diff --git a/CHANGES.md b/CHANGES.md
index f8a0d44..e4681e7 100644
--- a/CHANGES.md
+++ b/CHANGES.md
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 ## Unreleased
+- `ctk load table`: Added support for MongoDB Change Streams
 ## 2024/07/08 v0.0.15
 - IO: Added the `if-exists` query parameter by updating to influxio 0.4.0.
diff --git a/cratedb_toolkit/api/main.py b/cratedb_toolkit/api/main.py
index 84a8424..5ea2e5f 100644
--- a/cratedb_toolkit/api/main.py
+++ b/cratedb_toolkit/api/main.py
@@ -122,11 +122,17 @@ def load_table(self, resource: InputOutputResource, target: TableAddress):
                 raise OperationFailed(msg)
         elif source_url.startswith("mongodb"):
-            from cratedb_toolkit.io.mongodb.api import mongodb_copy
+            if "+cdc" in source_url:
+                source_url = source_url.replace("+cdc", "")
+                from cratedb_toolkit.io.mongodb.api import mongodb_relay_cdc
-            if not mongodb_copy(source_url, target_url, progress=True):
-                msg = "Data loading failed"
-                logger.error(msg)
-                raise OperationFailed(msg)
+                mongodb_relay_cdc(source_url, target_url, progress=True)
+            else:
+                from cratedb_toolkit.io.mongodb.api import mongodb_copy
+                if not mongodb_copy(source_url, target_url, progress=True):
+                    msg = "Data loading failed"
+                    logger.error(msg)
+                    raise OperationFailed(msg)
             raise NotImplementedError("Importing resource not implemented yet")
diff --git a/cratedb_toolkit/io/mongodb/api.py b/cratedb_toolkit/io/mongodb/api.py
index 46e163f..a8f73bf 100644
--- a/cratedb_toolkit/io/mongodb/api.py
+++ b/cratedb_toolkit/io/mongodb/api.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 import argparse
 import logging
+from cratedb_toolkit.io.mongodb.cdc import MongoDBCDCRelayCrateDB
 from cratedb_toolkit.io.mongodb.core import export, extract, translate
 from cratedb_toolkit.model import DatabaseAddress
 from cratedb_toolkit.util.cr8 import cr8_insert_json
@@ -68,3 +69,41 @@ def mongodb_copy(source_url, target_url, progress: bool = False):
     cr8_insert_json(infile=buffer, hosts=cratedb_address.httpuri, table=cratedb_table_address.fullname)
     return True
+def mongodb_relay_cdc(source_url, target_url, progress: bool = False):
+    """
+    Synopsis
+    --------
+    export CRATEDB_SQLALCHEMY_URL=crate://crate@localhost:4200/testdrive/demo-cdc
+    ctk load table mongodb+cdc://localhost:27017/testdrive/demo
+    Backlog
+    -------
+    TODO: Run on multiple collections.
+    TODO: Run on the whole database.
+    TODO: Accept parameters like `if_exists="append,replace"`.
+    TODO: Propagate parameters like `scan="full"`.
+    """
+    logger.info("Running MongoDB CDC relay")
+    # Decode database URL.
+    mongodb_address = DatabaseAddress.from_string(source_url)
+    mongodb_uri, mongodb_collection_address = mongodb_address.decode()
+    mongodb_database = mongodb_collection_address.schema
+    mongodb_collection = mongodb_collection_address.table
+    cratedb_address = DatabaseAddress.from_string(target_url)
+    cratedb_uri, cratedb_table_address = cratedb_address.decode()
+    # Configure machinery.
+    relay = MongoDBCDCRelayCrateDB(
+        mongodb_url=str(mongodb_uri),
+        mongodb_database=mongodb_database,
+        mongodb_collection=mongodb_collection,
+        cratedb_sqlalchemy_url=str(cratedb_uri),
+        cratedb_table=cratedb_table_address.fullname,
+    )
+    # Invoke machinery.
+    relay.start()
diff --git a/cratedb_toolkit/io/mongodb/cdc.py b/cratedb_toolkit/io/mongodb/cdc.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83c7958
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cratedb_toolkit/io/mongodb/cdc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+Basic relaying of a MongoDB Change Stream into CrateDB table.
