxEvents; $i += ONE_DAY ) {
$d = date ( "Ymd", $i );
- $entries = get_entries ( $username, $d, $get_unapproved );
+ $entries = get_entries ( $d, $get_unapproved );
$rentries = get_repeating_entries ( $username, $d, $get_unapproved );
$ev = combine_and_sort_events ( $entries, $rentries );
- $tentries = get_tasks ( $user, $d, $get_unapproved );
+ $tentries = get_tasks ( $d, $get_unapproved );
$ev = combine_and_sort_events ( $ev, $tentries );
print "\n";
diff --git a/view_d.php b/view_d.php
index 2ac49f089..3dea16ebb 100644
--- a/view_d.php
+++ b/view_d.php
@@ -57,19 +57,10 @@
$now = mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $thismonth, $thisday, $thisyear );
$nowYmd = date ( "Ymd", $now );
-$next = mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $thismonth, $thisday + 1, $thisyear );
-$nextyear = date ( "Y", $next );
-$nextmonth = date ( "m", $next );
-$nextday = date ( "d", $next );
-$nextdate = sprintf ( "%04d%02d%02d", $nextyear, $nextmonth, $nextday );
-$prev = mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $thismonth, $thisday - 1, $thisyear );
-$prevyear = date ( "Y", $prev );
-$prevmonth = date ( "m", $prev );
-$prevday = date ( "d", $prev );
-$prevdate = sprintf ( "%04d%02d%02d", $prevyear, $prevmonth, $prevday );
-$thisdate = sprintf ( "%04d%02d%02d", $thisyear, $thismonth, $thisday );
+$nextdate = date( "Ymd", $now + ONE_DAY);
+$prevdate = date( "Ymd", $now - ONE_DAY);