From e13ff17ab87fa93f0431053bf95caabfe1cd0f5f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "github-actions[bot]"
Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2022 10:30:47 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] chore: pull new translations (#2056)

Co-authored-by: lidel <>
 public/locales/pl/app.json         | 106 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 public/locales/pl/explore.json     |   4 +-
 public/locales/zh-CN/files.json    |  16 ++---
 public/locales/zh-CN/notify.json   |   4 +-
 public/locales/zh-CN/settings.json |   2 +-
 5 files changed, 119 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 public/locales/pl/app.json

diff --git a/public/locales/pl/app.json b/public/locales/pl/app.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c54975f48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/locales/pl/app.json
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+  "actions": {
+    "add": "Dodaj",
+    "apply": " Zastosuj",
+    "browse": "Przeglądaj",
+    "cancel": "Anuluj",
+    "change": "Zmień",
+    "clear": "Wyszczyść",
+    "close": "Zamknij",
+    "copy": "Kopiuj",
+    "create": "Utwórz",
+    "remove": "Usuń",
+    "download": "Pobierz",
+    "edit": "Edytuj",
+    "import": "Import",
+    "inspect": "Analizuj",
+    "more": "Więcej",
+    "moreInfo": "Więcej informacji",
+    "noThanks": "Nie, dzięki",
+    "ok": "OK",
+    "pinVerb": "Przypnij",
+    "rename": "Zmień nazwę",
+    "reset": "Reset",
+    "save": "Zapisz",
+    "saving": "Zapisywanie...",
+    "selectAll": "Zaznacz wszystko",
+    "setPinning": "Przypinanie",
+    "submit": "Wprowadź",
+    "unpin": "Odepnij",
+    "unselectAll": "Odznacz wszystko",
+    "generate": "Generuj",
+    "publish": "Publikuj",
+    "downloadCar": "Pobierz jako CAR",
+    "done": "Gotowe"
+  },
+  "cliModal": {
+    "description": "Wpisz poniższy ciąg znaków do terminala, aby wykonać to zadanie w IPFS przez wiersz polecenia. Pamiętaj aby zamienić ogólne parametry na swoje konkretne wartości"
+  },
+  "nav": {
+    "bugsLink": "Zgłoś błąd",
+    "codeLink": "Zobacz kod"
+  },
+  "status": {
+    "connectedToIpfs": "Połączone z IPFS",
+    "connectingToIpfs": "Łączenie z IPFS...",
+    "couldNotConnect": "Nie udało się połączyć z API IPFS"
+  },
+  "apiAddressForm": {
+    "placeholder": "Wprowadź URL ( lub Multiaddr (/ip4/"
+  },
+  "publicGatewayForm": {
+    "placeholder": "Wprowadź URL ("
+  },
+  "terms": {
+    "address": "Adres",
+    "addresses": "Adresy",
+    "advanced": "Zaawansowane",
+    "agent": "Agent",
+    "api": "API",
+    "apiAddress": "Adres API",
+    "blocks": "Bloki",
+    "connection": "Połączenie",
+    "downSpeed": "Przychodzący",
+    "example": "Przykład",
+    "file": "Plik",
+    "files": "Pliki",
+    "folder": "Katalog",
+    "folders": "Katalogi",
+    "gateway": "Bramka HTTP",
+    "in": "Przychodzący",
+    "latency": "Opóźnienie",
+    "loading": "Wxzytywanie",
+    "location": "Położenie",
+    "name": "Nazwa",
+    "node": "Węzeł",
+    "out": "Wychodzący",
+    "peer": "Węzeł",
+    "peerId": "ID węzła",
+    "id": "ID",
+    "peers": "Węzły",
+    "pinNoun": "Przypnij",
+    "pins": "Przypięte",
+    "pinStatus": "Stan przypięcia",
+    "publicKey": "Klucz publiczny",
+    "publicGateway": "Publiczna bramka",
+    "rateIn": "Współczynnik przychodzącego",
+    "rateOut": "Współczynnik wychodzącego",
+    "repo": "Repozytorium",
+    "size": "Rozmiar",
+    "totalIn": "Razem przychodzący",
+    "totalOut": "Razem wychodzący",
+    "unknown": "Nieznane",
+    "ui": "Interfejs",
+    "upSpeed": "Wychodzący",
+    "revision": "Wersja"
+  },
+  "tour": {
+    "back": "Wstecz",
+    "close": "Zamknij",