+- https://github.com/daq-tools/commons-codec/blob/main/doc/mongodb.md
+- https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/changeStreams/
+- https://www.mongodb.com/developer/languages/python/python-change-streams/
+import logging
+import pymongo
+import sqlalchemy as sa
+from commons_codec.transform.mongodb import MongoDBCDCTranslatorCrateDB
+from cratedb_toolkit.util import DatabaseAdapter
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class MongoDBCDCRelayCrateDB:
+    """
+    Relay MongoDB Change Stream into CrateDB table.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        mongodb_url: str,
+        mongodb_database: str,
+        mongodb_collection: str,
+        cratedb_sqlalchemy_url: str,
+        cratedb_table: str,
+    ):
+        self.cratedb_adapter = DatabaseAdapter(cratedb_sqlalchemy_url, echo=True)
+        self.mongodb_client: pymongo.MongoClient = pymongo.MongoClient(mongodb_url)
+        self.mongodb_collection = self.mongodb_client[mongodb_database][mongodb_collection]
+        self.table_name = self.cratedb_adapter.quote_relation_name(cratedb_table)
+        self.cdc = MongoDBCDCTranslatorCrateDB(table_name=self.table_name)
+    def start(self):
+        """
+        Subscribe to change stream events, convert to SQL, and submit to CrateDB.
+        """
+        with self.cratedb_adapter.engine.connect() as connection:
+            connection.execute(sa.text(self.cdc.sql_ddl))
+            for sql in self.cdc_to_sql():
+                if sql:
+                    connection.execute(sa.text(sql))
+                    connection.execute(sa.text(f"REFRESH TABLE {self.table_name};"))
+    def cdc_to_sql(self):
+        """
+        Subscribe to change stream events, and emit corresponding SQL statements.
+        """
+        # Note that `.watch()` will block until events are ready for consumption, so
+        # this is not a busy loop. Also note that the routine doesn't perform any sensible
+        # error handling yet.
+        while True:
+            with self.mongodb_collection.watch(full_document="updateLookup") as change_stream:
+                for change in change_stream:
+                    logger.info("MongoDB Change Stream event: %s" % change)
+                    yield self.cdc.to_sql(change)
diff --git a/cratedb_toolkit/model.py b/cratedb_toolkit/model.py
index 754bb48..c4c4dad 100644
--- a/cratedb_toolkit/model.py
+++ b/cratedb_toolkit/model.py
@@ -85,12 +85,15 @@ class TableAddress:
     def fullname(self):
-        if self.schema is None and self.table is None:
+        if self.table is None:
             raise ValueError("Uninitialized table address can not be serialized")
         if self.schema and self.table:
-            return f'"{self.schema}"."{self.table}"'
+            schema = self.schema.strip('"')
+            table = self.table.strip('"')
+            return f'"{schema}"."{table}"'
-            return f'"{self.table}"'
+            table = self.table.strip('"')
+            return f'"{table}"'
diff --git a/doc/io/mongodb/cdc.md b/doc/io/mongodb/cdc.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5abeb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/io/mongodb/cdc.md
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+# MongoDB CDC Relay
+## About
+Relay a [MongoDB Change Stream] into a [CrateDB] table using a one-stop command
+`ctk load table mongodb+cdc://...`, or `mongodb+srv+cdc://` for MongoDB Atlas.
+You can use it in order to facilitate convenient data transfers to be used
+within data pipelines or ad hoc operations. It can be used as a CLI interface,
+and as a library.
+## Install
+pip install --upgrade 'cratedb-toolkit[mongodb]'
+The tutorial also uses the programs `crash`, `mongosh`, and `atlas`. `crash`
+will be installed with CrateDB Toolkit, but `mongosh` and `atlas` must be
+installed by other means. If you are using Docker anyway, please use those
+command aliases to provide them to your environment without actually needing
+to install them.
+alias mongosh='docker run -i --rm --network=host mongo:7 mongosh'
+The `atlas` program needs to store authentication information between invocations,
+therefore you need to supply a storage volume.
+mkdir atlas-config
+alias atlas='docker run --rm -it --volume=$(pwd)/atlas-config:/root mongodb/atlas atlas'
+## Usage
+### Workstation
+The guidelines assume that both services, CrateDB and MongoDB, are listening on
+Please find guidelines how to provide them on your workstation using
+Docker or Podman in the {ref}`mongodb-cdc-services-standalone` section below.
