Code for using pathfinding to repair levels.
Base code and levels in TheVGLC folder from the Video Game Level Corpus:
Check / repair Mario:
python3 repair/ repair/SMB_mod.json example-mario.lvl
python3 repair/ repair/SMB_mod.json example-mario.lvl --modify
Check / repair Kid Icarus:
python3 repair/ repair/KI_mod.json example-kidicarus.lvl
python3 repair/ repair/KI_mod.json example-kidicarus.lvl --modify
Generate levels:
python3 grams/ --gramsize 3 --levelsize 100 --solid 'XQS?Bb[]<>' TheVGLC/Super_Mario_Bros/Processed/mario-1-1.txt
python3 grams/ --gramsize 2 --levelsize 100 --solid '#DTX' --transpose TheVGLC/Kid_Icarus/Processed/kidicarus_1.txt
- Seth Cooper and Anurag Sarkar. 2020. "Pathfinding agents for platformer level repair." Proceedings of the Experimental AI in Games Workshop.