diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 1eb2a41..711f1bc 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -11,8 +11,6 @@ Requirements
 This cookbook requires Chef 12.1+.
 ### Platforms
-* Windows Server 2008 (R1, R2)
-* Windows Server 2012 (R1, R2)
 * Windows Server 2016
 * Windows Server 2019
@@ -196,28 +194,6 @@ source    | Source of the windows package                      | String | *depen
 checksum  | Checksum of the windows package                    | String | *depends of the architecture*
 options   | Options to use when installing the windows package | String | `/q`
-## wsus-server::report_viewer
-Install reporting viewer 2012 to enable wsus reports.
-### Attributes
-Attributes to configure Reportviewer prerequisite package are accessible via `node['wsus_server']['report_viewer']['prerequisite']`.
-Attribute | Description                                        | Type   | Default
-name      | Name of the windows package                        | String | `Microsoft System CLR Types for SQL Server 2012 (x64)`
-source    | Source of the windows package                      | String | [https://download.microsoft.com/.../SQLSysClrTypes.msi][sql_clr_types]
-checksum  | Checksum of the windows package                    | String | `674c396e9c9bf389dd21c...c570fa927b07fa620db7d4537`
-options   | Options to use when installing the windows package | String | `/q`
-Attributes to configure Reportviewer runtime package are accessible via `node['wsus_server']['report_viewer']['runtime']`.
-Attribute | Description                                        | Type   | Default
-name      | Name of the windows package                        | String | `Microsoft Report Viewer 2012 Runtime`
-source    | Source of the windows package                      | String | [https://download.microsoft.com/.../ReportViewer.exe][report_viewer]
-checksum  | Checksum of the windows package                    | String | `948f28452abddd90b27dc...d42254c71b5b1e19ac5c6daf`
-options   | Options to use when installing the windows package | String | `/q`
 ## wsus-server::synchronize
 This recipe performs a synchronous update of the update catalog, according to the configured subscriptions.
@@ -269,8 +245,6 @@ limitations under the License.
 [subscription]:          http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/microsoft.updateservices.administration.isubscription
 [subscription_members]:  http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/microsoft.updateservices.administration.isubscription_members
 [frontend_server]: 		 http://technet.microsoft.com/library/dd939896
-[report_viewer]:		 https://download.microsoft.com/download/F/B/7/FB728406-A1EE-4AB5-9C56-74EB8BDDF2FF/ReportViewer.msi
-[sql_clr_types]:         https://download.microsoft.com/download/F/E/D/FEDB200F-DE2A-46D8-B661-D019DFE9D470/ENU/x64/SQLSysClrTypes.msi
 [build_status]:          https://api.travis-ci.org/criteo-cookbooks/wsus-server.svg?branch=master
 [cookbook_version]:      https://img.shields.io/cookbook/v/wsus-server.svg
 [cookbook]:              https://supermarket.chef.io/cookbooks/wsus-server
diff --git a/attributes/install.rb b/attributes/install.rb
index 9518c0c..34025d5 100644
--- a/attributes/install.rb
+++ b/attributes/install.rb
@@ -31,29 +31,3 @@
 default['wsus_server']['setup']['content_dir']                  = nil
 # Defines the local or remote SQL instance used for WSUS configuration database.
 default['wsus_server']['setup']['sqlinstance_name']             = nil
-# Following attributes are not required anymore on Windows Server 2012 and later
-if node['platform_version'].to_f < 6.2
-  # Enables the inventory feature.
-  default['wsus_server']['setup']['enable_inventory']           = false
-  # Determines whether WSUS should be setup as an additional frontend server.
-  # Frontend server shares the configuration of the main server, using the value of above attribute sqlinstance_name.
-  # see http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd939896.aspx
-  default['wsus_server']['setup']['frontend_setup']             = false
-  # Joins the Microsoft Update Improvement Program.
-  default['wsus_server']['setup']['join_improvement_program']   = false
-  # Determines whether WSUS should be set as default website - port 80 - or not - port 8530.
-  default['wsus_server']['setup']['use_default_website']        = false
-  # Defines path to windows internal database data directory.