+export MONGODB_URL=mongodb://localhost/testdrive
+export MONGODB_URL_CTK=mongodb+cdc://localhost/testdrive/demo
+export CRATEDB_SQLALCHEMY_URL=crate://crate@localhost/testdrive/demo-cdc
+ctk load table "${MONGODB_URL_CTK}"
+Insert document into MongoDB collection, and update it.
+mongosh "${MONGODB_URL}" --eval 'db.demo.insertOne({"foo": "bar"})'
+mongosh "${MONGODB_URL}" --eval 'db.demo.updateOne({"foo": "bar"}, { $set: { status: "D" } })'
+Query data in CrateDB.
+crash --command 'SELECT * FROM "testdrive"."demo-cdc";'
+Invoke a delete operation, and check data in CrateDB once more.
+mongosh "${MONGODB_URL}" --eval 'db.demo.deleteOne({"foo": "bar"})'
+crash --command 'SELECT * FROM "testdrive"."demo-cdc";'
+### Cloud
+The guidelines assume usage of cloud variants for both services, CrateDB Cloud
+and MongoDB Atlas.
+Please find guidelines how to provision relevant cloud resources
+in the {ref}`mongodb-cdc-services-cloud` section below.
+:::{rubric} Invoke pipeline
+A canonical invocation for ingesting MongoDB Atlas Change Streams into
+CrateDB Cloud.
+export MONGODB_URL=mongodb+srv://user:password@testdrive.jaxmmfp.mongodb.net/testdrive
+export MONGODB_URL_CTK=mongodb+srv+cdc://user:password@testdrive.jaxmmfp.mongodb.net/testdrive/demo
+export CRATEDB_HTTP_URL="https://admin:dZ...6LqB@testdrive.eks1.eu-west-1.aws.cratedb.net:4200/"
+export CRATEDB_SQLALCHEMY_URL="crate://admin:dZ...6LqB@testdrive.eks1.eu-west-1.aws.cratedb.net:4200/testdrive/demo-cdc?ssl=true"
+ctk load table "${MONGODB_URL_CTK}"
+Please note the `mongodb+srv://` and `mongodb+srv+cdc://` URL schemes, and the
+`ssl=true` query parameter. Both are needed to establish connectivity with
+MongoDB Atlas and CrateDB.
+:::{rubric} Trigger CDC events
+Inserting a document into the MongoDB collection, and updating it, will trigger two CDC events.
+mongosh "${MONGODB_URL}" --eval 'db.demo.insertOne({"foo": "bar"})'
+mongosh "${MONGODB_URL}" --eval 'db.demo.updateOne({"foo": "bar"}, { $set: { status: "D" } })'
+:::{rubric} Query data in CrateDB
+crash --hosts "${CRATEDB_HTTP_URL}" --command 'SELECT * FROM "testdrive"."demo-cdc";'
+## Appendix
+### Database Operations
+A few operations that are handy when exploring this exercise.
+Reset MongoDB collection.
+mongosh "${MONGODB_URL}" --eval 'db.demo.drop()'
+Reset CrateDB table.
+crash --command 'DELETE FROM "testdrive"."demo-cdc";'
+Display documents in MongoDB collection.
+mongosh "${MONGODB_URL}" --eval 'db.demo.find()'
+### Standalone Services
+Quickly start CrateDB and MongoDB using Docker or Podman.
+#### CrateDB
+Start CrateDB.
+docker run --rm -it --name=cratedb --publish=4200:4200 --env=CRATE_HEAP_SIZE=2g \
+    crate:5.7 -Cdiscovery.type=single-node
+#### MongoDB
+Start MongoDB.
+Please note that change streams are only available for replica sets and
+sharded clusters, so let's define a replica set by using the
+`--replSet rs-testdrive` option when starting the MongoDB server.
+docker run -it --rm --name=mongodb --publish=27017:27017 \
+    mongo:7 mongod --replSet rs-testdrive
+Now, initialize the replica set, by using the `mongosh` command to invoke
+the `rs.initiate()` operation.
