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Releasing New Versions of Tectonic

  1. Announce intention to make a release.
  2. Review outstanding pull requests and issues for showstoppers or easy wins. Address as many as possible.
  3. Fetch from tectonic-typesetting and create a new branch release-X.Y.Z from master.
  4. Update deps: cargo update && cargo test --all, then commit changes.
  5. Check Arch Linux PKGBUILD file for updates and merge locally if necessary:
    curl '' >dist/arch/PKGBUILD
  6. Consider updating the mdbook version used in dist/; releases listed here.
  7. Backfill from the Git history (which will include GitHub PR numbers, etc.) To view the history while skipping dependabot commits:
    git log --perl-regexp --author='^((?!dependabot).*)$' v${CURRENT_VERSION}..
  8. Update version number(s):
    • Main version in Cargo.toml
    • Un-bump versions of crates like tectonic_xdv if they haven't updated.
    • cargo build --release to update Cargo.lock as well. Commit with message Tentative version $version
  9. Push to GitHub and create a pull request.
  10. Examine the CI output. Fix any failures, committing any changes and re-pushing. No need to rewrite history at this juncture.
  11. mkdir ~/tectonictmp; mv .envrc target $other_files ~/tectonictmp ; git clean -fxd
  12. Attempt to cargo publish. Fix anything that needs fixing, committing changes.
  13. Do a git rebase -i to rewrite the history to make the version-bump commit the most recent one, rewording its commit message to remove the "Tentative". Re-push and re-CI if anything changed that might affect the build.
  14. Download the new package from$version/download. Put its sha512 sum into dist/arch/PKGBULD and update the package version and release in that file. Rewrite the version-bump commit to include the changes (git commit --amend -C HEAD).
  15. git tag v${version} and, if necessary, git tag submodule-v${version}.
  16. Back to development:
    • Bump main version in Cargo.toml and crates like tectonic_xdv.
    • cargo build to update the lockfile
    • Commit with message Back to development, version $version.
  17. Re-push to the release PR branch and wait for CI.
  18. Merge, assuming nothing bad happened with the CI.
  19. Pull the new master locally to get GitHub’s merge commit.
  20. git push --tags, which should trigger some automated release processes. Monitor them.
  21. Create new release on GitHub, filling with contents of
  22. Update conda-forge package — the bot should notice the new version on and automatically file a pull request quickly.
  23. Announce on forum.
  24. Update website.

To check

  • Do we need to take any further steps to release the AppImage?
  • Uploading artifacts like static binaries to the GitHub release
  • cargo publish from CI, not manually (need some way to test-publish first).