diff --git a/lib/Echidna/Campaign.hs b/lib/Echidna/Campaign.hs
index 565b6e698..f9da2ecaf 100644
--- a/lib/Echidna/Campaign.hs
+++ b/lib/Echidna/Campaign.hs
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 module Echidna.Campaign where
-import Control.Concurrent (writeChan)
+import Control.Concurrent
 import Control.DeepSeq (force)
 import Control.Monad (replicateM, when, void, forM_)
 import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadThrow(..))
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import Data.Maybe (isJust, mapMaybe, fromMaybe)
 import Data.Set (Set)
 import Data.Set qualified as Set
 import Data.Text (Text)
+import Data.Time (LocalTime)
 import System.Random (mkStdGen)
 import EVM (cheatCode)
@@ -67,7 +68,7 @@ replayCorpus
 replayCorpus vm txSeqs =
   forM_ (zip [1..] txSeqs) $ \(i, txSeq) -> do
     _ <- callseq vm txSeq
-    pushEvent (TxSequenceReplayed i (length txSeqs))
+    pushWorkerEvent (TxSequenceReplayed i (length txSeqs))
 -- | Run a fuzzing campaign given an initial universe state, some tests, and an
 -- optional dictionary to generate calls with. Return the 'Campaign' state once
@@ -206,7 +207,11 @@ callseq vm txSeq = do
     cov <- liftIO . readIORef =<< asks (.coverageRef)
     points <- liftIO $ scoveragePoints cov
-    pushEvent (NewCoverage points (length cov) newSize)
+    pushWorkerEvent NewCoverage { points
+                                , numCodehashes = length cov
+                                , corpusSize = newSize
+                                , transactions = fst <$> results
+                                }
   modify' $ \workerState ->
@@ -368,10 +373,10 @@ updateTest vmForShrink (vm, xs) test = do
         test' = updateOpenTest test xs (testValue, vm', results)
       case test'.state of
         Large _ -> do
-          pushEvent (TestFalsified test')
+          pushWorkerEvent (TestFalsified test')
           pure (Just test')
         _ | test'.value > test.value -> do
-          pushEvent (TestOptimized test')
+          pushWorkerEvent (TestOptimized test')
           pure (Just test')
         _ -> pure Nothing
     Large _ ->
@@ -381,12 +386,46 @@ updateTest vmForShrink (vm, xs) test = do
       shrinkTest vmForShrink test
     _ -> pure Nothing
   :: (MonadReader Env m, MonadState WorkerState m, MonadIO m)
-  => CampaignEvent
+  => WorkerEvent
   -> m ()
-pushEvent event = do
+pushWorkerEvent event = do
   workerId <- gets (.workerId)
+  env <- ask
+  liftIO $ pushCampaignEvent env (WorkerEvent workerId event)
+pushCampaignEvent :: Env -> CampaignEvent -> IO ()
+pushCampaignEvent env event = do
   time <- liftIO getTimestamp
-  chan <- asks (.eventQueue)
-  liftIO $ writeChan chan (workerId, time, event)
+  writeChan env.eventQueue (time, event)
+-- | Listener reads events and runs the given 'handler' function. It exits after
+-- receiving all 'WorkerStopped' events and sets the returned 'MVar' so the
+-- parent thread can safely block on listener until all events are processed.
+-- NOTE: because the 'Failure' event does not come from a specific fuzzing worker
+-- it is possible that a listener won't process it if emitted after all workers
+-- are stopped. This is quite unlikely and non-critical but should be addressed
+-- in the long term.