+export MONGODB_URL="mongodb://localhost/"
+docker run -i --rm --network=host mongo:7 mongosh ${MONGODB_URL} <<EOF
+config = {
+    _id: "rs-testdrive",
+    members: [{ _id : 0, host : "localhost:27017"}]
+### Cloud Services
+Quickly provision [CrateDB Cloud] and [MongoDB Atlas].
+#### CrateDB Cloud
+To provision a database cluster, use either the [croud CLI], or the
+[CrateDB Cloud Web Console].
+Invoke CLI login.
+croud login
+Create organization.
+croud organizations create --name samplecroudorganization
+Create project.
+croud projects create --name sampleproject
+Deploy cluster.
+croud clusters deploy /
+  --product-name crfree /
+  --tier default /
+  --cluster-name testdrive /
+  --subscription-id 782dfc00-7b25-4f48-8381-b1b096dd1619 \
+  --project-id 952cd102-91c1-4837-962a-12ecb71a6ba8 \
+  --version 5.8.0 \
+  --username admin \
+  --password "as6da9ddasfaad7i902jcv780dmcba"
+Finally, create a "Database Access" user and use the credentials to populate
+`MONGODB_URL` and `MONGODB_URL_CTK` at {ref}`mongodb-cdc-workstation` properly.
+When shutting down your workbench, you may want to clean up any cloud resources
+you just used.
+croud clusters delete --cluster-id CLUSTER_ID
+#### MongoDB Atlas
+To provision a database cluster, use either the [Atlas CLI], or the
+Atlas User Interface.
+Create an API key.
+atlas projects apiKeys create --desc "Ondemand Testdrive" --role GROUP_OWNER
+API Key '889727cb5bfe8830d0f8a203' created.
+Public API Key bksttjep
+Private API Key 9f8c1c41-b5f7-4d2a-b1a0-a1d2ef457796
+Enter authentication key information.
+atlas config init
+Create database cluster.
+atlas clusters create testdrive --provider AWS --region EU_CENTRAL_1 --tier M0 --tag env=dev
+Inquire connection string.
+atlas clusters connectionStrings describe testdrive
+Finally, create a "Database Access" user and use the credentials to populate
+`MONGODB_URL` and `MONGODB_URL_CTK` at {ref}`mongodb-cdc-cloud` properly.
+When shutting down your workbench, you may want to clean up any cloud resources
+you just used.
+atlas clusters delete testdrive
+## Backlog
+- Improve UX/DX.
+- Provide `ctk shell`.
+- Provide [SDK and CLI for CrateDB Cloud Cluster APIs].
+[SDK and CLI for CrateDB Cloud Cluster APIs]: https://github.com/crate-workbench/cratedb-toolkit/pull/81
+[Atlas CLI]: https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/cli/ 
+[commons-codec]: https://pypi.org/project/commons-codec/
+[CrateDB]: https://cratedb.com/docs/guide/home/
+[CrateDB Cloud]: https://cratedb.com/docs/cloud/
+[MongoDB Atlas]: https://www.mongodb.com/atlas
+[MongoDB Change Stream]: https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/changeStreams/
+[croud CLI]: https://cratedb.com/docs/cloud/en/latest/tutorials/deploy/croud.html
+[CrateDB Cloud Web Console]: https://cratedb.com/docs/cloud/en/latest/tutorials/quick-start.html#deploy-cluster
diff --git a/doc/io/mongodb/index.md b/doc/io/mongodb/index.md
index deef1bf..9f8bfb7 100644
--- a/doc/io/mongodb/index.md
+++ b/doc/io/mongodb/index.md
@@ -9,5 +9,9 @@ Using the MongoDB subsystem, you can transfer data from and to MongoDB.
 :maxdepth: 1
+The MongoDB Table Loader is an improvement of the traditional {doc}`migr8`.
diff --git a/doc/io/mongodb/migr8.md b/doc/io/mongodb/migr8.md
index ecbc48f..48ab352 100644
--- a/doc/io/mongodb/migr8.md
+++ b/doc/io/mongodb/migr8.md
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
+orphan: true
-# migr8
+# migr8 migration utility
 ## About
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index c0ec396..85832ae 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -150,6 +150,7 @@ io = [
 mongodb = [
+  "commons-codec[mongodb] @ git+https://github.com/daq-tools/commons-codec.git@mongodb",