diff --git a/config/api.py b/config/api.py
index 19fb8547c..960261f01 100644
--- a/config/api.py
+++ b/config/api.py
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+API_VERSIONS = ['0.3', '0.4']
     'LPF': 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LinkedPasts/linked-places/'
@@ -22,12 +24,12 @@
 LOGICAL_OPERATOR: list[str] = ['and', 'or']
 STR_CATEGORIES: list[str] = [
-    "entityName", "entityDescription", "entityAliases", "entityCidocClass",
-    "entitySystemClass", "typeName", "typeNameWithSubs",
-    "beginFrom", "beginTo", "endFrom", "endTo"]
+    'entityName', 'entityDescription', 'entityAliases', 'entityCidocClass',
+    'entitySystemClass', 'typeName', 'typeNameWithSubs',
+    'beginFrom', 'beginTo', 'endFrom', 'endTo']
 INT_CATEGORIES: list[str] = [
-    "entityID", "typeID", "typeIDWithSubs", "relationToID"]
-SET_CATEGORIES: list[str] = ["valueTypeID"]
+    'entityID', 'typeID', 'typeIDWithSubs', 'relationToID']
+SET_CATEGORIES: list[str] = ['valueTypeID']
 VALID_CATEGORIES: list[str] = [
@@ -41,4 +43,38 @@
 # Used to connect to password protected Vocabs systems
-API_VERSIONS = ['0.3']
+    'jpg': 'image/jpeg',
+    'jpeg': 'image/jpeg',
+    'jpe': 'image/jpeg',
+    'jfif': 'image/jpeg',
+    'pjpeg': 'image/pjpeg',
+    'pjp': 'image/pjpeg',
+    'png': 'image/png',
+    'gif': 'image/gif',
+    'bmp': 'image/bmp',
+    'ico': 'image/x-icon',
+    'tiff': 'image/tiff',
+    'tif': 'image/tiff',
+    'webp': 'image/webp',
+    'svg': 'image/svg+xml',
+    'svgz': 'image/svg+xml',
+    'apng': 'image/apng',
+    'wbmp': 'image/vnd.wap.wbmp',
+    'xbm': 'image/x-xbitmap',
+    'avif': 'image/avif',
+    'heic': 'image/heic',
+    'heif': 'image/heif',
+    'jp2': 'image/jp2',
+    'jpx': 'image/jpx',
+    'jpm': 'image/jpm',
+    'jxr': 'image/jxr',
+    'wdp': 'image/vnd.ms-photo',
+    'hdp': 'image/vnd.ms-photo',
+    'bpg': 'image/bpg',
+    'dib': 'image/bmp',
+    'jpeg2000': 'image/jpeg2000',
+    'exr': 'image/aces',
+    'hdr': 'image/vnd.radiance',
diff --git a/openatlas/api/formats/loud.py b/openatlas/api/formats/loud.py
index 9f5efdbbc..ca42167d7 100644
--- a/openatlas/api/formats/loud.py
+++ b/openatlas/api/formats/loud.py
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 from collections import defaultdict
 from typing import Any, Optional
-from flask import url_for
+from flask import url_for, g
 from openatlas import app
+from openatlas.api.resources.util import (
+    remove_spaces_dashes, date_to_str, get_crm_relation, get_crm_code)
 from openatlas.display.util import get_file_path
-from openatlas.models.gis import Gis
-from openatlas.api.resources.util import remove_spaces_dashes, date_to_str, \
-    get_crm_relation, get_crm_code
 from openatlas.models.entity import Entity
+from openatlas.models.gis import Gis
 from openatlas.models.type import Type
@@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ def get_domain_links() -> dict[str, Any]:
         property_ = {
             'id': url_for('api.entity', id_=link_.domain.id, _external=True),
             'type': loud[get_crm_code(link_, True).replace(' ', '_')],
-            '_label': link_.domain.name, }
-        if type_ := get_standard_type_loud(link_.domain.types):
-            property_['classified_as'] = get_type_property(type_)
+            '_label': link_.domain.name}
+        if standard_type := get_standard_type_loud(link_.domain.types):
+            property_['classified_as'] = get_type_property(standard_type)
         return property_
     for link_ in data['links']:
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ def get_domain_links() -> dict[str, Any]:
             base_property = get_range_links()
+    image_links = []
     for link_ in data['links_inverse']:
         if link_.property.code in ['OA7', 'OA8', 'OA9']:
@@ -78,21 +79,44 @@ def get_domain_links() -> dict[str, Any]:
             base_property = get_domain_links()
-    if image_id := Entity.get_profile_image_id(data['entity']):
-        label = ''
-        for item in properties_set["referred_to_by"]:
-            if int(item['id'].split("/")[-1]) == image_id:
-                label = item['_label']
-        path = get_file_path(image_id)
-        properties_set['representation'].append({
+        if link_.domain.class_.name == 'file' and g.files.get(link_.domain.id):
+            image_links.append(link_)
+    if image_links:
+        profile_image = Entity.get_profile_image_id(data['entity'])
+        print(profile_image)
+        representation = {
             "type": "VisualItem",
-            "digitally_shown_by": [{
+            "digitally_shown_by": []}
+        for link_ in image_links:
+            id_ = link_.domain.id
+            suffix = g.files[id_].suffix.replace('.', '')
+            if not app.config['IMAGE_FORMATS'].get(suffix):
+                continue
+            path = get_file_path(id_)
+            image = {
                 "id": url_for(
-                    'api.display',
-                    filename=path.stem,
-                    _external=True) if path else "N/A",
-                "_label": label,
-                "type": "DigitalObject"}]})
+                    'api.entity',
+                    id_=id_,
+                    _external=True),
+                "_label": link_.domain.name,
+                "type": "DigitalObject",
+                "format": app.config['IMAGE_FORMATS'][suffix],
+                "access_point": [{
+                    "id": url_for(
+                        'api.display',
+                        filename=path.stem,
+                        _external=True),
+                    "type": "DigitalObject",
+                    "_label": "ProfileImage" if id_ == profile_image else ''}]}
+            if type_ := get_standard_type_loud(link_.domain.types):
+                image['classified_as'] = get_type_property(type_)
+            representation['digitally_shown_by'].append(image)
+        properties_set['representation'].append(representation)
     return {'@context': app.config['API_CONTEXT']['LOUD']} | \
         base_entity_dict() | properties_set