+  :: (MonadReader Env m, MonadIO m)
+  => ((LocalTime, CampaignEvent) -> IO ())
+  -- ^ a function that handles the events
+  -> m (MVar ())
+spawnListener handler = do
+  cfg <- asks (.cfg)
+  let nworkers = fromMaybe 1 cfg.campaignConf.workers
+  eventQueue <- asks (.eventQueue)
+  chan <- liftIO $ dupChan eventQueue
+  stopVar <- liftIO newEmptyMVar
+  liftIO $ void $ forkFinally (loop chan nworkers) (const $ putMVar stopVar ())
+  pure stopVar
+  where
+  loop chan !workersAlive =
+    when (workersAlive > 0) $ do
+      event <- readChan chan
+      handler event
+      case event of
+        (_, WorkerEvent _ (WorkerStopped _)) -> loop chan (workersAlive - 1)
+        _                                    -> loop chan workersAlive
diff --git a/lib/Echidna/Output/Corpus.hs b/lib/Echidna/Output/Corpus.hs
index c1df732fc..45563cd28 100644
--- a/lib/Echidna/Output/Corpus.hs
+++ b/lib/Echidna/Output/Corpus.hs
@@ -1,20 +1,28 @@
 module Echidna.Output.Corpus where
+import Control.Exception (IOException, handle)
+import Control.Monad (unless)
 import Control.Monad.Extra (unlessM)
 import Data.Aeson (ToJSON(..), decodeStrict, encodeFile)
 import Data.ByteString qualified as BS
 import Data.Hashable (hash)
 import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
+import Data.Time (LocalTime)
 import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing, makeRelativeToCurrentDirectory, doesFileExist)
 import System.FilePath ((</>), (<.>))
+import Echidna.Campaign (pushCampaignEvent)
+import Echidna.Types.Config
+import Echidna.Types.Campaign
+import Echidna.Types.Test (EchidnaTest(..))
 import Echidna.Types.Tx (Tx)
 import Echidna.Utility (listDirectory, withCurrentDirectory)
 saveTxs :: FilePath -> [[Tx]] -> IO ()
 saveTxs dir = mapM_ saveTxSeq where
   saveTxSeq txSeq = do
-    let file = dir </> (show . hash . show) txSeq <.> "txt"
+    createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
+    let file = dir </> (show . abs . hash . show) txSeq <.> "txt"
     unlessM (doesFileExist file) $ encodeFile file (toJSON txSeq)
 loadTxs :: FilePath -> IO [[Tx]]
@@ -26,3 +34,31 @@ loadTxs dir = do
   putStrLn ("Loaded " ++ show (length txSeqs) ++ " transaction sequences from " ++ dir)
   pure txSeqs
   where readCall f = decodeStrict <$> BS.readFile f
+-- Save corpus/reproducers transactions based on an event
+saveCorpusEvent :: Env -> (LocalTime, CampaignEvent) -> IO ()
+saveCorpusEvent env (_time, campaignEvent) = do
+  case env.cfg.campaignConf.corpusDir of
+    Just corpusDir -> saveEvent corpusDir campaignEvent
+    Nothing -> pure ()
+  where
+    saveEvent dir (WorkerEvent _workerId event) =
+      maybe (pure ()) (saveFile dir) $ getEventInfo event
+    saveEvent _ _ = pure ()
+    getEventInfo = \case
+      -- TODO: We save intermediate reproducers in separate directories.
+      -- This is to because there can be a lot of them and we want to skip
+      -- loading those on startup. Ideally, we should override the same file
+      -- with a better version of a reproducer, this is smaller or more optimized.
+      TestFalsified test -> Just ("reproducers-unshrunk", test.reproducer)
+      TestOptimized test -> Just ("reproducers-optimizations", test.reproducer)
+      NewCoverage { transactions } -> Just ("coverage", transactions)
+      _ -> Nothing
+    saveFile dir (subdir, txs) =
+      unless (null txs) $
+        handle exceptionHandler $ saveTxs (dir </> subdir) [txs]
+    exceptionHandler (e :: IOException) =
+      pushCampaignEvent env (Failure $ "Problem while writing to file: " ++ show e)
diff --git a/lib/Echidna/Server.hs b/lib/Echidna/Server.hs
index b9e0f851c..bfc166d7a 100644
--- a/lib/Echidna/Server.hs
+++ b/lib/Echidna/Server.hs
@@ -10,17 +10,21 @@ import Data.Word (Word16)
 import Network.Wai.EventSource (ServerEvent(..), eventSourceAppIO)
 import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run)
-import Echidna.Types.Campaign (CampaignEvent (..))
+import Echidna.Types.Campaign
 import Echidna.Types.Config (Env(..))