-  default['wsus_server']['setup']['wyukon_data_dir']            = nil
-  default['wsus_server']['package']['name']                     = 'Windows Server Update Services 3.0 SP2'
-  default['wsus_server']['package']['options']                  = '/q'
-  if node['kernel']['machine'] == 'x86_64'
-    default['wsus_server']['package']['source']                 = 'http://download.microsoft.com/download/B/0/6/B06A69C3-CF97-42CF-86BF-3C59D762E0B2/WSUS30-KB972455-x64.exe'
-    default['wsus_server']['package']['checksum']               = '50d027431d64c35ad62291825eed35d7ffd3c3ecc96421588465445e195571d0'
-  else
-    default['wsus_server']['package']['source']                 = 'http://download.microsoft.com/download/B/0/6/B06A69C3-CF97-42CF-86BF-3C59D762E0B2/WSUS30-KB972455-x86.exe'
-    default['wsus_server']['package']['checksum']               = 'bec8bdd6cdad1edd50cc43e6121b73188b31ba4ad08e55b49f4287923a7f3290'
-  end
diff --git a/attributes/report_viewer.rb b/attributes/report_viewer.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index feed0eb..0000000
--- a/attributes/report_viewer.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# Author:: Baptiste Courtois (<b.courtois@criteo.com>)
-# Cookbook:: wsus-server
-# Attribute:: report_viewer
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014 Criteo.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# WSUS is a windows only feature
-return unless platform?('windows')
-default['wsus_server']['report_viewer']['prerequisite']['name'] = 'Microsoft System CLR Types for SQL Server 2012 (x64)'
-default['wsus_server']['report_viewer']['prerequisite']['source'] = 'https://download.microsoft.com/download/F/E/D/FEDB200F-DE2A-46D8-B661-D019DFE9D470/ENU/x64/SQLSysClrTypes.msi'
-default['wsus_server']['report_viewer']['prerequisite']['checksum'] = '674c396e9c9bf389dd21cec0780b3b4c808ff50c570fa927b07fa620db7d4537'
-default['wsus_server']['report_viewer']['prerequisite']['options'] = '/q'
-default['wsus_server']['report_viewer']['runtime']['name'] = 'Microsoft Report Viewer Runtime 2012'
-default['wsus_server']['report_viewer']['runtime']['source'] = 'https://download.microsoft.com/download/F/B/7/FB728406-A1EE-4AB5-9C56-74EB8BDDF2FF/ReportViewer.msi'
-default['wsus_server']['report_viewer']['runtime']['checksum'] = '948f28452abddd90b27dc80aba1b48c3faedcf2bd42254c71b5b1e19ac5c6daf'
-default['wsus_server']['report_viewer']['runtime']['options'] = '/q'
diff --git a/recipes/install.rb b/recipes/install.rb
index 33ecc63..9dbe8c6 100644
--- a/recipes/install.rb
+++ b/recipes/install.rb
@@ -23,13 +23,7 @@
 setup_conf = node['wsus_server']['setup']
 setup_options = ''
-if setup_conf['sqlinstance_name']
-  setup_options << if node['platform_version'].to_f >= 6.2
-                     " SQL_INSTANCE_NAME=\"#{setup_conf['sqlinstance_name']}\""
-                   else
-                     " SQLINSTANCE_NAME=\"#{setup_conf['sqlinstance_name']}\""
-                   end
+setup_options << " SQL_INSTANCE_NAME=\"#{setup_conf['sqlinstance_name']}\"" if setup_conf['sqlinstance_name']