+    "finish": "Zakończ",
+    "next": "Następny",
+    "skip": "Pomiń",
+    "tooltip": "Naciśnij ten przycisk w dowolnej chwili aby obejrzeć wwprowadzenie"
+  },
+  "startTourHelper": "Obejrzyj wprowadzenie"
diff --git a/public/locales/pl/explore.json b/public/locales/pl/explore.json
index e41433473..425ea374f 100644
--- a/public/locales/pl/explore.json
+++ b/public/locales/pl/explore.json
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
     "hashDigest": "wynik funkcji haszującej"
   "ObjectInfo": {
-    "publicGateway": "View on Public Gateway",
-    "privateGateway": "View on Local Gateway"
+    "publicGateway": "Oglądaj przez publiczną bramkę",
+    "privateGateway": "Oglądaj przez lokalną bramkę"
   "base": "baza",
   "version": "wersja",
diff --git a/public/locales/zh-CN/files.json b/public/locales/zh-CN/files.json
index a3b4164b8..9e71c7f3b 100644
--- a/public/locales/zh-CN/files.json
+++ b/public/locales/zh-CN/files.json
@@ -108,16 +108,16 @@
   "checkboxLabel": "查看更多选项{name}",
   "pinned": "已固定",
   "pinnedRemotely": "远程固定",
-  "pinningRemotely": "Pinning remotely",
-  "pinningCompleted": "Pinning completed",
-  "pinningFailed": "Pinning failed",
-  "clickToDismiss": "Click to dismiss",
-  "clickToCancel": "Click to cancel",
+  "pinningRemotely": "远程固定",
+  "pinningCompleted": "固定完成",
+  "pinningFailed": "固定失败",
+  "clickToDismiss": "按此忽略",
+  "clickToCancel": "按此取消",
   "blocks": "块",
   "allBlocks": "所有块",
   "allBlocksDescription": "您整个IPFS 节点内的所有已使用的块大小,这包括所有的文件,加上所有的本地固定的文件以及任何任何临时缓存的数据。",
   "filesDescription": "当前目录的总数据大小(如果包含子文件夹也将一并合计)",
-  "pinningQueue": "Pinning queue",
+  "pinningQueue": "固定队列",
   "more": "更多",
   "files": "文件",
   "cidNotFileNorDir": "当前的连接不是一个文件或目录,请使用<1>检查</1> 功能替代。",
@@ -132,6 +132,6 @@
     "sharingPrompt": "复制以下链接分享给其他人。只要您的节点保持可用,此IPNS地址将会以每天更新一次的频率更新解析记录",
     "pleaseWait": "请等待片刻以使得初始的20份IPNS更新记录副本储存至DHT节点"
-  "noPinsInProgress": "All done, no remote pins in progress.",
-  "remotePinningInProgress": "Remote pinning in progress:"
+  "noPinsInProgress": "全部已完成,没有正在进行的远程固定操作",
+  "remotePinningInProgress": "远程固定中:"
diff --git a/public/locales/zh-CN/notify.json b/public/locales/zh-CN/notify.json
index 7f630b347..214c9e68a 100644
--- a/public/locales/zh-CN/notify.json
+++ b/public/locales/zh-CN/notify.json
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
   "ipfsConnectSuccess": "已成功连接到IPFS API地址",
   "ipfsConnectFail": "无法连接到提供的IPFS API地址",
   "ipfsPinFailReason": "无法在{serviceName}上设置固定:{errorMsg}",
-  "ipfsPinSucceedReason": "Successfully pinned at {serviceName}",
-  "ipfsUnpinSucceedReason": "Successfully unpinned from {serviceName}",
+  "ipfsPinSucceedReason": "在{serviceName}中固定成功",
+  "ipfsUnpinSucceedReason": "在{serviceName}成功取消固定",
   "ipfsIsBack": "已恢复IPFS服务。请安心!",
   "folderExists": "已经有文件拥有相同的名称了,请换一个别的。",
   "filesFetchFailed": "获取这些文件失败,请检查路径并再重新尝试一次。",
diff --git a/public/locales/zh-CN/settings.json b/public/locales/zh-CN/settings.json
index cc413f347..0aa7d9e53 100644
--- a/public/locales/zh-CN/settings.json
+++ b/public/locales/zh-CN/settings.json
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
   "pinningServices": {
     "title": "固定服务",
     "description": "当您希望确保您节点上的项目永远不会被执行垃圾回收时,请使用本地固定,这样即便您将项目从文件中删除,项目依旧会保存在您的节点内。您还可以将您的帐户与其他远程固定服务连接,以自动或有选择地将文件同步至其他固定服务商,这样即便您自己的本地节点失效时,您依旧可以获得文件的副本/或者将这些文件分享给其他人。",
-    "noPinRemoteDescription": "Support for third-party remote pinning services is missing. Update your IPFS node to Kubo 0.8.0 or later, and you'll be able to add and configure them here.",
+    "noPinRemoteDescription": "缺少对第三方远程固定服务的支持特性。请将您的IPFS 节点更新为IPFS 0.8.0或更高版本,然后您就可以在此处添加以及配置它们。",
     "addAutoUpload": "启用自动上传",
     "removeAutoUpload": "禁用自动上传"