-newtype SSE = SSE (Int, LocalTime, CampaignEvent)
+newtype SSE = SSE (LocalTime, CampaignEvent)
 instance ToJSON SSE where
-  toJSON (SSE (workerId, time, event)) =
+  toJSON (SSE (time, WorkerEvent workerId event)) =
     object [ "worker" .= workerId
            , "timestamp" .= time
            , "data" .= event
+  toJSON (SSE (time, Failure reason)) =
+    object [ "timestamp" .= time
+           , "data" .= reason
+           ]
 runSSEServer :: MVar () -> Env -> Word16 -> Int -> IO ()
 runSSEServer serverStopVar env port nworkers = do
@@ -32,15 +36,18 @@ runSSEServer serverStopVar env port nworkers = do
         if aliveNow == 0 then
           pure CloseEvent
         else do
-          event@(_, _, campaignEvent) <- readChan sseChan
+          event@(_, campaignEvent) <- readChan sseChan
           let eventName = \case
-                TestFalsified _ -> "test_falsified"
-                TestOptimized _ -> "test_optimized"
-                NewCoverage {} -> "new_coverage"
-                TxSequenceReplayed _ _ -> "tx_sequence_replayed"
-                WorkerStopped _ -> "worker_stopped"
+                WorkerEvent _ workerEvent ->
+                  case workerEvent of
+                    TestFalsified _ -> "test_falsified"
+                    TestOptimized _ -> "test_optimized"
+                    NewCoverage {} -> "new_coverage"
+                    TxSequenceReplayed _ _ -> "tx_sequence_replayed"
+                    WorkerStopped _ -> "worker_stopped"
+                Failure _err -> "failure"
           case campaignEvent of
-            WorkerStopped _ -> do
+            WorkerEvent _ (WorkerStopped _) -> do
               aliveAfter <- atomicModifyIORef' aliveRef (\n -> (n-1, n-1))
               when (aliveAfter == 0) $ putMVar serverStopVar ()
             _ -> pure ()
diff --git a/lib/Echidna/Types/Campaign.hs b/lib/Echidna/Types/Campaign.hs
index c29f2b48f..7e1e5591c 100644
--- a/lib/Echidna/Types/Campaign.hs
+++ b/lib/Echidna/Types/Campaign.hs
@@ -45,22 +45,28 @@ data CampaignConf = CampaignConf
     -- ^ Server-Sent Events HTTP port number, if missing server is not ran
+type WorkerId = Int
 data CampaignEvent
+  = WorkerEvent WorkerId WorkerEvent
+  | Failure String
+data WorkerEvent
   = TestFalsified !EchidnaTest
   | TestOptimized !EchidnaTest
-  | NewCoverage !Int !Int !Int
+  | NewCoverage { points :: !Int, numCodehashes :: !Int, corpusSize :: !Int, transactions :: [Tx] }
   | TxSequenceReplayed !Int !Int
   | WorkerStopped WorkerStopReason
   -- ^ This is a terminal event. Worker exits and won't push any events after
   -- this one
   deriving Show
-instance ToJSON CampaignEvent where
+instance ToJSON WorkerEvent where
   toJSON = \case
     TestFalsified test -> toJSON test
     TestOptimized test -> toJSON test
-    NewCoverage coverage numContracts corpusSize ->
-      object [ "coverage" .= coverage, "contracts" .= numContracts, "corpus_size" .= corpusSize]
+    NewCoverage { points, numCodehashes, corpusSize } ->
+      object [ "coverage" .= points, "contracts" .= numCodehashes, "corpus_size" .= corpusSize]
     TxSequenceReplayed current total -> object [ "current" .= current, "total" .= total ]
     WorkerStopped reason -> object [ "reason" .= show reason ]
@@ -74,20 +80,20 @@ data WorkerStopReason
 ppCampaignEvent :: CampaignEvent -> String
 ppCampaignEvent = \case
+  WorkerEvent _ e -> ppWorkerEvent e
+  Failure err -> err
+ppWorkerEvent :: WorkerEvent -> String
+ppWorkerEvent = \case
   TestFalsified test ->
-    let name = case test.testType of
-                 PropertyTest n _ -> n
-                 AssertionTest _ n _ -> encodeSig n
-                 CallTest n _ -> n
-                 _ -> error "impossible"
-    in "Test " <> T.unpack name <> " falsified!"
