This package comes with predefined views and routes to use with your existing Spark installation.
In order to install Captainhook into your Spark application:
1. Publish the Spark resources (views, VueJS components):
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Mpociot\CaptainHook\CaptainHookServiceProvider" --tag="spark-resources"
2. Add the javascript components to your bootstrap.js file
Add require('./captainhook/webhooks.js');
to your resources/assets/js/components/bootstrap.js
3. Compile the Javascript components
4. Add the HTML snippets
File: vendor/spark/settings.blade.php
Place a link to the webhooks settings tab:
<!-- Webhooks Link -->
<li role="presentation">
<a href="#webhooks" aria-controls="webhooks" role="tab" data-toggle="tab">
<i class="fa fa-fw fa-btn fa-code"></i>Webhooks
Inside the <!-- Tab Panels -->
section, place the code to load the webhooks tab:
<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane" id="webhooks">
5. Try it out
Log into your Spark application and access the new webhook tab located at:
Important note:
To make sure that the webhooks only get called for the correct user, modify the 'filter' property of the config/captain_hook.php
'filter' => function ($webhook) {
return $webhook->tenant_id == auth()->user()->getKey();