 if setup_conf['content_dir']
   setup_options << " CONTENT_LOCAL=1 CONTENT_DIR=\"#{setup_conf['content_dir']}\""
@@ -39,94 +33,42 @@
-require 'chef/win32/version'
-if node['platform_version'].to_f >= 6.2
-  [
-    'NET-WCF-HTTP-Activation45', # This feature is required for KB3159706
-    'UpdateServices',
-    'UpdateServices-UI',
-  ].each do |feature_name|
-    windows_feature feature_name do
-      action         :install
-      install_method :windows_feature_powershell if respond_to? :install_method
-      provider       :windows_feature_powershell unless respond_to? :install_method
-    end
-  end
-  windows_feature 'UpdateServices-WidDB' do
-    action         setup_conf['sqlinstance_name'] ? :remove : :install
-    all            true
-    install_method :windows_feature_powershell if respond_to? :install_method
-    provider       :windows_feature_powershell unless respond_to? :install_method
-  end
-  windows_feature 'UpdateServices-DB' do
-    action         setup_conf['sqlinstance_name'] ? :install : :remove
-    all            true
+  'NET-WCF-HTTP-Activation45', # This feature is required for KB3159706
+  'UpdateServices',
+  'UpdateServices-UI',
+].each do |feature_name|
+  windows_feature feature_name do
+    action         :install
     install_method :windows_feature_powershell if respond_to? :install_method
     provider       :windows_feature_powershell unless respond_to? :install_method
-  guard_file = ::File.join(Chef::Config['file_cache_path'], 'wsus_postinstall')
-  execute 'WSUS PostInstall' do
-    command        "WsusUtil.exe PostInstall #{setup_options}"
-    cwd            'C:\Program Files\Update Services\Tools'
-    not_if { ::File.exist?(guard_file) && ::File.read(guard_file) == setup_options }
-  end
-  file guard_file do
-    path           guard_file
-    content        setup_options
-  end
-  setup_options << ' ENABLE_INVENTORY=' + (setup_conf['enable_inventory'] ? '1' : '0')
-  setup_options << ' MU_ROLLUP=' + (setup_conf['join_improvement_program'] ? '1' : '0')
-  setup_options << ' DEFAULT_WEBSITE=' + (setup_conf['use_default_website'] ? '1' : '0')
-  setup_options << ' FRONTEND_SETUP=1 CREATE_DATABASE=0' if setup_conf['frontend_setup']
-  if setup_conf['wyukon_data_dir']
-    setup_options << " WYUKON_DATA_DIR=\"#{setup_conf['wyukon_data_dir']}\""
-    directory setup_conf['wyukon_data_dir'] { recursive true }
-  end
-  # WSUS 3.0 SP2 requires some IIS features: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd939916.aspx
-  features = %w(
-    IIS-WebServerRole
-    IIS-WebServer
-    IIS-ApplicationDevelopment
-    IIS-ISAPIFilter
-    IIS-ISAPIExtensions
-    IIS-NetFxExtensibility
-    IIS-WindowsAuthentication
-    IIS-HttpCompressionDynamic
-    IIS-IIS6ManagementCompatibility
-    IIS-WMICompatibility
-    IIS-Metabase
-    IIS-LegacyScripts
-  )
-  # IIS 6 SnapIn is not compatible with core version
-  features << 'IIS-LegacySnapIn' unless Chef::ReservedNames::Win32::Version.new.core?