+    "Test " <> T.unpack (showTest test) <> " falsified!"
   TestOptimized test ->
     let name = case test.testType of OptimizationTest n _ -> n; _ -> error "fixme"
     in "New maximum value of " <> T.unpack name <> ": " <> show test.value
-  NewCoverage points codehashes corpus ->
+  NewCoverage { points, numCodehashes, corpusSize } ->
     "New coverage: " <> show points <> " instr, "
-      <> show codehashes <> " contracts, "
-      <> show corpus <> " seqs in corpus"
+      <> show numCodehashes <> " contracts, "
+      <> show corpusSize <> " seqs in corpus"
   TxSequenceReplayed current total ->
     "Sequence replayed from corpus (" <> show current <> "/" <> show total <> ")"
   WorkerStopped TestLimitReached ->
@@ -102,6 +108,12 @@ ppCampaignEvent = \case
     "Crashed:\n\n" <>
     e <>
     "\n\nPlease report it to https://github.com/crytic/echidna/issues"
+  where
+    showTest test = case test.testType of
+      PropertyTest n _ -> n
+      AssertionTest _ n _ -> encodeSig n
+      CallTest n _ -> n
+      _ -> error "impossible"
 -- | The state of a fuzzing campaign.
 data WorkerState = WorkerState
diff --git a/lib/Echidna/Types/Config.hs b/lib/Echidna/Types/Config.hs
index 0f2dc39d5..84f82fecb 100644
--- a/lib/Echidna/Types/Config.hs
+++ b/lib/Echidna/Types/Config.hs
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ data Env = Env
   -- | Shared between all workers. Events are fairly rare so contention is
   -- minimal.
-  , eventQueue :: Chan (Int, LocalTime, CampaignEvent)
+  , eventQueue :: Chan (LocalTime, CampaignEvent)
   , testsRef :: IORef [EchidnaTest]
   , coverageRef :: IORef CoverageMap
diff --git a/lib/Echidna/UI.hs b/lib/Echidna/UI.hs
index 4c2bfec5b..ccfbc3ea0 100644
--- a/lib/Echidna/UI.hs
+++ b/lib/Echidna/UI.hs
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ import Control.Monad.Catch
 import Control.Monad.Reader
 import Control.Monad.State.Strict hiding (state)
 import Control.Monad.ST (RealWorld)
-import Data.Binary.Builder
 import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BS
 import Data.List.Split (chunksOf)
 import Data.Map (Map)
@@ -34,12 +33,13 @@ import UnliftIO.Concurrent hiding (killThread, threadDelay)
 import EVM.Types (Addr, Contract, VM, W256)
 import Echidna.ABI
-import Echidna.Campaign (runWorker)
+import Echidna.Campaign (runWorker, spawnListener)
+import Echidna.Output.Corpus (saveCorpusEvent)
 import Echidna.Output.JSON qualified
 import Echidna.Server (runSSEServer)
 import Echidna.Types.Campaign
 import Echidna.Types.Config
-import Echidna.Types.Corpus (corpusSize)
+import Echidna.Types.Corpus qualified as Corpus
 import Echidna.Types.Coverage (scoveragePoints)
 import Echidna.Types.Test (EchidnaTest(..), didFail, isOptimizationTest)
 import Echidna.Types.Tx (Tx)
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ data UIEvent =
   CampaignUpdated LocalTime [EchidnaTest] [WorkerState]
   | FetchCacheUpdated (Map Addr (Maybe Contract))
                       (Map Addr (Map W256 (Maybe W256)))
-  | WorkerEvent (Int, LocalTime, CampaignEvent)
+  | EventReceived (LocalTime, CampaignEvent)
 -- | Set up and run an Echidna 'Campaign' and display interactive UI or
 -- print non-interactive output in desired format at the end