From 0bb5bf349d933b8a01d485b13e12d4c4822bee2f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "github-actions[bot]"
Date: Sun, 30 Oct 2022 09:39:31 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] chore: pull new translations (#2059)

Co-authored-by: lidel <>
 public/locales/fi/app.json | 106 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 106 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 public/locales/fi/app.json

diff --git a/public/locales/fi/app.json b/public/locales/fi/app.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3495539d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/locales/fi/app.json
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+  "actions": {
+    "add": "Lisää",
+    "apply": "Apply",
+    "browse": "Selaa",
+    "cancel": "Peruuta",
+    "change": "Muuta",
+    "clear": "Tyhjää",
+    "close": "Sulje",
+    "copy": "Kopioi",
+    "create": "Luo",
+    "remove": "Poista",
+    "download": "Lataa",
+    "edit": "Muokkaa",
+    "import": "Tuo",
+    "inspect": "Tutki",
+    "more": "Lisää",
+    "moreInfo": "Lisätietoa",
+    "noThanks": "Ei kiitos",
+    "ok": "OK",
+    "pinVerb": "Kiinnitä",
+    "rename": "Uudelleen nimeä",
+    "reset": "Palauta",
+    "save": "Tallenna",
+    "saving": "Tallennetaan",
+    "selectAll": "Valitse kaikki",
+    "setPinning": "Set pinning",
+    "submit": "Lähetä",
+    "unpin": "Irrota",
+    "unselectAll": "Poista valinnat",
+    "generate": "Generate",
+    "publish": "Julkaise",
+    "downloadCar": "Download as CAR",
+    "done": "Valmis"
+  },
+  "cliModal": {
+    "description": "Paste the following into your terminal to do this task in IPFS via the command line. Remember that you'll need to replace placeholders with your specific parameters."
+  },
+  "nav": {
+    "bugsLink": "Ilmoita virheestä",
+    "codeLink": "See the code"
+  },
+  "status": {
+    "connectedToIpfs": "Yhdistetty IPFS:ään",
+    "connectingToIpfs": "Yhdistetään verkkoon...",
+    "couldNotConnect": "Yhdistäminen IPFS-rajapintaan ei onnistunut"
+  },
+  "apiAddressForm": {
+    "placeholder": "Enter a URL ( or a Multiaddr (/ip4/"
+  },
+  "publicGatewayForm": {
+    "placeholder": "Enter a URL ("
+  },
+  "terms": {
+    "address": "Osoite",
+    "addresses": "Osoitteet",
+    "advanced": "Lisäasetukset",
+    "agent": "Agent",
+    "api": "Ohjelmointirajapinta",
+    "apiAddress": "API-osoite",
+    "blocks": "Blocks",
+    "connection": "Yhteys",
+    "downSpeed": "Sisääntuleva",
+    "example": "Esimerkki:",
+    "file": "Tiedosto",
+    "files": "Tiedostot",
+    "folder": "Kansio",
+    "folders": "Kansiot",
+    "gateway": "Yhdyskäytävä",
+    "in": "Sisään",
+    "latency": "Viive",
+    "loading": "Ladataan",
+    "location": "Sijainti",
+    "name": "Nimi",
+    "node": "Solmu",
+    "out": "Ulos",
+    "peer": "Toverit",
+    "peerId": "Toveri ID",
+    "id": "ID",
+    "peers": "Vertaisia",
+    "pinNoun": "Kiinnitä",
+    "pins": "Kiinnitykset",
+    "pinStatus": "Kiinnitystila",
+    "publicKey": "Julkinen avain",
+    "publicGateway": "Public Gateway",
+    "rateIn": "Rate in",
+    "rateOut": "Rate out",
+    "repo": "Repo",
+    "size": "Koko",
+    "totalIn": "Total in",
+    "totalOut": "Total out",
+    "unknown": "Tuntematon",
+    "ui": "UI",
+    "upSpeed": "Ulosmenevä",
+    "revision": "Revision"
+  },
+  "tour": {
+    "back": "Takaisin",
+    "close": "Sulje",
+    "finish": "Finish",
+    "next": "Seuraava",
+    "skip": "Ohita",
+    "tooltip": "Click this button any time for a guided tour on the current page."
+  },
+  "startTourHelper": "Start tour"