-  features.each do |feature_name|
-    windows_feature feature_name do
-      action         :install
-      install_method :windows_feature_powershell if respond_to? :install_method
-      provider       :windows_feature_powershell unless respond_to? :install_method
-    end
-  end
+windows_feature 'UpdateServices-WidDB' do
+  action         setup_conf['sqlinstance_name'] ? :remove : :install
+  all            true
+  install_method :windows_feature_powershell if respond_to? :install_method
+  provider       :windows_feature_powershell unless respond_to? :install_method
-  include_recipe 'wsus-server::report_viewer'
+windows_feature 'UpdateServices-DB' do
+  action         setup_conf['sqlinstance_name'] ? :install : :remove
+  all            true
+  install_method :windows_feature_powershell if respond_to? :install_method
+  provider       :windows_feature_powershell unless respond_to? :install_method
-  package_info = node['wsus_server']['package']
+guard_file = ::File.join(Chef::Config['file_cache_path'], 'wsus_postinstall')
+execute 'WSUS PostInstall' do
+  command        "WsusUtil.exe PostInstall #{setup_options}"
+  cwd            'C:\Program Files\Update Services\Tools'
+  not_if { ::File.exist?(guard_file) && ::File.read(guard_file) == setup_options }
-  windows_package package_info['name'] do
-    action         :install
-    installer_type :custom
-    options        "#{package_info['options']} #{setup_options}"
-    source         package_info['source']
-    checksum       package_info['checksum']
-  end
+file guard_file do
+  path           guard_file
+  content        setup_options
 # Wsus does not need configuration when setup as frontend server
diff --git a/recipes/report_viewer.rb b/recipes/report_viewer.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a0987a..0000000
--- a/recipes/report_viewer.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-# Author:: Baptiste Courtois (<b.courtois@criteo.com>)
-# Cookbook:: wsus-server
-# Recipe:: report_viewer
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014 Criteo.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# WSUS is a windows only feature
-return unless platform?('windows')
-%w(prerequisite runtime).each do |package|
-  package_info = node['wsus_server']['report_viewer'][package]
-  windows_package   package_info['name'] do
-    action          :install
-    installer_type  :custom
-    source          package_info['source']
-    checksum        package_info['checksum']
-    options         package_info['options']
-  end
diff --git a/spec/recipes/install_spec.rb b/spec/recipes/install_spec.rb
index d20beee..2eba796 100644
--- a/spec/recipes/install_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/recipes/install_spec.rb
@@ -28,26 +28,26 @@
     it 'installs windows feature UpdateServices' do
       [windows2016_chef_run, windows2019_chef_run].each do |chef_run|
-        expect(chef_run).to install_windows_feature('UpdateServices').with(all: true)
+        expect(chef_run).to install_windows_feature('UpdateServices')
     it 'installs windows feature UpdateServices-UI' do
       [windows2016_chef_run, windows2019_chef_run].each do |chef_run|
-        expect(chef_run).to install_windows_feature('UpdateServices-UI').with(all: true)
+        expect(chef_run).to install_windows_feature('UpdateServices-UI')
-    it 'installs windows feature UpdateServices-WidDatabase when no sql_instance_name is provided' do
+    it 'installs windows feature UpdateServices-WidDB when no sql_instance_name is provided' do
       conf = { wsus_server: { setup: { sqlinstance_name: nil } } }
       [windows2016_chef_run(conf), windows2019_chef_run(conf)].each do |chef_run|
-        expect(chef_run).to install_windows_feature('UpdateServices-WidDatabase').with(all: true)
-        expect(chef_run).to remove_windows_feature('UpdateServices-Database').with(all: true)
+        expect(chef_run).to install_windows_feature('UpdateServices-WidDB').with(all: true)
+        expect(chef_run).to remove_windows_feature('UpdateServices-WidDB').with(all: true)
-    it 'installs windows feature UpdateServices-Database instead when sql_instance_name is provided' do
+    it 'installs windows feature UpdateServices-DB instead when sql_instance_name is provided' do
       conf = { wsus_server: { setup: { sqlinstance_name: 'instance' } } }
       [windows2016_chef_run(conf), windows2019_chef_run(conf)].each do |chef_run|
-        expect(chef_run).to remove_windows_feature('UpdateServices-WidDatabase').with(all: true)
-        expect(chef_run).to install_windows_feature('UpdateServices-Database').with(all: true)
+        expect(chef_run).to remove_windows_feature('UpdateServices-DB').with(all: true)
+        expect(chef_run).to install_windows_feature('UpdateServices-DB').with(all: true)
     it 'executes WSUS PostInstall when there is no guard file' do
diff --git a/spec/recipes/report_viewer_spec.rb b/spec/recipes/report_viewer_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 097044f..0000000
--- a/spec/recipes/report_viewer_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-require 'spec_helper'
-describe 'wsus-server::report_viewer' do
-  describe 'On windows' do
-    it 'installs the report viewer' do
-      [windows2016_chef_run, windows2016_chef_run].each do |chef_run|
-        expect(chef_run).to install_windows_package('Microsoft Report Viewer Redistributable 2008 SP1')
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  describe 'On linux' do
-    it 'does nothing' do
-      expect(linux_chef_run.resource_collection).to be_empty
-    end
-  end