@@ -84,19 +84,18 @@ ui vm world dict initialCorpus = do
       (fromIntegral (length initialCorpus) / fromIntegral nworkers :: Double)
     corpusChunks = chunksOf chunkSize initialCorpus ++ repeat []
+  corpusSaverStopVar <- spawnListener (saveCorpusEvent env)
   workers <- forM (zip corpusChunks [0..(nworkers-1)]) $
     uncurry (spawnWorker env perWorkerTestLimit)
-  -- A var used to block and wait for listener to finish
-  listenerStopVar <- newEmptyMVar
   case effectiveMode of
     Interactive -> do
       -- Channel to push events to update UI
       uiChannel <- liftIO $ newBChan 1000
-      let forwardEvent = writeBChan uiChannel . WorkerEvent
-      liftIO $ spawnListener env forwardEvent nworkers listenerStopVar
+      let forwardEvent = writeBChan uiChannel . EventReceived
+      uiEventsForwarderStopVar <- spawnListener forwardEvent
       ticker <- liftIO . forkIO . forever $ do
         threadDelay 200_000 -- 200 ms
@@ -133,7 +132,7 @@ ui vm world dict initialCorpus = do
           , fetchedSlots = mempty
           , fetchedDialog = B.dialog (Just $ str " Fetched contracts/slots ") Nothing 80
           , displayFetchedDialog = False
-          , workerEvents = mempty
+          , events = mempty
           , corpusSize = 0
           , coverage = 0
           , numCodehashes = 0
@@ -145,7 +144,7 @@ ui vm world dict initialCorpus = do
       stopWorkers workers
       -- wait for all events to be processed
-      takeMVar listenerStopVar
+      forM_ [uiEventsForwarderStopVar, corpusSaverStopVar] takeMVar
       liftIO $ killThread ticker
@@ -162,10 +161,13 @@ ui vm world dict initialCorpus = do
       -- Handles ctrl-c, TODO: this doesn't work on Windows
       liftIO $ forM_ [sigINT, sigTERM] $ \sig ->
-        installHandler sig (Catch $ stopWorkers workers >> putMVar serverStopVar ()) Nothing
+        let handler = Catch $ do
+              stopWorkers workers
+              void $ tryPutMVar serverStopVar ()
+        in installHandler sig handler Nothing
       let forwardEvent = putStrLn . ppLogLine
-      liftIO $ spawnListener env forwardEvent nworkers listenerStopVar
+      uiEventsForwarderStopVar <- spawnListener forwardEvent
       let printStatus = do
             states <- liftIO $ workerStates workers
@@ -183,7 +185,7 @@ ui vm world dict initialCorpus = do
       -- wait for all events to be processed
-      takeMVar listenerStopVar
+      forM_ [uiEventsForwarderStopVar, corpusSaverStopVar] takeMVar
       liftIO $ killThread ticker
@@ -227,7 +229,7 @@ ui vm world dict initialCorpus = do
       time <- liftIO getTimestamp
-      writeChan env.eventQueue (workerId, time, WorkerStopped stopReason)
+      writeChan env.eventQueue (time, WorkerEvent workerId (WorkerStopped stopReason))
     pure (threadId, stateRef)
@@ -235,28 +237,6 @@ ui vm world dict initialCorpus = do
   workerStates workers =
     forM workers $ \(_, stateRef) -> readIORef stateRef
--- | Listener reads events and forwards all of them to the UI using the
--- 'forwardEvent' function. It exits after receiving all 'WorkerStopped'
--- events and sets the passed 'MVar' so the parent thread can block on listener
--- until all workers are done.
