- 🐹 Compatibility with ember-cli 3.x + ember-source 3.x
- 🔨 Improve inline replacement of global variables for addon options and environment variables.
- ✨ Adds a custom
type checking method toPropTypes
[#6] - 📝 Updates docs with info/guidance on validating Ember classes
- 🐛 Ensures initializer code follows the same pattern as CLI import code
- 🐛 Ensures any non-prod environment still imports the prop-types lib
- 🐛 Fixes issue with unrecognized environment variables
- 🐛 Fixes issue where modules may not load properly if process is added to window
- ✨ Adds
- 🔨 Updates and improves the prod code-stripping mechanism
- 🐛 Fixes issue with exports of global environment vars
- ✨ Added code stripping for production builds [#1]
- 🎉 Initial Release!