-  :: Env
-  -> ((Int, LocalTime, CampaignEvent) -> IO ())
-  -- ^ a function that forwards event to the UI
-  -> Int     -- ^ number of workers
-  -> MVar () -- ^ use to join this thread
-  -> IO ()
-spawnListener env forwardEvent nworkers stopVar =
-  void $ forkFinally (loop nworkers) (const $ putMVar stopVar ())
-  where
-  loop !workersAlive =
-    when (workersAlive > 0) $ do
-      event <- readChan env.eventQueue
-      forwardEvent event
-      case event of
-        (_, _, WorkerStopped _) -> loop (workersAlive - 1)
-        _                       -> loop workersAlive
  -- | Order the workers to stop immediately
 stopWorkers :: MonadIO m => [(ThreadId, a)] -> m ()
@@ -288,18 +268,18 @@ monitor = do
         modify' $ \state ->
           state { fetchedContracts = contracts
                 , fetchedSlots = slots }
-      AppEvent (WorkerEvent event@(_,time,campaignEvent)) -> do
-        modify' $ \state -> state { workerEvents = state.workerEvents |> event }
+      AppEvent (EventReceived event@(time,campaignEvent)) -> do
+        modify' $ \state -> state { events = state.events |> event }
         case campaignEvent of
-          NewCoverage coverage numCodehashes size ->
+          WorkerEvent _ (NewCoverage { points, numCodehashes, corpusSize }) ->
             modify' $ \state ->
-              state { coverage = max state.coverage coverage -- max not really needed
-                    , corpusSize = size
+              state { coverage = max state.coverage points -- max not really needed
+                    , corpusSize
                     , numCodehashes
                     , lastNewCov = time
-          WorkerStopped _ ->
+          WorkerEvent _ (WorkerStopped _) ->
             modify' $ \state ->
               state { workersAlive = state.workersAlive - 1
                     , timeStopped = if state.workersAlive == 1
@@ -365,4 +345,5 @@ statusLine env states = do
     <> ", fuzzing: " <> show totalCalls <> "/" <> show env.cfg.campaignConf.testLimit
     <> ", values: " <> show ((.value) <$> filter isOptimizationTest tests)
     <> ", cov: " <> show points
-    <> ", corpus: " <> show (corpusSize corpus)
+    <> ", corpus: " <> show (Corpus.corpusSize corpus)
diff --git a/lib/Echidna/UI/Report.hs b/lib/Echidna/UI/Report.hs
index eb6956848..ac3dd396e 100644
--- a/lib/Echidna/UI/Report.hs
+++ b/lib/Echidna/UI/Report.hs
@@ -25,9 +25,11 @@ import Echidna.Utility (timePrefix)
 import EVM.Format (showTraceTree)
 import EVM.Types (W256, VM)
-ppLogLine :: (Int, LocalTime, CampaignEvent) -> String
-ppLogLine (workerId, time, event) =
+ppLogLine :: (LocalTime, CampaignEvent) -> String
+ppLogLine (time, event@(WorkerEvent workerId _)) =
   timePrefix time <> "[Worker " <> show workerId <> "] " <> ppCampaignEvent event
+ppLogLine (time, event) =
+  timePrefix time <> " " <> ppCampaignEvent event
 ppCampaign :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader Env m) => [WorkerState] -> m String
 ppCampaign workerStates = do
diff --git a/lib/Echidna/UI/Widgets.hs b/lib/Echidna/UI/Widgets.hs
index 6bbeec60d..c0d1b2f67 100644
--- a/lib/Echidna/UI/Widgets.hs
+++ b/lib/Echidna/UI/Widgets.hs
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ data UIState = UIState
   , fetchedDialog :: B.Dialog () Name
   , displayFetchedDialog :: Bool
-  , workerEvents :: Seq (Int, LocalTime, CampaignEvent)
+  , events :: Seq (LocalTime, CampaignEvent)
   , workersAlive :: Int
   , corpusSize :: Int
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ campaignStatus uiState = do
       hBorderWithLabel (withAttr (attrName "subtitle") $ str $
-        " Log (" <> show (length uiState.workerEvents) <> ") ")
+        " Log (" <> show (length uiState.events) <> ") ")
       logPane uiState
@@ -137,12 +137,14 @@ logPane uiState =
   withVScrollBars OnRight .
   withVScrollBarHandles .
   viewport LogViewPort Vertical $
-  foldl (<=>) emptyWidget (showLogLine <$> Seq.reverse uiState.workerEvents)
+  foldl (<=>) emptyWidget (showLogLine <$> Seq.reverse uiState.events)
-showLogLine :: (Int, LocalTime, CampaignEvent) -> Widget Name
-showLogLine (workerId, time, event) =
+showLogLine :: (LocalTime, CampaignEvent) -> Widget Name
+showLogLine (time, event@(WorkerEvent workerId _)) =
   (withAttr (attrName "time") $ str $ (timePrefix time) <> "[Worker " <> show workerId <> "] ")
     <+> strBreak (ppCampaignEvent event)
+showLogLine (time, event) =
+  (withAttr (attrName "time") $ str $ (timePrefix time) <> " ") <+> strBreak (ppCampaignEvent event)
 summaryWidget :: Env -> UIState -> Widget Name
 summaryWidget env uiState =